i (tnat^dafe J. G. Ti«ifoi^d,| Kazdwaze lI«r6IUHit, MAE^iDALE. Agent for all kinds MAOHonkaY Siandat) HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEEE THEY MAY." TE'TH YEAB.-:sro. 612. MARKDAXE, THXTRSDAY, JTJI.Y 3, 1890. C. W. RUTIiEDGE, Proprietor. mmm casson DEALERS â€" ^I2:T l/otches, A full line of Waltham, Ilgim. CoLTJ^Tm7S, Illinois, New Havex and other movements, with Gold, Silvf.k, jold-filled, and Nickel cases. Clocks, A larf^e rvod varied assortment, inpncesfrom §1.50 up. One dozen ?»'ickel tilarras just received, with iurainous aud eqtnmon dials. Eeduc- f(l prices. Jeweller/, iu the latest and prettiee^t designs. Grand assftrtmer.t of 60c. andTSc.hrcoches. Quality guaranteed. Silverware, in this our stock is com- nlete prices as low as ever. Violins, large assortment, ranging from ^l.m to $20.00. Big supply of tuotttb organs on hand. mfioner/. we are well stocked in ail kinds, writing paper, tablets, school books, account books, etc. Wall-Paper, large variety to choose froEi. Prices lower that the lowest. Liberal discount allc^Fed on all lines for cash. MARKDALE, ONT. COME mth your Butter, Eggs and CASH, to Eutledge's grocery, in order to secure the "best value e^-ery time. 12 cents per doz allo-wed for eggs. General groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Floujp Feed, all fresh goods at low- est living prices. Come and be con- vinced. " E. Eutledge. t;«b ohlt perfect fenqb. •w ^m. WOVEN WIRE FENCING S4-ett. ptr ftwl md Upmta^ '"^^ Wdd. InfomaUMtaa Write '"•ONTARIO Wme FENOINO CO., V. .^**"tOMKiakOrlociK'WlialadeAceats, Qtfwll fc »fc, Ol i a l o ltol wii i P.E.I. •4iHtedtar Uln »•»• bcfon â€" of Mid aadlMA Ifcjfeliwlilato' Local and Otber Items. NoTicEB in these colummintended to benefit any individual or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each sabiequent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Corret^pondence, communica- tions,. Advertisements, dtc,, must be in this office hy noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. CooLEE weather. Minutes of Holland Council are crowded out this week. Thos. Mann caught a two lb. trout in the Sangeep last week. Mes. a. Tubneb, of Orangeville, visit- ed friends in town this week. Mabedale school promotion examin- ation report is crowded out this week. Mr. White, of Priceville, visited his daughter, Mrs. A. S. Irving this week. Mr. Cunningham, of GwilHnbury, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. H. D. Irwin. Rev. a. Wilson will preach anniver- sary sermons in Flesherton Presbyterian church on Sunday next. Rev. Mr. Buggin and family left for Tara on Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Davy is to arriye from Georgetown to-day, (Thurs- day) The excavation for the new school building is nearly complete and the naason work is to commence on Monday next. Nottawasaga township council acting on a petition of 780 ratepayers, has pas- sed a by-law abolishing the ward system in that township. Mails at Markdale post office at present close as follows, G. P. R. south 4:40 and 7 p. m. C. P. R, north 11:40 a. m. and 7 p. m. Messrs Wilson Bros., formerly pro- prietors of the Duflferin Foundery, Shel- burne, have made an assignment to Sheriff Bowles, of Orangeville. I hereby heartily thank all those who so bravely fought the fire and saved my implement shop and other property this Thursday morning. Wm. Jackson. Markdale cheese factory is having a larger patronage this year than any former season. The May make, 60 boxes, have been sold. Price 8^ cents. We had a friendly call on Saturday from Mr. Jacob Cook, Of the 6th line Glenelg, who has been in Manitoba for some time but now resides at New- market. A SEBHON will be preached to the Orangemen of Markdale and adjoining district on Sunday eveniog July the 6th by the Rev. Horace E. Bzay, Rector of Christ chorcb. Mb. Sam. Wilson, of Providence Bay, Mauitoulin, has bneii visiting his parents and friends, and returned on Monday last to the Island. His father is gone with him for a visit. A GASDEN party will be held at Yande- leur s'diool to-morrow (Friday) when the children will giye an exhibition of club-swinging and wand drill while Flesherton Brass Band will discourse sweet music. OuB notice of J. Herbert Brown's col- lejije success in last