Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Oct 1890, p. 1

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 IcCiiHougH Young, BANKERS. i-. .,-.:- ifeceivtd anl I ..i- .-::iiii.-i maJe and j n-..,ii.-- '.i tUt- Dominion ' ' â-  ' :i.:... jr â-  Is t" loan at low vorxG, "'C-r. â- HEW TO the' line, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY.' [business GQ"^s. 3 m I. A- Wi" I'hyvi'-ians, Sur- ,-.. (Kt"-i r Ir- Siiroulf, .^t'-r. Itr. r.;:'j, in Ir. •M.T'.ii W.- i.l'xrlt, wli-re alt .â- - ,.i !â- .- I'i'fr:.ptly atteuded MI.. A.i;.;o.,JI.l.,l-c. ELEVEXTH YEAR.â€" Ko. .529. MABKDALE, THUBSDAT, OCTOBER 3(», 1890. C. W. BUTLEDGE, Proprietor. iFirLTiE: WATCH REPAIRING I Local and Otlier Items. ;.!."' '.ii S'-li'-it'T, .Vf. â- T-, Miirkdalo. S'.i:.:i*.-r, .fee, of -, -.V.:Ii Snmul, ri .-Very Friiiay. OUR SPECIALTY. .,l!i.:.- 1 r.c. f. M Cl.rl., 'â- . C(itinii :.M:i; ill :ill ilK iinii caritfillly ' l:.i.l K^Ule VIM +:ilIii:i!I.lK-. of .Marria;^*.- l;,..l Kbiiit.- at r -ill-. Turms .li.ll S.L.Ii.S. â- Iiti-r. ;.-r;i.lil))t .-. will l.t- at th' ij til" lir.-t iiri.l ' A 'lanee at ouv repair boarJ will I convince tlie most sceiitical that ive i lead in repairs. The best of materials I usod and satisfaction guarantOL-d "and j given in every case. All kindb of i ENGRAVINQ I artistically done. Coin jeweller}*. f rif'ii'lFhip Ilings, TJar.d Itintrw, polJ or 1 BiIviT, Tiiji'lu U) oril-jr. Solid silver tFRIENDSHiPYmiiGSl) i witli monogram or on bauglc, j fur :jOc. \V«! have rfadj;-made a large rjiiiubor of tlicse, and the demand is i increasing. All cur lines of i.l iti.-» lit t! .. .l:iv l,r;..:i .11.. WATCHES. ETC., an full and v.-t.U assortri. Our pricc-i arc t'"i wd' linown to need coiiuuent. A large as.s.jrtment of INDIAN WORK ill bitch l-'iirk I a:; ill^plct^"l: liinul, wliich i.s V.I rth 1 t i\- i; St 3 K \\. iiiiii. I. rt. .11-1/ I'l ..(.11. I..r- â-  llilWU -i lli' rt.iii. n w.. V- :.CCAl 3TEA!V.3'^IP ROUTE. la, Sdult etc. Marie. '.ist Freitflit Zilue, f ' BRE.4DKER CASSON Practical Jewellers MARKDALE. QNT. im ill CllIGiLI ANiJ ON^OyLTE IIIEO. li- \.)V AUK IN NKKli OF Liniineiits, Spavin Blisters, Condition Po^wders Notices in .these columnf intended tobfnejit any individual or Socifty irill be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and Jive cents a line each subieguent intertiov. NOTICE. â€" CoTTegpnitdence, commwnica- tion^,. Adcertisevient" tOc,. he in this ojice by nnon on Tuesday to insvre piihlication that veek. Dr. Sinclair Comes. I)r. Sinclair, tlic frreat Scottish speci- alist of Toronto, will be at tlie Markdale House, ilarkdalc, Saturday, Nov. 15th. Let the suffcrini; call on him, he can tell for notliin;^ what is the matter. He undertakes only curable cases. Cousul- tation free. Jonatban lioshart, Listowi'I. says â€" Haviijt^ Hjient all luy money and iropor- ty for hinj^ trouble (consumption) J)p. Sinclair cured me. Geo. Itowe'd, Blyth. savsâ€" Having suffered years and fell into dnipsj- heart Dr. Sinclair cured inc. Mr.s. Lockart, Flesbcrton, says^Dr. Sincliir cured nie of chronic luuj^ trouble when all others failed. -Mrs. JIary Furlong, Woodbonsc. says " â€" Dr. Sinclair uncd lue of titB. I). Jiubirtson. Carltoiiiilaco, says â€" Tbanks to Dr. Sinclair, I am cnred of j catarrh. Dr. Sinclair nr-ver fails in irivate i i»rostrativu cases as such brouj^bt on by i abuses. Free consultatio:i. Ai.i. Hai.i.owf'x ti) inoirow nl-'ht. llov, jibdut tbt' Hall;\\i'cn ^ousc Vks. and tbe.Thaidsi:ivin'4 turkc-y. ]!ank thoho::so a;id i;nt on tlu; storm door. Tax salu in (}\veu Sound on Thursday Xuvuml.HT (». IjAiMiK iuantiti('^-^ of fann jrroducc con- tinue tc come to market. Mt. FoiiKsT iinblic sclitiol lias c:^ht teachers whose salaries total S*2.fiir Mil. Daviii Con.nki.i,, nf Hollairil. lia^* t00 busbe's fine potatoes olT two acres. Mr. .T(i!:ti Clarrid^e. near IJerkeley, having lo--t bis licalth v. ishes to sell his teauL of borsis. Ki: \i' 'J'ur tier's jii-w advcrtisemeut. â- thi i tbcrr hi dultcrat"d in it. Wa\tkiâ€" A li^iatility ilelivtrud in ?.Iark«!a!e week' Vrm. Shields. urc. fresh and nua- jf i;.Hnl po atoc's this and next JouRyAiasv is having a great revival in Owen Sonnd. Until two months ^o two respectable bnt slow-going weeklies "held the fort" at the county town. Now we see the semi-weekly Advertiser, the triweekly and weekly San, and the daily and weekly Times, each bright, newsy and attractive. If the town does not rapidly develop into a city it will not be for want of lively Times, a brilli- ant Sun and Liberal Advertiser-s. To give a brilliant white light, a lamp needs a thorough cleansing every little while. The oil shoald be poured out of the fount, leaving no dregs on the bot- tom. The fount should then be washed in strong soap suds, rinsed -in warm water, and dried. It should then be fill- ed with fresh oil. The burner shonld be I boiled in soda and water until the net- work that crosses it is freed from dirt and dust. If tlie wick has become clogg- ed witli the sediment, replace it with a new cue. I. O. G. T.