Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Aug 1890, p. 8

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 sec; ^ilEMi*^-.^«t-v. Si^f^: '^^m i 1 m I K ' " mB'mM.m »*H*."-*iiijj*a6s,» •«** :t.» '^JJ; "JBC' â€" PHYSICIANS, 8UBOEOM8, ACCOUCHKBS, €.â€" Office at Hanley's Dzng Store, where all calls day or night mil be promptly attended to. 7. S. SP/tOULE, M. D. A. EGO. M. D.. ie. I». .M:cOaIloiifirIi« BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLAMD'S STORE. MARKDALiE. IMoney to LiiOaii. I. B. L-\JC7^S. ttiAlK'I'SI'KBf S01.ICITOB,c, Kit tlie firm of Bishop Lucas, Owen Somid, at office of Wm. I«UC.A.B. a^ Co., Every Friday. Wm. Lncas in charge of office during week and l^al matters will receive prompt attention. BBOWV. DIVisiCN COtJBT CLEBK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissioner} in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branohea promptly attended to and carefolly executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, KIMUEELEY, Issub;: of Marriage Licenses. Money fo Loan on Beal Estate at low rates* A few Jfarms for eale. Terms easy. J.P.MARSHALL, L.D.S. -DBNTIST, OP TORONTO SCHOOIj i Dentistry," will be at the Markdale Honse, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also atMunshaw's Hotel, Flesher- t on, the day followiu» the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. C ommeucing on the 7th September. The fclowing we flq) from the Boeklyn eorrespondenoe in the Mea- ford Minor laview of the aiiDotnicement of couaoillors Paterson, Stoart, aud ]^c- Enight, that they will eodeavor to "Step np bishker" at the nextelection, Mr. J. E. Bichards, merchant, Bock lyn, intimates that he will tbeu be a candidate for one of the vaoiiiiuies Mr. Bicharda would prove an energetic aud capable representative, acd icnsmucb as the electors of Euphrasia have al- ways evinced a willingness to give young men a chance his election may be regarded as a certainty. Oleneltroowacu, domicil met Aug. nth adjoumment. Ail the members presqat • in the chair. ' Minutes of last laeetin eou firmed. pursuant to' tiieHeeve o read ani fiffCfU a^sji Communications read ar f .ii From Cl.rk of Holland re j!'!- •â- " andri. From John BoS:t Toronto and SvcIp,.!.â„¢,. "^^ T^^ G-ross more of tlie Dia- mond Dyes to hand. DIAMOND GOLD PAINT, DIAMOND BBONZE, DIAMOND SILVEE PAINT. Also a full line of the Turkish Dyes. THE BOOT OF EVIL. Dyrpepaia and constipation are tbe sonrops of â- "arious diseases, but root and branch may be removed by nsing Burdock Blood Bitters accordinft to directions. It is endorsed by the press, tbe pnblio and the professioD, and cannot be excelled for tbeeare of ccnstipation, dyspepsia and all diseases arising therefrom. on Toronto and Sydenham road pL^" Clerks of Bentick andXt^?' sch.,ol matiers. i-roni Wm Anf claim for damaged "'â-  "'"^son wujfou. 'son from. Albert Jones aud 10 others pJi;"" for improvement of roads. From "'" McArtaur reqnestiog l„s «ame VrS off a certain petition recently prS J iroiE Thos. Kiehni account for repaii-ing ot «cra " Messrs. John NicLol a.d Ang„, ed to council. aj)ei8, McCormick aadressel The matters TEXT] montbly Fairs. OBADUATE of] MONEY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chai:ged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, 0. FARM FOR SALE. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. K. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, Pomona P. ' Oiangeyille â€" The second Thorsday in each month Dnndalk â€" Tuesday before Qrangeville. Plesherton â€" Monday before Orangeville. Markdaleâ€" Saturday before Orangeville. Durnam â€" Third Tuesday in each montn. Chats worth â€" Monday before Durham. Holland Centre â€" Saturday before Chatswortb Priceville â€" Monday before Durham. Hanorerr-Monday before DarhaTP someJenRthonscbo.r^arrii^ improvement of roads respectively Ihe Clerk was instructed to a,l ty Tieasurer to charged asainst N. W 57, con. 2 E. G. R. Coiamiseioiier for erase corner ask 1X68 of lot IjHpIHEXnRi^ CDBUaS, l^mii\ BOODS,j Toilet articles and Per- fumery. Rest for the Merchant MARKDALE HOUSE, MABKDALE. ONT. J. E. Marsh. Pnp R. J. sFrou iTe FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money liBUder. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn uji and Valuations madeon shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to B. J. SPKOULE, Monev Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. There is one merchant in Markdale who never rests, believing in the proverb, "If I rest I rust." I keep, therefore, hard at work all the time, and m order to make the machinery go a little faster at this time of dull uess 1 have it oiled with RELIABLE GOODS, HONEST GOODS, Stephen's Drug Store. WE MEAN BUSINESS. The appeal made two weeks agt) for money is intended chiefly for arrears of subscription of one year and upwards, but of course will apply to those indebted for 1890. There are also a large number of other accounts standing over from 1889 and previous years these we mmt have settled forthwith. We cannot make de- sired improvements without nwney, so please be prompt and practical during the month of September. C. W. EUTLEDGE, Editor Standard. MU W. G. RICHARDS BUILDEB. CONTRACTOE, ABCHI- TECT. Markdale. It IS wonderful how it makes things go. It can only be compared to tbe Sell-IiiiKiei* in the rapidity with which it makes my men cut off goods and tie up parcels. SPICES SPICES PiQkling Spices, Catsup Spices, Sweet Spices. PHRE CREAM TARTER WM LUCAS CO., BANEEBS. ESTABLISHED 1S§6. OFncSS: Markdale, Wm. Lucas, Manager, Dundalk, E. G. Lucas, Agent. A general banking business transacted. Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and interest allowed. AQSHTS: TH8 1E0U30VS BAVK. Private fonds to lend on farm mortRages at lowest rates. PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT BT WBABINO THE ONI.T FRANK LAZARUS [Late of the firm of Lazarnis Morris j Benowncd Spectaolas and Eye-Glasses. These Spectacles and Kye Glasses have been used for the past 35 years, and given in every ia.stauce unbounded satisfaction. They are the Fest in thb World. They never tire, and last luauy years without c hange. For 3ale by BBEASSSIB • C ASBO V, p: eal Watchmakers, Jewellers EnKravers,dealer8 l*CASSOV,practi- ju all kinds of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewellery, Wall Paper, Stationery, School J^ooks, c. Particular attention paid to repair- ing fine watches. c., with neatness and despatch MARKDALE, ONT. EVERY DOLLAR I of Summer goods io my store have slid through the Beduction machine this last few days. These goods are as good as IBey were two months ago. The process they have nnrlergone has not altered the value, but it has broaglit the price down to the point where it more than pavs you to have them. Baking Soda, Gringer, Peppper, (Ground or whole) Allspice, Cinnamon and Cloves. Gome In A cordial invitation is extended to the pub T' I I. \Vi!.L CL'SE OR KELitVe ^*=»6I, "-^iKESS, U, ^•5 ?5H Aciouy Of • (rep ink PUfti FiMRis:^ Ion't ImT anything st the bhick mk or blaek peaoa ^os. See that vcu get th« Bea,w)xn^/A{«|ia.. '*:â- - â- ii i'-i^-i:-sii, IF YOU WANT Wyeth's Bfief, Iron Wme. Miibum's Beef, Iron Wine, Stephen's Beef, Iron Wine, Binrdock Bloud Bitters, Warner's Safe Cure, Chase's Lwer Cure, Shiloh's Vitahzer, Paine's Celery Compound, Fowler's Extract cf Strawberry or a Box of Carters Little Liver Pills. THE PLACE Stephen's Briig Stofe, Careful attention giv- en to Presonptions and Family Beceipts. We/ ask yonr patronage and' lie to call and examine our handsome stock of crockery. The latest shapes and patterns to- gether with high grade material. Then an- other important con- sideration is the low price at which I am selling. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Come right in and see for yourself. Smoked and canned pork, spiced roll and hams at right prices. E. BUTLEDGE, Markdale. Ward 3 was in structedtomvestigateinthe ZZ o/Wm. Anderson's damaged wasoT and report. Commis.siouer for Warii 4 was instructed to repair tl.e hill at lot 5, con. 8. $25 was granted as equivalent to grant by Artemesia to. repaur towniiue opposite Ward 81 Commissiouer for ward 2 was instruct. ^o/epair bridge ai.d road atlotso, con 2 N 1). P The CJ«rk was lu? stiucted to apply to Treasurer of Art. emesia for detailed statemeat of the^ standing of By-Law 334 of that Town. ship showing the amount of immatured principal and accumulated interest up to date. $20 was granted to improys tbe road between lots 22 and 25. ecu. 9. Lawrence McKeown was paid $4 for takmg care of Miss Ann MeMillau up to dale, and was allowed §5 per month in advance from date, said Ann McMillan being an entirely helpless indigent. Further cheques were issued as follows :â€" Wm McNallv. repairin" bridge at lot 10, con. 4 N. D. li., §20? Peter Neil, repairing bruise at lot lo' con. 4 N. I). E. §8.50. .Jas. McNaUy,' work done at lots 9 and 10, con. 9, $17.50. Eoad Cominissiouers, lettiii" and inspecting. $10 Piicb, $40. Ale/' McDonald work at lot 20, con. 7, $8. Alex. Livingston work at lot 30, cod 1 S. D. K., $6. Thos. xNichol, repair- ing road scrapers, $2.50. Donald Mc- Millan, repairing bridge at lot 33, con. 2 N. D. R., $1. Alex. Bell, services under the School Act. §3. T. Davis, Committee work 1 day, $2. Charles Moffat, Committee work 3 days., $6. Jas. Staples, Committee work 2 days, $4; The Clerk, for postage and coal oil, $4.85. By law 279, strikmg rates, was intro- duced, andread afirst aud second time. By-law 280, appointing collectors, was passed and ordered to be engross- ed on By-law Book. The Council adjourned to Sept. 22, at 10 a. m. J. fc Blacx, Clerk. IWATCI CXiC C |j:ewel SILVE VIOI ST. We have latel llioes df oar stool |prepM«ed than faction to all Oar repair trac and nur W( lisfaction. A call is solicits !ADNE] JEWE lURXDM Ill's Markdi For Local AdvertlBen. DR. F OWLEffS •EXT: OF • 'WILD- ITRAWBERRY CURES iVfm m It is a familiar saying that "a change is as good as a rest." As applied to advertising the saying might- with ad- vantage be altered to read, a change is better than a rest. Don't stop your advertisement when a particular vei« runs out, but change it. It is no wonder that advertising isofteain-. productive, when the advertiser is content to let the most trite presenta- tion of his business stand month after month without a change. The pre- sumption is, that a man who says nothing new has nothing new to saj. And a man who has notningnew to say must be a very dull man, or con- duct a dull business. Eren if t"« edvertisemout is not triteand cornmon- plaoe. a change may be beneficial. spite of the saying, one can haye too much of a good thing. It is V^Z to wear a good story threadbare in w- telling, until the tale that was wonj to "set the table on a roar," is bsw" to with impatience and greetedj" yawns. To paraphrase a ^eUK"" proverb, there are just as go"" "J j tisements in the brain as ever ca out of it. The last great aong isj" Sung, the last good story is not ion the last good advertifement w J written. True, '"" '"""""' "" twelve every time.' \t, e haye InrdockBl Mauley's Safe Collis Bro^ Eello )A'l Oafanati ion Spirits of j t3not 'lAMON ^^•^we Castor oj we "cannot But as fr' •a4 enthnsrasm lend to youth »^ nefs that atones for lack o^^*^ in qpeeeh and action, so fresbnw* •nihaaiasm in an advertisemeo* olljBii oflbet a laek of finish, and n" s^;i$OMfor inoomi ,^A»*' Bough on Ayer'i Vild .Nnfau^l i«*r'» We Low' R. iSi â- â- iiiiHii frf.^^vy;..-- :.ii,TtP~t„

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