Grimsby Independent, 21 Feb 1895, p. 15

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1$ 15 % meia jn. »m0ng the broken el granite \‘_ m ’ «00â€" yogopp Nimpet ..u.:.‘.'n'.‘..a am» . Â¥oi whiva sc prraie. "hs mfiu‘ here and shere, hade M * -ml- -flz the ul: mt 1 nnmirmamche hated, aod me nank: uon a totaily farled, sank upon a 4 bla-fudy witl weakness and udu-'::t. L as he looked about him in vain for those he I sought. A':M moment a huge wave broke with a ":k"""" roar, and in the follow» '\ ng and rush of the waters, be lay SA%n an his chest, reaching out over the She wasa woman, and he could not stand supine and not raise a hand to defend her Srom the attack of the savageâ€"looking wretch whore sspect had filled her with asuch horror. . Me looked to right and left; there was not a soul in sight, while at his feet the sea came rushing and swirling in â€"wmmid the wild, rocks, a wave every now and then up and falling with a roar, seattering the spray high in the air. In his week state it was madness to at« tempt the descent, one at which he would have besitated even when well and strong, ns ont e eaorioee h to ter ing at a handful of the"m-u- among their interstices, he felt that the thrill / of strength was passing rapidly .'Ih ‘ #But still he went on, with the thought th his -‘:d l.l\ll -v: :‘ Fenella b‘l‘. present, nown enemy‘s i she would have urged him to tq’u":.“m her from this man. . _ ___ _ _ _ _ Eut new he felt that it could not be robâ€" Bery; it must be something more; and Wnntiving ty for help. be saked inuolf, ery for help, s was this nd{u of Lucille‘s victime, andâ€" ::Jl-n-t the thought chilled him with . ‘The man refused his almsâ€"he was no common heggar=did it mean some tor sible revenge! The idea thrilled him with another wave of strengtb, and he went on lowering himâ€" welf down, feeling that those who had gone @efore must l:‘u fallen, _ For l'h‘-n was no wack now ; he was on a pervipitons slope, where a false step would have seat him Sewdlong down to whore the waves were meiwa jn »mong the broken cpage ef granite Thiling Shvoghe came yron bim nay that i t came upom now both must have reached the bottom and have been awept away. A thrill ran through him again for there, mot thirty feet below him, in a complete sulâ€"deâ€"sac unauh rocks stood Lucille, her face tow him, her wrist thrust %&hhflhdn‘h& and her finâ€" zers with her delicategloves all torn,crampâ€" i."" which ;”‘n‘â€" between the rock aBC "Timl 1 cindo no more," growed On «A s no more, ' *slow to Iu:.-ll. At thai moment he made an effort to mt he made an effort to en nE SSE Lach can i as it were into the ut rock on either side, as, with her head rown back and her Bbody bowed, she seemed _ to be at one and ‘Q»n-t_!lu‘.lh.fl""fi*.“] to 2 sock and iw far back as she soald -ln.-‘ the lh-. who stood away, arms this Hreust ues irene s w as th a Aviin satisfaction at the terrorâ€"convulsed fi.‘w.h i the position, and he saw, w , aind L luo..‘-l:h. glitterâ€"â€"it was the 'ul:al of a kuife which »pprared between the rock and Pn t oi Sn m climb down, and a terrible spretm AOhis hrssst made bim sink down again, pv.-_lw dured | Hoarsely. the MA®: _ /"" / Onishment. 1 a I claim the ,[1:‘|¢l punishment. 1 am her Rusband, â€" Bah ! you can do nothing. . 1t is hor fate !* "And so," he continued, as he turned his i a on the shriking woman, "you law me away there youder, and fed _ bete. Fool 1 I knew you " would come i o ow ! 