^^I|RW -^^W^ two 10 th,t oated ., ,^ II the U. 8 emeatattbe ' 'lie ayenj^e 'ga-ist $16, ^ithan. ' the Clerk of wde, Mr.W, ir assessment 889 per 160 '^liich isfor rning tbe U ^e the iter- average lax ear is ftrand lifference be- J*! the case per their as wrea.. J16.no WTa8..9 5.00 acres 911.00 '8 own figures i iu 4-17-w, r. gate amount Jich includes 6 per cent; n 14 quarter arter sections five years, 7 r years and reeyettra, the arrears on tho )UDtiug to 53 J 11-14 years in arrears for total taxes, .97f per year to he shown ormation we ;mentforl88» lit $2.50= i3 on $=9 60 1i1od5=«2 40 tield on S=» 2 60 $5 60 ite is to par ral schools,. )ol8 are kept is levied on „ the amount rd of School nounk accord' the different is perhaps ore that the uld take all of the T. M. on whieh "n- anitoha, and oint the su- the questioB -bt the poor avily weight- lore forton- li we have no Ints wiU take (ration, and uat Manitoba 'here is room good sou. rood govern- tbese ad- L know how Ud by tbj 1 $5 ont of U "^^ obil*»»- ori*«*t )ore«»2 CJLUU ONâ€" I J. 6. Tpelfe^di next door to Hanley's drug â- tore, Markdale. »nd inapectbis large and veil asBorfed stock of Hardware. Stoves and Tinware PaintB and Oils. Prompt at- tention to repairing and eave- trooi^iing. "HEW TO TEE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY.' '^XTH YEAB.-Ko. 497. MAKKDAI^, THUBSDAX, MABCH 20, 1890. C. W. BUTLEDGE, lroprietoi. FOFt H E .()FE*EES, and Teas estra6»«e iMS and Herring without l*^e â€" yce»- flavor =^he very best ler Local and Other Items. Notices in tJtese columns inttnded to benefit any individual or Society will he charged ten cents a line for the first ituertityn andjtet cents a line each aubiegueni insertion. ^OTPCE.â€" Correspondence, mnmurtlta- ttons,. Advertisewent*. t£c„ nrnst le in this office by noon on Tuesday to inturt publication that week. â€" an ,1 P 8 PPLES, (dried) that will ffl.«et with yoat favor â€" orâ€" ICKLES, Peaches, Prunes and Peels at prices that will make joa iick up yeurlieels. ONFECTKTNERY, and spices and uuts to no end, â€" Eaisins â€" XD cnrrants. the best to be found â€" also â€" H I'GAKS and Syrups and Sodas for baling â€" that will â€" EAL your eick stomach and stop j.our Jiead achiffis;. a R TiOUlvD'ginger J*TnceE ground down â€" yes â€" AlSINS and r.ice the best in the town â€"or â€" lKAXGES and Lemons for I Grippe â€" also â€" La Good wlieeliag. Spbin^ weather. Eastsb Sunday Aijril 6. SVA^^-HAKiMo canimenceSt Hbn fruit is getting plentifnl. XTk. SAlitrEt, WstoHt is ap from lyy on a viut. Mv3s Em, Wkigft is visiting friends at Chippawa Hill. R. Douglass left last week to take a Bitaation in Chicago. Peints' TRiNrsl Peints!â€" For good, reliable Prints, go to Mercer's. 200 tons olu iroQ wanted at the Mark- dale foooocy, 'or which cash will be paid. T. W. IIuT',EDGK, the grocer, is qnite a rh vmist. Kead his new adv. on this page. A B^AU of good young borsen for sale. Apply to Charles Oohnstoo, Markdale. 892-ir. Better than ever are tbe plio?;o8 tn*tied out at Hamilton's Art Gallery, Markdale. A. W. Wade is not liable to tet the town on fire, but he 's liable to make e-Msellent bread. Wherk did you set that Hat? At Mercer's. He sells the cheapest and best Hai« in ^own. Oil Cake Herbag:eum /the best known Cattle foods in the world c HEESE and Crackers for supper i »* Manley's Drug Store E R when out late â€" to b3 sure â€" TERTBODY is pleased with good weight â€" and â€" EMEMBES to lii?h hang this «p â€" m- lyOUR memory and never go by. T.W.BUTL.EDGB, THE CheaiD Cash Grocer. FARM TO RENT. ^^5 acres, near Markdale, good baildings, I' watered, good orcliard. r.ent moderate. •»'-7 WM. BROWN. Original and only reliable. Beware of poor imitations. Hoai 27, liXD Council meets March |-?basia 2Sth, Artemesia AprU 3. Ibz minister stopped at a house on l^« South side, last week, aad sought to P!»ove the time by giving an 8- year C "^*° instructive lesson in