OIL i-^:*^ ,w:ictiiii?ry. Co., Toronm 3rlinder Oifl 'â- â- i y.iirs.ir. n-ware TOUOXTO D. Markdale. 'n ill iili kinds of B HcCnllongli Young, BANKERS. MAUKDAX-E, 0:NT. Notea (lisconnU-.l 1 'eposits received and interest allowed. CollA^oni made and drf ftB issued on ail points tf the Dominion and United KtPtes- Private and Company funas to loan at low rates on good I'itrm projj^^rty. AV. L. rOUNG. Uanager. business 0*^*1^®- Ufii'/, T ri'ic juid haadRome* .:iiitid f..r F;^ and Winter Hi'ii jil! tin nst. Call and ur rd-r. jiiid \ntl a neat and tAUKUAI,K. !• '.\V.«« TO T!! \l JS THE mm :.i.'.- .-.a -.of study. t -^ ,ri :ii:.-ti'ni after ' 1 f -r. Ill-: i-irtiriilara â- '-• • n •â- 'â- .,-i'!dreh« ^Sx^x-- 'iM -.11 â- â- u- .! Tiior^ANDS .1 1 I â- I .i.,. :.â- !-- h'lije- 1 !i 1" I- jn- i;i'-iiii'-i '^yiiip- '"â- ;n. f' rit.'-trliy of â- 'â- -. â- !â- /I â- "â- •:. I'Ml iIHe I;y I'liji' ::--i :i!-cnt3. 'ouse Fiiniiture. a!e Furniture jfare room. .^â- i. 'V Suits, V !ot I Sutt.s, i piy: 1! Suits, ' â- I S V iJudding, '.n!c bouids, 1,..-::. 1. ..l.-ii;i..u 1 allies. â- ; \\ .. l..-;.ii:il,- Siiriiig •â- '.; â- -:.M' â- â- â- 1 all km.ls. 't v: â- : !.•• Ill :i 1- r.i pt 111 Ijli :l|,il â- __â- â- .(UU- 1 ,.i: r..: I^ilnll^lllll^•s â€" • t 1." 1 ' i.iiiiiij^fl. ..',-.-ll;.ti -li^ ill- i. :.i\,.i .. H- W. Suroule. e-^'^- v^m -; -.-::•• •: t!'3 i ^â- ..., vjijj r--- -= -..:; t.;.;;aoh!; â- \ .;.. J, ....I'juri:, â- â- (M, .-.luu- -i â- "' .. ' '-â- C^ 1" â- _ ,, .;;lvT ,;,f ;,' V'{5: p.;'-;:vii:v;trs,Tflr(ffl{(i. Ion SALE PEOPITI. i-.t-^ •' ^;U ciuitftin- '_•' V ,1 I.,, produced l^ay jf October, 1890, ,f:,i_....„ .11 Uu Kiirk.lalo ^â- f Wark -I'l., till- folimwag "â- 'â- ,'â- ' 'â- '"" "i'H'inthe "' '•â- • • mut^ ••fi;;-.A.aml â- -l.ii..v:i,?n,r,.s,,( Lot 1 n,i.r s„„l Toiviisliii.. ' â- â- â- IV 111-.- SKUI lo b« i-.-.'.i,,lr.rlo«l.amv!H •11. T^ii,. r.ro iiliuutT* I'f I'll- iriirch^is.- iiioucv to I,.V.I .â- "'"â- " 'â- ""â- â- â- •i-it.iiiia r oissos, I \.ii.l..is s..,:f„„rs, 'It Mri-i't, Toronto. JiK. K-ij. |I.U k,l;i;, Out. JIEN. l„ial „r travi-linf! II .-i-Ji jny 'uarjinteej •:'i;riij Stuck. Salary vMclly. OutlU free. |li ti. l«.i;i„n, rs. Work- 'â- loil u\...kly wages. 'aTti,-nl:irs, 1^. Ktixseryinaji, I- 1 Toronto, Ont. Iraiu b-iicrat Bamil- 1' 'â- r;l i 1 .Il.-inea :xnu L:-. IV.-;,....::V Cnm- I-f^-j than If 11 idiij,' stautluig aod llifness of chest aad 1 all drusTfjiste. DRS. SPROULE EGO, Physicians, Sur- ptons, Accouchers, Ac. Officesâ€" Pr. Spronl**, in Tarner'.q DruK Store Ir. Ego, in Dr. Brodie's nirl stand, Mathew's block, where all calls, day or night, will be promptly attended to. T. S. Spbocle. M.D. A. Eoo.. M.D.. Ac, PMcCULLOUGir. • liarriater. Solicitor, Src. Otficpâ€" Over McFarland's store, Markdale. Money to Loan. IB. LUCAS, a Barrittter, Solicitor, etc., of the firm of Bishop A L cas, Owen Sound, at office of \\m. liUeas Co every Friday. Wra. Lucas in charge of office daring week anri legal matters will receive prompt aitentioii. WM. l;UOWN, Division Court Cierk, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A**. Commis- Hiouer in H. K.. Ac. ConveyaaeinE ui aU its braiicbca promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B.--Mi.ney to Lend on ^Real Estate Btcuritj. "ITSTM. STUART. Kjmbebley, \\ Issuer of Marriage Lii:t-n~es. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low ratts. A few farms for sale. Terms J P. MARSHALL, M.D,S.,D.D.S..L.D.S. Dentist, graduate ..f Toronto School of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale Hou.-e, Markdale, on the first and tJiird Wedrie.sday of-^eanh month, and also at Miinsl:a\v's Ih.l.-l, Flu-shcrton, the day follow- ing the MMfkilalo visits, for the practice of Lj« profesbiou. Terms cash. M' OXEY TO LOAN On real estate security. U-w TixU: of intere-^t. No commission (.•hari?»Hi. liUiineas strictly confidential. J 1)1) J. S. Blace. Pomona P. 0. F 7».iKM FOR SALE. Lot No. 24, con. 4, N. ii. U., Glp'i.rig. 100 acres, will be sold cheap and on insy Uirme of payment. For further particuUr-- api-lv on the premises, or by letter tu J. S. lilttcJ;, i\.mona P. O. 190-lf M J AUKDALE HOUSE, â€" MARK1)ALE, O.NT.â€" MAiisn, Proprietor H. J. SI'!J(iULK, Fr.K.sHKBTON, Con ve vane er, Aipr:ii.-."r, Valuator and Money Lender. Dt-cds. Mi itLMi^o-, Lt'asies and Wills drawn np and V;i.ti.ili.tris made on nhortest notice. Charges v. ly I-nv. Apply to R. J. Hproule, Money LerdtT and P..sluiaHter, FLeslatirtou. w. ItiCHAHPK, mil Arc-li]lirt. Mnrkilale. Ilnilder, Contractor, Canada LS. LOCAL STEAMSHIP ROUTE. Owen Sound and SaultSte. Marie. Passenffor and Fast P**ei?ht X,:ne, carryin:? Ker Majesty's Kal'.s. S. S. CAAMOMA. K l.Al.:i.' .M K. f.l S S. CAMSRIA. N"KiI.C.