Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 May 1890, p. 7

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 or TEHiji "*» »llo, " *^y should ^5 =fntempt. ** '"ecsi ° should be f I nt not Dern.^*'t*3| to us mSi*i*' »^ "o lias no occa.; ^ty, not so ,« ourselvet^ " 'â- " •-Christ andantif ^^'•â- ^d man these:.! ^^ 'S» of Its decline j '^^ °" t«:day, ana! repentaixceisloD^ -he thousand and'or, f^ces of this ,„di -- poor and fo:S ertoWeanypr ted to remember th- iichis silently wait! •r a delirium, yet if ^mon therewith I D'Dg of the- infinite heerful the thresh- station. t grow ugly, because on, but expression, in front, but behin,? 5 lier by iie forelock, II suffered to escape, catch her again, ffering even when longing and seuse of death. is tliat on which iliip often ends in lip never. he only one which ains, behind it. is tlie natural te- grow larger Ly ;hing women are [one who has made Wife. iman visiting Pari-: :Iy plunged in deep 5 finger a very re- igh for a bracelet. V his liand like a ;er. It. was of a traversed by red on of everybody, gh to interrogate til one day a lady, tnred to say some ring." -anient as tho-Jgli but that feeling Liurden liimself. n.^wered, "but a h the -whole corn- ed." is my ^vife. e her some years an Italian and iwaited her after ains to (Germany, itli a celebrated to make of the •h I could carrj- vs after he sent [e empty coffin, instruments aud s lying on "' â- ans' of some eor- aiul compressed nto tliis jewel, 5 me." oadian. ister, lingering ;omes from L»k* c pack on the gged aud rapw- s.lf-frozen, halt- the other aay. vater for days, t his recoveo of some of his an the treacher- on, who hailed overturned ana om. For hou« rescue. !»«? -eight was too It. If both re- die whensne id a chance ot ,e, no one W t "while yon 'look to you low.I'mS?" witha silent â- atersandd^^ leroism of te sacrifice- L of Engl»?*^ asbeenre"V- Borgia. wttj^ T, and »»* yiTEST BY CABLL ,^Jevent African Slaveryâ€" Fears that the '"'Maeiiza is Again Starting Bound the ^gjld Stanley's New Book â€" The World's fair Before the British Parlia- ment' â- r \utilii"ery Conference at Brussels T ,,,.,.iir)'-oi'res3 last week. It has agreed -Jilt 111" 1 o " ' loi)* mea.sures for repressing slave raids, 'â- ' ^^.ji; shortly pass the proposition requir- â- 'â-  ]] p,„„pean countries possessing ter- ' ies on the African coast to prevent the ^^a-'e ' i firearms through such countries. v' siire.i for the creation of armed stations •he slave caravan routes and for the sup- ..^..-iriii of maritime slave traffic have been ;, Mteil. A proposal -will be made to reverse .r^frif trade provisions of the Berlin Con- .,,,,n.e in favor of the Congo Free States, ., .^liose Jifhalf power to tax not spirits 'v bv.t also all imported goods will be ask- ;V;'Ji the announcements of the Austrian ^ical experts that the mysterious sleepy â-  iiise "nonna," which followed in the wake of ti'e Russian influenza in Italy, is a form neurosis, affecting only persons of debilit- •iKon^titutions, comes the statement that â- 'â-  .iiniu a.tive influenza ill an acute form '„ reappeared in Poland, and London phy- •xYMif are discussing the question [whether lie iiiteniittioiuil curse is about to start on ,, ::..\v lo'.nid of harm while it has not yet e'.iHsted its evil work in England. Second :i;..Kks of tl'.f di.sease have been frequent in [,, ' linn ^1';; in.g the last two weeks, and there .,.'•, 'lo' a K'W villages in tlie Xorth that are HI ,1 having -L heir first experiences of influ- --....' 's new book will be issued about ;!.:-â-  "Uii vvL-tk in -June. Tha^PaH 3Iafl Oa- :â- â- ? fiomts out that while the Knglish edi- ;ii n ivi'I cost •'^lO-'iO, tlie French, which will ;i;;;ar at the same time, will be only 86. Tii-.:ir.