Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Jun 1890, p. 1

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 • Hardware Xercliant, MAEKDALE. Agent for all kinds XACHIVBST Kin*ATB8. Siandatd "HEW TO THi] LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEEE THEY MAY.' TE5TH YEAR.â€" No. 510. MAKKBAI.E, THTJRSDAY, JUKE 19, 1890. C. W. EUTI.EDGE, Proprietor. CASSON DEALERS IITâ€" m/otches, A- fali line of Waltham, Elgin. Columbus, Illinois, New ^AVEK and other movements, with, fiOLD, Silver, Ooild-filled, and .V^SEL blocks, A large atd «amd assortment, in prices from $1.50 «p, "One dozen Kickel tlarms just reoeived, with laminoss and oammon dials. Bedac- ed prices. kwelleiy, in the latest and prettiest desifnis. Grand assortmfent of 50c. andTSc.brpocbes. Quality guaranteed. Silverware, in this our stock is com* plete prices as low as ever. Violins, large assortment, ranging from $2.00 to $20.00. Big supply of mi."tb organs ca hand. Stationery, we are well stocked in all kinds, writing paper, tablets, achool books, account books, etc. Wall'Papm large variety fo choose from. Prices lower that the lowest. Liberal discount allowed on all lines for cash. MARKDALE, ONT. Canada LS.Traflsit Go's (limited) LOCAL STEAMSHIP ROUTE. Owen Sound and Sault Ste. Marie. Passeiigex and Fast Txtaght Xdnc, carxTin? Her ISaJeatj's Malls. S. S. CAAMOMA, S S. CAMBRIA. '"apt. F. X.IiAFbAKCE. CAFT.IiBII.CAMFBEIX '^TTLL sail during the season of 1880 from JJ Oweu Sound to Sault Ste. Marie every Tuesday and Priday, on the arrival of the Cmadiaii Pacific Evening Train froBi Toronto »na points East (10:38 jLin.), calling «tSillar«By, Uanltowaning, Shegosandah, Little Current, Saeawong, Gore Bay- Bpacish Biver. Baswell's Mills, Serpent Biver, Algonm Mills, Blind Biver, Thessalon River, Bruce Minas, Hilton, Kehards lAading. Gai-den Biver, thence to Sank Ste. Uarie, cailing at the absve pegrts on the v^nm tnp. Tickets and Freight BATE8ean be obtained oy applying to MAITLAND BIXON, at their Mw warehouse, on West side ot river, where all foods for this Line will be shipped, free of wharf- age; iiso at the office of EDWABD TODD, Poulett Street, JOHN CHISHOLM, and tt the Vompaays Office, Meetland's Warehouae, East siae of river, oa Biver Street. O. J. XeCLVBX, ^-00 Managing Agent. Desirable Business Opening FOR SALE^OR TO iET. ^he Lome Hotel Block, Rocklyn, ^omprising HoUel. Store, Ac. Well knoim I" be one of the best-paying eoimtry locations •n Northern Ontario. The hotel is the oiily ^De within a radius of many njiles, and is 'ne only licensed one in Euphiasia township. i^ Rocklyn post office L^s kept in the store. The preoiises are convenientty arranged in *jery ret^pect, and the hnildings are snostaO' "*1, comparatively new, and in first-class «on.lition tbronghoat. 1 PEEP^m TO SELL, and offer the property EAp. There is no encnmbraoce, and terms t payment will be made tOfioit pniehaser. f sale is not effected within a reasonable ime the hotel and store will be leased separ- *Wy or together, as may be desired. Early »Pphcation, either to buy «w rent, is re- ^aested. "J^her information cheerfoUy fnmished, "Q pecsonal inepectiop invited. Apply to W. H. DODSON, • Postmaster. Boi^yn. WILSON'S FliYiPADS Skughter House Flies iBunilHons. They *^ safe, cleanly and efEectaal. Local and Other Items. Notices in these eolumnsintended to benefit any individual or Society itill be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each aubsequent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, communica- tions,. Advertisements, tc„ must be in this office bj^ noon on Tuesday to insure jmblicati on tJiat week. R. B. CvRRiE visited Mt. Forest this week. JuLTlSv^be next Division Court day in Markdale. PAsruite is now excellent and the â- dairy hitdresfe flodHshing. Read R. L. iSiephen's new adv. It's plain, powerful aWd practical. Thk County Cttuncil meets at 7 p. m, June 28, in the Court House, Owen Sound. Ma. CoLi^iys, of Shelbume, the artistic painter and paper-hanger, is now work- ing in town. Mb. E. Jackkan, of Dundalk, spent Sunday last in Markdale with his brother W. T. M a rk da lb Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday evening next, June 25. We noticed in Markdale last Saturday oar genial friend and Reeve of Dundalk, Mr. T. Hanbury. The person