Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Sep 1890, p. 4

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 ^^^ ^w C. .v. KalledgB, Prcprietor. ilAUKDALE, tEI-T. 11, ISCO. YiiARS OLD. XilJ h'TlNLAUD !:ns coiiivlrt^d its tenth }-Citr, ii:iil tUis week eilcbratPB the l.y B;ijeariii'g iu a c'annged ioria, iiu\v"li'.:i'i-(lresn, and otlier new fetttux'es iiii'i iLii['rJvi'meL;t3 iii t;ii;iiig a :ctrospectivo view we are remiiiJoJ of many imperfections and shortcomiuss, bnt have no reason to regret tlie joiirnahstic conroe pub- .lished at the cjiiimeacomint an.l ,cioiii.!v aJ'iercJ to since. 'Xho irospcctive outlook is even more euc-ou:ai:iiig than the av.^raKe i year, a:id wliile wtj cxperienca and i apprccii.te nur reiisouaiiie degree of succe.., th -re is'iii.t,iiiijg t-j na roore pUiiiiu^' lliau (0 ate olhirs prosj:eiiag j aroui:J us. Kiiijiicncc ii a vahiablj teiiclier. WALTER'S FALLS. ^Epistolarttm ffammereimm.' Now that Iiarvest is aboot over, where are the "delinqneut" mtmbers uf »ar fuotball team In view of the expected match on the 30'.h nit., it ia hiKh time the"Daaiitless" wan getting into c n.U'im. Soin.- •â- { ih; ;«'yjh3v«brten mnniiig i ariiini the riice-cuurse tj otrea^thr*u I their mu-eks and expand their luagj. K-'tg'ftt It Doysyou'll hcalde to"touah it out" at llie urdeal ou tlie 30th: i^ltooting season has cjmmenceJ. We expect to ii2ar of oome fiinoas bagging Boon. Our sports are ou the alert, Mrs. Seahrook, Sr-, is seriously ill. Dr. UcCullough is in attendance, and we ho|je that under his skilful treat ment she may soon be restored to health. Jehu Sauaderg starts this week on his Mudel School conrse at Meaford. We wish him success m his studies. lira. Kerr, of Churchill, Out., is up ou a visij to her brothfr, Mr. D. Browii of this place. School was closed one day this week. The teacher, we under-.taud. was o/S-'i- ii(in7 at a wediling in Owen Sound. iir. Levi Taylf,r. of the Salvation .A.rmy, Toronto, was home on a visit for about a week. H- lift here on Saturday last, and ixpects su,on to sail IRISH LAKE. standard Camfamdtnee. Hew. Father Feeney. of Brantford, paid Kev. Father Malonqr a visit last week. U'.v. Father Ualoney has purcbasad a new boat for the Lake. iIfsFr«. Thnmas Sullivan and Jobn O'Uearu visited Holland last Sunday. SoniR of our yonng mru had saob heavy moustaches that they decided to cut them off. Owing to wet weather the .harvest is later than usual. 'T* Mr. Thomas Sullivan has purchased a new horse-power for his machine we expect be will make things boom this iall. This place has quite an attraction for fowler's. to a fuieign laud. lid we l.opj to ustf it, t('g3ther v.-ith j We must congratulate our carpenter, Mr. Speck, on the recent addition t' wh:it ciiterprL,o and abihty we possess |_j^ family. Ho w:i3 formerly the in making the Staniaiii) indispensable father of a/oi uf Sjiecla, now he can in cvcrv homo in the district. 1 boast of a hii. ' 1 1 I Mr and Mrs. John Bonnell and Mr. A I'-ca ii-.nor is, la a sctisp, valuaole ., ,-,, l a \r j ,. n 1..1..1. 1 -1 ui IS, 1 a, ov I ^^^j jj^^ Clarke went off on Monday only ii' it-i own locahty, hence the j f^^ ^^.