-t Kiigli-sh edition will comprise 12,.000 i(|:-s. .Ailded to the sum of Stanley's dut; II..':-: liiiw an invitation from Lord Hers lii'li -.11 a[)j)e;ir before the Royal Commission .!: V.i.cin •,tiiin and to give his experiences v:.' '.Iin-^e of Surgeon Parke touching small- " '11 -Africa. ' 'â-  W'urliV.s Fair that is to be held in Chi Ml.' p made its appearance before Parlia- ii:i!); ;ii" other night aud had a chilling re- ;f'f. .-i.n. Sir .lames Fergusson, replying to lilt if.iestioii whether Great Britain would h' r.rK'ialiy lejitesented at Chicago, stated tlK;:tliL' :uatter would only be determined iiif I .. leview of the probable advantages nil,;" niiglit accrue to British interests, inl :h.»t it was not unlikely that manu- iii-Mitrs u'.ight to a great extent be deferred r:o- i^vniling their goods for exhibition if the .i::vrHi!ii customs duties Were such as to !ir-I::i!f tlicir profitable sale in the United Je-w-els in Pitch. ' ' jii:.siou is the most disinterested of :r. .in motives hut its "ifts biing noble ' I!-. i'borc is a (ireek story that an old 'â- â- ^ â- . pl--.:'-iI Iiy ])iratt's put up to be '!•! • -^ .1 .-l;, aud attractel no bidders, as -â- â- â€¢::iii| to be j)ast hard labor but finally â- ! â- â- ia::L named "yr'lius bougb.t liim, out :.,. :i;.ii gave hiii! his liberty. -\ -1 11^' ".iu- little belongings that the old ..! ';,til lic'i! allowed to keep were three or 'â- '" -M^^ of pitc-h.a commodity bardlyworth 1' t of its packing. To encourage him •iii-v.' his poverty-, the mercluint bought •:io. payiug haiiilsomely for them. ' M oiH'r were thetwomen by themselves, • ;: than tlie captive re])aid bis ])ene- I -^ m'uerosily by telling liiui that every i ill- licgs contained jewels hidden in the ami true enough, a search revealed 'itti .ii'iii to make two men's fortunes. ' .::iil women â€" aud children â€" who by â-  'h'istiau kindness are rescuing the "vL lifting up tlie jioor and reforming • -ious, may sooner oilater find, like :-. the I Ireek menhant, that they have â-  â-  ing jewels iu])itcli -enriching them- -^ -.iiile thinking only of others. The â-  "iiiau wlio awakened wicked John 'â-  1. conscience the kind man -vvho laid 'U the shoulder of poor, dissipated K. (fough the noble philanthropist â-  -.t'lcudcil the j-oung Japanese ruiia- J'j)h Neesima â€" how little they knew -;owii jewels they were redeeming sufi'erer or the sinner whom we rescue " 'ly ;.ot prove to be either a brilliant genius "â- â-  ct -xalted saint. There are few such. ^^""â- - viiat then It is enough that every Mvtd )iil is a gem, and every work of Clirist- "ii p::y serves Him who hides himself in the ^ery fiersous of the wretched, to answer for tiK: -.o oil:- kindness, " For I was an hung- I was a I was :ili.| pil. UC'll t'.-lli: tiie ' 1a â-  l!;=hv .loi;.) ^ilir ' V.-;,y V.i;' It'll. -!:d yi' iravc me meat. â- ^tr.irij^e; a-id ye took me in "' I' "S" i:. and ye came unto me." ,., â€" "Tliink not the jtood. it'.r "â- â-  " ^eo(ls of mercy thou hast done â- nail b" lor^otten all the poor, the prisoner, \vv. ' 'hor'c'ss. the friendless, and the widow, "no il.nly own thebounty of thy hand, ".i.- t.y to heaven, and piiU a bles.singonthee." The Luck he Had. 'â- .V'.il," said the merchant to the young "•-'rk â- .vlioni he had sent out collecting, "did yoa have any luck " -Vme."' 'â- 1 Siijipose you got the amount Mr. Fath- 'iiigton owes. You said he was a personal Wend of yours. " "No, I didn't get the money the fact is, i (Ion â- _ exactly know what to make of my *^P?rience there." "How was it â- ?"' "'I ".vent ill and said 'Mr. Fatherington, I called to speak about a matter â€" ' I didn't ^f/ ".