Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Nov 1890, p. 1

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 Tf^-^ â-  .%â-  V j^ ..^ ' iMcGullougli Young, BANKERS. MAUKDALE, 02sT. Xote^ fli.c-'nntc I 1 iyoi-iu received and •. -i-.-i v.l.o--"' •â- â-  C^:i-jctioiid made and lerKatS G. typ.. |i AUoS; ilTttu ii-sufl ou all IK)-'!;* cl the Dominion aiid fuiitd SU'ti's. i'rivaii- niiJ Cf.mpaiiy tiuuis to loan bt low ra:. "" '^^^ ^^^'" pr'l"-rt.v. •.v.j,,yoUN'G, Macat^er. [jusiness Qai^ds. 1 xi:r^. ~l'l'.nri.i.; .v.- !j;o, J J I'ln-sicians. Sur- j-.r,;;.. A".::'-iif r.^. itf:. ){Vir.*.ri â€" Ir. Sproulp, .n i ;iii.r' I'l'ir Sr'.i**; Ir. Plgo, in Dr. H, ...)..-•-- f" siMi 1. Mat!i..,v-. Week, wliere all fd.!-. 'l:i- "r ni"tit, v.-ill l.e jtrrjinptly attended t„. 1, r- .SIB..I-I.K. il.Ii. A- i;(iO.,M.D.,A-c. .-11. r:i-i,l,iii-f;H, ll.trri.-ter. Solicit"r, tV-c. »\. r M.;l'urlan.i's ...tire. Markdale. nndl_^„ tandAaii^ nd.k.;;^ O. Sonat, Hound. Sonnd. Edge HO. )wcn Soiiij, urham. Judije LaaiL J I;. I.r. AS, li-iul-tf.r., ,ie.., of III.- t.riii '.f ll.^li'.p .V I. t-i-. (l*'-n S.fliiid, „; .:11.:. ..f '.v'lii.' V '•• '-virr. Friday. \\ i;i J.ii'-H- III ci.-.irt.'i- ' cliiL-*. iluiiiit' wt't'k .-til! ;. trut iiiutl- rn \.;11 ri-c. ive promi.t iitt. fili'.ii. ^\ 'M. l.l'.iiV.N. rn.L-ii.ii â- . urt fl.rk, l5 li. r I ' ..i-triiiit-'i- l.i'j^ii-' ^, •:i.. '.imiiii...- .-i :• I .1 J' ii-,.,V' • â- .iiivi.y:inciii;j id ail it Mifrii. iinitiy uUi-:id«-i to aii.l careftilly ' r.. M ri. V ij) I.i 11 1 cMi K-al K-t:il.. T 'â- â- I. .SlJAl;!. Kniu ;ii.KV, \V la.-urri.f Mariiaac- I .,..,,-. ,,. M.i y ti.I.i.iiii ..II. Ill al ".^lal^ at ]i,.,^. .\ ii'v. ijiriu- f..r iial'.-. Turma f :â-  MAj.-iiiAI.I.. M.r -..|i.l).S..I..Ii.S. ,f |...|.li.-t, fiii.I.ii.t.. .; 1 ..;,.;, t.. S.-li..'.! I. f 1'.. It;, ti.v, will i... .^1 il... :.i..T... .;..!. i â- â- .-.. ^l..I....â- ..l. nil till. !;r-tit;ii tiuM '.â- . ':..".;..:. •! â- â- â- ;â- :. •i,..iiii.,iiiia.i;.i.i.t Jl.„ :... :! • ... ,.. i:..|i.Ili.- .Iiiy I. ' .::. 11... II.. ..; .1.. I ... ...v' • .1 Hi 1N..1- -.-. ..1 1.1- ,„•:. I.. i -.1.., c .-i;. ii-tc â-  M i r-^i. i N iiiTton. â-  ' •worth. â-  ..,,, -I. V i-..(ifi.ifiti !â- ; I'luti.'ttiu • O And 7 p^ and T p » i'Ti».v ord*i« "w. TheP III ii to 9:3«. lil.' arrivft. M. »â- - at ' ' .Lv TQ. mod f ii(*umbeDt. 111. Superin- i.iiiugs at I M/'i iiii; -;ai 1' I...- -S .. ai.. c.-i. 1. N. 1.. II.' ...V. â- â- â- ; I â-  :.! I.' ~...!.-i.-i.|. ui.i I. ... â-  ..; i â-  i.l. I'.i liirtiii.r a (ir liv I.'iti r ).M I'Jll If t.i J. .-^. 1. .11 i.. I'.lli. 1.1 I' l Al;i,li,\' !. Ill" -^X. J K ':.::-ii. â-  I' J \l., .1:;! â-  .::[ "m.^V I,. ..'i-r. |i..-, ^...ii-r-i-. 1 .»-.- mil WilK Jr.t'.vu ii;. II. I *v ;uiili.ii.- I'll.;. "11 -(...It. .-I ni.ti..... ;â- . J. ,. 1 .- {â- â- â- â- â- - '.;â- ; A I II. -I r lii.iiii... M I. 1 " .iinl â- :':,.'â- - :. I-'.. ...1 ..11. \\- .. i.ii .-Ai:]..-;. l.i.::l. r. (â- ..ii!iu.:l..r. Can:^;'aL.S.TraRsllGo's â- i -IMM On'cn J ;â- :.â- /; la.::.' oaull Sic. M.:/ic. .P.-,3, n.:cr and I^iist TreiS"-!- Line, w"^:- '" I '-:•â- :.: :?' M.;,!'.- " 'â-  'â- ' 'â- '..' â- ' I "â- â- â- ' ' 'â- â- â- ' M,ii ' â- :â- â- â- ,„.-: â- !' uii i:i.- ;â-  till' I.. .; '• \,\\ r I. VM) .-." t.i ' 'â- .. â- ! iEttrkuale i5timar "HEW TO THK LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY." ELEVEISTtH YEAR.-Xo. 533. MAEKDAUB, THUBSDAT, STOYXMBEB 27, 1890. C. W. BUTLiEDGE, Proprietor New Stock We have jast received oar large and varied winter stock of all lines, Grand assortment of WATCHES. Newest patterns in CHAINS. Big variety in CHARMS. Beautiful designs in BROOCHES. tilings iu Cuff-Buttons. Bbine- stone and Brilliant SHIRT-STUDS. Ciiristmas noTelties in CLOCKS. Fanciest d'e.'-igus m SILVE R WARE I *15;'st va'ne in I MLL. I S.-o iini- $- l.j S'.lil GuKl Gem i Uii'Us, iuavv. Exlrn vnlue, I'liiiu hikI LimiLoub Aliiiin Cli cks. i iJi;; Slock. I i^'i-'Ciia' atttu!;on \mCi to Wa'cli j rejmiring at BREADKERCiSSONi i Prac laical Jewellers i Local and Other Items. Notices in the$e columns intended to benejtt any individual or Society will be charged ten centM a line for the firat intertion and five eentt a line each Bub- t insertion. NOTICE. â€" Corresj, ^ejice, communica- tions,. Adcertisementg, d'c,, must be in this office hy noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. N'lime. ... ilv lo C. |. I 1 1 ' 1 Il-h. ...^1 i 1.1 !,... "â-  ,.' ' '*â- â- """ '"â- '"â-  'â- â- '"'â-  J(. â- . ^â- I'-.CT.VIiT:, â- â- ' fta e^try H... .. 1 1- 1,,.:- i.:],j \V.!-. u's Willi kintlieir ' â-  lirCtiuCB 11 .. 1 ;â-  .: i ' i ii. \va-..,.'..i Wii.i ineeta in )l,i.. â- . 'r.i. 'i;t; ;â-  I'll,. Wil.-.