Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Page formerly of Grimsby have received word that their son, Flight Sergeant W.D. ("Wally") Page is missing after air operations. Attached to No. 214 R.A.F. Bomber Squadron, the young flier has been over France and Germany on several occasions recently, and was looking forward to returning to Canada where he would assume duties as an instructor. He took part in several forays against the two German pocket battleships, the Gneisenau and the Scharnhorst.
Flt. Sergt. Page attended Lake Lodge School here, where his father, for a period of 9 years, taught. On matriculating, he attended Bishop's College, from where he graduated in 1936. Prior to enlisting in the R.C.A.F., he taught at Trinity College School, Port Hope. He took his elementary training at Windsor, and received his wings at Dunnville. For a time he was stationed at Patricia Island, and was posted overseas in July of last year. His first duties in Britain were with the Fighter Command.
Flight-Sergeant Page has a brother, Leonard, who joined the Fleet Air Arm in 1935. Another brother, Bernard, is an accountant.