â€" The regular quarterly election of oflBcers of the I. O. G. T. was lield on Monday evening last, resulting in the following being elected â€" Chief Teniidar, J. K. Moffat; Vice Tem., Miss J. Pickell: Secretary, C. W. Casson Fin. Sec, A. Walker; Treas., Miss A. McCay Marshall, Geo. Armstrong Dep.Mar., MissM.Rutledge; Chaplain, J. Artley Guard, Miss T. Littlejolins Sentinel, Charles L. Moffat. The lodge has been very prosperous during the last t]uartcr and will, no doubt, continue so in the next. An American merchant gives his views as to the 2»roper way of sweeping a store, which we commend to the attention of merchants hereabout "We don't use a leaky ol»l RirinUIing pot to sop the floor all over in jmddles when wo sweep. No, sir W'c have wet sawdust, and I put a row of it across one cud of the store and sweep that riybt along to the other end, just like a regiment marching across a ten acre field. It catches all the dirt aritl carries it along. If it gets a little dry I add some more. Some folks scatter sawdust all over the floor, but that's no t;()o.l th..^ reason for using sawdust is to avoid wi tting the floor all over and to have something thaUwill absorb the dust. TiTK horsomeu,.of Chicago, 111., a con- servative journal on equine topics pays tlie following comiiliraeut to Canada in its la--t issue '"It is not an exaggeration to say that in none of our States is the Rev. Fp^ther Cassin, of Mt. Forest, was in town tliis week visiting; Rev. Father Maloney, and gave the .STA2nABli a friendly call. Father "assin was highly respected and esteemed by all who kcew bim during his pastorate over Glenelg and priceville congregatioDB. and be is always a welcome yisitor. \V. A. JJrown, jewclU-j-, draws the at- j-breediug interest lx;comiug more firmly week through Clinic Poy/der. Spiced,. Patent Medicines, 7/0. Oil i'o Cturner'sXdrugXstore.) tlu- lit c:i.-i "U are buying t- txpt;nive at J. M'CI.URE. 1 Ijii^re fts-oriiiuiit ' tl e best FeilinloaFil MOUTH ORGANS 1 tention of tbp'public thi our :iil\i'rti--in' c'Ii;;:ins. i NKST.Tlmrsilay will be Thanksi;iviiig i dav aii'l will therefore be a public boli- 1 l;iv. The Stania!;] will l»e issued on I \\*,.lues.Uiv. 'Ykk a broth of a boy," said Ma't;ie And Pat replied, as be slily I'lit lii.s arm â-  rotuid lier waisc, *-(iM be l-etter broth if I bad a little mate." On- Saturday Oct.jber IB the Owen Siinnd limes eouuKenced iublishing a daily "Tlie Kvcniiii: Times." We wish i it loiiL^ life and prosjierity. i Thki;k are two reasons why sonio I iico])I( don't mind their own business- One i-- that tluy haven't any mind, tbe ot'.ier that they bavc't any btisiness. I A FoiiKSTKi: .Snin. â€" Mr. Donald Mc- ' Donald. (irilVm's corner, sliot aliiu^ deer cm Friday last. Ik- brruilit the earcas ' to "Nhirkdale eii Satiirilay. selling it to F. Sarjeant, tbe butclier. Ukah MeFa'djiiid's new adv. It will pav you. He ;;ives 'oi" v;tlue for your money, Notiee iiow nnirb he crowds into bis advertiseiu(Uit he's bound to luive the worth of his money too. miiinfacturcl, an I at all prices between 5c. !.ml rl.O' W. TURNER GO. -nd UU.1 fure. jr© â- .V people covet lence. Many â- ;â-  leather fall lilt. But the IS of Will. 1 covet the ex- ii'iuf of a fit every f. t Ik \- would rather r.iH \!-ito the hands .1 K:!iL;ht of. the. •i:^s(iis and Needle [â- luisc .turnout would tli-'Ut like rolling into J|.it. li'its they want, fits n' Liet. and he wants )d6 iiien and boys ho WAllt fits. WILL. STODDART, Tailor, [.l'.iri '.lid's Jlurc. POST F"© NED. I AUCTION SALE n^, L'tiblos 'Spring kiudi), .c-pt in it quo- in gs â€" â-  mings, «l- luiaeft le. aveling ran teed Salary il free. \V ork- wages. 1, o. Out, fRESERVE YOUR SIGHT FRANK LAZARUS 'â- 'â-  t: :ir!ii .if l.iizirus iV Mciris J ^wned Spectacles and Eye-O'Iassas i-. I.:i s Riitl V.yv GIkarcs liave been i-ars, ar'i civt-n in i-very 1 l .1 .-.[irifa(ti-in. TlifV are the â-  ' \\ iiMu T!i,.v i.uver tire, and laat r- ' •â- ..â- ..( ihant:.-. â- '-â- 'â-  BaXADHEKftCASSOT.practi- :i -k. r J,-",l!iT A Kimravcn!, dealers ;.