Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Aug 1890, p. 1

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 T^m^f^xr s »*'4i»--' '^PST' â€" " ' " " 'â- '*â-  "' 'T"1' i " I â-  I ' r "â-  â-  M il ii nli i f a fc.^i^ j*r!» »» f '-M^ji ' .,»..Vw*-.*^».,. OT8. s expected to .Foresters of •on pienie m 'â- Qgoat. ;T/Jii\ de ^eefe. Mr ^i^i^ng hi» couuty. to havft Canadian S«iratford. re organic. "f whiskey pteiaber Ist. decided to "ne factory as maaufac- of seventy bttt one and that busy, wHiv charge of I aod sen^ jail. iealth hao i the Coan i in tbeir lask. driver ta]nf» sabacribets ek ibr their on 3. it. statioQ y lightniag raved from ire brigade. St. Marie closing (rf i is estimat- ss of $1, ossHoQse, erious loss inflamma* on "Dandy th $1,500. have the- cd ventil- ' feet systent idbeintro- Qgs nrbete: â-  14 yeacSr in Ow^i a halter the Dr'a and after incerecov- K. again^ John S. f Glenelg 1 registry e of Mark- be termed sd thirty- ind knows ad child in 8 served assessor 'be latter ^ears, ever r. James i life time. »nt mini' jveral vol- lys keep* ' on Hon- A.11 were Eras hot â€" f beer U e. "Yon ied one, her, who 1 let m» Tom, let^ 1, Heniy- 3er." Wba» be doctor gavebim minute* the spoU doetor. nst eight Henry'» irenee of • bit." es before ling cool DOt to» ret OB* of wet •» HtflatUhaU .. -.:vif J. e. Trelfoi^d, MABKBAIiS. Agoit for aU kinda ^j^andatd "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY." TE:N^TH year.â€" No. 518. MAKKDALE, THTJBSDAY, AUGrST 14, 1890. C. W. RUTLEDGE^ Proprietor. SPECIAL UMMER ALE â€" OFâ€" WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, CHAEMS, JE'WEXiLEBY, SILVEBTATARE, VIOLINS, STATIONEBY. Local and Otber Items. NoncBB in the$e eolumruintended to benefit «ny individual or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each Bubieguent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Corresprmdenee, comnmnica' tions,. Advertisements, die,, mnsf he in this office by Ropn on Tuesday to insure publication thai weeTc. "We have lately added largely to all linss of our stock, and are even better prepared than belore to give perfect ^satisfaction to- all- Our repair trade is increasing week- tv, and our work giving general satisfaction. A call is solicited. BREADMR CASSON JEWELLERS, lARKDALE. ONT. i-S Markdale, Ont. School opens next week. Eyery "amily wants School Books. We have \11 kinds, also Slates 5c. " 7c. " 10c. •" 15c. The best 5c. Scribbler made. THE STANLEY, A Lock Box for 5 cents, just the thing to carry pencils and pens in. Come and see oar table of They ax« cheap and worth your whale lookiBf at, ewn if you don't want to bay. Stationery is something we bandle in laige quantities. Just read 5 quuee Note Pap« ••.• JJe 5 •« •• •• 86e 5 •« «« " ......... 60e 5 •« «• •• 7fc 5 •• «« *« .~1 00 Tenni«trietlj«Mb. W. TURHBR CO. ScBOOL opens next Monday. Miss Meedik McNea is visiting in Toronto. Hev. a, Dunlop, of Gorrie, is in town this week. Mrs. H. B. McCat is visiting friends in Albion. Miss Fannie Henbt is up from Toron- to on a visit. Mb. David Hkmbt is over from Mea- ford on a visit. Masteb Willie Millsap is up from Toronto on a visit. Mb. E. G. liUCAS, banker at Dundalk, was in town on Tuesday. Mb. and Mrs. McGill, of Toronto, are visiting at Mr. Bryden's. Mb. Joseph Hamilton, photographer, is visiting at St. Johns, Mich. Mr. John Mabshall and wife visited friends at Duntroon this week. Miss Bush returned last week from visiting friends in Chesley. Miss Louisa Rutledge has been np from Shelbnrne for a week yisiting. Miss Cabbie McEenna is visiting friends at Brampton and Mono Boad. Miss Tossy Booke, of Toronto, is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Jackman. Masteb Benmie BiE is visiting friends in Owen Sound, Allenford, Southampton and other points. The Revere Hotel has been touched up with paint and an elaborate sign painted on the front of the building. HxBB. Hall is from Owen Sound visit- ing. We are pleased to see him so nice- ly recovered from his serious illness. Mb. A. J. Chisholm, dry-goods mer- chant of Owen Sound, was in town on Tuesday and called on the Standabd. The Mibses Jennie and Aggie McCoy, of Owen Sound, have been visiting friends at Markdale and Walter's Falls. Two young men of this village are «aid to have been overtaken by a wave of adversity while in Meaford on Mon- day. Mas. J. E. Maesh and Miss Annie McLeod left on Wednesday to visit friends at Owen Sound, Tara and Chip- pawa Hill. Abtemesia Council has decided to make « deviation in the road from Fleshertohi to the railway station in order to avoid some faeavy grades. Mb. M. Akitt, one of Eugenia's oldest residents and business