Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Jul 1890, p. 6

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 ^i m-, Vi\ i .W if i ;iil YOUNG POLKS. Tbe Spire of Saint Stevens. It needs a steady head and a clear con- science and the thing is done. " Those were old Jacob's words ' ' The clear conscience is not lacking, thank God but all these weeks of watching by a sick bed, and the scanty meals have made the head anything but steady. If it were but three months ago my courage would not fail me, but now" â€" The boy broke oflF abruptly, and stepping back several feet, stood looking up at the stately spire that towered above him. Fair and shapely it rose, with gradually receding buttress and arch until it terminated at a point over four hundred feet from the pave- ment. All day long little groups of men had straggled across the Platz and gathered in front of the great cathedral, eU)owing one another and stretching upon tiptoe to read the notice nailed to the massive door. Many were the jests passed around. "Does the old sexton think men are flies to creep along yonder dizzy height " asked one. "The prize is indeed worth winning," said another, "but" â€" he turned awav with an expressive shrug of the shoulder â€" " life is sweet." • "When I try to reach heaven 'twill be by some less steep and dangerous way," laughed a third, with an upward glance at the spire. "It makes a strong man feel a bit queer to go up inside as far as the great bell and look up at the network of crossing ladders but to stand o««ide and wave a flag I â€" why, the mere thought of it is enough to make one's head swim," said the first speaker. "Jacob Wirtig is the only man in all Vienna who has the nerve for such a part. " "But he served a good apprenticeship He learned the knack of keeping a steady head during his early days of chamois himt- ing in the Tyrol. But why does he seek to draw others into danger For so much gold many a man would risk his life. " "I can understand it, Caspar. Twice be- fore, on some grand occasion, has old Jacob stood on the spire and waved a flag as the Emperor passed in the streets below. And now, after all the fighting and the victory, when there is to be a triumphal entry into the city and a grand review and such re- joicing as was never known before, he feels in honor bound to supply the customary salute from the cathedral. And since this miserable fever which has stricken down so many in the city has left him too weak to attempt it, he is trying, as you see by this notice, to get some one to take his place. He ofiers all the money which the Emperor never fails to send as a reward, to say nothing of the glory I'll wager a florin that he'll ofiier in vain But come let us be going There's too much work to be done, to be loitering here." Twice before on that day, once in the early morning, and again at noon, had the boy stood as if spellbound, with his eyes riveted on the beautiful spire. And now the setting of the sun liad found him a third time at his post. The Platz was deserted, but the streets beyond were thronged with people hurrying to their homes. Was it fear or the chill of the night air that sent a shiver over the slender figure of the boy as he stood, letting his eyes slowly wander from the top of the spire to the base of the tower beneath, as if measuring the frightful distance But as he turned away with a little gesture of despair, there rose before him the vision of a wan and weary face as white as the pillow against which it rested, and he heard the physician's voice as he gently replaced the wasted hand on the coverlet. "The fever has gone, my boy, and all that your mother needs now to make her well and strong is good care and plenty of nourishing food. " The money ofiered by old Jacob would do all that and much more. It would mean comfort for two or three years, for both mother and son with their simple way of living. When the lad again faced the cathedral it was with an involuntary straightening of the shrinkmg figure. "W'ith God's help I will try," he said aloud, with a determined ring tD his voice, "and I must go at once to let Master Wirtig know. Now that I have fin- ally decided, it is strange how the. fear has flown. It is the