Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Aug 1890, p. 5

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 ^NS. 'â- ^terial t and sy are !RLQ. OKI Eng. zabeth, OISTT. ,;ii3 m- er ad 4 • to Lid to ad ck id in- Dd id i,t- Dd m lEN! OIL IB TO IE, }LISH IwishiDK' le thet* bntion. (tie rf tostt Ont. Of*- EARL If you want a first class cook or heat- ing stove get thePEAEL. For quality of materials, durability economy in service, per- fection in fin- ish design, and cooking qualities. They have already ob- tained a hous 6 h o 1 d r e p u tation STOV throughout Ontario. If your dealer does not keep the Pearl Stoves write or call on the manufacturers OFFAT (6 SO Holland. Council. HollanJ Centre, July lOtb, 189.0. Holland Council met on above date for the trnrisaction of business. Eeeve in the chair members all present. Jlinutes flf meeting of June d'.h and of Court of Eevision, of the same date, f6ad, spproved and signed. A communication was read from Masson Massou re arrears of taxes on lots 6 and " Douglas St. Williams- ford. The following accounts were pre- sented D. Matthesou, for repairs to buggy T. J. Spears, 4 road scrapers, $36. Clerk for stationery and postage, $9.25. C Price, balance of salary and stationery, 1888. Foster â€" Shute â€" That we refund §1.50 to Duncan Mattheson for road- work done for part of lot 4, concession 7. E. G. R.. Holland, for 1889.â€" Car- ried. Gaibraith â€" Foster â€" That Duncan Mattheson get an order far $2, as part recompense for damages done to his bugjry by a deficient culvert on No. 6 sideline. â€" Carried. Shute Hampton â€" That we grant an equivalent to repair the Sink Hole on 80 sideroad, as granted by Glenelg. â€" Carried. Hampton â€" Shute â€" That this council srant $20, to cut hill, on con. 2. W, T. and S. R., opposite lot 43. -carried. Shute â€" Hampton â€" That we grant S15 on the extension of 50 sideroad, on con. 2, E. G. R. â€" Carried. Galbraith- gravel crossway on 40 sideroad. â€" Carried. Galbraith â€" Hampton â€" That Thoe. J. Spears get an order for $36 for 4 road scrapers. â€" Carried- Galbraith â€" loster-^That we grant $25 to the Agricultural Societies, viz S15 tu the Holland Agricultural Society and $10 to the Walter's Falls Central provided the other Townships concerned grant the samfi. â€" Carried. Hampton â€" Shute â€" That we grant $40 to be expended on 20 oideroad. west of Toronto and Sydenham road. -â€"Carried. Galbraithâ€" Hamptonâ€" That the Clerk get an order for $85 aj part salary for 1890. â€" Cairied. Foster â€" Hamptonâ€" That we grant $5 for culvert, on 2nd con. E. G. B., opposite lot 52. â€" Carried. Hampton â€" Jboster â€" That we ^ve a special grant of $25 to cat hill and build culvert, on Phillip's hill, con. 8 and 9. â€" Carried. Hampton â€" Shute â€" That the bill of C. Pnee be laid over to next meeting for further information in the matter. â€" Carried. Hampton -^Fosterâ€" That the bill of the Clerk for express, stationery, c., amounting to $9.25, be paid. â€" Carried. The Council then adjonmed till Friday September 5th. Jaheb p. Hbb, Clerk. â€"IT PAIS TO- PARTY POLITICS. "Y'TTHEN party politica run high bad feel- VV ing and bad blood are often cansed, Foster â€" That we grant i but all parties agree that when bad blood 680, on townline Holland and Euph vasia, provided Euphrasia grant an equivalent. â€" ^Carried. Shute â€" Hampton â€" Tliat we grant •SoO to the hill on townline, Holland and Glenelg. west of the Gth con. in case Glenelg grant an equivalent. â€" Carried. lostcrâ€" Shuteâ€" That we gi'aat $10 on con. 11, lots 12 and 18. â€" Carried. " Shute â€" Hampton â€" That this coun- cii pay their share of taking off the watar let in by building culvert from Sullivan's side of the village of Chats- worte, and that we ask Sulliven to pay one half of the same. â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Galbraithâ€" That