\3irilELI. facsday ..11 of is^iO from tr. M-u-it! cvi-ry (â- iirrivul of the iir^ Tniiu from Toronto u) |j,iii.i, 'â- iiIHiii; al Killitri.i'v," t:;iii.tia,th. l.iltli- Cion-iit; V. S|i.tiijii !;ivtT, lui-iw.-irri I'.riiv.- MiiN^. HilfiHi, i:i':hiir'U I l;p r. tli'-m-t! to Haiiit Stu. piirts ou the return Friday, !,r 1- V-:' l'[;!,l..n 1 U\Ti:s i-t;i b o^tiiiiictl M \1 ri..\Nl» A- IIIXOX. lit tiu-ir ..i: Wrst siii.-of riwr. M.li.-ri' all .!,.â- will l..-.ilni. pel. fri-i-(.f\vh:irr- â- ..Mi ot KDW.VUD TODD; -lOHN 'â- IllSHOl.M. lutil at tiie â- I-, .M^iitltiiiil" \\ arfhonse, I'^ant I l:iw r Stnit. O. J. atcC^TTSE, Maiiiijiiii;; X-Atut. 'HEW TO THK LINE, IjET THE CHIPS FALL WHEIffi THEY MAT." EliEVEKTTI YEAB.â€" I^o. 526. MAItKDAIiE, THUKSDAY, OCTOBEB 9, 1890. C. W- RUTIiEDGE, Proprietor- WATCH REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY. A glance at onr repair board will convince the m'8t sceptical that we lead in repairs. The best of materials UBjd and satisfaction guaranteed and given in every case. All kinds of ENGEAVING artistically done. Coin jewellery. Friendship Rings, Band Biogs, gold or silver, made to order. Solid silver (FRIENDSHIP fBIHSS,) with monogram or ioitial on bangle, for 50o. We have roady-made a large numtier of these, and the demand is increasing. All cur hncs of WATCHES. ETC.. are full and well assorted. Oar prices are too well known to need comment. A large assortment of INDIAN WORK in birch bark on hand, which is worth an inspection. BREADNER GASSON Practical Je"weUers MARKDALE. ONT. Local and Other Items. HoncBB in thete cohtwauintefidti ts hen^ any individual or Society will he charged ten cent* a Uru for the iirtt inMcrtion and five cent* a line each %uh$eqnent intertion, NOTICE. â€" Corrtiepnndeneet communiea- tions^. AdvertiMemenU itCt, niut be in this office by noon on Tuesday toineurepublication thatveek. Ths SrrumiaD wants a correspondent at Priceyille. Dbeabt and dismal are the dropping days of October. The Owen Sonnd Smi tells a despon- dent tale of the North Grey Fall Show. Examine onr advertising columns for sale of lands by anction also stray an- imals. C. W. Bi;Ti.EroE has sold lot 19, con. II, Holland, to Mr. John Cook of Uaade fo»»990. S. J. DixoH, of Toronto, is to walk the rope in Owen Sonnd OB Wednesday, October 15. "When in Markdale, s1lo"ws you WMl Dins I it liio p!nc JuBiLEB Lodge L O. Q. T. gave a literarv entertaisment in Haakett's Hall on Monday ni^c last which was well patronized notwithstanding the inclem- ency of the weather. The program par- took largely the natnreof an amatesr dramatic performance and was ably carried ont. The Lodge is in a prosper- ous condition, with a membership of 76, ha\ing increased from 80 three months ago. It is the intention of the Lodge to give an entertainment once a month dnring fall and winter. SOCIAL and PERSONAL. FellinloaFil. Very fevvr people covet the experience. Many w^ould far rather fall into a pit. But the customers of "Will. Stoddart covet the ex- perience of a fit every time, they would rather not fall into the hands of a Knight of the Scissors and Needle â- whose turnout "would fit them like rolling into a pit. Fits they -want, fits they get, and he wants 1000 men and boys who want fits. WILL. STODDART, Tailor, noom over McFarland's store. .\ 111 w s-t-cl( (if ENGLISH CANDIES, Made by Itolit. (ril;s(ni it Sons, Lon.loii.Kuc. from superior btiilt;J .-iii.;ar, Tlicy are the tiiicnt tandiei* made, uud are |;uar.mtceil absolutely iiin-c. W'c iiMve fne fi.lloffing Il;ivor!; â€" Stiawbt-rry, Rui^pberry. Vanilla, liutter Scotch, Lime Priiit, Evertou Toffee, and tJarky Su^ar. iU.^i (V-ugh lrop^. ATLANTIC SEA SALT, Foi bathing. If you have never used it, try a imx. tiiilv 25 cents. RKZORS, A complete ntw stock at j.Il pricfS from SOe. to tl.;"-U, aiso StroL-.-!. t^ TERMS STRICTLY CASH. W. TURNER Co. Crockery C rookery Crockery 1 Another consigmngnl of Crockery at Bm- ledge's Grocery. See it. A PBESENf i Bay one lb. of that excellent Bakinj Powder, Mayell Go's, for fifty ceniS and record yonr gaess for any number up to 100 and thns secnre a chance of obtaining without cost a new Empress sewing machine. .Rntledge, The Grocer MAEKDALB. PRESERVE YOUR SIRHT BY WE.vnraO THK ONLY FRANK LAZARUS Xatc of the firm of Lazarus Morris.J I meuowxivd SpeetaclM and Wtj^-Olnammm Til. ^c Svfctacles and Eye Glasses have been used lor the past 35 years, and given in every lustaiu-t' uiitioiinded satisfaction. They are the BKhT IS- T UK World. They never tire, and last many vtirs i\ iUiout change. For .iiie In BSEASHSRftCASSOM.practi- 1 cal\\ r.r-h:,i.ikirs,.]»,welk"r8«t EngravBr8,deftlerB I in ail kiii.u uf Gold And Silver Watches, Clocks and JL-.v.Ui;ry. Wall Paper. Stationery, Sehool I jjook.