weeks paper became accidently separated in making np the paper and was unnoticed until the whole issue was ran off, consequently we insert it again this week, in proper shape. Mabkdale and Chatsworth junior Football Clubs played a match game on Dominion Day at Chatsworth and after -one And a half hours hard playing the Markdale goal keeper got disabled and the competiof; dub secured one goal. Gold and BUrar. Mr. A. 6. Honter of Dnndalk has spent considerable time and money in scien- tific zesearch, and one of the results is that he has located a rich mine near HomiiiglGUs. Wehad thepleasaxeola yisit to Mr. Himier's private laboratory zecwily, and woee sarprisedatthedec^' inveatigrtioaa and aatonidbiag duooy- erieshe iM^iMfde. We diaH be.pleaaed to louB flf jtBtfanfaay multe from tiMM Mabkdale school closed on Monday last the Entrance Examinations are being held this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and school will open aeain the third Monday in August, msiking six weeks clear, of holidays, instead of eight, as usual. Messes. Vandervoort, cheese box manufacturers of Belleville, were in town this week. They carry on a very extensive business and were here with a view to arranging for a supply of cheese box vaneer from Armstrong Bros, who make a prime article. Hew Slioe Shop. Mr. Sandy Kay has this week opened a shoe shop in Haskett's block where he will be glad to serve all who favor him with their patronage. Special attention to fine work. All business strictly cash. 511-14 "Kids'MKorried. Frank Martinez, aged 15 and Annie Reary, aged 13 were married last week at New Orleans. Their mothers gave full consent and no objection was offered to the youthful wedlock. The groom had inherited ajlegacy of 625,000 from his father but could not get possession of it until he was 18 years of age except he was married, hence the hurry. Serious JMaa. On Monday morning last Mr. Thos. Hanbury, of Dundalk lost, by fire, a valueable young horse, new buggy and new harness. Mr. H. with his wife had been visiting in the neighborhood of Owen Sound and were staying with a friend namedThoa. McDowell, Bhowara ofBlaaaiiifa. Markdale has been this week strikingly reminded, in more than one respect, of the old proyerb "when it rains it pours.'« Such copious showers as we have ex- perienced is not perhaps so remarkable as the matrimonial boom whidh has struck town. The following life part- nerships have been consummated, viz June 18th. Rev. Horace E. Bray, Rector of Christ Church, Markdale, and Miss Alice N. Eingsmill, of London-; July 1st, Mr. Will. Stoddart, tailor, and Miss Libby Woods, both of Markdale same day, Mr. A. McBeth, of Chesley, late of Markdale, and Miss L. Bowler, of Artemesia July 2nd, Mr. John Csesar, C. P. R. station agent, of Markdale, and Miss Maude Drinkwater, of Berkeley and Mr. W. T. Jackman, foreman of the Standabd office, and Miss Jennie Rooke, of Toronto. They each and all have the best wishes of the Standard. BnsinesB ZKcaUi. Tea Tea Tea !â€" For the cheapest and best Tea go to Mercer's. Foe Turnip seed of the finest quality try Manley Turner, druggists. BoT wanted must be steady and temperate. Markdale Stove Works. Old Iron wanted at Markdale Stove Foundry in exchiange for cash. $5,000 worth of Goods to be slaught- ered at the iioted cheap store, Rocklyn. Spinning and weaving done on short in that) notice at the Walter's Falls Woollen town Sunday night, intending to start for home the following morning. They had their best clothes packed in their valise, which was also in the buggy and at 2 o'clock in the morning they awake- ened to find the bam on fire from one^\^oo|igjj jjmg end to the other and no possibility ot goo^g saving anything. Mr. Hanbury 's loss is fully $350. First Class B. Out of five students who wrote at the University Exam's in Toronto for First Class B, J. H. Brown, son of Wm. Brown, Esq., of this yillage, was one of â- the three who were successful. Master Herbert has successfully passed every examination as they came to him through his course of studies, and tho' yet in his teens is prepared to take a situation as teacher in a High School, after he spends two months at a training school. He will write in July on the senior matriculation. J. H. B. is a student of rare ability