tfrnmir â- â- ^ â- u,i^J'^.Kâ- Jr.- • •i^nf. I3ii Aftal Act. ti„ Wakes His Three Chi- ^^dren fromT^eir Sleep Then Drowni Them in a Barrel. And' _.„ the Cause-THe Demented "" Attempts Suicide. SHBCBSE. Ont., April 24.â€" A. terrible occurred this morning a mile and a ^Dorth of Here at the residence of DioBiss Morrison. Mrs. Morrison had jfone from lioine for a couple of days to visit ' ci sistfir, leaving her husband with five lildren, the eldest a girl of 13 years of age, ij the others ranging in age down to a bright ,irtleladof2year8. Ihe youngest slept with his eldest sister. (fMn the latter awoke this morning she was. jised to find that he was not by her side. Sjie went m search of him, and to her horror loondthe little boy stifiin death laid out upon J noilt on the kitchen floor. Beside him lay (liebodiesof his sister, aged 5, and his bro tiier aged 7. A barrel half full of water stood in one corner of the room. By the .dripping of the water on the door the tale was told of 4eir death by drowning. llorrison could not be found. On a table ij the dining-room was a cup strongly smelliu!; of carbolic acid and an ounce bottle o/tbedruR two-thirds full. The murderer fis found vTiithing m agony on the bank of a creek a quarter of a mUe from his house. Moirison is partially conscious. His re- (jyery is doubtful. Ko reason can be assigned for the awful act Hcept temporary insanity. Morrison had al np been a kini and indulgent husband and (atier. LATKR KEPOBT. Shelbukne. April 23. â€" The triple tragedy macted yesterday morning at the Morrison homestead is still the topic of conversation. Until to-day there appeared no happier family in the township of Melancthon.- Morrison. tie poor, dementedmurderer, is the possessor ofajjood farm, free from all encumbrance, snd was in f ac t very well oft. He en j oy ed the respect of all his neighbors and is well con- nected. This evening he lies in a darkened room, hanging between life and death, with the mark of Cain on his brow. In the next loom are the bodies of his three little ehildren, murdered by his own hand, At ttie back of the bed lies the eldest of the dead children, abright littlo gul named Arabella, 7 years of ige. â- At the front is Thomas James, 5 years of age, and between the two lies William Edgar, aged 2 years. A TALK wn;H THE MOTHEB. The heart-broken mother is an intelligent woman about 35 years of age, being much younger than her husband, whose age is given M 54, Mrs. Morrison spoke in kindly terms with reference to her husband. She said he was a kind husband and an inaulgent father, and she could not imagine what led him to commit such a terrible ciime. She said he iad been ill during the past month, and that 'ery often he was despondent and would tell W that he could not recoyer. He had never "een confined to bed but appeared to be mel- aaeholy and complained about a pain in his iead. Last week he told his wife that he W3 troubled about what would become of the tluee youngest children in case anything happened to him. He evidently had the idea liat he was leaving property enough to sup- port his Tife and the two eldest children, and ««lTed the problem by murdering his favorites. THE FATHEB. Dr. Norton examine a the unhappy man's Palse, and while doing so Morrison oaid: "Victor, don't be bothering me. I am going *0D. You cannot do me any good." He spoke in a louder tone: "Oh, doctor Mare hurting me. Don't? lam going ' down, the last three weeks, and all â„¢ medicine you could pour into me would ^» me no good." Dr. Norton then asked him "wfoUowing questions: â„¢cin, do you remember what yoa did ' night?