â- â-  further when he put in with 'That's *•' p.yht, my boy she is yours take her *nu le happy '" The Soil Theory. Orat.n- â€" " Yes, gentlemen and fellow-citi- °^'„"ne wealth of a country is in its «oil " Old Hayseed (in back seat) â€" "Guess ye ^«\er tried farmiu' did ye?" '^- fate of a nation has often depended oa good or bad digestion of a prime minist- TOOTHAOHE AM) IHSJ) CUBE. Mr. Bowser Tackles tke S«al Bwitaess a««l FalU. After supper the other night Mr. Bowser went to his over coat pocket and got out a small book and began reading it, and after waiting long enough to let him understand that I had no curiosity on the subject I in- quired "Something new on poultry'" "No." t~ J- "It isn't Hoyle?" "No." "Well, what is it?" "I can tell you the title of it, but you can't understand. It is a very, very deep work." â-  c "Oh, it is: Y'ou can understand a very, very deep work and I can't." "Naturally. Man has the stronger, deeper mind, of course. The title of this work is "Nature's Diseases and Remediesâ€" Controlof the Body by the Mind." "Bosh ' "^\^lat what's that?" "You are too old to waste time on such nonsense, Mr. Bowser." "Nonsense Why, it's the plainest prin- ciple of philosophy in the world. The human body is but clay, the soul is immortal. The soul is the mind. The mind ought to be able to control the body. " "Y"es in some cases." "In all cases. Mrs. Bowser. For instance, you stub your toe. It hurts. You let your mind turn to something else aud the pain ceases. " "Humph " "That's it That's the usual way of the ignorant â€" ridicule what they can't argue and discuss in a sensible manner. I have often wondered if you really had a soul. " "Don't worry yourself, Mr. Bowser. If I haven't ttot any soul I've got some common sense." "Very well. It's no use to talk to a per- son brinight up in a log house on the edge of a huckleberry marsh. I know that the mind can control the body. You deny it. I hope to furnish you with proofs within the â- w-eek." He was to furnish them that night. We were about ready to go up stairs and he had been out bare headed and in. his slippers to see if the barn door was locked, when he suddenly gave a great start a,nd cried out "Gee â€" mi â€" my to Johnson " â-  "What's the matter " "That tooth tried to jump clean out of my head. Whew Yi Hang it " He sat down to hold his jaw and heave to and fro and I said "Your tooth jumps. Itlmrtsyou. Y'ou let your mind tui'ii to something else and the pain ceases." He looked up at me with the glint of pounded glass in his eyes and was about to leply in kind when the juniper jumped in on him again and he seized his jaw and yelled " Great Scots to scatteration, but I can't stand this Get me some camphor " I got him some and after a time the pain eased up and he went to bed. He expected me to say something about " Control of the Body by the Mind," but I was waiting. I knew that he wouldn't get off so easily and could afford to give him a little time. I was just falling asleep when Mr. Bowser sudden- ly- lifted his feet high in air and uttered a whoop which set a neighbor's dog to barking, followed by the remark " Thunder and lightiiin? " "Mr. Bowser, are you asleep " I asked. " Asleep 1 â-  No I'm dead Say, this infernal thing has come back on me Where's that camphor " • "On the bureau, dear, but it won't do you any good. " " Jewhittaker but she's jumping my jaw right out of its socket I've got to have something done for me or I won't live ten minutes I" "Pshaw, Mr. Bowser! Have some grit and spunk about you 1 What is a little toothache " " Grit grit " he shouted, as he danced on one leg. "I've got more grit than any seven families like yours rolled together but this is awful â€" awful Are you going to lie there and see me drop dead " " You can stop it if you will. Just lie down and put your mind at work. Think of something else. Think of lieing out in the woods at a May Day festival â€" beautiful flowers â€" happy children â€" green^" "Green â€" whoop â€" I â€" shut up!" he yelled. " Haven't we got any paregoric in