-. .Vc. rarticulai- attention paid to repair- og niio watches, i-c.. with neatness and de^ati^ MABKDALE, ONT. "X^T^^l'L present an opportonity to extend I T T the fame M Dr. Fowler's Extrmot of I "Wild Striiwlierry the nnfailing remedy for I cholt-ra, cliolera -morbus, colio, crampa, diar- I rhoea. dyscuterr, nd all sammei eomi^aintB, I to every part of the Empire. Wild Sti«w* I perry never fails. ' FOWLERS •EXT: OF • •VS^ILD* TRAWBERRY CURES HOIxERA holera MOThus RAMPS lARRHCEA rvSEHTElfflf AND ALL SUMMER COMPIAWIS AMD FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CW^DREH OR AOULTS» The new heating appliances in the stores of S. HiU aiid W. J. McFarland are giving satisfaction. "I'H afraid, Johnny," said the Snnda; school teacher rather severely "that 1 will never meet you io heaven." "Why What you been doin* now ' "Who wrote the Psalms 7" asked the snperintendent, severely. And then a little girl in the infant class began to cry. "It wasn't me, sir," she said. The majority of onr correspondents are assisting materially in making the Standard newsy and interenting. We would like to hear from the balance. Thb foliage of the forest presents a most handsome appearance. Seldom are the colors so magnificent and capti- vating to the artistic eye asthisantnmn. Saxplk copies of the Canadian Live Stock and Farm Journal can be seen at the Standabo office, where subscriptions will also be received. '1 his is a splendid farmers* paper. Mrs. Wickwire â€" If you go first you will wait for me on the other shore,wou°t you, dear I Mr. Wickwire â€" I suppose so. I never went anywhere yet without haying to wait for yon. The Fall Show premium lists occupy considerable space in the Standard just now. They are neither pleasant or profitable to the publisher, but very interesting to many readers. A UNION credit auction sale will be held in Markdale at 1 o'clock on Satur- day next when horscs.cows, implements and other cliattlcs will be' offered for sale. See posters for particulars. The Standard is very much pleased to learn that Mr. Joseph Blackburn, of Flesherton, is able to be about, after a serious aud painful illness of some nine mouths. We hope soon to bear of his com)ilcte restoration to health. Leslie Hartley threshed for Mark Armstrong 800 bushels of oats on Thurs- day the 2nd lust, iu two hours and a half The above proprietors challcuse any machine ip this section to beat or equal tlie above, for from 85 to 850. 3Ik. Thos. Elliott wishes to 'iispose of his fine Ayrshire bull. He has had him two.seasous aud is so much leascd with the AjTshires that he has conclud- ed to purchase another, as two seasons is enough for cue animal in a herd or neighborhood. A FEW street lamps are much needed in Markdale. If the council will not undertake to light our leading streets perhaps it would erect lamps at certain poiuts if those residing in close proxi- mity to the lamp would volunteer to keep them in oil and attend them. Who will volunteer In our report last week of (ilenelg Agricultural Society's fall show, we overlooked the Manitoba exhibit. When compared with the exhibition car, which our people had visited more than once, it was small, still there was a fine and tastily arranged exhibit of the products of the great Northwest. Still they Come â€" Several families have recently came to onr village to re- side. Among them are Mr Bobt. Morrow jand family, from Flesherton 'Mr. Fred. Stafford and family, of Ht. Forest Mrs. ^riowsmith. of Glenelg Mrs. Bray and ilaugfaters, of Presqn* Isle, and Sev. K, Malonev, of Irish Li^. n A soiree will be held in the Temple Qill Presbyterian church, Euphrasia, on IfaEI evening of Tuesday, October 21, when BeVB. Messrs. Fydell, Mclnnis, Ernes, Fleming, and others are expected to give addresses. The^^Marksdale choir wUl famish music. Thdte will be a series of views of Hoskoka' shown by ^aeic lantern. Tea at 6.80. Admission 35 cents. School Inspector Orier visited the school at S. S. No. 14, Enphrasia, on Friday last and reports favorably in all departments of the school and premises, and under the head of "State of discip- line, order and management in school" he marks "Excellent." Tbu mnst be encooraging, not only tor the teacher, Mr. Jas. HcUahan, bnt to the Section generally. A Mrs. Beilly was axreated in New York for lefosinx to answer the census questions, not believing that the yonng woman who aaked tiiem was a cenans emimeiaiar. When brought into oonrt the judge sud to Mrs. Beillr: "Dont yon think it proper that ladies be oenaoa ennmerators?" Whereoponsheieplied: "Well, there is this ba item, tiiey have more sense than men." THE 0U BEU^BLE. In th^e days oi hambog it is a laliaf to bmt of aoiimtliing fliat eaa be ilMiwai i il op- oa. -STOsonVWiM Chenr ha» bâ€" t wlii as a maady lor flu eara dan fiiHMaof Um Throat, Cbas* and LngS, tor aSK^f tMB^ â- aaloaantefiMM Jo. Hanarey is Enphrasia's tax col- lector for 1890. Master Sam Hamilton is home from Toronto for the winter. Master Fred Buggin is oyer fromTara t"*^".?!