TUESDAY, AUG. 18th 10.30 a.m.,........Rev. B. D. Thomas, D.D., Toronto. 2.30 p. m., Sermon . . . . Bishop Cyrus D. Foss, D.D., LL.D. 7.30 p.m., Lecture â€" " The Fool," . . Rev. E. A. Stafford, LL.B. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 19th 10.30 a.m., Sermon â€" "The joint testimony of the Church and Spirit," Rev. J. W. Holmes, Listowel. 2.30p.m., Sermon..............Rev. Jno. Shaw 7.30 p.m., Sermon ........ Rev. Jno. Kay, Hamilton THURSDAY, AUG. 20th 10.30 a.m., Sermon ...... Rev. J. E. Lancely, Burlington 2.30 p.m., Lecture â€" " What the Catacombs teach us," (illustrated) Rev. W. H. Withrow, D.D.,F.R.S.C., Toronto 7.30p.m., Sermon..........Rev. S. G. Stone, D.D. Toronto FRIDAY, AUG. 21st 10.30 a.m., Sermon .......... Special Arrangement 2.30 p.m., Lecture â€" "The Church of the Future an Educator," Chancellor Sims, LL.D., Syracuse, N.Y. Chancellor Sims, of Syracuse University, lectured to a still larger audience on "The Church of the Future an Educator." It was a very happy effort, and took amazingly. As often as I have heard him, I never heard the superior to this effort by Dr. Sims.---Advocate, N.J. 7.30 p m Sermon ....... Rev. Wm. Briggs, Toronto SATURDAY, AUG. 22nd 10.30a.m., Sermon ..............Jos. Tait, Esq. 2.30 p.m., Praise Service .......... Whyte Brothers 7.30 p.m., Missionary Lecture (illust'd) Rev. C. S. Eby, M.A., Japan SUNDAY, AUG. 23rd 9.30 a.m., Prayer and Praise Service, Rev. J. E. Hunter, Leader 11.30 a.m., Sermon ...... Rex. Chancellor Sims, LL.D. 2.30 p.m., Sermon, Rev. J.H. Vincent, D.D , Newhaven, Conn. 7.30 p.m., Sermon â€" "Righteousness endureth forever," Rev. G. W. Peck, LL.D., Buffalo. 8