(Simcoe Reformer) With the retirement from the active participation in the teaching field of Mr. J.D. Christie, B.A., for more than 33 years principal of the Simcoe High School, the school-teaching profession of this province loses one of its most distinguished and scholarly instructors. Born in Yarmouth,Nova Scotia, he received his early education in private schools and the Yarmouth Seminary, and matriculated in Toronto in 1869, being one of the first Nova Scotians to do so. Mr. Christie obtained honors in moderns at senior matriculation examinations and entered the second year at the University. He graduated in 1872 with honors in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian. He first taught at Grimsby High School, then at Peterboro Collegiate Institute, in charge of the Department of Modern Languages. In 1875 he went to St. Catharines, where for ten years he was associated with several celebrated teachers. In 1886 he was appointed principal of the Chatham High School, whence he came to Simcoe three years later. In January 1889, Mr. Christie assumed the duties of principal at the Simcoe Union School. At that time the Simcoe schools were a consolidated organization, with what is now the Central Public School comprising the sole building. In the year 1893 the Simcoe High School was built, with Mr. Christie as its first principal. With him were associated three assistant teachers, but the school continued to grow until the staff included six members. With the summer of 1922, Mr. Christie has completed 50 years of continuous service as a High School master, and has been many times an associate examiner in Toronto at the mid-summer examinations. The subjects which he has taught with great proficiency and invariable success, are English, French, German and Reading. During his long term of service in Simcoe, scores of pupils have profited under his instructions, and many have achieved renown in various walks of life. The love and respect of ex-pupils for Mr. Christie and their appreciation of the work he has been doing in Simcoe for more than a quarter of a century, was fully indicated on a recent occasion when their former teacher was made the recipient of a handsome present, the gift of hundreds of ex-pupils scattered far and wide, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. During the last few years, Mr. Christie's health has been poor, and he purposes retiring from the profession, perhaps doing a bit of substitute work occasionally. His career has been one of life-long work of instructing the youth of the community, and his success may best be judged by his past record. During his residence of 33 years in Simcoe, Mr. Christie has rendered invaluable service in building up the educational life of the town as well as in other phases of community activities. Of his records, both as teacher and scholar, Mr. Christie may feel justifiably proud, and rest assured his faithful and diligent labors, which have borne such fruitful results, will remain in the memories of younger generations long after he had gone to his reward.
Note - Mr. Christie is well-known in Grimsby, as he has spent a great many of his vacations here. In 1873 or 1874, while Mr. Christie was teaching in Grimsby, he married Miss Kate Nelles, a sister of Mr. Cyrus Nelles, and an aunt of Miss Nina Woolverton, Mountain Street. - Ed.