Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Aug 1890, p. 7

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 innanent teeth h^, â- ^«deve ' «f each 8et-^k„ -may appeo. „„*"'*ii a of the 1^,!?^ tK beri ^biet:^4^«ntt5: ftheL,^„i^^W this pFOREIGN NEWS, Family icide of Whole Paris. in case O' beli, artially filled ^^«er. a ear, often beliZ- •**"â-  ^« been les« ttn^**'^* 'rents often ^t ""«d temporal? Si^'^fdthl iB«T EXECrXION IN STRAS- ^^ BFRG. Fiacticmg Medicine TJnder lorged Diplomas. of be- give place toother^ ars appears " ae â- ter, ble olars aBnear/ "• The advent •' of afterf e«or ears may be ir? erstocd, It 18 veU to 1. ^he mouth.-[Goi hJ:^ Jomestic Doctor. vater will relieve sick he^ adigestion. ^* uoted as saying t i,„ dyspeptic to recovery undertook to live 'd diet, and I have n, ce of a healthy person liv, trictly dietetic system w1 t dyspeptic." ' arious fcrms is freq„entl cold m the head, althou nson and others long siil ngers attending the use oholic solutions. Theft of application is suggest, iiaceutical journal, and o ;rit of simplicity A jug boiling water into which rell-powdered camphor el-shaped paper cap is th; ' of the jug, and a hole toi he nose. The camphorat through the nose for ten :;he inhalation being repei verj' four or five hours, [utely persists with the i of its unpleasantness, it petitions will always effe evere the corj'za maybe, of bowel and stomach trei ficult to find food that ca e stomach long enough i erit, or that does not ai Now, there is somethii itard which is both healii It has been used in critic st gratifying results. Tl ti it is made are one qua: es of mutton suet, a stic t five inches long, and on our. The suet must be froi ;t and free from all tong 1 it very fine and put it; -with the cinnamon ar :)Svever, a gill of the col ne hour, and then strair ble boiler and place on tl e cold milk with the flou: Cook for tei The lot mixture, le patient as much of thii take, say half a pint ever Keep the patient wan ler point in the care of ih s suffering from neuralgi. ni in a warm bed. Mak and cover it with Severn nel. Fold a coarse, thit on the pillow. Lay t! at thoroughly with rKin ,nful part of the head c and throw a blanket ove: ng the head. Keep cover il the pain ceases, ^he oved, wipe the inoUtur( and neck, ard then bath ©prevent the taking cf nedv is to make salt ye; oveV the fire in a fryuife into a bag, which shoul [ave the patient he dowi 11. Place the bag of ho ^^ the head or face where tlii .- ^^ salt will retain the hea method is much easie^ it will not relieve one ouglily. sing a Case. perfectly clear cas( â- Lnrter. "Why no ;,j seeoud international congress r^-i in cremation will soon meet in Berlin. %-ii concress of sixteen delegates took pin Dresden, 1S76. â- c arms of Italy have been altered on the 'iial seal and flags. The two small flags -eft out and the collars of I'Annonciad t-veral otlier orders are added. International Association for the ssioa of gambling at Monte Carlo has one. success by a side movement upon t .i-i"o of Tangiers. It has shut it up. 4 leiUiire of the international electric ex- '•jfiu in Frankfort will be the transmission /metric power. A firm in Laufien, on the •, will furnish currents of 500-horse v.d- over copper wires from a station 140 :t.; fioni the exhibition. taptror \\'illiam of Germany has bought t-tate near Metz, it is supposed for â- i:::iil reasons. He wished to show the â- -..'xii-i of the annexed provinces that he .; ir.'il to them, and ti. make it fashionable o- old iienuan families to own places in :,listrit;t. ii;:ir.i; 1SS9 no fewer than 920 new news- â- i-i's W(ji'e started in France, of which not -:i.i!i:Li!is in life. On the other hand, the • .hirriicd no'.v claims a circulation of I"i.iKii) copies dady. During the same ifl ilicru were printed in France more ,1 l.'i.ODO new bopks, including 5000 new v'"d pieces. An unknown man has been found at ::,;!ewald, in Germany, shot dead. Upon l.roast was pinned a letter, containing se words â€" "Bury me with the other :i.'