-,,,--; Willi itJteraate c:.. I' .:i.i» from ll â-  1' v.. ... ' lin-:. \.'r -.i.'sWIU illt'd. 'â- . i- ill their u... .\ -1 i.i ' â- ,:-. V,-.;. i' WiM .-n each h. :l Itiakelf. ll.l-. ... II' u AVi ' rr iiitl,-! I'liil? T.iU' Wi'.-i.n-.- N... i-iS. 'n.. 1' â-  ::, 1 1. :.: I' i: .:â-  nil ,li.s..|i-|.s if I.. O. J.. III. 'I. 1 h .-.i nil. I :.'lii,-s. K.i;il_l.j- nil .. Brodia -.â€" QUIRES O h FOR rfS 20c. GOOD Q vvHITK (/) Z ft h NOTE PAPEl R AT ndia^Tea ClURAHTaDABOUJTayPllU MNMurunneDoiiTiiC Cmoekm India THE GEO^WEBS AND BLENDEES OP RAM LAL'S TEAS ask you to give them a fair trial for the following reasons :. 1st. They arc absolutely pure. 2nd. They are gro-wm and prepared on the estate by the most skilled labor and improved machinery that money can buy, whereas China Teas are picked and carried by natives long distances before being made ready for the market. 3rd Earn Lai's is a blend of Thi^ge Teas grown and prepared especially for this brand. "Will always be the same flavor, to-day to ten years hence. 4th. Tis cheap only Fifty Cents for a pound package which v/ill go as far as two pounds of China- or Japan Teas. Wiicn giving Kani Lai's a trial, if tho first cup does not strike your palate, try a si'cotul one «o,tJier tliiiii tlic first. After ujins a ponnd yon will only lUiiik Uiiui Lai's Pure Intlian Tea from bencefortli. Fov ..lalo by W. J. McFARLAND. Wo liavo a] poinltd W. J. McFaiiand, Esq., 'Lurdiaut, Markilale,our sole and exclusive au'eut in Coislre (irey for the sale of our celebrated Hum Lai's Teas. CALctriTa, June I, 1890. THE HAH LAL'S TSA CO. November 27. Variei weather. M1SEBAB1.E roads. Four weeks until Christmas. Wood is gettiug scarce in town. McGiNTY may be seen embalmed at Turner's drug store. Two excellent farms near Goring^ Euphrasia, for sale. See adv. Rev. ITe. Lege.r. of Durham, preached two able sermons in the Methodis church last Sunday. Bbeaones k Casson liave their an- nouncement of fall and winter stock this week. Read it carefully. Notice. â€" .411 parties still indebted to me will settle the same with Mr. Walter Turner at once. W. J. Mauley. Wa.nted â€" A good active mare, three or four years old, about 1,100 lbs., for which cash will lie paid. Must be sound. Hugli Baird, Traverston. Any quautity of good^ sound maple loKs wauted, also birch, soft elm and hlack asli, for which cash will be paid. Hugh Baird, Traver.ston. The annual meeting of the Ontario llracch of the Dominion .Mliancc will be held iu Riclmioud Hall, Toronto, on the nth and IJtli of December. Those fonrteeu days of grace are up. All deliuijucuts after the 3rG of Decem- ber next will not only have to pay their taxes but may have to pay costs also. John Whitby, collector. j\Ir.-C. a. .Johnston, who had the mis- fortune to get burned out some mouths ago. has re-built a commodious building iuteuded for bakery and dwelling, and has moved into his new quarters. Last Warning. â€" All parties indebted to Dr. (iiniby and Dr. McBride arc here- by notitied to call and pay their accounts or notes within 8 days to W. L, Young or tlipy v.ill he put in court for collec- tion. W. L. Young, XoiicK TO Farmers. â€" All persons delivcrini; grain at the Markdale eleva- tors are bcriiby notitied that uncieaned grain will not l-e received. All grain must be jiroi crlv (.-leaiicil in f-iturc- W. .1. Mc'Farh'.nd and S. Hdl. A mkktim; of Mai-kdaie cheese fai'toiy is hereby cahcd lor *2 o'clock on Wed- nesday the JSrd December, to \\ind up the business of the Patrons will r'Ci'i-.-c liaiik checks, which in itself is suliiciciit cause to expect a full attend- ance. We notice in the Winnipeg Daily Tribune of tlie ITitli iust. a .scathing letter from -Mr. W, F. Doll, wh-jlesale jeweller of that city, iu reference to the autocratic and overbearing, if not dis- honest, conduct of the customs oCHcials of that city. Mr. Wm. Heath, of Artemesia, a few miles out of Markdale, has built a com- fortable and substantial brick house this season, and is now as cosy as you jilcase in the same. The Standard wishes he and family an abuudaDCc of comfort in his new residence. The Provincial Provident Institution of St. Thomas lias had a very successful year and satisf.T,ctory to the members. There has been only five assessments for the year 1890, making a total cost to metuliers of 3ri years ot age ou Sl.OOO policy, including dues, of $7.30. -AfcTioN S.vtE. â€" At 1 o'clock on Tues- dav the '.iiid- Dtc, at 1-jt 123, ecu. 1, Artemesia, Orange Valley. Ilorse^, cults, cattle, shceii, implements, and a (jiiaiitity of hay. No reserve. See bills for further details. Joseph Gibson, proprietor. Geo. Noble, auctioneer. There will he a song service in the Methodist church next Sunday