^-Cleaning. *gmatther*^norT elements, j^'*- W »cca3ion is one. f**" ^cunpurgerto^-« qitit* etches. ^P*«'^one» f* '1 pockets or r.*- ^••^^^nMith color*""' "ng and vestal J^"?; Bruvl. •' ^^uig ;e.l the garret or »t^ --Irorerrepo.it?Hr in .t!, .jidei- aftiT i •e worn uu.l ,ling„, 1-^ jv.tl. a cloth, wi "t cretonne will refre,;, '-II classes of eurtai,, ^lieap tl.at even wlj,, •y o)ie need not do witl. '«rs or windows. Tiiey and tone down the e!ai- "I; I liarnionize witii ih, llicfiunisliing. Womn, 'ixed for John. 'c.-si.-l- chew any a,,,,, wly-iiuinied woman to a ' •:• at least he .loesn' II. ' i'im •;â- • they all askeil. ttei- we were inanieil.' id he iuid i were sitting 1 iioti' '.d he was ill a' isked Iiini .what was tin- e said, taking my lund,, I slioiild liave told y„u ried." gaspeii. as the vision of pt ove7- nie. iweied. •• 1 am an in lewei-. Can yni, wiU I I .slipi)ed my hami-: iig out .1 I'ox of snufl'a'i' ,1)1 so ghul you spoki. of ii/.y foi-adip." a ))ictine, I tan tell hail three minutes »e a solemn compact m r tile weed." •rally use simft liefoiv asked one of tlie ladie-i. le wife, ••hilt I was fixfil ted the Fight. little wrcteli, you imve I know yon have. What just this way. You see, e, we put in our peiiiiiM (ple.s, aiiM was to lw»i shought in theinoraiBg the cores of what w:vs iK)n."" not set- any usiaimess lit ill the afreriwoji l:e laniievs. "" ler Tongue. lUg did jou kn»w yo-f i nian-iedto her 5" that rather a slwrti' ;ul Fieartl my wife t;i!- At- ipiestioiis. At !tij 1 felt a» though 1 h»« onTeniences. iue.aftev passing »r»a. ,,^.enis to l«wet.^».' strike a matehr â- rcsor. Wunis.Wtt!!* powtler keg Two Tilings at 9bc». tic remarks were •"«â- - (tt a picnic: duH t. lot go of v*^- tyoumiisn-tbe^nS-T â- ^^^^n'kamH-" vouanathee»terp.ll- dre Traps- raid I canue: t att*.l Ilk yoiug a «.'*}' the Jay ' s-.K-h an aW fnl lot ^e, if y«' it youli**^ ,-et.- reall.V h*" never bee!' Luck. i„ â- hy.wb.th*vej»»"' breathlessly) .^-^ liokJ De^^J^li a her w»«?^-e th* i,e.s«sUeX»«»* Cat. „h*mea if !••"•â- ilf. y ,rt«»l»P«^' sestlek: BN FAEMEES. Experience •€ F«nr ¥««â- « |t»f *•' j^lsHmen 1« 0«torf«. K- u, lie expected that the Ben- I'****' at Princeton, Ont., would at- M'^, -preaJ attention to the induce- h*^' ffpml yo'.iiS Englishmen of family ^^ 1th to come and settle in Canaida. i'^Uui.ately the ilVi attention is of a most â- LMe nature. and bids fair, if a rigid ' """ the truths of sundry statement* "ijnpa' inW being maJe; followed by a full and reT^t, thereupon, to act very much r, jimment of this proTince of Ontario, tW" ,.j.^i„ ^Q the whole country. soda with that-the first I had had in many "ta Grippe" ag*iii.-4t« aniTenal spread a day In the ^erage a groom lay next to is similar to the unlimited practical applica- mc and was good to me, and but for him I tion of the Friction antcb fiilley and ^t off K^"" t"i ^,P*S8^e home arrived Couples just patented by the Waterous for me the day I left iJew York, as I learned Engine Works Co., of Brantford. For the aiterwarOs. 