morality. ^%," said the minister, "I have r*j!T^'^^^ years, and have never I tobacco in any form, nor told a lie, L!!!.?.? ^° °^*^' "" played truant, Lr? ' "Giminy crickets I" intermpt- I Jielad, "yer aiu't had any fun at all, of r^l4.a. I. *asia township council dnring " year wrestled with an under- it^f " *^ey finally mastered and. J T^'*^ ratepayers will have a jj ylawg which cannot help bnt « ffeat value. They selected £^^ most approved by-laws of \^^^ municipalities and added "COB? •"'*** *°^ ^^^^ now complete ^*n pamphlet form which ate to the municipality. ETery Z^ ?t*°^ P«"8e this by. "«»and have a similar onai|-- will save untold trouble â-º^* W. H. Dbinkwateb, tailor, has dis- continued business in Markdale and purposes going to Chicago. Piso's Cure for Consumption and Remedy for Catarrh are sold by W. J. Manley, Druggist, Markdale. Mb. a. W, Kinnky pnrposea opening next week a new cooper shop in the building lately occupied by W. J, Boyd. Thb most complete stock of Boys Ready-Made Suits in town at Mercer's all sizes from 22 to 85 inches, from $2 a suit up. Foa tender feet, and those tronWed with corns, call and get a pair of M. E. Douglass' easy boots. AH sizes and prices. Speing Seeds, Field Garden Seeds at Benson's; Long Clear Bacon, and Benson's cure for La Grippe. Bead their ad. this week. To Rent.â€" South il6, con. 10, Hol- laed, 80 acres cleared, house and barn, well watered and good orchard. Apply to Robert Clark, Lily Oak. Pabties from the country are invited to visit McNally's carriage works, when in town, and inspect his fine display of winter vehicles. Mb Alex McLocghbt left last week to visit friends iu Tcronto and Wliitby and iiill return this week to Glasgow, Montana. MoNBT to Loan on Mortage Se- curity, at current rates, expenses low, bosiness stricUy confidential, apply to Wm. Lncas Co., MMWale. Since Mr. Robt. Aakin w** a(ppoint«d Chief of PoUce for Madsdate, he has re- ceived the a^pomtment of County Constable. We believe be will make a ;*ood one. Mb. Thomsok, father of Mr. John Thompson, of Euphaei^ ha. sold out at Sco^iog Lake and parch«»d a f «rm oniib»'iihlmB,1rtsf»*^yherBhB is removms this npnag. Tab lfa«ki* BiMa Band witt prac- Oce to-manow^tmfJ) ^^rt »d, moibrr' earnerfty "quested to of an important 'jMiopi^^**' Thos. Salmdees Weight, a strapping young maa 6 leet S inches in height, Jeft on Monday last for loronto, there to take a situation on the police force. Ckmson Bbos. are as merry as a kitten and prepared to furnish the public generally with choice groceries. Take a look through their new adv this week. Lost â€" Small green Prayer and Hymn-book Sunday evening somewhere between Dr. Spxoule's and English Church; name inside. Finder will oblige by leaving at this office. The most complete stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, and Panting in town at Mercer's. Also neW stock of Ties, Collars, Cuflfs, c. Young men want mg nobby goods, go there. The Social at Barrhead Mills on Fri- day evening last under the auspices of the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid was fairly well attended and a highly enjoyable evening spent. Good music and popular games provided. An active mind with a genial dis- position always finds employment; Mr. John Couoell, Walter's Falls, de- votes hid spare moments to drawing you Ehonld see that wondeiiul cat, crayon drawing. Notice is hereby given to all in- debted to J. W. Ford, Markdale Roller Mill, to call at the mill at ooce and pay the sHme and thereby save trouble and costs, as he isgoingoutof business here. J. W. Ford. Tbe Ladies' Aid Society of the Methbuist church will hold their second At Home of the season at the residence of Mr. John Lyons on Tuesday evening next. Come and enjoy a sociable even- ing. Admission 15 cents. A lady from Owen Sound, in afflnent circumstances, arrived in Markdale by the 4:35 p. m. train on Saturday last in haste to