Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Feb 1890, p. 4

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 /zai 14 â- !"ii»i mrm â- i I f I'm â-  I â- -•If :# l (1(1: -in:' i'i jiji i-llil \M ll:!.|| (Tilarg^a£^ ^^anbarb* li' C. W. Butledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, FEB. 20, 1890. ON THE WING. On Tharsday last we determined to visit Toronto and the first circnm- stance worthy of note was the delay of the morning train eight hours caus- ed by the breaking of an axel under the tender which happened before reaching Chatsworth. The train made the run from Maakdale to Toronto in three and a half hours and we were not a little surprised to see there good sleighing and nearly every vehicle ex- cept the street cars on runners. The following day rain poured down all day making it extremely disagreeable. CANADIIK PBESS ASSOCIATION. The winter session of the C. P. A. was held on Friday in the City JCouncil Chamber, and was thoroughly interest- ing. Able papers were read on vatious subjects pertaining to the "fourth estate" which was followed by practical, and we have no doubt prDfitable discussions. During tlie iitteruoon the Association listened to addresses of welcome from Mayor Clark and also from Alderman Dodds. Chairman of the Eeception Co.mmittee. The Mayor's speech was a glowing tiibate to the worth and work of jouinalism. Aid. Dodds also spoke tloquently, and extended in right hearty terms a welcome to his fellow j^^urualists of the province. Ou Srtur- (lay morning the absorbiug topic of cuuyersation hy all classes was the destructive fire of the preyious even- ing by which the University in Queen's Tiirk was left a mass of ruin. We cropped into Frank Porter's book Btore and found him doing a thriving business. Several orders of $100 and upwards were being filled for Me- chanic's Institutes in various parts of the province. We also found Alex, liani'.ah doing a rattling business. He is located on the corner of Welliogtou and York streets, the Wellmgton Hotel, just one block from the Walker House. Messrs. Bowes Luke are t-lso doing a thriving business lu the reul estate. Saturday evening found us asain at "Home sweet home." â€" The Ontario Government is to be asked to take steps to extend the operations of the Torrents system cf land transfer to the whole Province. â€" Toronto City Council has decided to abolish tax exemptions on real pro- perty except dwelling houses to tbe value of $600 and under. The Council refused to abolish the tax on income and personalty, â€" Miss Wright has heard from Mr. Mercier with reference to her appeal for protection in the pursuit to her evangelisation work in Hull. The Quebec Government will vindicate the authority of the law. â€"The municipal elections which took place in salt Lake City on Mon- day last are regarded as the most im- portant ever held in that city. Tije issue was a straight one between Mormonism and anti-Mormonism, and the latter won a signal victory, 'i'he Gentiles, or Liberals, claim a majority of 1,000, while the Mormons admit that they are beaten by 400. This is the second electoral defeat that the latter haye experienced in six months, and as the Government of Salt Lake city is now in the hands of the Gentiles it would ssem as if the days of polygamy were numbered in Utah. There is the more reason therefore to fear that an effort may be; made to transplant it into C anada. ABSTRACT STATEMENT -OF THE- f^eeeipt JCi3 /m (-^ ;K:penditIire â€"Ol' TiiE- wVVjM SI- HIP^ GLEJMEb© Fcr the year etiding 31 si December, 1889. liK.CElPTS. To I'alftuce ')n l.ancL.. ...... J 27 ca •• 'Jiixes for If-'b' 1G(J4 9f) •' 'J'p.x-s tor IbS'J 625" 21 " Iiiteiest 48 00 " License 170 9.5 '• L. lax... SG2 CH " Eefund, Bv-law 174 7'J 60 •' Central Bank dividend. 