^"â„¢" visiting Markdale friends. H. B. McCay, the tanner, returned yesterday from Albion, where he was visiting a few days. MesaRk. J. J. Johnston and O. P. Mc- intosh, Mayor and Beeve of Meaford, were in town last evening. Mrs. Lackey is up from Toronto trisit- ing her niece, Mrs. Joseph Irwin. The old lady is in her ninetieth year of age aud is quite smart, Mr. Bobt. Johnston together with Bobert and John, sons of Mr. Hugh Johnston, of Euphrasia, returned last week from visiting friends in Cle veland, Ohio. WALTER'S FALLS. **EpUtolarum CoaMKretioa-" The recent frosts have been having their effect on the woods. The leaves (Natnre's tears) are beginning to shower down. These dark nights forcibly remind as that onr sidewalks are in a most disgraceful condition. If steps are not taken soon to renovate them, serious accidents may occur- Mf. Dyce, of Meafsrd, is expected here to pack apples this week. He has pnrcbased qute a number of barrels 10 tbe village. Dr. Young and Mr. J. Carr from near Pioton, P. K. County, hitve been visiting friends and relatives in the village and vicinity. The "Central" Fall Show was a grand snccess for particulars see an- j Master Charlie Walter met with a painful accident on Monday. While engaged iu picking apples he fell from a tree and broke his arm just above the wrist. Dr. McGnllough was called and set the injured limb. The new Prepbyterian church, Syd- enham, was opened on Sunday last. A large number of our villagers attend, ed the services. The Bey. Prof. Mc- Laren, D. D., preached forenoon and afternoon to large congregations his sermons were eloquent and highly edi- fying. The opening services are to be continued next Sunday. Dr. K. H. Boland, one of the proprie- tors of the National Surgical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia, accompanied by his wife, visited his cousins, Messrs. Thos. and John Boland of this place last week. It is over 30 yeors since he visited this part. They returned on Monday last. Mb. B. B. Cdbbie, our egg merchant, returned this week from New York, where he bad gone with a shipment of eggs. He disposed of his season's stock very satisfaictorily,not only owing to the price secured, but with the high compli. ment that bib stock was the largest eggs and best pickled of any that entered New York market dnring the season of 1890. HOLLAND CENTRE. Euphrasia Fall Show. Old Probi was badly ont of sorts on Tuesday last and bi^ed the efforts and good intentions of the manage- ment of Bocblyo fair seriously. There was, however, a very good exhibit and quite a large attendance. Had the weatber proved favorable tbe show would have been a splendid one. The limited accommodation becomes a serious matter when the weather turns out so unfavorable ou sncb an occasion. It is astonishing, however, what n success the fall show was under such oircumstacces. We hope to giyo the prize list next week. ymit, withmdii thetiaecfTbeOU^ Colda. Oraar. AsOam, aior â- Beetinv'of iba iMrintair thai JOB a* UwaoHM, in BUSINESS LOCALS. Splendid machine oil at Trelford's. S.\LT i Salt I â€" Go to Mercer's for Salt. Salt, Salt I â€" Car load at Benson's. Boots Shoes, c. Bead ad. C11 Iron wanted at Markdale Stove Foundry in exchange for cash. Spinnino and weaving done on short notice at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mills." Wool wanted at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mills in exchange for cash or goods. No MORE Darkness. â€" W.J. McFarland has just received a car load No. 1 coal oil. Your choice of two ' violins for sale or trade for good shot 'gnu. W. M. Bush, Markdale. For sale cheap one large and one small box stove, in use short time. W. J. McFarland. Subscriptions taken at the Standard office for the Mail, Globe, Empire, World, aud Montreal Star. Fancy goods, handsome goods, useful goods, ornamental goods, good goods, cheap goods, at M. E. Douglass' A CAR load potatoes wanted at once, also 5 cars turnips to be delivered in about three weeks. B. B. Cartie, Mark- dale. It's no wonder Wade, the baker, makes such nniformly superior bread. He will haye the best flour at any cost, and no other. 