hesitating that takes the courage out of one! After all"â€" he paced back, back, back, imtil he was far enough from the cathedral to get a good view of the noble structure. "Who knows? It may look more difiicult than it really is 'Tis but a foothold of a few inches, but 'tis enough. If it were near ths ground I should feel as safe as if I were on the floor of the great hall in the Stadt Haus. Why, then, should I fear up yonder I" The flush in the Western sky suddenlj- deepened to a vivid crimson. The clouds above the horizon, which a moment before had shone like waves of gold, became a sea of flame. The ruddy glow illuminated the old cathedral, touching rich carving and lace- like tracery with a new splendor, while far over sculptured dome and stately tower rose the lofty spire, bathed from final to base in the radiant light. The boy made a step forward, and slip- ping back the little cap from his locks stretched out his clasped hands towards the «ky. "Oh, Lord, great Preserver "he cried. " Be thou with me in my time of need to- morrow Oh, Jesus be near to help and save " He replaced the cap and hurried across the Platz to the crowded thoroughfare be- yond. At the end of three blocks he turned into a narrow street and stopped in front of a high house with ste -p, tiled roof. The lamp in the swinging iron bracket above the door gave such a feeble light that he was obliged to grope his way through the hall to the stairs. At the second landing he paused for a moment, fancying that he heard a light footfall behind him, but all was still, and he hastened on to the next floor. Again he stopped, thinkmg that he caught the sound of a stealthy, cat-like, tread on the steps below. "Who's there?" he called out boldly, but the lingering echo of his own voice was the only answer. " How foolish I am " he exclaimed. "It IS but the clatter of my shoes on the stone stairs." Up another flight and down the long, narrow entry he went, and still he could not shake oflf the feeling that he was "being followed. At that moment a door opened and a Xroman peered out, holding a candle high above her head. "Is that yon, Frani;*" she said. "My brother has beea expectins yon this half hour. " the flickering light of the candle Franz conld see that there was no one in the entry. He tamed, impelled by a strong desire to search ti»c tall cop- board near the stairs and see if any one had concealed himself within, but the dread of being laughed at kept him back and he fol- lowed the woman into a room where a gray- haired man sat, leaning wearily against the back of his chair. "You may go now, Katrina," said the man, motioning to an adjoining room, and when the door closed he turned to Franz trembling with eagerness. " Well, have you decided " "I will try. Master Wirtig." The old sexton wrung his thin hands nervously. "But if you should fail " "In God is my trust," answered the boy calmly. "But one 'if is as good as another Why not say, if you succeed? It soimds more cheery. " "God grant it," answered the man, sink- ing back m his chair. "I had thought that it would be some hardy, young sprig who should accept my ofier^ â€" some sailor or stone-mason, whose calling had taught him to carry a steady head. I never dreamed that it would be a mere lad like thyself, and worn out too, with the care of thy sick mother Even now I feel I do thee a grievous wrong to listen to thy entreaties." "Think not ot me. Master Wirtig think rather of my mother. Shall we let her die, when a few moments on yonder spire would furnish the means to make her well The kind physician who would have helped me was smitten with the fever yesterday, and there is no one to whom I can go. " " Had I been as prudent as I ought I could have aided thee. But this lingering illness has used up what I had put aside. Here is a little for thy present need â€" some broth for thy mother, and a bite for thy- self thy cheeks look as pinched as if thou hadst not eaten a good meal for a fortnight. " He pulled out a covered basket from under the table and continued "I shall arrange with Nicholas, for he has worked with me so long that he is as familiar with the ladders as myself, to go with thee up to the little, sliding window, and pass out the flag. Thou