^^y. ^^ two's holiday. Tfacy grra!(.r i. ces.-i'y of keeiiiig its expect to spend a day or two at the cohitiifis. u ^lenislied weekly with tiio liiiiustri:il. doii.'g â- â-  c.f :h-- People among wh..m it j iJf- U^nrV Smith has lad liis liousc t'gotiier nith an epitome i of Its xe'iiiii^'cs. 'Jli' li l\ i,s:uuU ai.d may-appc-iir iijti^i.;lii;ii.l wiieu compared with that of ill' ti' I'liper, but we should he ciiconia;4 1 by the fact tliat often tiie EiijiiHer !:,;iiis lire the most productive v.l.i u ti.'.r. Highly tilled. Wo lire cunQdeut that there \r. abiniiliiiit rrcjiu m.oiir territmy to d'.nblt the circuliilion of the Stanovei), aiirl by s.. doing cveiy added ml.-L'riij.y iiii 1 liis fiimily would be b. imIii"' liiiiiLiciiilly and intellectu- al:;,-, iu.J We :i!sj believe that if we, had Lb" li.n.; to make a per.sciial can VH.,,. it cjii'.d be lione, and that before.; •.viiiti r. but we haven't the lime so will a.-k u'lr present subscribers .to each El cure o;ie new patron and thus help !!'•. rM,yj;;r neighbor a good turn and at ili.j :..i.iii.' tine: li'iiefit yourself by ?:.i!.!i:]' \u I. -Liil fiirtlier improve re-siiiugled. Tlie old shingles, whioli i were remjved, stood the siorms of I twenty nine years. The new i'resbylerian church. Blind I Line, Sydenham, will soon be finisliej; the plasterers are no» at work. Tiie day app"i;ited for the opening service is not yet known. I The time of tiio Fall Show is ap Ipriacliing. Visiters from a distance need feel no anxiety in regard to ac- curamodiition the Oddfellows and the Mttliodibteliurch are going to prepare meats, and Mr. llanbery, hotelkeeper. IS fitting up a large dining hall over hii slied. Entries are already coming j m and if the weather is fiivorab'e the 1 show will doubtless be a success. HARKAWAY. Utaiidard Correspondence. Hecent visitors â€" Messrs. Price and Tory, of Stratha/en. Mrs. Campbell, of Sault Stc. Marie. Mrs. Tsylor. Bismarck, Dakota. Miss Smith, of Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hawkin have re- turned after visiting her mother who was ill. Harkaway will be represented at the Toronto Industrial. Mrs. E. S. McLiaghUn and Miss Rjosie have gone to virit friends in the East. Harvest is over and onco more yon hear the whistle of the merry plongh- m,in. Mr. Patrick Lyons ofBcialed on Sabbath last lu the absence of Key. Mr. Davey. This Stove takes 30 inch wood and over, is 26 inches PEARL STDVES. raU 7as. In 'I ustrial -Toronto, Sept. S to 30. fircat Centralâ€" Hamilton, Sept. 22 to 30. Great Westernâ€" London, Sept. 18 to 37. C'tiUiral Guelph, Sept. 25 ami 2C. {i^'a^ North erri-Collinfrnood, Sept. 30 to Oct. 3. Northernâ€" Wa J ki;rton, Sept. AM to Oct. 3. I-:ust (ireyâ€" FIeshertjn, Sept. 23 and 24. South Grevâ€" Durham, Sept. 23 and 24. (;h^ni^l(^â€" llarkdale. Sept.