i:«Vj â- w^ â- â- â- t^'f I i\ *â- â- •â- p h li i|!-: !l 1 â- Ml 1 BH k I ^- A-*. mt (marSMfe anbat*. O. iW" RuUedge, Proprietop. MABEDALB, APRIL 17, 1890. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" It is annoanced that Fremdent Harrison will stund for a second term. â€" Two families of sixteen persons in Arkansas ate a wild turkey, and .twelve will probably die. â€" ^The Dominion Government has decided to give a subsidy to the Hod- son Bay Bailway Company. â€" Miss Wright's evangelical meet- ings have been resumed in Hull, Que., withomt any opposition. â€" It is proposed to erect a monu- ment in memory of the late Dr. Cron- in, murdered va. Chicago. to Dondalk, Miss Loey Jackson Idt for Owen Sound to wmJc at the dress- making, which leaves young Joe. without a housekeeper. We hope to soon see the vacancy filled. Karkaway. %dard Correspondence. Mr. Irwin has completed Mr. Long- head's well to the rock, some twenty- six feet. Mrs. Baumgartner has migrated south. Mr. Carbert has leased Mr. Baum- partner's farm. Mr. Thos. Bassett has leased T. Walter's farm. T. Wright has moved to the Ford farm. Several have tendered for W. Neely's place, (juess who'll get it Mr. J. Steer's tenant has arrived and taken possession. Mr. Bobert Jerry, of Keppel, is moving to our village. A few cases of measles are in the neighborhood. Good sugar weather. One of our young people went a long way to a iaSj pull and didn't get much. Guess the Editor had just left. Inooomito. KOCUTII. Standard Correspondence. Oceans of mud and rivers of slush. Euphrasia going ahead. All the farms unoccupied last year have been tenanted this year, and we will likely have a second deputy-reeve next year. Bocklyn iSpriag Show the 25th instant. Mr. Hugh Curry intends raising the frame -work of hi? blacksmith shop iliis spring and utilizing the upper story for a carriage and paint shop. Messrs. Mercer and Young have purchased several valuable horses in Euphrasia, paying as high as $180, to be shipped to British Colurabia. Dr. Sproule, M. P., is doing all be can at Ottawa to procure the establish- ment of a post office in New England. Mr. Chas. Morwood is buildmg a large frame barn this spring. Large quantities of maple syrup are being made and we hope to have a taffy pull ere long. McGlNTY. Holland Ceatr*. Standard Correspondence. Wood piles are on the fall. Wm. McCdnn has rented his farm to Geo. Mackay, Mrs. Hartley returned from New- market recently. John Troughton left here for To- ronto recently. G. J. Blyth, editor Chataworth News, gave us a call recently. C. P. B. trains are taking away timber from here for Owen Sound dry dock. James Hamilton is back from the shanties. He expects to go to Mon- tana. U S., soon. John Green away was down to To r»uto last week seeing his brother Sam. at the Hospital. Mabter John Hartley has chanced his mind und left for Harriston High School mstead of Owen Sound. Bobert Campbell, Jr., is back* from the Michigan lumber shanties after an absence of a year and a half. Miss Lizzie Love is recovering from typhoid fever lu the Toronto Hospital where^ she had lately accepted a situation. 'â- ^:\. '\- Mrs. Wm. Eirkton, wild lias baj «n fttttujk of "La Prippe," Allowed by inflammation is not yet out of dangw. Samuel Greenaway who got his 'ko««iiart last fall, lias beeif oUkeit to go to the ronHtoI^Boipitai. %e is now andetignttg operations tbsre. 