1 had not been home more than immediate stoppine and starting of all kinds two or three weeks before I heard pf the of machinery, it has no equaL It is simpli- escape of my two companions in misery, city itself and its work is fully guaranteed. One of them, Albert Luttrell of Leamington, Write them for particulars. Oblige the was so worn with the work that he died on editor by mentionine this naoer â- flTBDCV rOCc looo atmlotelylrer to tsttMnee â- MCKa rnU. owsDOii*. WnMandbacaiTbiottL o Canadian Wateh Co., Toronto, Can. the passage home. Each of us was well sup- plied with luggage, which we had to leave behind. I left at least $500 worth of clothes, hats, shoes, gloves, two fine fowling-pieces, a new saddle, several trunks and bags, all of which could not be replaced for $1000. My Time flies, yet the orchestral leader sits still and beats time. two friends were equally well provided for, and left aU behind.^* Iipiot ;ipijO' '""' "'nlikely ii °f surely sufficient warrant for a gov Vl iniiuirv into the foundation, for '^^^iJcii a story as is .told in thefol- '"'°wnr I'LU-ER CooxTY, Cal., March D^^*" ni^rder of Frederick Cornwallis '•' "" â- !' h^vtl'^cxcited^the*^^ite8t°in^ i "^^^^ *^^ Enapire styles, m.modified arrange- ody. itching or pecuUaf sensation aboiit the All Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are.broken.down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp- â- n 1 Ti 1 1 toms Mental depression, premature old irench lashions. age, loss of vitaUtv, loss of memory, bad French fashions like French novels, lit- dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the erally translated, are somewhat shocking to heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the the sensibilities of a really womanly woman, kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or an;on2 scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the •\niCr A.nniir iiiii I- C. E. Johns, a nephew of 1 now owner of an extensive • rii Lur^'"'" .itorchar'i a*- Hciamere, v/hose experience filmoit a parallel to that of Benwell £id In conversation w ith a correspoud- '*J;!-.Jay Mr. J elms said ' '".yes I '"" one of the \-ictinls of the .jBtr- who lure young Englishmen toCan- ij wiicrc thevare plucked of all they "ijites. A cov.ple of years ago, being desirous ' kiniin^'sw.'ie.u-eluloccupationin America, ' ins«'"r"' â- \-h sut torm in Kiowuig tt farmer's life ,11! ailvertisenient in a London .^r. whii.li sut forth in glowing terms th' iXhts •! ' gentleman farmer's life in 'iV,ji jo. I had no business experience at the aii'l and relied upon the judgment of he was largely influenced voung Englishmen who i '°^"*«'I^y.e i^^a^g^ratea an era of pictures " Zih- lK."«rcommg to California in 1'J^' ^rtistic, quamt, and unique dressmg.foi '"^C£r^many of whom have been! ^h'=J^.^f^/«»^dee^ ., ,, ,.„ "liKuT.ersofthe Birchall stamp gowninitsfullestsignificationhaspossibilities deposits m the urme, loss of will power fcieil [} '" I •, ,. s.5yindle. One of ""^y equalled by a ballet girl's conventional tenderness of the scalp and spme, weak and rhthe •tir!'"' «v costume. Notonlyistheneckdistressinglyde- flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be coUete to the very verge of indecency, but rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of the tight skirt worn over scanty petticoats, hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex- reveala every outline of the figure from citability of temper, sunken eyes sui-rouud- the waist downward. In front and at ed with leaden cibcle, oily looking skin, the sides the skirt is cut without the etc., are all symptoms of nei-vous debility slightest fulness. Standing motionless a that lead to insanity and death unless cured, modest woman, if she be modelled after the The spring or vital force having lost its Grecian goddesses in slenderness of figure and ' tension every function wanes in consequence purity of outline, may