Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Jul 1890, p. 5

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 'S, ENGLISH OWSEKINGb- ^^EAE, TIES^ parties wishing can have them 850 1IUM O*-^ r Slxltaym. onding 'ow r»t» y the jutnncn, -lighted, Bide- iamers. BoUandCiBtr*. 5(jmffl" Cornspondence. gn^b Dunbar bas recently been "froin Lyous Head visitiDR bis gycoini^anion?. Hugb looks well. Robert Mclutosb, wbile working in ,j,g5aw-ru:ll, roci.ived a severe wound g.|ivir from the saw coming in t^ntact with his eye. jlr. f 11 i '^^3- ^^ orkman â€" nee Abby TrQadit.'iiâ€" of Arthur, were yisiting j'neD'ii h^-re recently. ' jirs, Tiiim Blades, of Hepworth, was the gii-"' 5^ ^-"^i^^ Blades last week. gci.iy Jackiou, of Duudalk, was in tovfu last \Vf t-k. Jain.5 r'ht!' shoemaker, bas been ,3 tliC-fii-"' li-t; 'or some days recently, i^t we are pleased to bear be is on tiieE^-iui. The I. O. G. T. picnic took place oiifrMay hist. Proceeds $15.00 Ibe Mtthoairit Sunday School here ffillhoul a concert on 3rd July (Tburs- jay'l. A iii'^gic lantern will be in connectiru. An Auctiou sale of farm property Tfilitake place in JMcCutcheon's Hotel uere ou July IGth. Ibt miilbumiaer examinations took place m our Public School on Thurs- day â- iind Friday of last week. Rev. George Hartley preached bis farewell sermor: on Sunday. He will jsave this week for Brookbolm. Mr. Bartley bas labored earnestly wbile ou this circuit and we hope success may attend him in his new field of labor. The news of the death of Mrs. Alfred Lickfold, of Massie, was received with regret by her many acquaintances. Several went to the funeral on 22nd. James Freeborn has been at Welles- ley vi?itiug bis son-in-law, Robert Montgomery, who is on the verge of death- by consumption. HeLry Langdale bas been visiting at Robert ^Yeb3ter'8 this week. His lister accoLupauied him. Harry is working in the Poison Yards, Owen •Sound. Andy and Piobt. Eoulston, of iJolt- â- m, are visiting here. mmatHgt Town Hall GleneV, J^ne 9, 90. The Conuoil met pnrsaant to ad- journment, ail the {members present. The Reeve in tbe chair, minutes of the last meeting were read and confirm- ed communications and petitions read as follows From Cbas. Mc Arthur and 30 others asking for the renewal of " Neil's Bridge " from Hugli Baird and 39 others calling tbe attention of Council to tbe state of tbe road .be- tween lots 10 and 15 con. 12 from tbe Township Treasurer, bis Finan- cial Statment Beaton â€" Davis â€" that the senai-annual statement of tbe trea urer be filed in the clerk's office. â€" Carried. Beaton â€" Davis â€" That a committee of tbe whole council appointed at last meeting to examine and report on the necessity of building a bridge across Saugeen river at lot 5 con, 9, do not now report on same but tbac tbey re- port at next meeting of Council.â€" Carried. Neilâ€" Staplesâ€" That S125;00 be granted each commissioner to be ex- pended on tbe roads, for 189o, and that the Treasurer pay tbe several amounts on tbe order of the Boad Commissioners. â€" Carried. Staplesâ€" Beaton^Tbat tbe Treas- urer be instructed to purchase tbe de- benture of Separate School Trustees, of Separate School Section No. 5, of tbe Township of Glenelg, amount- ing to §500.00 and payable m 5 year- ly instalments at 6 per cent per anum interest, and that tbe Eeeve and Clerk be authorized to countersign a cheque for tbe amount of §517.63. â€" Carried. Cheques were issued as folllows: â€" James T. Wilson, work on townline G « A in 1889, $3.00 PolUng places for Ontario Elections, §4.00 each, $16.00; Members of Council Commit- tee work $1.00 each, $5.00. Tbe Council adjourned to July 7tb at 10 a. m. J. S. Black, Clerk. Uocfiyn. StandcA'd Correspondence. Potato Bugs are on the run. Mr, J. E, Pilchards is off to Toronto Summer Carnival and will visit Guelph and other Western points ere he returns. Mr, Robt. Dunlop, of 9th hne accompanies him.. There will probably be a quartette on the home =tretcL. Au interesting feature of the garden party uut-er the auspices of Mount Zion S. S., Griersville, on Wednesday of last week was the spelling match between seven 3rd class pupils of Rocklyu school and seven pupils of the same class of Griersville school. Tbe Rocklyn pupils were victorious. Master John Onia, John Curry and Louise Dodsuu