.: nnkuowns." The wounds upoii the body -a'ly indicated that he had committed ;i':iilo, liut his face was so mutilated by ;:i shots that. identification was impossible. A Vienna correspondent telegraphs that tiie Vienna Assize Court sentence of death is pi onounced upon a woman who had pois- A her husband by putting phosphor from .it!.!if.s injiis food. Her object was to marry ivtrof 19. She simulated madness through- the trial, and continued to smile while c sentence of death was being pronounc A trial has been made at Civita Vecchia a uiiutical ball invented by Signor Bal- v.AXu. It is seven feet in diameter, and :i I'.oM fourpersons. When closed it sinks, I is steered and propelled under water by i'ler and screw. It has window's and ipplers, and, besides fishing up things, it iv ho used for destructive purposes in ,3ie of war. Tr.o first execiition in Strasburg since IS70 -k plate on ^Monday, when Michael Ems iVit'il the death penalty for having mur- :â- .â-  1 a .-crvant named Sophie Muller. The tiv.e was not used, but the murderer, ' \v;is not even bound, laid his head oh a I'kii bench, and with one blow was c.r.iiiiated by an executioner, who used a â- V" naiided sv.'ord for the purpose. Tv.i strange suicides took place almost ;ii.;:hai!.cously in Paris on Sunday. Mr. u:-!iiii Halplien, the secretary of Count ..:noii.lo, blew his brains out, while John 'ill. who was the Count's favourite jocke}' iJKiaitted suicile in the same way. Mr. i.Ipiicn's rash act was due to money losses t:ii.' iSou'rse, whilst Pitt's motive appears b.ivo been a disappointment in love. A 1 ),il 'iel's telegram from Buda Pesth states II il man calling himself Dantes, famous .1 circus fire-eater, died while giving one i;'.s performances. ' It appears that by the f of ;in electric current he was enabled iiurtutly to expectorate fire and to breathe ..i;m.s, but in conseiiuence of the current be-. too strong he was unahlc to respire, and I blood vessel in attempting to do so. In the district of Sheing Teh, Canton, ?:â- (.â-  are various societies of young women td for celibacy, known for example as Ail Pure Sisterhood" or the "Xever-To- r-Marricd Sisterhood." A member of one them was on the verge of being compelled i'rtak the rules of hersociety by marriage, in order to prevent it, the entire band. for any number of deaths. The swindle was discovered in consequence of his arrest for forgery and embezzl^ent in his dry goods business. He is in. j^L For a year a ctnttislitsmatn named Hasen, aged 42, with his wife and six children, had lived in Paris in great difficulty. Finally they resolved to commit suicide and take the children with them. They sent the latter out to buy charcoal, and with the windows closed Hazen lighted the stove and the whole family lay down on the floor to die, the mother clasping the youngest child in her arms. Upon her recovery she said that when asphyxiation -began the eldest daughter be- gan to cry, but lest she should excite the neighbors, her father threw himself over her face, and they were found in that position. A man known as the Bird of Death in the Vienna General Hospital has met with his fate in thp discharge of his gruesome hos- pital duties. His name was Alois Pakes. A Vienna correspondent says he was a man of Herculean buUd, and for 45 years had carried all the corpses to and from the mortuary chamber. Hence the weired name the hospital jesters gave him. He died a few days ago of blood poisoning caused by handling the body of a patient who had died of an infectious disease. He had sold his skeleton to an itinerant museum many years ago and spent the money in drink, and his remains have been handed over to the purchaser. The heroine of the hour just now in Berlin is a German girl, Fraulein Sohanna !Mats- trick. Fraulein Maestrick was born near Berlin, but went with her parents as a child to Portugal. When she was 17 an impres- sario, struck with her size and beauty, offer- ed to ti-ain her as a female bull-fighter. She has not yet appeared in an arena, but last week she came out in a trial fight at Oporto. A huge crowd collected to see the unusual sight. The young lady quickly laid two bulls in the sand, and rode off followed bj-.a band of music amid thunders of applause. Crowds of people ccUected before the win- dows of the hotel at which the "Torera" was staying, and far into the night she was obliged to appear on the balcony in response to their calls for her. :ii;a' i:i.l xclaimed the indiff^f^. lionioma^U^atP ouldpaymeforit. ;he reporter. "' "UnbW-" -i'l iucluded; went and drowned thei -,t out and let me pu "u^,^.