and his success will be learned with gratification by his many friends. Mills. Mebcee is offering some great bar- gains in Ready-made and Ordered Clothing. Call and see. Wool wanted at the Walter's Falls in exchange for cash or Tire. Johnston's bakery, opposite the Stan. DABD office, was destroyed by fire this (Thursday) morning. At 8^ the fire was first seen in the region of the bake oven, which adjoined the house, and had made considerable headway so that the family ' narrowly escaped alive. The building was a large two storey roughcast and was insured for $400. No insurance on the contents, which were all burned. About two hours previously Mr. John- ston had finished a batch of bread and all was right then, as far as he knew. His loss vnll be fully $800 over the insurance. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston are very industrious honest people and great sympathy is felt for them. The Western Fair Directors are evidently determined to make the Wes- tern Faur, Sept. 18th to 27th, the best of Canadian furs from the handsome in- crease offered in prizes for live stock and agricnltnral classes and the large amount set apart for the speed pro- gramme. Information is received that they are now arranging for the best at- tractions that money can procure to please their visitors. The principal Tnannfiactnries are coming to their assis- tauoe by placing in the main building maehinery to maaafoctare their goods, in view of the iniblic, which wiQ be alike jdeaaisg and instnictiTe. Tbey ^ipect a large attwidaa c e firam tUs section. Mr. HmsL A; Browne, tfaielr ii«W tary, will be pkiâ€" od to taad Great bargains in Drebs Goods, Prints^ Seersuckers, Muslins, Parasols, Gloves, c., during July at Mercer's. Tkemendious sale going on at Rocklyn during the next 40 days. Ee6p your weather eye open for bargains. A. W. Wade, proprietor of the "Boss Bread" Bakery, Markdale, is giving ex- cellent satisfaction to his customers. Wanted, 400 cords Tanbark.â€" I want 400 cords Tanbark delivered at Mark- dale or Berkeley. Price $3.25 per cord cash. J. D. Morgan. Say, Jim, how is it Jackson sells so many machmes Because he sells the right machine at the right prices and the Farmers know it. Money to Loan on Mortgage Se- curity, at current rates, expenses low, business strictly confidential, apply to Wm. Lucas Co., Markdale. Hello There â€" For a first-class Buggy, Democrat or Waeon call on Geo. S. Mathers, he has a fine display to choose from. Prices to suit the times. Oil Oake is the stuff for calves IVIanley Tni-nei-, druggists sells it. Mixed with Herbag^eum it has no equal. Jackson, our rustling bustling, hustl- ing, wideawake Implement Agent has sold one hunobeo and fifteen machines this season already. How is that for High? B l^a.iu*a.iice STec- tacles are being sold a,i: cost by Maniey ft Tomer, druggists if you don't beleiye it and want a pair come aud see. Mabkdale Cabbusb Wobks.â€" B. Mc- Nally has now ready a lot of fine rigs for sale, prices right. All work warrant- ed. A call solicited always glad to show my work. It McNally. Lames if yon cannot determine jost what yon want until yon see it, call at M. E. Donglass fancy goods store and see the tliOttsand uid one artides at pruies folly as cheap Its in the ci^. HuBBAH FOK Bocsznr!â€" J. £. Bidh- ards baa jost porohaaed ostt ras of ^•t^» aad BladE Tea, and a, witboat a the lw«k lea tbat haii ever ^sea taaay«e«ii«e^^*fwttfii^-- FIRST JULY! FIRST JULY! Wlien in Markdale on Dominion Day Be sure to call at Benson's Belfast House. â€"IN STOCKâ€" Oranges, Lemons, Banannas, Pine Apples, STRAWBERRIES, C. Cheapest and best place to buy your groceries in town. R. H. BENSON C0. -R. Wholesale and Betail, Grocers and Spirit MerchaiUs. H.Benson. W.J.Benson "GOLDSMITH'S HALL" S^ BIG SPEX. JUDICIOUS BUYERS Will find it to their interests to inspect my fine stock of WATCHESr:-CHAINS Wedding Rings -ANDâ€" Wedding Presents, I have new goods in all lines, and at "PBICES" that insures "VALUE" to eyery customer. A call solicited. Spex carefully fitted. Fine watches honestly aOid practically repaired. Tel^iraph and Dail Papers. Bottom prices and liberal terms. ii !l 'i i a d u 1 4 Ii W. A. ^la »r.: i'^.P %*f.' i ]lin^0AI%:^ ..^ .•;. ?s..';» » ^jlftj. iS,!^^;^^^ iMiiiiiiiliiiiyiiittM^