f^'*J|*,,Plfl(^L â- W^R||^^^»iP â- ^wi^ "HPIPifP â- Pi MHMV mm hm^ m tm^^mm^^ SFROUU E60, '•-PHTBICUSS, BUBeEORB, ACOOUCHXBS, â€" Office at Manley's Drag Store, where all calls -day or night mil be promptly attended to. 7. S. SPROULE, M. 0. A. £60, M. D., Ac. C. A. McBRIDE, M. D. L. B. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, OfHice at Stephen's Drug Store, Iiate of the Iiondon Hospital, England. I*. IcCrillorifirli« BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLAMO'S STORE. MARKDAL.B. Afoney to ILoa,n. OFFEES. and Teas extra fine â€" or â€" AMS and Herring withoat brine â€" yes â€" I. B. LUCKS. BABBISTER, SOI.ICITOR, *c of the firm of Bishop Lucas, Owen Sound, at office of Win. LUCA-S. as. Co., Every Friday. Wm. Ijncas in charge of office during week and legal matters â- mil receive prompt attention. WK. BBOWV. DIVISICN COUBT CLEEK. lasner of Marriage Licenses, c. ComiaiBsioner3 in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se- curity. WILLIAM STUART, /- KlMliEKLEY, Issue.' of Marriage Licenses. Money to Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. A few J^'arms for eale. Terms easy. J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. C H E r\ vitb your favor P 'XTRA'CTB, flavor the very best for â€"and â€" PPLES, (dried) that wiU â€" or â€" meet and ICELES. Peaches, Prunes Peels at prices that will make you kick up your heels. c A S ONFECTIONERY, and spices and nuts t3 no end, â€" Baisins â€" ND currants, the best to be found â€" also â€" mimm It's easy to dye vith Diamond Dyes Because so simple* It's safe to dye vith Diamond Dyes Because alvays reliable* It's economy to dye vith Diamomd Dyes Because the strongest* -DENTIST,- OP TOKONTO SCHOOIi /^RADUATE ^-* of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Harkdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MOM TO^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P.O. FARM FOR SALE. U6AKS and Syrups and Sodas for baking â€"that will â€" HEAL your Bick stomach and stop your head achine:. 1 ROUND ginger at prices ground down â€" yesâ€" n AlSINS and Bice the best in the It's pleasant to dye vith Diamond' Dyes Because they never fail. You ought to dye vith Diamond Dyes* Because they are best* town .RANGES Grippe Our new book " Successful Home Dyeing " giving foil directions for all uses of Diamond Dyes, sent free on application. Diamond Dyes are sold everywhere, or any color mailed on receipt of price, lo cents. Wells, Richakoson Co., Montreal, Que. â€" or- and Lemons for La â€" alsoâ€" CHEESE and Crackers for sapper when out late â€" to be sure â€" EVERYBODY is pleased with good weight â€" and â€" (( LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. I). B. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cheap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars -apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. lEMEMBER high to hang this np â€" m- %#OUR memory and never go by. T. ^W^. BUTLEDGE, MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. £ Marsk Prop' R. J. SPROULE FLESHEBTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and.WUh drawn up andValuations made on shortest notice. Charges very low. Apply to B. J. SPROULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. THE Cheap Cash Grooer. scotlalND yet. can highly recommend Haf^ard's JL Pectoral Balsam. It cured my dauKht- er of a couRh she had been troubled with ever since she was little. She is now 12 years old." Mrs. M. Fairchild, Scotland, Ont. FORCIBLE FACTS. THE testimony as to the merits of Burdock Blood Bitters is overwhelming and ad- mits of no dispute, It is the best blood purifier extant. Its action on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels is perfect. It cores dyspepsia, constipation, bad blood, biliousness sick headache and all skin disease. I- O- (3-. T. JUBILEE LODGE. No. 128, meets eT«ry Monday in