Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Oct 1890, p. 2

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 Late Cable News. A Fatal HaJliicinationâ€" Lepers at La^eâ€" A Swiss Murderer Airested in LondoiL er;. -^n^ •'^nhatioiial and ex*nu*r'UDary i-; iK*: -to.-y '/f MUa 'iertrj'le Iiro'*n aa lr ^,;;i' l' li^i:* a,' an iri'iu*;st on tJi^ Wiy •lay l»efor»: y*Al«:r'liiy, m London. Muij* ii."ji*n wrta vtry a'lractivfe young l^ly, l'«'-i.*y fo'.r ;.»-*r- ol'i lij-t Mav, wlio arrived j JM KiiijUi' i iroiii Au«lraiia, aiii bIIi'.*: then K*.- Ia'-h j^\/^,»=-,-*»l In- a fa'al Fialliicinatioii •A?i-' ':*.i^:-I Ji'-r ;i f'r-* •iaVi^iric*: Uptake ii' il 'i',-it-'ji liU'laiiLrii an/1 llien ':iit her â-  -:'j.»" Wi'ii a rajy^r. "*!»•: fy.-li.;-.-*r-:^ :*ii«l iiV.nirj;; c«uli Bhakt,-h*^r • â- â€¢It'.i' tioii, lU^t till ~itipij*M-xrA yiltT iiai '»e*; â- â-  â-  ',:â-  I i."i • (!â-  ;. ••*.-ii'jii*r*'l IjV â- Â»â-  fjf-ifi â- siie '.. ' t-i. *• :. .:i.;-, "I ;j 'U'iijU'l V»]/r«f%e'l 'ill J.' (ujj.'i li.-aV ff" ^*iii». ill*' •â- ' roiii' iiitlaii- {ijii.'l li.-aV ft' ',Iv. 'n'-*Kv. â-  le.^ijtiir, fcJ«; t'.M J t' '.T'rn.le, .icivi.-'i lor lirOHll Wi.S â- â- j:u-Uu V/JKELKT- A KaaMc !â-  the M«ttih CbP««L A rigfat Mae eky, acrosi vhicli nuny rnaiwea of thin white cloud are home swiftly on the cool -ueatem wind, faoida over the stately city, and ail her odiea of gray man- sions and apaciooi^, cleanly street* aparkle Ifeneath it in a fiood of â- nromer mnflhine. Xl is the Lord's Iay, and inoet of toe highways are desert**! and qaiet. From the top of the Caltoii Hill yon look down opoD hundreds of blue smoke-uTealhfi, curling npward from tfie chiirmeys of the resting anu restf a! town. and ill every direction the prospect is one i i opulence ajid jjeate, A thousand years of i hist*jrj' are here cr^'stallized within the cir- 'r-iii of a single gUuce. and while you ga7x- upon one of the graiidewt emhlenui tliat ll'fc world '^jutaiDK of a storied and romantic {jast, you IjelioUl likewise a living and re- â- fplendent pageaiit of the I^eauty of To-day. Nowhere else are the Past and the Present ft/j lovingly bleude^L There, in liie centre, lowers the great cr^^wn of St. Gilea. Hard uy are the juairjt ftlopcii of Xiie IJauongate, teeming with iliiiatrioun, or pictores'iue, or terrible figures of Long Ago. Yonder •.he ;;lorious fjaatle T'rag Iwjka .siea^ltaitJy westward, -r-it« manifold wonderful -JolorH wjutiiiuotwiy chaninng in tl»e changeful lay- hglit.. Down in t}»e valley Holyruol, iitkimte^i by a ujyriad of mcnioriesand by ont- reHpIendeiit fa-je and entrancing presence, iie^tle« at the fvjt of the giant Salisbury "rug while the dark, revene*! p»iak of Ar- 1 til jr- Seat reais it*elf supremely over the whole .-ilui/eniitju-n -jcene. .Suthward and â- Ae^Tward, in tJie .dUtance, '-xtendi the bleak ran;:e of the Pentland Hills :-ea.=tward the cone of iVrrwick Law and the dewilale ila-i" Ko-.k Bt-'rni to cleave the »ea and iiorlliward, Ifc\onl the glulening crytiLiii of ti,' -J-ortii, â€" with the while line.-, of em- l.att!fcd.Inchkcilhlike .\ !.HVJ0NJ»0-^ IT- K'r-J.M, tije lo*. »-ly I^ni'jnd.-i, tfie virginal mountain l.;i.i,--tT of Fife, are h^it-d to llie kiKH of liiAi' -n. It is 'i':h a picture as w...-dij a*n but i^mtlv '"'jfgeht hjit when you UAtk uptjix 11 \un rTadily comprehend the prile and the |»a--5ion wilii wlii-.-h a .Sc-t-jiiman lo-. es Ills .\f:\ -bihh^on r.ani':d Edinburgh as '*a city I'ft u'tdl kiioun ro.Jidmit d«-':ription." Tliat '\/i-\-^^i,'-iil w;^- put* hiiined more than ahun- â-  ii'.d vearti ago -I'^fore yet Culcdonia liad rHT«j.l':hed t!i worid., ii»^r I .ut the hiiunt«-d ill. i or IloM-ri- liuili- and \V.tIl»-i Vr'jtt, â- iij'l iT iL v.f-retriie ih»-n. it i:i al! the mon- rrneiiow. iJut uhil â-  ttjc re'.cienl pil;.'rirn ..I'.;;u' tiic ancient Idgiiwai,- ol lii-Ior ii.iy ii" w:7»»-IyatU:ritpt deo"iiptioi' wln'-li would ^•' -.uj»*rrjiiijn.-.. he perhaps luiiy u-iefuHy in- i\iiljf Ji iiri'-f '-iironi'.le u.nd irnpre.'«iun â€" for Ij.i -.- -oiiiclimt-'s prove ,ijg;:':«ti\i- to mitid.-^ tf.:i':i,!-: kijidi »-d wiih hi.i.'A^n. Hundrc'i.i of ir.i-. •â- il'-r-i .iitiiually visit Kdiiibiir;;h but il 1- out- tliin;.' to vi^jl an*! another thin;^ to 'â- (â-  aii' •:' ci-y .iu;^girftlion, -urely. in of I'.m.- value ,th;il h-.dp:* to clarify nur \i.~i'n. Thj-, '^ipittl i- n'll learn-:' h\ dining alf-Jiit I' JI1.J. '.ah for- K'linbiirkih I' 1* truly ^cen :*iid ':ompreli»-jided must \t*; lieen ai.d ' omprehL-iidtd a-s air eijyjnfcnt of the 'ol.,-,;d ,.lr.idiialjty ui the .^:olli,h ..har- it'l'.i^, and, theictore, il muhl !* ol,-._i '•â- d wit' t!.onj;ht. Here i:i no echo and no im- it.i.fn. Many luiother provincial city, of tiriUiin i- a miniature copy of JjOndon ,; but tlie 'jii'dity '«! Kdinhiirgli i.-j her own. l".r:i'ii- o: Kr-r ur';hi*,C',-ture do indeed â- :•!.'â- â- : i!_-litliii levcreiice for aiieient I .,!, â- ! 'u"'[r\ uhih' '-â- t-rtain otlier |K»r- :m,i:- li--. .-.d 'he inll-rjfii" of th' -enii-cl;t!'«i- ' â- ^'â- â- ^\ti ijiat pte\':ii iu liic lime of the li'.- _••:.(, a:;eivij,ii i:t-oi;: the F-^urLh. Tiie i )!.'*â-  I i.ti-j t»-n'Ie*.:y of thi.i jierii-yl, â€" r;.xpreh- •iji; it-(!i )i'-r']jr-ci:^rl\ â- i-^ il'if;» everywhere 'I-, 111 hii't'^n-makinj^ p'ltijienH ari'l vulgar i.-: likeui.-v- -Tidiicieiitly ohvj- h'-le:-:, in every imjiortant ihiii-li and of itrf life the reti- 'â- , ".inu lible, im|rt.-tuous, owx liad bees stPTDS ^Doa^k to thrill the j SbXAld ObtenSDCe. heart rf an the voiiiL The Joornal* »iU The aabhath la a diTine inrtitutioiiaDdwe soon be paUidied. They have been loving- i i,elieve in it a*s such. The scr^taras toch lyand carefnlly edited by Mr. David Urn- j ^^^^ jj j^ ^^. ^^ physical rert and moral giaa, wha*e tine taate and great KenticncBB of j^jjj inteflettaal iiuprovement. Remember natore, together with has amfde knowledge ^j^^^ it is a divine iuatitatMO. not e«tabliah of.Scouiah literatarcaad society, entirely -- and eminently qoalifr him for the pcrfomi- ance of this aacred ooty and yon will pes- sen 'their tzeasores and feel the cbann of their beaaty and their pathosâ€" which i« the charm of a great nature expreaied in its per- fect aimphcity bat the Fpell that is cast npou the heart and the imagination by a Bt^t ot the actnal handwritiu; of Sir Walter Scott,' in the last words that he ever wrote, cannot be con*-eyel in print. One could muse for many an hour over that little Venetian mirror that hanga in the blroom of Queen Marj" '^taart, in Holy rood Palace. What faces and what scenes it mn^t have reflected How often U£R OWN EtitTIFl'I. dfl'STESASfE. N'.