the bedside of a dying relative at Durham, expecting to find a chance of conyeyance across the country. She kept on waiting until Monday, rather than hire a livery, and learned on her way to Durham that her friend had passed away on Sunday. On Tuesday, March 25. at 1 o'clock there will be au admiuiststrators' sale, on lot. 11, con. 9, Glenelg, near Traverston, when the farm stock, implements c will be sold, and farm (lots 10 and 11, con. 9 and lot 12, con. 10) will be rented. See posters for lull particulars. G. Noble, Auctioneer. Tbos. Dulau, Aumistrator of the estate of the late Maurice Dulan. Ms. Feed. G. Stephens left for To- ronto on Saturday last. A few even- ings before his departure the officers and teachers of the Methodist Sunday School assembled at the residence of Mr. R. W. Ennis, the superintendent, and presented Fred with a fine bible and an address. Fred was one of the most faithful of the faithful in school duties, punctuality being one of his X L N T qualities. A young lady asked an editor this extraordinary question "Do you think it is right lor a gill to sit on a young man's lap, even if she is engag- ed " Whereuopn the editor told this extraordinary lie "We have had no experience in the matter referred to." Why didn't he say If it was our girl in our lap, yes if it was another fellow's girt in our lap, yes if it was our girl iu another fellow's lap, never, never, never. l-riTLE Current, Manitoulin, has applied for incorporation as a town and a Bill to that end has pasi^ed its third reading, furthermore, Mr. S. Jenkins, Editor of the Manitoulin Expositor, Fa spicy paper pulished at Little Current,] -Las Announced him- self as a .candidate for the' office^ of Mayor. We are notpersonally acquaint- ed with Mr. Jenkins bnt judging from his paper we would oonolode that he is the right man. •rrcA Jamaeoa, General Blacksmitti, Horse-shoeing and all kinds of tptdni^ promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Kuanitteed. Give him a trial, H a rird a le carxiaffB woAs, ypgoAUi the M a rkd a l e Hoose. Wanted I â€" ^200 cords wood cut and 2,000 raib split. Jas. Bell, Bell's Lake. Thbbb new members were added to the Markdale A. O. U. W. last Monday night. Dec supplement will be read with great interest by those who have not had an opportunity of reading the history of that dreadful deed. The birth of a popular expression is thus ascribed to John Jacob Astor: "Being a German by birth, Mr. Astor supposed that 'O.K.' was an abbreviation of 'all correct,' which, m his own mind, he spelled 'oil korrect.' The joke upon Mr. Astor found its way into print, and was so much appreciated that his 'O.E.' soon passed into common use." OUp This Out. The Canadian Permanent Loan Co. requests me to announce to their cus- tomers in Artemesia, Euphrasia, Hol- land and Glenelg, wishing extension of their Loans, or those wanting new Loans at lowest rates of interest can have their wishes strictly and con- fidentially attended to by calling at my residence opposite Dr. Sproule's mansion Markdale. John Whitby, appraiser. Also farms for sale and to rent. GORED BY A COW. A fine colt belooging to Mr. Peter Lindsa; of Ktzon, Ont., was badlv booked by a cow. Two bottles of Hagyard'H Yellow Oil cored it Tbis invaluable remedy sbould be in every boose./ It cores cuts, sprains, braises, but ns and all nuns and aches in man or beast. .