J. G. Trelfoi^d, I Hardware Xercbat, MARKDALE. Agent for all kinds aCACHXVBBT BSPAXB8. ^fanbatJ HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." n TE5(TR YEAR.-No. 514. MAKKDALE, THUESDAY, JVUY 17, 1890. C. W. RUTIiEDGE, Proprietor BREADMR a CASSOU DEALERS 'â€" i3srâ€" Watches, A full line of Waltham, Elgin. Columbus, Illinois, Nkw Havex and other movements, with (ioLD, SiLVEK, Gold-filled, and Nickel cases. Clocks, A large nnd varied ai^sortment, in pnces from $150 up. One dozen Nickel alarms just received, with iinuinous and common dials. Eeduc- Gll I'liccs, Jewellery, in the latest and prettiest Jesifrns. Grana fissortnieB't of 50c. Hud 7oc. brooches. Quality guaranteed. â- Silverware, in this ourCiOckiS com- plete prices as low as e«er. Vio/ms, large r.psortment. racking from $2.00 to §20.00. Big -supply of iinoutb organs en band. Stationery, \ve are well stocked in all kinds, -nriting paper, tablets, school books, account books, etc. Local and Ote Iteis. Notices in these columnsintended to benefit ctny individual or Society will be charged ten elsnts a line for the first insertion and five vents a line each subiequent insertion. NO TICE. â€" Oerrespondence, comrmmiea- tions,. Advertisements. £c„ must be in this office hi/ noon on Tuesday toinsvrepvhlioatioti that 7ceek. Wall-Paper, large variety to ck-oose from. Prices lower that the lowest- liiberal disco'.;nt aUo"yed on all lines for cash. MARKQALE, OUT. MftNLEYTURNB 7EAS1CAC237TZCA£ CTTRMTHTS. MABKDALE, ONT. 'We have come to the conclusion that busi- ness done on a strictly cash system is the most satisfactory, bothto our customers and to our- selves. We buy for cash and, to live, must sell for cash. Drugs and medicines are al- ways bought in small quantities, just enough to supply present de- mands. You are right. That's the way we do and that is the reason we always keep them fresh, at the same time we keep a complete stock and are always ready and willing to supply you. This is where cur success lies. Manley's Beef, Iron and. "Wine is a mechan- ical preparation ajidis sure to give satisfaction because it does as re- presented- IMANLEY A TURNER. DE. SINOLAIE, M.D.,M.A., li.CP.S.O., M.C.P.S.M., The Scottish Specialist â€" OF â€" â- nroKonsraro, Specialist for the treatment of all Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Diseases of tlie Braiu and Nerve, Diseases of the Heart and Lungs, and Diseases of Women positively treated successfully. Consultation free. DR. SmCLAIE WILL BE AT MARKDALE HOUK, MARKDALE, Saturday, July 26. EaoT crops are looking famous. Ithave a quantity of comb founda- tion for sale. J. Artley. ExTKAOBDiNABY hcavy crops of bay and fine weather for saving it. Markdale Markets â€" No grain on the maiiket. Butter 12, Eggs 12, Wool 20 to 23. The thermometer registered 86 in the shade and 113 in the snn on Sunday last. One of our Lawn Tennis Clubs was and ipn't, and th« other is said to actually exist.' Mr." Geo. Kdtherford, of Owen Sound, visited her parents in Mark- dale tliis week. 'Ihe weather may vary but Hamilton the photographer keeps right on taking good pictures every week. Bemembek the lecture in the Meth- odist church on Wednesday evening next, by a lady from N. Y. Mas. Thos. Boiand went to Owen Sound on Wednesday, to spend a couple of weeks with her mother. What everybody says must be trae. "Wade makes the best bakers' bread I ever ate" is a very- common expres- sion m Markdale. The "Daily Telegram" is a clean, bright^ newsy sheet, published at Vancouyer, B. C. We welcome it. to our exchange list. Mb. H. Hawksn, of Niagara Falls, visited his uncle, Joseph Hawken, Sr. ot Euphrasia, this week, ou his return from a tfip up the lakes. The stone mason work on the new school is halt built, and a well 22 feet deep witb a good spring of water iiecured in close proximity. Messrs. McFarland and Dr. Sproule, M. P. were over to Meaford last week on the oce«fiion of the laying of the corner stone of the new High School. We learn with regret that Mr. M. Harrison, brother-in-law of W. A. Brown of this place, was drowned while bathiag at Paris on Tuesday the 8th inst. The Markdale Presbyterian Sabbath School will hold its annual pic nic in Mr. McDuffie's grove • on Tuesday afternoon July 22nd. Everybody welcome. Old Mb. Bbown. of the Walter's Falls Woollen mills, was in Markdale on Tuesday last for the first time. The old gentleman gave the Standabd a friendly call. Mbssks. Csesar and Jackman were each favored with a serenade by the brass band on Friday evening last. The band boys were hospitably treated in both instances. 