the Clerk notify Mr. Marquis to appear next Meeting to explain an item m the roll ofl887 wiiicfa concerrshim. â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Foster â€" Tliat w« grant $5 on the appiictttion of Mr. McCann, to arises from ordinary causes the only satisfac tory cure is Burdock Blood Bitters, nature's blood purifier. Recommended by the medical profession. BUZ-Z-Z-Z-ZIP. There he is again, first on my nose, then in my ear, and I dare no* open my month for fear-tie should fly down my thioat. Hello, John, just run over to the drug store and .buy a packet of Wilson's Fly Poison Pads, I au't stand this any longer. Price 10c. Sold by all druggists. niontbly Fairs. AND THAT IB THE lorUisn Iwm Cole^s â€" CF â€" OWEJV SOXJlVX The best and most practical oonrse of study. The best teaching talent. The beat acoiVBimodation for stadents. The best methods of instniction. The best results from that inatmction after students graduate. For annual announcement giving partiealan regarding the course of study, terms «o.,addreM C. A. FZiEMINO. PbixoipaIi. Gbeap Honse Fumitnre. â€"AT THB â€" Markdale Furniture Wareroom, PlnstL Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding, Sideboards, Tables, common; Extension Tables, in great variety Wasbstands Spring Mattress Wool MattreFS nf all kinds, and in fact everything that is kept in a first-class shop. Gall and get qoo- tations. AJso Faneral FarnishingB â€" Coffins, Caskets, Bobes, Linings, Gloyeo, Crapes of all dMcriptions al- ways in stock. Thanlong my nnmer- ons customers for past favors. Yoors respectinlly, J. W-Sproule. It's easy to dye vlth Diamond Dyes Because so simple* It's safe to dye • with Diamond Dyes Because always reliable* FeE into a Fi Ui It's economy to dye with Dlamomd Dyes Because the strongest* It's pleasant to dye with Diamond Dyes Because they never fail. Very feT?sr people covet the experience. Many v70Tild far rather fan into a pit. But the customers of Will. Stoddart covet the ex- perience of a fit every time, they would rather not fall into the hands of a Knight of the Scissors and Needle v7hose turnout v^ould fit them like rolling into a pit. Fits they want, fits they get, and he w^ants 1000 men and boys who want fits. WILL. STODDART, Tailor, Boom over McFarland's store. You ought to dye with Diamond Dyes* Because they are. best* Oiangeyilleâ€" The second Thnrsday in each mtmth Dundalkâ€" Tuesday before orangeville. Fleshertonâ€" Monday before Ozangerille. Markdaleâ€" Saturday before Orangeville. Caruamâ€" Third Tuesday in eacL nrontn. Chatsworthâ€" Monday before Durham. HoUand Centreâ€" Saturday before Chat«wortb Pricevilleâ€" Monday before Dorham. QanoTerâ€" Monday before DnrhaiD Onr new book "Saccessfiil Home Dynng" gnring fill! directions for all uses of Diamond Dyes, sent ftee oo application. Diamond Dyes are sJd e v e iywh e re er any color mailed on receipt of price, lo cents. Wblls. Richawwom Co., Montreal, Que. ffHB ONLY PEKFBCT VENCb WOVEN WIRE FENCING B4eU. ptr Bod ait4 UpwarM. JV. CHILD SAVED. My little boy ma taken •very bad ^h dianrhoea, he ma f«y deBeate and got ao low we had no hop« of hi« life, but a lady iriend reeommendod Dt. FowtorN Bxtraet ol "^M Sti^wbeny. and aSAonffli lie conH onftrlwar a few drop* at a time ha Rot twU. B mind Hdj child. Ifita. Vfu. BtMMixt, Campbattville. (ntt oH- Witt* ^Tli* OMTAmO wimt MWQIWO oo-e Chr*«Unr«fc*OliwiottetawiikPC*i pof^ CONSUMPT" It has permanently cnred THOTTaA.NDS of cases pronoancea by doctors hope- leaf. If you have premonitory symp- toms, snoh as Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Ac, don't delay, bnt use PISO'S CURE FOB CONSUMPTION immediately. ByDmsKists. 26ceotai Or^nttl and oolf xdiable. lofpooriD â-  t; *L •»1 -.^jd^:..AMhLlMi^- :-^::.-. tfMiliiiiiiiiiHiiMI i^

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