- 24 and 25. Contral- Walter's Falls. Sept. 30 and Oci. 1. I'rotonâ€"Dundalh, Oct. 8 and 9. Artemesiaâ€" Pricevillfi, Oct. « and 9. Kuphrasi-iâ€" Koclilyn. Oct. 7. Hollandâ€"Chatsworth, Sept. 30 and Oct. I. St. Vinventâ€" -Meaford, Oct 2 and 3. D.;rl.yâ€" Kilsyth. Oct. 9 aiul 10. Sullivanâ€" Di'sboro, Oct. 7. Coll i n«w oodâ€" Clark shnrp, Sept. 23 and 26. XortbOieyâ€" Owen Sound, Oct 2 and 3. ROCKLYN. Sttindard C'lrrespond.nce. Mr. J. L. Wilson, Secretary Eu- phrasia Agricultnral Society, deserves •I.. W redit in bis selection of a show bill. I'.veiybod-y is pleased with tlienl. t^iiite a iiuiuber are off to the Exhi- bilinii and more to fillow. 1 11. Mr. \V. H. IJodson leaves next week ,, â-  1 â- , f 1 I fir Niagara Falls, X. A., there to act I.ii.i- ti.i-, ei.p.irliuulv of retuiT.- " ' ,, ,,. ,,. ' ' as bridegroom at a swell wedding. Itia liMiM.- 1 1 all imr c..ii-sp»nd,1its _,.,|^ ,j^j p,^ 1^,^, „j^.,,,y_ ll.i ;. i.i'.ieii iqpr. eiateJ .i-ervices, I Mrs. -Tliomp.son, 7th lino, h.asbcen lnuilri ;is of â- '.lb^.criblâ- rs â€" many of very iil of late. Her" brr.lhers, Alex li. p.itr wli,. J Ik t-ll .av.' piiyuig also all 'a in ad- iri.nil.t ISâ€" ami â- n us patroua] V, ii!:-:;i;: iiii.l j â- !' jriuting. N .w Uf iiiitiiili -out into anotiuT V. ir. VVr.h !:iri,'e additions to our ulri â- [ ^y Weil i-iuifiped oilicc'we hope and i\irel to surpass ail former elToits 111 J"!i [iriiiling as well as newspaper work. !,â-  t lis have your co-operation a:el voii will not regret it. (ii;i; MAlHvKT FOll EGGS. 'i livii tile McKiiiley Hill was iutro- d-ioe I, remarks the (Jltawa (Citizen, a t'.iin.lein elieese sliipper happened to b.; in r.nul.ind, and ihinking he saw a liinic f'l- a j.vod thing in eggs he niru'e iiii arrangement with .i promin- ent vr-:a.:i.' commission hoiue f«.r dir. et shipm-.'iit of eggs. Ou his re- turn to (.'aiiada he shipped a fewcascs and the re.nlt iiiis been so satisfactory k-ilh as regards priee and ihe condition ill winch the egjs arrived, that he is buying all the eggs he can get for ship- j lowed, ment to Great- Britain, and his ex- au pie will liuubtless be soon fuilowed by in.iiiy otluTs. The beginning is small, it is foolish tode.-i^iise small tbii.u's. The first shipment of cattle lotir^at llr. lain, barely lifteen years, ago, eiily ab.nit a ;Core. The j shipnuiils this year will probably rmeli IUil,lMO head. The demand for e^'gs 111 Gnat Bntain is almost uu- I liniiud. and as tin ri- is no ditlieiiity in ki ' p:i ' l.^•g^ tor minths in good coii- dilKui. till le is every leason to believe that I'aiiada wdl be able to lind a good .paiii^ market in Great Britain for eve.y egi; kept out of the .\merican maikitliy the MeKmley Bill, and more, too, ii'w.' li.ive tiiem to sell. I andrr and John Stewart j Perry, have been visiting her. Mr. J. Keefer. a voiiug man from Fleslierton, preached two eloquent ' sermuus on Sunday near ivOcUlvn. Mrs. .Vex. I'attersou and daughter, of Mobile. Alabamn, are visiting at Squire Patterson's, Blantyre. I A I'lEvn Stokv, wlfioh we cannot j vouch for. Mr. A. 11. Howith, of I Toronto, traveller for E. W. Gillett, i manufacturer of Royal Yeast and Im- 1 perial Baking Powder, tells of an en- j counter be had with a bear last week, While driving through the swarnp be- tween Koclilyn and Markdale ho was very much astonished to sco a large black bear coming directly towards him. What to do hp| did not know as he was unarmed and the road at that point