9 '“")- TREMENDOUS EXOITEMENT. [‘ * m . Immongo Mass Mooting Smithville‘s Big Hall Filled to Overflowing. * oc apcmnime Comns en ad | Miss Bull, Niagura und Miss Swain, of Hamilton, vu?l.. at Rev. Â¥F. C Pipor‘s, _ _‘ _‘_ ‘ Miss | Flossio in visiti friends in ll.mlllnu.m s Purties requiring bindingâ€"twine will do | well to tall on We B Morgane who l | secured a grand line of prre manilla, | which he is onabled to n'ï¬.nfl the price | usually enarged for mixed. This is a | splendid opportunity to obtain a twine | free from knots nt a very low price. | Nail EeP enieiieene mt mt another Tournament can :.p the Smithville flnâ€"‘b‘dq mw they have to walk. We e lacreeuee dn NC Miss Gertic Field, of Toronto, is lmmct for a brief visit. k Row, D. [ Fletebor, of Macnab street | Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, ocenpled | the pulpit of the Presbyterian (flnllnbl last Sabbathâ€" afternoon. _ Mr. Fletcher pu'w‘lml‘.ulmt nceeptably to n Jarge cone | wrezat I following resolutions were put to the meeting and carried unanimonsly, "-‘ Viceâ€"Chancellor voting nay. Moved by Stamped Wrapper John, seeâ€" onded by Sole Leather Joe, whereas lucre is an article much to be desired and sought after, alike for its intrinsic value and producing power, and as it appears desirable and in the public interest that The large barn of Geo, A, Fiwher, on the s“udm“ tlml' whs olm‘tr'nyml by ll’m- on Sth night, to her with a quantity of hlt)' :’nd furm":tu‘mlh. Iu‘gumm’. sma Miss Mand\ Elliot is spending a fo days with friends in Mamilton. ing, and instead ulcm;lnu home ’umluly :-‘.I-u-l over head they were more than surprised to find that a celebration of some kind had been going on, altogether out of character in a Scott Actiown, as the remains (not of firemen) were lyinu Our Firemen were more than delighted with the attention paid them in Berlin. ;l‘huy‘:n loud ul‘n .llwlr"f"nho.l 4 ollmlm ast 'lfnr, the 4 ‘xchange" :lm was here, there an.‘ every where,look» {;lg .‘;:'i the interests of the boys, lulz at their wants was supplied. in Inhk grente on in y the in Firomen, nfu! show them the sights '::l’ the town, no enconium is too lavish to bestow on him, they vote him empbatically the right man in the right place, in sbort, a dandy as M:‘l;w“ be put in circulation, be it therefore resolved and it umwmflm or Lh uc tw <nbineerngpreer buildings whatsoover, carrying less than dmbbmvd-dflnlmw reducing to a minimum the chances of rOU T9 P T A20024 in ha wantine reducing to a minimuin WID TEMITTL D Mcï¬tflhd-dbbnlflll in all the elements of business prudence A malicious report having obtained cirenlation thatthe firemen, on their reâ€" turn home from Berlin, were not as -Ir{ inside as they were out, your correspondâ€" ent took some. pains to find ont how much truth there was in the story and we are pleased to say that so far from . being true the very opposite was the case. No company at ller?ln nc?‘u:mql themselves more ereditably than did the Smithville. Indeed so popular were they lhll»i on leaving the depot, they were given three rousing eheers by the citizens of Berlin, as firemen and their gentlemanly bearâ€" oc dertreomdernensty and Ainck Nrote men for again carrying off a prize_under very adverse circumstances, _ We preâ€" dict that one more effort made after plent "?Fuu-“'-ï¬l-"' them at the lnpo{uu heap, wis D. W. Eastman is selling a\ strictly Te Sooffachont Euim Singhmine io. nt cost, See those beautiful patterns in mhz:lneri by the citizens of Berlin, alike for their neat attractive .qppearance Apm-lu_al-,'iunmm Smithville News. Profits take a And the returii your money will bring you i ou better than putging;{he same in‘t.h’oy #’ 2 1Cce Ne Condionn t en on t o e P P P mwnrl. Thénmnmo&rmhu!mjm-dd-ph. 11 bu Goods at regular when we will 8 you the o. c loiis nugk, at" ACEFUAL OOSF T Werde not saskt thin aud then ::k down ,-v‘::'k; to what we advertise, be it loss or *luq "Tis not choice htmumphuu-h&h-wflu. e it the money, and we want you to help us get it. OODS OFFERED BY AiELIABLE â€" DRY FIRM AT COS$ PRICEâ€" Time flies, and this opportunity will soon P gone. PREPARE reolf ! _ We tively nssort we will sellbery article in our mhlhhmn’::C Cost Price l:d cash. I It will only uh:“llllt:l‘o’:l'n- to vhll':u‘h(lms"l;a-ï¬â€œ'm? .:: WS I-:dromd::.".mflv- certainly do as they advertise." 6 A. Good Housé and Lot, Also, a Coal Oil Stove, Dominâ€" ion Orga.n, and a Parlor Coal or Wood Stove, all in g@odcondition Do you ask this question in sincerity ? Then{fHe answer is a simple one. â€" Visit our great $25,000 Cost Pric\kale of â€" MCITLTULIN B THE GREAT $25,000 SALE OF DRYGOODS, MILILINERY and ORDERED CLOHING. Estate of the Late FOR SALE.â€"C 26 and 28 ONTARIO STREET App FICT. |Iflfllld.d Moved by Main lS’inl Andy, Hiepant Rugh ie Tt at tiie vor within the limits of this corâ€" a certain Fircâ€"engine and other on which the town has exâ€" m-ï¬d Four Mundred and Fifty and whereas the fremen are in When you invest your cash these days you do it with t expectation of F. J. Pratich the No DRY GOODS§, Enquire for particulars at the l!\'l)EmD!‘l‘ Office. Ordered Clothing. MV MoOoONEY ? ere Shall 1 Iny (ON EASY TEKMS) F. J. FRALICKS, THE i’i«i".ï¬'ui&ii to ¢ gaid fire which is con! as nomgl::‘l: ""'l'f rï¬vllfldlflt‘ sooeing the in which the devouring . the habit of running to «isperse come back RUTELX Q.usan R 4â€"1370 Wallace Road Oukville, Ontario LBL 2Â¥2 Access eveTems L* NERUCE ons ys" ‘vite to us &