- •: i--]i an.l SilviT \Vatcht». Clocks i.-i*.. Wall raiitT, Stationery, School l"ii:l. iilfli- iitti-ntioii paid to rt-pair- tUIi, .\.i .. with iicatiit^i^s aud despatch MAKKDALK, ONT. XJapESiAL PEDEBATXOH r If-' i, „-i)t au opportunity to extent! t!.- r.ui- ..i Dr. Fowler's Extract of ri.v^'n rrv the iir.failiuM remeily for ii:i'..rfi morbus, colic, cramps, d'ar- i.i TV. auti all summer complaints, â-ºr p^ui of tbe Empire. WilJ titraw- â-  r f;tJls. .\ sL!'.HT ebaniie has becnmadein the C. P. K. tinu' tabic. Trains are due at Markdale as follows going north. 4 minutes to 12 a. m. and 10 minutes to' â-  ]». m. 'btitig south. 11 minutes t) 7 a. m. and 10 minutes to Tip. m. Salk â€" At lot 7. con. '.. f^ujibravia, ou Friday. October 'SI, at 1 o'clock, consist- ing of st.x;k, implements, bousehold furniture, ote. Messrs. .lohii pn 1 James Caruthers arc giving up farming and will sell without reserve. Geo. Noble, auctioneer. Thk Daily Telegram, published at Vancouver, IJ. C. is now settled in its new (piarters â€" a line three-storey build- ing erected for the )»urpse â€" is equipped in tbe most modern style, and recently enlarged. It is a newsy, spicy, ably written and nt atly gotten up journal and a credit to the city ou the coat. We uotico" in the South Australian Registrar, among a list of biographical sketches of the Ministry of the newly elected Government, that of Sir J. C. said to b^ ' ^rAy, K. C. M. G., who has accepted of- u;»-bitru-.M_x fi^e as Chief Secretary in the Playford Administration. Sir J. C. Bray is a cousin of Kev. Horace t. Bray of this l.-ce. You can get the Weekly Empire front now until the end of 1891 and a copy of Webster's for $3. Webster's Dictionary contains 1,708 pages, 1,500 illustrations, appendix of 10,000 words. Call at the Standard office and examine it and leave your subscription. Think of it, a $12 dictionary, and the Weekly Empire a year for 83. Pie Social.â€" The Young People's As- sciciation of the Jlarkdale Methodist church will give an entertainment in the basement of the church on the evening of Thanksgiving day, November 6. There will be pies galore, prime quality and great variety. A good program to follow. This is calculated to be a very sociable social t a real pleasant gather ing. Admission only 15 cents. ScBscRiPnoNS taken at the Stawdabd office for the following papers, any of which will be sent to the end of 1891 for $1, viz: Toronto Weekly Mail with Farm and Fireside; Globe; Empire; News Montreal Family Herald Lon- don Advertiser, and The Canadian Live Stock and Farm Journal. Hand in your subscription and save postage. We ran the risk of mailiqg subscriptions. Terms spot cash. established and making greater compar- ative ])rogress at present than in Canada. The movement in general all along the line, from tbe sandstone headlands that are washed-Uy the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the boundless plains of the Great i Loiie Land. Many parts of tbe Eastern j (irovinces are as admirably adapted to 1 tlio breeding business a.c the rich pro- j vince of Ontario, the better sections of which in agricultural wealth will com- pare favorably with any of the States A title of good blood has steadily poured across the borders, and now almost every comity in the Dominion has its well-bred stallion, and on many farms are gilt- edged matrons. But good tracks and good trainers arc scarce in Canada, and progress must be made in this regard before extreme speed will he seen in the Northland. That progress will be made is sure. Neyer was there as much rac- ing in Canada as during the season just closing, and good tracks and good train- ers are but the natural development of racing. Nelson and Alvin haye shown tiiat great speed can be produced in lands that arc snowclad in winter, and no douVjt in time other Alvins will come across the lip-" to sliow that our neigh- bors are not idle with the blood that we h^ve sent them." BUSINESS LOCALS. Olass goods, handsome and cheap at Rotledge's grocery. Special bargains in Watches this veek at Breadner t Ca.sson's. J. E. Trellord's is tbe place to bny stoves and croes-cat saws. Cbockkbt, handsome, cheap and plen- tifnl at Rntledge's grocery. Fob Sale â€" A yoke of oxen in fine con- dition. James Bell, Olenelg. Get your slates, pencils and scribbling books from Rntledge tbe grocer. If yonr boots leak go straight to H. E. Dongiass' and buy a pair of rabbets. Old Ii-on wanted at Markdale Stove Fonndry in exchange for cash Fancy cups and sancers together with other fancy goods at RuUedge's grocery. Spinning and weaving done on short notice at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mills. JcsT fine: What? Those photoes Hamilton the photographer is turning out. Wool wanted at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mills in exchange for cash or goods. Just arrived at Haskett Bros, carload of No. 1 extra Canadian and American coal oil. Try it. Parties desirous of getting up a Soiree should consult Wade, tbe baker, for the supply of provisions. Keep yonr feet warm and dry this cold damp weather by purchasing your boots and rubbers from M. E. Douglass. 