was too narrow for him to turn his horses round. At last a bright thought struck him. lie took a few packages of lioyal Yeast in his bauds I and started to meet bruin. The bear came at him open-mouth,' but with j great coolness and presence cf mind, I Mr. Uowith threw a couple of pack- I ages of the yeast at him which lauded directly in brnin's wide open mouth, and, being taken for a delicacy not I every day met with, iie greedily swal Immediately the yeast began to work and at the same time bruin began to swell until he was of an en- ormous size and wa^ scarcely able to move. Just then two hunters, who STICK TO THE EIGHT. Itii^lit nction^ »priiie from riKlit principles., lu ciii^es uf diiirrl'u'n. dysentery, cramps, colic, smumer complaint, cliolera morbus, etc.. the ritibt remedy is l-'owlef's I'ixtract of Wild Ktrawln-rry. â€" an unfailing cnie â€" made ou the that natiire'.s remedies are best. Never travel without it BIRTHS. TowssBNB.â€" In Uurbam, on the 28th Anitnat, the wife of B. H. Town3Cucl, editor Grey iiuview, a son. Markdaaa Uarkets. The SrvKPARD has not puhliahed R general market report for some weeks for the simple reafou that there was no grain oftered for ^ale. In a few days more, liowever, produce will begin to move, so «c fiiv'e the following 'which is the present market value: WEi.:iesD\v September 10, 1890. Fall â- tt'htat » 90 toSO 94 Spring Wheat gD to 94 Barley 4-5 to 48 Oata Pea-c Batter Ii-i\ J"-r 'u l^itat')t:-, pir baj; .. Wool Beif Pork 30 to 32 00 to So .. 11 to 11 1 1 to 14 5 00 to 5 00 40 to 40 .. 00 to 00 on to 00 .. oa to tio PROCLAMATION A public holiday in tlie villflgfi of Matktiale is liLTel'v profliiimeJ for Momlav. September loth, I89O. Citi^eus fe respectively called apou to poreni themselves accordingly. Supt.T)tli.ii?tfO. W. J. McFABLAND, EecTe, 111 A UTC n ^^^ ^^^ °^ beveling jn f^ n I C U 'o B^ll ^y Ruaranteed I '^_^^^,^^^^_ NuBSEKT Stock. Salary or Commibsion, paid weekly. Outfit free. 1 Special attcntinn given to begiunera. Work- I crs never fail to make Rood weekly wages. ^Nrite me at onco for particulars. E. O. aSAKAK, SvanBTjmMai, (This house is idiable.) Toronto, Ont. 222-3-2 bail been liuntiii*; the bear, came up, nuil as he was unable to escape was tasi'y ilispntcbed ami taken borne by the liuoteis iu tnuitph. KIMBERLEY; .ifioiifdrtf Corre'^ondt:ni:e. Iturvestiiig is mostly over thresh- ing progressin? fiivorahly fall wheat .ind pees gooj. Full wheat sowing well ajyanced. Kiirly seejing is general this season owing to tiiere having been poor growth the past two fulls Municipal matters are already agitating the mind. Euphiasia will NUTi:.\M)COMMl'.X'i' 'I'lu ilrlvinley IJill has passed, 'ilie Oiehec Legi.-l:iti;re is PRESERVE YOUR SIBHT BY WEARING THE ONLY FRANK LAZARUS ^Late of the firm of Lazarus Morris Beno-smed Spectacles and Eye-Olamea These Spectacles ami Glasses have been nsc.I for thu past 115 years, and given in every instance unbounded satisfaction. They are the Best in tuj; Would. They never tire, and last many vears without eli anfi e. For ialo by BHEAOHZB ft CASSOV, practi- cal Watchmakers. .lewellers it Eneravers.dealers iu all kinds of tinld and Silver W atches. Clocks be entitled to two Deputy -Keeves the I and Jewellery-. V.all Paper, stationery. School rvTi 4 .,1 Books. e. Particular attention paid to repair- coming 3-e,ir. The present â€"^"""â- i -â€" .