Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (2), 10 Sep 1885, p. 5

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 :-.» *r^j-- '^nfrr- â- " ""fc,^.;-if':/'-- -C" •:-'•"' If n.Mflie standard .lie ..ffice, MUl 51.50 if .••rt-' 1 1. Ill ajTance ...H-s.-i cards one ineh s s cuts per line first lii.; each subsequent lioii. •' " ^, .] measure, C„„.iioni'i"' ^j. notices in local col. jiwial ""'"f.-^^ jjrst insertion, 5 cents lob^cqn""-^ '"""'^y"tiied 3 „eeks for 'â- !a«rti=W"t not to exceed twelve onti'i arrears -uii" •'â- "" ""'â- ' " I pa!'*^ "'"'"""â-  aiiuon of the publisher. -JOB PRINTING. VOL. 5.-^Ni ,-te' 'i-^ "' t.. ItilV' IjpITUi; AM liai a splendid equip- II M fine i»b typo- Spe- â- j.-i.; iw mail. Orders jltiinUETOR. m â- Ccgal. ECHUN iGARVIN, I..iri.i;i: 3i; HA.NDS), ^uli'-itirs, I'roctnrs, Ko- (â- â€ž,,•.( fHiiper^, *e. Money to t ruti -f iiit.ifSt. rUiect, TOUOSTO. EKIsTKI'"' I uri(^ Offices '• r--""" L,;,j,[-|,;.;s. -olJClTOKS, e. yvMiir. 4lixaii â- ' .â- .l::-IM f'Jll S.\I7E. iff\, ill Viekcr's Block ;ii-.- ill Miirkdale, over ii^tiay andSalui-lay 57-ly \V. Masso.v. MARKDALE ' Roller Mil Bran $9 a ton J. W. FORD. Wm^^^^Pi^, ' â- t88JK"-! ^. I Sti'oivn. I.iceubeH, Fire and â- nt. (Joinmissiunei i.rcr and Liceuseu v .( lirey. l-"iiriuers, 'l â- i:.l S.ii"' I'luictunlly at- ...iM â- ( i:i;ule vury luodciate. .M. rT.H^ii. " 1-V ,|. ^].\|,l;l,\(.i:iJCENSKS,ic .-... :? i;. !;-.:. ,,^. ,], ;,:; il- l.i-iiM.-lios pramptlj M.i'.vir'f" • i-si'Cilted. )ii Ileal Estate se TO SCHOOLjrROSTEES. The undersigned is mannfactnring an ex- cellent assortment of School X^virnitar-e, Consisting of 8C HOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latest I design and most approved p^ttgoj. Highly i recommended by School Trustees and Teach- I er.s, for cheapness, comfort and compactnesa, I wlieixjye!- tried. An assortment of Farm ilnU I School Bells kept always on hand. Send for i eataloi^ne to Cliatsworth P. 0. I ISl ANDliEW McGlLL. MARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIUM I.. ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. MARSHALL, L.D.S. m;\'8«sT, 1m:^.I: l)l«r.MUi' Jyl.;:;i-' feint"'i'i^ iKONTO SCHOOL !,.â-  ::[ till- Maikila'e 1 i :,n.l third Wod iii, .lilt Mimsluiw'.K .iiiv ff)ll"Vviiig the liiMiitli f,.r theprao V22-n itiiii;i, « aisjjb:!.!. lI.I.Mi.i.l- ,\,ii iii;i,i,Ki: wpih i::t.",.i,-.| [.:. 'l ((Ml. II Sumirl ALL liesi 122-35 bhioiial)!*' Tiiiloi*, KF CT irrci AltANTF.ED. RICHARDS, A AltCHI- m. Miuk'i.a,-. ISlly TH0S.MAT7HEWS,Proprieior Nothing but good stock nscd and tlio best mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Light Harness always on hand. Also Whips, Trunks, YaiiseSi Blankets, Kobes, c., always in stock-. MARKDALE. THIS NEW Patent Process Flourlhg Mill Is now completed at great expense, op the JVIost -AJPmOA^ED plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of the term, A Hodel ||j||,n 1 am therefore in a position to give the public a SuBfidor Article of Flour. A fair trial respectfully so- licited and I have no fear hut the result will be eminently satisfactory.- Cash paid for good hard Wheat. IS" Flour, Bran, Shorts.etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. ^^ ANGUS PLEWES. Combs of tbb^Wwdabd rmEE TO oapuciTE amy MAKE OB GRADE Of W$rCH 111 3. 