the house "Yes, but it's down stairs in the medicine- box. Why don't you experiment a little, Mr. Bowser If there is anything in your theory now is a good time to try it. If you can imagine that â€" " ' ' Paregoric â€" peppennint â€" laudanum â€" hot ashes â€" hot salt â€" cotton batting " he howled as he pranced around and ifinally disappear- ed down-stairs. He was gone about five minutes and then came back on the jump with the box under his arm. He filled his mouth with pain-killer, tried mustard, flew to peppermint, and after exhausting all the remedies he jumped up and down in the middle of the room and yelled " Fire " I had to get up and go down and stir up the fire and make a warm poultice for his jaw and fuss around for an hour, and he finally gi-ew easier. Then I said to him " Mr. Bowser, you brought home a book last night.'" "Never!" ' Yon^ brought home a book about the control of the body by the mind." "No, Ididnt!" " In your argument you declared that the soul was the mind and that the mind had control of the body." " Get into bed and keep still." " No, sir Y*ou stub your toe. It hurts. You let your mind turn to some â€" " " I never said it " "Mr. Bowser, what cured vour tooth- ache â€" faith, imagination or liquids " "I â€" I â€" Who's talking about toothache? Mi-s. Bowser," you get into bed and go to sleep, and in the morning I'll have a long talk with you We don't seem to be mated to each other, and the matter can, probably j be arranged to our mutual satisfaction and -without publicity." Next morning he got do-wn stairs and got hold of the book first, and I afterwards found some leaves scattered in the back yard. O â€" r Gould Becommmd Ic Ciistomer â€" " I believe 111 try a bottle of your hair vigor. Will I be nmning any risk if I oae it on my hair " Barberâ€"" Oh, don't let tbat tooable yoa; it will OMne oat all right." I Fareiite Apples. One raised in a big orchard, and who is almost as great an admirer of the fruit as Bronson Alcott, with whom an oflFered apple was the sign of highest respect and fellowship, modestly suggests the following list, premismg that it would be well to find out before ordering the trees if any of the sorts named are apt to do poorlv in the soil of your localityâ€" yet many failures caused by neglect are charged to the variety. Early varieties Early Hardest, Red Astrachan, August Sweet, Summer Pippm, Sour Bough, Early Strawberry Bemis, Yellow Transparent. Autumn varieties Fameuse, Gravenstein, Fall Pip- pin, Spice Sweet, Alexander, Oldenburgh Strawberry, Pound Sweet, King. Winter varieties Northern Spy, Baldwin, New- town Pippin, Lady Sweet, Spitzenburg, Talhnan Sweet, Roxbury Russet, Golden Russet. Of the above the Har\-est, Astra- chan, Summer Pippin, Gravenstein, King, Baldwin and the two russets are as lik«ly as any to be profitable to plant largely for market. A number of the crab sorts will come good for preserves or market. It may he added that nurserymen are apt to countenance the plantuig of too many trees on an acre. Forty feet each way is close enough for standard apples.â€" [Charles H. Crandall. The Ghajm of Music. A new code of calming the nerves was one resorted to by a little girl who had to have two large teeth extracted. Theden- tist who was to pull the teeth has a panno in his reception room. His patient came and brought a little friend. Instead of pro^ ceeding to the chair, however, she pausad at the piano. "Would you like me to play for you, doctor ' said she. On receiving an affirmative answer she executed a gay waltz, and then said: "Perhaps you would like to h'ear both of us play. Shall we try a duet ?