- -^ â-  " â-  ' • to luevt on Novcuibtr 4. â€" The euipeiiters' strike iu Chicago only lasted a few days. â€" Heavy ruii.s have interfered with the h.tivebt in Manitoba. â€" The late Hubert Hay, Toronto, left au estate valued at over. §300,000, â€" The Baiili of Hn-jjiltoc has decid- ed t. issue $250,000 addi'iouai stock. â€" L. Sullivan's father died at liostui oil Sundiy of typhoid pncu- inoniit. â€" -The ' WorlJ thinks the Uouiiiiiou d t liens are likely to be brniijjlit 1 before Chiistmas. â€" Work on the C. P. E. repair shops at West Tvironta Jmic'iou, to employ yOO hand.-;, will begin at once. â€" i$iliy 5L-L'?an, now in the Jack- fan, Jlieh, prison f'r ten years, has fa'.Ieii to a l.-g:v:^y cf §G0,O00. â€" .\ itiiher navund Reed has been The present council all declared their intention of 1 offering their services for Deputy I Kecve is not yet certain who will be the contestants. We will soon I know however. j The people Inre are Culfilliug the I scriptures by mat^ying aud being given in aiarnage, and no sign of the end. Joseph Fen is has proven his good iudgeiuent and attractive 'qual ities, anil has made happy Miss Hal- bted daughter of Ur. Halsted formerly, ol Johnstown. Wm. Stuart. J. P., J. Best and William Simpson havidg learned that a bear was destroying W. McCnimers wheat, went out to capture the iuter- Stuart took pup along to scent lim out. The three together with pup mounted a pile of logs to await the arrival of his bearsbip. Soon there was a cracking among the bushes "Here he comes ' said Siiupsou, He was bat a few rods distant but the den;e foliage hid him from view. It was now au interesting moment. A few steps mere aud he would be iu an opening within four rods of powder and bullets. Pup's hair was on end. Simpson and Best cocked their guns. Stuart failed tu site brain as it kept him busy trying to keep piip quiet. The other two fired. They bad taken deli' ng fine watches. c., with neatness and despatch SIABKDALE. ON"T. .... ,1 ,1 ud- crate aim aud as a cuuBKiacDce arretted at .\ibany -for canamg the t^^ mangled f.»m ol » largs wree!; o:i the X V. Ci-ntral last porcni)ine lay lifeless befjre them TIiuis lay It is siiij he has j â-º-.•-. Cinfiiised, iiupheafiiii: others. i WILSOS'S 'WILD CaEBBT. » -, ' 4 r» â- :• 1 I Â¥-w i FornearirtTTentyTeanithisTalaable med• â€" .\h.-.i. s,t.nnat Devuslake Da- i^e has bein largely used for the care ol lota, has n.ineJ all the crops in Ihst Cougli. '«ld», Bronoliitia, Cioop, Whtxping 1. .- ^, Conirh, LoRs of Toioe, and Lnnni. Thoae who J:sl net V. liK-h were spared by the j fa,^„ j^ ,,,^ j„y, „eoiiiii^ ,» lo tbnr •Jronghi. an 1 it is Bui 1 tlio destitntionl fiiend.s, kno'iiis that Wikja's WiUChcny oevt:r disappointo. The KOttaine ia mM â- ill draggtats in wbits it )| M jn oaff.- .Jhis wii-ter will be worse thitti hf-.t. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BlLiOUSNESS, DYSPEPSi.A, DIZZINESS, D!iO,°Sy, rL'jTTDiiNa â-  OF THE HEART, ACICITY OF THE STOMACH, CTfNESS CF TliE SKIH, Z sverfos cf dismiss crixiag .-.â€"«.-. ^ZJTTEB. jaDntrxs. LC.'i. BOWELS OS BLOOD. T M^TT!riT:V £. rn v.rorrt.tor^ INDIGLSTIO'I, EH'?Si?El'X:. R.Hi;U:'i, H-rARTB'JP,N, HEADACie, ^.1 Oili THE OHLT PESFBCT WOViii WIRE rENGMG If you want a first-class cook or heat- ing stove get thePEAEL. For quality of materials, durability economy in service, per- fection in fin- ish design, and cooking qualities. They have already ob- tained a hous e h o 1 d r e p u tation throughout Ontario. If your dealer does, not keep them write or call on the man- ufacturers, TlMaik MARKDALE. sGll jf b| '" MAI Nntes clil interest nil m lis issuel and t'uiti'il Private al ;. rates on gr.J I) Bi us. si The most complete FamHy Cook Stove made in Canada. L- yvoii--. .\ei'ol ni Tiinu-r's Bro.lies olil| call. tiny to. T.S. Sil P. ^â- "1 Offii-."Ov MoiK-y lo The cheapest Stove for the weight and style "we make. "Why buy a Box Stovo when you can get a Parlor Stove as cheap, same as this cut. B IS i;^ i: Centra/ Agricultural sieoiiii aiiriHil full IK MARKDALE, M akedil Mm M^]mml. EVER CLIMBING UP. r Uave you ever â- .lopiieJ to thrjk l^raiti worry tliinkiipR anl plannmL' Tliiulviiig soiuclimos uw.xy iiiii) lIic early iiiorDin-^ hours while yon asleep, how. wlieii and whei'u we shall buy qualities, qr.aiititiis and prices to plcaso you. DRESS GOODS, Our first cousidcration. Tliey must be ol all qualilios and prices. We hitve them m Plain MeltnnsaCliecks, Fouie ri-r^es, AmnzT.i Cl'.itli-'f. CashmereF, Hciiripttii.~, Bkck and C'lltirecl Silk.-, Siiiiiis, Vulvpl.s and Flushes. You hiive ihe largest ftock to i-Lket 'a^-v.\ hv e.iiuiu!; iiirctt. to McF-VRLAND'S. Wo have talieu great pm is lo M-lect nnr Dress Goods and Trimmings. Ladies Ci"iiliin!.'i luiJ Wnllciiig .Jacket Clutlis are mostly worn this soapou in jilam clotii--. We have the correct goods and extremely ipoderate prices, from 50 cents per yar-J up to the finest Sealettcs. Miss Moffat, who so suceessfuUv pleas.'^d oi:r lady friends two sea- cons ago, will have charge c^f our MILLIN'EUY fcUoW HuOJI this season. It is a gu.irautee of an elegant assortiiK-ut, comet m style, and prices moderate. Hosiery, Shawls, GU-.ves. Laces and Wool W;a|i9. A special line of LacMes' Tweed Water prnut Garments, S2.50 eneli, sul 1 in the big Toronto stores fur §3. Wo now come lu the warm-:T goods, you will want them, and soon. FLKNNELS. Our special All Wool Greys from 18 cents are selling fast. Ladies' and Men's Woollen Under .vear; neyer had such value to offer. ')ur Men's 50 cent -All- Wool Shirts and Drawers will keep out the keenest blasts of winter. 7.5 dozen in Fine Ties, i)iue Stx, Fine Gloves and Fine Silk and Wool Mufliers, iniported direct from the makers. Did you ever stop to think that XIcFarland buys the bulk of his goods direct from the manufitbturers and for spot cash ' What dees that mean It raean.i a saving of the wholesalers' pmfijs, a:id cash means the closest Icd-rock p.