500 Men Wanted, to Buy Plows. â€" Jaokson sells the genuine Fleury, AVilk- inson, Gowdy and UcGill Plows, and don't you forget it. T. F. Brown, L. D. S., vrill be in Markdale from Oct. 4th to 20th. Filling and plate work warranted. Call at W. A. Brown's jewellery store. Markdale Carbiaoe Works. â€" B. Mc- Nally has now ready a lot of fine rigs for sale, prices right. All work warrant- ed. A call solicited always glad to show my vrork. B. HcNally. Haiqlton, the photographer, has been to the States and elsewhere picking up the latest and test ideas in his line of business, and his many customers may count on better satisfaction than ever. BoixiB BiNK â€" Messrs. Geo. Mathers and Will. Dnndas have leased Markdale Boiler Bink for this coming season and opened on Monday night last. The rink will be open from 8 to 10 t'clocb on Tuesday and Saturday evenings through the season. They purpose keeping everything in connection in first-class order. The floor is being made A 1. Come along and have a whirl. HARKAWAT. Btandard Corrapondenee. The familiar face of Mr. W. J. NeelT of the Toronto police, is once more in om midst. Mr. and lbs. Ijooke, of Bjdeiikam, spent Tnesday with their danghter, Mrs. Locan. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bentham, oi FUsb- ertoD, were the guests of Mr. and lbs. B. S. Meliaaghlin last week. Mr. and Mrs. Abeicrombie, 7(h Una Eophiuia, called on their nieee, Mrs. O. Jerrr, on Wedneadar. Maator Waiia and BobUe Oarbert attended the NoiUiem Bzhilntion at Walkerton. Id the abasnce of tha Sm. Mr. Dmay Mr. LagHi offiaiatadr Naariy evarf pmesi from Una part •itendad the itreat Oanbri Eshibitim at Wattsc'a ViUi. ^nah Standard Corretmmdmee, Miss Blades is visitiDg friends in Flos. Wm. J. Jaokson lost a valuable mare last week. Bobert Erwin is making important improvements on his house. Mrs. James Shea and children ar- rived from Cameron, Ont., on Tuesday last. Mrs, F. Oliyer has returned from a three weeks' visit with friends- near London Mrs. Williams has been visiting her friends iu Dundas during tbe past few weeks. A large amonut of the grain is not marketable on account of being taken into the barn when wet. James Shute returned home on Tuesday to Lion's Head after a visit with friends iu this neighborhood, John and Mike Hamilton received three car loads of brick from Proton last week. They intend to build a large brick house. Bobert Austin has bought the place formerly occupied by A. E. Calcutt, and is building au addition to the bouse aud makiag other improve- ments. Thos. WilliBcroft had a bee last week drawing brick from Chesley to brick his new house. There were thirteen teams engaged. The Go.)d Templars of Albert Lodge have been doing a good work recently, and have, during the last two. months, doubled their membership, which is the best showing since it was organ- ized. They should Lave tbe co-oper- ation of the public in helping on the cause. They will hold an open meet- ing entertainment ou October 24. Walter's Falls PubUe School. The following is the Honor Boll for the months of August and September: Class rV. â€" Margaret L. Coleridge, Frank Sanderson, Willie Sanderson, Willie Bonnell, Annie Walter, Emily Campbell, Ollie Brown, Lottie Bcown, Percy Brown. Class IU., Br. Div.â€" Boss Taylor, Willie McLennan, Martha Prior, Jno. U. Coleridge. Jr. Division â€" ^Emily Walter, Louis Lemon, Annie Shnnk. Stanley Sander- son, Catharine McLennan, Lizzie Lemon, Philip Walter. Class II., Sr. Div. â€" Stella Deleree, Walter Lemon, Arthur Caswell, Char- lie Barker, Nettie Bonnell, Allie Bark- er, Nellie Shnnk, Charlie Taylor, Jr. Div. â€" Freddie Walter, Eddie Brown, Maggie Findlay, Aubrey Day- man, Alhe Walter, Sophia Shepherd- son, Ethel Deleree, Bella Fox, Cath- arine Laycock. Class I., Second Fart â€" Phebe Cas- well, Willie King, Liza King. First Part â€" Mary McQuaker, Sarah Dyce, Willie Walter, Kenith Laycock, Millie Mower, Ghrissie Brown, Lottie Sanderson, Grace Deleree, Alex. Find- lay, Thomas Haubery, Lillie Mc- Lennan. Average attendance for August 66, for September 69. B. Martin, Teacher. Changes. Sweet were the flowers of May, Sveeter by far the day. Love filled mj heart. Bright was tbe sun above. Soft were tbe songs of lovo. Song to my heart. Ah, bnt the autumn's chtU, For he who shonld be still. Found in my heart. Went with the birds that fly, Went far. and