4. or 5 Oz. CASE -AT ASâ€" Close Figures Wi -AUDâ€" As any city firm, Grange Agent, or Jew pedlar that tries to deal In this section Grey Co. W. A. BROWN, The reliable Jeweller Local and Other Items. Notices jb t/ie»« columnsintendedtobenefit Anij individual or Society Kill be cliarged ten cents a line for the first insertion and Jive 6ents a line each subieguent insertion. Fob pine and maple flooring go G. Grant Co. to 1.76 Fcholars are Markdale school. now attending JOHN NOBLi], MARKDALE GENER'LBlAGSSfflTH MA* dnci der fcmt Dlle-fivr!' I; Contractor 1' o. 5. illEIE, Sspt. SsB'" "' Ornamc.riu! Plaster mmfi Oh' â- Ua^ii., -t 1 r^ark- liiil an I.iir.e Icl to. HORSESHOEI»BC A SPECIALTY. Also agent for the celebrated CHATHAIV) WAGONS. EUGEi^lA Grist, Saw aMLatli Mills Having madff cqteiisivc iiaprovcment.s'in my Unst J?i)l I feci cuufidetit I can give good EatisfaCtioi;-. GOOD FLOUR ALiVAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing; and Bills Filled on the sliortc:=t notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON Ife^ID. Cherry. Bnf.irnnt, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Tine and Hemlock Logs Avanted Olv. U. AKITT, Eugenia. I CONTRACTS m SI His of /Jraaiafuuci l"!;L-^terii!;;. "W'/i'iu/l .s/i,„/,s and Culors. 'Muitf ai;,! -atifa^:tion guar- '**"!«â- ! at k1,.. .Su...n-,,vi;i, oflice I'JO-ly. HOUSE, l**ARKDALE, ^^, Proprietor. IJMLE HOUSE, ROBERT S. RAE, TAILOR, c Sy.denliaiTi Street. MARKDALE. J" '*^ -tV-" â- "'â-  ' pxcif^n^ HOTEL EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL FURNISHINGS fl ilpplicd on the ahortes notltte. -A. Sialenclicl flearse fur hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds, of â€" PICTURE FRAMING Done ou short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. MARKDALE Fat cattle and sheep for sale. Apply to Mrs.^igbt, Glenelg. 261-63 Mb. W. H. McLeod, of Manitowan- ing was in town this week. MkAFOBD's assessment rate will be 1^ mills on the- this year. McFahlanu's ponia "Brit," died last Monday, aged 22 years. Fob Bed steads, Muttrasses, and Spring Beds, go to Grant Go, JoHH. McYicAB, 5th con. Glenelg, lost three ye.orliug calves. See ady. Ladies' and Misses' tailor-made nls- ters, newest styles oat at McFairlands. We-, tlie Undersigned, Would respect fully intimate to our cus!:omers and friends that wo are still here and pre- pared to attend to all who may favor us with a call in anything we can do in our line witb the best possible satis- faction. Also we will get yarn for tbose who allow us to do their weav- ing, tS" All kinds of merchantable farm pr-jduce taken in exchange for work at market prices. 2484in F. J. RITCHIE. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUEE^.^^ MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Panties, Furniture Marble, dc. JUST RECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble tS" Laritest stoc£ in the Dominien to select from. Personally selected at the qnar lies in Vermont, Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTIOII eUARHMTeED. K B. â€" Beware of Monnments and Head- atones ol Tin, Speltei, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and Hled and Sandblasted to -hide ^tba imwrieptions, and callad Wliite lid Ted Out. "â- """"lious Sampl Ti,„ Ti""" '^ooms «'ablin„^,"ff' the market af {^NlTHofEL P-U FALLS... to. Out, ' "Prop. M^»f?ctiver of all kinds of Gylmaet. Dr^ Valve Cistern 1P°™P^' g»»iBftoto6«lffW!**^ HEIG] IN camfmTias with Phwes' Fhur and Feed tore. received in Markdale to 1st Oct. Apply of the ten the Another butclier came to town en Moiidny last. He is a relative to W^. H. Dwelling house rent, will be vacant to this cfiice, ' The lute J'amcs Eerr Esq. Euphrasia was worth $80)C0O at li'.aB of hiG death-. Fob everj^ inu Eillod in mi have been sent over the gulf by aid of the corkscrew. Woiiiis cause touch sickness among children that Freeman's Woriii Pow- ders will surely cure. W. J. Boyd of Markdale returned on Monday from visiting friends in Parry Sound district. Maskdale may incoiporate as a toffn soon, as the population is in- creasing rapidly, (in pairs.) For Sale. â€" Two double barrel guns, one muzzle and one breach loading. Ajiply to Smith, the barber. This would be a better world if the people in it who lose their tempers would never find them again. Fine quadruple plate Silverware just opened in Castors, Fickle Cruets c., at W. A. Brown's, Markdale. A MEETiKG of the directors of Centre Grey Farmers' Institute will be held in Markdale^ on the 22nd September. Look Hkbe. â€" First class cooking stoves No. 9, trimmed and complete for $19.50 at Walker Bro's, Markiale. If your child is stubborn or hard to administer medicine to. Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup will be appreci- ated, The prize list for Glenelg Fall Show is out parties wishing one should apply to the Mcretiury, Mr. Wm. Haskett. A SON of Mr. Charles Crbw jgot hie arm badly cut in a straw cntter (» Sunday last while playing iri tbe machine. 800,000 Bbinglea fcaialaat ^^' ling'ja iniU|^^ Vanjtlg^ â-  • have raeelTad eomai' oi En- j)hraHa Asr. SocV piize HSt ^r 188ff. Thanks to the Soc'y, i \?ikmii "Abe Yov Miint -miserable by in- JSeatiou, Coi^nmptiaiii bisziness, Hjoss of Appetitej* Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Yitaliser is a positive cure. Sold by A. Turner Goi x Pabk lot in Mariidaie for nle Benntifal location, will be E(dd on reutmable tenus. Apply to B, Free- bom, Williamsford, oi ehe[aire at this office, 125-tf W. J, AND Mbs. McFABLisD rettimed last wee b from their trip up the lakes i with the exception of the excitement while shipwrecked, they had a pleasant and enjoyable trip. Septehbeb new goods, Wallham and Elgin watches. Gents and Gem Rings, Ladies Watches and Sets, fine rolled plate chains, at W. A, Brown's, Markdale. New French Plushes, new Dress goods, new Gloves, new Ulsterings, new Cretonnes, new Wincfiys, All imported direct from manufacturers by W, J. McFarland, An Englishman hasdiscovered that kissing to be Scriptural, mnst be be- tween those of the same eex. It is evidetit that the Bible needs to be revised just once more, HoK. Oliyeb Mowat and the Hon. A, M, Boss is expected to be present at the optnmg of the Great Northern Exhibition in CoUingwood Which will take place ou the 29ih September, The Dnndalk herald has entered upon its fifth year. It hds made steady progress in the past, and bids fair for valuable sertice to Dundalk and vicinity in the future. We wish it every success, I HAVE fine lathes, tools and material for repairing fine watches and claim t3 be the most scientific and practical watch repairer in Central Grey. W. A. Brown, the reliable watchmaker, Markdale. Cheap fake to the Faie, â€" Special rates to the Indu.strial Exhibition next week as follows, from Markdale to Toronto and return for $2.25 good to go ou I4th and 17th and to return any train Up to Monday 2l8t, Bev, a, Wilsok of this place has reeeiyed p call from the Presbyterians of Tara. The Methodic ts of that place were anxious to secure Sev; W. Casson this year, they seem to have a hank- ering for our Markdale ministers. The Gospel Arfiiy wlio labored so successfully in i' lesherton are expected to comrUenee their labor in Dundalk to-night (Thursday) in the Melhbdist church. The band (sonsists of Major and Mrs-. Sutherland, and Miss. B llerby.â€"Hf roZrf. John MciSaaSar, Botidhead, writes "Wlienever I feci out 6t sortSi bilious, or liiy liver not working wright, or racked with a headache, I take Chase's Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure. There is more real benefit from one dose of your Liver Cure than in many bottles of some medicines." Sept. Change of Date. â€" Owing to the North Grey Exhibition being held on October Ist and 2nd, the Owen Sound Baces Will take place on Monday and Tuesday, September 28th and 29th, instead of September SOtb and October 1st. Entries close on Monday, September 28, at 9 a. m.