evening. The choir is now large and contains good talent, which is being well developed under theleadership of Mr. W. .4. Brown and a rich treat may be expected. A silver collection will be takeu up to fnrmah the choir with necessary music bookst Mr. Thomas McNea has replaced the verandah in front of his residence, which he recently removed, with a substantial brick couscrvatory, and had the wood work of the outside of the house re- painted, which has altogether made a vast improvement in the appearance of this palatial residence. Mrs. Mc. will now be able to arrange her magnificent collection of house plants to perfection. At a meeting of the program commit- tee of the Fortnightly Club of the Mechanics* Institute a suitable program was arranged for Friday evening. Nov. 28th, the main feature of which will be a'debate, "Moved that capital punish- ment sbonld be abolished," with Mr. W. A. Brown as leader of the affirmative and Mr. Wm. Brown leader of the nega tive. There will also be music, readings and recitations. It will be open to all members of the Institute. The November number of The Home- stead, a literary aud domeotio monthly published by Davis BToe.,SaTamiah,Ga., II. S. A., li now ready. It oontains forty large pages of original stories, sketches, poems, essays, Ac. Its household depart- ment, handsomely illustrated fashion pages, children's Corner, select music, and premium list, tojestlier -with its com- plete and serial storiea, make the inbh- cation eagerly sought by people of all nationaHt'i*^ and nectiona. There is not one line in its colnnuu that will offend delicate tastes, and the matter throuKh- ont is carefully freed from sensatioBal e^eta. The sntoo^tiOD peine, imiike the coatly in«giiinB«, Jaanly^fl p« jear. Setad te aaaqpte edfy, tae. DitviiBiaa, O.A.A. MiBKDti.K cheese factory aold and shipped its last lot of cbeeae last ireek. Mb. CoRNETT has finished preasiiighajr for Lucas A Mercer on the Jaa. Meioer lann,-having pressed 62 tons. A1.BX111UN AiiiBE«s, of 'WianipeK, together with his wife, were drowned on Saturday- night last while akatingon Hub Assinniboin river in that city. At the literary entertainment on Fri- day evening none will he admitted but members of the Institute with their family. Now is the time to join. This ringing of the hell on the new school was first heard at 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning. School 'will open in the three departments at 1 o'clock on Monday next. Ma. WiLLUM .AsMSTBoya, of the snburb8,is erecting a fine residence. The building was commenced less than a month ago and is now closed in and roofed. It is his intention to remove, or pull down the old house next spring, build a foundation on same site and move the new building â€" which stands on temporary sleepers alonr side â€" on to the stone foundation and yeneer it 'with biick. This will be an ornament to the south-west end of the villape. Makkoai.k's new school building will be formally opened at 10 o'clock on Monday next. The school flag is to be hoist«d and the bell -will toll at 9:80, annonncing the auspicious event. Messrs N. W. Campbell, Inspector of Public Schools for South Grey Dr. Spnrale, M. P. W. J. McFarlaud, Beeve, and others are expected to deliver short addresses, and the citizens of the sec- tion, old and young, male and female, are inyitcd, and expected to he present ia large numbers. DisTBicT Depnty Grand Master Mc- Lanchlan, of Owen Sonnd, paid Mark- dale Lodge, A. O. U. W. an official visit last Monday evening, and after inspect- iu the books of the Financier and Recorder, and scmtenizing the workinp of the lodge generally pronounced it in every, way satisfactory, and highly creditable to the office bearers. Mr. Mc. is a thorough practical official and a visit from him cannot fail to enthuse the members in their noble work. Cup This. â€" The Canada Permanent Loan Co. requests me to announce to their customers iu Artemesia, Glenelg, Euphrasia and Holland who desire an extension of their loans or those wanting new loans at lowest rates of interest, that thoy cr.n haye their business transacted promptly and confider.tially by calling ou me at my residence, opposite Dr. Sproule's mansion, Markdale. John Whitby, appraiser. Farms to sell or rent, also. CosiDERABLE misunderstanding ap- pears to exist regarding the necessity for the issue by a municipality of a Financial Statement in December and also an Auditor's Report shortly after. A number, of our exchanges some time ago stated that a bill had been passed substituting the December Statement for the Auditor's report this is not the case. It is true a bill was brought for- ward for that purpose but it did not be- come