-' "Did you go to bed last night " Mrs. Hotnatm UMlSanh Eli«vher eldest ' d««**a wye «HdMMe both tastifj^ing to the kind dispe^ra of Ife. Morrison, also to his reeeol Illness tad cfespondeni^. Mr. Moi-- rison hadieooTeiadtetk strength of body and reason by Sunday to make his will, bat d«med not to remember anything whateyCT ojfthesad affair. On Monday morning the nnfortonate man died and an inqoest held the same day. An accidait happened last December by which deceased fell ont of the rig in which he was riding causmfr a severe pain in the head and which troubled him oocasionally afterwards. THE POST-UOBTEM. Dr. Bolstine was sworn and read a state- ment of the result of the post-mortem examination on the boby of the deceased, as follows We found the body as a whole in an anaemic and generally emaciated condition. An examination of the brain revealed a con- gested and abnormally thickened and unduly adherent state of the membranes in both hemispheres. The brain substance itself pre- sented an unhealthy appearance, and the pons varolu was evidently in a state of incipient softening. On examination of the thoracic viscera wo found the various organs in a mod- erately sound condition, and the same may be said to apply to the organs of the ab- dominal cayities. John Babb, M. D. HeHBT J. BOLSIIKE. M. D. To the county attorney Dr. Bolstine stated that the abnormal adhesions which existed between the brain substances,, its membrane and the surrounding bones of the head were in all probabihty due to some ccngestion of the brain and its membranes years ago. The brain was in a very unhealthy condition, and I am sure its state would accotmt for his temporary insanity. I hold his brain was largely responsible for his death, but death was accelerated by his exposure on the night of the tragedy, and more particularly as his frame has been much weakened by previous illness. John Barr, M. D., sworn, said I corrobo- rate the foregoing evidence of Dr. Bolstine I might sar as I examined deceased before death that I found evidence of his having taking carbolic acid, but in a small quantity. It alone- would not have caused death. I had treated deceased for some two or three weeks before his death. He was very melancholy. ' His debility might have been largely due to the state of bis brain. It is quite possible for one to be insane for a short time and perfectly sane to all appear- ance soon after. Further, one mKy be insane on certain sabjects and sound on others. The jury then retired and were out for a few minutes, and then brought in the follow- ing verdict: Death occurred or was occasioned from an abnormal condition of the brein, together with a generally debiUtated state of the system, also accelerated by exposure, shock, and possibly by attempts on his own life while laboring under a fit of temporary insanity. IL h d m z X b TO THE TvmN ' e wiU guarantee you money in pocket by calling on as. i IS 9 (U S o .2 â€" o §§ Id a rA o u Ji i] 58 K R (!) • a on m o o o M O •29 Q -TO- F-ARIVTEJRS â€" AVX â€" We solicit a share of your pat- ronage and will do as well for you as any others in our line. (» (I) p hi L E LECTRIG LIGHT OB MO â€" ELECTRICLIGHT -THE- BEST PUCE TO GET YOVR TIMOTHY imS DYSPEPSIA. euHES DTSPEPSM; CURES DYSPEPSIM, D16ESTI0N. Mr. Naa HoKM]. of Iieiih, Ont., writes: DsAB 8iBa,^For vaan and rixslsufferedtromayniepsia its worst fonns, «Ba anet tryins all meeim in my power to no purpose I WMparsnaded by Mends to try B£B~ which I did. and after using 6 bottlas I was oomplately mued. CHOICE GROCERIES. FORD'S and get a grist excliang- ed and you will say that Ford gives the best satisfaction of any mill in the county. If you intend purchas- ing E^X-OTTIB caU and get our prices, as I bought a quantity of superior wheat cheap and can afford to sell at a small margin. J. W. FORD. -IS A1- STEPHEN'S DBUG STOBB. pures COttSTIPATIOn Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION ACTS ON THE BOWELS. DxAB Bibs,â€" I have tiled your B.B.B. with great success for oonatipatioa and pain in my