Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Aug 1890, p. 7

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 I«ooim n up I tteOro] hia Va h " con, ' definitely t J '" from a g ',^^"« no alarm ove -iy general ideatha ^decsive moved, â- iiths. Two spicion. iven new zest to all •ntinental relatJ ^^^terestinthepej S^h who dominat] "national polities Mention is largely Kaiser, who, U n lost to sight id forgotten. ' TheJ ago that he had del â- ed state of things, mauftuvres ne°xJ contradicted, and 'â-  Gen. Caprivi with Vienna infers thaJ Iked, and presumJ tlie triple alliaiacej season of these ruJ sting of tliis ne tvaintage of bein, |ntrjes concerned, l^ the recent in ahelni and Kin iiied of restorin â- r i«agnitude audi [m)^au poiversbj i'illtissia and giv r entering into ark, the result of| X)p Scandinavian: rhe- advantage ti geiaentr would Lt »th Qonniierciallyi assia in the Esj. â- as less uniforra'yj i week previout,! and lieftvy rains] enic'its from the All the countivl 'iny J'esponucnty I leral advai'.ces ni In seme places I reed hy tl.e fact I lausted and that ' erctpted foreign ul. utinue to con:e iiage seen.s even I'he loss of the in of La Bcau^e 'Jl^e price of â- d in tlie- prov- ire only restrain- the representa- parently this is \\inter Europe tlie menace, for havoc tlirough- lole Jwest coas' te that a famine It the blight is the Champion which, in 1880, d, haspiJit8e]f rust be brought nong the.;lfor- -anged ta visit 3 Englau4^.an(i .ug. Iff. ch. ' pular citizen of f aneis C. Burn- He has- a. fine endiil lawn in le west of the le can ^ee tte in Sands; Mr. V everV^ week se; He leads riding for one i known, Mr. othhisdaugu- -obust hewth- are the mon- Benediotines. Pugijj's.»»s- his family are s. 'The 'eager ,as made the a benefactor, uch esteemed .eofdrinkinf lie's iBothtf. t live m t» tisoa ' don't r^ fifi DOGS BE MAGNETIZED? noTlf* ot "•* Power of Will Force '" wrer Canines. \[r Jingle or Mr. Jesse never • of apply '"g animal magnetism to â- :' ,io"3. "But this is part of "The i^l/tlucation of Dogs" as practised if^iithv "H. H.," whose book is pub- ?i,v Messrs. Sampson Low. "I have l»t oi flogs by the magnetic power of "tin 'loiiiff wrong hundreds of yards -r,ni me/' says "H. H.," and he adds i^'e unlient his mind by making a re- ,. -0 a friend, the spell was broken. It *â-  be the power of the human eye, he ' ,),at acts thus, for how can the eye f' ' ,,^;f er of a mile's distance He '.!; hi" eyes and try if the magnetic â- ;';ti!lliiits." "To be a first-rate dog- • r a man must have lots of animal -tism " "hioh, according to thisphil- 1-. is developed by force of wuU. But i will, or is it a foi-m of "magnetism " ;, ;;i ,1 i-'-itetiking we reachat once the aliie uuhI of metaphysics, and are em- ll riii Schopenhauer's speculations be- ,. know it. Of animal magnetism ex- ,iliv the liiler on the horse little need i The man may influence the beast i.iitaut, uuconsciously, not by "will It is a ilifTerent when "H. H." turns M!it ilog from a particular corner of a ' V -iinply "wishing" with all his force. |,.v:!i[i and the will had better be kept ;•,â- . i'.s much as nia\*be, and some dogs -to the will which merely sulk under iip The cleverest of "H. H.'s" dogs 'triever. He was fishing in her com- ii:L'lit his fly on a stump on the op- liank, sent the retriever across the :,;;iir it and she brought it safely. When ,-A'i tly c;uii,'ht in a bough of a willow. -ttii aliovc the water, the dog swam a- .. c!i;i:led into the top of the bush, jump- ;c!itd on the bough as she fell, bit