Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Apr 1890, p. 4

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 W"1J.^.IIIJJ. • -/ '?- m.*4 li: i! Mi ^* .»!i- V M i I ifV t V I I ^ulHi m Avx:?^f;- I â€" O. W. Rutledgei Proprietor. BiABKDAL£, APBIL 8, 1890. DESTRUCTIVE BLAZE. Wart^rH Mhool Balldlac in AUbam. AbontSi o'clock on Friday morn- ing last, fire was discovered issning from the roof af the rar wing of the school building and an alarm sounded, which brought scores of our citizens bairiedly from quiet repose. The de«» vo uring element bad gained each headway that there was no possibihty of saving the structure, so vigilant and well directed efforts were made in sav- ing the contents, resulting in tiie re moval of the books, some desks and most of the furnishings from the front, or head department. The walls bemg all brick and the shinies having been laid in mortar, the danger of surround- ing buildings was materially lessened. There was a fierce gale from the east, and as the school buildings stood at the eastern side of the village the sparks and burning cinders were hurl- ed through the air and came down in myriads all oyer the village even down to the railway track west of the town. The wind first blew straight towards (he Methodist ehurch, which stands on the opposite side of the road, and It was for a time in imminent danger » but suddenly it veered about and blew straight upon the English church, along side, wbich threatened it with speedy destruction, again it shifted and the millions of cinders filled the atmosphere passing throng the gap between the two churches and over tlie village. Had it been a dry nie;ht iu summer the town would have been almost completely swept outof existence As it was, the drifting and blinding ileet whiqh accompanied the wind itetved to extinguish the cinders so that nQ furiiher damage was done. 1KB OBIOXN. The fire must have started between ibe entrance into the chimney in the 2nd department, which is some 10 feet above the floor, 2nd story, and the roof, from the fact that it was first seen burslmg out of the roof beside said chimney and when several per- sons had arrived there was no fire yet about any of the stoves or. floors but va bursting down through the coiling. Evidently thih was a defect- ed cbimney, and the wind through the night had fanned the smouldering fire into a flame. We understand the in- surance will cover the loss and it will be now necessary to J»ke steps to pro- cure a site â€" ^the old one being too small â€" and erect new premises. SDBLIC UEETINO. On Tuesday evening the section ratepayers met in the council chanber as public notice, to consider the question of a site, and a large repre- sentation was present. Mr. Lyons was called to the chair and stated the object of the meeting, ^ter which W. A. Brown, Secretary of the. School Trustee Board, laid before tbe meet- ing a number of available sites, viz., one south of the Methodist church, one from Dr. Sproule and one in the Agricultural grounds. A general dis- cussion followed on tbe advantages and disadvantages of the various sites but all considered it premature to finally decide on a choice until turther enquiry as to price and otber necessary information was ascertained. A meet- ing will be caUed for tbe purpose of electing a trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Jaa. S. Mercer, who is going to British Columbia. Tbe selection should be the best man available without regard to what part of the section, he lives in. The present board comprises one from Artemesia and one from Glenelg and three from Markdale. The term for the new man wiil be only about eight moutbs, yet it is an important period. Note and COMMENT. -The Manitoba Legislature pro- .Logued. on Monday. â€" Grey Assizes opened at- Qweo .Sound on. Monday, li ' â€" Mayor Clark, of Toronto, is li.ugerou8ly ill. â€" -ARorh^y General Martin, of Mitni CoW, has i^signed. ,^^ â€" l^ev, Dt jgpitfiwrland has resign- ..- cd tbe leadetifaip ot the .