500 Men Waxteo, to Bit Plows.^- Jackson pells the genuine Fleury, Wilk- inson, Gowdy and McGill Plows, and don't you forget it. To arrive this week 100 doz. table cut- lery imported direct from SheflSeld t'je finest goods, best value ever given in Markdale, ai Haskett Bros. Breadnee Casson haye this week received their large fall stock of VioLors, Monthorgans, and general musical sup- plies. An inspection invited. RKArEB If you want to sell or bny licrsc or cow, sheep, j-okc of oxen or any other article vou can tell oyer 1,000 families through the Standaru in one week all for 25 cents. Parties lia\ing baswood or soft elm timber to dispose of during the coming winter will do well to see ns as we want a large supply of above and will pay good prices. .Armstrong Bros. R. McNallt, the carriage maker, is prepared to supply the ^public with winter vehicles, light or heavy, tony or plain, of the latest designs and best quality. Call and examine for yonrself Holland Council. SOCIAL and PERSONAL. -Ol' I'n.lfr Hii.l I'V vivtiit- of iM'wers of salt; contaiu- «.(i 111 .1 .â- ( rtiuii'Mirl;:rt(ji. wliich wfll liL' produced lit rhi- liiiu' I'f sail., lllirt- will I't." siilil uu Thnrsday, 23rd day of October, 1890, at 1 -ki .ii'luck in tin- art..l-nooll. Rt tin- Markdale H...1-,.. ill tliu Villii4;i. uf .MarkdaU-. the following vniiiiilil.. i.ri.iii-rtv \ll ttiat e.-rtaiii pareel of land situate in tlie T..^w;~hii. of Honauil.iii the Couut.v of CJrey. and iH-iii- eoiui'Msedof the \s'eRterly 140 acres of Lot Nil. w, ill the lull Concession of said Township. I'lti'ii the sai.i prol-erty there are er.-eted a frame lious :fO. iiii.l fr e barn liO .\ W. There are about .0 acres cultivated. TvitMs.â€" Due tenth of the.DUrchnse money to 1 -e i-ai.! .iu\\ 11 at tbe time of sale. Liberal terms for liilneee will be ninde know Tl at time of sale. For further particu.ars apply to BOSOrSOB' O'SBIEH k QIBBOS, Vendors' Solicitors, 74 Church Street, Toronto. Or to C. W. nUTLEDGE, Esq., Markdale, Ont. Tlie above sale has been postponed till Wednesday, 13th day of Vovembelr, 1890, at the same hour and place, ItanlNSON. OHUIKS i- GIUSOX. DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • •WILD* ITRAWBERRY i1 CURES HOLcERA holera Morbus RAMPS IARRH(EA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COh'PlAmTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULT^. Rii Jd Mathews left on Monday for Detroit. Miss Ada Reynolds was up from Allis- tou this week. Mr. John Murray, of Walter's Falls, called on the St.a'dard last Saturday. Mr. Wm. Currieand wife of Mt. For. est, arc the guests of Mr. R. B. Currie. Mr. W. O. F.wai-t was over from Mea- toril last-week and gave the Standard a friendly call. Mr. B. B. Clements, tailor, of Chesley renewed acquaintances with Markdale people this week. â-  Daniel Silverthorn came down from the Sound ou Friday last and went over to Rocklyn to renew old acquaintances. Mrs. James Bovd, of Proton Station, was the suest-of Mrs. F. Sarjeant this week. Mr. and 'Mrs. B. move to Montreal shortly. Mr. Wm. Walker came from Toronto last week to yi.sit the old home and re- new acquaintances. William is an in- dustrious, steady young man and doing well in the Queen City. Mr. James Douglass, of Landsdown Mr. and Mrs. A. Hill, of Orangeville Mrs. Hewetson, of Toronto, and Mr. Will Donglass, of Collingwood, were present at the funeral of the late Samnel B. Douglass on Saturday last. Wm. Lucas, Esq., banker, returned last week from Kansas. He says it will do any Canadian good to take a trip over to Yankedom and look into their institutions and monetary affairs, as it IS sure to raise our own Domioion in bis estimation and make him more conteqti ed at home. Mr. W. R. Yandervoort, Post 'Master, Telegraph operator and cheese box manufacturer, "f Sidney Crossing, near Belleville, was in Markdale this week on bqsiness. The