who borrowed J. E. Trel- ford's step-ladder will please return the same as soon as possible. Mr. Wm. Walker, of Glenelg, is visit- ing his daughter in Berlin, and will re- main there some months. Several new subscribers have been added to our list the present month 50 cents for balance of 90. The new school site south of the Methodist church is now laid out, and the street deviation surveyed. It is reported that a Chesley Mac. is to take a partaer from among the fair ones of this place in the near future. Mb. Matthew Irving, of Manitowan- ing, visited friends in this district last week and gave the Standard a friendly caU. Mr. Jesse Hanbcrt arrived from Manitoba on Saturday. He has been quite ill far some time but is on the mend. Ir our corcespondents will stick to the English fatngoftge they will be mote appredajted. The great majority of them do. Mb. J«bk Hebron, agent tor the Mc- Donald UanTfacturing Co. of Stratford, and formerly of this place, was in town this week. Mr. GtBOROB Spencer, train despatcher on the C. P. R. Toronto, and formerly oporaio; at Markdale station, is visiting Mr. J. Csesar. Ret. Mr. Kerr, of Owen Sound exf^anged work with Rev. Mr. Buggin last Sanday. Mr. Kerr's sermons were much appreciated. The summer camiyal at Gait last week was a decided success in every way and the finance committee had $2,000 after pajdng all demands. Dan. McDonald fell SO feet off a barn which was beiiig raised by Donald Bea- ton, Glenelg, last week. No bones broken or other serious injury. Mrs. W. G. Pickeii. left on Wednes- day for New York, and will be present at the final examinations of her daughter who has been studying music for five years. All persons are heireby warned against loafing abmt the farm of Mr. Thomas Townsend, Glenelg, as he Ims a field of fine fall wheat which is said to be about to shoot. A NEW time table came into force on the C. P. R. here on Monday last making the following dianges Morning train going south 6;40, evening train south 4:66. Morning train North 11:56 and evening train 8:50. This is a little earlier all around and onr readers will goTwn themselyes aecrardingly. Our Brass Band gave us a treat on Tuesday evening by "music from the old tin horn" from a new and exalted position, viz., tbe toboggan shde stand. Do it more times. Thos. Bradt, Euphrasia, sold a 18 months old pig to John M. Davis last week «vbich weighed 446 lbs. Mr. Dayis shipped this week a car of fat cattle and hogs to Toronto. Suitings that will suit the most fastidious as well as the plain going ecoDomiser can be had at Rae's tailoring and clothing establishment Markdale. Good fits and moderate prices. The volunteers are being called to- gether for annual drill at various points. We understand that several Markdale subjects propose joining the army early in July. We vrill give the names later. All kinds of garden stuff is growing spontaneously, and the weeds, as usual, keepmg just a little ahead while the potato bug sits around on the fence watching for the potato leaf to emerge from beneath the soil. A pic-Nic will be held at Berkeley on the 27th inst. by the Sunday School of Christ Churnh, Berkeley. Come and enjoy yourself. A good programme is being prepared for the occasion. F. E. David, Superintendent. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church will give a garden party on Fri- day evening the 27th inst. at the residence of Thos. Morrow (Beaton farm). All are inyited and a good time is expected. Admission 15 cents. The Manitoulin Expositor has entered upon its twelfth year, and the editor speaks in tones of high satisfaction for the prosperity of the past year through- out tbe Island, as well as for his paper, and forecasts still brighter prospects ahead. Contracts were let on Saturday last for cutting the hill at McOay's tannery, and grading the street from there to the post office. This will also be gravelled this season, which improvement is much needed. The work is to be proceeded with forthwith. Mev. Mr. Brat, Markdale's new English church Clergyman, is this week in London having his partnership con- tract solemnized and is expected home with his bride the last of the week. Tbe Standard offers congratulations and extends a cordial welcome to onr new citizens. Alf. H. Hall has received, since his arrival home, the gratifjong notice of his promotion from operator on the Milwau- kee and Northern R. R. at De Pere, Wis., to that of cashier, with a raise in salary to correspond. He commenced as night operator and was promoted to day opera- tor, and now to cashier, which is a very responsible sit. PooB Jenkins! The following "blast" in Monday's Empire speaks for itself â€" St. Catharines, June 7.