-Third Party. ;,-,,." ^A^Ci^velahd judge has dedded tbat slaving is a work of necessity. Yet full-bearded men are up to tlie iiv-«;ra»e iu health. â€""The Hittites" is tbe name given to tbe congressmen supportiAg Mr. Hitt in his trade resolutions. The ancient Hittites, if we remember cor- rectly, dwelt in the mountains. The present Hittites dwell in the clouds. Bnatelk. atamdard CorrttpoBdenee. Very sorry to notice by the daily papers, that Markdale public school buildings have been destroyed by fire. It is to be hoped the Trustees will erect a building commensurate with the requirements oi the village. Bev. A. B. Best lectured here last Thursday. Fauy Morgan and her father contributed to the enjoyment of the evenmg by their singing. The Mechanics' Listitute is now an accomplished fact. The books are now on hand. It starts with a mem- bership of about 75. Some of our citizens are absent this week doing duty on the jury in Owen Sonnd. Mr. C. H. Jewell intends building a fine dwelUng on Main street this sum- mer. Nixon, Dean Co. are thinking of building a fine corner block. A. G. Hunter is going to enlarge and refit his office. Mr. Carson expects to build a three etory brick store. Other building improvements are talked of. Miss E. Stephens, of Markdale, and her brother, spent Sabbath last with friends here. The cheese factory promises to be much better patronized this year. Nothing pays the farmers of this sec- tion of country better than sending their milk to the factory. Mr. Cornelt, our cheese mannfac- tmer, has rented the Laurel factory, and has good prospects oi success. Our pubhc school is making pro- gress. Mr. McKay is an efficient teacher. BolUuid C«ntr«. gave farm and MARKDALE CLOTHING sTqdV Keeps a select stock of SCOTCH au.l CANADIAN TWEED^ r^- I^.d^BENOH WORSTEDS, E^NGLISH MELTON ,S. SmvHl ,„ all the leading grades, SHIRTS. SOCKS and UNDERS^^iftS COLLAllS. CUFFS. SUSPENDEUS. Ac. c, '^^^A^ ^\ Special »ttraitioii is invitod t» tbe ManMincturc of BiiUoiu. bnttons of same mdtorial aa their «arme»U, nUier ladies or geutleujea' mado in a tew luiuutes while wtiitJLg. â-  u«, AGENT FOR PARKER'S DTE Work^ Trtiloriug (It/iiC us usuhI. Custom work will r.cme caretur G")(d work and ceat fits. ^^ S«G.ot SPRING DRES8 Goods -AND- Standard Correspondence. William Minion left here for To- ronto on Saturday last. The Editor of the Stahoabd us a call on Thursdav. We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of John Dever, Esq. Bobert Howey has sold his and moved to Keppel township. Stewart poyle has bought moved en the Helphordy farm. Thos. Armdtrong and Alex. Kirkton, Jr., each lost a cow recently by in- flammation. Alfred Fowell. who got four horses killed by the train last summer, was to have a suit against tbe C. P. B. Co. at Owen Sound, but we hear that the Company have agreed to settle it. Our popular shoemaker, Mr. Green, has lifted his stakes and moved to Muskoka, there to work at his trade. John Handley has sold his farm to James Givens for $2,300. He is going to liye in Chatsworth. John Troughton lett here on Satur- day to act as Juror at the Spring Assizes at Owen Souiid. Bev. Geo. Buggin, of Markdalo; conducted the services in the Methodist church on Manday evening and Bev. T. B. Fydell, of Euphrasia, on Tues- day evening. A very serious and painful accident occurred here on Saturday last while Henry Silverlock was chopping in the bush. The tree he was cbopping lodged against another, and uprooted, throwing him across a log and the top of the tree falling on Lid back. JoUu Watson, who was working a few rods away, hearing a cry for help, came and found him. He managed to get him home and Dr. Oldham was summoned who found tnat he had three broken ribs and several scalp wounds. He Was supposed to be getting better but has since got worse and his recoyery is now doubtless. We hope he will soon recover. But I must now go and take some exercise eo thati will relish my Easter egga. The meeting regarding the cheese factory was not well attended about half a dozen persons turned out and by all appearances it will go to Arnott as the people there are eager for it while some Of the farmers here seem to think it a catch. LATBB. John Dever died on Saturday with^ "la grippe" ohanged to pneumonia- He leaves a widow and nine children. The family "^bave the sympathy of the neighborhood. The family of Wm. TITalker have the measles. " • „ The second daughter of Xdwin E wart is dangerously lil. LAJBOE ITE^S. ' ' SoddflD aocideBta .