here am I Wiib my lone heart. Cold the OctolKT day. Drear are the skies and gray. More drear my heart. Stripped are the forest trees, Ckine are the busy bees, So hke my heart. Wild blows tbe wind lutd i4ila While all in nature fails To move my heac^ For be who still should be More than all else to me. Left drear my heart. Owen Boimd, Sept. £8, '9O. A. E. B. "Wilson's "Wild Cherry has been prepared by ArctaJole "Wilson Co.. Wholesale Smgeists, cf Hamilton, for nearly twenty jears, for the Cure of Cou:;1ib, Colds, Croup, etc. It has no equal. Talce no -substitute but get the genuine in white wrappers. LUCAS ca., BANKERS.I BSTAHLISHED 188*. Markdale, Wm. Lucas, .Manager,] Dundalk, t. 6. Lucas, Agent ' A general banking bnsioees transaeted. Drafts ianied and eollectiana made an all I points. Deposits received and interest allowed. Private foods to lend on farm mortgages at lowest rates. SALT, SALT! Car load of SAE.T To hand at BELFAST HOUSE. BERKELEY. Mr. F. McCarroU, our station agent, returned on Monday the 29th ult., to- gether with his bride, and received a warm reception. Onr genial towns- man, Mr. Lund, extended cheerfully the hospitalities of his home where the evening was spent very enjoyably. The guests were presented with a handsome silver desert dish by Messrs Lund, Pickett and Mitchell. Jas. Bowe Bros, are giving satis- faction witli their steam thresher. Mrs. T. Abbott presented her liege lork with ^n heir, on baturday last A bouncing boy. Mrs. Jo." Anderson treated her hubby in a similar manner two weeks previous. A number of happy unions have taken place iu this vicinity recently, and if common report be true, as well as circumstantial evidence, there are others on tbe tapis. The party who took a calf out of Mr. Dring's field will do well to return it promptly or they will be exposed. Mrs. G. S. Brown has returned home to Woodstock accompanied by her sister Addie. Mr. W. J. Wadsworth, conductor on the G, 6. T. E. B., Fort Grat- iot, Mich., and iiis wife were the guests of J. Lund, his brother-in-law also Miss Wilson, of Toronto, is visit- ing he^ sifter, Mrs. Lund. ' We are glad to learn that Mrs. J. Pickett is 'able to be out again after her illness. Tha:e is soms hopes of onr sidewalk now as some Inmber. is placed along the way. Wehopd it will soon be completed. Honor Roll. The following is tbe Honor Boll of Holland Centre public school for the month of September. Names in order of merit iV. Class â€" (!arson Price, Eatie Jackson, Eliza Ireton, Wm. McCutch- eon, Ada Boulston, Bobt. McCutcheon, Albert Boulston, Thos. Spear. III. Class â€" Emma Price, Jennie Campbell, May Ireton, Mary Mcin- tosh, Charles Doyle. Pinninah Free- burn, John McCutclieon, Ben. Ireton, Lyttle Spears, David Shea. II. Classâ€" Louisa Doyle, Fred An- derson, Willie Erwin, George Curtis, Fred Mcintosh, May Price, Jennie Armstrong, Lottie Hampton, Annie Jackson, Bobt. Shea, Butii Crowther, Balph Boulston, Herbert Austin. I. Class, Part II. â€" James Stewart, Maggie Armstrong, George Shea, Eddie Spears, Jas, Campbell, Harlen Hntton. I. Class. Sr. Diy. â€" Geo. Mcintosh, Eosy Wright, Marshall Erwii; Bobert Foster, Maud Shea, Jas. Doyle. Jr. Div. â€" Clara Price, Harry Jack- son, Mnblo Boulston, Birty Austin, Charles Ashbnry, Bella Ireton, Ira Boulston, Everitt Erwin, Charles Shea. W. T. Frizzell. Teacher. XqVAL BIOBT8. Al! have equal rights in life and liberty and tbe pursuit of happiness, hut many arc handicapped in the race by dyspepsia, bil- iousness, lack of energy, ner\-ous debility, weakness, constipation, etc., b^- completely removing these complaints Burdock Blood Bitters confers untold benefits on all sufiercrs. DISTRICT DOTS. Mrs. Bray and the Misses. Bray are leaving to-day to reside in Markdale, where her son Bey. E. Bray is station- ed. Their many friends in Presqu' Isle and Sarawak are sorry to see them go, but we hope to see them often. We wish them every happiness and pros- perity in theit new home. â€" Presqu' Isle cor. iu 0. S. Advertiser. lUamotOauAt. Ssa TfaardM apaak UMrvt theqiNad attttiHHriMR Hooaa. hsSe^ Aid. nlG.O.0.F. IRISH LAKE. Standard CorT$ttondtae*. Bev. Father Maloney moved last week from Irish Lake to Markdale, where be will reside. Master Willie Byan left two weeks ago for Toronto, where he intends re- maining at least for the present. Mr. Felix McGrogan loft here last week for Idiebigan after spending a few weeks with his parents. Messrs. Will, and Ed. Connor bid farewell to Canada on Wednesday last to seek their fortunes aerosa the lines. We may expeet improred roads aa a result of eontraets let on Satoidajr