must let thyself down outside the window until thy toes touch the ledge below. Then, thou must creep cautiously around to the opposite side of the spire and wave the flag. Look always straight before thee or up at the sky. Thy safety lies in not glancing below. I believe in my heart thou wilt succeed. How I wish that this graceful Nicholas, this unruly nephew of mine, wert such an one as thou Then should I have some comfort. But with his evil com panic lis and bad ways he brings me naught but sorrow. Listen, Franz, if all goes well thou shalt have his place in help- ing me with the care of the cathedral. There is no longer any dependence to be placed on him." In his excitement old Jacob's voice rang through the room. "What is it " he asked, as we saw Franz start and look towards the door. " I thought I heard a rattling of the latch â€" as if some one were outside." " It's nothing but the wind drawing through the entry." (to be contixued.) TO JOIN ENGLAM) TO TINEirr. THE CON- A raever Frenchman Has BcTlsed a Com- binatl*m Bridge and Tutnel t« Do It. A Trip to the Mantime Province and Prince Edward Island. BY T. W. GLOVER. PEISONEfiS Of THE MAHDI. Report Tbat All the Europeans Have Been KeleuKed It is indeed good news, if it is true, that the Mahdi's successor has released all the European's who have been the prisoners of his predecessor and himself since the fall of Khartoum. Few people are ever placed in so hapless a position as that of these twelve or fifteen Europeans, who for a number of years have been at the mercy of fanatical enemies, seemingly out of reach of human aid. Among the prisoners are natives of England, Germany, Austria, Italy, and Greece. No Government has attempted to negotiate for their release, for there has been every reason to believe that negotia- tions would be fruitless. Some of the pris- oners sent word to Europe that any inter- ference in their behalf would only increase their misery. An expedition to rescue them would certainly have been fatal to them all. Several attempts have been made by private persons and a Catholic mission to bring about the release of the prisoners, but every effort failed, and all that was gained was the information that ransom money would not be accepted, and that even if the Mahdi's successor consented to release the captives his councillors would not permit theni to depart. So these poor whites have suffered at Om- durman, opposite more famous Khartoum, and some of them have perished. Doubtless they long ago wholly despaired of ever see- ing the day of deliverance. Lupton Bey, the former Governor of the Bahr i. (ihazal province, according to the best information we have, toiled in the arsenal, almost naked, doing the most menial work, until over a year ago, when death came to his relief. Slatin Bey, another Egyptian Governor, has been the footman of Khalifa Abdullah, who succeeded the Mahdi, holding his mas- ter's stirrup when he mounted and running in front of his horse. In one of the letters Slatin wrote to his friends he said that any efibrl to ransom him wonld be fruitless. Neufeld, the German, was long kept in chains, and twice was led to the gallows and drawn up, but was cut down before he was badly hurt. The poor fellow finally escaped, but was caught as he was trying to make his way to the sea, led back to Omdurman, and hanged in earnest. Klotz, once a Prussian corporal, was also kept in chaiiis, and died of ill treatment. The Greek merchants have been allowed to wander about in a very forlorn and ragged condition, compelled to any sort of work to get food. The missionaries and four Sisters of charity wei eated a little better, and at last accountb i,ney were earning their liv- ing by cooking beans in oil and selling them in the streets. All the prisoners had tlie choice placed before them of death or es- pousing the Mahdi's faith. They aU chose, ostensibly at least, to become followers of the Prophet. Further particulars than the brief despatch from Cairo will be necessary before the re- port can be credited that these unfortunates are at last at liberty to rejoin their friends Recently I have visited the above pro- vinces and Prince Edward Island, and have French genius threatens to teach the