feel at peace with the Those who through abuse world clad in the caressing folds of the little skirt to which Empress Josephine clung, aiid which clung to her so closely, but once the woman moves, sits, or w.alks she would be grateful for the ballet girl's tarletane to cover her confusion, and her Jiersonality as well. While it is only einbarassing to the graceful woman to wear this expressive, in- genuous little scant gown, its artless revel ations are exasperating to more rotund and matronly proportions. Can any one imagine a more trying and un- becoming style of dress for a "plump and pleasing" little woman who has lost the deli- cacy of outline peculiar to youth while for the angular, excessively thin individual the fashion is quite as apt to make life not worth â- " 1 I *,.,„..,•., ti,^^«„,,f,-,r 1 living. There are, of course, many women niii'ioM;.:!' ;i pleasant year in the country I ,6, v-itiv, e iu- y"^. II- .1 1 „-„-. .,.-+^„„.,,,,i„ who refuse to submit to the extreme of this ,ini II' t !•â- Viusiiies.s wliieh was alterwaras u- i • i i v 4. 1 â- 'â- ' I mode, which is slowly but surely gaining ground but there are many more whose devotion to fashion is greater than their critical acumen, appreciation of absurdity, or sense of the eternal harmony and fitness of unities. ;i!i:v -.,- fatiicr, l.iit- lie was largely 'v mv ciithu-MHsni for the free, adventurous •iitAmcricii. as I pictured it. Buffalo Bill vrt.'iiii in l.oiMion and somehow I mixed jniimwithiny dreams of life in Ontario, j,,\ (lid a great many other young iihn'oti v.lio fell into the same trap â- thev o::Iy taw the sentimental side .•tk'firt â- â- Myp .11; it ;i fji;i uUi; committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all dieases peculair to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, On. Books sent free sealed. Heartdisease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flashes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat the woman of quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. A. P. 495. â- l:;:!i(ied over the money, think- i inve.stineiit, and that I was j iiie gro.'it i- itAi acu ;!^o ;!1 ii!V i\:^. ri ;Ti.-i.. 'I'he iiiost plausible tales .•iiil the .Sinn involved was not i.icvr ;;I)out.?;lf!(K) â€" .and it wasonly Tiler (;f victims ensnared that iMe. The inimey was paid in other parties were ea out to Ontario, 1 w; t.i .ml !v 1 â- cert;;;: When 1^; win oljii jiti: Tile .(impiiiv 'ieitlv.-r'.-. ,bout V, '!. lid I "' to pay where â- \^-Tk with a farmer for a year .j.licd with pocket money and n*rventaL;c of the profits-. til;:' i.-:.'ii:io for sailing I found '..i'-.-.v.g iiien were coining out .;".! tiiat we were to be met at 1.-. .11 r.^'ent of the mythical land h wius nuining the business. tic other fellows knew any more I'!.'.; V. c were going to do than I did, ,\s .nly V.) years of age at the time. "We had .i' first clas.'i passage or.t. but on .in d.iv hoat, v/hii;h did not cost over $50 ijiieLT. " A !i ived at New- York a man met ,saivljli.ir.d',d u..; o-.;r tickets to NiagaraFalla md to ;; yaaW cou:;try town in Ontario, but •c.-ai'i h;' '"li.i not know anything more .ior.i ii ;.i;.i jciiused to give ns money for u.reij.vns's in New York. We wentup to Xiagant r'^iils an'l stayed there three days at •K! exp' ii' ai.