it ::!iiin(l restored the tackled isilnktwas sent for a wounded malla,rd, â- :. was swimming below the ice. She tan •V viinls down stream, broke a hole in :.i;n ice and waited like a cat at a mouse There she caught the mallard as he :t uji to breathe. If this was not reason^ uisiit is reason But some other power iliavclicen exercised in the following â- â- H.H." left his dog at the front door iiimse, with a friend to watch itspro- ;!:^'s. He left the house by ai 1 of a lad- 't against a high window in the back walked away. The dog began to be im- n^sfion as the master had thus escaped, u;;.s with him in five minutes. Can he t liecM guided by smell or was he attract- y animal magnetism t If the human mind really influence that of a dog from a dis- l;c, tlie force which we call mind must be Piiim to man and beast, and " in tliat il sky " retrievers may keep " H H.'s " [ipaiiy. The attention of Mr. Romaines (it the Psychical Society, as well as the ;. of sportsmen, should be given to H. 1 i"ik. His anecdote of how the dog in- 1 ;!ic cockney is excellent, but a little in liaiincr of Dean Swift. We are only be- ;::l' to study tlie psychology of animals, â-  ' t it niaj- l)e the proper starting-point -c investi- -ations. Negjoes Prom French Colonies. â- â€¢:â-  II ccntly arrived in Paris two speci ' if the products of France's colonial ' but their conduct became so bad i";!i of them found themselves in the Mr (if the magistrate who presides in •. XintU Correctional Tribunal. One was '" of colossal stature, a native of Algiers, rejoicing in the sonorous ap- "!! of Sidi Omar ben Ahmet. In the A •â-  iippeared grave and sad; this de- ""1 1 icing in marked contrast to his be- â- ^1 r on the prcviotts evening, when, in 1]: '.vrntirm of all the canons of Moham-' •I.;:! i.iw. he ec:ime intoxicated, fought "I •ill' fiolice, ami nearly bit off the ear of Vr_r.uit de ville. "What are you?" de- iiii'l the magistrate as he looked severely ;:; â-  I liony-coiored prisoner. "A nigger," â- .ill- reply. "That is not a profession," â- 1 :.iic magistrate. Sidi then explained â- "â-  'i' went ebout the cafes making grim: •siiT the edification of their customers, â- " .;:'.ve him money. "And I suppose you iki' a pretty good • thing out of that " 'iieil the maizistj-ate. "Oh, yesj I do •:v v.e'l,;' jeplied the black man, who â- 'iitd much disappointed when he was sent piison for two months and ordered to pay "!â- . .if £\'2 The otlier colonist was also a -.^lo from '.the same- sunny shores, a.nd â- 'I'll AH Zanm. Like Sidi. hs too -was a ;W!ii:ui. \iut occupied a higher stage in the '•.ii world than his confrere, informing' :i iLtistrate proudly that he not only â- al do the "sword' dance, "^nt wa^ the "tiirr of "La Belle. Feridge" in the.con- p iiist movement known as the clayifie -â- '•'â- . Ali was guilty of the same con- â- â- ' .1-^ .Sidi. with the exception that he ex- n-i'i no desires of a cannibal kind, con- J";:i-: himself with breaking the windows â- i.c e.ifo arid demolishing all the glasses ' â-  littles it contained. He was let off •:â-  ei^ht days in jail and a fine of 3s. The Fight of the Deryishes. â- Ay dervishes themselves were fearless to 'lit. but could do nothing against riflemen. lu and again they rushed on certaindeath [:'" a kind of fascination. In one instance, fiile a companj- of infantry were advancing, â- -^lab liorseman rode out from behind a f'll and charged straight into the men. "se and rider fell dead on the baj-onets of 'tiont rank, pierced by a score of bullets. P saddle, which is