0» a Philadelphia street there are six houses adjoming each other in which the wives are all sisters. The last was married a month ago and last week took the house adjoining those of her sisters. The oldest of these ladies i8 40»ndtheyoqn|^18. At a recent re-nnMD at one of the homes all Uie children, 34 in mnnber, were present. The Grey Eeview editor finds it irksome and monotonous going the same rounds each week so he issued a paper only about 8x11 inches last week for a change. The C. p. R. employees annual pic-nic will be held at Gaelph on the 26th Julj. Fare from Orangeyille and return 75 cents. See large posters for particulars. We have received from the Muskoka and Georgean Bay Navigation Co. a pamplet entitled "Guide to Muskoka Lakes." The information given will be valuable to summer tourists. An exchange says "A sure way to hinder young men from frequenting a home where there are marriageable girls is to keep a parrot because, the naughty bird is sure to tell tales." Mr. Will. Douglas has purchased Dr. Croskery's drug store in Colling- wood and will take possession forth- with. Will, is an energetic young man and will doubtless secure a good stiarof the patronage of that town. Mb. Thos, Scott, son of Mr. Eich- ard A. Scott, of Glendale, Man., and formerly of Holland township, has been in this district for a year and returned this week to his home m Manitoba. „ The fifth annual convention of the Church of England Sanday School Teachers' Association, Deanery of Grey, was held in Markdale on Wednesday, a report of which will be given next week. PebftjMed aminonia has secured a prominent place upon the society woman's toilet stand. This is certain- ly an indispensable adjunct. A few drops add to the delights of a sponge baih it will subdue ou the instant the obtrusive attentions of the mos- quito, and IS capable of bringing combs and brushes to a state of immaculate whiteness. Bell's Lake is becoming noted as a superior summer resort. Good fishing, hunting and boating together with invigorating atmosphere aie some of its characteristics. Next week a party of bon-tons from Flesb- erton and Markdale will pitch their tents there and we may look lor startling reports of bear hunting and fishing exploits. Mbs. J. £. Allen, of Bellona, N. Y. will deliver an address in the Metho- dist church, Markdale, on Wednesday evening next, 23rd, subject "The Bible and Woman." Mrs. A. is a high-class speaker and thoroughly conversant with her subject. She has addressed lar^e audiences with em- inent success and we bespeak for her a crowded house, and for the auience, a rich treat. Lecture at 8 o'clock. Admission 15 cents. V«w Shoe Shop.. Mr. Sandy Kay has this week opened a shoe shop in Haskett's block where he will be glad to serve all who favor him with their patronage- Special attention to fine work. All business strictly cash. 511-14 Xbe Twelfth. Markdale was exceedingly quiet on the 12th, many of the citizens having gone to spend the day in Berkeley and Flesherton. The two hundredth anniversary of the "Battle of the Boyue" was celebrated in both above villages by large gatherings and good speechifying. Oaarden Paxty. A garden party under the auspices of Jubilee Lodge, I. O. G. T., will be given at the residence of Mr. Edward Bntledge, west back line, on Friday evening, July 25th. The Markdale Brass Band wdl give choice selections during the evening. Free conveyance to and from the grounds. Befresh- ments served at 8:30. Admission, adults 15, children 10 cents. Proceeds in aid of the lodge. SA.VE YOUB CAKPEIS. 