were tbe best spellers, It proved impossible to spell bttle Louisedown. Thereturn match takes place at Eocidyu school on Friday, the •Ith inst., when we predict that Louise will agaiu distance the competitors. There was a large attendance at tbe Temple Hill S. S, picnic held in Mr. Pattens grove, 9th bne, on Thursday. The weather was delightful and every- body enjoyed themselves. The amuse- ments consisted of swings, football and baseball matches, running races, •^e., c. Mr. Nathaniel Curry bas resigned liis position ou the Toronto police force owing to ill health. The New England tea-meeting of last week was, as it always is a success. Id the football match between Kim- lierley and New England clubs the former one was \-ictoriou9. The Piocklyn baseball club will com- pete for the $10.00 prize at Meaford on Dominion Day. Mr. Andrew Manary has returned from visiting iriends at Parry Sound. TO mm s I am running the following special seasonable goods, not in tbe new Driving Park, but over my counters. Dress Goods. A big drive in l^rench Cballi Muslins 9 Satin Checked Strip- ed White Muslins... 10, 12i 15 Fast colored Prints 9 10 White Victoria Lawns 12^ 14 All over Black Skirt Lace, all silk......... $1 85 $1 75 Xrisli X«ke. Standard Correspondence Very warm weather at nresent. All prospects of good crops judjing from present appearance. Rev. Father Feeney takes his leave [rom this parish this week. We wish uim success in his new field of labor. Mr Daniel O'Heam visited finends '° x^'^lP^ recently. ,„„ „, „„„ ,„„„„^ ^_„ ^^ Air. Sylvester Martin visited friende for troubling you in this matter Following is a copy of a letter sent to Grey County Couucil at its last ses- sion it will explain itself, and also commend itself to the good judgement of our readers. Hano\'eb, June 23, 1890. Gentlemen, â€" The policy of granting sub- sidies to Local Railways was inaugur- ated several years ago by the Doruin- ion Government and bas been carried ou ever since. Laige sums are yearly granted for this purpose. Last session about three and a half millions were given to aid railways throughout the Dominion, without discussing the wis- dom of this policy I wish to call the attention of your Honorable Body to tbe position of tbe county of Grey in reference to tbis question, you are all aware of the debt incurred by your country in securing railway facilities. You are also all well aware that you have not been aided with any assis- tance from the Dominion Treasury. Such being tbe case does it not appear quite proper, that when yon build your own railways and are called upon to pay a share to subsidize other rail- ways in the Dominion that you should in justice and fairplay look for a refund of a portion at least of tbe bonuses you have granted to tbe different rail- ways in your country? It bas always appeared so to me and since this policy of subsidizing local railways bas been continued by tbe Dominion Government itcomes with even greater force. Had this policy been of only temporary duration tbe claims of Grey and a few otter counties might have been passed over but now that it appears to be a fixed institution justice demands that we should claim what we are fairly entitled to. At tbe last session of the House of Commons tbe matter was discussed when the Railway subsidies were under consideration, as a result of the discus- sion the Premier assured us that our claims for a refund would be consider- ed if presented at the next session of parUament. I mail you a hansard containing the debate on this subject and hope as tbe matter is one of great impor- tance to the county that the Council will take such action to S;H:ure justice to the county as to them may seem right and proper. The deep interest I take in the wel- fare of tbe county must be my excuse P mSOLS illlSHtDES.: i A great variety, I start them 40c. Special value in a pure Alpacca Parasol 90c. Long bandies, a great variety, at the lowest prices to start from. Waggon loads of Turnips off the acre to your credit over and above any other by buying your seeds at Drug Store A FACT Which has been proven. â€"WE HAVE- The Best Yaiieties, Tbe Nef est Seeds, AND TRUE TO NAME, -COMPBISINO Sntton's Chainpion Purple Top Swede. MILLINERY. The goods offered in this depart- ment are nobby and fashionable. I have