-.. â-  .ii.a and pers^m, â€" the dazzling eyes the snowy brow, the red gold hair, the idaljaiter V»som â€" must have blaze*! in it= crystal depths, â€" n'jw lamLihe*! and dim. like the record of her own calamitous and wretched days ' Iiil thrr-e lovely eyes lo'jk into this ndrror â€" and was their glance scarci and tremulous, »r tixe-l and terribleâ€" on that dismal Feb- ruarj' night, so many years ago, when the fatal' explosion in the Kirk o' Field resound fA with an echo that lias never died awaj' Who shall tell? This glass saw the gaunt and livid fac« of Ruthven when he led his o^usin into tliat royal cliaml^r. and it l»fc- ht.d.l Kizzi'j screaming in mortal terror ae he Wiia torn from- the b kins of his mistress aii'l sava;:fcly murdered lefore her ey*^. Per- haps, aWj, when that terrible epLscIe was o\er aii'i done with, it saw (^ueen Mary and her despicaljle husltand the next time they met, and were alone together m that ghastly r'j«»m. " It shall be 'lear M^xkI to some of yon." the *^aceu liud s.'n i. while the murder of Kizzio was thjing. Surely, liaving m* injured a woniai;, any liian witii eyes to see might ha-'C divin- eil liL- fate, in the perfect Lj.lm of her hea- venlv face and thef'juiet TMies of that j^'enlle v'jice, at !*ii'-h a moment as tliat. At the iiresidc tragedies are ai te-l " â€" and tragic eaougiimufit haveJ^.'^ii ihes-jeneof ihatmeet- inir, ajtart from iiujnan ga/e, in the chamlxrr of '_-ri!nc ari'l 'ieaih. N't 'iher relic of Mary Stuart no stin^lhe imagination it- this inirnjr 'l'j«,-.i- nnle.-.--, \icrh{i\r it liethat little el»ony citi'.-ilix. ffiice owned and revereu'--ed by Sir Waller '.ott. and no«' piou-sly treasured at .Ahlj'A.-foj'i ulii«,ii ih held in her hands whii â- â€¢he went to her leaJit iu the liall of F'jiheringay Castle. H'dyi'xxi Palac-*f in Mary Stuarts tinit Was not of its pre.-icnt shajie. 1 ue tower :onlaiiiing her r'ftmn wasstau'ling, ami from that tower the buihliiig extended cislwanl to the Abtey, and then it bifadened t' the "oiilh, -Miicli of thi^ biiil'iiii;^ was 'lestroyct hy tire ill I."»44and again in Cromwell's time, hilt hotii '_hurch and jKilace m ererebuilt. The entire south aide, with its tower that l-jok-- Uli.FJTlA ToWAIlD llie crag.'i, wah added in tlie later eriod of fJharle^the Seijond. The furidtiire in Mary -Stuart's rof*m is mo-tly .-purious. V»nt t!ie I O'jins are genuine. .Muniiig thus, aud much striv ng to reconstruct tliose strange ^cene.^ of the past in which tijat Wautiful, danger- ous woman iore .-hj great a part, tlie pilgrim strolls away into the anon^ate. â€" oiiue w clean an'l elegant, now so .-:'iualid anil noi- tiomeâ€" and slill tliu storied tigmes of history Wdlk by his si'ie or come to liieet him at every Cl'jse and \Vyni. John Knox, K(j\fii Hnms, Tobi.'1-H Siit'dlett, David Hume, 1-higald Stuart. -Tohn. Wilson, Hugh Miller "(iuy led otiwanl hy the blytheand gracious Duchess of Vn"tntljeiTV, aijd Dr. doiinson, escortc'l l.y the atFeLtionate and faitliiul .Jam'-.-, lio.-!w..-ll. Hi' W-'tbiognipher that ever livwl- ih»-'r' and many mon-. th' h-tt^i'd worthies of long ago, thron:: ml' tins haunt- ed .^tie-i and glorify it with the ieki?idlf.l i-l::i:;.J. (Join I TJ.H or THK ' 'rtTlsit :.\':k i;- -Liid predominant. MutIi h;is â-  â- .I.-: t}..- r,t':l, :.pii;t ihi- tide ii-_- '.I, iiuiii hr. .lohu.ion to Sid- l»i_'iiity 'iU- h'-.-ii d'-niei| to it, ia_'tianiMiii y. an'I si liah humor !.â- . iudieii" iti'M.- ((ui'-klhan the II-.. 1., i'-)-,j..nd eiLht-r to jath',!i iji- ri- i. ],' l;l.;ratur*- in the ii-:...lly, I'li'it-rly an'l weirdly !!i. S.r.,t.-ii liKfraturc there i-i Milh ufiere the iiiiitginati^e in- iLitl'mul iiiiu'l li.i-- re.-iisted an it II '-iLin-l rii' en'-ro;iihmenl of l-I.f;- iiR- f •»TI!f-. l•^V-. (â- â- * ].. â- It III' â- i'.iii.iin '.f I'lnian-je :thei-(:i-i .â- -K-.-. I.I-I..I y U.i eo-elled that of !i ;i;' 'li-jihtvor hendc inleKfelii- ii u[ |."-, 'iii.i.ine'l with par-.-ion- hiv .aid i,-,.-:\y .:.,uhi p.,.-^-rMy phy-i.^l I.i. t ..t Kdinbiiigh .i^a '.I. â- â- ! i.M-i.l j.'.-a-^, ui^litu't'd op- • 1 viiMi -till iJigi;«-d c'laiidfiir. v.-. 'i trtrn, I'lid wiiiitevfi oh- h..ld.'lh.Lt.;ol..ri.,ll-M.~.., i.-alw.iy '.III th'.u^hiT tiie "ji.^.:i'.ii-nes- fn-hi;:- iiilens'-Iy .irii.dii;d, iiidi\ i- (iiat.-,;i*s.-itivf, ;ind iiiagnifi'Cnt. hi r-(,t|iijid is not only heaiiii- iii-iii. Till- pre.M.-nl Wiiter d'M_-T, ih -.tih' It, i,r to in.-Ti U'jl anv idn_- ,1, hut '.nly I' d-.-hin- -â- '[.lii' '-iiiTi\f iiijii.l i? im- \i .-|.h-ndi.l ini'-ll.-;r. th.- in- -, .lid til' rom.mtii: ..harm '.t ir.i'-t.-i. ;...- It !,i .â- omin-m'.nae.i in thisd-dighlfnl pl;u.-. Wl,:,! â- I u.-,.|i!i .,r -igiiiti- an.-»- it ii..,---,rs.- may i»-;ii.-d 1.v--a' n th-m'j-L ni'-.ii'f.: i";.,rd â-  Uxl th.- Ill-, .it hupi in-riiil .â- fHiuii* iit.iiy i[|K(n !;.â-  I.;i-Mn.' .-â- ..-nl^ ..t .1 tiuvell.-; or-iinarv â- Th. t-"il- 'I n.iiti.- ill III.- lil'-ratiiii- .if ".t);,ndi.\\:dt.| S.-oll. K.-liv.:d.tii.Ha».or- -.| h.r iw-iity-M\ v'rar- in the Mio.h-t ihrec- -t.iy. i:i.a-i..n' li'ju-.c, whi.h i^ Xo. "lit fVi-tl-- .,;:.. -t. 'iv... U\^ ayo it nty L^.- f. .-it. 1 th^it ii.,11-.-, .uid i.-u.nd II. Ill' '.•.,!, JFi u hi-li •^•â- '.it- \vi-.,ri; ihi- n'^.â- l.^ Vou can lii\t:r 1^- I.i,ely hci.-. Tid.-, h i- lliat niak* tl:.: \.hi'i- :-r. ..l.^jn..-nt :ind â- . precioii.-!. lor wli.u .lid !h.-' m.-n live iu,.I laU^r " T'» what wt-n: their shilii;.:: tal-iiilr, and w.,Ji.h_-!rid I..I..-.-..5 .h.voteilV T./lhc iHs- .-.•â- riiination «.r learning toth.-- emanci[iation of the liiini..ii inin.l fr'.m tin- b..iidage of error to tin- ininisrlry .,f tlie iK.-ani iful--arifi thus to the advan':*-inent of the hiiinan ra*-.; in niaterial geiith;He3.-i ofth.-iight, in • harhy of i;.*ndu.jt, in leliiiemeiit '»t man- ners, and in-tha' spiiilual .^â- â- â- .al'.atj'.ii l.y whi'.li, and '.idy l-y whi.-h, th._- 1 1 ;t»; pro" Un-A-^ of!ii.d i- at once a.;compIish»-d and jii'K.-laim.;.). Hut h-cs.on.i- an.l thi^ -kefh of an Kdinhui-h ran, Me .^hall end m ith the pi..- liii.- cl'.vd iH .uri nj;i.L'nj!l.;.i.t .hiv. Yon -t.ui'lin:.' -.n th' .\it)iiir.- Kn.i.i tint I«-ak yourg.-,/.; t.ike.- in ih ed by man. as aooie w«tfd«Ddeavor to coo sider it. Let tboae who call the Mbfaath an inatitatioo of Ban, wha say that ii is Jew- ish, esCaUished bv aadforthe Jen, remem- ber that its rrtsHirhwmt was part of the ten commandnMOts given upon Moont Sinai, not for Jews alone, oat des^pied for all na- tions to ihe cad of time that its observance is as binding to-day as it was then. Christ honored the sabbath. He wait into the temple and preached. The oBtIes follow- ing in his steps honored it. They prayed and brake bread and preached. Tbe sab- bath to-day has not been abrogated and man has no right to claim tliat it has been. Its institatioB is divine and its ob9en*ance is a divine law. Sabbath obaervance is essential to the nMral welfare and national stability of a country. We claim one day in seven as a rest ilay devote^l to spiritual and moral im- prvtvement. We are entitled to it as a flay jf rest. It was esiablislied in Euen and reiterated in the ten comtnandment^!. For man to sav that we do not need one «lay in seven is a reflection on the divine wi«lom of Almighty (.iotl who institutetl this day of rest. If Ellen neeleil it h'lw much more essential is it since the fall. Recall the sal history of those cotmtries who do not re- gard the- sabbath. Mark their i^ysical, moral and intellecttial decline and then tarn to the growing power and prosperity of tiiose nations that do olMcrve the sablrath. Compare (ireat Britain uith France, Spain or Mexico. We find sibliath obsen-ii!g nations Ixrcoming stronger aud stronger iji wealtii anl prosperity and we may conclude then that the prrj|er oteiervaiice of one day in seven is essential not only to indi- vidual welfare but to national stalulity. .Sabljath ol)Cer\ance ia also a national in- stitution. The Christian sabljath w;is plant- ed hy ihe pi!