En- ^^^' pleasure of knowing a little concern- glish how to get rid of the inconveniences of mg these important parts of our great Dp- Lsularity without sacrificing its national mmion. Canadians have mch occasion to be insurance features. The English Channel is proud of the heritage God has given them, a large and expensive fact for Great Britain ^^^ Brunswick and Nova Scotia are very from the point of view of commerce and yet ^^^^" appearance. A large portion of none too We or deep when economy and these provinces is very romantic, affording security of national protection are consider- magnineent scenry to the admirer of nature, ed. Between anxiety to advance the interests The lakes, rivers ana creeks are numerous of commerce and apprehension of weaken- and noted for abundance of fish, which give ing the national security. Great Britain has eujoyment and profit to the skilful angler. 8t5od in shivering uncertainty whenever a The lofty mountains aud rugged hills are tunnel or other means of eliminating the rich with ore of various kinds, marble and waterpassage from the island to the Contin- valuable stone which will eventually give ent wis under consideration. There are no mil ions of dollars to these provinces. The insurmountable engineering obstacles in the coal beds are extensive and of a good quality, way of a tunnel blneath the channel from The best timber of New Biunswick and Nova Dover to Calais, and such a work would un- Scotia is almost gone, having been converted doubtedly have been begun long ago but for mto lumber which has been largely sent to the fear that in case of war the tunnel would Europe and the United States There are form an easy route for an invading army. A thousands of acres of small timber of differ- long bridge has also been suggested and plans ent kinds whicli will brmg wealth to the for it have been drawn, but although the owner. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia danger of invasion by it waslessened, as com- '^^ye^many fine cities, towns and villages pared with a tunnel, it was not removed, and ^^ich will compare favorably with the west- besides, by interfering with navigation on era towns of Canada. I refer particularly to the high seas sucn a bridge would introduce 't. Johns, Halifax, Fredericton, St. Stephen, a new element of difficulty and make it ne- Moncton, Pictou, Truro, Woodstock, New cessary to obtain an international agreement ^rlasco, Marysville, Yarmouth, New Castle, to allow of its construction. Liverpool, Chatham c. Now, however, M. P. Buneau-Narilla In these cities and towns are many prince- comes forward with a proposition which }y merchants, and a multitude of shrewd offers to the British heart at once the safety business men of all branches of industry. which it craves and the extended facilities -l°« commercial aspect of those provinces is which its commerce demands. He proposes jery good. The people are intelligent, com- what is called a "mixed solution" of the fortable and contented, and many are weal- difficulty, a "bridge-tunnel" scheme. A thy. Ihegentlemen occupying the different great bridge, similar to the Forth bridge Professions are equal in ability to their west- recently opened, will be built out from the «™ brethien. I refer to ministers, lawyers, shore on either side into the sea for as long a physicians and educationists. The clergy distanceasmay be thought necessary. From whicli I heard preach are learned, eloquent, the sea end of each bridge a shaft will be ^°o ^^'^^ expositors of the word of God, and built either straiglit down or on an incline, ^^^^ told in the city of St. John, N. B., by through the sea and the chalk formation «• shrewa Yankee "there are no poor preacK- which forms its bed into the marly chalk ^^s in New Brunswick"â€" corroborating of below, where numerous borings have already course the old saying, "the wise men are in proved that a tunnel can be easily and safe- ^^ east." Church edifices are numerous, ly constructed. This tunnel will be driven beautiful in design and commodious and through from bridge to bridge, proper eleva- ^hat is better still, the ordinances of uod's tors will be put into the shafts, and there house are appreciated by the people