Haskett's Hall, Markdale, at 8. Jeffrey ArUey, W. C. F. Steven*. Se»' New Goods JUST ARRIVED AT 6 PEE CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowest rates of interest. Apply to B. J. SPEOULE, Conveyancer Postmaster, Flesherton. W. G. RICHARDS BUILDER, CONTEACTOR, ABCHI- xscT, Markdale. Hufrab for Spring Goods AT THK Markdale Furniture Wareroom. Plush Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth Suits, Bedroom Suits, Beds Bedding, Sideboards, Tables, commcn Extension Tables, in great vai-iety WaShstands Spring Mattress Wool Mattrees of all kinds, and in fact everything that its kept in a first-class shop. Call and get quo- tations. Also Funeral Fnrmsliings â€" Coffins, Caskets, Bebes, Linings, Gloyeff, Crapes of all descriptions al- ways in stock. Tbanking my numer- ous customers for past favors. Yours respectfully, J« W. Sprouie. Stix aboBld be in every bouse. It wvw wenty tiaea its ooat. Bgld by dniggwta. JEWELLERY STORE coNsiSTiNo or Wall Paper, School Books, Note Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, School Chalk. LADIES' GENTS' Pocket Books, c. ALSO A LARGE ASSOETMENT â€" or â€" New Jewellery. The Markdale Standard Is issaed every Thursday, by C.W. RUTLEDGE. Markda.e. Out, Tebmsâ€" ?1 per year in advance; $1.60 if not paid within six months. Professional and business cards one inch space and under, per year, 94. 1 TB. 6 KO 3 KO. Whole column 960 00 927 50 915 00 Half column 27 00 15 00 10 00 Quarter column 15 O'O 10 00 6 OC Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Threeinchspace .... 10 00 6 00 Casual advertisements 8 cents per line first insertion, 3 cents per line each subsequent insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col. unm 10 cents per line first insertion, 6 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals Ac, advertised 3 weeks for 91 No paper discontinued untU all arrears are paid except at the option of the publisher. X (Obatnrortta eoRos. ia O. B. Adtrertiaer.) ' An unfortunate fire broke out in the Division Court oflSce here last Satur- day night about 11:80 o'clock by which a large amount of damag* was done before it was discovered and put out. The Clerk, Mr. McDonald, whose resi- dence is only a few yards from the office, had gone in for a book about an hour after the light had been put ont and struck a match lu the neighbor hood of a waste-basket and a lot of newspapers on the floor, leaving im- mediately on getting the book. Be thinks the fire must liave started from the match-end dropping or sulphur flying off it, as the lamp had been out an hour and the fire veiy low in the stove. About 20 minnt«s afterwards, the fire was noticed from the Shewell House across the street and the alarm given. A few mmtttes suffice to put it out, but not until the front lugs of a writing table on which stood a large case' of pigeon holes filled with papers had burned off and let the -whole case and contents on the burmng floor. The case eontained the records of the Division Court for the last 80 years or more. On the floor stood the Division Court books on end and a number of other books, including those of the Sydenham St. Vincent Stock Co. Some of these were totally destroyed and others badly }amaged, but none so badly but that record can be got of everything or nearly bo. The papers in the pigeon holes were badly burned on the ends but otherwise are not much injured. The office contained the Mechanics' Institute library, some 400 volumes, and the books on the upper shelves are badly damaged. It also contained a private library of about the same size, including a new Appleton's Encyclopaedia, valuf id in all about $700, and this too is badly dam- aged on the upper shelves. It is re- markable, however, how both libraries escaped so well. In the room adjoin- ing the office and connected with it by a door was the armory oT No. 6 Co., Slst BattaUou, containing