-ices. BOOTS SHOES. Some leather is mean. Some workmen arc mean. Some oot- sellere are mean. That's how mean boots get made and sold Six out of every ten pairs of hoots are shams, piisted stock, shoddy pan- cakes. Never was a time wh-^n shoes looked so well and wore so badly until the shoeing of a whole family has come to be a serious taik. A poor pair of boots is a bad investment. If you want good, hooest, solid foot wear just drop into McFarland's. Ilis stock is tall; complete from the finest to the coarsest. Women's, Men's, Girls' and Boys' READY-MADE CLOTHING. Isn't it a comfort to have your Coat, Pants, Vest, and Overcoat ready- made to yonr hand No worry of measuring aud waiting for the making and fitting. Just a little looking m a light, roomy department upstairs filled with choice, new g-ooJs from the best mannfactarers. A perfect fit guaranteed and aboat half less to pay tban'if you Lai gone to a tailor. A FEW CRACKERS. Mfu's Overcoats, $4.00 op. Boys' Oyercr-ats, $8.00 up. Men's â- ait«, $1.50, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00, $9.00, and the finest, $14.00, equal to any tailor-inade. Boys' from $1.50 ap. 'We need scarcely recom- mend cor teas, they are so well known tor excellency of flavor, streDab, and cheapness. Via should like to Lave said a word about our carpets, Fnr goods, F.nglish and Scotch tnitings, end a host of other goods, bat the printer Fays my space i« fiilled. Ci-mc m ai.-d ten ns when in toWBw^We will take vour cash or proi^cce and give vnu rattling good Talne ra exchange. Come in auyway and look arouiij aud see me of tlie busiest stores north of Toronto. WJ.IIIGFARLAND Society's EXHrBITION! will bf htl.l nt Walter's Falls â€" ON â€" Taesday tind Wednccdey, Sept. 30 S: Oct. 1* 'J'lif nV'-A jii::: -- .iiil tii[h)iuil-^ ^Ivc-ii uf an/ Fall SIiow hi (in y. â-  Compttitioji Open to "the V/orld. Write to.G. B.IIwlm.s Sl-c., W aUer's Falls, for a copy of prize Cheap House Farniture. .-T THE â€" Markdale Furniture Wareroom. Plush Parlor Suits, ±l=±._ olotli Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding, Sideboards, Tiibh s, coraiiioi) Exten.sioii Tablee, iu groat variety Waslistauds Spring Mattred.'i Wool Mattrers nf all kinds, aud in f let everything thst is kept in a first class .shop. Call aud get quo- tations. Also luiieral Furnishings â€" Coffins, Caskets, Lobes, Linings, Gloye-^, Crapes of all descriptions al- ways in stock. Thanking my numer- ous cnsto!UPr.s for past favors. Yours rcspectlully, J. W. Soroule. â€"IT PAFS TO- UPRIGHT 4.ND GRAI^iD PIANOS, C^SIE^ET ORGANS ANDCHURCi^ PIPEORGANS. All of strictly first-class quality in material and workmanship. The Tone is sweet and powerful, while in Design and Finish they are without an equal. ACSNO W3LEI1SZI) •SOU'S TKE STAt^ojieo iNsreyiEfiTs oftre world. s i; .\ D 6' o IS «; .4 T .* I. o ti i; i: s t o W. BELL CO., GUELPH, ONT. Chief European Branch. 58 Holborn Via;!uc(, London. E. C„ Ehg. Aui'raljan Branch, 6 Bridge street, Syd.iey, N. S. W. South African Branch. Ma.'-ket Square. Port Elizabetli. 