3 eal away MV little Lucileâ€"curse . you ! *There is no nelp,, woman," . thundered 2 man. ‘"The end has come, . Monsiear, for . the W hy did 1 let her beat your name?. .. You have stolen her away, not that you loved herâ€"you never loved, you -n-:‘:uul it Webmed n d nedBs s S was to plant another sting, another prisii« ed arcow in the breast of the poor Irul-la wretch who loved you, tlolized . you, committed erime for your aake, _ Bat you would not r:‘; me' 1. followed ou from vs town, I followed you step ly atep till L have you here before ‘me . dyâ€" ingâ€"ao you hear, . wretchâ€"dying before Ww EWBE oc 01 4 antint 9 en feeone e i ns Paine abore ies rast in ho ficcon ie o ho y arng met" l Ne sn . _ ‘This is the time for which 1 t""" in the cold, . silent duT- at Clairvauxâ€"for which I prayed as I toiled, and iz has come â€"scome at last, . Lacille, dearest wifeâ€"ab, how beautifal you areâ€"will you embrace me once again® . Thus, with th« knife beâ€" tween us, the hilt to my brvast, the point to thine? Nb-unvhr.ohounrh nur arms once more, or shall I wait and see the waves slowly rise, und rise, and rise till they sweep above your head?" Ao fnc uies har tyfe Smediopan ham: ment, but upon him, while Oulu;,::‘m ?n:l_y u‘:lllhl-r help pnderdbe in h e tnbaptat Arbtat O ds IDSLLNE _ "Yesâ€"call, monsieut, call load, . There is none to hear, _ No one van help her now, â€"to go to the woman‘s aid, but every nerve ssemed chained, _.nd he sould only ..-Mulhm.llé-‘nu‘lh rock . which r‘..lfld him trom his wife, holding the knifeâ€"hilt ayainst his broast. _ Then, bevrd above the roar of the waves, Dacd Sscsreadvedory‘ are not always as f of the chemiste, for zation there enter 4 which | the \R Te 'l-‘tnnldo J ‘| of _ them, as . 0 ENUE OOE ocm in at on ie d w2 Lacille‘s voic« rang out inarticulately ns she still clung there, her back to the rock, her arms outstretohed. . 1t was the ery of the rat driven io the correr from which there is no excape, amd in his agzony Ons‘ow lay there, -udn-‘ the denoue ment of the trgidy, perfeetly helpless to save. Our ninetecth contury, as we are all aware, is nothing if not analytical Cheâ€" wists spend day» ond nights in examining into the properties of some apparently un« important compound, and do not absmion their task untit tb-l., lh-.: nunlnhml the exact mlnnl w primal gases are blended in its composition. _ In the same m. men of science, dissectors of instives, these curions layâ€"preachers, the Freuch novelists, take such complicated sentiment of the human heart and twist it round, and turn is inside out, end 3-4 themselves in efforts to trace it to its origin \ through the blnr‘on:nl h-nnlI‘iy or idioâ€" SE o Pb en dnin dn d aynet , or a predominance of" white or red ;fl-h in the blood. _ Their researches are not always as fertile in results as those of the chemists, for in every human organiâ€" zation there enters an u{m- quantity which | u the calenlations of «ll the F and peychoiogista . combined. w carty on their labors undaunted, it _ moy . be _ aaid of _ them, as of _ the aichemiste _ of old, _ that if they . do _ not . find the philosopher‘s stone, lbg make at least ecoasional discoveries wh "hlp‘nkhlq PERTTR PR CC C about a betier understanding of human noeds and weaknesses. . 1t is unnecesmarty un{Mm-flu-on of love, or the condition of a man or woman under the inâ€" fluence of this sentiment, is the favorite ob jeot of their Investigationa, And the more it is entangled with other sentiments, such, for instane, as lh;:ah.: -lul‘{-uf honor or p‘l or rnlnn. t ter are pleasâ€" ed ; for, like lbo_d:nubu '»“‘._‘.?d' uns l1 d h c o dn acvmpte dn o pent y k compound, the ive full their anniytioal skill f'-‘;:nfl;_'}. ul_:,'«'.::_'.'. en Emt on c COd 1 and proving to their own astisfaction that it is inaide up of all matmer of minor minâ€" gled sentimen:s, and is in fact nothing but a mere jumble of inherited instincta mod CHAPTER XXHLâ€"BY "TASMA" my Te Oe S s clusion which lurked at / the bottom of them, There was a sinall balcony. at the Uvufl-ud. just outside the room wherein was > being coaxedâ€"into convalescence {y his mother, where . our here would sit smoking his cigar until Inte in the afternuou, following out .a train â€" of disjointed thouglite that he easayed to drive away upon the cireling wreathes of amoke lllfl!