general- you are In time of peace, through express V' which is obviously seen by the large trains from Dover to Calais in an hour, with congregations that assemble each Sabbath unlimited freight and parsenger transport- '^^ ^^e worship of God. The different ation possibiliTies. In time of war, two or flenominations are represented as follows: three British canrion shots smash the bridge, Baptist, Methodists, Presbyterians, Epis- another one knocks the shaft and its elevat- copalians and Congregationalist. The Roman ing machinery into smithereens, and there Catholics, of course, are there. The Educa- you are again, with the tight little island as tjonal advantages of New Brunswick and snug as a bug in a rug. Nova Scotia are very good. No boy or girl This scheme presents, according to the need be deprived of a good common school claim of its author, sustained by the general education. There are also excellent denomi- opinion of engineers, less difficulty, either national and State Colleges and Universities from an engineering or a financial standpoint, ^^^ both sexes, which would bring honor to than eitlier a simple tunnel or a bridge alone. ^^Y '3;nd. In many parts of these provinces Bridges like those proposed, except as to there is excellent land for agricultural pur- length, have already been built, and the POses. The Valleys and plains are fertile manner and cost of their construction are ^^^ when properly cultivated yield a know. As for the tunnel, it will be simply a remunerative harvest. Apples and other straight cut through soft but impervious fruits are abundantly grown in parts of material, presenting not a tith of the diffi- Nova Scotia and in some parts of New culties to be met with in such a work. Brunswick. For agricultural purposes these The real difficulty in the construction will provinces are not as good as the province of be, M. Varilla says, with the shafts from the Quebec and very poor when compared with ends of the bridges down through and below Ontarios. The winters are long ard cold the sea. The depth of water will probably "^^ I have been told not more unpleasant be from 75 to 100 feet, which is not a serious 'hen the winters of Ontario. St. John and matter, but the sea is very rough, and means Halifax have the finest and safest harbors of preserving the works during construction in the world. A large shipping trade is done and maintaining them afterward will have ^^ these Cities. to be specially devised. Prince Edward Island is a beautiful spot " For this, "M. Varilla says, " I will be- surrounded with salt water and the heath- gin by establishing on the coast near to the fnl breezes of the old Atlantic Ocean. I do work a little special port for the work, and not know a more lovely spot on the Conti- I will construct there a vast box of iron nent of America than this Island. It is full plates, without bottom or top, from 600 to of advantages for the tourist. Charlotte- 700 feet long, 325 to 400 feet wide, and 80 to town the capital of the island has a popula- 100 feet high. At the same time I will pro- tion of 12,000. It is grandly located for boat- vide on a large number of scows a great "§ fishing, etc. This city is entirely free quantity of rock. On a calm day the box, from the great confusion of a western town, supported on a line of scows, will be trans.- A large renumerative business is being done ported to the proper place and be sunk on I "» a quiet -vvay. Luxuries of all kinds may end in position. Then the scows will dump I he obtained. Charlottetown has a fine class the rock along the side of the walls of the of stores, public and private dwellings The box so as to form about it a sort of protective hotel accommodation isexcellent. Theprivate ^^vellingsof modern date are' very good. The people of the Island are mostly from the British Isles, and are industrious, intel- ligent and friendlyâ€" a few French there. '"' WAY BILL, "A I %t AH Express .Messenger,, g,,^. Adventure in HI, ;,*^; "During the Mnter of issfi " ' express messenger the otheri dan oidMrtd»ft«' in the Wells-Fargo ser^dl. I 'y- " »f^ City and San Fraiis^o \^f ^eenkaj^l upon the Atchison, TodpU» "'i^'^s ,,-1, and Southern Pacific fiwr" ^«* F at-Deming. OnChriS^'yV"J'N eastward, with the journevt f '" Frisco, the train driw^oTftrn^N the Arizona desert in thpn,jT*' ^^^' tonishing storm of leet L"/^^ «i ai marks the California line a^l^"' ^u took on the stage company? *^^\« counted upon the last diltLf ""^MI night. Until daybreak t"°" " '« through alkali stretches, w rei?