â€" 0. S, Ad- vertiser. OuB millers have di£ScnIty in securing a supply of good wheat in order to keep up their shipping business in flour, Tliey have gaine^d for them- selves an enviable reputation for a fine grade of flour, and are determined to keep it up if they Ehould have to im- port their supphss of wJi^at from Manitoba. TheC. 0.0. F. of Markdale will give a grand concert and literary Entertainment in Haskett's new HaU on Monday evening the Slst inst. The committee are determined to make this n grand success, and are -,824 persons died from i^lll-pox in tfonWl in Jane, Jnly, 1 Mm ErxK PoBD has be««awarded todelaMB,atthe teaohMjMtomiina- tion, Oweu Souud, as weUjuifiW. P«OF, Low's Sulphur Soap is a cheap jmd handy form of oilamina the healing vu-tues ot a sulphni bath, â- ^"^•w °*^ HANo.â€"TheM is every probabihty that Riels execution will be carried out on the 18th iast. Sir John, says, tuo law must take its course. 'â-  Me, Joseph EouLsroN of rWiUiams- ford, Ontario, has been few" the past few .weeks in Dundalk, introdaumg his new washing and wringing ttiachineand we understand he has met with great success, hiiving ap- iwmted five local agents wMeh are all doing well. Mr. Irish of tbe Dundalk sash and door factory is the sole manufacttlrDr for that patt of the couutiy. Ibss Eiire, l)iiaaiaiiSt^1l^fi^t^ Palls baa gone to visii fitoids in IfanitcAa, and ^peetb to retain in a month to rMiime bnnneM. i]ete1u»drtaien|1Si'*iiew Maiden and sr SawoT »jok8 jnj* rd^ ' *^- 244-57. iKiii«y«Ue i«9« tmii !«»%â-  muh Mr^ " " tQie-v pK^wtM of. tl9 lljwtdiil^ pjanaa Um tii«(«t^iH4 raise his baud fiOoeul* A mtekj, Bpe«k well for his t L fpri^ .,; ^.y. snd^'wife mw^eiiT livw t» HnsaB*) ComnHFTiw OoB«." BtM-hf- in laat we^i^^ v^tttt tbe liKaaffiBj A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of ShUoh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by A. Turner ' Co. X Upwabds of 200 lots of fall and winter dry goods are being, received and placed in stock by â- #;' J. Mc- Farland, These goods have been purchased by an experienoed buyer wJio visits tho European markets twice annually. Cash down has been paid for them in every instance.which will enable him to give his thousands of customers goods at lower prices than ever. " Come and see the new aeons. Following is a list of prices at which J, it. Trimble is selling goods for casli. only 18 lbs. Bright Sugar $1. 25 lbs. Currents §1. McDpnalds No. 1 chewiuf, Tobacco 40c. perlb. 25 lbs. Rice $1; Best Brier Tobacco 50e per lb; 3 ibs soda 10c; a choice Japan or Hys:n tea only 25c; 8 doz. close pins 10c; 2 papers plus 5o: 2 papers needles 5c; 1 barrel No. 1 Goderich Salt 75c; 5 gal. No. 1 coal oil $1, and all other goods clieaper tlianTTny other merchant can or will seU you tbcin, as I am boutid to sell. Ono trial will convince the most skeptical. For Dyspepsia mid LiveitiSSiplaint, you have a primed guatantee ou every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer, It never fails to cure. Sold by A. Turner Co, x Sociable, â€" The Social, at the Methodist Parsonage o»^-;^nday evening last was largely .attended and much enjoyed. The refreshments were just what sh(juld be at all socials, and we hope to see the principle carried' oUt throughout tlros328on, at similar gatheruigs,^ viz.j tea, coffee and bread and butter or, T^hit is termed "bread and butter" socials it Would save a lot of trouble and needless expeusei besides b^Hg much more wholesome than the rich pastry and other nick nacks usually served up. The social was given by Mrs. Casson, whose large heart and unselfish nature, together with genial disposition and rare basiness tact, renders tbo term "failure" an impossibility, in any moyement in which tha has the management. Proceeds $15. Why Will Yotj cough when Shiloh's Care will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and $1. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Fatal Field Fight.