preserved atHlfa, was by seven bullets. On witnessing -I'.fs like these, one understands how for- â- niile must have been the Arab invaders "outhern Europe and Northern Africa f-iin^' the early days of Mohammedanism, [len n rearms were unknown. The fearless- 'f the dervishes was equaled only by- f^' t tanaticism. Towar d the end of the day Count Hatzfeldt i^ one of the ablest of the ambassadors in London. There wai a ttme when he was supposed to have the best chance of being Bismarck's successor as Foreign Minister, and for a time he held the place. He was a great faTorite of the grim and. jealous Chancellor, in spite of his ability ;for Hatz- feldt had the good sense and the loyalty al- ways to stick to his own business, and never to intrigue against the great Minister.- So popular was he that Bismarck stretched a I)oint so far as to allow him to draw his sal- ary as Ambassador to Constantinople while he lived as Foreign Minister in Berlin. But Count Hatzfeldt is not very active. He loves, like niany another able man, to lie a-bed o' mornings, and to peruse French novels when he should be writing dispatches. His natural indolence is perhaps increased by the cigar- ette, of which he is almost as constant a smoker as Mr. Labouchereor Lord Randolph ChurchiU. But inactivity and cigarettes are his only weaknesses. He lives with great care, being divided in his affections between weak tea and claret and water. The im- partiality of his taste is so great thathe some- times takes them both for breakfast. All his colleagues admire and like him, and he is considered one of the very best representa- tives that the German Empire ever sent to England. m Aitemns Ward's Last Jest. When the famous wit lay dying in South- ampton he was tended by his devoted friend "Toiu" Robertson, the English playwriter, who Was also a friend of Jefferson. "Jast before Ward's death," writes Mr. Jefferson, "Robertson poured out some mediciiie in a glass and offered it to his friend. "Ward said, 'My dear Tom, I can't take thai, dreadful stuff.' '"Come, come,' said Robertson, urging .him to swallow the nauseous drug there's a dear fellow. Do now, for my sake; you know I would do anything for you. ' " ' Would you ' said Ward, feebly stretch- ing out his hand to grasp his friend's, per- haps for the last time. " 'I WoiUd, indeed,' said Robertson. " 'Then you take it,' said Ward. The humorist passed away but a few hours after- ward." All the druggists sell that well known preparation T. A. SLOCUM'S OXYGENIZ- ED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL, and no preparation for lung troubles etc. deserves to be beeter spoken of. Con- sumptives can now take heart for at the general office in Toronto, Canada can.beseen the highest testimonials that were ever given a similar medicine. Tlie purchasing power of money is confined to this' earth. MISS NELLIE SALENO,a graduate of Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas, q|i|tario, has been head of the Art Departmeaf Simpson College, Iowa, (over 300 pupils) for several years. Alma's graduates in all Departments are doing credit to their Alma Mat^r. Any of our readers so desiring canjseciire a 60 pp. Calendar by addressing Pkixcipal Acs- TIX, B. D. :-^°;if "lam," is a miracle worker. NOTICE. Every bottle of Dr. Harvey's Southern B.ed Pine for coughs and colds is warranted The man who never looks ahead will al- ways be behindhand. AU J^en young, old, 6r"middie-"a^ed, who find 'feeih- selves nervous, \*'eak and exhausted, who are broken do-wn from exces or joverwork, resulting