_rini fathers when they landel at Plymouth rock. When they sought these shores from the oppression of another coun- trj- they brought with them their ob5er\-- ance of the Christian .ibi»ath. Tlial the Chri-itian sablialh and iu ol^servance is not oidv a divine but a national Liw we tind evident-e in the fact that the courts of this ooHniry are not held on Sunday: the legisla- ture does not assemble on Sunday aud the .lepartments of the government are el«*sed on Sundav. ^Vltat tloe^ thisall mean, all in- licate' That ^saldjatholtservanee is a natioiuil as well as a divine law incorpji-ated iu tlte law:- and uphehl y the jurispnidence of the country. In.lividuaU from other lands. and advocates of pei-soiial lilKrrty. come to our shorefc and woul.l dc-stroy the full lilierty which the government extthds to all. Oh. tlie insolence and arrogance of th(.»s*- who wish to hreak down tliu la.-is of oui- nati'.nal prosjK.Tity and welfare? ot Hr iMt innoftant dn- ia tbe iKmscSuld of tbe ft4attcr«iune fraaiber to Fresadoit fm foDows VKta^QweiicfGfvtcSrituB,Eii9nM eVerv thnc should be soft food mMde di\ ot Ja^Vtieader of ^^ ¥»ith\ etc. et«., to Boljsinin Harrison, President of tbe United States Bung FaSeti ftr ^BgL If yen want good tayiag bens ia tiK wia- ter, writes a corre^Kmdet, keep ui tj9 am yoor eaify hatched '^liHTr^^, and adect the best derdoped and heiithy lookiBg poOeto for fnznisliisg yoa srith eggs next winter. For seTeral weekaa^cr faatduag the frhicks shoold be fed a littlefire or six a da3-. After th^ are hatf c^wb« thnt four tiaies a ' ayâ€" aet to Isttea thea^bntf^ to ma]t« tfaem grow- I woaldgivabiitltty tittle graiat,aDd that Bhotild he II I Illy "fcy^' .â€" oats or rye, aome hick-ah|l, aadTecriare- ^M lyaUttte^Mskedaom. IWv ntku Mt eff !:' wheat bran, shorts, masfaed potatoes and a little com meal, all well stirred np together. If mixed ap with milk instead of water it will lie greatly improved. ii\-e the scraps from the table throogfa tbe day along «ith their rations. See to it that they have green food of some descrip- tion aud plenty of fresh water. Ureen dorer and cabbage leaves will be exceUent; also a little bone meat in tlreir mash, and gravel should always be within their reach. By forcing tbe Jjest pullets in this way you wiU be rjuite sure to set them to laying in the fall, which, if properly housed and fed, they will continue through the winter, when, if left to shift for themselves and make a slow aiid scanty grrwth until cold weather, thej- are not tik^y to lay at all until next- spring. The foBBieetthiqgiB ooanectioii with the dildranstir njlslinw oi the United Staiee » the letten aent to the IVesident the mien td otiier natkais aa- hirftlp and such events in sove- ^cfa ccanmmiicstsrMis are the Povom, and there is •'.l.-h. -,.Uv. Iher v.ii inii.i.y mil 'â- '.nirn'.nlv'l' .â- es of Ida'.-k ea.-h .,th.-r. t in;.' rei;tn.r,. KU.-uhei..-ui nd '.f a | vurk St ,upe,h â- - ui:.d. hri^UIv f|.,i.i th. I the vuiinii_) i :s ainuiid. Tji ir, Onlyin the w-f-.-t ..lotul are llii..kly iiongh whi'li the s illenuiih mi-na'-eol â- i 'v.-rh.-a.l IJ..- k\ .l..-li.-..I.- hliie.. A miriit of li'iiMitaiii â-  '-apil d, That Baable. The Speaker, in a'i.ires.«ing the Manches- ter Unity fji *dd Fellows iit Leamington, gave a very interesting aceount ..f the three maees to which successive Houses of Com- mons ha\e^i'l such deference. On the ex- eciiti'in of Charles I. the lirl of these maces disappeared and apjjarently ha-i never siri'.e Wen heard of. 'J'iie second was the 'djauble" \*hi'di (.'loniweil .»rdeie'i to In.- taken away, and of which the S[eaker tell-- u.s that a tra.jc has ln-en di«'.ftv(.-re-l in damaica, or not of the inac itself, at all events of winie liuj simile ff ft. The third is tlic mac- which wo--^ ma.Ie in UHr on the le.-itoiation "if Oiarlt-rt II. and whi.-Ii^he himself now â- â€¢ees lurfore him "almt/st idglit an'l day."' .\nd of thi« mace he saiil enlhusia-sticilly that " he hoped' it wouhl Hot disa.pjeai from the tabic of the Hou.-?e. and wouKl liave a l*iig and^ cartc-r iteforu it," That i- indeed an i.Iolatrous kind of :-tt:ec!]. Il the Church Asscn-iation W'lnM but niir-»iii- the Sfjeaker for letichism, instead of iht- IL-an ait.l Chai.ter o: Sl.l'iiids for ene.Mirai: ilr^ l.lolaiiy, there wuiiM Ik.-, ^c think, n iii'»re plausihle f-.i^: Itcfore them. If a luac*-- is t't iiave ",i long and gl'M-ioiis *.:ar'-r," it is olivioiin that Ihc mace must Im- reicar.l.rd i»s s-(L'i.-eptible of glory as well as of life Ijeside.-. do not members of the House- Imw t' tlie mitet;. while, so /;ir as we I.^ii.w. tlie Chiircti .â- \s.S'Kji;ttion has n.;vcr y-r -.^ot iiroof ihat even old women bow t'l tin* sculptur- e.l figures in St. i'uuls «_atiiedral 1 .Mr. Peel in nearer i.hdiary than any one whom the Chui.;h As.--(^iation has as yet f.uind it r»'A'^-iMe to prci-s into its .â- ervi'.c .\ii.l i- The Pride of JCatrimonr. In his recently publishe)! "Trials of a Country Parson," lr. Jessup tells some aiiiiuiiug ajirolutes pickcal up in Arcaily. As thus: 'Tt is very shuckiisg to a sensitive person to heal the way in which the old peo- ple speak of their dead wives or husbands exactly as if they'd been hordes or dogs. They are always proul of having tx-en mar- ried more than once. *Vou didn't think, mt8! as I'd had five wives, now, did j'on Ah, but I have, though â€"leastways I buried five on em iu the cTiurehyard, that t did â€" andtree-m *emlewiies:' On another occasion I jjlayfuHy suggeste«i 'Dtai't you mix up your hiLslands new and tlien, Mrs. Page, when you talk alx^ut them*;' 'Well, to tell you the truth, sir. 1 really du I But my third liuhband, he was a inati I don't mi.x him up. He got killed tigliijngâ€" you've heerd tell o' thai, I ninke n-. tloubt V Tlie othei-s wam't nothing li him. He'd ha' mixed them up ijuick enougii if they'd inicrlered wi' him. Lawk ha He'd a iujAv nothing of them :* ' Figs and Thistles. If money could buy salvation, gold would le at a mighty big premium. If itejplc had to livu to each other nolKxly wouI-1 ever get to heaven. If the devil ever hits you it will l»e tecause your back is turned towanl him. The tirst thing Satan did in Kden was to pruijose a Ieti\al, and he .still keeps at it. One of the .-taddesi sights angels have"t4i in money mat- liiai: who IS UR 'l will move- mountains. All is to make a tunnel tiir.ough ii'il idolatry to a mai.f? id'datrj- to an image ' even w.rst thi look at is iei-3. KaiUi in i money can tl them. The n,.inK-nt we tegin to help sonieWly i'/«l liiihien- iitir laijor by cautiing our hearts to hel]» our iiands. It takes more religi.jn to hold a man level in a hoi=e tia-le tlian it dfes to make him shont at camp inf.