-‘\‘lfl him into the vold.. . Perhaps ll'{ e more impressions than thoughte, hail aad, W.fln’ that it was safer not to‘ +o‘ eoherent shape. . He was conscious throughout of a dominant wish that the present time could be proâ€" longed into an indetinite future; not at the cost of sickness and suffering to his unfor« tunate friend, but only, perhaps, at the cort of a timely projongation of the actual gales which prevent the Guernsey . boats from putting to sea. . He had not willed that his signature should appear upon the |=m to Fenella in connection with ber b '::k‘ aince fate and (o say the trath) Fi ‘s folly in running off .E-. wildâ€"goose chase of his own had combined to leave him in charge, he eould not but feel that thore was a certain poetical jastice in the situation, which it was allowable to enjoy to the full while it Imated, _ He pon. dered a good deal upon Fenelia‘s charneter, which seeimed to bave revealed itself to him lasterly in a now light, . He remembered that her first question, her first ory, a# she tushed into the hotel, had been for her child. _ t was only afterwand that ole had shown avy solicitude concerning the fate of Ronny‘s father. 'nn-.hdnlumtmuqu-l herself to the lotâ€"nay, had she not wilful« ly chowen itâ€"of a " selfâ€"constituted . grass widow for years unnumbered * Her child, however, n{o had ept h{.hd-f side, aud, us far as could be seen, he satiatied al BC CAC O( her heart, for Jacynth was of is widow for 'c-n unnmmbere® .. INTD TOCT however, had ept l{:‘fl' side, aud, us far as could be seen, he satiatied al the needs of her hoart, for Jacynth was of those who believed that the train atteriant of Fenella‘s ade> rs had had nothing to say to her . heart, though they might have amused her vanity. Could she belong, he asked himaelf, to the order of womed of whom Dumas, fils, sposk®, when he says that in certain natures the instinet of ma« ternity overcomes the instinet of wifehood, and that the woman onaies 10 ho wife and mother, and becomes mother and wife, or |a-lblundh-r ouly? In that case any man who should r.:n himself a true friend uid protec or of little boy might be wod po the obj name? _ You "_aid | be had said at "it‘s the beat wish "oi| * grateful can salute ye with." find :.oll. =“ a deep rose color, ID.“ Ca :,":: elevation and as he 'fld sys Amc unag | Me would have to come across to aailor again, not t correct him of his error, t the h:\“wpu fenesied with _ the . | | Amot e :‘:':: ont napect of it was m fuog, | ant to be the o in uc | which Fenels o lean upon him. ine ut door that communicatâ€" ed with the baizony at all hours of the day """, ‘un. | to ask him to decide this or that question t 122 | for her. | Might not Ronny be ‘lot off" his pirces, u-h.-hk&llbwd.-d have some . roast E"‘at | chicken t | Di¢ ur.Jz-tNN-H""“ ‘ ,.jo. | bart him to have his whoeled on to the ng but balconyâ€"and o}. { would he mind just tast» "C DUt | ioo the tiniest drop of the new cough . nux: sure 0f naging a warm second piace in heart, 1t was certainly to be depiored 2"-...4 ‘s natural pnt.:‘:\u'llldhv lhn:rfl office, Though Lord had shown spasinodic bursts fn en Phs . inten margniom in" me ow a use in behalf, w a man who, to -rk famil« mhl his head upon his shoulders, known how to avoid, he had not been a Jather to him in the true sense of the He had not once o-r to reach mother‘s _ heart rough she during . all the . years that . he been Tnld from her. differently _ Jaeynth would have aeted ip \is place; but then, as he reâ€" fiected, he would never have parted from: Fenelia at We woald have given her no reason, no for ddrl:,’ to leave him, and as for flirtations of "her juvenile matronhood} he would not have taken them too aly, for he would have felt convineed that she would outgrow themâ€" would leave them benind, very likely, with the of her wisdom seoth, _ Well, life‘s had done for her what a h ‘s gaidance had failed u:fl‘ She was amazingly reasonable now, might "'Cl: hhnd-l‘[bllnl mrh: for a man sense. t was