Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 May 1890, p. 4

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 **!? C. W. Eutledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, MAY 15, 1890. MARKDALE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. The annual meeting of Markdale Mechanics' Institnte was held on Thursday evening last in the Council Chamber Wm. Lucas, Esq, president in the chair. The following report was read by 'the Secretary. T. L. Aloffat, jr., for year ending 80th April, 1890 (1) Receipts. $172 00 (2) Expenditures........ 160 40 (8) Stock and assets.... 813 82 (4) Liabilities 20 00 }So. of Volumes purchased ,. 186 " in Library......... 411 " " issued 1906 •• " of Fiction issued. 818 •" '• daily newepapers. 2 •" " weekly " 16 " " magazines 8 The Institute was thus found to be in a vigorous, healthy condition. There is yet room for material growth and it is expected that the year now entered upon will be one of unpreced- •ented growth. Many in the surround- Btandard Corretpondmet. Feasgar maidk. Was it a. Ghost â€" One night recent- ly as Mr. was proceeding along tihe road he was startled to hear some one call him by name. Diligent search proved all in vain, when suddenly a shadowy figure glided noiselessly by disappearing in the darkness. "Home sweet home,' and the ^eld was left to his ghostsbip. Bains' drill has reached the stream and Artley has equipped the well for Mr. Longheed. Mr. Neely had sheep worried by dogs. Halbert Bros, have lost a valuable spring colt; Why, all this rush to Rocklyn is filling- tenders, don't ytu see, ior W. Neely's farm has now cjliucgad bauds, Lougheed's tender b«Dg the highest of the three. Ed. Steer, our euterprising book agent, was home for a few days, his pilot, George Basset, being ill with measles. Would those young lads who are accustomed to giving impudence to respectable people like to appear be- fore a tribunal, if so keep on. From early morn till dark at night arbor day was spent with great de light Tuilidh ra leatvin. KoUanA Csatre. ing neighborhood as well as m the i Toronto Standard Correspondence. Miss Mary Webster is back from Toronto. Miss. C. Campbell, is home from Tillage would find it a pleasant and •profitable investment. Only .$1 for membership for a year, which will entitle them to all the priyileges of both the library and reading room. There is in the latter two daily papers, sixteen weeklies and eight magazines, tind upwards of four hundred volumes of books. We are pleased to see mem- bers from quite a distance, even from Vandeleur, which is five miles distant. OFFICEBS. i oUowmg is a list of the officers elected for the ensuing year, viz W. J. McFarlaod, Preaident. J. C. Henry, Vice-President. P. McCuliough, 2nd Vice-President. T. L. Moffat, jr., Secretary. Fred W. Moffat, Librarian. Wm. Lucas, Treasurer. DIKECTORS. William Brown, R. S. Rae, C. W. Rutledge, A. McFarland, S. Hill, Wm. LvIcLoughry, Geo. Wright (Vandeleur), H. Glendenuing, Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mrs. P. McCuliough, Mrs. C. W. Rutledge and Miss Bella Benson. MIDNIGHT MECHANICS. On Friday night last the store of Robert Trimble, Flesherton, was en- tered and about $800, worth of goods carried away consisting of fine' gloves, handkerchiefs, gents' fine shirts, hos- iery, combs, brushes, jewellry and such small merchandise. Entrance was effected by prying open the front door with a crowbar. The burglars narrow- ly escaped a roll of bills amounting to over $200, which had not been put in the safe. Two suspicions looking char- acters were seen in Markdale the pre- vious day who are thought to be the guilty parties. A burglary in Mj. Forest recently is thought to have been committed by the same gang. There is no clue to the thieves. XeafbrdSoad. Standard Corresvondence. The farmers of this vicinity have been somewhat delayed with their seeding by the wet weather that we have had lately. Our school trustees have been im- proving the school grounds by having a new picket fence erected '(hereon. Mr. Stamborskie being the contractor, and Mr. Ferris the architect. Mr. S. Gilbert