law. On seeing the report on the change of the law and not finding any- thing of it in the Statutes an exchange wrote to the Provincial Secretary on the matter and ascertained that neither the December .Statement nor the Auditor's Report can be omitted; both must be published. .Since the meeting of the General Con- ference in Montreal last September, the Methodist Book and Publishing House makes another stride forward in its popular periodicals. A new paper for voong people,, with the progressive name "Onward, "an eight-page, well-illustrated weekly, is issued at the low price of GO cents a year, singly â€" over .5 copies, 50 cents a year. It is edited by the Rev. Dr. Withrow, whose management of the' Methodist Magazine and Sunday-school periodicals of the Methodist Church has been so successful. The popular Methodist Magazine ($2 .00 per annum) aud the Sunday School Banner (60 cents per annum) will also be considerably enlarged and improved. The Bev. Wil- liam Briggs, Toronto, is the publisher of these periodicals. Parlor Social. â€" The English Church rectory in Markdale is a substantial brick building conyeniently designed and well finished. Rev. Horace E. Bray, the Incuinbent, is but recently married and is the first occupant of this cosy residence. The first parlor social of the season, under the auspices of Christ Church Ladies' Aid was held last Friday evening in the rectjry and was qtiite successful notwithstanding the bad state of the roads. A short program was ably rendered during the evening, the most prominent feature of which was a bnr- lesque tableau, depicted in some six or seven scenes. The company was very sociable and the Incumbent and his good lady were highly snccessful in their efforts to render the gathermg interest- ing, entertaining and pleasant to all. Messrs. Wm. Lucas k H. Mercer, of this village, had a little experience in farming this aeasou, the results of which may be interesting to our readers. They kept a strict acconnt of every item of both receipts and expenditure ao that they know â€" or will know as soon as their hay is disposed of which they have had pressed recently â€" ^what profit or loss there is in the experiment. They rented a farm of lOOaeres adjoiniiiR the village corporation, 70 acres of which was under cnltiyation. The rent was 6i per cent interest on the value of the farm, making over 1200. They paid oat, for seed, labor, rent, taxes, Ac., ahoot 000 and wiU have abont •100 pnitt. This is small indeed tH tbafMnec who does his woik laqtely iritUa hii own tamily 'would says tuaiHwMy aaon. The profits firom farming svsn .fliis faraaUe year an indaad aa^ Boi^' tsriMi jsilii o* tmum mOMd mSSm Ijr Tiitaik Ohw Fbdii growers and gardeners will find in the Canadian Hotticolturist abeanti- tnl monthly magazine, deyoted to their interests. Being poUished by the Ontario Fruit Orewers' Association, nnder government patronage it is con- ducted wholly in tho interests of the brmer and fruit grower. Its object is to give information suitable to each month on the grovring of small fruit, the management of the orchard, the vine- yard, the flower garden and lawn. Special attention is given to the crop prospects and the reports of market prices in our best markets for fruit and vegetables. It is proposed, in ' fruit season, to sent out a weekly market bulletin tree to suhscriters. It also aims at exposing any frauds in the line of fimit trees and plants. The magazine is fully illustrated with colored plates and engravings, and, when the year's num- bers are bound in one, makes a beautiful book for the parlor table. This journal for one year, together with the report of the Ontario F. Q. Association and a choice of plant for testing, all for one dollar. A special discount is made to anyone getting up a club. L. Woolver- ton, Grimsby, Ont., is editor of the jonrnal, and secretary of the Association. SOCIAL and PERSONAL. Miss HcNea returned from Demill College, Oshawa, on Tuesday. Mr. Kdgar Butledge left on Wednes- day for Fort William, there to winter. Miss Shields, of Dnndalk, spent Sun- day last with her many friends in Markdale. Mb. Sah. Huaass has been nominated for the Commons by the North Victoria Conservatiyes. Miss Mary McCullough, of George town, is ti guest of her cousin, P. Mc- Cullough, barrister. Mr. W. A. Dorrington has accepted a situation in the Alton foundry and left town for that place. W. A. was very popular in Markdale, aud his rsire vocal musical talents much appreciated by our people. Sorry to loose such gifted and worthy citizens. BUSINESS LOCALS. Hose are away down, at Mercer's. OvEBGOATs for men and boys, cheap, at Mercer's. Wheh you want to get up a Soiree (^ on