^^ yle to Avoid. did you get ire tbox you want to othing, Jh«"i*- A jre else, dont you »" laUy Severe Beply- whi Dni bminent Summer idies were he way in ,ne of them said ,t it makes no c to children; « hotel abon the; ..Ili»T andthry-:wiUturB-««' turn out. „^^ •tingdoctruifi. " tel|reUeve«onefi««» hand,"^fi«ff2r^ to be Sil'T^y^" ee with yo^fJjS, ionaUy*^'"' on ?ess, »' V'^.^^X^^ sked h»Tfl inow. r ' " How' Ob* y* -^ phenomenon is reported from Tethara- 'Sz. in Hungary, where an aerolith ot 80 Wands weight is said to have fallen with -â- â- h force that it opened a spring of water Ti.e earth. As the neighborhood was bad- â- ' supplied with water the inhabitants are y.-iing of the occurrence as providential. â- !ie ;urolith has been bought for £200 by an i;ijlo-Australian, who has a collection of h things, and who happened to be the "".est of Count Harnoncourt, whose seat is know tha^ear Tetharadaez. Ill consequence of the approach of the itionil holiday, an unusual number of mar- â- iges took place in Paris on Saturday !Kong the working classes. At the Mairie tile Eleventh Arrondissement â€" an east 3'1 district densely populated^no fewer ••an fifty-seven couples were united in wed- -k. the mayor devoting himself to this â- 'rk without interruption from ten o'clock tlie morning until half-past one in the ternoon. Tliis feat is described by the ials of the Mairie as "marriage by 6am."' A pack of hyenas is reported by the In- 11 papers to have made its appearance near t'lighyr. The animals are said to be prow- about at dead of night and making eat depredations among men and animals. night recently a child of about two *ars of age was carried away by one of ^â„¢- In the morning the head and two â- nds were found, to the great surprise terror of the inhabitants. Two other •Wren are said previously to have met the 'I" fate; many dogs and goats have also '^tn victims to the hyenas. "ie big medical men of Vienna have just D thrown into a panic by the t for sixteen months they have been ^owing a young dry goods clerk to treat â- ^'siits in the large city hospital. The ^\ s name is Patroner. He got his posi- â- iin the hospital by m^ns of forged dip- Buring the day he Sold thread and "Wis and at night he made the rotiiid' of ^ard. He had never studi^ medicine, 13 therefore supposed to be responsible to A MONGOOSE PLAGUE. Tbe Evil Effect of Bringing tbe .4.iiiinal.s to Juiuiilca. A parallel case to that of the extraordin- ary plague of rabbits in Austria and Xew Zealand, both in respect to the nature of the plague and the apparent hopelessness of any attempt to abate it, exists in the island of Jamaica, West Indies, where the mongoose was .introduced a few years ago with results up to the present time even more disastrous than afflict Australia. The object in intro- ducing the mongoose was to benefit the coun- try by their ridding it of a plague of rats, but the effect hie aided calamity. The mongoose la a species of ichneumon .or weasel. It is a native of India, and has a great reputation in that country as a de- stroyer of snakes and small animals. In Jamaica it has earned a reputation for de- stroying almost every living thing, except that which it was e.vpected to. Its first cousin, the ichneumon, is noted and exe- crated in Fgypt as a destroyer of poultry and eggs cf every description, a fact the Jamaicans seemed to have overlooked. The mongoose is brow^n in color, has a slender body about twelve inches long, and in gen- eral appearance is much like the common weasel. It has a fierce nature, and is net at all a pleasant animal to have prowlirg around. The planters suffered great loss by the depredations of rats, which infested the estates in large numbers, destroying vast quantities of young sugar canes, cocanuts, bananas, and other products, and creating general havoc in the sugar works and store houses. Seven or eight years ago a planter hit ujion a scheme which he thought would settle the difiioultj' and the rats at the same time. With the consent and approval of the government he procured three or four couples of mongoose from India and turned them loose on his estate. They multiplied rapidly and for a time Vv-aged fierce war on the rats, with so much success that the man who introduced them was hailed as a public benefactor. But in a very short time the rats found a means of avoiding the mon- goose ami the mongoose found game more to their liking and much easier to obtain. They turned their attention to the