Tandervoots are exten- sive chgese box mannfactnrers and the old gentlemen visited Armstrong Bros' of this place in reference to a supply of vaneer fpr tbe same. Cheese box vaneer is only made in a few places in Canada and Armstrong Bros' have the repnta- tion of making an A 1 article. Holland Centre, Oct. 8tb, 1890. HoUaud Council met on the aboTe date tor the transaction of business. Beeve in the cliair members all present. Minutes of mectiae ol Sept. 5th were read approved and signed. The loUowing were then read â€" Account from Clerk of Sydenham for survey of townline. Account from Joseph Kehler, for sheep killed by dogs. Coirmiiuication from John Colendge re sidewalks in Walter's Falls. Com- mnnication from H. Collins giving statement of money expended in Chats- worth. Petition of E. Hanbnry and 34 others for improvement of road on 8di concession. Fosterâ€" Shute- That we give an order for $3 to the treaarer of Syden- ham for McCuUough and McDowell sarveying on townline Holland and Sydenham, con. 6 and 6. Carried. "Hamptonâ€" Shute â€" That the Clerk instinct the Co. treasurer to erase all taxes against.north part of S. W. part lot 23, con. 6, Holland from bis books. Carried. Shnteâ€" Hamptonâ€" That we grant an order to Wm. Foster amonnting to 52.08 extras on Henderson's bridge. â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Hamptonâ€" That Henry Collins get an order for $26 for repair- ing roads iu Chatsworth ns follows â€" J. Taylor, for lumber, 5.50 S. Foster f )r gravel, 4.50 12 days work at $1.25 per day. â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Galbraithâ€" That we pay G. Carrie $8.25 for work on townline Sydenham and Holland we also notify the public that in future tbe Commissioner of the division mast be acquainted or we will not honor Uie bill. â€" Carried. Hamptonâ€" Galbraithâ€" That the bill of G. J. JBlyth for printing collector's notices and receipts aijonnting to $7.50, be paid. â€" Carried. Fosterâ€" Hamptonâ€"That we grant an order for $10 to the treasurer of the Central Agricnltaral Society, Walter's Falls. â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Hamptonâ€" That the ap- plisation of Joseph Eehler for pay for sheep killed by dogs be laid over to next meeting of conncil for further in- formation. â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Hamptonâ€" That the prayer of the petition ol K. Hanbnry and 84 others be granted by giving $26 along with what is alreftdy grantedâ€" CArried. Galbraithâ€" Foeterâ€"Tlutt (be Clerk get an order for $86 as part nlary. â€" Hamptonâ€" Fosterâ€" That Mr. Gal- braith get an order for $6 lor spaml services.â€" Oarried. Tbe Coinal then adjonmed till Wednesday, November 13Ui. Jambs P. Hunc, Clerk. DISTRICT DOTS. Sontbampton is to be lighted by electricity. Tara and Port Elgin are now con- nected by telephone. Meaford High School Board will pay $250 per year for a caretaker, Harruton cheese factory has made 100 tons of cheese this season. Dr. Landerkin, M. P., sl.ot a fbz recently. That's one good Act. Walkerton earned by 89 a by-law on Tuesday last to establish water works. W. P. Crossley will carry the mail om Flesherton to the railway station the next 4 years. Aeton eonncil at its last meeting said, "let there be light," and the vil- lage is (o "have a shine" forthwith by electricity. Two sections of a train ronveyiug Bamnm's cireos eolided in Georgia on Taesday last. Two men and eight horses were killed. The dwelling of Edw. Adair, known as the town poor honse, at Blenheim. Ont., was deetioyed by fire on Satur- day night. Loss $800. The saw mill of C. J. Smith at.Ein- monnt, Ont., together with 2,900 cords wood and 20.000 ties were bnrced on Sunday. Loss $12,000. According to the official figures Canada snpplied, in Angnst, more cheese to the British market than all other conntries combined. The Toronto City Conncil has de- cided to redistribute the city into eight wards in place of thirteen, and to have 24 aldermen instead of 39 as at present. A petition has been forwarded to the County Judge asking that sittings of the Fifth Division Court be held alternately inDundalk and Flesherton. The Wiarton Echo says that "the Port Elgin races were a fritzle this year owing to too much jockying." Wonder how much jockymg is not too much. pBEPABUia FOB wiNTEB. â€" The BbIUc took on, at Owen Sound, on Monday evening, 20 tons of Eaton Bros' Ale, consigned to local ports along the line to the "Soo." The magnificent barn of Frank Thomas, 8th line of Sydenham, was burned last