property of the value of at least $8,000. This escaped unhurt. The books destroyed or injured were those most in use, but as already stated they are not so badJy injured but that rec.ird can be got of nearly everything of importance. New books have been ordered, and the old charred ones will be used only when required. In the office also were a large number of private papers but these were kept in drawers on the side of the room larthest from the fire and escaped unharmed. The loss will not be mose than $400, but the trouble of re-assorting everything will be enor- mous. There was no insurance on anything. On the whole there is reason to be thankful that the fire was not worse, for had it not been noticed just when it was, or had it got draught, everything would have gone and it would have been almost impossible to save the whole block down to the old Post Office corner. Mr. McDonald has decided to do two things, first to insure, and second, to get a safe. ' fabUe OnMotidaylasta in Holland Centre tol3'«.^, the farmer? m refers' ' PC factory. There .^^^ to»^* ana considerable interSf in the project. Mr f " dulk. and Mr. JohnstoHN"' were present, also Mr v\ "' hams, hue of luistioV^^fdg ButledgeoftheMaSlV?^-* each bpoke of the i^\:Jl '^^"Dih ot having _a cheese fey re5 their .oty Tliu, various iieiolibni-u j"***"!!! Cornet offered to eieS^^^ ingandputintheplantSJ** cheese at li cents per lb i!°^«tl» milk of 150 cows or guaranteed for one vcsir considered fair and 'rea^in/."" *• many hesitated to eDterT*^?' » the project and a conimiS^'»H pointed to canvas the distnlf' I asc^fcain just what tby"" on m regai-d the mlCl" available. Another iuepfi„ '"*» held ou Satord»T -^^ '""'"1 mittee, Am if favorabk""^^/"" directorate. """ to elect p.m.toreeeivetbeftparuf?"""*^ " ^m if favorabfe I te. GOSED BY A COW Two bottles of Hagrard-fi Yplin n! pisinvalua.IereSy:,ValTr« house. It cures cats, sprain bâ„¢i~ i" ' aoidalloainsaudaehes'SrS" T «'^^9'-^'i '^^ neuralgia and obbimed A. relief until advised tn iJfv I Yellow Oil. Since tfflLa«\?'f"*1 be an admirable remeSaS/Et;^ throat and rheumatism. Mrs F T^ " 137 Richmond St. W., Toronto. " Vandeleur, March 20, 1890 Editor Standard. Uear Sib,â€" I think asbort explanfr I tion necessary-as to why two InsiitjJ meetings were called so near one timj at Tuorubury. It was agreed at tiJ annual meeting at Flesherton thatJ meeting should be held at Tlioriibm as soon m help eould be secured J which Pres. Mills- consented tos'enj help. Pres. Mills wrote me aiout tie I first of March sayiugthatProfJamisI would attend a meeting of theliistittJ at Thornbury on the 7tli of Mari| and by the same mail 1 received J telegram changing it to the 14tJiii.) stead he had also notified Mr. G.F.f Marsh, Thornbury, for the 7tii botl not the change to the 14th. Thetal being so short Mr. Marsh, uponco^I suiting Mr. D. J. Hunter, conelndJ to print bills for the 7th. Thsminatsl of the Thornbury meeting of say, "As per an arrangement betwal Mr. Eells, Pres., aad Mr. MarsliJ This I know nothing of. I the telegram to the Pres. andwasin-l structed to have the bills pnntedfn the 14th and invite speakers. Sodl arrangements I carried out. IregrSl the mistake was made as it donbtol was a disappointment to manv, Yours trulj, J. 1. Gbahak. Amour the KorsM. JOB PRIKTrNG. The Standabd office has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. All orders filled with dispatch. Mr. Joseph Manarey, of Markdale, paid Brampton and vicmity a visit last week lor the purpose of purchasing a first-class Stallion to take ud to the neighborhood of " ' " " Call when you are examme my stock. m town and S. BREADNER. Jeweller. KASKSALE TILLAGE OFFICIALS. Reeve, W. J. McFarland Councilâ€" Wm Brown, Jno. Lyons, Geo, Haskett and Anirua Plewes. B. C. Biyden, Clerk; W. L. YoS Treasurer; Fied. Sarjeant, Pound-keepe? ' iiobt. Askin, police constable. PubUc School Trustees Wm. Lucas J Lyons Edward ^Rutledge, H. 1). I,;!;; J. S. Mercer, and W. A. Brown, Sec. COUNTT OFFICIALS. Jodgo, ' S. J. Lane. Owen Sound. Sheriff, C. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace. W. Armstrong, 0. Sound Clerk, John Butherfbrd. Owen Sound Treasurer, S. J. Parker. Owen Sound! County Warden. Chas Moffat, Edge HiU Begisxrar, N., B McKnight. Owen SounSi S., Tbos. Lander, Durham. Owt's^^J"â„¢*^" ^•^^"" "*- ^e. SSn^s^^r* «-*!»* Eaat. Judge Lane, Owen Sound. Markdale in Grey County, for the improvement of the stock in that County. Mr. Manarey succeeded in fiUing his bUl beyond his most sanguine expectations by buying from Mr. James Drinkwater, of Chinguacousy, his famous horse Gold Ijeaf at a fancy price. This is without question one of the best entire horses of Its class in the County, as is shown by the many prizes he has won at all the principal shows throughout: the province. For style, beauty, bone and sinew he IS unsurpassed, and as a sure stock getter it is needless to comment thereon, as the many hundreds of his gpts throughout this and neighboring testify, many having counties will realized then: owners handsome prices, and the youngsters which up have the eye of our buyers on them are coming SIX YEAR'S SUFFERING. I was troubled with dyspepsia for eiiy Four years ago I got a bottle of B. B. B f your agent, -Mr, John Peaiee, of B Harbor, which I considered ecanpletelTcmsl me. A return of the sjinptocns »'""" 'jl weeks ago, however, was promptly r^'^J by using only part of another bottle, f" feel as well as ever I did in my life. E. Dowling, Parry Harbor. Ont. TUB Sbot Took ObI7 as En. Mbafobd, March 2t.-A flliMl affair occurred here Saturday n'l which fortunately ended ffitboBt of life, Two men named Wi' Fox and George Tucker, who bad been on the best of terms of late. â- "' about 10 o'clock in the evening quarreled. Before coming to was decided to adjourn to 8 part of the town and settle the in a ring. i£.„j-tbl Accompanied by several ieB(i»JJ par:icipants turaed intoiVicw" .mj, when Fox suggested that8S»j^^"J| spot. Tucker said no, A SPAN of good i it w« ' FARM TO RENT. Waweg, Btttt IffarMafci. good bnDdinga, wall v»t«rad, cood «!di«nL B^tnodente. 4W-7 QodeMte. WM. BBODra. over, M P P ' ?^n^- P'^|»to" Torouto. M.P.P., South, J' BIyth, Orchard. DinuOH CODBX CLXBU "^^•I'^riAXlBa, OwenStmnd. ..* f^- ««»»«**. Merfotd! ** 6. J.. W. AmMtraag, ""itlwiii r 5* J«»ha MwPniwJd. CauSnwS.' " «. Wn.finNmT abeady. Gold Leaf i;;7eanymlg;i- W horse of the carriage class, id County to which bo Has gone. Mr ManRrey is to be • " highly gone, commended public. Fox began pnll'D? coat, when tucker drew a re bSt IhS fl?"' "" J**^" ^« °° ^o"**' to a doctor, and is now on the but that the many breeders of first- class horses in Grey County wUI take Bdvantoge ci the se^ces of GoM Leaf ^he many breeders of carnage ho^s throughout this neighboSVmT gret the loss of this noted sire, but be pleased to know that he hw gllen mto good hands and wSl be^ Wfit to g,r neighbors in Gw So' ^o«aL^S'Z:,8-.^BramJton, the deal and EXTRA Mgoluted »« aau and u hai. and aiming at his o^ fired. The bullet struck io\ "â- ear. smashing it to pieces. Tucker was overpowered an ed up. The wounded "^^^'A ictor, andisnowoatf^ No reason for the (^ynsxtA is but it is believed to h»w ^^ over a young lady with "" parties are in love. y\Bia IS IT ?-To those «h» **' used Wilson's Wild Cheny. '"^j that it is a preparation f""^^ Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, W^ t««itf Loss of Voice, and kidney baa been in successful use fcr It is A purely vegetaUe meawsW ^^ a Byrop. pleasant to tait?. *Z^i^ mediate relief to suffeis ^°^^i ' Threat, OboBt and Lnngs- j„] Cfbmrrr never disappoint*- ^Z^g^ •elf and family. "'""" Sold by all « IN PwiiMg, iHseiceT BooRiu jtMtt •â- ^ii*r v«a ;,,. " ..--',."â- ,-..-% â- --â- *v -t i ^â- - -^