hen- roosts, eating both young chickens and eggs, and eventually carrying off the old hens and the roosters. Their numbers increased with marvelous rapidity and they began to prey on everything within reach and have continued to do so, with the lamentable re- sult that almost aU the wild birds which a few years ago existed in great abundance and variety, the snakes, lizards, and small animals, wild and domestic, of every kind, have almost disappeared from the island. Even the great turkey-buzzards do not escape, for the pest tats their eggs and young birds. This latter is a most serious affair, for in Jamaica, as in other tropical lands, the buzzards are the natural and only scavengera, and but for them the condition of the towns and villages would be insuffer- able. Poultry raising has become a lost art in the country districts, and the spring chicken and the new-laid egg will soon dis- appear from the island, for the towns are being invaded by the mongoose. Their boldness increases with their numbers, and it has been averred, on excellent authority, that in two instances this year they have attacked babies. The negroes have a great and increasing dread of them. The exas- perating part of it is that the number of rats is not sensibly diminishing. H-l What Editing a Paper Is. Editing a paper is pleasant business â€" if you like it. If the type is large it doesn't contain much reading matter. If we omit jokes folks say we are nothing but fossils. If we pn^ish original matter they blame us for not giving selections. If we give selections people say we ^re laizy for not writing more, and giving them what they have" hot reid in some otiier discovery ^paper. 'i,^^,^ ' If we give a complimehtary nOticS we are censured for being p^iaL i Ji w|e 4on't every one says we are un- 1 jusi I If wie remain in our omce, attending to our business, fplkssav we axe too proud to ' 'miiH;!^ witb other feilows. If out they say" we don't attend to our business. ' i A Harrow Escape. Ott.\wa, Aug. 7.â€" Two mill men, named Dehnore and Morean, got quarrelliug with.. Robert Bums, an eighteen-year-old youth, at Booth's sawmill here the other night. Burns struck one of the men with a hand- spike. They returned with a number of companions and cliased Bums in a small hut that almost hangs over the chasm through which the Ottawa river runs after falling over the Chancbere. He barricaded the door. His assailants attempted to batter it down, and they kept up the fusilade from 11.30 till 2 o'clock on Saturday morninB. It then looked as if they vrould batter me door in. Burns btlieved if they succeeded in getting into the hut that they would kill him. He therefore took chances, and crawled out of a wmdow 'overlooking the canl^ioD, and got a footing on about two inches of Ihe flooring of the hut that projected .beyxOi^ the side. He sidled along until he reached a fence, and by means of this he gaiiied^l^ iron bridge, and took refuge from his pi^ ' secutors in Hull. The route by which he escaped makes one dizzy to even look at. Warrants are out for the arrest of Delonne and Moreau. A Change of Tune. She â€" "Oh, I am in an awful worry. I lost my diary down tovvm yesterday. Just fancy some horrid person getting hold of it and raii'ling it throngh." He â€" "Ha, ha. Well that is a good joke. Dill it have your name on- it?" She â€" "No but it had yours." He â€" "Great heavens. You had better ad- vertise for it at once." We cheerfully recommend any prepara- tion that stands as hidi as SLOCUM S OXYGEXIZED EMUESIOX of PUT^.E COD LIVER OIL. It has crept into the confidence of the public solely through its merits. For wasting diseases of throat or lungs all druggists vrill testify to its efficacy. Xever ask anj- one to give you his word of honor. If you are talking to an honest man it is supei'fluous if to a rascal, useless. NOTICE. Eveij- Bottle of Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine for -coughs and colds is warranted. At Xewcastle Assizes on Saturday, Sarah Grieves ant John Grieves were indicted for manslaughter of tiieir infant child, who died from neglect. The man was acquitted. The woman was sentenced to five years' penal servitude. MISS JENNIE TEEPLE, a graduate of Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas, Ontario, whose paintmgs were so universally admired a few years since at the Fine Art Exhibition of the