bead. The second dose made me ever so much better. My bowels ^ow move freely and the pain in my head has left me, and to everybody with the same disease I reoommend B. B. B. Miss F. Wicsiams, 113 Uloor Bt., T»onta Cures BILIOUSNESS, Cures BIUOUSNESS. Cures BtUQUSNESS. •m • NOTICE. QUICK REIJEP FOB HEADACHE Had suffered with headache, and tried everything I could think of without effect until I used Burdock Blood Bitters, which releived me right away, and I am now re- markably well. Annie Torangean, Glen Almond, Que. DISTBICT DOTS. Orangeville treasury was replenish- ed to the tune of $50 last week, by fines imposed on country roaghs who had imhibed too freely. Darhamis now hghtedby electri- city, and the citizens are. so far, well pleased. The new town of Little Current was to nominate its first Mayor and council on Monday, 21st April. Notice is hereby given that William Gregory, a youth of 16 years left his home, at lot 19. con. 9, Eaphrasia, on Tuesday last, April 15. He is small of his age, dark complexion, clad with fallcloth suit. The youth was procured from the Guthrie Home, London, seyeu years ago and must be returned, according to agreement, if not wanted, or if required by the Home. Any information as to his whereabunts will be thsnkfullyreceived John Manabst, Bocklyn P. O. SOTICE TO CREDITORS Where will we get our GARDEN SEEDS Echo answers STEPHEN'S DRUG STORE, WHT â€" Because every package of seed IS pat up by himself â€" He can offer freslier seeds, and more in a package than those' put up by outside men â€" as he don't have to pay them a profit lor putting up. REGULATES THE UYER. SIvect Vf oo£ SiBS,â€" I was troubled for fife years with Ijiver Complaint. I used a great deal of medicine which did me no good, and X was getting worse all the time itntif I trwd Burdock Blood Bitters. After taking four bottles I am now well. I con also recomraiend it for tlie ouxe of Svspepsia. illax A. E. Dkaoon, Hawkstone, Ont. Rurdcck Bitter. REGULATES THE KIDNEYS. Cures HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE. AnoBspt Ohm. Dbab Bms,â€" I was very bad with headache and pain in my back; my hands and teeb. swelled so I could do no work. My sister-in-law advised me to try B.B. B. With one bottle I felt so much better that I got one more. I am now well,, and can work as well as ever. Amiix BtmGBss, Tilaonborg, Ont. 1»etoad aa It before daylight that you wen* up "Bo to John iJtanford's ♦" yon remember seeing John Lindsay »asmade, 'as in '«t night ' " all these questions no reply whatever Dr. Norton then told him that he serious condition. He said: '•You ^y recover, bat the probabihties are that 'ill not," and urged him if he had any '«ment to make that now was the time. "ae was no response. ^Coroner Norton had a jury sworn in, and ""quest will commence at once. Mor- ""onis XABSOALX VIIXAOB OFflCUlS. Beeve. W. J. McParland Cbuncil-Wm. Brown Jno. Lyons, Geo. Haskett and Angus ?SS B.C.Wen, Clerk;^W. L. Young, Treasurer; Fred. Sarjeant, Pound-keeper Bobt. Askin, police constable. PubUo School Trustees "Wm. Lucas, J. LyW^ Edward Rntledge. H. D. Irwm. J. S. Mercer, and W. A. Brovm, Sec. GOmm OFFIOAM. Judge, 8. J. Lane. Owen Somid. S C. H. Moore. Owen Sound. Cl«*of Pace. W. AUnstaronr, O. Sound. C^ John Butherford. Owen Sound. tSmoXs. J. Parker. Owen ^nnd. Oomtv Warden, Chas. Moffat. Edge HiU. S^aJ^N^ B. MoKnight, Owen Sonnd. ^T^' 8. Tbos. Lauder, Durham. Berisuu? Barrister. ^North, Judge Lane. **XS2?'*i«ri«ter. South East. Judge BBAA 88TATB ASB OOOSS OV KAinUOB SmAV SEOaABBD. Just Arrived BARBEL OFGUUBiRlSALTS, 1 BARREL OF EPSOM SALTS. ^Bmab -BMTERt PURIFIES THE BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Bad Blood may arise frMn wrong action of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. B. B. B.,- by regulating and toning these organs, removes, the cMise and makes new rieb blood, removing all blood diseases from a phnple to a sorofnlons sore.. â€"IT PAYS TOâ€" BARREL OF SULPHER. 