â€" On Sunday night last, five residents of this village left town and entered a field a short distance north of here, waylay'd a neighbor in such a cruel and vicious manner's s to cause the death of said neighbor before assistance came. Dr. Irwin was sent for, but he declined to hold a post mortem as the cause of the fiatal deed was unquestioned. The reason for the diabolical and blood- thirsty deed is a mystery, thoagh the villainons murderers are known, but we deem it unwise to expobo their names at present; yet, fearing the innocent might be wrengfuUy suspect- ed, we may say they were five village cows, and the unfortunate one was a COW" bebncfing ts Mr. Charlie Crow who resides a mile out of t own. The sparing no pains to accompli^ that .gxulty ones will doubtless go scat free end. See programs for particulars.-" â- â-  Admigsion 25 cents. On Thursday last, a son of Mr. Jas. Longhead, 4th line Euphrasia, aged about 10 years, fell from a butternut tree, where he had climed for butter- nuts, on his way home from school. He was picked up for dead but signs of life returned and Dr. MeBride was sent for who is in attendance and tha child is nsovering. TS^-Sms^jol baa on the popular plea of insanity Hyhenkal. â€" The constant rain on Wednesday did not prevent a happy event, which was arranged to come off and did take place â€" at the residence of the bride's uncle, G. S. Bowes, Esq., of this village. The coutcacting par- ties being Mbs LilUe Gol^ban, eldest Ughter of the late M. OiCobban, M. to Mr. Chas. M. Fre«|an, M. D., ik^^on, Mich. BBmatCaiDs â€" Miss Cobban of Milt(ni,^iit.;' Miss Gbooks- nfiamiitoo, PTB eokv* lof Silk pe wxeatb lAi Co^ tl front; rithlao*. Capiirisia Ceiiactt _^Le Council met purstiant to ad- jourumcnt on the 29t oC Angnst, *88 Afeinbcrs all present; Mmnies of laat " 1 ' of Council read and eonfirmed. Tie Ueeve and. Mr. Hnrd were authorized to take bonds fion B. Thompson and W. Stew»rt, £8q{s..ioc the building of the bridsea OTCtf BecT r Biver on tke valley road. Rodger fiow6cr antbonsed to ex- pend $26 improving road at K«rr'g hill, side line 21 and 22. Mr, Boyd was authoiiaed to mtkf repairs ou Qumton's hill. Mr. Sue^ herdxon and Mr. Boyd, iustmeted to get repaurs made on 24th and S5tli side lines, 9th and 10th conoesuona. Mr.Hurd authorized to let a job on 8rd hne on lot 2. The Clerk was ordered to advef: tise survey of nev? road to pass through lots 1, 2, and 3, con, 5. The Reeve. Deputy-Reeve, Mr. Boyd and the Clerk, were appointed a financial committee to ascertain the assets and liabilities of the Township with a view to the levying of the rates,- Said committee reported that 7 millb in the dollar of the assessed valuation ol the Township will be sof- ficieut to meet and cover interest on railway debentures, Sinking Fund to meet said debentures, county rates, school equivalent, roads and bridges, and all other expenses of the Town- ship, except schcol debentures and rates required by school trustees. Said report was accepted and ap. proved by council. By-law 850 to levy the I'ates for the' current year was carried through the differen stages and passed. By-law 351, appointing Jamea Strnthers, Esq., arbitrator on Uniori school business, was carried through t3ia different stages and passed. The Reeve's orders were issued oil the Tieasurer to pay as follows, vis,- John So well, $5, blasting rock on 27 th and 28th side road; Edward Fawcett, $3.95, work on Heatheote bridge-; George Emery, $32.50, to pay men for work on town Ime; A. H. McLean, §50, payment for land taken for road; George 'Vickers, Esqj $10, to pay for work on 27 and 28th side road: Robert Varey, $5.50, re- moving stone from 18th and 19th side Ime; George Craikshank, $6, work on Heatheote bridge; Henry Hurd, $5, to pay for