Education Department,' has been appointed Art Director in Lansdowne College, Man. Scores of Alma's graduates are now engaged in teachmg private classes or in Schools and Colleges and are thus proclaiming the prac- tical character of Alma's instruction. For 60 pp. Calendar address Prixcifal Aistix, B. D. Tennyson works hard during the morning from breakfast to lunch, and then spends the remainder of the day in recreation. AIlMen young, old, or middle-aged, who find them selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp toms Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in -the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, ej-e lids and elsewhere, bashf ulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested bj- sleep, constipation, dullness of nearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surround- ed with LEADEX CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all sj-mptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes inconsequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send you, address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E. Toronto, Out. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpita- tion, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong?, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured Ifo cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, To- ronto, Ont. A.P. 14. scon's EMUISIOII DOES CURE CONSUMPTION In Its First Stagss. Palatable as Milk. Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sokl by all Druggists, at see. and fi.oo. i SCOTT BOWNE, Bellevile. "]|1"IS3 STACKHOUSK, 427 Tonge St, To- AT-lij ""*^? }^ making a specialty of ^Parisian Fliaiintj. Skirts, 40c. ayd. children's skirte. c«oaBes,«6,A^Fard. This. is the only place in Canada where this class of wdrk Is done.. TORONIO CUTHNO SCHOOL. Scientific and ratiable syiiema tangftt^ whMMr- stylish, pernact-flttliur gaimenta are prodSteo. Send for ( C^tRIGAN-,- Propi, m KingSt.T^Bt. ** GancerS^ SUMMER SESSl6N-July 3tli â€" -gâ€" Auk. 1st. Bookeeping. Penmab- ship, ShortWUid, Typewriting. Unique Plan. Instruction mornings, special excursions after- noons. Circotars free. Caaaaiaii College cf Commerce, piblic Library Building, Toronto. LEATHER BELTING. Best value in the Dominion. F. E. DIXON CO., Makers, 70 King street East, Toronto. 4'^Send for Price Lists and Discounts.-St A «EBrrS WA5FIVâ€" Big Soi^yâ€" Choiofet /X. Books. Control of territory. Apply at onee. E y. M OVE R CO.,12ttYoiigfe Sl ttoronto. QQ Rfl PERDAYâ€" OoOd nv^ ted •%«K|k- «DO.«IU Fast selling articles. J. E. ClosjC 4 "Vfctoria street, Toronto. WANTED"k»lef^f!»nj- reliahlb men to repi Bidg and Loan Ass' n. 65-67 PA Yonge St. Toro nto. ;u.s' malic 8. inO lign ;esr ri^E.lClieVS qw make money during ^-aca- X tion.b^c^iflrasMngtar one or votxe of our fast selling BoUdSand Bibles, e^e(dally Ifistorv of Canada, Byjlf. H.Withrow, D.D., latest and best edittoaewr' published, prices low, terras literal. Writ»; fpr illuste^ted (dreulars and terms. WM. BRIOGS PnUisUer, Toronto. ALBERT COLLEGE, BELLEVILLE, ONtT Leads all other Colleges in Canada in the num- ber of matriculants prepared annually. *^ Special inducements are oficrcd. to those requiring a Rn.slnes!* Education. Send for calendar. Address Principal Dyer, M.A. EVERYTHlNCEt^K'C^^I 04r4aRAiGrSr Send for Catalogue: WAflTED SALESMEK by the oldest. largest and best known Nurser- ies in the Ex- perience not necessary. Permanent positions. Good pay. Write at once. Get to work XOW, while it is easv to sell and territory unworked. STARK BROS. NURSERY CO., LOi:i$I.4.yA, MO. WESLEY IN LADIES' COLLEGE HAMILTON, ONT. Will Reopen Sept 1, 1890 (30tli year) The first of the Ladies' Colleges. Has Uni- versity afiiliation, graduating course on Liter- ature, Music and Art, followed by Diploma in each. Rooms may be secured now. For terni.