Sunday night. The seasons crop was all in it and no in- surance on the contents and only a email one on the building. The cross country railroad' project, that is a line from the U. P. B. at Markdale or Flesherton through Dur- ham, Hanover and so on to the lake is being revived. There is an air of probability about the scheme, â€" Dur- ham Ohroniole. Tbe O'Brien dive, m Owen Sonnd, has been broken up, Jennie O'Brien the keeper and Jennie Cole, one of the inmates have been sent to the Mercer Beformatory for six months, and Mary Burns, another inmate goes to the same institution for one year. The staff ol teachers in Mt. Forest public school has been re-engaged as follows Mr. Westervelt, $700 Miss Mitchell, $350 Miss Whelpley, $300; Miss Nelson, $275 Miss Boomson, $260 Mrs. Jelly, $250 Miss Kil- gour, $250; Miss Cobean, $230. Total $2,615. A young man named Peter McLean, from Lake Linden, Michigan, arrived at Owen Sonnd by the steamer Pacific on Monday night last, put up; at the Seldon Honse and when retiring neg- lected to turn off the gas and Was found dead in the morning, having^smother- ed with tbe escaping gas. BiuovAi. OF Db. Halstkd. â€" Dr. J. F. Halsted, Medical Health Officer fnr this mnnicipality, removed from Acton last week to Kimberley in Grey Co. T!ie Dr. has been here tor a little over a year, but finding Acton too healthy a commnoity for three medical men decided to settle elsewhere. His daughter recently removed to Kimber- ley and the Dr. will make his home with her. At.that place he will have control of territory of a radius of seven or eight miles, ensuring a good prac- tice. During bis residence here Dr. Halsted won general respect. He was a good citizen and took a liye interest in the afiiairs of the community. Tbe Free Press wishes him success in hib now location.^ â€" Acton Free Press. WM LUCAS CO., BANKERS. CSTABLISIIEU 1880. Markdale, Wm. Lucas, Manager, Dundarkj E, G. Lucas, Agent A Rcr.eral t;ankit)R Lu.'^iiiess transacted, irafis" ii^sneJ and cnll, ctious made on all points. Dcpofiis iCLPivcd and interest ACSZTTS: THE M0I.SOVB BAJTZ. rriviUt' Uin-\:i Lu lund ou farm mortgages at Itiwer-t rates. We Laugh! â€" Our) Cust omers) [iiuGii) L 1 Markdale CounciL Minutes of 14th meeting of the Municipal Council of the Villa^ie of Markdale.hc'id the IStli da; crO.:tober A. D. 1890. Members present â€" The Becve and Mesfrs.Biowa and Haskett tbe Beeve in the ohrir. Minutes o.' last mooting read anl confirmed. Communications â€" From Tp Clerk of Glenelg giving am 3unt to be raised under By law No. 171. Fiom Jl S. Black re plan of Village. I'rom. County Clerk, giving amounts to bo raised under By laws No. 399 and .100 Coun»y and railway rate. From Puli- lie School Board, asking for §850, for I school parposes. Account from I. B. Lucas, John Orr, Empire, Beeve, ' Clerk and Assessor. By-law No. 82 was infroiluccd and read the first time. Brownâ€" Haskett â€" That the several accouDls now read and submitted, viz Empire, for adyertising. J4.50; I. B: Lucas, for advice, '$3; \V. J. McFar- land, sell cting jurors, §2; Juo.Wiiitliv, do, $2; E. C. Bryden. do, Ac. $3.25; Jno. Orr, for wood, §1.50 and Ino. S. Black, for plan ofV'illaijc, iSLC.,be paid. Carried. Brown-Haskett-Tliat parties who! QOOTS SHOES ,ih1 who have, â- -»^'*^ » ** *»» ^^â- â€¢â- Â«^^».» At th absiinlity of car would he com- petitors trying to match us in prices. But they can't Jo it. We w.ll not let them gel near n j, WE ALWAYS LEAD WE KEYER FOLLOW. We have got t!ie ^ooils. we are boniid to ti-jU them. Cmue m mill see our iie\^ i^kV of have sold Village plots and neglected to Register prcjier jilans ' thereof be notified to do so iiumeiliat i ly otherwise the Village Conncil will take steps to compel such llegistiation according to law. Haskett â€" Brownâ€" That By-law No. l 32 be now read a second and third ' time and passed. â€" Carried. i Council adjourned. B. C. Brvdex. Clerk. ' Clieapcr by 20 por cent, than lioiibo ill llio countv. any The Birchall Auto-Bi- ography. The story of his life np.m w'licli Birchall has been engaged and wLiiclj was completed last week is profusely illustrated with drawings hy iiimsclf. There has been keen, compclition among publishers for the work, aud the New York Sun offered §1,000 for it, but The Toronto MaiI outbid all tbe rest, giving $1,500, ami tlius secured the sole right to its publicatioii. They proposo to copyriglit belorc pul)- lifhing, and thereby eecunii,;; the full benefi' from their enteiiirisp. It is understood that the purchase money is to be paid to -Mrs. BirciiaH. Subscribers who would like to read this biography can do so by sending us $2,00 which pays for this paper and The Weekly Mail to the end of 1801. The Weekly Mail will coulniu the anto-biography comiilete and iiilly illustrated. BHETrUATISM. Dr. Drnmmoni's I.i{;htliin^' 11. lilt- l.v for Bheumatisni, is tlio only 'lâ- nuiIle cuie --i-M. It is a new diseoverY and a lrii!,v woiiilrifi-l medicine. \\ Turner ,V Co, ai;euls for Mmk- dale. Price 81 per b itlle. 