'mM^^m^^^ aof " ^midalk. atamdard Correttondme*. Messrs. John and Will. Calhoun left on Friday last for British Columbia. Quite a number of friends gathered at the rtation to see them off Our new tonsorial artist has arrived and as a number oi the boys have been induced to ape the manners of men, they too forsooth must get shaved. Dondalk Annual Spring Show for entire horses will be held on Friday, April 25th. A fight occurred on the street on Saturday evening. Constables Mc- Connell and Peterson happened to be near and they each collared one of the pugilists, walked them to the Beeve's office, where they were promptly fined $4 each, and it was all over before many minutes had passed. That's the way to do it. Graham Co. have the plans out for a handsome brick store oa the corner of Holland and Proton streets. It will be one of the most convenient m the county and will present a very handsome appearance from both streets. The work will.be commenced forthwith. Say, Mr. Editor, there is a report here to the effect that your good-look- ing foreman will soon rejoice in the bliss of married life. Please tell us if the report is true, as we have often heard such reports of the same gentle- man, and as olten have been disap- pointed. His friends here would Uke to know, so that when he passes through with his fair bride, slippers and rice may be in plentiful supply. Will, is a steady, industrious young man and we are quite sure he is loving too. To be sure he is young yet, but he will make a good partner for some one. T. W. Biitledge, the Grocer, Markdale. s ^i^^ â- ™» UCT OAX. Come all my good people I would have you take it cool While I speak of a contagion Which broke out in a school. There is Mr. WilUam Bobinson Two clever twins has he, And he sas from the malady He 13 certain they are free. Then we come to Jimmie Henderson Wlio lives down by the lake Who keeps his children all at home For fear the plague they'd take. Next we come to one John Kelly Who was 1 ~d to make his brags. That they couiu find no plague marks On his litde £atie Nags. The next is Bobert Bradley Who has boys and girls galore, And when his kids used up their cure They all required more. Then we come to W^illiam Bradley, The school treasurer was he His only son eacaped the plague. For he lived in Berkeley. Then you cross to Mr Neely's And find him in great grief For the plague they had st very bad And failed to find relief. The next is Mrs. Hannah, Who says folk are not wise. And think it only just and right The trustees to chastise. And now wo come to Greenaway's And find he takes it cool, But cannot think of keeping Papa's dnckie home from school. Then sure we come to Adam "tbroth," And find him in a hobble For haying lost much precious tima With Mrs. Murphy's model, The next you see is Sindy Grant Who at us fun did poke And said she'd fix the chilther up After she'd ta'n a smoke. And now for Joseph Middleton, I think we'll let him paaS, For since he took himself a wiis He stays behind for class. Then o'er the line is Samuel Young I'd have you aU UHka heed, He sa^s "be tbo mortial" its odious And a scan^ous thing mdeed. On crossing o'er to M. Madill W»find him calm imd cosy For Mark and Dan and Cattaanne 4im Are faed.tb7 kids and rosy. ' We flh^]^ oome Wtlui Lydn'tf dcin Aod^sM tlMiQ bowl ui coar • Irtirtiift sia«wqtslHMt'mih oosxigh)^ Whieh gnercd eld Jimmie son. SPRING (Mffiivniej^MfiTQ â€" ^AT â€" W. J. McFARLAND'S. JUST RECEIVED! Per Steamship DeYonia 5 CASES COMPRISING -THE- LATEST NOVELTIES -IN- All the leading materials and fashion- able shades for Ladies' Dresses with Trimmings to match in either Braids or Combinations. I CASE, 24 DOZEN LADIES PARASOLS, In Zenilla, Alpacca ^d Silk, with either Long or Medium Handles. The laigest and best assortment ever shown in Markdale. I CASE, AND CREAM I jiCltCUBTMItS,) in French, Guipure, Chintille and Nottingham Lace. Beautiful goods at very low prices. I CASE, teen Frtats. These goods cannot be surpassed for quality of texture and beauty of pattern and are wammted' pertly .. fast in eolbr. it will pay every utenJUng pur. 4ia3er til