1 A sheet of sticliy fly paper will do more damage to carpet and fomitnre than anything ever invented. No eatefol boasevrife wonld have one abont. Wilstm'i} fly Poiaon Pads will dear ihe boose more qoieklfy and Eoiely ihan any other means. H pbuied Bear the li^t where the llieB ue thiekert, '^iUfon's. F*ds wia kfli pints enaj d^.andeleir tlia lMMiMifi#o«tflnhr, ^hjrMdMfffatt, OrmtUfiag. Our patrons are working for the Standabd in a manner highly satis- factory to us. New subscnbers are being added right along, and we find by a little enquiry that the great majority of additions to our list are brought about by our regular sub- scribers recommending the Standard to their neighbors. This is as it should be and is indeed gratifying to us. We will endeavor to reciprocate by making the paper still more worthy the good will and hearty support of our patrons. Pe slrttotl ve Hail Storm. The storm on Monday last was in some places accompanied by hail which carried destruction in its track. Mr. W. J. White, whose farm is three and a half miles south, of Markdale, had twenty acres of splendid crop com- pletely cut down. The hail was some- thing remarkable for size and quantity. After the storm it lay two inches deep in chunks as large as hens eggs. Eleven lights of glass were also broken in his house and fourteen in Mr. Wm. Blair's house in the same neighbor- hood. Mr. White considers his loss fully $200. The storm did consider- Bible damage elsewhere particulars oi Avfaich we have not learned. XigJitBing'm Freaks. During a thunder storm on Monday afcernoon last our citizens were start- led by a vivid flash of lightning accom- panied by a deatenmg clap of thunder. It was but a few minutes past when the fact of Wm. Lucas's residence hav- ing been struck was learned. The fluid struck the chimney, scattering the bricks over the lawn, and took a curve down one side of the roof tearing off a quautity of shingles, then spread and went down six veranda posts which were 8 feet apart slivering them to splinter.'!. This was the .extent of the damage, which $100 will repair. The family in the house were not startled more than other families in the village. BUY YOUK FLOUR AND FEED i i M HI â€" AT^ BENSON'S If you want to save money. WB have in stock FOKD'S, FLOUR, PLEWES' FLOUR, STANDARD OATME^JL, GRANULATED OATMEAL, ROLLER OATMEAL, ROLLED OATS, .CORN MEAL, BRAN, SHORTS, PIG FEED, HEN FEED, CHOP, c. i- 'l t\ BUY YOUR LONG CLEAR BACON from us. Business Xiocals. Ladies and Misses boots in great va- riety at M. E. Douglass. Cash buyers, go to Mercer's to buy your goods, and save money. A fine assortment of wall paper still to select from at M. E. Douglass Old. Ii'on wanted at Markdale Stove Foundry in exchange for cash. Spinning and weaving done on short notice at the Wsdter's Falls Woollen Mills. Fob Flour and Feed and Bottled Ale and Whiskey, read Bauson's ad. this week. Wool wanted at the Watler's Falls Woollen Mills in exchange for cash or goods. For a genaiue cough, Throat and Lung medicine, Manley's Throat and Long Syrup leads. Get rich. How By saving money. How? By buying cheap. Where At Mercer's Beantfobd Binders and Mowers, the leading Machines, sold by Jackson. Easy terms and prices right. Money to Loan on Mortgage Se- curity, at current rates, expenses low, business strictly confidential, apply to Wm. Lucas Co., Markdale. Hello There â€" For a first-class Buggy Democrat or Waffon call on Geo. S. Mathers, he has a fine display to choose from. Prices to suit the times. Maekdale Caeeiagb Works.â€" R. Mc- Nally has now ready a lot of fine rigs for sale, prices right. All work warrant- ed. A call solicited always glad to show my work. R. McNally. A good fitting suit of clothes puts a man ou good terms with himself and with the world. A man is at his beat when well and comfortably dressed. If you want the acme pf comfort, fit, style and quality, at the lowest figures, give Mercer a call. Wk are bound t3 go oat of the spec- tacle business, they are going fost, liaorance's spectasles at cost, come qidck it is your last dlianoe to get a ckeap pair tiat vnU niit yoo. Manley AiTaxnerareldMKaatie'sfipectae^aeenti), inHar]^ala«3idwitt«ontinafitD iwSt as gggjlx ontii onr presesir: aiiodtiB eatarely BENSON'S BOTTLED ALE, BENSON'S BOTTLED WHISKIES for the hot weather. If you want to save money buy from us and no one else. R. H. BEIN^SON CO. Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Spiiii Merehante. R. H. Benson. W. J. Benson. "GOLDSMITH'S HALL" §1^ BIG SPEX. JUDICIOUS BUYERS Will find it to their interests to inepocr my fine stock of WATCH ES.-:-CH Am Wedding Rings â€" ANDâ€" Wedding Presents, 1 have new goods in all lines, and at "PRICES" that insures "VALUE ' to eyery customer. A call solicited. Spex carefully fitted. Fine watelies. honestly and practically repaired. Telegraph and Daily Papers.. Bottom prices and' liberal terms; W. At. BRQWN» J â- -.-.»^-......^. ----^^-â- ---'"--^ifllftiirifl "â- â- -' ---â- â- â- -^:~^-^"~2^'ia^-- --.^..iaai»it..a.aA-...,.a^^