work on Brd lino at lot 2; George Booth, $2.50, pro- tecting Heatheote bridge; Hugh Fer- guson, $4.50, work on town line Sti Vincent; Hamilton McLean, $^9,- work on 9th line at lot 28; Kobeft Conn, $16.90, gravelling 15th and 16th side line; Geo. ltichardsou,£sq, $4, repau-ing bridge 9th line; John Pritchard, $14, building culvert and ditching; Robert Drummoud, $58,50, covering crossway south line 2'7 28; Edward Manning, $4, repairing road scrapers. Council adjourned until the last Saturday in September next. ROBSBT DUNLO^; FLUID LIGHTNING, All sufferers from the terrible idnnenti Neurnlgia, can be mads happy in one moment by a single application of Fluid Lightning briskly rubbed ou painfal parts, and without using any disgustiiig mediuine day after da-y with little or nd result. Fluid tjightiiin|| alsd cures as effectually Toothache, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Headache, and is otily 25 cents per bottle at Hill Bro's. 1 " ' ... â-  Glenelg Coancll. ^t. Dbbssxs.â€" Br \SfMaii Satin with trio I to ooitespond. veih Brideanaii Pink Cfeepe wiH I freemao, enam i iQxnartaâ€"Dt. and. ' etown; Dr. uul] ..u4Mrs.fi0tt()ivl Gobban,.MoBt| e, Ayr; ]2i. ;Bev,].f^| pronte. It. P. .__jd,llc.,«id] eemap, I- Mr. and 1-Mrs. Town Hall Gleiielg, August 24th 1885. Council met thin -day pursuant to adjournment, all the members present, the Reeve in the chair, minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Moved by Mr. McCuaig, Seconded by Mr. McMillan, That James Mc- Vicar be paid $16, for repairing Bridge and filling dump at lot IS, con. 5, and Thomas Neil $10.50, for gravelling crossway at samo place. â€" Carried, Moved by Mr. McMillan, Seconded by Mr. McCuaig, That Angus Black be paid $3, for work on road at lot 41, con. 3, N. D R.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McMillian, Seconded by Mr. McCuaig, That B. H. Towns- end be paid $1, for advertising Court- of Revision. â€" ^Carried. Moved by Mr. McCuaig, Seconded by Mr. NeU, That the Council of Egremont be requested to grant an equivalent to 23 days Statute Labor performed by Glenelg, opposite lots 12 to 23, inclusive on Townliue. between Egremont and Glenelg. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Neil, Seconded by Mr. Dunsmore, That the arrears of; taxes against E^ of lot 3, on the Soutb Side of Mill St. Markdale for 1884, be struck off the Roll, the same having been an error in assessment. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Dunsmore, Seconded by Mr. Neil, That $5, bo granted to Robert Bell as charity, the money to be placed in the hands of James Whitmore for expenditure. â€" Carried.. Moved by Mr. McMiUan, Seconded^ by Mr. Dunsmore, That collectors be appomted to collect all municipal rates for the year 1885, as follows viz.. Ward No. 1, Thos. McGirr at $26, Ward No. 2, W. H. Arrowsmith at $25, Ward No. 8, Thos. Cook at f SO, Ward No. 4, John Hunt at $2fi. andt that they be required to exeeoia Satisfactory Bonds, on or before the asitb September next, and that a By- law be' uitredoMd said appointment. â€" Carried. By-hMT No. 288 levyiog rates, mai By-^w No. 284 appointing coUcotots was tiien introduced and read a first and second time. Council went into Committee of the whole on san|«^ The Reeve in the chau:. Committee rose. Council resumed. Moved by Mr. McMillan, Seconded by Mr. McCuaig, That By-lavs No's. 288 284 as filled op in Committee be now read a third time. Signed, Sealed, and engrossed on the minateii.. --Carried. ' By-laws read acoardingiy, Cooncil ^onrnei to Sostember, 28Ui at 10 H1 I eve 1 £ss. siX^ii^i â- â€¢ -iii ot; J.' f^iis*d fcjif.-jft -•j.cTt' tpni ' y SDK' vt !.xi 0, 3* .id^bJiLdtt^a^aatfiiaMiiiidiUiiiHiH d^^tt^Miiiifilliliii 'i«*»; liiMii

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