2675 31 " Brid-^e Equivalent 154 53 " Ecnt of Hall 8 00 " MarKdale 195 84 ' ' Land Im j )rovemen t f im d 104 86 " Costsof Court re McGirr 27 09 " Durham Debenture 400 00 612171 6G EXPKNDlTDKE. By Scliool Boards $305.5 33 " Other School accGuuts... 514 00 '• Sinkiri" Fuiiti 2738 34 " Board of Health 20 OO " Eoads autl Bricl'es 1033 41 " Ejection cxpeuaes 48 50 " Salaries, c 652 80 " Printing, postage, c..,. 121 63 " Interest 1202 45 " Charities 144 50 " Miscellaneoui?.... ......... 196 79 " Balance on hand... 2443 8» We hereby certify that this Abstract Statement of Recei]jts and Expenditures is correct. Meaford Boad. Standard Correspondence. The annual Sabbath School tea- meeting was held in tlie Wesly Church ou the 12th inst,. and was fairly well attended, the receipts being over $17. Mr. S. Buchanan and wife left for Oregon last Friday. One of onr young men who left some time ago to make his fortune in the West has returned aftsr a very short absence. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Kingston City Council have vot- i l to tax all church property. â€" There was no disturbance at Hull List T uesday eyenmg at the evangelistic laajtmg. â€" Tiiomas Kane, the Toronto wife- L.uiuerer, was executed last Wednes- d.iv, the liith. â€" The municipal election at Quebec i!i Monday was carried ou by ballot 1 r the first time. â€" As the spring approaches there is K bttterfeeling in Montreal commercial ujd financial circles. Walter's FaUs. Standard Correspondence. 'â- ^EpUtolarum Coihniercium." Wanted â€" A httle more snow. Mr. G. McWhirter, an enterprising farmer of the "suburbs," took nine head of fat cattle to Meaford on Satur- day last. The Oddfellows are making pre- parations for holding a grand concert in their new hall some time next month, "Who is going to get the carrying of the Meaford mail ' isanall-absorb- i'5g question. The General impress- mg is that the one who gets it will be, for once the unlvcky man. Mr. Mark, a cousin of our respected storekeepers, Bonnell Bros., has corae from the neighborbood of Lindsay. Victui-ia, Co. to pay our village :i fiisndly visit. About the time that this will reach you,' someone expects to be made hippy. The marriaije of Mr. Free of Collingwood township and Miss LizM McLennau, vjU be celebrated t' m)rvo\v (Tuesday) afternoon, at the home i^f the biide's father on the towi;- lino Euphrasia. May tljev iuive u pleasant journey through life. La Grippe, whicii ha j been so much jokod about, has been the means of i;ringi:ig bereavement to one or tw IjotueH m this neighborhood. A few wfOKs ago Mrs. McQualcer, one oi the earliest settlcis in ihis section was taken av/ay and last w^ek witnessed the dt cease of, another old settler in tht' pf rson of ]Mr3. Shepherdson. Th^ AT MAN LEY Received thi«3 n, 10.000 Pinr.^ Square Eavelop^e^^^' SLATES. 1000 of the best oci 300 page Scribbli ' Books ever offered Markdale. 