1 BARREL OF SMLTPETER. -AT- snfferinK from congestion of the Innga, '/•a by exposure. He was a udbu, 'Hons and honest man, and up to the '^t time bore an unblemished aharaotav, ^*«Ua, the eldest of the mordered diO. j^^ slept in a bed in the same room ai har ^« Alexander, one of the sunriTing f^J^' Thomas James slept with hi« Wo*" William Edgar was in Hia jjj^oed as his 13-year.old sister. NaitlUr wJ y^" " «»e bjy Alexander hand aW "l«nngtherugl,t/. ;,^ .* J, IH« W«U«I«. ' *.-^ *^Vr' *«25th'*T*.?'*» begun on fbeembmM^ V " J. P. McMillan, (^oontf ^AMHiMrf -s,^ ,1^ O^ngeville,. l»,ked after SSr% "^^ ., East, T. B. Sproide, M,r M. P.. Sooth. Geo Landerkin, 1I.P â- u x a.»rfh.Oao Landerkin. M.U..ii«n- "^M P P North. D. Cieighton. Toronto. 2:1:1: S-t^Bork^C^burg M. P. P.. South. J.Bljth, Opchard. pinaioa cow outaxB »•. 1, BwnAJle^ OwwBgond. .. «. David Jaok«m,^ihjim4 1 1 j;hB'3S«S:ch.t««uu •I 8. Wa. BMw Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O. Chapter 110, that all persons having claims upon or against the estate of Maurice Dulan, late of the township of^the conhty of Grey, Farmer, who died on or about the thirteenth day of April, A. D., 1857, am on or before the aoth DAT OF VAT, A. D. 1880, to ^end by post prepaid or delivered to the undersigned Sohcitor for Thomas Dulan the Administrator for the said deceased a state- ment in writing of their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims and the nature nf all securities (if any) held by them. And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date the said Adminis- trator will proceed to disthbute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above i equired and the said Adminis trator will not be responsible for the assets or any part theieof so distributed to any person ol whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived at the time said distributiDn ia so made. Dated at Markdale this 1st di^ at AprS, A. D.. 1890. P. McCULLOUOH, SoUdtor lor Administntar. STEPHEN'S DRUG STORE. Entropliy Gondiient the great Horse, Cows, Calves, Sheep, Pigs and Poultry Spice is taking the lead. AND THVT IS 1HB Irtlisn Mm Coleje â€" (-F â€" OWKTV »01TIN1.^ The best and most practical course of tfudy::. The best teaching talent. -The bent accommodation tor students. The l)est -jnethods of instruction. The heRt rusnlts from that instcuctJo^Kafter ' students j^arluate. For iianuiU annooncement giv^ pirtk;a]sm y regardin,; the course of study, teems o.,aAdreSi^, C. A. FIiEMIK». PBUfOPAl,. WIND MILLS WsDKBBDAT April SO, 1890. Fall WhsAt t 80 19 • 9B. Spring Wheat..... 80ta 9^ BaricQr .«••••••.••«*«••.*•. s^io. ao Oata ................••«-..• ^** ** PaB«e.«...-.....M*»-****.»^** •*â- •• W 9nttav ••♦.,••.•••••*♦••.-*•••*' -•• s^ A* wBB* -1" --^ »-* -A.».^. ..-.â- yw Hsj'..... ..,....,»«. ♦ €0^ Q 88 ifgUtom. per b«8.. ..♦...,•*. Wj'^- ^J* :« .« »#»3»»« f.*.* ••.»• •»â- - • ^^'PP -«r. 88^ KTopl.; More Kutntiotis, Bett-- er Milk|G-6nerato9[^£:a- riches the Butter, jG^eeat Whoah ^fodiKjeir^: Xf :fo hAv^ liak sed it, jaegfil^ it wiUc aBtonish yam. Uarkdslu Pump busi- ness I wish to annonnee to the publicrthat 1 1 prepared to- .fill orders TOT all kinds of pampa.. 9s WtOl Pnmpa^ VsceenHBps, atatan trutt Villa: WIU also oontinne to nuSufacturo Wind MUls. rftber for power or pnmpiui; purposes. And. btrfrg a practical imecbamc. I (eel eonfldeak of ttirning out work that eaouotfiai to give sctistaeUea. Bepairing tdoae. AlLi^vorlr guaranteed. Orders a llistanee will receive psitionlar and prampt ' u.^ Call on or address. JEPFEEY ABTLEY, Mnrkdale. i %L, H3 NOTieCe imwviiBumi,^ m- I.- ii â- ' 1 ' -.y- i' i I-. {jl I â- f â- â- ,â- â- ♦.â- ' II H,. I *â- I' ^â- ^* -i, 'I â- n' I ^^^^tsii