^l then went on. Tlie wagon netiisra 1} c station and we were taken to it fa; :i:. where the proprietor at once be- au to an. nil lie V)e-,:ause we had waeted four Iw. he ?,i! i. Things were very different :rom wi.a-i. -.vc t xpeeted. It was a most iiMiy rt-iti:!. The first night at a meal i vupper" tlie farmer got mad at I eisked for a glass of ale and said ;: :vc '.o t;ive up such aristocratic :liey callr, :uc wh(!: »'e Mould â- I'llioiis. â- [ liefc'c ' ^iKint ;.(. "Tiic â- :dhru-f. (JOSSliil; .â- â- . wl. dic;;,.. "four ifl; "ur \V(,ik 'iiepri\;;, im 'i:.\ "rtlu.V »-:thsv,-. " a a v.\'-- m.li" m' 'â- eii;.l '^tl-Sl-.;:! â- vlve itgaii :, ;iiet v., â- "ell-lllt..;; â- iiDii 11: ., .Vcve K;;_, ie le,-;. ;. i'hir.l.. ;, US. as ,,- POSSlii' V. IlAV.iS i â- •«toiv i;„ â- 'Otat ^l! «they ".bey \vi ' *(;ut tw ;i •^W In. Setavo!-.. 'joriiij]; ;.,. "â- Ivfev. :â- ,, â- "•â- ou-ht h *.orst t "â- ises ii next morning we hal to get yhreak, at alx)Ut 4 ocloek, and ilk in the fields. â- tr. wlio wp^a surly, ill-temper- ;\ioi;« only to get as much as ' US, hail. 'we afterwards leam- .1 .. s hired man in anticipation ,--. Instead of receiving pay for • wire actually paying high for \^'e all worked so hard the 1 wo could lo nothing for two ^^ after that, lieint; sjre all over hands aid feet. VVc had to sleep 1 â- _ n-.'it where it was frightfully 1 V v.inildii'l give us a ligVit to 'y ai night." We used to lie in â- •vVr o;::-1uird lot and the homes • â- â- â- ".w.ih wondering should we :. ;:^;u.'.. i;iul often we cried our- :h sli :;i u-.Ic and 'i.cd. no was wretched, and we pidly. The pet)ple we 'untutored and though loiibt, were not the ..e coiiin associate with. A Brave Woman. It would be hard to cite a nobler story than that of the career of Marie Therese, the French Sister of Mercy who has received the Cross of the Legion of Honor at the hands of the Governor of Tonquin. This devoted wo- man was only 20 years of age when she re- ceived her first wpund in the trenches of Balaclava. She was wounded again at the battle of Magenta. Later, with undaunted energy and courage, she pursued her chosen mission under her country's flag in Syria, China and Mexico. From the battlefield of Worth she was carried away suffering from serious injuries, and before she had recov- ered she was again performing her duties. On one occasion a grenade fell into her.ambu- lance ;she seized and ran with itfoi- a hnii- di-ed yards, and her patients' lives were sa\- ed, though she herself was severely injurel by the bursting of the missile. The French troops who were called ont to witness the unusual scene of the bestowal of this honor upon a woman, presented arms to the hero- ine of the ceremony. A Piude t Miss. 'nister â€" Wendell, will you do me a favor Wendellâ€" Certainly, if I can. What is it Y Mr. Hoyt has been here and asked me to become his wife, and 1 told Kim I would give him his answer next week. Well, what is the favor you ask 1 want you to get his financial rating fo nie. CHRONIC Cough Now! For If you io not it may become con- sumptive. For Consumptitni, Si-rofula, Oetiernl Debility and Jt'aatiitg Disease*, tbere Is nothing like Tired of the Old, Old Story. Soulful Young Woman (looking pensively at mummy) â€" " 'And thou hastwalkedabout, how strange a story, on Thebes' streets three thousand years â€" ' For heaven's sake, Mr. .Slocum, look at that mummyâ€" I fancied 1 Kiwit moveV" Practical Young Manâ€"" Yes, it seemed to be trying to yawn. " i r-c We couirt associate wiin. W e ii:iiion and better educated than 'lid llie 'dil r-aifian we worked for, ' k a delight in taking it out of ;u. and laiiniliating us in every i â- I nwnv weeks, said Mr. Johns, ' 111 aj.' eed that this thing was what tlicv expected, andthesoon- ;!ii; the better. Then they found • 1 ii d down by an iron-1x)und agree- '.: tuimer, v.lio was vei-y cautious â- 111,' iheni go out of his sight. They â- .. j; Englisl nnan working for a neigh 'iiicr in the .same plight as them- â- ." iuul trieil to run away and been h.