Wade, the baker, for supplies. WooLT, Warm and Cheap â€" those Blankets, at Mercer's. The best and cheapest cook and parlor stoves in town at Trelford's hardware. .Old Iron wanted at Markdale Stove Foundry iu exchange for cash. Spnranta and weaving done on short notice at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mats. The cheapest and best place to buy Caps is at Mercer's. Men's Caps from 25c. up. Wool wauted at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mills in exchange for cash or goods. CasB Bnyers can save money by buy- ing their Boots, Shoes, Bobbers, Ac. from Mercer. Ah endless variety of yams in all shades and colors at M. E. Douglass' fancy goods store. Choppiho every working day at Barr- head Mills. Six cents per hundred. P Cairns, manager. 88 Have you seen M. E. Douglass' stock of boots, shoes, rubbers and overshoes If not you 'ought to before purchasing. Axes that are axes, don't bny wedges from dealers who don't care what they sell you. Go to Haskett Bros, and s;6t the Oshawa Axe, Go to Jackson for fanning mills, turnip cutters and grain crushers. Turnip cut- ters run easy, cost little and cut two bushels per minute. Afteb ten years experience in hand- ling Disten's X-cut Saw we are convinced they are the best goods in the world. The genmne article is only to be had at Haskett Bros. Pasties having potatoes to dispose of shotdd call and see R. B. Currie before bringing them to market as he wishes to arrange so as to load them right on the ears next week. JcsT abbived. â€" Breadner k Casson have this week receiyed then: large winter stock of Watches, Chains, Jewelbt, Silvebwabe, etc. An inspec- tion will be well repaid^ Wbokveb buys fifty cents worth of Hayell's Baking Powder at Butledge's grocery store and puts their name opposite the lucky number gets the .^Empress" sewing machine. R. McNallt, the carriage maker, is prepared to supply the public with winter vehicles, light or heavy, tony or plain, of the latest designs and best quality.. Call aud examine for yourself Air excellent variety of ladies* and gentlemen's calling cards at the Stam- UABu office, also memorial cards, blank notes and receipts, dce-bilis, kc. If we haven't just what you want we can fill your order promptly. Stovss, Stoves, Stoves â€" We haye on hand some new and beautiful designs in cook and parlor stoyes from old and rsBable makers beyond doubt the best goods offered in Markdale. Do not bny mitil yon inspect our stock, Haskett Bros. SuBscuraom taken at the Stahdabd sAoe for the folknriuv papers, any of wfaidi wiU be sent to the end c( 1891for •1, vis: 'loronto Weekly HaU with Fann and Fireside; Olobe; Empire; Haws; Koatnsl Fsmily Hwaid; Lon- 4sa Advertiser, and The Caoadiaa Live Stsck aad Farm JooznaL Band in j^onr tabaer^MMs aad sav* yo slaff .- W«tnB (niettraBSl DISTRICT DOTS. The Severe Hotel, Tbornbnry, has changed hands. Mr. Thos. Low is now tho proprietor. Frieeville A. O. U. Vf. has secnred comfortable quarters for a lodge room in Atkinson's HaU. Mr. D. McDonald Las beon re-en- gaged as principal of frieeville pablic school ai^ Miss Boss as assistant. A by-law for a bonus of $10,000 to. MoSst A Sons is to be voted on in Meaford on ths 17th of December. Flesherton Station people want Sunday religious services and are look- ing to Flesherton Metbodifts fur a supply. Tara cqnncil has passed a resolution against submitting a by-law for the purpose of granting a bonus for a branch railway to Owen Sound. Progressive Markdale is to be con- gratulated on a handsome new ssliool. It is to be opeted with ceremony on -December 1. â€" 0. S. Advertiser, Conductor Wm. Haesard, one of the most popular of the C. P. B. ticket punchers, joined the armj of benedicts last Thursday. A Toronto lady is now the bettor half. A fire in Brussels on SaturdiLy last reduced to ashes the American Hotel aud the general stores of A. B. Smith, A. Strachan aud J. G. Skene. Loss $19,000. Insurance $14,000. Messrs. Murphy, Gates A Co., saw mill men of Owen Sound, have purchased a 22,000 acre timber limit at Lyons Head and vrill fetch the logs lo 0. S. to be converted into lumber. Mr. L. H. Alexander, M. A., has placed hie resignation in the bauds of the Board of Education at Owen Sound. He takes a preparatory course for a professorship in a Theol-jgical College. Engineer Kyle, who was killed two weeks ago near Owen Sound was a member of the A. 0. U. W. and of the Sick Benefit Society of tho same Order and thus provided his wife to the amount oi $8,200. The Toronto News has been greatly improved in appcarauce by a new dress. The Toronto type foundry is turning out a very creditable class of matenaland should be encouraged by Canadians by a hearty patronage. The Hanover Board of Trade favors an application for a charter for a rail- way to be constructed from Markdale via Durham, Allan Park, Hanover and Walkerton to Inverhnroii, Tiverton and other points on the western coast of Brnoe.