â- ' This accomplished, the young di- plomat offered to sing, and the doctor ex- pressing great delight at the prospect she did so; then tl;e two little girls sang to- gether, and then, having either gaiiied cour- age enough or recognizing that the evil hour could not be further delayed, she arose from the piano, walked composedly to the chair and stood the tooth pulling without a mur- mur^ "Soru to be Happy, ' so said Socrates so have reiterated many other philosophers in regard to human- ity. As health is the vitaJ. primipfe of blis-i, it is not only an imperative duty, but a -Bel- come privilege for every man and woman to maintain it in the highest degree. One of the most insidious and dangerous omissions in this connection is to neglect a tendency to constipation. The clogging up of the system with effete matter predisposes to disease, depresses the spirits, and creates gloom and despondency. The occasional use of Dr. Pierce's Plea.- ant Pellets will prevent a con- stipated hapi'.., clear the brain, sweeten the temper, (and we might add, the breath, also) and open a vista of happy activity possible only to the well regulated mind and body. The nurse of infidelity is sensualism- The outing cloths and tennis flannels come in lovely clustered and shaded stripes, the colors being more subdued and refined this season. Liver disease, biliousness, dyspepsia, or indigestion, and all derangements of the stomach aud bowels cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, or money paid for it returned. Satan o'ercomes none but by^ willingness. If you suffer from "cold in the head," or from Chronic Catarrh in the Head, use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It cures when everything else fails. Timidity is a disease of the miiid. All Men young, old, or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp- toms Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about tlie scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, simken eyes surround- ed with LEADEK CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc. are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send you, address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E. Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpita- tion, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats stroujr, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone,, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUBON. 50 Froht Street East, To- jonto, Ont. History is only the register of crimes and misfortunes. 502. $10, for men snd -woi • • AddrenT. â- r IIP pâ€" The Chea^st, Stron^st and Best Ft II b C Fence for Farm, Garden. Orchard, or Town Lots. Price:) from 45c per rod(16| ft.) Send' for price list.â€" Ter»at» Picket Wire Femee C*., ttl Klver St., T*r*mt*. B|7 Bookkeeping. Banking, Penmanship, Dl^ Shorthand, Type-writing, etc. at Cana- dian Business Univermtr tc Shorthand Institute Public Libiaiy BIdg., "Toronto. Circulars free. Tbos. Bengongh, Manager. CANCER andToraorSpeeiaUBt. Private ' Noknife. Book free O. H. MclIichacdJH.D..No. 83 Niagara street. BnflMo. N.Y FRONTO CUTTIXO SCHOOL. Scientiflo and reUaUe syatema tan^t, wheralnr Btylidt, periact-flttiiiar ganMBts are prodnoei Send for circular. CORRIOAK, Prop., 4 A.9.kideSt.WMt. I SCOTTS I I emulsion! DOES CURE CONSUMPTION In its First Stages. Palatable as Milk. Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggisis, at J 50c. and $1.00. J SCOTT BOWNE, BeUeville, J WlTnilPS rnrr " absolntelsrtre? to introdnce naiWnkO riltL onrgosds. -W-rite and be convinced. o Canadian Watch Co., Toronto, Can. EJQSIsa I.C.FELL CO^ ISVICTaRIA S' ENGR-AVING /^- JTC^JONES, FOR A^L V WOOD ENGRAVER. S,ADVERTlSiNG^-\;'° *^"^^^^?^^â- ^'"^^^• PURROSt.S, 0:' TORONTO, CANADA Stonemasons Wanted (Both Cutters and Builders) in Toronto at New Biological Buildings. a.iso at New Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park. AVagcs 3-21c. per hour. Apply, JOSEPH YORKK. Jar^is St. Wharf, Toronto. KNITTING MACHINE Send for Illustrated Catalogue land this advertisement with j-our lorderfor our.