a pity, thoght aguin, but 1 do it belleve ‘he avowed thought, that Frank should have il-n'-ul’“h his quality. . A fine fellow without doubt. A-:duz a forlern hope in an emergency, only lorn hopes are unfortunately rare as everyâ€" reach mo the d that . he her. dif have acted in is fiected, he would Fenelia at N reason, no e and as for f ME O acl 7 day occurrences. A grain of common sense would have been much more to the purpose, and. this was unhappily just what Fenella‘s lacked. _ When . his friend‘s deficiencies were not vaguely outâ€" lining themseives upon the smokeâ€"wreaths before him, |I:. nhflm of a m:.“l: episode would take their place, w! mever failed to bring a curious half amile . upon , the _.“OLY'I face, not a smile _ of _ the :Ar. but an . uncon acience wrinkling of the skin in the neigh« borhood of the eyes, which conveyed the impression of some inward plessure. . The Loxs~ i uce doan dnb vihoontâ€"â€" AOback CP M CR out in a bath chair to Seiton Park, his mother and Jacynth walking on either side. The little boy had espied a sailot sitting on -h?lu-lth--:::l-iyl’:'hlhh: (lock haps, means of replen img u)-.‘::hvnmvfl-d his friend the bus‘n before his eyes, and a fult com» prehension, gathered from his right u( m-.dma-.-uu..m?-uu': those who go down to the sea in ships, had those who go down to the sea in sMIpS, NEC MIN‘.&“M!.‘MMW. while he‘pulled out his new parse and ax: :il;fifi“;uilhn. tracted one of the sixpenses tracted one of the si his mother.had Put into it for the tobatcoless satlor. The | neoaedvies ts o# aretnpienr Gomiy ut tea > man‘s had been unbounded. â€" He umuummwv--‘* the evident impression t>~~ .s was a family m Fagi ereiipr tnn rroinle,poap, my ere a he had said at "::;un wfi% a grateful can lute ye _ with. :-.lh =“ a deep rose color, li.“ acynth unreason pang elevation and as he '301 .n'{; He would have to come across sailor again, not correcs him of his error, c HEnoTer Eninbafiensated with._the not ul ont napect of it was fi: ant to Abe the way in which Fenela to lean upon him. She -.-u.-m the door that communicatâ€" ed with the baizony at all hours of the day To ark him to decide this or that question for her. | Might not Rouny be ‘let off" his u-h.-hkl:‘hul.nd have some . roast chicken ? | Di ur.Jz-th“""‘ hurt him to have his wheeled on to the balconyâ€"and o}. ! would he mind just tast» ing the tiniest drop of the new‘ cough . mix» ture, which was quite a different color from the ::. sd telling hl;‘-b:‘wh"' thought apothecary might and | made some mistake? And all these quesâ€" tions Jacynth seitled with a pseudoâ€"mariâ€" tal authority it was tful to exercise. | He unhesitatingly roast chicken "woulb you wiND JU8T TASTING THE THXE st pror?‘ in thrmvl the tonie ; he wheeled Ronâ€" ny‘s sota himsâ€"lf on to the I.In-:l 3 amd he swallowed a whole teaspoonfal of magenta eough mixture withont a murmur, InWaTQ» l{.l-uu-.l that Fenelia should assign u-‘ a gole of a alave of the worst of the Roma: Emperors (for was he not her alave in all thingn) Her smile took away ail the bitter flavor_ from the drug» and the subsequent hours, during which she sat by the side of Ronny‘® sofa, seemed to pass ovel has ie ‘..-plm:l ar domenie ts wved was the at ree tirement an freedom that rn‘d them. Fevella would insist upon b continuing to mk;ul.- T'Iu-‘ so uubur feel presence thas it 90000 50 SR D in him to alose bis Toud from he "Resartus® as hotel library had actually happened to him to elose W# eyes behin{ The Times he was protend, ing to rea. and to allow himself the full measure +/ the traditional forty winks (though why forty more than J" t & hundred, ! e one have never been able to discover) befgre he opened them again. Â¥enel‘s, : her part, would remsin stent or spesk, jus as t# spirit moved her. S»metimes she would read n sentence out loud from bee book; an old copy d"‘fiu':fl‘h y had been well enough to be it ltl-h-nr Tor |..¢..‘ "u ETY -.