-».(k. and he descrilxid the life its rti! si„ve;y. They heard of similar i"^ol Ontario. In many, wealthy .♦ouiig K;;-iisiinien had been lured" into carry- "ff^vitli tiitui an immense outfit of clothes ifiil lugua-t. Mhich they relinquished and •«tat tho i;'!nis rather than stay ont their '""e. Tiioy were nearly all penniless and 'I'leiKd. -s in ;t strange country. 'I^*'";o honie." said Mr. Johns, "and '*fHi,-,..;,i|;. 'ctcrniined to run away at the jirM o],,,„; tuiiily. I liad a little over $16 •"'â- -11 1 iiiid in" the world, and mycompau- I"iis weio ien worse off. It v.-as agreed that '• I ^01 o I,, ;_'et money from home or sliould ""yf.f tlie others before a certain date, we *w.l.l .livnic equally and skip for New York iJi^u thoii.-e to Engkind. Our sufferings from '.tejsixfiy laborious work and insufficient 'lod fiiudly got unendurable, and one dark â- "gilt I ciilu led along the roof and dropped the ground after bidding my companicms t€arful good-bye. They were only waiting 'w money to do the same. I walked to Nia- 'a Falls and got from there to New ^wk on a f reiglit train. I liad just 25 ceBta ^ft after I iiad lx)ught a steerage ticl c to •"â- ^erpool on the Serriaaad got a brandy and A Martyr to Duty. Youiig Husband (in crowded street car- "Emily, dont you think I ouglit to give that lady my seat " Young Wifeâ€"' 'Xo, dear, I think you r.ughi to stay right here by me." Young Husband (keeping his seat he alljr)_"Emily, a man's first duty is *- owii family. She'll have to stand." SGOTTS EMULSION Of Pure €od Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES Of Xjixxxo and Soda* It is almost as palatable as milk. Far better than other so-called Emulsions. " A wonaeriul flesh producer. f SCOTT'S EMUIiSION j I IS put up in a salmon coloj- wrapper. Be j 1 sure and net the griiuine. Sold by all I Dealers at 50c. and $1.00. j SCOTT Jb BOWNE, BellcviUe. Catalogu^Pree Name Stamp Stencils SteelSnbber STAMPS Oniafflental General Ensravmg f§£^IS^I.aFell^Co QcilsBrands J3 VH^ORIA SfTOBONTO Address WHAICT, KOTCE ACO^ 1S8 Tomm Street. Tareato. Send for Catalcsue. PLATE THE TRUSTS .COBPORATIOJ 'OE' 3sra?A RiO- CAPITAXs fiUMMMk Sntaortbed Capital. • flr«,Ma. once Jt Vaalts, jtS Toroat* S(., •roate. President, Hon. J. C. AiKitra. Viee-Pr*9idpnt« U°^- ^IR ADAM WiLSOW. KnG vice-rtesidente hon.R. J.Cabtwribht. kcmo ICaxager, • A. S. Pldmiebb. This Company is approved by Order-in-Conncil of Lieat.-Ctovemor, and is accepted by the Higk Court of Justice for purposes of such Comrt. This Compaay acts as Xsaeutor, Admlais- trator. Beoelvar, GnardlaB, Liquidator, Aaaisnee, c., Tmstee under Deede, WiUs by AppMirtmeiat or Substitution, and acts as Agent in all Financial business, Invetttment of iioaey. Collection of Rents, Interest and Income, ana Countersisnis all Bonds Secuilfles. Sec Delivered anywhere in Canada. Stock. Lowest Prices. LiU-gei^t McGausland Son, T» to 76 King St. West, Toronto A fi' LLANLINEs^raks'^k THE PIONEER CANADMNLINE and stiU to the front in regard to the provision made for the safety and comfort of its customers. Weekly sailings