-^Arthnr Horatio Nelson Jenkins came to this city a short time ago from the backwoods somewhere to run our local Grit paper in theinterest of the Reform party. He promised to make a great paper and a great party. He did neither, and returned to the woods in a few days. He lost both elections to the Tories. In a letter to one of the Band boys John Beaton says that it's very lonely out there in the noine in B. C. They have a mail once in two weeks, and two copies of the Standard comes every mail. He reads it over and over and then longs for the next mail. The 24th May he was with tiie Markdale Brass Band, in mind, and sat down and vrxote to them when he could not assemble personally. John is doing well howeyer and reports prospects good. The name of John Imrre, Toronto, is familiar in the homes of all lovers of music in Canada as a poet of faif^ merit. His latest prodnctian is entitied ••Canada" set to music l^ Prci. J. F. Johnston, of Toronto, and' credit to both comppaers. Strictly Pure Pans Green, White Hellebore, Dalmatioti and Rev. Mb. Buggin goes to Priceville on Sunday the 29th on the occasion of the re-opening of the Meteodist church there which has been undergoing repairs and improvements, bo that next Sunday will be his last in Markdale. He leaves about the 1st July for Tara, his new station. Rey. Mr. Davey will arrive about the same time. Rev. W. Ottewell goes to Walton Rey. J. W. Shilton, B. A. to Clinton Rev. W. H. Moss, of Dundalk, to Chesley and Rot. Geo. Hartly, of Holland Centre, to Brook- holm. Those who move take their new work on the 1st Sunday in July. The loon recently captured, mention- ed in our Rocklyn correspondence last week, tets been stuffed by Mr. Fred. G. Steveas, Deputy Postmaster at Mark- dale, and is now on exhibition at Bread- ner ft Casson'is jewellery store. Persons procuring birds or animals which they would like stuffed and mounted can have their wants attended to by leaving their order at Breadner Casson's or at the P. O. Wanted, a Umited quantity, of birds and animals such as Owls, Hawks, Wild Ducks and Geese, Eagles, etc., etc., for which cash will be paid, also vrill have a few in stock for sale "The New Highway to the Orient" is the title of a beautiful httle work just issued by the General Passenger Depart- ment of the Canadian Pacific Railway, descriptive of a tour to the Pacific Coast oyer the trans-continental hue. It is superbly illustrated with many full-page engravings and its forty-five pages of gracefully written matter, contain much useful ir.formation concerning the cities, towns and scenic marvels reached by the Canadian Pacific system. It is well worth your while to secure a copy, which may be obtained free upon application to W. R. Callaway, District Passenger Agent, 118 King St. West, Taronto. Bishop Dowling has made the follow- ing changes and appointnients in the Hamilton diocese Rev. Father Slayen, of Oakville, to be pastor of Gait Rev. Father Kelly, of St. Patrick's churchy Hamilton, to be pastor at Oakville; Rev. Father Feeney, of Priceville, to be assistant pastor at Braotford Rev. Father Maloney, of Arthur, to be pastor at PriceviUe Rev. I'ather Burke, of Gait, to be pastor at Macton Rev. Father O'Reilley of Macton, to be pastor at Caledonia Rev. Father Halley to be assistant at St. Patrick's church, Hamil- ton Rev. Father Donelly to be assistant at Arthur. The changes will take effect oh the first Saturday in July. Those puzzling over the important question of where to go for their summer hohday, will find the Uttle volume "Summer tours," issued by the General Passenger Department of the Canadian Pacific railway, a most useful adviser. It describes a delightful variety of tours by rail, lake and river, to popular inland and sea-coast resorts, to the Rocky Mountains, the Pacific Coast, Alaska, c., c., from which attractive long or short trips may be selected to suit the tourists. The book is pubUshed