12 KING ST. AVS ST, TOBONTO, OiSTT. DIRECT IMPORTEB. P AND THAT IS THE Mm Mm G%e The best and most practical course of Etudy. The best teachinj; talent. The lest accommodation for student's. The beet methods of iustruction. The lest results from that instruction after students (^aduate. For annual announcement giving porticuIarB regarding the course of study, terms oc., address C. A. FLEMING. PRINCIPAL. WE MEAN BUSINESS. The appeal wuide two weekt ago far "OKJ " inUttded ckiefly far amort of nbKriptim of one i/ear and tgiwardi, tat of eomne will applf tothote Udebled for 1890. There are aUo a large number of other aee/nmta lUmdiMt over from 18S9 and pmimu feart theteite mutt hate letOed forlktrUk. We eamtatmake de- tired imffoeemntt arilfanit iioiwy, m rleaubeframpfndfraetieaUaiugat mamh If ae/taier. O.W.B^XtDOE, Bailor BriAuiiR. L^RDINE OIL, The Famons Heavy Dotlied Oil tir all MacliiiiCry, Made only by McColl Bros. Co., Toronto. Those who use it '^rce ;i=e it alwavb McColl's Benowned Has no equal for Engine cj'iliiiilers. cf imitations of I_ Cylinder Oil Deware 'i'ry it anl see for yourself. ^VIJI)Ili:. McCOLLBROS. ct CO., TORONTO For saleby J. E. TEELFOED, Markdale. The public are interested to know Where to supply their w^ants at prices to suit the times. "Well then at the Toron- to House we sell Gents' nice summer suits $5 Gents' Dress suits, nobby and stylish, $8 to $12 Boys' suits $2 to $4 nice fashionable Dress stuff 8, 10, 12 to 25 cts.; Prints in great variety, fast and durable colors Tweeds 35c. to $1.50 to suit taste and pocket Boots, Shoes and Slippers, a large and well assorted stock at bottom prices, to suit all sizes and conditions Ducks, Dennims, Cotton- ades and Shirtings, specially good values; Hose and Gloves, all kinds and prices Teas 20, 25 30 cts., claim at- tention of close buyers who wan.t a good article at reasonable price. Call, see and be convinced. We mean business. (1890.) WM. BROWN. I. tile linn •-fl at .â- Hi.-.' ol r Wm. i.i.i-ii^ aii.l li!;al HttL'llt!.!!). U.-U.M " I| â- Â»iiiiM-r in IJ.[ ti»-ni;-.l. N n. Til aM:i(il\. ^v low ilil' S. J. !â-  MA| *»i ii.ii'ir." MjiI..I::1" III thir.i W. .ill. .MMli-iiaA'Hll lit- llu'lliinll tilt 'Kifti.-( ui li'vi- r;i ,].:ir....-.l. Ili| I'.l'i Â¥^i\i;m J j: "..ii. i-iii",-.!],"' lu.i.s. \y. J !â- :. .M-.l: .1. SI' w. .â- '•piir.ii-* r. l/,-l-. M..I1. up II. .1 V.ilui ";::i.;'i V. 1 V M I, 1 Caaaila LOCAL Owen Soui PaHSenge carryin S. S. CAU) iii. K y.l.A "W';;;:,.u'i Tuesday I'ti'l t^liu'liiitl I'm- and iMiiut-- I'.Ji .Maiiii't\Miiiiii_' Ka;;iiA'.:iL' ;..: .MiU S.-i,.. Ill J»-lDlill^. (iiI Man.-, .ulli:) ' trij. niiM byfil.,.iHii: URW W 'i. ll-ill tjood^ t.r lilt- â-  a*;-. »!.. »i r.,Hni.;ui: .^ ». ^.ML. L-.' r,v.-i. Fell Very i the ex w^ould into a custon Stoddc perien time,t' not fal of a Scisso: â- whose fit thei a pit. Fits they g 1000 w^ho "w WIL U«iUJ five! T* iht- pr 10. HoIlanl yemrlini: Ku ^roTe propt- ASl-24 R. S. RME, The Tailor and Clothier, is hUly prepared to suit yon in all kind* ol Gents' Furnishings, Q t 'STa"â„¢"^^' S^m^ to select from, cheap and stron;!, or fine ni.d huimam Snlendul OverooataignjBea thfm. UndcacIotbin«, JMt what ' wanted for F«ll u.I Wi^' :S^ine"?^y'^i"^- ' ^^^^^^J^S. HOSL. and aU "lle";^^^" •-^^j^£^^ -.- •\- tmm

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