â„¢^-^' '^â- ^â-  miles the train rushes shrkkb. r"'" 'â- â-  poor, uncommercial chist^r -â-  v "°"'" •*e er ot huts' 1.MI halts long enough for the locom on water. " Unscheduled stops, however «• infrequent at that time a^l ;/"Vn within the car a rackoTr;pS„j"'*v""-^'s' charged and primed. "" "^f'*^. "In taking account of the Y;,ma .tr •«*' .weighing nearly two htmdred 'l"" and ' vouchered ' to contain .4o WOi' ""' I glanced at tfie carbines I iT when I rememberprl f,=* Vi,_ ^.^°- »?wii| '"'"•etouk, contace George: wtrel 1 '" §"'•â-  remembered that'the saf^'"" as much more. "Joachim Murilla burned tne out of ' car for less than half that and â„¢ " " bullet that lames n,y bac^;lKK man witii a .nnh "J had hardly a "i; in the car the „,ght I stood off the rut fe at Dodge Cty. I reflected, .vhat ,rt ' shoX7s r""' "" '" •• '^^'OOO »â- â-  i "I assorted expressage, listed hills a,„1 overhauled the carbines as the train flew the storm beat I kne^v the route so\ that I could call tlie towns and tanks a. engine whistled or stopped " ' Toltec. ' I thought, a? at midnight t;* hoarse whistle Leiran to souijd 'W her with a ' howdy. ' Xo. by going to stop. ' ' "I opened the door enough to seea Iv tern swaying at a small station and a In-'e group on the platform'surror.tiiling alwxa.,! evidently prepai-iiig to put it on heard. " ' Tumble it in, rjuick, "I said. 'A little slow, partiicT, 'replied a mat a the platform. 'Its a (.â- offin. ' " A moment li.tcr I alone witi: rj corpse in a prison as secure as a tomb. wi:;:-l the wheels roared beneath aud the stj-a raved outside. " Somehow I was nervous and cor.'jir.' keep my eyes off that colfin. J fancied itA it moved and was slowly or that it was preparing anonslaught;theutl;a-, it was about to dis dose the dead. " The last of these notionsâ€" that the occu- pant of the coffin might liberate herselfâ€" got hold of me and I couldn't shake it off. Th box was of unusual size and exceptiniiallv' ill-made. The wood was rough, warped ani filled with knots and knot-holes. k\\ this might easily have been due to the XmirM facilities of a desert town. I don't kiioff why, but I couldn't resist turning it over, face down. It seemed to me to roll horriMv belt like the breakwaters at the ports of Algiers, Philippeville, and Oran. This operation completed, I will have created a sort of island, having in its midst a little lake, which will remain perfectly tranquil even when the most violent tempest races without. "This sort of shaft will have only the depth of the sea at this place, that is, about seventy feet. The first thing to do will be to sink it to the midst of the bed of marly chalk, through which the tunnel is to be pierced, and which is at once solid and pet- fectly compact, I need not describe the process employed for tlie purpose of sinking the shaft it will be only the ordinary pro- cess of shaft sinkers. They will have to break the chalk by hammering it with the aid ef augers and to dredge up the sort of mud that will result. When one shaft has been sunk through all the permeable earth into a firm and compact bed they will have to construct the body of the elevator. It will consist of four walls of concrete, verv thick, and sustained by horizontal metallic framework of sufficient strength. This effected, they will sink inside a metallic caisson as high as the depth of the shaft. This being in place, they will sink concrete to fill the space between the walls of the caisson and of the original shaft, and then the water being pumped out, will leave a huge sobd mass of concrete bound together by metal, With an open shaft through the centre, to the impermeable chalk bed beneath the ocean bottom. " The task of raising and lowering cars through this shaft will not be so great as it 18 done on sunilar elevators in several places notably at canal lifts in different parts of France. M. Varilla asserts that TontiiM Bepartee. " But, children, children Can't you p without making so much noise " " What yon, grandmamma of yon scolding as " " And why shoiildn't I " " Because, if it wasn't for ns yon wouldn't be a grandmamnia." The Angor tniM the mind oat of doors and bolts the entrance. ".,;- â€" *^® *otal cost of his bndgetunnel will not exceed $50,000.