^Chesley Enterprise, The Owen Sound Evening Times Euggests the commandable idea of the organization of a society ^similar to "The York Pioneers" to be known as the "Grey Pioneers," for the purpose of gathering and preserving interesting experiences and records of pioneer life. Killed. â€" Mr. John Boland. of Cal- edon East, was kiiind on Saturday last by falling off a lorry. He was in the employ of the Canadian Pacific B:ul- way. The deceased is a brother to Mrs, Andrew Jelly, of Shelburue, and father-in-law of Mr. Jas. Timney, of this place. Mr^Liolaud was a member of the AncienfTlrder of Workmen. â€" Shelburne Free Press. Cattle Killed. â€" Mr. Joseph Black of Proton lost several head of cattle last week in rather an uuusaal man- ner. Seven head of cattle were stand- ing underneath a large straw stack, that had been built up on some high posts, that it appears were not very secure. The stack swayed and fell, crushing four of the cattle to death. Three were dug out, the other had not been reached when We hst heard. I'he loss to Mr. Black must be qon- sideraHe.^ â€" Dandaik HeraU,, A SOUKCE OP JOT. DEAR SIUS, â€" My younp sisters were at- tacked liy rrimji o Imilly that we almost despa-red aud Jiad litllu liojie of curing them. At last we applied Hagj-ard's Yellow Oil and to our great jny it cured them perfectly, and they now enjoy the blessinR of perfect liealth. Annie Johnston, Dalbousie, N. U. Prompt, Potent and rermanent results al- ways come from the u-se of Milburu'a Arom- atis Quinine Wine. PABIBIAV BAXJf A delJKlitfu] jierfume prepared for .Chapped Hands, Cracked Lips and liougbuces of the akin. Only 2.5 c at all druggists. I. W. S, Indian*ii Balm, the most wonderful discovery of the age. Ask or send for circular to W. Turner A- Co., agents, Markilale. 37 1iMtli KM'm. â- â- Himllit'ii The Hunt Club. Passing tlirougli Mutre's swamp the other day strange ethereal soundsgrect* ed us. With the alertness of the vigilant "Cyclone' we listened and down through the sighmg of the poplars silvery leaves, and through the cone crowned balsam's laky green came distinctly murmurcdwhisperings say- ing welcome tfaon art a sportsman good and true, but thy neighbors who claim the proud destiuction of belouging to the Markdale Hunt Club are well enough in their Dwn "epears." But looking upon them as we did from our dreamy, dizzy heighls you would know that the reason why they did not take home any game was because Lucas could not see anything, McFarland could not hear anything, Jackson could not shoot anything if he did see it aud Currie bad no gun â€" only â- â€¢Cyclone." WHEN weakness. lou of apetite, lack of enerf^ and other iTmptoms.'of dya- pepna appear, it ia high time Burdock Blood Bitten was made nse of. There ia notninfc "JDst as good." It ia B, B. B. that cures dyapepaia, to be tan yoa get it. Come one, e-ime all. Both gregt and small Tit Haxyaid • TeOow Oil, It stopa the paina 01 wonads or â- prainf That rest and comtet spdL Holland Council. Holland Centre, Not. 12, 1890. Holland conhcil met •( Holland Centre on above date for the transac- tion of jwnship busmess. Ueevo ia the chair. Present, all the members. The minutes of meeting held 00 Oct. 8th, was read, approved and signed. Communications were then read as follows â€" From Co, Treasurer stating he had withdrawn N. pa; of S. W. part lot 23, con. 5, from sale acoording to instmctious from council. From J. S. Dignam, Toronto, concerning statute labor tax for 1887-8 9 on lot 80, con- 1, E. T. tt S. B. From H. O'Hara, 'I'oronto, re purchase of debentures. Shuts â€" Hosier â€" That the communi- cation from Mr. Parker in regard to the N. partot S. W.part of lot 23, con. 5, Holland, be filed with the clerk. â€" Carried. Shnteâ€" Hamptonâ€" That the Clerk notify Mr. Dignam that he will have to settle with the Co. Treasurer, then tho cnuucil will do what is right in tho matter.