^ address the Principal, REV. A. BURNS, D.D., LL.D. J L JONES, 10 HiNC Sti TORONTO. CA:^^ DR. NICHOLS' -: Food of Health :- For Children and AdRlts. InvaUuaibl* ftor Indiawation auKi Conatipaition. FRANKS CO., London, England, Proprietora Montreal Office, 17 St. John Street. Dr. T. R. AJUtison, L.R.C.P,, London, says :- "I like Dr. Nichols' 'Food of Health' veiy mucb, and find it of greatdietetic value in manr diseases. As a br.iHKfast dish I prefer it to oat- meaL For the r^rUlationof the bowels iteannot be surpassed. Sendfor sample FREE. TKE CONBOY CARRIACE T«Pft. AttX THK BKST KNOWN. FITS HomeMedical Batteries -T.W.NESS V/Tl MONTREAL Send f6r CatJilogrie. Their increasing popularity is a proof o thdz superiority. Be sure and get a Conboy top on your buggy, Sena »t once for FREE BOTTLE and a valuabls Treatise. Tliis lemedy is a sure and radical cure and is pe i Bec Uy harmless as no injurious drus:s are used la its preparation. I will warrant it to ewe EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS in serere cases where other remedies have failed. My reassn fur sendiugr a free bott'e is I wast tbe I niedicine to be its own recom- niendatioa. It. costs you notb*l ins for a trial, and a radical cure I is certain. Give Express and I Post Office. Address " H. G. ROOT M. C, 186 West Adelaide M. Toronto, Ont. After many years of suffering from heart dis- ease, indigestion weak- ness, headache, etc. B EAVER LINE STEAMSHIPS. Sailing weekly between MO\TRE.4.L and LIVEIcroOL. Saloon Tickets ?40, $50 and $601 Return Tickets, $80, 890 and $110, according to steamer and accommodation. Intermediate ?25, Steerage §20. Apply to H. E. 9IIIKR.4Y. Gen- eral Manager Canudlim siililppiug Co., i Cus- tom House Squake, Montreal, or to Local Agents in all Towns and Cities. ST. LEON WATER Cored me Entirely. T now rejoice in good health.â€" Mrs. J. Cloutier, Montreal. Thousands vouch to the truth of above. Why, then drag along in misery and pam? Drink St. Leon; you will rejoice. The Palace Hotel at Springs in P.Q. is now open for reception of visit- ors. For particulars ad- dress The St. Leon Mineral Water Co., TORONTO, ONT„ Orto Si. Leon Springs, Que. Ltd., i â€" THB â€" Cheapest and BEST place" 'n America to buy Band and Musical ItKitnamenta, Music, c. AddrcssmLlLET, ROYCE A CO., 158 Tongc Street. Toronto. Send for Catalosne. «^ knitting ^machine: •.-,, J- â- ' MaNUFACTURED BY mCREELMANBRO^ â-  v' GEORGETOWN.ONT DVCR TISEMENT IS FOR YOU ' IT ISGOOD FOR $2'^° SENDirANDA. ^3 CeUT STUMP FOR HU PARTICULARS AND PRICE. LIST PoHDs Extract R9890 RETAIL PRICE REDUCED TO 50C. As the hands do not come in contact with the water, chap- ped, scalded and sore hands are avoided. The mop being wrung at arms length there is no stooping or straining of the back or shoulders. The hands '"re not soiled or disfigured 0/ the wringing of a filthy, greasy cloth. As the clothing is not drenched o r disfigured a s i n ordinary mopping n o special prepar- ation is requir- ed. The use of scalding water is another mi- portant advantage impossible with the ordin- ary hand-wringing mop. The floor washes easier, cleaner and quicker, and dries quicker. Tar box Bros., :3 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. 28 Waterloo St., St. John., N.B. THE WONDER OF HEALING I CUSSS CATASBH, fiHS7){ATISl£, STEir- BALaiA,SOBE THBOAT.FILSS, WOITimS, BimiTS, FEMALE COHFLAHTTS, A12S EEHOBBHAaSS OF ALL ZHTSS. UeeaintemaByExUmaBy. iVio«» S0c.$141.T8 P02IS'SEZTBACTC0.ITew7 i IsLondoa JH E GREAT EUROPEAW nVT? â- a VuqnsUid for SIchuti ul BsaStj ef Cetetiic. They are the oklt dves that WILL NOT WASH OUT! WILL NOT FADE OUT I There ia nothing like thrm for Strength, Colodng or Fastness. 0KS?ae^2«Sa7ALS77Co!aa7athn£7e:sth«BtifeH. If ;oa doubt it, trj it 1 Your money will be te- fuodeil il you are not couvincrd after â- \ triaL Cltty. fourcolors ar nia1e in Tarkisli DyoSf • ;abraeilic all -eir shades, and othrm are added as soon •â-  ther become fashionable. They are varranii-u to dfO m goods aad doit better than any other Sy â€" Sane Price as lafericrDjc, jLO O'tS. Canada Branch 481 St. Paul Street, Montieal. Stiidpo$tal/or Sample Card andSook qf JnHmrtiamt^ C OHsWuywoH T^J^„ above slad to • iftheywiU iMVItaa* 'tbrO* ders who have tâ€" FloaaeMbni ypw readers that 1 1 tre a positive -., M t hn i lyM a thog^jiis,of hopeless cases have been perai I shall b« jglad to aoad two bottfas of nqr remedy FRBB to any of yonr readers wuu utv o^ f^B^^'^^PtStO^Aaanu, Re«pectfiill7,T.A.SLOOttaik le tn TOIKIITO| ONTABIC FIRE-PROOF CHAHPIOli; â- â-  WidtUprightor Horizontal Boilers. XS| z6, Jio, 25 1 Snitnble for all 'vroik. Traction Engines 12, z6 and 36 Horse-powei^ F^iABKott£•WeaL• ,HiXr Z " ' ' I t i {looii HT. â- ..'â- jT-rr V-V^M^^ -.1. .^AtSM^ttitM jttb j-j-i;!-..-!-^..;-, -^- ^^.^Ulyiigjjyiill^ ^mmSM iiiiiiiii^ 'dtitttm mM

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