in many of the followmg symp- toms Mental depression, prenu^tnce ..old age, loss of vitalityj," losi'of niemftry-, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpifaitionW thb heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the faee or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere,; bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss- of -^viH- power, tenderness of th.e scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to-^sep. failbre.vto he rested by sMtJf cofistip^tiodT'VIvUiess of hearing, lo^N)i%)ice,*^»« WacM^I^^. citbility of temper, sunken eyes surround- â- ed with LEADSIi ciBfLE, pily Ipoking skin, etc., are ftlL.symptoms oj'nervotis debility that lead to insanity and d^th unless cured. Thespfiri^'ot' Vital iorce' having lost its "tetiSiuh evei-y fmiiction wanes in coi;isoqnence .Those: ..who. through abuse, committed in ignor^ce may be.permanenjto cjarejdj. $eaA your address for book on all dieases peculair tomafa. AddressM:. V. LUB0N,50 Front St. E., Toronto, On. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the isyniptonis of w|iich are faint spells, purple lips, jiumbfieas, palpitation, skip beats,, hot flashy, rush of blood to the head, diiU pain in the heart withb^ts strong, rapid and irregularj thi.sedOnd 'IJeaart beat quicker than the $r8t, -pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send .for book. Address M. T. LUBON, SO "Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. '•. j A.^P. 513 ,PM^5ISIAN, PLAITING-Skirts. 400. a yard ,^'"=*liO«trMj*« ..„ „ „^, mss STACKHOUSE, i27 YS^gTsT To^^to. WANTED m every town in the Dominion T,... rehaWe menrte repCMeat tb» Bominion Bldg and Loan Asao"!!. Bo-CT'^ongeSt. Toronto. WAHTEB" I lllMk 8TAEK NUEE ' Wkflle Boot T8. Piece ,„ Itotrt Trees" PAY. «_ WABK KURSEEIES. Loniaiana. M o. WANTED; goqd. tellable men as agents in every town in Ontario. Address Cana- dian MutuaLLoon* InvestHient Co., 42 Church. ot., loronto. rpUTfiLET M STEWART l^r JL BGR antfiMETAL ST.lilll^, Toronto. Write for circulars, manufacturers in Canada. PG CO., RQi^ 10 King: W?| The oldest CraiVATE.- anc «rtrt i#.i; salesmen "Sest Tre«s. Sdi^?reitaBs.vfyt JBest Outt^ Free. SpeeialliMfAforl ^jgixuiers- â-  '\_:^'j^ Mo. Korsery €j., Lon^a, EITTIDaESL'S- OTJUEID. OVER- LEATHER CO., Makers, 70 King street East, TorMto. ^5'Send for Price Lists and Discounts. "i %%£^pO YouBg WomM Were -nni!Iel.^t year for Littery Course, Mtufe- fine Arts, Coinviercial Sciena, Elocution, in -lima I.adlef' College, St. Thomas. Ontario. The finest ImiUlingi, /umisMtiff* and equipment, infl the Inu-cgt rntei In CdnnOa. AxeniKe rate for â- i:i III nnd tuition about S1T5 per annum. Ul-paga ^leudur uu i^ppilc.itlon to .tr4£A(4iAX. ArSTIX. B,.n. ALBERT COLLEGE, BELLEVILLE, ONT., Leads all other Colleges in Canada in the num- ber of matriculants prepared annually.- i^" Special inducements are offered to those requiring a BaslncKii Cdacution. Send for calendar. Address Prin'cxpal Dyer, M.A. TE.ICHEKS can make money during vaca- tion by canvassing for rineor more of' our' fast selling Books and Bibles especially Historv of C mada, by W. H. W'ithrow, D.D., latest anS best edition ever published, prices low,- terms liberal. Write for illustratcl circulars and terms. \VM. BRIGGS. Publisher, Toronto. SUMMER SESSION- July 8th, ... â-  -^^S- ^^^^ Bookeeping, 'Penniari ship. Shorthand. Typewriting. Unique plan. Instruction mornings, special excursions after noons. Circulars free. Canadian t'oiiexe of Commercf. Public Librarv Buildinsr. Toronto SPECIAL nAL '£RTISlNG}"'°"'^Sr.REETtA5T.,. purposes: .