has also enclosed his premises with a picket fence. Mr. W. Buchanan, jr., has the ma- terial on the ground for a new frame bam which he intends building this summer. Mr. J. Graham baa taken advantage of the tree planting act. He has planted a row of shade trees on the road in front of bis farm. Kr. T. Eells was down to Ottawa as a delegate from the Gentnd Farm- mi' lostitate in eooneetion inth the Wm. Foster, Jr., lost a fine mare recently. Miss Mary Fee departed for Toronto on Tuesday last. Rey. A. Thibadeau was visiting friends near here recently. Samuel Greenaway is home from the Hospital. We hope he will soon be all right. R. Carnhan sold his place to Alex. Shute, who has already moved into our village. The Quarterly Meeting of the Meth- odist Church was not as large as usual owing to the weather. A cow belonging to Carson Price, recently gave birth to twin calves. John Hampton also owns a cow which had twins recently. We are pleased to see that Henry Silverlock, after his misfortuue, is able to be about again, though not alto- gether well. Entehpbise. â€" After three years of married life, the wife of Mr. Fred Walker presented her husband with a baby on the 27th ult. The quarterly election of officers of Albert Lodge. L O. G. T. which took place on the 24th ult., resulted in the following being elected :^W. C. T., F. W. Walker; V. T., M. Sutliff; Sec, Willie Spears F. S., Miss A. Erwin T., Jennie Crowther C Thos. Fee; M., Geo. Anderson G., F. Troughton S., Eh. Anderson. DISTRICT DOTS. Walter Wright, aged 28. suicided by hanging at Ottawa on Tuesday. On Monday last Berlin carried by- laws to aid in establishing a machine shop and piano factory. Mr. E. E. Sheppherd»of Toronto, has accepted the Conservative nomin- ation for Haldunand, for the coming Ontario elections. At Cambleford, on Monday last, a boy named William Wynn, aged 13, and his grandmother, aged 80, were burned to death in a burning dwelling. Thos. Pell, a man of 65 yrs, fell in- to a chute in the upper story of Hodd Cullen's flour mill, Stratford, on Tuesday last and was smothered to death. The jewelry store of H. R. Patter- son, Lakeeld was broken open on Monday morning and about $1500 worth of watches and jewelry taken. No clue. The Standard and Venture powder and dynamite factories at Brockville caught fire on Sunday causing an ex- plosion which shook the neighborhood and broke the windows of surrounding buildings. The Harriston Tribune says:â€" On Friday last William Austin died at Fer- gus. HisremaiuswerebronghttoHar- ristou on the Saturday night train by the members of the Foresters Lodge, and interred in the Harriston cemetery beside the remains of his wife, two daughters and two sons, all of whom died inside of ten months. In the death of Mr. Aostin a whole famify, who a few years ago bid fair to live their allotted time, is wiped oat, except one son a lad of aboat ten years. It is one oftheBaddestcaaee that li»8 ooQioted in UMm foB Bam a «ai^, â- WUMII. ARE HALF SOLD. The commercial community has long ago recognized this fact and in no place is the truth of this better ex- emplified than in th e btl$y StOrO o fW. J. MCFARLAND, who is recijguized as being the keenest, closest auil best buyer iu !iis particular line of business iu Canada. ffH^^ ^^CHABM) Which fills my store with eager customers who know that they get a decided advantage by dealing with me. AND WHY NOT If you fiddle to most people and supply them with the right music they will dance to it every lime. IT IS NATURAL. I have been a little over 25 years playing the one tune. I ought to know it, what is It 1 hardly any need tell my customers. tS'This IS it. The Goods you want, prices lew, quality right. 1 intend to stick to this tune uud play it without variation through c E OHflE AND SEE US. T *^"\^^,f\^,y^^ What we offer you fancy. We offer the newest goods, patterns and styles in the offer you the best value you ever received. Wo offer the widest choice for taste market. \- Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Millinery, Boots Shoes, Eeady Made Ordered Clothing, Gents Fnrnishlags, Notions, c. The departments are fall of new goods boQght for spot cash in the lowest and best markets. No Reliance placed on anything to sell or re- commend these goods but the goods themselves. Above me atanda no eompetiiut stocks, Bdov me lies no eompeting prioes. W. J. M§FARUND, PRINTS. 