-t:iig. 11:oI).in^'hterâ€" H. my Aftnr d«»wit " '1 he liij-jk I-'iend Hav.; I di,-.turlK-.lyo Disturb, d riy. o( You have wake.l ourliaby 'â-  Oit Well, just let me for y HI while you I'jok ov SliiiiTs and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune oulv--^!. vMareyou fairly pound I -lufg your pardon. ril call the police get him to »-lcep p\ of Th UDIES' JOURNAL RiMe Competition I |;V'TV*. ilf-il IIIKJII II i:i .Silik- liu â- .Kilui. is iTJ-slill, .. Ui i.i. .,1 .•1.1% 1 l!,..% "Uli 111.- I, ..I.I l.-.u,.i ,,- ..I,l,ll..i I .1^li. il- !.:i.-ks, I... ,„|, 1 ll:iiiri:i, • III lli.-i II...;!,! Iiiiii li.;,lll, iijiii Lis li ..I i.".i.i. I"^i llovvt-is :iu il.ia u.i- .â- â- -., Tl,.- lil-1 II.,., liu-l.l.'.l l.y ., .â-\.ii.l. Ilji. lli.-'r.iir wiiils •\ â- . i.\U^ l:n|.i. |;\. KU \|.i, [.ill ..f sil'.-li ;iN i.xJK-ri.Mii-c, iiii.l II. ' iMuii i» :i Im,v itijiiii,, iiilli nil ..I ll... \V .v.-jicv S.,y,:U l«;/l,ie shii.ii.j.' il, hi- i-yts, ii,„| j.,y |,^.„,. â- ill!, ;i lie lM,k«..Mw:irl tlin.nj,'h li;,'lit. int., :i paru.lisi; of fji.le- 1,1 l,HI,|iy .li-c:iihi,4. 'Ihi. IDOI.I ia n.,i„nll .,iii:, on 1.1 I III- l,lL..k. iiii.i is.liiMly .â-;4.r win. low, opening |..,'li wliii;li yon |.,ok upon f iiiiuiy »onilir.i, gmy l.uilil- liiL,.^. iili'l upon a .sniiill slope of III V.I.I. I, J- ll... iinnii.rkwlyniveof on.- of Sir U.Ul.i.s .1.,-. "-ni,. nii.wiyof keeping .1.,;:.' ll.. ..n... wi.,i,., •â-  is his .lyin^. so.soon: I. Ill, lo lie snre, il I,.- liveil f..r tiflv years .11. .1 liieli .lle.l, uliiil w.jiil.l Leeoine '.f nil: â- ;" My .ill.ntion wiis.alle.l loaiR;eiiliarla.steii: iiiL' III til.- «iii.l.,« .,f tin-, invente.l â- .1 there l,y, soiirrang; M .sash .an lie nafuly liicltuil .. 1..W iiichts from tilt- sill, mill .-1.1.^ .,1 the iiMini is ll ng «lii.h he woiil.lsit as he la .111.1 ].la.. ...hhatl uli.n II I In the.- [,la....,fa. tire- Uial :iiii| Dniul) Man. .,1 .\ .l.-,.i I.i ...I I'li.iik ai .-I.-.. III...' .-.|„ iip.lij pi 1. .11.-1 â-  I' v\ ,11 .. I' v.e.l I Ih. .- np ..I 11. -I- Mirpii li.-e of pap l.ii„s,-||. a, â- ll:..i "I ft When ...1 the â- I that .1 »:„. I'l an. I...I ..I, IV 1 rial w;i li.-h. Tli.. i,. »lll, I.ap. |.|...-l„ ..ll 1,1- 111 I i INhil.i; .\l lUli III I'.in l-.-pi.- .â- ell. ..I .1 i!..- ie.» 1 ..I w.ll ih.ti n...l .,e.„„. I.I Ulllloll I l.'Ve llie .-nil-: â-  I.1-. --wheli I e,.;,.;- •â- â€¢ll.aiik III. as he »iiat.-li.-,l '...i ili\ lieail " aii.l into uhi.-h. i-vening, he has oftt-ii L'l./.-.l. Iie.iring ineaiiwiiile the iiiimii .,f the winter Mill. I, anil e.nijiirin;; up, in llie l.ran.Is, lignrea of lirave kiilghlsan.l gentle la.lies that were lo live loiever ill the aiiilKr of his magical art. .N.-\t t.. th.: on the same Hm.r, is the l.iru.r apart lii.nt Iliat was lii.s ilining-room, w i.-ie hi.- p..i trail of Claverhoiisc (now at .\l.l,..lsf., once hung, al«.ve Hiu mantel, .111.1 «h. many ..f th,. famous |M.-.)pk- of [,.isl have ..iijoyel his lu^pitality aii.l On' the south wall of two prieeless autograpli lly liaineil, one of thuni iu the f Scott, the oilier ia that 1KKI-- A MIU.I..-. -.tKi:\l|i;i;, of V. i,il.. -look.. ,11 pani,: o'.er llit- .la.keliin^' |...,f-.,l ll,.. ..ilv helow. In the lion h all thi.l.,v.|yl...iii.,ii.l II ills are. li,tii,et- ly visil.le acro.-s tile .liisky level of the Korlh, wiinl, sl,elcl,e.s away l»wai-.l the ot-eaii, one .-h.-.-t ..I gliinine-iiiig steel â€" jts inar-'in iii.lenle.l with many ii gia.-eful I,iiv, an. I The that a.Iorn il shining like stones of amethyst set in iioMslie.l Hint. A fe-.v In-own S..1I.S are visilile, .Lilting the waters, ami far t., tlicca.-t apiiears ih.- graceful outline of tlie I-I. ..I .\iay which wits the shrill.; i,f the iii.irlyre-1 St. .\iliian ami the lonely, wavc.- l..-iil.-ii Itiâ€" I;.,, k, with its minimis of sea-, gulls ami solan jinsy Leitli and pic- tliresipie N.-whaven, anil every little village i.-.«.-il is sharply ilefiiicil in tlic frosty At yonr feet is St. Ij!.jnar.Is, with the tiny eoltiige of .leannie Deans, ^â- omle^, iu the s.utli, arc the gray ruins of raigmil- lau Caiille â€"once the favorite suuimer lionie oi the t^neeli of .Scots, now- ojicn to suu ami rain mo.-s-grow-n ami ilesolalc, aii.l swept l,y every winil that Wows. .More easlw-ar.l the eye lingers uimii Carlierry Hill, where .Mary snrrenilereil heraelf to lier jilst iKifore the riinantic episode of aii.I far lieyoml that fields, inters(.-aled hy nany-colore.l Why It Is Twelfth Day. Tniditioii suiys that the twelfih .lav fi-,n, Clirislnias Ikiy was remalkai,!.- for iiaMn- lK.-ell lliat n{M,n which the visit of the .Magi t.s.k, uj.oi; w hi.-li ",ri.-l l,a|ni/....1. the .11 t ana H11I1...1 ini., wine and the rive thou.saii.l fe-I. l-'.ir "illll ye; il was k. pt l.y l-Iiusterii Cliristians ii.s the day upon which (.'liriat was Uni\, and among oiiV-eh es it was long oUserve'l with great lestivitie.s. We are told that in the reign of King .-Vlfied a law- wa.s passed I13- "virtue of w-liich the twelve days after the nativity of our Saviour were ina.le festivals.' The last .lay was a. .-oiinted the greatest of the twelve, ami .-sp...idly given np to •'Christmas ganili-ils " ami th.- visiting of fi-ieiiiU. The custom S.-.-1IIS loiiL' t., have continued in force, for in the sixteenlli century Twelftli 1 lay seems to have Ih^cii kept with as much zeal as 'â- liristnias. The royal fa-r ily at Court led the way, the Universities and the Iiin.s of Court foUow-ing them iu the evtejit of their festivities. -\t the Temple the whole tw-elve days w:ere kept with great care, and many of the country gentlemen followe.l the same custom. In .some parts of Knglatnl the very I.oorest people contrived to keep the fwclve .lays w-ith such gf«,d cheer for tliemsel\-es iin.l their neigliljn-s as their means woul.l allow. ZHTO. 26. Tlie Old Reliable aflraiii to the fore. A sploiidul list of Uenards. Gnat and Good Friend: I hare the pleas- are of anDooDcing the birth of a fine boy, tbe 21st in St., to my grAiddangfater; the PrincesB Btatenberg. who is doing as well as caii be expected. Hus event will doubt- leas cement tbe c(»dial relations existing be- tween, oar C^ovenimenta. Vour good friend, Victoria. This letter is written on ruled Uae pa- per, and to it Presidoit Harriaon replies on white vellom paper as follows Great and Giood Frieod I liave recetveil the pleasant news conveyed t' me' by your cofnmauication of the 22d instant, antl am glad that tbe happy event caute off safely. It is my earnest prayer and expectation that the said event will strengthen the Ifouds of amity and hiendsbip which so happily siih- siat between oar two GoTerament*. Vonr good friend, Benjamin Harrisiis. It is worth noting that the President never sees these letters from ^uecu Victoria and other sovereigns at all. And the re- plies, which are written in an elegant Spen- cerian liand by a $12iiU clerk in the Lk-part- ment of State, are merely taken to Iiini fir his signature. Such is the nonsenee of diplomacy. TflE G. T. E AflD C. F. R. A CoHMnallanvflnlrreiOK Bel wren Tkr*^ Two Creat ilar^ r*Mlblr. Montreal, Oct. :i, 1890.