â€" Carried, Hampton â€" Qalbraith â€" That this council grant an order to A. Scott for $4, extras on bridge on town lino Hol- land and Sydenham. â€" Carried. Fosterâ€" Shute â€" That we grant an order to Wm. Bankin for $1 as Hol- land's share for building approaches to bridge on town line Hollaud and Sydenham. â€" Carried. Galbraith â€" Hampton â€" That Henry S. Berlet get an order for 70c. as taxes overpaid m error on assessment roll. â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Hampton â€" That James Galbraith refund $1.50 as money over drawn on an order for A. Scott on town line- Hollaud and Sydenham. â€" Carried. Shute â€" Foster-^That Jno Marquis get an order lor $8 for load work performed in 1890 ns per certifijate of pathmaster, Mr. David Jackson. â€" Carried, Mi. Joseph ICohler applied to the council for pay for sheep killed la.t August by dogs. -After some discus- sion on the matter it was left over till next meeting of council. Foster â€" Shute â€" That the commis- sioner for No. 1 Division get a bridge built over the Eiyer Spey nn Toronto line before tlie Ist day of July, 1891. â€"Carried. Hampton â€" Foster â€" That we grant orders to the Beeve and Clerk for $8 aud $4 respectively, for the selection of Jurors. â€" Carried. Shute â€" Hampton â€" That Jas. Lyons get an Older for ^1.13 for pei-formed lu ISOOAr-Carne.i. The council then ydjourucd till Monday, December IdTu. James P. Habe, Clerk. The Ne'w Dog-tax La'w. As the new Dog-tax law comes into force on January iBt, lti91, it may not be out of place to refer briefly to the lilw generally. Ever since IPCS the statues of Ontario have provided -that a dog-tax shall be levied an- nually in every municipaUty in tho Province, unless the County Council passed a by-law doing, away with the tax. Even shnuld the County Council dispense widi the tax the Town-hip Council was empowcreil, by the same statute, to restore it. Iu our own County the County Council of IBG'J passed a by-law doing away with the tax all over the couuty. 'i'his was during tbeWaidenshio of Mr. (now Judge) Lane, and tlie by-law is dated January 30th, ISGt).* Some of the townships immediately passed by-laws restor- ing the tax, but as their working was claimed to be unsatisfactory most, perhaps all, of them have been repealed. The County By- law, however, has never been repealed aud is still in operation unless where over -ridden by a township bv law; The new law, however, does away with the County Cocncil liy-law altogether and li aves the whole matter to the township councils. The new law is thi.i, namely, that iu every municipality iu Ontariu a dog-tax must be levied aud collected, urifr^^g â€" mark the word unle-3â€" '2-5 ratepayers shall petition against it, iu which case tue township council may â€" or may not, it would seem, if tbey think proper â€" pass a by law doing away witli the tax. But unless the petitrou is pre- sented the Council. lia-,-e no option but to go on aud collect the tax, namely, 41 for a dug an-l ll"2 for a bitch. Tne new law, a^ already stated, comes into force on January ist, 1B91. All this has a bearing ou a case at present iiefore the Holland. Council. A farm- er-ol that toivn^liip bad a number of sli-jep killed by dogo some time ago. Having fiiiled to discover the owner of. the dogs he billed the Council with two-tbirds of the value of the sheep." It seems quite clear that be cannot loj-'ally collect auyibing. for the simple reason that the Couuty by law doing .away with the tax is in force in £]olla*ud, and there is consequently no dog-tax found in that township. It may be addeil thit if any municipality w-isbos to do away with the J,og- tax the 2o ratepayers af-jrc-aid should pre- sent their petition and the Council should pass the necessary by-laT before the Assessor starts out, for in the absence of the by-law that official is bound to enter the dogs on big roll. It is hkely that most of the rural Councils will pass the by law if the necessary petilion is presented, for, as already stated the dog-tax law didn't give satisfaction before, for the oouacils bad to pay for many a sheep that died, not from the worrying of dogs, but from simple starvation. A good man^ people think the di gs should be taxed irre- spective of the sheep question altogether, and that the township treasuries shoald get the sole benefit of- the fund and certainly it woulln't h*^ a bad idea to have wime law in opeiatiou that would tenJ to do away with some of the useless earl with which the oonntry ia now overrun. â€" Chataworth cor. iu 0. 8. 'Tiser. A ftenenl bankinR -basiucca- transacted. Drafts iasned and coUt-ctiona nude en j*]] points. Depocits received and interest allowed. " Aasarss: txbkoesohs basx. Private fond^ to lend on farm mortgages at lowest rates. lereWeire, SWG AS A BUG ON A RUG. STILL LEADING IX LlOW PKICES. Chcapcot store m the Cuunlv of irey to buy BOTS SIIOKS. " We have the finest stock to choose from in the town. Gome in ani see our stock of Rubbers and Socks. You will save money by getting them frora us. It is the talk of the towi: aud for miles around about Benson's Long Boots. At till! tbreshiug macliiuo tliC mm stretch themselves after paitakii:;; i.l a good cup of TEA puichaM.