last by Mr. P. iNeil, conneillor and road eommisRoner. Messrs. W. tt J. Byan are the contractors. Some of. the Insh Lake folks spent Sunday last at tbe Fdaj onhardi Threshing is now being pushed Tigcnmaly with salisfs«lot7 rasoUs. Hesiis. enUiran and O'Haara ara doing good "irocfc with tbanr new iuifaa power. Mr. Jamea KaOy fcaa.iMiMa iato Bav. Father lUms^'a koM ha will raakk foe Um p r asâ€" t at Potato diawi ii wemwmimnt ft* -wmfqiT aM-^CMd "itaf. While the firemen's race was taking place at Clinton during the Fair on Thursday of last week one of the fire- men, named John Miller, fell and was run over by the hose reel, receiving such injuries that he died a few min- utes afterwards. He was tut a young man aud leaves a wife and small fam- ily to mourn his untimely end. Both Becoveeed. â€" Ths bodies of both victims in the sad drowning ac cident in Wiarton Bay have been re- covered. Mr. McDougall's body being found near Prnder's dock on Saturday week, and that of young Greenlees between Oxenden and Wiarton last Saturday. The money which Me- Doogall is believed to have bad in his pockets some $600, part of the pro- ceeds of a recent land transfer, was not on his person when found. The relatives, of both are congratulated by the community on having the sad satisfaction of laying away their dead in "God's Acre." â€" O. 8. Advertiser. Babrbls bt Wholksau. â€" A rattling industry is the 3ns established in H. B. Harrisons, old stand on FoulettSt., by Mr. J. H. Hull formerly of Mark- dale. Mr. Hull has pnrohased the property right through to tbe continu- ation of Biver St., and his business will be one of onr permanent indus- tries. Mr. Hull employs eight men and turns out 800 barrels per day. He claims to have the fastest barrel-mak- er in Canada in the person of Chas. Edwards, who puts together 90 hbls. per day, 45 bemg conmdered a good day's work. The hoops and staves are obtained from tbefaotorios of Wallace- bnrg and Chatham and trom Messrs. Yanee A Fennant of Hewpworth. Mr. Han still continues bis bnsineas in Markdale.â€" O. S. Advertiser. Glenelg Council. The Council met Sep. 22 pursuant to adjournment. All tbe members present; the Beeye in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Commuuioations read as follows â€" From B. C. Bryden relative to School matters. From Clerk of Egremont relative to improving townline. Froia William Anderson claim for repair of broken wagon. From Samuel Scott by his attorney a demand for tbe pro- duction of By-laws. From Mrs. Mitchel, an appeal for charity. From C. W. Batledge an account. Fiom Messrs. MoGirr, ArrowsfMb, Cook and Hunt, accepting coUectorship for 1890. From Commissioner of Ward 8, his report of road expenditure. Davis â€" Beaton â€" That the motion granting $2 per month to John Mc- Farlane, be cancelled, said John Mc- Farlane not being a resident of this Township. â€" Carried. Beaton â€" Dayisâ€" That the commis- ioner for Ward No. 8 be instructed to remove obstructions off the public highway at Barrhead mills and that the Clerk be instructed to writ« to the proprietor of said mills to remove all those obstrnctions placed on the high- way at said Barrhead mills. â€" Carried. Davisâ€" Staples â€" That the commis- ioner for Ward No. 1 bo authcrized to meet giant of EgrctoQut, of §15, to repair towuUue E aud G. â€" Carried. Beatonâ€" Davisâ€" That the Bee vo and deputy-reeve be instructed to have deviations at lot 29, con. 3 E. G. B. surveyed. â€" Carried. Davis â€" Beaton â€" That the account of C. W. Entledge, amouuting to §35.- 84, for printing and adyertismg, be paid. â€" Carried. Davis â€" Staplesâ€" That the Clerk be paid $15 for striking school rates and placing same on Bolls for the year 1890.â€" Carried. Staples â€" Beaton â€" That the Com- missioner for Ward No. 3 be paid $5.40 for letting nnd inspecting special grants. â€" Carried. BeatoQ â€" Davis â€" That the Beeve and deputy-reeve be paid §2 each for one day each coaimlttee work. â€" Car- ried. Neil â€" Staples â€" That cheques issue for the foUowiug sums for work ppr- formed in Ward No. 3, viz Alexander McDonald work at lot 20, con. 6, $10. 50, Malcalm Campbell work at lot 20, con. 6, $5, Thos. Connelly work at lot 20, con. 7. §4, Alex. McDonald â- work at lot 20 con. 7, $19, James Gal- lagher work at lot 15, con. 12, $16.75, Edward Norris work at lot 17, con. 12, $10, Samuel Hastie work at lot 16, con. 8, $17, William White work at lot 20, con. 10, $10.75, .John Wil- son work at lot 11. con. 10, $7, John Wilson work at lot 101, con. 3 W.T.E. $9; J Fletcher work at lot 101, con 3 W. T. B., $18.7-" Special Grantsâ€" Bichard Galdweil work at lot 12, con. 15. $11.88, George Wilhams work at lot 12, con. 15, $17.92. Eichard Eng- land work at lot 12, con. 15, $2.90, James Walker work at Allan's sink hole, J cost. $1, James McN ally' work at lot 9, con. 8, $17.60.