1 GfiOSS FIX Pen HALF GROSS SCHOOL "'â-  111 AND fi^ARKOALE OLOTS^^^i^ie STORE, liiaUeniatewHi.Mute:. \vhilp waiiiuR ".â€""' liuUe ov gBiukmcn. can have them AGi^Jl-IT FOR PABKER'S DYS WORKS. GoJur^iS^nd'^^eatC'" "^^-" T^^^ " receive careiul attention. don't forget that wes the all-steel, eve± |ing imbreakable coe and BLACKBOAEl ERASEI^S. HiirraliforXfflii; â€" «T THEâ€" Si. FOUR BOOKS FREE! -The U. S. Senate has ratified tbo j jiiSiciod ones have the sympathy l-i the conironnitv. British riXtradition Treaty, with a 1 ;w uniniportaut amendments. â€" Ontario Electoral District Agri- caltural Societies will ask for a Government grant of §20.000 for county shows. â€" The London (Eug press on '];^\^q ZSaxwell. Monday contained sympathetic re- ferences t(» the destruction of tlie University building. â€" The authorities of McGill Universi- ty are taking precautionary steps igaiust such a conflngraiiaa as that of Toronto University. â€"Mr. D. Creightbn, M. P. P' has been re-nominated to contest Noith i ray in the Conservative interest at the coming Looal electi ons. â€" The Mormons were defeated in the recent Salt Lake Oity elecUons hut it turns out that the Gentile element was Ia]^l composed Standard Corret-pordence. ThH yjungJPeople's L'y Society held a very saccessf'il c')ncert in InksCer"s school house on Thursday evening. The liouse was well fllled and the audience were highly nl^^ased with the evening's entertainment. Our liotel, which is usually very quiet, was on Saturday tvenmg the scene of a disgraceful drunken brawl. We wonder if there is not a law against selling the "couc^'ntrated ex- tract of Hades" aftar seven o'clock on Saturday evening. Mr. Robert Laughliu. of the third line, passed over to the silent majority on Saturday evening. We understand the caase of the old gentleman's death I was La Gnppe and bronchitis. Miss Jennie Aljoe, of the 8th line, is veiy low with malarial feyer and there is very little hopes of her re- bf covery. Mr. Jaoks(Mi Betd had an anction I. Dr. Rameau. By Georges Ohnet. a. Lady Audleys Secret. By Miss Braddon. 3- The Texar's Revenge. By Jules Verne. 5. The Death of Ivan Hutch. By Count Tolstoi. 6. A Ternble Temptation. By Charles Reade. 7. Tom Brown at Rugby. By Thomas Hughes. 8. The Sketch Book. By Washington Ir^ng 9. The Last of the Mohicans. 10. Widow Bedott Papers "• ""t^t^^t"' N«- Y"" Was'hing. il-Jfck^of an T T '• ^^ """"' Lyof Tolstoi. 13- Jack of aU Trades. By Charles Reade. « ?r"of^*"""' "^^" By Hawthorne. 15. The Cloister and the Hearth. By Reade. 16. Spoopendyke. By Stanley HunUey. Is" RaLv"%°"" °""' By Rosa Carey. X9. Esther. By Ro^a Nouchet'e C^;;'"'"*^- ^.Charlotte Temple. By Mrs. Rowson. "•^.'-5^^."^te"-r. The Death "• Smfrt"" °' " P-"°ck. By Hawley 33. The Passenger from Scotland Yard « ^^'« Told Tales. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1 M ' V?'"""" ByJohnStrangeWre^ »^Mona_s Choice. By Mrs. Alexandre. "â-  B^7or;'2n"cttr-« ""*-- Of »S. The Hon. Mrs. Vereker n- -m. t^ Chris. By W. E. NorS. "'"' 30. Paul and Virginia. By st Pierre. By H. Rider 31. The Tale of Three Lions. Haggard. 3a. The Devil's Die. By Grant Allen. 33. Cleopatra. By H. Rider Haggard. 34- Derrick Vaughan, Novelist. ByEdnaLyall. 35. A Crooked Path. By Mrs. Alexander. 36. Marooned. By W. Clark Russell. 37. A Hardy Norseman. Bv Edna Lyall, 3S. Merle's Crusade. By Rosa N. Carey. 