- WX), and that it can be completed within six years. Only England and France will have anything to say about it, because the bride- es wiU not be carried out into the sea bl- yond the limits of the jurisdiction of each countiy. That M. Varilla's scheme h^ merit is indicated by the general attention it has excited in England and France among both laymen and scientific men. tirely different Now, she conveys an ea- iLr-u- i-\ impression to my mind. J^;r-^*A« ««*• -iX« "ej!, she is a rein-' «S ^^ of fortune tarns incewuitlT •SSSIl^i!!^ **° -ay within hinaelfi â- haU to-day be oppernort.-[Confodafc ., a lew rrencn are There are small villages on the is- land where the tourist may rusticate, and tJloseto the sea shore there are splendid summer hotels for the convenience of the pleasure seeker, at very reasonable charges. Prince Edward Island may becalledamagnifi- cent garden. The field sare free of stumps and so destitute of stone that you cannot find one (quickly) to throw at an enemy. The soil 18 red, and I was told very fertile and productive. Potatoes, barley, oats and hay are raised in great abundance. The Island IS noted for fine horses and cattle. The income fron eggs is immense, which are sold to dealers of the United States. On the island are rivers and creeks wliere delicious trout may be caught. From the middle of June until the last of September the Island may be seen in its glory. The grass alone IS worth seemg. It has a cheerful green not seen in Ontario. The roads are ornament- ed with spruce and other nice trees. Noth- ing is more delightful to the pleasurist than to take a drive a few miles into the country; you return home refreshed and full of rapture. An American gentleman said to me, ^rmce Edward Island is surely the garden of Paradise" The othodox churchestre aU represented, including the Salvation Army. 1 he people appear to be happy and content- ea, and of course, cannot think that there 18 a better spot in America than their own cosy island, and some of the fathers in gine St iflf** i^^"?*^*"" ^*« "««i« when tHeir dear little island c^me into the federation. 1 would advise the numerous readers of the T«tr^ r?Z^* ^»^* P'-ince Edward island. There is no better place to spend your summer months at a moderate cost. A tourist ticket can be purchased at a very reasonable rate, and the island is quickly and pleasantly reached by boat or by Rail- way. During the winter the people of the «land see few strangers. They are almost entirely excluded from other part» of the Dommion for a few months, V a severe winter. ,. "Then I imagined I heard a noise att'a car door and at the same moment a mnve-i ment in the coffin. I knew it was fooli;:,! but I rolled the stage company's strong-lioi.1 with its 200 pounds of gold, to the coffin acir set it upon the lid towards the larger end. "Then I lighted my pipe, I noticedafter- wards, though I didn't think of it at ta time, that most of the knot-holes towjrk the head of the coffin were covered and seal- ed by the flat iron bottom of the strong! box. "Several minutes passed and the engine! had blown its "view-halloa I" at a waysiae I cattle town when suddenly sounds began t" issue from the box. There was no riout'.l about it this time. There was a scuimj, i groaning, a kicking against the sides, "To say that I was horrified doesnt ex- press it. The struggle in the box continue^!. I staggered to the gunrack, tore down a car- bine, cocked, aimed and fired it through tte box ten feet away. • i â-  "Muffled shrieks now mingled with tc- thumping and threshing in the hox- 1 hrw again. The shrieks were redoubled 1 i' I came frantic, and shrieked like a lm'.a 1 myself, while I fired again and again- the box until tl e magazine was exhau--' and then I rushed to get another. "But the pine Iwx was split and tc-M the iron box was slowly erushmgit riWJ.i through gaps in the wood blood was^";; ing an"d no sounds whatever issued from coffin. J Uyi " Finally a long, deep groan escapeni- -• ebox. Plainly it was^a^n^inB^^,. the box. Plainly managed to tear away ...