Grimsby Independent, 3 Aug 1893, p. 2

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c anpwheroe. Perfect boanties, everyons. / e ridieg: # Ori-ob! Park photo gallery has been been rmpsired and ied up nicely for this soason, Cuoiee work at low prices, Mr. Carsen, a youny man of experienge in the best galicries in the provinee, is hl‘h farmers, for ‘vw c'nnn.lumm-i & has Inen k I 9 o'émmgh the um?:omw and July, will kindly note that after thig‘week the usual hours of closing Will be observed. Don‘t forget the Mission Band garâ€" den toâ€"night at David Davis‘. Ahm l.\ug 10 cts, which inâ€" cludes refreshments. _ Lemonade, ise cream, otc., extra. â€" eounter in some dark cormerâ€"is brimfal of fashionable soft and oulf hate. Suaw hate fr men, hoys and children are now open for your inspection. James Allan i};}. convenient to the track and m ingndngga. k He hn seâ€" :l has been training trotting stock, had to vacate the stable at the track but has secured other stables Miss Dorcas Cornwell‘s present adâ€" dress is 1703 Dunilop Ave., Meno minee, Mich. of nforming the forming community that too the 1 have ‘--ki oo oian Sn the njows mile 67 C. Rem & cured some four or five hores to train and no doubt will be heard from later in the senaon ~ Success to Billy. Son, and I have patterns for the principal parts of their â€"um and in‘l‘:-""fl on hand to enstomers. ‘ mbm-:':o’u-‘::hm ahce in the fogedry besines, . 1y fupdry is the established foundry in Beamsville, and being immedistely in the \'ilhs. the most convenient to reach, 1 solicit the patronage of the trade, Jas. J. Buapt. not expenas! l-z'â€"' "’-fl_";fi’fi -hhlfiofl. C: We will give such Hate as you would nsually n“.h. J.n":h & Co. An immense Stock of the nicest confec» tionery just arrived at morrow‘s. ; F. B. Rodgers and wife, Mrs. J. M. Brown, of Detroit,Mich., who is visitâ€" ing her mother, Mrs. B. Rodgers,have all gone to Bufflalo, N. Y., on a visit. Ray, Ionkdulu:o. .\'ou can Ia'? r o in fine style 6 Je Snvadne. â€" ogh ‘ant we magle uf his work _ * Miss E. E. Taylor, of Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Henâ€" derson, of Lakelands, * George Patan, of Hamilton, was here on business. # lhz‘i: constantly in trouble here now, but friends are bailing it out. _ Civic holiday is not named yet. Frank Field, formerly of this place, but now of Eufaula, Alabama, was T“:-s‘“ of Mrs. A. L Couse on y. Me is doing well in the way down south, but is just recoverâ€" ing from a severe illness, Dorlnoullndlnn.tddhh- es?t If so, see those at morrow‘s, the had shoty pouee The ther coeting Jnt the nigger was put out. days. Rev. Mr. Caswe mfihflhml‘n on Bunday last Mrs. C. t vfldthm here.‘:r-* ing from the kick of ing from the kick of a horse. Fish and ‘,.h. Latest styles yaint syit it "" iWP mvrc . Dr. Macintyre has Lob and other ‘pjuces for his hott Edward Siege!, of Mitchell, has arâ€" rived to work for W. J. Reid in the Quarterly service will be held in the m church next HSabbath at 10 o‘clock a.m,. ‘The Lake Bhore Methodist church will be closed until the fourth Sabbath in August, Sad news came thick and fast to Mr. Jardine, of the high school, here. In the evening he received a telegram announcing the death d'hil brotherâ€" intigram teiting "ot"" we, dench of his » of his father, and um funerals would take Would you be enol * Get a fan at morâ€" W.J. Reid, who for soame Millinery ~â€"Our Hate are anequaled Just opened â€"200 rou Cu-b'ofl-n m. Allhu«:,u.” James Allan Beamsville News. w, Mr. Caswell, of Grimsby, ched in the Presbyterian church on SBunday last. _ ever brought here. 2:::“'. of ‘Winons, is , Mrs. CGeo. Walker inter is just recoverâ€" of a horse. some 40 miles apart, Mr. Jar:‘ m will be able to uls:u'l“ but one. Wm. Coinfort and wife, of Thorold, were visiting at Dr, Comfort‘s over Sunday, Miss Littichales, of Mamilton, is the ynost of Mis. J. B. Osborne at "The Mr. T. B. Henry, wile and family, of Los Angeles, Ual. have gone to To ronto again. The party will likely reâ€" main in Canada during the summer “:mn!h:alwflqlho‘ ouc-t Chastense, Bb arits in bfack n:l"zan Kid gloves have advanced $1.589 por dos wholesale. llnvm.hq.