- TORONTO, "CAN A DA. -After -MaajT' ymoAftt snflfering from heart dis- ease, imigesfeHHi, weaJti iftss, hteaache, etc. ' ' St. Leon Water Cared me EMtlreljr. I DOW rejoice in good health.â€" Mrs. J. Cloutier. Montreal. Thousands vouch to the truth of above. .Why, then "nig alon^ in misery and paint Drink SU Ieoa; you ATlll rejoice. l^e PaliKse Hotel •% Springs in P.Q. is now open for the reception of visitors. For particulars address. M.3«iMi Miaeral Water Co., I'td. TORONTO ONT. Or_to;8b lietoh- SiM-lngf Que. RlSEft Womir fiyiy AGEfvTS WANTED. gelfrtrrtnglng Mop and Cloths. The 'Uandy Ba« Holder. As leaders at present. Address the Sole Agents and Manufacturers. Ta,rtoox Bros., 73 Aclttla1d»St. W.,Toronto Branch- ft.!John's, N.B. B EAVER LINE STEAMSHIPS. Sailing weekly â- .IVEKPOOI., SaWn Tickets between MONTBEAI. and »n Tickets Ml, i^c And MG. Return Tickets, |80.^«90 aifd'^ll^, aecordrag^ steamer and accommodation. Xntermediate $20 Stee^re $20. Apply to n. E. BIITKKAT, Gen- eral Manager, Canadian Shipping Co., 4 Cus- tom House Square, Montreal, or to Local Agents in all Towns and Cities. IRHFrailliBRS For CiriDiilar Address J.DOANSON, 77 Northcote Are.. Toronto. IlK ;^g9f;i WAR £: HO LI r 3: T.W.NESS Send for catalogue. 18 .li ^^V-t: WESLEYAI LAKES' COLipB HAMILTON, ONT. Will Reopen Sopt. 1, 1890 (30tli year) the first of the Ladles ' Colieges. Has Uni-' vei-sity affiliation, graduating -course on Liter- ature, Music and Art, followed' by I^ploin^ is each. Rooms may be becured now L- i or terms address the Principal, -: liKEXr A. BtJR?f 5; D:p., LL. D. â€" TH« Cbfiapest ac.d. BEST riiA |iB JkmerlM to %uy Band and Husica lustrumentB, Uusio, Sco. .. A^ress WHAIET, ROYCE 41CO., IW Ximxt^ StM^, Toronto. Send ror Catalogue. -* Chronic G0U6H NOW! For it you do not It inar beoome con- Bumptlre. For Conntinption, Sfrofula, Oeneml Debility and Wasting JHaeaaea, .there is nothing like " SCOTT'S EMUIiiOM SencLto the Canadian headquarters for any- thing you want in the Electrlcjil Line. Ware-, house and Main Line Telephones, Annunciators,' BeHs, Batteries, Motors, Electrical Cash Re- fisters. Home Medical Batteries, TuMegrapttic nstruments, etc., etc. The largest and best assorted stock In Canada. Everything per- fectly netv, ha?»jJig bien put in since the Are, which destroyed Our old premises and stock, on May 27th last. Write for catalogue. Special inducements to the crade. T, W. NESS. 644 Craig St., Rfoatreal ^4£CTF?ICaL SUPPLIES ., T.W.N EX as Send for catalogue. VB â-  nV^^ Send at once for FREE BOTTLE â-  â-  â-  ^â- and a valuable Treatise. Tiusfaaed^ is Hb.^ â-  ^^a sure and radical cure and is perfectly ^^ B I m M harmless as no injurious dru^ ue used in â-  ^^ â-  ^^its preparatioiL I wilt warrant it to cure EPILEPSY OR FAUmCSICKNESiS b severs cases irliers other reinedies bata failed. Myreason for sen ding a free bottle, is i I want the nedicine to be its own recon^ â- aodatioa. It costs you notli. tar for a trial, and a radical cure â- is certain. Give Express »" Best Office. Address H. a ROOT M. C., 186 Wast Adelaidtt «t. Toronto, Ont. THE wmEROKMfEAL/lif. EALaiA,SOBE THSOAT.nLSS, WC~ B'JSITS, rsirALI! COUFLAnra'S, JOSD 5BM0REHAES OP ALL ZIN1)S. Uee'lIntemaPyAExtertuiRtj. Jl£wS0c;91,$t.; POITD'SEZTEACT CO. NewTorkLondbl' Vai(ullel f» Stchaeu ud Btnty of Colttia|^' They are the oklt stes that WILL NOT WASH OUT I WILL NQTFADEOUTI There is nothing like theni for Sti«ugth, Cbloring or Fastness. Om PMUg«..;EatrAL3 TW0«Ias7 ether SycIstlitBaTktt. If