men, died on the n^ht of Monday 4th inst. from acute conjestion of the lungs. The Rev. A. Cunningham, of Gait, was the guest of bis sister, Mrs. H. D. Irwin, a few days this week. He and family have been rnsticating at Southampton for a month. Miss Teenik Richaiidson, youngest daughter of M. Richardson, Flesherton, has been awarded the county prize in the "Witness" "Mmpetition forshort or- iginal stories for 1890. Mb. Amdbbw Bsattib returned from British Columbia on Friday last, and tho* making a satisfactory bosiiiess trip is more than ever in love with his beantifnl fram and premises m Art- emeda. FjOtH HousB BuBinD. â€" On Monday laat, jnst aftor ffinner, the dwelling house of Ut. Shepheid B^, of Olendg, took file from a defeetire stove pipe, and tbe fin spnad so rapidly TOiy little of tfaa oontentaweiesaTad. Hie bam was ate in gieat daagarllor sobm taaae fmm tiie Im^BntaBmB. Xr. B'sbw is estimat- ed a* over 1600. Tli0Mwaa«9OOioaar- •Meoahonaeand «b» nae on Oe Mb. a. McPhebson, of London, for- merly manager of Lucas" branch bank at Flesherton, visited his brother-inJaw Wm. Lucas, Esq., this week. He had been np the lakes on a health recuper- ating trip. Mb. J. S. RonMAN will sell by public auction at his premises, Markdale, on Saturday next, 16th, at 1 o'clock, his household effects. He is about to move to Chicago and will dispose of his furni- ture dc, without reserve. See hand bills for particulars. Aldebuan Flemhino of Windsor and his wife spent a few days last week in Markdale. Mr. Fleming tried his hand ai trout fishing under instruction from Mr. R. B. Currie and was so much pleased with the result that he is determined to return next year to try again. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Mc- Cullough. Glenelq Agricultural Fall Show will take place in Markdale on the 24th and 25th September. The prize list'U be out this week and ready for distribution. The directors are determined to make it the -best exhibition yet given. The grounds are the best in the county and the speeding course is a beauty. Wm. N. Haskett, secretary, will furnish all necessary information and a 2opy of prize hst to those who apply. B. Coleman and D. Thompson, of Markdale school, have been successful in securing third class certificates at the recent examinations without the expense !,of going to the High School. This is creditable for the pupils as well as Mr. Glendinning, the teacher. Mr. Thomp- son deserves special credit for having taken up and so successfully completing his course in six months, and was in poor health even part of that time. Mb. James Arnold, who has been section boss on the railway here for sixteen years, has been removed by the Company and Ideated at Smith's Falls, where he will take the responsible position of yard switchman. Mr. Arnold left on Monday to enter upon his new situation, and his family willmoye later in the season. Frank Maidment fills his place here. Mr. A. has been a faith- ful, trustworthy employee and good neighbor, and his wife a very friendly good-hearted woman. They have the Standard's best -wishes in their new- home. The directors of the Central Agricul- tural Society are making every effort to even surpass their great fall show of 1889 at Walter's Falls. They are said to have already oyer five hundred members and still adding to the number. Their post- ers are out annonncii^g the exhibition to be held September 30 and October 1, Tuesday and Wednesday. These post- ers are the finest we have seen for any local or district fair, and it may not be out of place to say they were gotten up at this office. The prize list is now being printed of which we will have something to say further on. Dr. Homes, the energetic Secretary is a hustler sure. A Secbet. â€" A couple of ladies from the city secured a horse and carriage at the liyery on Tuesday last for the purpose of driving out to see the country. They started out in great spirits, but had not gone oyer half a mile when tihe horse stopped and commenced goin*; through a peculiar exercise something like an eight-hand-reel. The ladies wwe at first surprised but soon became alarmed and both sprang from the bngsy, one on the riji^t the other on the IdFt. The animal finally lay down, and one of the ladies struck out towards the nearest house for assistance while the other remained in soB^ense to waidi ments. The desired help arri' the «^minr»*i wss indnoed to ^et apon his feet again and was tied to tiie fenoe when the pair cetomed to teU the livoy man of ttieir trials and tribala- tions and when he would findlhe hone. oORLTAOBTEB. 