100 pieces, fast colo.-s, 82 inches widp,. from 10 cents a yard up w have marked them low to sell them quick.- Seeieuckers aud Ginghamsfto!! 7^ cents up. Good washers. DReSS GOODS In all the'now colorings. See our all wool silk fiuisli Henrietta clotbg, nearlv 4 feet wide, black and colored, for less than others are sellia^ the same goods for. A beautiful line of Plaids, plain and fancy Dress goods at 25 cents, also a special line at 12^ cents, cheap at 20 cents. PKRKSOLS. Long and short handlftB, from 25 cents up. You will save money bv bajino Parasols from is. Full lines in Gloves, black aud colored, extra value. ' Shirtings from 8 cents per yard up, fast colors. We are selling Gotten- ade at 25 cents, as good as you paj 30 cents for most places. All wool Tweed at 85 and 50 cents, beats anything you ever saw. We show tfcebest line of $1.00 Twt^eds for suitings t«) be found, 40 patterns to choose from. In fine Pantings and Black Worsted we are doing the trade. If you wants nobby suit for spring come to us. ' HATS, FELT AND STEAW. We are having a grand sale. Ask eight out of ten town boys "Wliers did you get that Hat " and they will answer at Mercer's. We have a special line just to hand called the "Eazzle Dazsler" which must go fast as they m the latest out. Come and get one, EEADT MADE CLOTHING for men and boys, all sizes. Boys' suits from $2.00 up. Men's suilBfroM $5.00 up. Gents, we have the best line of Pants at §1.50 and §2.75 yon ever sat iu. If you doubt it try a pair. Water-proof Coats, Overalls an4 Shirts cheap. Two pairs men's Braces for 25 cents. BOOTS AND SHOES. We are headquarters. Men's Plow Boots from §1.00 a pair up. Boys' good strong Boots from 50 cents a pair up. Ladies' and children's, all sizes, as good as the beet and cheaper than the cheapest. CKOCKERY GLASSWAEE. We have the most complete collection in town. We give yeu the biggest choice and alao the best prices. GEOCERIES. • Our 25 cent Japnn Tea is givmg great satisfaction. Try our 50 ceat Black Tea, just to hand. Pure Coffee, grouud out of the bean by ourselves, the only place you can get it. Thirteen bars Soap lor 25 cents. No. 1 hat- ing Powder only 25 cents per lb. every lb, guaranteed to give satisfactiOD or money refunded. Why pay 50 cents? Full stock of Canned good., Spices, c. We lead in low prices: We give Cash Buyers the best value for then money. We are never undersold. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. Thanks to all our friends for past favors. We wish every bod.v^o )^"JJ I that we are giving greater bargains than ever. The bigger you buy tlie Dei we can sell. Come and see us and profit by our bargains. H.7VTERCER JrVe ^e M. M.^ T MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE. Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, ENGg and FEENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH MELTONS. 'i'ROWSbmj" in all the leading grades, SBIRTS, SOCKS and UNDEBWEAB, i^"' COLLARS. CUFFS, SUSPENDERS, c., c, upc^shinel Special attention is invited to the manufactare of Buttons; P*"'f ^^ then buttons of same material as their Karments, either ladies or gentlemen, can n i made in a tew minutes while waiting. AGENT FOB PABKBB'S DYE WOEKS- Tailoring done as nsual. Custom work will receive careful wa Good work and neat fits. FARMERS and MILLM£N ABE USING WITH PERFECT SAnSFACTION McCoM's CEIEBRATED LARDIME AND â- i ' %^ T^^-?. â-  J. at. NONE GENUINE UNLESS B HANDED McColl Bros. Co., Toronto- Sold by J. E. TRELPOBD, Markdaie^ â- "i"fl,"r"r' JOSEPHXRIS JOTTmaS, T£»-'o?r^ torewMweod B««nrd's xeuow Oil It u » sore oore lor ohaineA tandi, f welliagB, sore tbioat. oroop, eis." I*rfie.*ho»™t«.nfflef,'^Jp?S'l the dun or cracked^ ^t°at^«"'ft ;p»riiiMi Bahu in the ho^_ •» I fuQy fKtamtd and Bofte" bniitifle%!^e skin,. â- iiiftiHiiiiaM

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