labored this season to keep tbe style and quality away up, and the price away down. Ribbons, Laces, Plushes, Trimmed and Untnmmed Hats in great variety. Special Dan'E â€" 500 yards pure Satin Ribbon 5c. Bangholi's ImproYed Purple Top Swede. Carter's ImproYed Purple Top Swede. STAPLES. Shirtings, Cottonades, Tickings, Seersuckers, Denin s, Shaker Flannels, Table Linens, Towels, Hollands, Crash at rock bottom ijrices. Extra-1,200 yds. Shirting Bo't 600 •' Seersucker 6i 400 " Scotch Gmghams 7^1 SMTYing's Improied Purple Top Swede. HarsbaQ's ImproTed Purple Top Swede. AMeen YellOÂ¥ Purple Top Turnip. Aberdeen Tellof Green Top. around here this week Mr. Michael Henry is in the employ- ment of Mr. Cbas. Eyan peeling tan- The statute labor is being done this ^eek. We hope they will leave the ^oads in a good condition in order that «ome of the young men can exorciiM °^ liorses upon them with safety. I have the honor to be Gentlemen your obt. servant. Geo. 1 AnderMn Tbe Hon. The County Conneil of Grey. What we may expect. The berry season, in |0d hay fit for cot^. pretly aoqjtt. DI8TBU8TFUL PEGPIE Make an exception in favor of Dr. Fcwiei'a Extract of Wild Stnwberry. Ite kooim vir^ tnea as a core for diasrhcea, dysenteiy. diolera morbos and all bowel eo mpl a in ta eaose aH idio nse it to regaid it aa the moat reliabie and efeetnaJl rraie^ pbtaiaaUe., Cool Groods. Men's Light Coats Vests |1.76 to $5.00. Boys' Light Suits, wasning, $1.75. A greatr variety of footwear for the hot season, suitable for old and yoong of both sexes in prunella and kid. All these lines are goers, and are away ahead of anything competing tbis season. w, J. mmm, j jifABTTPAJiBs ImproYed Grey Stone. DR. FOWLEKS •EXT: OF • •\A/iLD« CURES HOLcERA holera Morbus RAMPS YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. Desirable Business Opening FOR SaLEJR to let. The Lome Hotel Bi'dck, RockZ/Pi, Comprising Hotel. Sio:*, dc. Wdl kuoirn to be one ot tiie best-paying cor ntrv loc«tipiis in Northern Outario. The hotel is the only one \vitbin a radius of man; miles, and is the only licensed one in Euphrasia township. The Rocklyn post office is kept in the store. The premises arc conveniently srri«nf;ed in every respect, and the buildings are suostan- tial, comparatively new, and in first-olass condition throughout. I PREFER TO SELL, and offer the property CHEAP. There is no encumbrance, and terms of payment will be made to suit purchaser. If sale is not effected within a reasonable time tbe hotel and store will be leased separ- ately or together, as may be desired. Early application, either to buy or rent, is re quested. Further information cheerfully furnished, and personal inspection invited. Apply to W. H. DODSON, 508-tf Postmaster, Rocklyn. WIND MILLS, Aim CTOR g UTaRTLEYIIAH'PR P»TEMTtE.PIT.iaayi Having purchased the Markdale Pump busi- ness I wish to announce to the public that I am' prepared to fill orders for all kiuds of pumps. De Well PmnpB. Force Pumps Cistent' VnmfB, etc. Wind Hills: Will also con tiuue to mauuiautu'.e Wind Mills, either for power orl pumpinc purijoses. And. being a practica mecbaiito, I feel confident of turning out work that cannot fail to give satisfaction. Repairing done. All work Ruaranteed. Orders fi-om r. distance will receive particular and promjit attention. Call on or address, JEFFKEY ARTLEY, Markdale. Fell inlo a Fi Very few people covet the experience Many would far rather fall into a pit. But the customers of "Will. Stoddart covet the ex- jxerienoe of a fit every tiBae, they would rather not fall into the hands of a Knight of the Scissors and Needle whose turnout w^ould fit them like rolling into a pit. Fits they want, fitsi they get, and he wants 1000 men and boy who want fits. WILL. STODDART, Tailor., Bpom over MoFarlandfa. store. For Uie creeping, crawling blnomicg mseots that babiMte yoar earrants and gooseberry bushes feed them s little of PURE HELLEBORE •ad see whst a power of food yon will do tilem. Get it at Ifc haapoMiuaieatly onied nooaAmMk of «â- â€¢Â«. prDDoanaea 1^ dooton hope^ lata. If yod have pramoBitoiy vrmp" aada -aa Conab, DiAcalqr «f doA^ delayj biit_ iiasK K)B. QONSUlcmoV. u. ByDp^jOigM^ ' ' ][ if ^i In. )^. -A».:^-.^?.-. ^s^^tMmaitmt diiii^iMiiMiliiiiiliiiii

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