Robertson, Margaret Louise and Ferris, Reginald Alfred (Married)
- Full Text
On Monday afternoon, December 21st, a very pretty wedding took place in St. Andrew's Church, when Margaret Louise, daughter of Pte. and Mrs. George Robertson, Grimsby, and Driver Reginald Alfred Ferris, son of Mrs. Ferris and the late Reginald Ferris, exchanged the solemn vows of marriage. Rev. J. Allan Ballard, Rector of the Church, officiated. The chancel was decorated with pink and white snapdragons and chrysanthemums. Mrs. M. Tweeney presided at the organ. In attendance on the bride were Mrs. Harold Moore, sister of the groom, as matron of honour, and Miss Patricia Warner, cousin of the bride, as bridesmaid, while Patricia Robertson, another cousin, made a charming flower girl. The groomsman was Howard Ferris, brother of the groom, while Cpl. N. Warner and T/O Sig. Alf. MacMillan acted as ushers. After the ceremony 50 guests gathered at the home of the bride's mother, 17 Clarke Street, where the colour scheme of pink and white was repeated, and the tea-table centred with the three-tiered wedding cake, was lighted by candles in silver holders.
For the ceremony and reception the bride was gracefully gowned in white organza, embroidered white chenille, with Peter Pan neck-line, and long train. A halo head-dress of seed pearls and finger-tip veil were worn with it, and Better Times roses carried.
The maid of honour wore pale blue net over taffeta, with flowered halo to match, and carried yellow chrysanthemums, while the bridesmaid was gowned in pale pink crepe and wore a flowered halo. Her flowers were pink carnations. The flower girl's frock was of yellow organdy, with mauve trimmings, worn with a floral head-dress, and she carried a pretty nosegay to tone.
To the bride, the groom gave a set of Evening in Paris toiletries, and to her attendants, gold lockets. To his groomsman he gave a set of military brushes. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was a set of brushes.
For the reception the bride's mother wore golden crepe with black accessories and corsage of yellow roses, while the groom's mother was gowned in blue crepe with black accessories and corsage of pink roses.
After the reception the young couple left for points east, the bride travelling in a violet crepe dress with black accents.
- Featured Link
- Media Type
- Genealogical Resource
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Wedding Announcements
- Date of Publication
- 24 Dec 1942
- Date Of Event
- Dec. 21, 1942
- Last Name(s)
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 43.20011 Longitude: -79.56631
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Grimsby Public
Agency street/mail address:Grimsby Public Library
18 Carnegie Lane
Grimsby Ontario