â€" Carried. Tbe Council adjaaraed to Nov. 17, at 10 a. m. 3. S. Blacx, Clerk. BOOTS SHOES, Rnbbers, c., in endless vaiTiety. Large stock to choose from, 20 per cent, cheaper than any honse in the county. Fnsh Groceries, New LaWor Herrings, Flour and Feed, Orockey Glassware. WINES AND LIQUORS. Call and see for your- selves. BENSON'S, BELFAST HOUSE, WHY NOT DEAL AT "GOLDSMITH'S HEL" TXMXZiT ^W1UU0M. Great and thnely wi^w is shown by keeping Dr. Fowler's Extract of ^ild Straw- berry on hand. It has no equal for cholera, cholera moibus, diarhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps, and all summer oomplainty or loose- ness of the bo wels. Harkaway Public School. The Honor Boll of U. S. S. No. 3. Euphrasia and Holland, for the month of September, is as follows â€" rV. Class â€" Alicia Lyons, Arthur Murdoch, Bosa McLaughlin, George Neely. IU, Class^ â€" Minnie Langheed, Carrie Lyons, Maggie Neely, Lizzie Murdoch. H. Class â€" Elsie Smith,! Wesley Lyons, Lizzie Steer, Edith M.Carbert. I. Class, Fart II., Senior â€" Joseph Hawken, Alfred Jerry, Charlie Jerry, Hugh Smith. I. Class, Part IL, Jr.â€" Fred Lyons, Bertha Lyons, Mary Hawken, Bobbie Jerry. Beixs B. CuHnvaHix, Teacher. ileoiralttera » the tettX fsstSacisfSMorkainrBiB meflrtea'te feevaaMBf^SBil saiiafan Ifarar tMoUea. frSAS S A »AS« SAa«B t OKS dq^wDik bra iMdthy Uvar Isto â- ceKUiliimmd « baH-pomdi ei bda. tt Ills HIaawi m Ion \m dsfitimit omntiiistlffli. BpefsM, biiowaww aad jauadiea -| te tensnl *ai It^ieeaisuy to »slr.Favl«'s Feei^ make a sad mistake often with rer- iouB results when they neglect a ccnrftipated eondition of tlie bowels. Knowing tl^at Bur- dock Blood Bitters is an rffectnal core at at*y stage of «niBtipatini, does not warrant as in iMgI«etuigt6iueita(tberighttime. Uw it now. Mnmr* aswa. IGniBC ezpnta aote that aboteia never attaeks e bowah of thircaMh, bat baiaaahj EXPERIENCE TELLS In Fine Watch Eepairing. Over 18 years at the Trade. I am using fine tools.host materials aud doing warrantable work, at live and let live charges. Those needing Spex will find my stock complete, and methods of fitting ou the line of ft SIGHT PRESERVATION Your work and patronage will ^c ap^ireciated. Prices right, cash or credit. W. A. BKOWN, High grade Watch Specialist, rMAEFD.\.LE. WIND AND WATER. JEFFREY ABTLET, Mfgr. of Wind UiiU and PnmpB, Markdale. Ont. If you need a pomp of any kind, and will favor me with yoHT order, I will guarantee tu givo satisfaiv tioQ every time. I can suit yon in eithfu- Iron, Brasu, PorcjBlftin, or Galvauizod Iron. Tecus â€" ^Repairing caah new work short date approved oofces if desired. Below I give a few testimonials Dear Sir, â€" The two pumps yon put in for me are givinK cie BDlendid eatisfaciion (one of them 66 ft. denp, the other 23). I am well pleased with them. JoHH PoBTEors, Flesbertoii. SATierAcnoH at liAsr.â€" Tiiia is to oertif/ that I have had great trouble and expensQ with my well (£5 feet deep) in regard to pumpa until I got Mr. J. Artley to overhaul it tiioce then I have had entire satiKfaction. My little hoy. six years old, can pump with it nicely. Abthcb Johsbtok, Vandeleor. Jane 16th.-1896. Dear Sir, â€" Your favor to hand jqniring how we got along with the Wind Mill. I might say we had no di/ficulty in putting it together. It is working bpleadid. The pomp doea ita work all right. I like the workinK o( the ViotM- Wind HiU very much. It governs itsdf nioely in a high wind, and I think it far more dantble than a wooden mill. N. DuxBcuT, MeUord. Jane S3, I99O. To Jsn-BBT AKTX.KT, Ha^dale: Sir. â€" The pomp 1 potehased frcna yon for 87 foot well gives complete aatisfaetion. U works with the greatest eaae, for the qoantity of water delivered, of any pump I have over tealJ*d. I believo It is eonatrocted on a simiJa and durable principle aud not liable to get oat of order. I could not wish for a better pump, and can, with the utmost confidence, recommend it. Wishing you every fcoecess I remain, yonm J. W. SnocTU, Uarkdale. BxinHA ef WiU fltianh ei ij for bofrel flHBli, 4yiMilery, AM^MD,«te^ Ztnaa IbLj.Asn^. Dan Sir.â€" In reply to Tooi^a ol Ae ISth iaet., I would aay ihM tbe pomp yoa pat Sa ior BM haa proved Tery Mtiiteetocy, It beuHi Aar^le and Toiy ea^ ftowoA. Eiiioâ€" 4 pleieeindifi, baknee for pomp. JTambs JoBvnov, fleahortOQi J'^Tr-i-^.^^liiS^T-^^i'aii^-^: â- '