â€" From time to time runioi-s ha\-egoue furtlitlialnegotations were on fix^t letwevn the iirand Trunk an'l Onadiau i'acilic Railways looking lo a union ol these two great trunk lines â€" or, if not a union, at least to closer relations, and perliaps a iKKiling of receipts. "Is there any- thing in it 7" la the iiuestion an interested public has a-sked Thus far apparently there ha:! not, hut once more the atteutioii of the puhlic is conspicuously drawn U* these roatls, and the knowing ones assert that tfai^ time some miited move is contem- plated, i'he prolonged visit of Sir Joseph Tyler his visit to the Northwest, and the proposed hostile legishition threatened hy the LTnited States towards these two great roads, give rise to various rumoi-s, ani the iiuestiou is againaskctl, '-wliat willlw the re- sult Will they condiine to protect their a u- tual interests T Time will tell:' hut, in the meantime, there is one matter upon whieh those connected with thesegreatrailway^ un- animously agree, namely, that -Xasal "ifalm is the only remedy for tJie eti'ectual cure of cold in the head and catan-h, in all fonns and :siagcs. The following testimony froiii two Well-known ofliciuls of theM,- lines.lK.-ar out tilis assertion. Mr. .1. li. Kennedy, li. T. H. agent at Krockville, says " A sln-rt treatment with N'asal I»alm radically remov- e.1 all symptoms of my catarrh. The jire paratiou i.s pleasant and easy to use, and gives immediate and peimanent relief.' .Mr. (lordon Starr, C.l' K. agent at Ui'-.-k- ville, say. "lor sf»me years 1 vnia irotihl-.l with a severe case of catarrh, ami was sel- dom free from catarrhal headache. I iri.-d many remedies, Imt without avail. I jiro- cured a Uittle of Xa-sal Ilalm, and in less than a week my liea'ixicheshad lisai)iH.ared. together with allutliersymptonii^of caiarrh. I lelieve Nasal lialin is a iKxm to all .-iuftei ing from this terrible malady." Kv..-ry sutferer from c-old- in the head" r.r catariJi ^ihould at onec procure a Vittle of Hahu. No other remedy can ikjS-sjMv take its place. For ^le hy ail dealers, r eni BE NOT • Par- ^li«e Msdi- Tbej arc a •mocToa. as tlwr .nally naedad to en- ' the Blood, earing PooB and Wat- Blood, or from __ BcifoKS in BuooD, and also and Build __ the BixMD and SnrEM. when broken j Coatroi of lerTiToiV.'t^,]^-^"**^ MOYKK CO.. 9) -Vonxc i -V' " ed in tlie BEU-m HELTCK. %.'h' "'PIia auBpleoODT to tbcedilor. lir J â-  ' i, '^P I» GOOD HEALTH ed in tbe BEALm HBXPCK. a aamplecoiiT to the edit or. Dr f ATSOJ'S COM Are tlie best in the worM f. cbe^ ani! f-ir t*ic vei'-e. B- as T. "^^. i-tampH larrrKn. when broksi 0ptin.4I. VaTHX TO AITLU Tl iTTTT^ down by OTeiwort.^ In or.lcr that roil l,",V./"6i Balm i-a rK.-itiv 1 win -und â-  eurefor al.lre- nientA] worry. disease. esceesesUMl indiaere- i tioDi They h»TC a ment for Si. orfrw- -amoi,- i,' SFZcmc AcnoK oti with -lamp. J. TIIOTTf I: ' l-' '"' Toronlc. Can. ' ' EVERY IM le Sexual. Srsreai of •th men and womea, restoriuff iost vigor 'U(I correctiuj; all .iBAKorLAiuTUS ancl SCFWiEAiilONS. Who finds his mental fac- nlti.-s dull or failing, or Oak .--ail.:. â-  Te,- "'â- irc. I »V.: 4«.'E»"n .-:ion:d dr..i, --. T.Lji-4c;Kr. .., ••»r«Bi HaK'rr la Thnnr paifL-- I *. IHii-Irai; ., fr,.- wad a l^anoruiiii.- pi. lur-- 1 K-ntnh, of Jeni-iilenj ..j. ;;,. b; H!ilLfiiM.SSsS i P""« iiii^fEIiSinpn. HI â- â- H nUi-« dull OT laiang. or lentnn. oj jni- hi iJLysical powers flagpinp. aboold take tl.e« I Sold ..nly by -»il.-ri[.:i PitjJC They wiil t^mtore his lost anergies, both to ;i)ferit Addr. -^. f lb-t-c«l and mental j I*nMi.-lH .T. Torum...'n. rfionia take them. bev euro all snp- â-  pr«awoi^~abd'rrriieuiaritles. wliiich ineTitatdy ' ontAil Eickuess wiicn ue^octed. VAIIHfi MCU should take these Pnxs. TOUIIIS -iCn "^»y «11 core the re- cults of youuilul lad bi«i;s. ana sfiraiietnen the YOUNe WCiEN r^^ ^l^^^i tnku Uicui rcGUiar. I Vr sai© by all dmpi^ists. or wi!I be sont upon receiit of uricevSOc. ier »jo' by addreasjiiy TH2i IIl- WILLISES* MBD. fO. â-  2;roekvii:e. Ont 'Saihpg weekly »xr^\v...n Mo\Tttt â-  Itetum Tick«;t ^1, stti ... );' "' \-'"'i' rrieanieriind a'-fOnimUi:"j.! ^j" ' ' ' "^^' -teerage^Ji. .\p;j;y i^j ii_ i. ••â-  i... .â- '«â- . eral iianaKerC'aa TOM HoLbK l(t'v AgenLs ill ;ill Tuwii- .tjxVi â-  '" " " aaadl3M*hiii.ii,. i „. J,';.- A Desperate Anarchist. There was an e\citini£ i-hase after an anar- chist nametl Lorion at-^iouhiix on .Saturday. l.^rtou was wante«l In" the poliee for a crinte etitnmittedl'y him')uueat Lille, where he attempted to uuinU-r a local journalist. Ho was c;oudenuied y default t^i imprisonment for two years, and deeiniiig. no duulit, that his case havl Wtn forgotten, ht lately orgaii- iseti an anarchist mi-etin::, wldeh was t«f take jilace in Kouliaix. Jo lie ready f'r eventualities, however, Lorion went to tru- place of meeting amied with two revtdv«'t and carrying a fx-kTt ftdl of bullet.^!" Two »letcctives tunie-i un at the rendez\ous «ii the Reds and accosted tlte anarchist, who, with a revolver in each hand, swt^re he would murder whoever attempted to capture him. The 'ietectives advanced, wheieu|*on the fellow tired, hitting one plain-clotiie.s man in the rijilit ltrea.-t. The detective wa^ not wounded, hut fell to the ground, and while he w;is down lotion lired a bullet into his liack. The nJuT .ieteeine hvd reeeivt-.I a bullet: his lighl arm. Th*,- fiuanliist ilieii Iwiuudetl out of tiie hall of meeting ai:i ran al»ng the street. The detectives, in tin. meaniinie: =taunche«l their wouiid.sakd irav*.- cliru-H; to tlte lutiaway. Ix-dng a-^si-^ted by u IMjlicuii.^ui in uniloriii ajid a crowd of towns- folk. Vindiug hini.-elf .«iirroimried. L-AU'Zi tired thriee at' tlie jK-ople lefMre liini. !â-  ',. hit n'.)l»ody au'i the i.ins:abl«-. ltI.^,â- .^ m-j h: sword, gavt tiie anarchist an ii-;ly ^m-ji in the fit"-, fviiion wa-ith'-n arrt-r-ieil an i •â- ;,. veyed ti"tl:i.- lijck-iip. WORMS 3 JrL^ONES, .^,\ WOOaENCR/»/ER .,3 V lO.KuwSTJittTEAST -1 TORONTO. CANADA Chocolate Creams Kr|Dirr«'nu nfler in'-iltiii â-  *l.iilrpal Mreet. Toronl J. r^- :. 1 :â- .â- :- L .*"..; .- CANADA PERMANENT^ Liail iliXl SiliiilliS '(l||||)il||), Hlir«' Toroiilii St.. 1'iii-iiiil)i. â-  I Subscribed Capital up Capital Reserve fund Total Assets J. HERBERT MAON. S 4.500,000 â- 2.500.000 1.340,000 ll.5O0.O0C GIVEN AWAY. J.RAnRAYGO WHOLESALE TOBACCONISTS. MONTREAL, The |) pi Frnn.i -lslh„-„,, fi. I-.... l; I'lit fii pri.- ..ckvilk-. On;. veil frf-»--. Vji^-h j-.-^r-^. rti^.-in.: i:'.:: tliis .iilv Til. bun. ^il.- -.• rr- :..1.1i -.- li-.|,l III., LiM'k Ltven ciwlli liei^^iit tlie sonilin; yrct-n Iiawtliorn lie(lj:i:s imd with tlic.varionnliHcsof piistnrcuiidluirve.5t stri-tcli iiwiiv lo till- liill.s of Liiniineriiioor aii.l tliii Vulloys of Twi-i-il ami H,k. Darker anil ilurkc-r (,'row tlie gathering shartow.s of the glcKiiuing. The lights begin to twinkle ill the c-ity atrc-tts. 