\ew.STAR RIBBEB [and we will allow you $10 PREMIUM DISCOUNT Address a Creelman Bros., M'fgrs, CiEOKCiETOVt'.V, OS RECORD â€" THB â€" Cheapest and BE.ST PIACE^ In America 'to buy Band and Musical Instruments, Ucsic, c Address WH.4I£Y, ROYCE Jt CO., 158 Tonge Street. Toronto. Send for Catalogue. Sever Failing St, Leon Up to three years ago Dyspepsia, that horrible sensation, wTetched pain and choking. The -ysry thought chills me. A friend got cured with St. Leon urged me to drink. I did. The choki ig lumps got softer and of tor. I was cured and remain in the very best of health. St' Leon Water will cure whec all other mixtures fail. George G. Wilson, Victoria Square, Montreal THE QUEEN'S LAUNDRY BAR. ASK FOR IT, AND TAKE NO OTHE» BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Trails Mark. Made b; The Albert Toilet Soa Oos ..o.nicToiia Or-uc UONXKEAL. B EATER LIBTE STEAMSHIPS. Sailing weekly between â- â€¢NTKBAI. and I.I%-ERr««I.. Saloon Tickets $40. |50 and 98k Return Tickets, 980, 990 and 91IO, according to steamer and accommodation. Intermediate 9tfL Steerage 920. Apply to M. E. MITKKAT, Gen- eral Manager CanadlaH SUpptes €•„ 4 Cos- TOM HotrsE Square, Montreal, or to Local Agents in all Towns and Cities. To The FurnitiireTiade AND Dealers in Furniture illpjiolstered Coeds We the undersigned beg to inform the Retail Trade that we have a full line of Furniture and Upholstered Goods, also a well assorted stock of Walnut, Parlor, Lounge, Sofa, Easy and other Chair Frames. The goods are -well finished and made of the best seasoned woods. Orders solicited. Queen City ffanufaetaring Coy, Ltd. 117 King: Street W., Toronto. DR. NICHOLS' -: Food of Health :- F*r CUIdren and Adults. Invaluable for Indlseation and Constipation. FRANKS CO., London, England, Proprietor Montreal Office, 17 St. John Street. Dr. T, R. Allinson. L.R.C.P., London, says:â€" " I like Dr.Nichols' ' Food of Health ' very much and find it of great dietetic value in many dis- eases. As a breakfast dish I prefer it to oat- meal. For the regulation of the bowels it can not be surpassed." Send for sample FREE. THE CONBOY CARRIAGE TOPS ARE THE BEST KNOWN. Their increasing popularity is a proof of their superiority. Be sure and get a Conboy top on your buggy. SOHO MACHINE WORKS, TOKO.tTO. CAXADL^LX AGENTS FOR CO P9 CD The demand for Foot Power Machinery is increasing every year. No Carpenter can afford to be Svvithout Foot Power Kip and Cross Cut Saws, Former, Tenon Machines, etc., etc. Send for catalogue. OHDtXTRACI o » THE WONDER OF HEALING 1 CUBES CATABBB, HHETTUATISU, KSTT- SAIiaiA,SOSTHBOAT,FILES,WOTJlTI)S, BUBITS, FEUALS COUFLAINTS, AID BEUOBBEAaES OF ALL EQTDS. VsedlnfemaBySSxk'Tiilly. Prieea BOcfl^iWii rOlIS'SEZTBACTCO.lTewY « SiLoodoB M^N IS, ALL THE WORLD OVER Johnston's Fluid Beef Is used as a Stren^tli Giving^ Food for Invalids and Convalescents. TO THB EDITOR:â€" Please biform yonr readers that I I Ave a positive rwnedv for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeleso cases have been permanent^ cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con- sumption if they will send me their Esnress and Post Office Address. Respectfiilly, T. A. SLOCUM. M.C.I ise Weat Adelaide St., TOROMTO, ONTARIO. FHfllNFS lOILERS I waterotjs engine works oqi, CRVIIICdf DUIUlId, I BRANTTORO AND WINNIPEG. SAW MILLS. ICURERTSIfgs kawatbHinlnniacalB. I MBAM AIIADieALOUIIB than â- IH li M mirl-mmnm â- i efcwi M « Hfa Iomt midy. Iwammt AWAY VEAny. to stop tea teaotnow nlnniacalB. I MBAM ARADieALOURB »r Pmmng BleHwiM « Hfa loiy midy. Iw K RaesiiMatfaorshaMftdlodiaaBrTaasMtei w â- ot May far a trial. aa i t,wM c w yoo.. AJjrpM l» MS fntT /IBSUII0S 9fmUTt TOWMTflb 11 P. â- Mi

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