'Vj4UUf Mui I aMb trifd alMtllB ef Biiid$Bk Blood BitMs vith gnat nan UU^ heated*. WsneoBmaad it Bbadebs of the Standard will be pleased to hear of the signal success which our young townsman. John Herbert, son of Squire Brown, achieved at the recent University examinations in Toronto. Master Herbert has succeeded not only in taking first place in all the' subjects on which he wrote except French but he has carried off the only two scholarships now awarded, value #170 cash. Herbert's success has been the more marked considering that last May he wrote for and obtained a first Class "B" Certificate which, of course, entailed double work during the last term of the Owen Sound Collegiate In- stitute where he pursued bis studies for the last four years. Bnsineia ooaU. EvEBTBODT uow goes to M. E. Dong- lass' for fancy goods. Old Ii*on. wanted at Markdale Stove Foundry in exchange for cash. House and lot for sale, near railway station. Apply to Geo. Ritchie, Mark- dale. Spinning and weaving done, on short notice at the Walter's Falls Woollen Mills. Mabkdale Mabkets â€" No grain on the market. Butter 11, Eggs 14, Wool 20 to 28. Wool wanted at the Wdlter's Falls Woollen Mills in exchange for cash or goods. A. W. Wade, the boss baker, gives good weight. His bread was tested this week and found correct. Bbantfobd Binders and Mowers, the leading Machines, sold by Jackson. Easy terms and prices right. All parties indebted to jne will please call and settle the same with Mr. Walter Turner forthwith. W. J. Manley Hello Thebe â€" For a first-class Buggy, Democrat or Waeon caU on Geo. S. Mathers, he has a fine display to choose from. Prices to ftiit the times. Markdale Cabkiage Wobks. â€" R. Mc- Nally has now ready a lot of fine rigs for sale, prices right. All work warrant- ed. A call solicited always glad to show my work. R. McNally. Mebceb has the most Complete Col- lection of Crockery and Glassware in town. Tea, Dinner and Toilet sets in white granite painted ware porcelaine. and China. Prices the lowest. A BaTSaiA- For sale the west three-quarters of lot number 16â€" in the 10th concession of Euphrasia â€" containing 150 acres, having about 30 acres clear, the balance is eood hardwood bush there is a good public school on the premises â€" price $1500; on good terms. For further particulars, apply to A. G. Hunteb, Dundalk P. O. BUY YOUB FLOUR AND FEED -ATâ€" BENSON'S If yon want to save money. WE HAVE IN STOCK FORD'S FLOUR, PLEWES' FLOUR, STANDARD OATMEAi, GRANULATED OATMEAL, ROLLER OATMEAL, ROLLED OATS, CORN MEAL, BRAN, SHORTS, PmFEED, HEN FEED, CHOP, e. .--J struck tij a Steainer. CoLUNowooD, Aug. 10. â€" A party of seven, two ladies, tour gentlemen and a boy, had a very narrow escape from drowning on Friday morning last off Munday's Lightbquse, n ear Byng Inlet. The parly consisted of Miss Duffy and Miss Watts, of Gollingwood Walter Price, of Rochester Joe Marks, of Meaford Thomas Bowie, Tf Golling- wood J. Mclnnes, of Meaford, ahd Robert Clark, of Gollingwood. They were in a sad boat and came out to meet the steamer City of Midland to take two passengers off to shore. The man in charge of the sail boat crossed the bow of the steamer, which crashed down upon them, splitting the boat almost in two and tornini^ the entire party into the water Youag Clark, ^fgâ€"jlg^ a boy rf fourteen, saw the accident ^^^S*^ ^BxM not be avoided and dived from vea ana (|[f boat before the erash. On eoming np he saw tbe JacBes in the water and tned to reioifi Kiss I)^(y!, but the ande^r-eumm eained him bade Uku J}tdtf had Konminfm t«iee and wm four feet aider the wator for the laat tioM wfaen reteoed by UdbmM, Jwi- lter]»zaieded]|EiMiWattoi. who wai^ l^jB3onadoiisi*]Nii taken oh board. A to dl iHsbeat waa ioweMd frott the Oitr M liiaUnd, and thaivlble pvty xfieiied BUY YOUR LONG CLEAR BACON from us. BENSON'S BOTTLED ALE, BENSON'S BOTTLED WHISKIES for the hot weather, If you want to save money buy from us and no one else. K. H. BENSOIN^ CO. Wholesale and Betail Grocers and Spiri! Merehantg. R. H. Benson. W. J. Benson. WHY NOT P DEAL AT "GOLDSMITH'S HALL" You want good. "Wliatevex' You want close price. "Whatever* You want at once. Whatever Yon want a good assortment to select from. 'W fiatever You want thai others haven't got, you can get at W. A- BROWN'S JEWELRY STORE Above remarks apply specially to American Watclies, Glox, Jewellery. Weddhig Rings 18 k. all sizes. £^ • oellent assortment silverware. Positively will not be undersold. Quality of goods and price fcUy guaranteed. Wj^toh repairing and fitting spes. optically persmially Attended to. W. A. BBOWN. ^^ grade mt^Bpeeiafist. "â- â- â- ? " ^SiS* nfllt'ir- till- 'i^nntfiitfri

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