01-' EQUAI, SIOHTS. " ' AlMiave equal ri-lits in life atul lilcrty anii tbe pursuit of liapuiness. lint lu ui.v are handicapped in the race Ijy]sui. Viil- iousness, lack of eni-r;;y. nervous .lel.;li;y, woAkness, constipation, etc., li.r e(iiu|'lel.:ly removing tluse complaints llunlnek Uloiul Hitters co'ifers uu:old beuelitd ou all ^ul^t-â- ^crs. El-v Toiir CKOCliKIES at Benson's Buy "your I'XOUK KEKD at Benson's. Biiv yunr Cli'OCKEliY k GLASS- WAKE at Ueiison's. \i\\\- cv,iyll,'i)^ they hoop at J5ei»- son's and we will p.^si ively give you ^je.ler ^â- a:^vf:^-â- u'll than any other stu e ill tliij coii'i'y S.i't bv the b»ri'i-!, undir cover. 0.:r v.':,i'.i-i nio tilled wlh all kinds of liiiiiiLLS i;'.!il Ales at lowest prices. Jobije, s 111 C' .i.s. BENSON'S, BELFAST HOUSE, "80L5Si:;Ta'S HALL" with e.\'e.;aivo assortment, best quaUty qooilfs, war.'autable work, and close compelitlve p.icos. Eull iii.'^pection of stock, and c^tiiiparisou of prices invited by all iiiteudiijg jurcliasers. Quality fliul iirjce alw.ays important. Thi.' deiilcr'H roliuliiiity your only ' safety. Seven years iiero iu business to tlie tlioii^iliirnl and careful purchas- cr who. (iLoiiLS to ayoiu what i.s known as TKADE TRICKS. I dou't have i 'years warrants for onft man aiul '2 f -r auulher on the same â- ,'fjo'l-. I duu't l^aye catcii sales on Mil- long WARRANT LINE. I never have so'd gools fur /l^f^'tir^an^a^' ^CO(r ho.-r.i wear out of. For fine Watches, superior Clox, FoKil golil and bjst lines roll-gold Jo.vclkry call at "Goldsmith's Hall," lliir,s I!!".cl:. Spox .stock- now complete, and re- EYE FIT THEM lersoually by optical lenses. "^7*, TT^r. TTT" Warranted Watch Work. Daily papers. Telo^'i-apliing. W. A. BROWN, M.UIKDALE. TXMMLT- WIBDOX. Orcat and timely rrisdow is shown by keeping Dr. Fowler's Extract of wild Straw- berry OD hand/ It lias no equal for cholera, cholera morbia, diarhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps, and all sammer complaintyor loose- nesa of tbe bowels. A Red Rogue Captured. On Monday last Messrs. Wm. and B. B. Currie, egg dealers of Mt. Forest and Markdale respectively, and Wm. JaeksoB, implement agent, of this place, shouldered their shooting ir3n6, and taking along a trio of dogs, struck out lor a hunt. They viewed verdant fields and naked forest bnt game was beautifully scarce. At length the bounds gave tongue and the marks- men took position expecting a rabbit or perchance a deer to presently put in an appearance. Another moment and a large red fox eame boauding along straight for where Wm. Curry stood. A tree hhidered his taking aim until it was a few yards off when he opened fire, but the wily animal dodged the change. Tbe gun was a dodUe shooter and Bill qaekly empti- ed tlie ieeond elMtmber, this time breaking a left. Tbia didn't stop the progress of sir Ttrjntti by any means for )(fl kept right on and Jaeboo nave him • charge bat it was not nntil Bob. Gnnie had a crack at him that be lay down eoiiqiit-red. He was a very large Animal atiit (be uimrid^ retomed quite wliified with their hiek. Combined Wire and Board j Fence. j (1) For many years after the old rail fences began to give out. boards and posts were the principal fence used here. At that time common lumber could be bought for about §8 per M, and a fence of font hoard? high cost about §1 per rod. Now such a fence would cost all told about §1 40. Some years ago I built a fence of posts and rails, wliich I have found very good. Posts ten feet apart, six rails, and a barbed wire ou the top. If any one has old rails that can be used, be will find this one of the cheapest and safest fences he can put up, but be sure and keep the wire low enough to prevent the stock getting their hoads between tbe top rail and it. Tlie cost of this fence would depend on the value of the old rails ami price of poi-ts, whicli every one would have to jnilgo Some two years ago I built part of VU I fl IJ [1 W ATf R a lane fence in the f .llowhig way, and |i B |1 U txWU 1 1 tl I blls am Bowell pleased with it that 1 in- tend to do more of it wliere ueeucJ. I set the posts eight feet apart, put a board 1 x 12 in. x Ki ft. at the bott ni ard one board 1 x G in. x Ki ft., three feet from the gioniid to biltuin of tlie board, three barbed wir.'S between the two boards, and one about ton ini n s above the top on.