-ul well asâ€" anrted stork, we atill sell at our old prices James Allan & Co. . Trouhble seems to be brewing e tween T. B. Henry, owner :’ the block recently burned, and C. E iggins, owner of the new drug store, over some land. By the time this paper is i-)rim. we expect that Wm. Gibson, M. P., and fawily will have nrrived on the other side of the Atiantic. Mr. Richmond, assistant special agent Bell Telephone Co , was in town We, the undersigned merchants of the Village of Reamsvilie, do hereby agree to close our respective places of business every Woednesday during the month of August at the hour of ane o‘clock and remain closed until the following morning at seven o‘clock : â€"Rhoumaetism cured in a day.â€"South l‘h- and wl:‘:"&:.lm l(lw.‘u.; y cures in btz Its action upon the aystem is and mystertous. 1t removes at onte the cause and the dissase immeâ€" 9 30 a.m,. prayer Sunodey, Aug. 6â€" t service, led by Rev. Dr. A. Sutheriand t ljid:‘y. “A!l. 4â€"83.‘” p. ®. lnu; . L. Hugher, .. lnspector E’Ni‘ »chools, Toronto, "Schooiroom umor"; 7.30 p. m, closing entertainâ€" ment by the hw,ss. School of Saturday, Aug. 5â€"7.30 p. m. eaterâ€" tainment by The Sime Richards Frmily. 11 a.m. sermon, RemPW. F. Craius, Pittsburg, Pa., "Christianity a Science, not a Dream"; 2.30 p.w. sermon, Rev. G. K. Morria, D. D., Cincinnati ; 7.30 p. m. sermon, Rev. W. F. Crafts, "The True Measure of a Man", 2.30 p.m. lecture by Rev, W. F. Crafts, "Bofore the Lost Arte," illuetrated by 50 Carâ€" Tuesday, Aug. 8â€"2.30 p.m. lecture by Rev. Dr. Morris, "Hitch your wagon to a Star"; 7.30 p.m. sermon by Rev. Dr. Stone. Wednesday, Aug. 9â€"2.30 p.m. leeâ€" ture by Pnl An:t‘b. of Al-.' College, 8t. Thomas, "The Memory, and how to Improve it," with illustrations and ducted by Whyte Bros. * W. C. T. U,. DAY, Thursday, Aug. 10â€"10.30 a.m. "School of I«Ma * conducted by the Ontario W. C. T. U.; 2.30 p. m. lecture, Rev. W. B. Pickard, of Buffalo, N.Y., ‘The Boast and Our Boys," illustrated l{ COolored Cartoon ; l en Phay I and Rev, J. C, Tolmie, M, A., Bnmd. Bare your Ammonia soap wrappars glmw“hu you have llnrh: 10 soap w , send them ndubme-m' for m.nn we will mail Lo. free, a handsome picâ€" ture suitable for framing. A list of pic» tures around each bar, Ammonia gvap has no equal. We recommend it. Writs mlldnly and address: W. A« Co, 48 and 50 Lombard 8t., Toronto, Ont. Bold b{ all general morâ€" chents and grocers. Give it a trial. Purâ€" Itan soap obtained at W,. Mitchell‘s, Grimaby Ree the new brunds of cigare at morâ€" our Arches of Faith." James Allen & Cc. F.8 Prudhomme. A F. Caughell. s Chas. Jeffries. John Marrs. E. Rice. W J. Reid. W. J. White. Mondsy, Aug,. ¢(â€"â€"4..0 p.D, ICGINTC Rev. br. Morrie, Cinciopati, "The WEDNXESDAY HALFâ€"HOLIDAY. Grimeby Park. . PROGRAM FOR WEEK. Aug. 7â€"2.30 p.m. lecture 730 pm,. concert, conâ€" OWING to the great number of dissappointed customers who could not get served dur ing the big tush here last week at our annual clearing snle, we have decided to continue the eale for this week so that there may be no rooum for dissatisfaction, _ Please remember that under no consideration will the cut prices be continued after this week. This is not a enle for profit but a enle of the best made clothing in Cauada sacrificed on the altar of abrolute necersity, as our rule never to carry goods over from one season to another is as unaltersble as the laws of the Medes and Persians. "t. Catharines Clothing MANUFACTURIG Manufacturing Co., C & Opp. McLaren & Co‘s Dry Goode St , Mcliiaren a Ur uds Store HATTERS. 22 & 24 St. Paul Street _ Carriage : Shop AT BEAMSVILLE. The undersigned informs the public that he has opened a carrieg» shop at Beamsville, and hes in stock fine bug wies, phactons, demoerst wagons, road wagons«, ete., made in latest styles and trom the best matesiel, ~Repairing in all its brsoches promptly and neatly done, and st most reasonable prices. All in need of his eervices will please call add inspect gonds and get prices before purchasing elscwhere. _ No one employed but firstâ€"class work men. We w ught right and can sell right. Ornder early befor the price gues up. All kinds of hard coalâ€"stove, chestnut, ete. WM. TALLMAN & sSON, Goal! Goal !