between Liverpool, Glasgow and the St. Lawrence, and fortnightly service from London during Summer Months. Mail Steamers run between Liverpool and Portland via. Halifax during winter. Glasgow steamers sail throughout the year to Boston and Philadelphia, caUint,; at Irish ports and j Halifax en route. For rates of passage and other information apply to H. BOURLIER, cor. King and Yonge Sts.. Toronto; H.A.ALLAN, Montreal, or to the local agents in. your county. Beyond Comprehension The Sf. Leon Wafer Co. Gents, â€" With renewed strength and a «lrea«l enemy crushed, it gives me pleasure toaddress yoti and I positively declare and give St. Leon Water praise above all things I have ever tried for kidney- disease. I found no cure tiS I drank St. Leon Water, its elevating, invigorating influei ee isalso beyond my compi-ehension. GEO. S. EASTMAN, 34 Teraulcy St. Toronto. 11C4 QVEEN STREET EAST. Please mention this paper. THE €OXBOY CARRIiCiE TOPS ABE TX: BSST KI^OWN THE 8HITH KEEDLE PACKAGE. BeFt thing out. Agents make ?5 per^ay Sample by mail, 'l5c. .,...„ St. K.. Toronto. Cl.liMEXT Co., 30 King CANCER aiiu TUMOK Specialist, k'tirate Hospital. No knife. Book free. G. H. MCMICHAHL.-M. D., No. 63 Niacaia St., lultV.l'j, N. Y. i I Their increasing popularity is a proof of their superiority. Be sure and get a Conbcy top on your buggy. n TffE WON0ER OF HEAUNQI ' CUBES CATABH, BHETTUATISU, VIBS' BAL9IA,S0F.S THBOAT,FILES, W0imX)6« BUBITS. -FEUALE C01£FLAINTS, ASS HEHOBBHASES OF ALL EIMSS. VsedlntemaHyAExtemaP.T/. iVioMGOc.flJtl*^ FONS'S EZTBACT CO. ITewTorSftZioadsii Confe6etat(on %itc ORGANIZED (871. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. ENGRAli'lNG vTo; J. L.JONES,^ "»'â- â- ., 'Vo^onxn-tV^ WOODENGRilVVER. JLLUSTRAHVt y, t;Tn*-e--fFAST .ADVERTISINC-.^^'"-^ ^^ ^*- "â- " 'purpose s (-V TORONTO, .CANADA I WANTXD^A PABTNKB. For $2,000 cash I will sell a one-quarter interest in an old-cstnblished, profitable city business. This is a rare -hance. Investigation invited. References exchanged. Pi-ineipals only. For particulars address, P.O. Box 266 Toronto P.O.. Ont. $10.1 • I napeotabtowm* Eof nMBaod wan.en AadvoM T. h. liiCBinuBK • AoelaideBtnM'WaM.TucaaUk i i___ .YOUR NAME on this fen and Pencil 1 Stamp, with bottle of ink and case, 25c. $i •o;c- to his Tacii JenkB wa-s a^ictim of liver complaint. His strength was exhausted, his pul'c had grown faint. He hal ulcci-t and tumors and all sons n, humors, „ And the ills that he suffered would weary a Folks said that Jack Ji.-nks would neve;- be But Jack said he wouldâ€" that they might be assured. Pierce's G. M. Discovery wrought his recovery. After all the poor fellow so long had endured. Such a multitude of serious, distressing and often fatal maladies spring from a dis- ordered liver. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery creates a healthy action of this important organ, and the ills that have then origin there ciin be cured by its prompt and faithful use. All druggists. The lion's share of a thing is natui-ally the main part. Use the gretit specific for "cold in head" and catarrhâ€" Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy. The ring and letter which the girl reUinis are slight tokens. Wonderfol 'Popiilarity. The fact that the sale of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets exceeds that of any other pill in the market, be it gieat or smaU, is on account of the fact that they are m 'to $5 per day easily made by live ' agts. Send 2Jc for sample and terms. ' The Can.