-.l at Benson's, then smoke their Tobacco, and each one tell of the bargnius at the "Belfast House, " thoy all naree lo go thcic. Even at the qniUiiig bees, the women speak of the nice ttcck of Mes' Boots* Shoes to be ha'J. .aud. so cheap, 20 per cent, below other stores, nml £o it is my good peopla with every tU:u" oho we liaualo. We don't want t!io wlmlo world, we are satisfied with siiial! profits and quick returns. Fresh Oysters, Finnaii Ilmldie, Craoberries, Dighy Chicken, Liilniidor Herring, Boneless Codlisii, \ow l-'i"s. New Dats, and a new purler stoAe lur sale cheap. BENSON'S BELFAS'T HOUSE, Whole sale and lletuil.' "GOLDSMITH'S HALL" with extensive assortra.'^iit, b.^st iiualily goods, wanaiitabh; work, mid cinso corapctit.iv„' |)ri' .-. lull iiisp .oti'n of stock, alldclJInp;lli^.lll! of pricui iiivitel by all inlondii,;' ui't-li:isi.'rs. Quality niid i ri.-o alivays important. The dealer's r. ii;il'il:ty your only safety, tjuvej \. ir.-i h.rc in bii^inoso is a to the tliou„'!itI-.',l lu:.! cartfa! piirclias- tr who Oosire.'j t.j ayuiJ what is kiiow.u as •TRADE TRICKS. I don't iiavo I yi ars warrauls ior ono maij aiid J 1 r amtlier on (lie same goods. I il'i;i't liin'o catcii sales on the- LONG WARRA!^3T L5?IE, I never have sold gooe!i i -r MCtM/ "'â- "• '"â„¢o o'lc lii'J /^, -J NtW lakeuma.iya bCOQ li'iurs wear out of. fiijo Watches, supeii'ir Clix, soli'l f;.il 1 aiid h 'st liuos roll gull Jewilhrv call at "Guldsiiiith's Unil," Hill's liiock. Spi-x stock now complete, atid re- member EYE FIT THEM porsoually by optical lenses. T7:7-. -^TsT" TXT" W.irraated Watch Worlc. Daily pai'cri. Tul(?grapLing. W. A. -BROWN, MAEFDALE. WIND AND WATER. JEFFREY AilTLEY. Mfgr.of Wind Mills and I'umps, Markdale. Out. â-  -It you ii^e t a imTiiji.'f any LinJ. and will favor me with your it-Ut, I will guarante« tu ^ivo sutisfac* tiun (-vtiy time. 1 can suit yea in citin:r Iixiii, iJras" I'orciilaiii.or Galvauizcd Iro:i.. TtKMs--Ilfptiirin{T canh n aw work short date ai'i-rovel oitus if JG^^ireJ, .Kcluw I givc.afow tcatimo.'ii.ils Pear .^ir.â€" The two pnmp' y.iu put in for me are jrivinjt rae solendid sat i.-; fact ion {ouo of tlu.-iii (â- .( ft. depp, the other 23). I am wlII Iii'aL'.l with them. JoifN roSTEocs, Flesherton. 8ati-factiom at Last.â€" Tiiis U to certify that I havt: had great trouMe aud exp n-c Utith my vif U (.55 feet deep) in ri'Ksrd to p'uiupi until I ROt Mr. J. Artley to overhaul it; hioce tlif-n 1 have had entire Eatisfaction. ^j little boy. tit years old, can pump with it nicely. j^BTHVB JonssTos, Yandoh:iir. Juije 10th. IHJO. Dt-ar Sir, â€" Yoar fayor to han-l iquirinff how wc Kot alonij with" the Wind Mill. I uil^'ht say wu h:ul no di/ticnlty ii pulling it tdgtilln'r. It is working -»p]un'iid. Thr puii'p docs itH work tC.l right. 1 like the workm;: ',f the Victor Wind Mill very muAii. It ^o\ .;riis rtBtlf nicely in a high wind, and I think it far more duraLi3 tbau a wooden mill. Tbe gs7 winter eeaaon «zpode« nuAy te at taeki ol ooUs, eoii^u, hoarseneM, tigbtnen of tlie dmt, aathma, bcoschiUs, etc, whidi ivfinre reliable temedr le liigcyard*«Fer^ \onX BbImoi fm 'mh n^ nd 0tr». XoowB M nmaiiite iar«ff«r tbicte jmm- Bte Jast imagine ;onr wife not betiw able to Bpeak for t«,n days. What a ^umgo there would be in tbe hooie what an nnatoral silence t K case of this kind occarred in Hamilion some time ago, vid one bottle of Wilson's Wild Cherry cured the afflicted lady in four days. This medicine has no equal for the core of Ccagfaa. Colds Whooping Coogh or Cronp. Bold by all drogtii'^- xBAxasnr mmmm, Healtb-giTing barte, ba^a, roots and berries an oarefaUj eonbined in bnrdodc Blood Bitters, whaA regulate the aeeretioo, purify the blood and veoofate and strenBthen the entire fyrtan. Pdak 91 a bottle, eta lor •£. Laas than one oeat a doae. B ia Mb to Vie Avpmn'a W^mifiovdan, M Aw met,9tiij on tM 90tmm aad do not Ift- N. DciBunT, Meaford. June 23, 18^, To JErrEY Artlkt, Markdale: Sir,â€" The pomp I parchasel from you for 37 foot well gives complete satisfaction. It works aith the greatest ease, for the quantity of water dehverod, of aoy pamp I have ever tested. I beiievo it Is construct^ on a simple and durable principle and not liable to get oat of order. I coulu not wish for a better Dump, and can, with the utmost confidence, reoommend it. Wishing yoa every saccess I remain, yours 4lte., dro. J. W. Spito{n.c, llaik4a)e. Ma. J. A.BTLZT. â-  Dear B j^.â€" In reply to your'3 of the 12th icBt., I would say that the pumi* you put iu lor lae has proved very satifac* ory, it b'lnt; dacable and very easy to work. " Ea doaed please find t5, balanoe for pomp. Jamu JoavRos, FleBhct«^ mamM -^na^--

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