spend an aflfeniQoitfiHOPP. ING sd look thtm^h my importa* tiocis.: poods shotfn with ^lea^iiro. Buy The H^t $t be I Ni ' (F^^^i3@^BSli|ria If you are in need of any Implement^ in your respective lineg \^^ GRAHAM, THE LIVE IWPLEMENT MaiT' of Markdale. as he sells for the leading MaBafacturiiiK Compauies of Canad* « i « The Massey Mfe. Co.. Toronto. Binders. Harvesters, Mowers and Sulkv B i. The Noxon Bros. Hoosier Seed Drills. ««e8. The Patterson Bros. Spring Tooth Harrows and Plows and Steel Harm*, The Frost 4 Wood Spnng Tooth Harrovs and Sulky Plows. ^• The Eagle Sulky Cultivator and Seeder. Erie Iron Works, Plowfi.'Wilkinson Pattern. Land EoUers, Scuflaera 4c The Monarch Minnesota Chief and Climax Separator, manufactured bt S Pherson Horey, of Clinton, Ont. '^mr, Also the Waterous Enxine Works Mi'l Machinery. Bepairs always on hand at Trelford's Hardware Store or at Ware-rooms north of Markdale House. ""-wiei* Mb R. S. MARKDALE CLOTHING STORE, Keepsa select stock of SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS ENnum and FEENCH WORSTEDS, ENGLISH MELTONS. TRowSS m all the leading grades. SHIRTS. SOCKS and UNDERWEAR S COLLARS. CUFFS. SUSPENDERS, c., c, ' ^^S, Special attention is invited ti the fflaniifactnre of Buttons; parties ^v buttons of same material as their Rarments, either ladies or geutlemen, can uTp' made m a tew minutes while waiting. " AGENT FOB PABKER'S DYE WOEKS. Tailoring (Icue as usual. Custom work will receive careful attention Good work and neat fits. 23, S, 22.A.E, Spiing Ooods. SPRING DRESS Goods â€" ANDâ€" SPRING SUITINGS to suit the people. Come early and secure a good selection. /WM. BEOWN, Toronto House. 'HAlOi^^MsL. FORD'S and get a grist exchang- ed and you will say tha o Ford gives the "best satisfaction of any mill in the county. If you intend purchas- ing 2=^ JL.OT:t:E3 caU and get our prices, as I bought a quantity of superior wheat cheap and can afford to sell at a small margin. J. W, FORD, NOTICE TOCREIJtlTORS â- CAUSXCB SmAV SBCBASSD. Notice is hereby Riven porsoant to B.S.O. Chapter 110. that all persons having claims npon or against the estate of Sfaorice Dolan, late of the township of Gleuelg, in the connty ci Grey, Farmer. Who died on or about the thirteenth day of April, A. D.,18«7. aro on or before the â- Oth SAT or MAT. A. J 188Q, to send oy post prepaid or delivered to the undersigned Solicitor for Thomas Dnlan the AdmimBtrator fw the said deceased a state- It's easy to dye irith Diamond Dyes Because so simplei It's safe to dye 'i'M Diamond Dyes Because always reliable* ""*H» anting ol «halr namesuud addresses â- DdfuUpartiovUrsofthnr claims and the natare nf aU seeodties (if any) held by them. Aii4 notice is further givaa that after the said last meotiooed date the said Adminis t»tOT wiU jHooeed to disthbote the assets ii^iL^* f«1«? ""nan* the person, entitled tUMBto, hiring regard only to the claims «l which notiie abaU have, been giyen a* above iwimred, aod the said Administrator wiU not be respoaeUila (or the assats or any part thaieof w lUatiibnted to any person rf ^^ 1^ "*^ â- **" "»* kftTB ^een re- ««w««t the tune aaid distiibstion ia so A.dI!m!o*^**^*^^ dV of April. P. XioCOJEiliOUGB, Boliflitoc ter Adnudstntor. N0TIOC ' r^ k' fieo-« It's economy to dye with Diamomd Dyes Because the stronge9t»| It's pleasant to dye with Diamond Dyes Because they never fail. You ought to dye «t^l Diamond Dyes# Because they are ws^" Our new book " Successfal ""'"'^^^iol I1 directions for all uses of Dian.oodW«^ on application. Diamond Dyes ' „e^ or any color mailed on receipt ofP- Wwxt. RICHARUSON Co.. Montna'.V TUB ONLY PEBFBCT f^ STEEL WIBS WOVEN WiBE 0^\ 64eti.fr lotf' S^ AUvMasaadAts. Sold far â- " "Teio^ Ort«no, «»«" .^^ " ^j ii^mii ;:*«8»«ierv^«'