'ihe echoes of the riBeii llie away in the Hunter's Ii,g. A piper far â- â- .-tr l» playing the plainti-e .Scotch music of " « Ik-1.-, tell nic where, is my Ilighlainl laililic gone. " .\n.l as your stejis ilraieml tlc crag tlie moon, now nearly at the full, shine.-! through a gauzy mist, and hangs uIkivc the mountain like a shielil of gi.hl upon the tow- el e t of taiU-l of night. ghtfiil talk. Ill now hail.' Fresh or C4ihtieil cherries instead of grapes ake a nnwt (l.;1ieions ilessert serve.l in any juicy frui' may lie inal this w-.ay, or, in fa.-t sulistilutcil. Three Bocks. One of the most successful Ijusiness men in Ihi.s ..-ountry, a man who lieginniiig with- out a ilollar has made a w-orlil-wi.le leputa- lioii in aiiiassiiig a huge fortune, ami in maintaining a character for .strict integrity, i-er-ently w-arneil all Iioys entering acoinmer-- eiiil life that there were three rocks ahead, on which if they once ran agl-ound they would go to ruin. The first ^\-as liijuor. ' Xolliing can lie made of a young man in Imsiness life," lie adiln,- " no matter what his aliility, if he drinks.'" The second wa.s speculation. The fonnd.i- ions of any Imsiness, w-hetlier it. lie that of Don't Delay Send at Once Competition Xumbcr Twenty .Six opens Tiowatlhc soli.-iiationofthousands ol'tlie ohl fri.-nils ami eompelilors in former contests. 'i'he K.litoi- of Tjie L.aiiijl', has nearly forty ihoii.^-uid testimonials as to the fairne.-i3 with which f hose Ui hie Competi- tions have been conducted. 'i'hia competition is to be short and de- cisive. It will remain open only till the liitli day of Decemlier inclusive. 'J'lie qncstions arc as foUow-s â€" Where in the Bible are thefollowingw-ords first found, 1 Kem, -j KoeK, " G.AP..MK\T. To the first person sending in the correct answer to these questions w-ill Ik" giv.-n niiin- ber one of these' rewardsâ€" the I'iun... T., the next person, the SUnj.llO in u-ii-h, and 80 on till all these rewards are given away. FIRST REWARDS. First one, an liUc^fant Upright I'iano by celcliriitftd Canadian Finn $500 .Second one. One Hundred Dollars in cosh luO Nexttiftcen.eachasuiierblj- bound Teach- cr'sJlible,^ Kext seven, each a*s FincGoUi Open Face Watch.good movement SO) Next eleven, each a Fine Qiiailniplcl'latc Iniliviilual sialt and Hepjier Cruet Next live, each a beautiful yuailruple .Sil- ver Plated Tc-a .Service U pieces) $10. Next one. Twenty Dollars in cash Next five, an elegant China Dinner Service of lUl pieces. Next five, each a Rne French China Tea Service of GS pieces. Xext .seventeen, each a complete set of George Elliot's works, bound in cloth, 5 vol.-.., §15 N'ext seven, each a Ladies' Fine Gold Open Face or Hunting Ca.ic AVatch, 530. MIDDLE REWARDS. To the person sending the middle correct answer of the whole competition from first to hi-t will be Eiven the fifty dollars in cash. To the -sender of the next correct answer foilnwinir the middle w-ill be Kiven one of the ten dollar amounts, and so on till oil tbe middle rewards arc distributed. 'r,„.n Ui-.I .M«rr ui Eoyalty .1 'f,. /...,i./.,„ /â- )•., l\ ---. 1 13 120 200 20 200 210 Importers were greatly excited at New .Ilk .111 .Satur.lay verti earrival of cargoes ami the collector of cusloiiis kept the oHiecs oiJCii until midnight pnssiint entries. Ill I IS .1.-1 ll.isr.,. leltei--: li.iii.lwrilin "i Kiitiis. l:.,tli risniis are used for business ..die.-. i.„w the h.Mise iHiiiig tenanted I l.y III' ag.-n.-y of the New-Zeal.-ml Mort- j.'a^,'i-C.iMi|Kiiiy anil iMit hare furnished w-ith -V ccrtjiin-mineralogist, S. S. Krctovitch l:ii-.-'i- pri.ises lor the keeping of deeds anil « bo liius been making researehcs in Govern- ai.liiM-s. .\e\ei-tlieles3, these i-fsims "lent lands, has discovered in south Uiissia iiin.-li as they were when Scott liveil i a mine of sylpbnr, the iinality of which is 1. aii.l his.spiiit .seems to hannt the '«"leiior to any hitherto knon-n. The min- |il.i. I WHS brought very near to him that I "al directly from the mine if 95 p-r cent .lay. for ill tlie saltte hour was |*Uce4l iu !•â- ..." â€" ' i- -: â- â€¢ t.iliiilv I tin I oiiipanionship. -^ Neither intellectually nor .socially is il good for man to be alone, n 1 the griefs of thonght are more iiatiently Isiriie when we Iin.l that they have een ex- I Ierieneeil by another. luy IS -iM I .\ Ihe .il'iill â- I Ill .III :\.-uf. Itv, .1 I...V,- Thi^ I a II. -w lii.liisli iiiir -t from .\.*»t.iiii 11- .M.-ssis. SI,-«,, ..I ol .\|..iili...Ll Ilii-afinr I ll. ll, lis iir.Mlii.-: it'll, t..o.l 1..1 taniily ii.s.-. In\ i-i-v'ei-a! .-rates on e\l;ibil itas l..-eli| il. th,- t'liUe.l Slates. 'I'll. ly biliLliiigi ai,"\hil ili.l l:.iiel,-..s 1.1 l.n.-k |ki.-k iiiM-liienee u' ..f sniieiii .-i-il intii 11. 1, the Miiiiii tV .f 1. I. .„.-ii-l,;u, ml U-iii.' â- ret of .Ir.iwing i.f Ontario ivholesonie 1 .-..n.-ciiM-iK-c, This iii.lnstrv f.M.- ehieHy by .Montreal firm e\. peel lo lia\i- arrull.i^elnellts uuule to supply ihcprin.-ipal |silioiir.| tlie trade of Cauotla. .\ec.iliipali_Mllg liie e\oibit are recipes for theililh-rint styles of cookiug the tish. â€" Th*; the ..riginal malillscript* of. his ji mils, ami I saw, in bis own handvrriting, TIIK 1,.\^T WilKlis that c\ci h-Il his [leu. I'iiosc journals ai e in tw n qnirto rnlumes, of iiaru]c4 blakli p iper, iKiuiid ill white Tellura, tiow jdloml with age, and each provided iviUi s loi^. S r Walter kept this diaiv fr Il*Jo to Is.-li' and these are llie fum.nis " lorted k»," which Were eonsulled by l^ockhart « hen he was writing the Life, lint which have never yet U-en published. One of them is completely filled with writing: the other nearly so and the lines in both are of a hue, .small cbaraet.-r. crowded closely to- Tow-arils the last the writine inani- â„¢.„ll .1 ° .. pure, ami its piiMlnctiou will not cost more fifty kopecks [ler pM«l (forty poun.Lsl pany is iKjing binned to explore the thi A mine. P. ami O. when ap. A Lascar sailor on loaid the Company's steadier Peuins.ulir, pnwchiiig Aden from Ifcmlxiy-, had a remark- able adventure. Ho fell overlioard from the forward lighthouse. Three life buoys w-erc tlii-ow-n, ajid a lioat was promptly loweretL The native was not rescued foraliout a cjuar- ter of an hour, when he was found clinging to a life buoy and it was seen that Iwo large sharks had grabbed the other two life buoys. ClxcER Sn-.\ps.â€" Miia pinch of salt and a tablespoonful u£ ground gijiger into a half pound of flour, and to this nib four ouuces of butter ami the freslily grated rind of a lemon. Mix it to a paste with alioat two ounces of molasses and a few- drops of lemou i/- juice. Flour the pastry- board, roU out your i " "' '"' •^""tond. pastry as thin as possible, and cut it iiito I " â€" -m^ rounds with a tumbler. Bake in a moderate] Miss Mary "Wen, judging from hisap- I oven and roU round your finger into a cone pouanoe, I OmOd say he had a lone life iT .- â€" before It hwdens, which It very soon does so Joro him."