(rften befitU' artixaas, farmers and ail in the^ open a'r, besides the t'xpoiiiUB to eoli aild damp, pro- dneing rttenmatimi. Icme baciL, atif^ iciata^ lamen(88. Jot. XeUQW^di is a ready TMoe^ J I for all niQh troables. It is Lendy and re- liable, auti can be osdd inteniaUy or exieaiaQy A voice from Uncle Sara at 'Wasbington "I am going to clap 5 cents per doz. duty on the fruits of the Can- adian Hen." A voice from the male representative of the Canadian Hen answers defiantly back " Fire away, Uncle Sam, and when yon get tired paying 5 cents per doz. extra for your eggs, come over and see how tired we are; on the contrary we intend to double the quantity of our output this year if that does not bring you to time we wiU lay golden eggs next year. We have still good friends and true inCan- ada yet as you will see by the following WANTED SPRING SUITINGS to suit the people. Come early and secure a good selection. WM. BEOWN, Toronto Hoasc. FORD'S and get a grist exchang- ed and you will say that Ford gives the best satisfaction of any mill in the county. If you intend purchas- ing ZFIL^OTTrES call and get our prices, as I bought a quantity of superior wheat cheap and can afford to sell at a small margin. J. W, FORD, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Zar THB BEAX VSTATB AND GOODS OF XATrSXCE JtVtUX 9E0EASSS. BurdB iBlooet BfTTEfvS*' CURES mâ„¢ cuREsomm CURES Dmrn PROMOTES DIGESTION. Mr. Neil licSeil, el I Ont., writes: Deab Sms-For ;eaiig years I sunered from d jspa in its worst forms, lai i trying all meuis in my j to no purpose I Taspersi by frienfls to try B.B.B.,i I did, and afteriisiiig5bo. I was completely cured. 20,000 doz. Eggs for which the highest pricejtrade or cash.wiU be paid, QAisrADIAN »^HM- Notice is hereby Kiven puranaDt to R.S 0. Chapter 110, that ull persons having claims upon or against the estate of Maurice Dulan, late of tbe township of Glenelg, in the county of Groy, Farmer, who died on or about the thhteeuth day of April, A. D., 18S7. are on or before the 20th DAT OS XAT, A. B. 1880, to eend oy post prepaid or deUvered to the undersigned Solicitor for Thomas Dulan the Administrator for the said deceased a state- ment in writing of their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims and the nature nf all seonritiea (if any) held by them. And notice is farther given that after the said last mentioned date the said Adminis- trator will procaed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among tbe persons entitled tnereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as abovt i equired, and the said Administrator will not be responeible for the assets or any part theiecf so distributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not havo been re- ceived at the time said distribution is so made. Dated at Mukdalo this let day of April. A. D., 1890. J f ' P. McCULLOUGH, ' Spiioitor tor Administrator. ^urdoc%.' â- Blood iBlTT£ft5. ' ares CONSWm Cures CONSmm Cares CONSTIPm Ztaild Xseowr. Dear Sib«,-I ha»s 11 ACTS your B.B.B. with great iua for constipation uri pu my head. Tlje (econda ON THE "made me ever bO niuti bet My bowels now more bi and the pain in av iai) BOWELS. }o,ft !!ie, and to evarybojyc tho 'ismo disease lieema B. B. K. Mis3 F. Wniuxs, i!Si;ioorSt,loa( Burdock BLOOfit ^Cures BlLmm Cures BILIOUSB 'Cures BILIOUSH!^ REGULATES THE LiVER. Direct Prool Sins,-I was trouble?! ;r. year-s with liiver WtJ i used a greit dealolii;ai- vlucli did ue no goc^« was getting worse a" until I tried Burd^ » Bitters. After tetfS*, Ijoitlss I em Eov " ja alsoreconiiuenaitIM-*" of Dyspepsia. PRESare YOVR SIGHT IS\^.i::;:::::""-- i: PRAIfK LAZARUS ff*t^ of ttiJBnooi Laaik^ i Morri*;] 3urciog|^ Blooey- â- 3ITTEB5]?; REGULATES THE KIDNEYS. CuKS HEkm Cures HEM Cures HiiO^^ _^ffrtaBptCiB* try B.B.B. «'?^j^jfl I felt so m;*i^trf« gotonemore.^^«(rt iidcanworS»3»^ I Cures BkDi^ Cures BkH ^^^ CuresJ^ Bad Blood ffl^.'r- action of •*; (jdj Liver, KidBf' B. B. B? by^ toning tfiese /^B the cause Ma«rtf blood. X^J^pSP diseases Kou' scrofalouB w» Wedkesdat Men- .... 'IL. J ^]tofley rFeat8.. Butler • fOKOif^. .. ^vk.. ... «Ani3)AM, ,oSt. " â€" â€" " SI"-! ^^tatoeifc. per bag .••••• .... O Wool..., ••• '".i! .(• •• .....l" •• ^^xr Original and on^ Beware of poor" DEa?r sssDs ^1 iEa. x-. s-arBEssBST'S- sa^,-/ â- '•?*r*flr?Pf--'-f^* iiiiiiili a;----.-.w-.g.Aj.tiijiiVj-^t|-"ff]"-ii'-yiil^^ «.jfe.£.,.'^ii .!i9lSii.i'^::

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