xou 4aubt it| ti^.Ut r Yoor monjer wUl^ba re- funded if you are not oqu,yuwed af tefif-triaL ' nftf- fooTcolors are made in l^iinl|L}Bli Dy^fejeUkbraciQC all new shades, and others are added aaiODli as they become fashionable. They are warranted to dya more goods and do it better than any other DyeSL Sam^ Price as Znrior Bye, 3.0 cia. I*" CaiiadA.Bnuich 481 St Paul Street, MontreaL Send^oaiaf/or SamaU Card and Book if InttruetUnt .S^""^^^^. m 8UJH1IIER DISORDERS The Great Need is a' STRENGTH-GIVING FOOD, The weakest Istomach can retain and digest ^^S FLUID BEEF. The Allianee Bond and Investment Company of Ontario Limited, Inoerporated February 27tli, 1890. CAPITAL Sl,000,000. /Oynoral Offices, 27 29 Wellington Street East, 34 36 Front Street Cast, Toronto. *^ " This Company undertakes agencies of every description, and trusts, such as carrying ont issues of capital for compares andpthers, aonversicmof railway and other securities, will givecare- ful attention to management orestlttefl^thlqrcaUaBtiomof loans, xents, interest, dividends, debts, mortgages, debentures, bona^,biriB,nbtea;;ohpiiW and othersecurities;'wilIactas agents for issuing or countersigning certificates of stock, bonds or other obligatioii!Jl'.t Receiv^and invests einkins funds and invests Moneys generally for others and otfers tl^ibeat -ferips thereffM" -Every dollar invested with or through this Company earns the highest 'returns and is al^otutely safe. All investments arc gruarantccd. THE I^' VKSTMEXT BOXIM of the Company arc issued inamouBts flop and upward and offer unparallelled inducements for accumulative investments of small Sjaopnts, monthly or at larger periods for terms of years from five upwards and the investor ' -ei THE npt only absolutely protecte'd against loss of a single dollar l)ut can rely upon the leirgest 3 consistent with security. Correspondence solicited«nd promptly replied to. rst-class General and Local Agent.s can obtain remunerative contracts by applying to ALLIAliCE. UOXU AXD I.\TE!tT.VIE.\T CO.. 0F ONTARIO, LTD., TOKONTO. VST 3! TQ xHifi I^DrrOB:â€" Please inform you. -eaders that I have a positive remedy fo* tiw above named d^ase." By its: tiibttiyrtise hopeiea^ ^ases have been permanently cijed. I shall be glad to send tw9- bottles of my remedy FREE ta anv o.. your readers who hav' sumption ifthev will send me' thelf^Bxpress and Post Offide'AddrsSK" tuspectfelbr, Ti M.Cu 186 W.Mt jscfelaide Stw TORONTO. ONTARIO- «uyuaik HEAD OFFICE, TORONTa REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS POLICIES ARE INCONTESTABLE Free frovct all restrictioi^r^ as to residence, travel or occupation. " Pald'np Policy and |(;u_sli Surrender Valne Gnariulteed In. eaiiU FbUcy. AFFORDS ABSOLUTEJPROTECTIOX AGAlkST Provides an INCOME in bid ase, and is a good l^^'E^IM^'yi, Policies are non-forfeitable after the payment of two full anjinal P " Profits, which arc unexcelled by any Company doing business' in£ live years from the issue of the policy, or at longer periods (Cema^b^E Profits §0 allocated are altsoluf e and not llaltleJlf UAxtAi fntnre time under any clreani!«tancej«. â- â-  "'" • jo Participating Policy Holders are entitled to not lds.s t)4a'90.^Ar.^ni^ifi( the prSSts eailnM.^ ' in 4JiiB class, and for the past seven years have actually received ^.3^ cenf, W the preJUa so eartSm WC.MACDONALD, ^^J. ' "TVLA.CTW*ALD, -^^ ' U^ ren^ums.. ^£^' arfe"aUcKi%t^ ev«4r |le|dted by the uinred. FIRE-mOF CHftlPIONS .,r ,ri. With Upright or Horizontal Boilers.

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