â€" Dr. Bouea â-  Wmii^_,„i way explain the emotion with which I you must be quick about it. Keep the nwn wroqg HU life ianot worth rixn^hT'.?^ J looked upon these feebly scrawle.1 syllable, in a cla«ily ^t ti. or they iriJ loeelSSr cIuJoV-mS. J^'^re^oTT.t "" «i â€" i__. ..ir__* _* a.1 1 â€" 1 hian Tir Humi *• **•.* 9***^ •l»«ncuiig c'tlier. ftats only too well the arrowing infirmity of llie ttrokeii Miiistrel â€" the forecast of the Imllou-td (leath-bel of Abbot«ford and the vi'iicrablr and glortoos tomb of Drybnrgh. He was on hia toar in Italy, from which so imich was hopedâ€" and h(.ped in vain. These arc his last words: "We slept securely uiid on the next morning' and so the Journal abruptly ends. I can -tbe last effort of the ner'de8s huid that crisuoew. jreat crmtroller of ,r\ trust or a inere news Uiy iielling a dollar's worth of [Kipets, are iindenuiiieil the inonunil the gainbliiig ele- iritnt conies into it. This warning is not likely lo reach effcu- lively any lurge speculators through 77i^ CfJinjHtiiion. iJut it will reach lens of tliou- siinds of lads, whf in farm liouses,- iu offices and »hops are tempted to invest part of their small earnings in lotteries or tstock gamb- ling. Two facts Ijearing on this subject arc worth their consideration. A man who as a legitimate broker reached a controlling position in Wall Htrect was a-sked just liefore his death if he had known many men outside of the Exchange make a fortune by gambling in stfjcks. After some eonsitleration he replied "Not a single one, I have known amateurs come on the street and make laigc sums by a chance hit. Hut they alwajs preserved, and invariably ended (Mwrer than when they i»egan. The business more than any other retfuireslong experience and carefully train- eil judgment. S'o novice can master it." The other facts is that the profits of the most fairly conducted lottery in tlie United States were so vast that it was enabled to oirer a million and a rjuartcr of dollars a I year for the mere right to renew its char- ter. What chance has the potr sh»p l»oy or clerk who bnys a share in a lottery ticket or HpecuUtcs in stodv, to turn his dollai into thousands as he liopes, against such odds as these ' The third rock iu the way of the bnsiness man was the reckless backing of his fellows. His first duty, saj-s the wise counselor, is to hi« partners and creditors. After their in- terests are secured let him be geierous. A rock, not pointed out upon this eliart, has proved the ruin of countless business craft. It is the temptation dishonestly to adulterate or lower tbe %-alue of *.he gootls sold. A, ma«l)iue, a./abric is of the best (juality and lience deflervedly popular. Its owners are reaping a small but certain profit. A little more alcohol in tlie diiig, a cheaper make of ste^ in the machine, a mix- ture of shoddy in the ;y'am, and these profits will Im? immeasurably increased. But the poUic is keen oteye and mercilcK of judement. The dishonest mannfactur^. 1 ijiids his don-nward road short and swift. His capital of good opinion once destroyed. First, Fiftj- doHars in cash Next five, each ?!( in cash V. Next throe, each a line Family Sewine Machine. ?50. .7* Next five, each a Ladies' Fine Gold Watch, $G0 N'ext ten, each a Fine Triple Silver I'latcd Tea Set. U pieces) %^ N'ext twenty-one, each a set of Dickens' Works. BcautifuUy bound in Cloth 10 VOU..?L'0 N'ext cIcRant China DinncrServlce of 101 pieces, by PowelL Bishop Stonier, Ilamlcy, Kngland N'ext live, each a tiiic French China Tea Service, of 68 pieces, specially import- ed, 94(1 Next seventeen, each a complete set "of George KHot's works bound in cloth. 5 vols,, 815 7; Next eiffhteen, each a hajidsinne Silrcr Plated Sugar Bowl, S5 xext five, each a Ladies' Fine Gold Watch, S^O. ... Next flfty-flve, each a handsoo^^ lone Silver Plated Button Hook CONSOLATION REWARDS. For those who arc too late for any of the above rewards the following speciiu list is offered, as far as they will go. To the sender of tbe last correct answer received at LADiEsr Journal office postmarked LUh December or earner, wilt be given number one of these con- â- yjlation prizes, to the next to the last, number two. and so on till these rewards are all eiran away. First one. One Hundred Dollars in cash. .. Next flftcen,eachasuperbly bound Family Bible, beautifully iliustratod, osualir sold at tI5 7^ Nextseven, each a Gentleman's Fiiie Gold Open Face Watch.crood niovcmcnte $60 Next nmcteen, each a Set of a Dozen Tea Knive-i, heavily plated, f 10 NextflTe, each a LaOies'if^e Gold Watidi eao.. Next fifteen, each a Ladies' Fliie Gold Gem Ring.97 Next forty-one, each an Imitation Steel uigTUTms. Rosa Bcmhcnr's Horse Fair ?z Kext twenty-nine, each a Complete Set of Dickens Works, Handsomely Bound in Cloth, 10 vols., f20. Next twentr-one. each a Fine Quadrapjo FiatoIndtTidnol Salt and Peppar Cruet new design. B5 ISO 250 105 _nty- ... ...t £oand Bible, with concosdance ^^ch person competing nam. send One OoUar with their answers, for one year's anbacnptioD to the Ladus' Jotohai. The Lui«8 JocaKALhas been greatly eaWaed •ad improred and is in evr thispnce __^ forkaes oo t£is contii^t Yon, thcro' pay nothing at aU for the privilege qT Mmpetmp for these prizea. *»• « ™™Pâ„¢Mwmbe distribntedintdmefor -ca Mu \\\-n Wiiy flown Uifii- 1' \\iv ?.luli.!i vislt:rilii\' i*.fwv\i'»ni I t..(_-.,I. U-wis. wl-o «*M- ;in -K-.-i;- I«itit of the cab with him, iliui I.f lui'l ;i likih;,' i.-i niie ir.iveUin- c.nMimu-nl. ;inl Iil- iIiMiiyJit ill.- .iip|,iy ol .\!.-\. .Ir'.lni-ion â- .. ill tin- Vain MtiiMiiiL.' w;is a.^ liin- :.â- - :i!iv thini.' b, 'v»-i -h;t.l tlK- j.l.-asure of h^jkii'iL' u|njii in Old !^»ndon or ilusgow., iind lii:ii 1 e would ii;ivc liki-1 lo 1j;u lui.l u lew min- utes nior.- to iit^prcl niinut" Iv. Wv .il-^ joined with lln- m.ble Ijirl in praise of ih.? beautiful All^..ll^'ll no ju-y.-s aV-- given thu Jirni 'itsti \c -p(; rfr.-iK-i..c. I hey show some speci.d li e in" V:ili-^cf^. Cabin, Tourist and Club JJags. 'I'lie Roller Tray Truiik, nianufaciiircd by .1. KvcU-iLili t "u., of .Montreal, with wlioin AIc.x. -lohn- ^ton A: Co. do a larj^t- tnidc, cb-.;(-rv. .-= n.or.- than u pa.ssing notice. The tray ijll.s l..ick the li" and a lady desiring *to ;:*-t aiiv article .out of Uic l)ttom of tli»^ trunk need not lift every tiiili.i,' out to natli it, but simply nill.-j the tray iiitr. the L«.\er. 'll..- Iirm;isiiretl the Fr.. /V' -- rcportei lint in a very short time the Uoller Tray Tj iiiik wouhl ^^lethe old tyJe, and iioin the numlKTof enijuirie.s ior the "ncwdirpurt- ure" in trunks-, and also the sales uiaiJe, the reportei- was forced lo agree willi the lead ingmendM*r of the firih in this res|x-it. The prices of the trunks astonished siK-ctators aaden|uirer.«. The tirni show tnmks f]-«»m '2 up also some very choice ones with Itrass trimmings, uialc from Eveleigb's Rawhide Fibre, a patent material « hich is vt'iy light and dunible. Some solid leather work in trunks, vali.