- jj,j There was no coffin inside, but cm body of a man torn with a dozen terri wounds. ^.â- .. ffit: " He wore the garb of the i^f"\^i,i knife and pistol at his belt, .-ma » ^.^^ Winchester lay at his side, tie, » scious and gasped, ' Raise me up- ^^ " ' Don't water at Tank 22,^saia with difficulty, and his jaw fell. j;^ " The engine stopped at *ate ^^^^ 21 a half-hour behind schedule time. were fired through the ^ab ol tne ^jj^j tive and the express car as the ir* by Tank 22. .-^ ffitbos: The dead bandit «-as buriea^^^ ^„e _. Quiet identification at Demmg, and scrawled unon the head-boara, Sabe " upon lUs! A brave man thinks no one Lis superior who does him an injury; for he has it then ^C^^V tQ make Wmself supeiTor to the other by forgiving, It, ^{Pope. «^i*â„¢^*^'"P°^*^' of human natufb, ro^^'^Sf^y â- ometimeB hai the ^Hi«el turned A. Sensational Weddinr. ji r" uensst"" A stunning and j^f^ the other !»?; wedding occurred in Odessa the ., Mare Pogorezky 1^^, ' bl«sh.«g or the altar^ While the ^^^^.J^to ?f^ pope, as he is called was P^Qtoget' fona the ceremony, Marc ,^tl" n in » ^^f moments, handsome bride and In young iuldretnrnj his absence, i stranger appi^^ittte- drink, saying^that he 'l°lZ-i,o^ff^y, '^See *hen an _r^ the con ']*^thekpse Swdowed^ tfd'understai *%^l 1890 1 ,With the Mteactamberhi dsVille,M. It is endent fro Leir contents that Jthat eventful l^-fortign troops, a I the coming conflic LvmpathizersmBri ' â-  COXFIDEKCJ oflFere"d himself ^as aj^^j^^ She immediately accepted hun, jjcedj^ who was half drunk never ^^^^^ change. The ceremony J^^h Just then Marc reappeared.^j^^ ready for matrimony. ^^ pjoceei out what had happen^J^ ^etbi»s! flioe to paint the ctuwh red. t'le bridegroom. sl^PP*^ *?!^ tb|I% i downthelther-in-tow^Pj^^ BejJ and kicked the moth^^J^es. J^, arrested but as the «f JfL'^^erred *» " ' of eeclesiasticallaw, It w^ Czar, the head of the Chu«*- Caiildren increase th«**^e»tJ^ » mitigate the remwnbrtfcii I ^widespread, an LofastheEmperoi rictorious, when h Ljte" ot somethu fflrprise to many Duke contrived tc Pleasure duruig the J(M. VandenCru; occupied by M. Ma Kue Eoyale. I great dinner at the he afterward lodgei [Sidney Smith amon, It was followed b Ijhe Grand Concert JRae Ducale. On jlhe Princes'" at a I (ifloras at Laeken, ai lized a second and m Lf Marshal Blucher He visited Engliien J his respects to th lAngouleme,) and Ai Ito Tirlemoni and Gi JCatalani's concerts liften present at ti ".Moimaie" he sat ft lie walked to dinner IheheH frequent re iMontplaisir, now co I mortar. The Journal of Ju [intelligence to the ' Duke at Ghent, "A I la delivrance de la p tyran," and an adi lEaglish horses, well |of otficers. " Xex t d ibout the pamters' f iDutch Scientific So he 16th it makes iic ^f Richmond's ball, «gs" was a success nd that the Parisia: "Quandlo prir Que deviendra j It is only on the 1 Wwon Quartre Ki kk to Mont St. Je Eonned in print o bntiersâ€" and the p: figaros" at the Mom "â- 5 battle raged rou lye Sainte, Brusse |tonhad slept at Gen ^test mention of me Mayor (Baron d'l yior beds and matti poaC'Somidmbula'*- Monnaie while Xapo «efrontier!) omits pit announces tiie ai P-ambaoeres as prisoi Fgofthe Duke of 1 Pje20th the great tr ^eehnes; the rCBLIC RIX 'tonorof "the de "wrded, and thei- togeoftj-peoroth '°"Mg intonaatiou Ctor, 152XejvS r P hat quality to hei t^^ristie, Governess o "rinsed to follow his ^1^,- and chilblain 'Brussels now beco teen hundred worn aped on! he Placed fcV*" ^O" the f^-Mtance are bur *ygoers -inside are r, ^AvocatPatalii: lefeine and the Sa featif " ^*»« sick gnant Colonel, .^^\Jouriial n ask* f^-teclofficers^^i tire^ u "'i and aead or bringing ' benefit" fs ord on June .^ fa. """ salute ..^=«lfbrate the t»ingweekv J;:"' and so et.t t bounded L- " ^e Grez hold ^rt\?oWiers"att ^â- â- t, the dentist, 1 â-  .^ arrives ' ^Vaterloo was 1 p^" possibly of ' ^«ParkThr/'°J rift.'.f/neatrew !wh Pteen ai 1 r 1 exii soldi tl St ,i :i .1 ellin â- laste^ Pa I he eyeme gn luenl cam SOG ap tl #ifffMiiii'Tirr ' «£^s

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