| 1 am now preparei to fill orders for Nut and Stove coal. Order early and get the adâ€" vantage of low prices. _ Coal delivesed, or at G, T. R. staâ€" tion « F. B RODGERS, We are now prepared to fill rour orders for e--s at low prices. health when the | exisat where kidneya are | Dodd‘s Kidney elogged, they are | Pills are used. by all deaters or sent by mail on receipt Li ns punons Wack called Kidney Talk, Come Early This Week and Avoid the Rush. of dissase is healthy elty without â€" acwerâ€" age, as good l:-’th uhc: the Coal for Sale Might as well L__ Th M oc cictomendieed -. Late of 3¢, Catharines, o{,g:,.' _1s io_o'fid"ild'io', troubles reault in Bad Blood, M:In't. and poreue ult er Diabetes and Oropay." beamgville 'f.t: abov e Beamsville To Buy MCLAREN & CO. Many linesa markes away down, We would like to have you see them or send for eamples. DRESS TRIMMINGS. We are pfepared to let you have Trimmings that‘ll look well on every kind of a dress for about oneâ€"third regular price. FANCY PARASOLS. Particularly interesting new zoudse, with aquarter, and in some cases oneâ€"third, off the regular eglling price. CaPES AND JACKETS. Although the days may he warm, it‘s always safe to have some kind of a Wrap or Jncket for evenings; prices are tempting. There Is Nothing Like Leather The wey we sell Hosiery makes this department very OF BOOTS & SHOES To be slaughtered regardless of cost, We have purchased the Niegara Falls Shoe Co‘s stock of boots and shoes at 50c on the $ and will slaughter them regardless of cost. Shoes at less than cost of leather. Come yourself and bring your friends â€"â€"this is a chanee to b:.;’dn finest goods made in Canada at less than wholesale price. Chas. Jeffries & THE BEADLE NURSERY CO Growers of all kinds of fruit and ornamental trees. Peach and shade treea a specialty. _ Growers of the celebrated CM{LlSLE peach. J. W. ZIMMERMAN, general agent for Beamsville and Grimsby district. $3,000 Tnos. Key®s, President. Frso. KR ParsxELL, Secâ€"Treas 8T. CATHARINES. ST . CATHARINES . DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY. ST. CATEHHARINES _ Fast Color Black Hose. _ Fast Color Russet Hose, Fast Color Tan Hose. Fast Color Cardinal Hose. Special line guaranteed Fast Black Cotton Hoe, Gerâ€" man made, "Hermsdorf Dye," 13¢. for one pair; two paire for 25¢., or you can have as many as you like at the same rate, PRINTS. Special line selling at 6j#c. potl;'.:d; Cotton checke, 4c. per yard.. If you care to have any of this lot would hay come @t ourte, > <4â€"â€" _‘* MUSLINS. White Victoria â€" Lawns, Fancy Woven Musline, Check Muslines, Crinckles; sepecial prices. McLAREN & CO. THE BEAMSVILLE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT, ENGINE & BOILER WORKS. As it is about harvest time L wish to inform my customers that having bought a separator 1 am better prepared than ever to furâ€" nish :::3':»1 with firstâ€"class threshâ€" ing, icit your puunx I am ready to commence w at any time. The foundry will be open from 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. for any work that may be wanted done. C. Russ, Son & Co. repairs stantly on hand. H. TALLMAN, BEAMSVIL L E sicared peri $E Lot 100 Ocd 44 oi % , Cen. 4, 1 mâ€"s east of mnnh on south .“o *d Q. & G. road. flurty of emaill and lur fruits and is well adapted for fruit growing. Plenty of water. Runâ€" ning .M.fimu the place. This year‘s erops are looking well. FARM FOR SALE. Epoglish Waterproof Coate and Melisas Conte in all sizes. Mru and Bllk TU‘mâ€" beelias clno& at Treble‘s, Cor. King as? James 8te., Hamilton. 10 & 21 St. Pau! Street, ST. CATHARINES At or'i.siml prices we outsold, undereold and ov~ ershndowed every kind «/ computition,. At these anle prices we are simply encriâ€" ficing every line ot gren‘s and boys‘ suite und pan(ts w hile the eale Insts. Daxis: Haosazay. t 6ge. e, 4¢. re: to would

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