^ SPBING! SPBINGl TIMOTHY, CLOYER â€" AND- GARDEN SEEDS -AT THE- BELFAST HOUSE, got quotations from as before yon pnrehase.. Crockery Glassware, the best selected stock to choose from in Markdale. SoastoatoBaath. A stranger who came to Markdale some two weeks since and was staying with Benson Bros., of the Belfast House, met with a fearful death on Monday last. It appears he was in a stupor and during Sunday night took a position over the hot air register in the liquor depaxtment of the store. There was but little fire in the furnace below on Sunday, bnt on Monday morning a roaring fire was put on, and shortly afterwards W. J. Benson was horrified to find the poor fellow roasted to death. His name was All Gator, and he came from Florida. A PLEASING DISCOVERY. V I suffered with neuralgia and obtained no relief until advised to try Hagyard's Yellow Oil. Sinoe then I have found it to be an admirable remedy also for bumE, sore throat and liiemnatirtm. Mrs. F. Cameron, 137 Biehibond St. W., Toronto. â- ap]7«r and nrMMBtattoB. On the evening of Thursday, March 13th, the employees of Mr. W. J. Mc- Farland were invited to attend a supper at his residence given by him in honor of Mr. Fred Stevens on the eve of his departore from Markdale. After ample justice had been done to the good things provided by Mrs. McFarland, the cloth was removed. Mr. McFarland in a neat speech expressed his regret at having to part with Mr. Stevens after having him in his employ for over five years and spoke very highly of his faithfol service during that time, after which he pre- sented him with a, handsome Gentle- man's Travelling Case and a cheque for fifty dollars as a token of esteem. Speeches followed by Messrs. H. Foster and R. D. Bigger, both expressing their sorrow at his departore and tendering him the best vrisbes for his future pros- perity. Mr. Stevens replied in a few feeling and well chosen remarks tender- ing his hearty thanks to Mr. McFarland for his handsome present and his kind- ness during bis term of service. The party broke up about midnight after haying spent a very enjoyable evenmg. TVhat IS rr?-^o those who have never used Wilson's Wild Cherty, we beg to explain thict it is a preparati(«ior thocmre of Coughs, Colds. Croop, Bronchttia, Whoopinc; Cough, Loss of Voice, and kidney diseases, which has been in successfnl use tcr twenty years. It ia a purely vegetable medicine in the form of syrop. pleasant to taste, and giyes im- mediate relief .to soSms from diacasas of the Throat,. Cfaost and Luags. Wilson's WSd Cherrr neror diiappewH* Tiy-it for yoor- tOttaA famity. Beldigr bB diUggists. CONSTlPA'iaQS..Aip HEAOAGHIL Fresh Groceries, Fresh Grocerles,^ Xt e have in stock a Japan Tea for 25 cents that peddlars and other merchants sell for 35 cents, call and get a sample. Flour $c Feed, Bran, Shorts, Oat and Cornmeal and every- thing else kept in a first-class provision store and for prices we can make them all take a back seat. We have a positive cure for the "La Grippe' Benson's Rum, Gin and 5 and 7 year old whiskey will knock it out of you in one night- Come and see us, you can save money by buylnfr your goods from us. R.H. BENSON CO. B. H. Bbnson. W. J. Bbrson. 4tli ANNTJAli Clearing Sale â€" ON March 27, 28 and 29, AFTERNOON EVENING, 2 AND 7:30 O'CLOCK D BAB Mas. tkmaBd B^B. B. oa modi cood:^ fCQveda-snKli^^.. '§l^datKCkir«M« .«i ^JBartipAJ ' get a bottle of i( did me so lltflks, and it BbKertrtii^lw. Without reserve following goods offered â€" Cruets, Buttei'i?, Baskets, Berries, Spoons, Forks, Knives, Nap. Rings,, etc., m fine Silverware. Violins, Boxes, Eows, Acsordeons,. o., in Musical goods. Gold, Gold-Filled Silver Watches with fine American movements, Ladies- and Gents sizes. Roll-Gold Chains, Seals, Caff: Buttons, Tie Pins, Ladies' Brooches; and. Bar Pins, all best qoalitjr platei warranted. 6 Nickel Alarm Clocks, also Walnut and Veneered Spring Clox. Other lines also reduced. My extremity ia your opportunity to- procure genuine goods at yonr own. prices. Am persuaded that these goods, and method of disposure wUl attract, many buyers. Termsâ€" Up to $14 00, cash over that, approved notes at 6 monihs^ without interest, or 5 per cent, dis- count. See big posters. Remember time, place and tinrms. W.A.BBOWN, Jeweller, f^p., c GEO, NQBUS, Aticti^ kvoUR CtQ^lli* 1^1®***^ "" QABOEII »£«•» ^^ ssmm i rs U i ' *l.:' •f ;â- '^r )i-S- I 'n f, Xi ffl â- (Vt ^â- ^ 'h\ '-.:l."-*i " ^^l f -4. â-