Posted by [Name Withheld], 17 August 2016 at 13:34
I was told this story years ago by my father, who was Daniel's nephew, when I first started delving into our family tree. It is so nice to find an internet memorial to those poor men who lost their lives working on the dam. As far as the family were concerned at the time, Canada was as far away as the moon, and I doubt very much that anyone has ever visited Daniel's grave. Having emigrated to Canada, the poor boy had fought with Canadian troups during WW1 and survived all that carnage only to die on his third day in a new job. He was my grandfather's much loved younger brother.
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I was told this story years ago by my father, who was Daniel's nephew, when I first started delving into our family tree. It is so nice to find an internet memorial to those poor men who lost their lives working on the dam. As far as the family were concerned at the time, Canada was as far away as the moon, and I doubt very much that anyone has ever visited Daniel's grave. Having emigrated to Canada, the poor boy had fought with Canadian troups during WW1 and survived all that carnage only to die on his third day in a new job. He was my grandfather's much loved younger brother.