*dian Ulbber Stamp Co., l 'Adelaide st. E., Toronto. Metion paper. ARTIFICIAL IIMS J. DOAN SON. .For Circular Address, Xorthcotc Ave. Toronto The Kreati Ottofflan Blood Eemedy. Guaranteed to cure all diseases of the blood whether brought on by indiscretion and excess or arising from hereditary causes. Will remove pimple* and blotches from the skin and by its invigorating action on the blood restores failing powers andT)uilds up the system of those suffer- ing from wasting di.sea.'ic. Price $1 per bottle. Address Ottoman Medicine Co., Mail Building, Toronto. THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP COY'S TBA1ISFASE?!7T CASSOLIC ACIS TOUJBT SOA Is pleasant to use. It heals the skin, and cle« stroys Insects and gervra on tho hair of man a WorkMoney if you want both, go to Great Falls, Mon- and perfectly harmlesa and for5onetipation biliousness, sick headache, and all diseases arising from deraagement of the bvef stomach or bowete, Shey are absolutely a specific. A gentle laxative or active cati- s^ic, accordmg to size of dose. Line, and Pacific Coast Line. aU bein^ built the Great Nortlicrh Ry. (St P., M. M. 18.000.000 of free^lanninar lands along the^bnc. Kori,«rt.icu^tar|_8e|dgggjh«irdto Can. Pass. Agr't., 4 PaLaaer House Block, Toro;(to REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS POLICIES ARE INCONTESTABLE Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation Pald-np Pollry and Cash Su:Ten;S:?r Value V.iaraatced in earli Policy AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTIOX AGAINST Provides an INCOME in old age, and is a good INVESTMENT.^ Policies arc non-foi-feilable after the payment of two full annnal.I'remiunis. Profits, which are unexcelled by any Company doing business in (.'an ida. :ii-c allocated (^very five years from the is.sue of the policy, or at longer periods as may be select eil by the insun'xl. Prullt« so -AlloraU'd arc AtMolnte and nol liable to Ite i-educrd or rcriillcd at any future time under any rirrnmittamceN. Participating Policy Holders are entitled to not less than 90 per cent, of the pi-ollls earned in the class, ^nd for the past seven years hace actually received 'â- â- ' per (â- ;•;(?. of flic lirofit--^ su earned, W. C. MACDOXALD, J. K. MAC1)()X.\LI), AcrrARV. M.VNACIM; DlREt'TOK. Gous^mro TO THE EDITOR:â€" Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedv forth* abore named disesise. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of yom: readers who havr con* sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfollr. T. A. SLOtitUH. BCC., laO West AdoMUde St.. TOBOWTO, ONTARIO. ALL STYLES AND flESCRIPTIQIIS Having Special Facilities for Boiler Work we are prepared to tender for anything is that lineâ€" Tanks, Burners etc. AUTOMATIC ENGI NE, new lesigii, economy and regular speed guaranteed. Wa teroBS Engipe Works Co., Ltd., Rraptford, Canada. .riiiusANDs oFlamo' 3IVEN AWAY JEARLY. 1Vh»iMl!aT p«i« i; do not .... Qte^^uy to stoo theai for a timet ._ hsTOtlimmtamasaiikJMBAM ARAQIOAiOURC- '1:ir»aMp«ib« JiMueotf EpUepiy Or r«ninj|t Blcknese a lUeAoaf snAf. i utnt»nM^ iB rwdr to Stm -vrottteaamt. •recaose ethers have faikt ji ao r:.-ason for uat mrar ncehrma â€" Mce for a tr«sdae uid a rrmm Bottle of st^ t'*f*i'ti'itJr tMMM#. -^ PottOSee It MKi^yaa notiunr for a triai, 'iOd it will curs TOO. Addien " OflMS, •• ^CST AOKUUOK «eBaT, TOCOMTOb ,*=«r«. a :^ MlMMMiiMfiliH mmi ^^giMtmiggimggilimgim^ iMMH â- MUM