-. Tins makes a cheap, Eafe l-nce. lings will iintg*. through, cattle and horses can sec it, and there is but little danger of stock getting hurt on it. .\boiit the c .st per rod or say 16 ft. 2 p ists at lOc, 20c.; digging holes and sotting posts, 5c. each, 10c 21 ft. of lumber, at §15 per M, 3Gc- about say 5 lbs. wire, at 6c., 8oc. labor of putting up, and nails, say 10c. jior 10 ft., §1.00 I have put the p'ice of ma'ei. il at about what t'ley cost here, but this will vary in other districts to piilior more or less. Now, from what I have seen of this fence, I ron iJcr it :o. be the most economical oue considering .ll'.M'Ki"i' Alfll.KY. .Mlfc-r. of Wind ^fills lUil rump-;, Miiik'lii!,;. Out- If you nee la luiii|i of any kiiel. :ind will fuvor mc with ill f;u.iiiint"e to [rive .satisfao- le. 1 eiiii yuit you in either i-ei-Ltiii. or (iiilviijii/.ed Iron. tloll iron onlir, every Ums Ti:!iMs iipi,!-. liiiii^' e i-li new work sliort l'*te.s if ilesireil. u few :e-iinioiii(iU 'Wilaon'i 'Wild Chan; hn been pnnarad by Arehdal* Wiboa Co.. WbdoMls Drngnists, cl Hamilton, ^at nearly twaaiy yean, for the Cnra o( Coo)^ CoUi, C r oa f •ts. UhaaaoefiuL Take no (abr"*â€" I bat get the Rarniiie in wbite wiapfe w le.;. I)i iir Sir 'riio tv.-o iniiii)' you put in for me me (^nviii;,' I'o- sileuh,! s:iti.tuetioir (one of them lli; f ileep, ti.e olhur 2:l). I am well pl.r;i-ej Willi llieui. .JoH." I'oi;ri;ocs, Fiesliertou. S-.TisK,\iTioN- \T I. .\sr.. -This is to certify tliTifl h' threat trouble and exuense u-illi piy well "i.'i tiet '1 op) in rei,'.lrd to pumpa nntil I t:ot Mr. .1. Artley to overhaul it j since then I liiive had entire satisfaction. M^ lini â-  l-.y. ^ix yciirsold, can pump with it iiieel* Abtim, iL .ToHNSTOx, Vandtlcur. .luac ICl^ li'M. I)i-iir Sir,-- Your favor to lianl iquirinip how we (4ot rtlon^.' with the Wind Mill. I nii;^lit -ay we had no dj*^culty in putting it its safety, that the farmers in llie ol.I- to^.th.-r. Uis workinn plcndid. The pump ., T. ...,...!â-  1 .. ., ' doe? It- worli a., rii^fit. 1 lihe the workinK of tbe Victor Wiiiu Miil very nineli. It govema il,i-lf nicely ill a liij-'h wiiid, and I think it far more dura'ule than a wooden mill. j ^, UuxBUKV, Meaford, I .Jane 1%, iK'jO, To jEFrfiEY Ibtlev. Markdale Sir. â€" The pump I purchased £rp,m yea foK 37 foot well ^ives rompletp fiatiaf^ction. It works with the i^eatcst catte, fur the quantity of water detiverud. of any pump 1 have cvar u.^ti-d. I believe it is constructed OD a simple er parts of the Province can build, as there is not near 50 much danger of stock hurting themselves as with an all wire one.-^Thos. Good in Can- adian Live Sto(;!t and Farm Journal for October, WITZ Ton" a bad cold ah 7 Well itSn't be a foul and let it Ro t'je long. *ia stitch iu time"!* better than a dootfr's bUl, a serious sickness, con nmT}- Mining nprfta note that ebolafm never attndu tbn bawel* ol tlM««tb. bathnmanitT in (enoal Iwl Hueemur o om br.Fuwltr' KxttMt of wiU BIcBwbcrry for bowd eom- fiaiais, iljfawirsfy, iKairiMi, ets. It is a mm rrCt)lll!I.rH'i It. Wifjluu^ you evtrj f^ucccss I remain, yqara ;., ia'c. â€" J. W. Spbol-le, Miirk'lale. M* Uon.ftDdGodHqqwBwliat.goanagetabu.tN ^^^^ duruUti priiici|.I.. anl not liable to get Of ManUy'M TiiToat and Luna V"P »»'» out of order. 1 cuKl not wieU for a bettur botUeof ManUy't (iai^ Samaritan Oil. Hub ^„j ^j^j^ ^j,^. m^^^^gj confiaeuoe, the Oil on your back ft'iJ phest anj cqy r vith • flannel aud take tbe Svrup at) the i:" \nt i^ troablesome aud vau can ^ct rii f tii^ v.or.-t coM eTermortal ha I. luq lire vl W. Tnr.ter A Co-, agoittif MarkJale. oi-l Frank Wilkinson, grain b-ijpr at Hamil- toD.says: "I nned i-evcnl metlicioes aud found no relief until I tried WilS(-i"s Com- poana Syrup, Wild Cherry." I.efP than one bottle cnied him of a Ion;; Rtandng and pttintsl ooagb, w th tifjhtMf^m of chrst and â- hmtbvcmtb. Sold bj' all dm^tslu. Mb. I. A.BTLEY, Dear Sir.â€" In r.tply t" your'a of the Hh iiitit., I 'Would aav th tt th.? pump yoa put in for ine has prav.*! vt^ry s^tistaotorv, it b inn durably aud very e ibv to work. Ea Ujm^ plea^te find $5, balance for pump. isMt.^ JcuNSTos^ Flcslierton.

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