--e:9 and portmanteaus is also exhibited. .\ veiy handsome ]Krt- mantcau on display caught the Kev. Father 'i'ieniaii's eye and he lost no time iu pur- chasingit for his own use ile.v.M-s. .John- ston Co. arc to le coiigratulatt-d on the meritorious display ihcy make, and the hope is expressed that they will again assist the Western I'uir Fxjard to make the exhi- bition a success in their line, as it hjis lM;eii this year. A company (d lalies ami gentlemen were playing at forfeits wlien a ,vag proptsed that all the rest shouM do as he did. He thcreupni took a handkerchief, dipfH-d it in water, and legan ndtbiug his face. " Now, all of you do the same, please " At this the ladies, in a IxKly, gut up and fleil from the room.â€" f Paris Figaro. .NOTM'K. Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine will in- stantly relieve, as well as stop, a severe ht of coughing. A lovely inkstand is ol brass enameled in colors, with the inkwell of cut glass. â- erommrBdril lo SnflTiTero. (liblwns' Toothache (Jum. Price L"i cents Flower necklaces worn by bridemaids are mounted on blaek velvet ribljon, and consist of small flowers. The easy (juiet way which T. A. SLO- CUM'S OWGKMZKD EMULWION of PURE COD LIVEK OIL has won its way into public favor speaks volumes for its n'erits. At the oftiee of the company, Toronto, Out., can be rceu scores (^valuable testimonials while any druggist will tell you that for all pulmonary diflicnliits it stantls unrivalled. All Men young, old, or middle-aged, who find than selves ner\'ous, we»k and exJiaiuted, who are broken down from ex cess or overwork resulting in many of the foUowmg symp' tom» Mental depression, premature oH age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpiution of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body. Itching or peculiar seusatiouabout the scrotum wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the masclee, eye Hds and el»»where, baSif uinees- deposiU in the urine, loss of wiU pow^ tenderness of the acalp and spine, weak and ft^musclee, deeire to sleep, fwlnre to be M«ted by sleep, constipation, dulloese of ^^'Wvl""*?^ "**'**- de-ire for solitude, exoUbdjty of temper, sunken eyes surroor^! edwithtKADMcciBCLE, oily looking Bkia Omt lead to insanity and death unless cur^ Ihe spring or vital force having lostite tension every f miction wanes inc^nence! Those who through abuse committed ' K. V ;r,c :.. -.,-. -â-  ;â- - of Kl.L-, -il iv'.:-.i -;'n;".-(i ::-«^Ti '.iielcit ieoiUaHi L-d in it,i' *^3LOOil PIRIFIER.- \i.-- .-.i.-ji. t..X(UL- Miberl.'.lh i:.-.-.-.:..: j^. u lleiti lUr l.Vh i: ..' -1 'Ji- â- .Ii..e: iIrt :.'"). J i' f \i iil r.-f i-rj/f- nf ;.t. â-  â- :i. i.. -111.! .-.-\ !i riM~ -ol ru,-,I„ -!l III ' f ll -*.-! tionuf 1 Um- :l- in ii';tt.-.i • 1 ;!i 11. s: 1 i-u hirgt M I1--1 in Th.- K\ I II if J ou (io noi win nuc of tin- .vi; \Mif rL-i*ri\f :i jire^tt'i" ;ui\'w;i ;iiin V. l:-" Iii-r a !i-l of worrit iiit' -â- â- .ill in nr Ij K.t. j, ii-r iir ,ii':iIi.-;ilion iini-: In- ar.-iiiiili;ini!, Or,.- Ii..!lar I'.ir whi.h .t .i.,]l;ir LoiiU- M.-iihiiiii JiJ.HMl I'lirilit-r uill he l'.jr\\.inl.-.i. Il:;- nr. j.;.r.iiii,n :- ; loin- -ii|MTiur :• :iiirJiin:: â- â€¢â- ! in IP .in.-.-.i f./iMlii- rulk-f iiiiii .-iir.' Ol' ir,. r;ii,,( :..,.;,r' i:'..'i.lil.-. rircul; :. :i; .[ in;! ujl'..riii;.ti..n -f !.-I ,l,.~..- ]â- - uil] \,f â- r 'MlLthe lil of pri/i 1 in the Nkw s nf Iru I I-u'.I iiiK week. I The It.T\e of Iro«|Ui I l'oytniii.-.|erof Ii-o.] IlKPHI US' ':iit:i-'i1. Irinjuo;.. i.-.. .1- i; iuay liol ;i;. .. £La a Flesii P: no qnesticn bv- m WEEKS THiNUFIT! D'nccr thc-re can bo SOfifT'S EiH i Of Pure God liver Oil aiiJ iiyjaphospiiites j Of Lin.u .-r,;i Soda j J is wiUlont a rival. MaQT have J I Earned a ponnd a diy by the nse J of It. It cures I CCNSfSS^PTION, I SSi'Sf"" BRC'liniS, roUGHS AND £9i:2!- '•" '" 'â- â- "•"' '1' WASTING DIS- EASES. .: â-  .â-  '.. .ir.ljB/j; js- MIi.K. (Gina^^n-naoe t: Sr./.il r'orac.9alloviUe.Salmo,l| sl'.jllt»r -nil tl 00. CANCEIft *h.1TI;M()k jrpri. No Knifr Bo.-;. Itfr.t; H M, MICHAl 1,. The Be-st iituHls Sold !m (1i, Piiiiiiitiil Bi.i. iiiiil Mioi' I»ali'i-s. Kv«r.vl':iii-!Slaiii|MI. jmTieOPEASjyTl \TAU7ABLK Patiiil on Volmiiiodf for s^ilc Inventors 1 nion. Toronto. -»""ii-^. $3 50 "S'"-\y.-GoOd men wo UU J- :i-st suihnff art M V ictoria street, Toronto. iind women. fj- .il i""" '-hubl.. General .*K.-nt for On Wno, fa8} lorfc-e Ir. el. Torrnto. Onl LEATHER BELTING Best value in i;„. l)on.ini..n. y. K. I)l.\0\ CO .Makers. 7(, King ,tr,-.,t l.i,st; â- «rSend for I'rice List- and I'lseueuts. M TTmsmIU-c. fit Colic:: ui S'.alj it Cdiaizt. Tlify ure t!i» c.yi t uvp.s thai WILL NOT W.-.SH OUT I WILL NOT FADE OUT' ri,e,el.i.=,l,^ J^o_,V:.fv^Slrv„i^b.Color,„s rH».,,i..r,»r B.=.!.. i., -I .:rl:i;-;. l)ve«. Ihru ,;?i .ifrsur ttia' 4;nc.ldwillfl • :.3. -r U. d« GOHS\iVl?T\0^ TOTIfK KniTiHt: e ihniis.Tiii jbo.ena„e.,di«,.,^."By t;to"*4"â„¢ J-'"" "•'•'• 1 sl,».l l.e BUd» se.d tipo iSS' ' sun^ionirtjgjill send me th«, oi iiojji s '.I, at 1 1 ave 2 Ml .es,s c:.: rs l...v • bi d S 01 your readers who h:',ve"con -TORONTO. 0:JTAKIo"' 'â- - **«i«rtfnHy, T. A. SLOCUM. 'S^:^^^'4^^^^^J^e^ K:t;v.' ".nedv for t Si.tiv r irea ana u m every waieooaf at i™™- â„¢rongn aunae eommitted in to any of the pubfic^SnTanwd I ^^^T^J "^PTn^ently cured. Send on thi. continLt T^ Jr!?" |y°°'»^*™«K«'b«tnaUdi«M«espeenliar tojMu. AddTM. M. V. LUBON, fiO^Si Hart dueaK, the Ijinptomaof wMdi an J"«: "PP^fr ^-t fl«he^^n3V.n5ood to^teaddpll PUB in the heart WitM«S •tooiwi»p,d»dimgrf.r. the i«wmd heart b;«3-«k«t than tie fiot, pain ahoBt «»• bone, etc, can ma^Tely be ennd S°«^ SaaflbrWi. Addrei. JLi aS?^ " *^ *~" B-C S A.f.ea. A Support to The Aged and Mrm. JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF Has Wonderful Sustaining Power, OTTI^ Friction GiipPiillf) Saves Time Quicker than a .hift- Hig Belt. Saves Belt-Xo wear I«l, stands utie when not working. Saves Roomâ€" On siiaft. Saves Moneyâ€" Inasmu-i, as s the abore cost money. rniley €ircHlar, suting your wants. Co., Ltd., Brantfiird, Canada, "When ratlirr ' tion wtiic The hi Major Li ularly about hu at once. ".My w hee\|»lai hon- fi.i ha\«' It W .-v,- h; thvlV illMI Ch.rts Sir.' elmui;ii •' il':^ llu- M K.«,.l ..,. .Ij .M. '.uth i! I.f LMI... HIM 1,.H UIkI 111 y..ii ni;i l..hl..; stun," â- â€¢'W.!!, fill ..i •â- i\.- I.... â- â- III,. Kiiil Ml,' lllxJIlll -\a,ll\ .lar.-„\ vis,- ll.'l Iht pi, u â- â€¢ I li. .1.1,1, in, •â- I ;ini th.- .\Liii. ;.:..„l hln kill,) vl .1 l..,t .-l.,.| l,lilhini,.i it 1,.,. i. II.- U.i .l.-.-k ll, him. •â- U,ll, y,ii .11. â- â€¢ iitth- tii, s,.llhl,.. n,w ,111,1 t,ill ittnl |»:if:i,li*,-. Th.-l. h al„,iil 1.1- .Ml li.ipii 1 lii Ih,- -i..,.ii iili,l .-.iMi Ih.-v 1,»,],, t..i;,lh.i. â- â-  N,.,i V -as Ih,-v u. â- â-  Ni, I lli'iinis,-- .1 .-\. T ;.'l\ iiiL \..-II .-i»,,IIL-i, ••Th,-y;i 11,, l.-al-, â-  :.,! •v.-.-.. j .\i„Mi}, ;.i. i„..y li.k.- .,1. f..r-.;. I ill th.-».- lin, .1. kii,,\v \\ h, I «,,i.'t y,,ii 1, It.' i

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