â€"â€"N_T would take no nâ€"tge of his presence wou eccupy hers«lf entirely . with Ronny. _ Ja: eynth lvel to wateb her at these moments from Leli,d. his paper, and soek â€" fresh i sofe of the infnite: variety of her shatin. Toud Trom heg Do@Rs EU CCC CATOCg. ul she Re * as it happoued, taken from the l'.{a.o‘l'::: .:..“.'.d ask him if n could make it clear for har, â€" At u@fAl_l_-h-.b- :fl itipans Tabules have come to sta} . + To be Continued. m 4 hur s y s ccznics fecutarniei e > WWIIN 10 Pieces of fine 75¢. Black Henâ€" rietta, â€" manufactured by Perrin Bros., the best makers in the world, we will offer for two weeks at the low figure of 10 Dozen of our Ladies‘ best 35¢ Cashmere Hose,real English manuâ€" facture, reduced to introduce them 25c. pair. ‘ MeKay Bros, 9.49, 10.35, 11.85, 1738\ ':’.a":'::.‘ 138380 b45, 150, 6.90, 10.30. . Leavixa Haxiroxâ€"6,10, 7,10,8.10,9.10 1000 HQy 12.10, |.|&§.u.i.lo. 4.10, 5.10, 6.10, 7.10, 8.10, 10. ELECTRIC Duringh:he Camp Ground Senson, ‘ will meet arrival of every Car, BEAMSVILLE ‘BUS LINE, Leaving Beamsville : 9.30 a. m. and 5,30 p, m. Leaving Grimsby Station : $.30 a. m. and 4.30 p, m, Busleaving Grimsby dail for Grimeby gnk, Bu{nn'illz and Smithville. Parcels, express aud freight delivered promptly at all points on the line. anc h w.umma.u-\ in Ah.vdunou a IIAMILTON. Cholee Liquors and Cigare always in stock, Cholee Liquore and Cieant Alyay VICTORIA HOTEL John HRowan, Proprietor. Ripans Tabules : best liver tonic. I h &B 50c. yd. Sold by Marray Fitch, A. J. Nolles, Sap‘t. RALWAY. F 8. BAKERâ€"MONEY TO & on noles Mpnrny. Â¥ for amie. Ap.e‘-i: ‘ize Insurance, Steam Boiler and Glass Insurai o and Accident Insurance. Office, Mtin street, Grimaby. FRUIT. GRAIN, 3TOCK and DATIRT FARMS bought, sokd or exchang» ed at lowest rates uf commission. ._ _ _ _ _ Parties desirous _ of selling their farms ud‘l:‘nlnun- l‘:hlllon-bll'-‘ tree of charge should_send particulars eall ou us at onco. No charge is made \uh--ubundan'hom Mamn® & Monruy, __ Office i3 Qnegne simet, Bt" Cathart Terephone l*"l-np to loan. e Tvary Wetnvsany HombiFh.m. io o on GID. Â¥. B&Iflum:&uh-â€": Court, veyancer, loan at lowest nh‘ c_fl_nung._l-.fl-_- tions prompily attended to. Office, Main g"i?'dn._,,&?'.’..a in rear of post office, Beameville. 0 en ormany ho Potic es i cien. "aon. Onie mish door ts post office, Grimahy. Gl-0=. MARTIN & O8BORNE, arristers, Solleitors, Nota P Wesmat en upriates, colictters L. MeBRAYNE, Barrister o‘nln %2:2â€"1'15'" Bank CM-::, (‘ King St. West, Hutniiton, Money 1o loan / at lowest rates. ( J. V. Tesmm, Q.C Jxo. Hanmson, W-%llnlntu. + Lfi Abadirâ€"â€"cr â€"wl E'- u-u:. as h:- ho‘ * l D. Green will viétt Grimaby on« Eind anninnepanation Lo :. M‘u’r‘lmrfin wich to .\dlm& of this great opportumity. RUIT, GRAIN, 3TOCK and DAIRY Anommentten | Where ne *witl be pieased 10 walt on his gionnanaae t hinet catharieer®t MoNEY TO l:Ih o'n!.:l-. nui'i"'i-m James and Gore streets, Hasuiitou, â€" . a Vitalized abr. W. MARQUIS of Lincoin and Wentworth. â€" _ . _ _ ... _ Batis‘action guaranteed. . A tria! solleâ€" MONEY TO LEND ON FARMS Money lent for imgnvomu Mortgages replaced at lowest un'mofinm ortgages pu : No mo ‘or commission from the borrower, The undersigned has reâ€" ceived instructions to lend a limited amount of private funds at specially low rates |on first class loans, 1M M ERD, .-' 1M liu‘n.'-nd from Philadel« im, ra., and resumed his dental protession GEO. W. MErSR Barrister, Bolicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Solicitor :’bu-b. FOR 25 YEAim®S .. D. a 0. D. GREEN, * Financial Brokers, 32 Hughson 84. north, Hamilton. AB. A. LIVINGSTON, THECOOK‘SBESTFRIEND Office next door to the Post Office. DUNNS .i BAKINGC POWDER _ LARGEST SALE in CANADA. Ripans Tabuics are always ready . arristers, Solleitors, Notaries, &0 PDENTISTRY, AUCTIONEER. L.A W. for the Countie# NB

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