in pocket form, neatly gotten up and adorn- ed with many handsome illustrations, and may be had free upon application to W. R. Callaway District Passenger Agent, 118 King St. West, Toronto, or to D. McNicoll, General Passenger Agent Montreal, •tetataabor. The recent heavy. rams have left the roads in a very rough condition, and we notice that the hills are particularly bad. There is need of special care in cutting down hills or repairing roads along those slopes so as to leave a well rounded roadbed with a dear water course on each side. Instead of tiiis, the wtier coarse is Very often down the middle of the road, thus cansing. a "wadioot" every heavy rain. Pathmasters would do well to pay special attention to this fact now that the season is at hand for the annual road repaurs. HOW DY8PEPSU IS CUBED. I Buffered from dyspqpsia^ and vaa weak and miaenUe with what the doctor eaid was â- ervona debility. SeeiiiK Bnrdoek Blond '• Bittmadvertiaed I tried it, and after taking i thxM bottlM feelMirtBetly reatoorad to heaKh- • Mbs. J. H.^€aiinB, Qflinbaig, Oalit. A POINTER â€"TOâ€" THE PUBLIC. You will buy your goods where yon can iret the best value for your money â€" Won't you Echo answersâ€" Yey I Well then the place to get them is at the BELFAST HOUSE. There you can see the best assorted stock and freshest line of goods north of Toronto. Boy your Turnip, Mangel and Carrot seeds-from us, all fresh, cheaper than any other dealer in the coontiy. Buy your Flour and Feed ^om us. yon can save money. We keep a first-daas pro- vision store, all kinds of Meals Bran, Shorts, Chop, Ac, kept in stock. When yon come to Markdale to buy Long Clear Bacon, Hams, Smoked Bolls, Bologna, Ac, make a bee line to the Belfast House it is headquarters for Baron. Just received 2000 lbs., which will be sold at a small ad- vance on cost. TEA TEA TEA t TEA TEA e have come tc the conclusion that the best advertisement that any merchant can place before the public, to draw tiade^ to his store is tea. Everybody drinks tea and if yon can get a run on tea it helps to sell' other goods and good trade increases our trade. We are bonnd through time to dc the tea trade of the County. We are selling tea from 5c. to lOc. per lb. less than other merchants, and we find that we sell four chests now for one wc did a year ago, people are getting their eyes opened, when tbcy buy from us once they come back. We will positively give you better value than any house in Markdale. Fine hnes of Blacks, Young Hyson, Japan and Gunpowder, drop in and get a sample. Canned goods in endless variety, best brand of canned Salmon (Horseshoe) only 15 cents each, canned Peas, Betuis, Plums, Peaches, Fears, Marmalade, prices away I down to cope with tne times. Buy your Confectionery and Biscuits from us. Oranges, Lemons, Bannas, Pine-Apples, Cocoanuts, Almonds, Filbirts, Brazil, (fee, always in stosk. Our goods are all fresh. We don't keep any stale goods, they don't lie long enough â-  on the shelves to get stale. We buy for /cash and take our discounts. We have to "I pay no rent, we have no clerks to hire, we do all our own work and if there is a store undr.r the sun to day who can sell yon cheap goods we can. Our Wine and Spirit department is filled with the choicest brands of liquors Canadian and imported goods. Fine bottled Ail il.'2' per doz. Draught Ale, Draught Porter, fine Cider. Jobbers in Cigars. Thanking you for past favors: We remain, R. H. BENSON CO. Wholesale and Betail, Grocers and Spirit Merchants. B. H. Benson. W. J. Benson. N.B- â€" ^Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods at market price. "GOLDSMITH'S HALL' §1^ BIG SPEX. Watch stock complete in lines from $2.76 to $48.00. CLOcig i ^siisft ^^ See my "Weight Clock" at $3.00 net. Fnll stock of "Lazarns Morris Spex" Optically fitted. Varied assortmeat of Jewellery and Silverware. Fine Stock J 8k. flings. MUSICAIi GOODS. Fishing-:- TacMe: Bepairing in all branches â€" Watches, Clocks, etc. Telegraph and Daily Papers. Bottom prices and liberal termsl W. A. BBOWN. JEWELLEB. MABEOALE. I nseot Powder at ;â- * yll: I lK= :K i " ' "i T-;. z.'V. 'â- â- '•. W !â- â- . w 'â- 1 V ,,j -a. sftf' r --- ti' ?-â-¼( ;r •hi:' ^1 -A 4-^,- X-«;s*^ ' .^ Tlmi^r's M^MliliiiililiiAiliiiiiilliM

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