39. Sweet Lavender. By H. L Williams 40. The Beauty of the King. By Dr. Thwing. "â-  ""'Vr^^:^^"^^^^ J-. ,st 43. Salathiel or. the V»^andering Jew. 2nd vol. « Comn^'" «" """'=• ' "'^^^ """ lo^«° 0°°" °f Recitations an-^ Dia- logues. Over aoo selections. « W?!t'in.°??" *»'â- â-  -Etiquette and letter Writlf^;„iSâ„¢P"*i"e the Standard Letter .-, TyTn :. '"'"=*'°" " Autograph Albums. 'â-  ledg°'"'FamM^^'l??"" of Useful Know- m.ferr„L'V;rf'S. and interesting '^â- "Ausefu^"'H?°°?.'"" Medici Quids. „t* °"' Manual. Profiistlv illustrated- 50. Standard Poultry Book, tag nai.« !,«.» Char^J,., t!.?m """ment, containing A â„¢^ I • Ta*'eaux, KicUlIes. Games ett ' pumfsh^d^,;"",^ f"nni:.t-book eve, profusely^lSn^S ^^"""' '-ok. Markdale Furnitun Wareroom, AWAY DO^N BELOW lor tbe HoJJdfiy season, Plush Parlor Suits, Hair-cloth Suits. Bedroom Suits, Beds Beddiri] Sideboards, " Tables, commoii; Exten.siai is' in great variety ,•: Vv as/is-'"" Mattress Wooi Matrrtr:;"" and in fact evervtliiu;' 'ii^f" a first-class fiboo. GilUad^- tations. Also Fuii«-:ii Fi;r£i**^ Coffins, Caskets, Boht Gioyes, Crapes of ftli "-^^ â- "â- 'â- ; i waysui stock. Tliauinug »} ' ons customers for ]iast lavor ing ajl a Merry Xmas iiew Year. Yours i-espectialij! J. W. SP ^1 13 aiiJ H PROCl l?]iOM THE CHEAP GASIfST(| m'GOFALLCHEH Aoknowlelged by one Do not delay, but o^*^7at once. 'a^P/'â„¢""' "' '^^'^^ •^•« RURAL CANADIAN 5 Jordan Street, TOROMTO. Aer-oss THs ccxtjnsnt. J^-lTT^?' '•n.o.^seholdaall ov.„ ipti^f.,...," ' •â- "'-•."'^•i ^eil known i; ig Oan- RToat niul tlie people are beginnmg to wond- 1 his stock and implamentu. He is "â- "/J' «J"^*i"-^. i-mis^iH* ban's S'i"r!"" i(^ whether. the; guned «r loet most, movingto Toronto Jonotion. Pat. ^^^^^v^y and ii^terpun " ° BAEGAIN â- B.OP that was ever opened in villasje of :M"1" ihis. Here we are, good P^'J'^tt'^, you, with lots to show j^" jj* you, and with lot? *« s" tt TRUST iN OLD FMEND claim the ditt £: P^" "^^ '^^ J"«t'y long where 3ti?u'::^^wti£'V° ^«-«' «.t*y8 knew how we can sell ^^ ^^ live, it would do jour 11^^.^ make voa quake with \°1 ^^ it wonl.1 make you lej* houuehold that sueb « P»|" GIVING AW^^^ T^openearigM**^^^, We woDt every one wh"' 60 OQU- on every dollitf»"^i^ %nd iu{« us, exauune °^ufi«" j«,aiiJbeooovinoea A loUROTT Ottawa. Feb. «D tlie J3ill of Ji jliftt sectitn of itories Act aiitb .of tlje French sembly delibera ^nd iu the cour .Jay lud bids fa ibllpwmg Wed It lias Lieen, so nble 8p8ecli«s, L the House in t\ Blake, and by canons room au in recent years amendment to tbe Bdl is the p far we have HinendmeQts pr (Jardwell, Div Beansoleil of E of West Durhai gulate the snbje( Ji[orthw6st Terii lan-^f favor takii Wirea jMes.srs. I jfiOEcd to leave t settled by the pe the French Mi that tiiey could 1 euduienf^s. Gen Here held by hot Opposition and s were held aften liooiu where thi mil tee of six to ' and urge him tt House some otlie matter. Thty t West Legislature pledged to iibohs; we v/ould justas bid as send the r lve|:iua. Ou the xano (youservativ( pi\ li-om giving a( Uill and jiere th how to so trame make it nou-comt able til tiia 25 Q â- iervatives as well Opposition. The just a bad a lis fc spousibiliry of the course control t evident that the B port than the parti McCarthy is bacj iieoison of Toront oflienfrew, bv 1 Oxford, by Mr' Co iyMr. Clark VVhIj Mr. IvicXeill of Lr Muskoka, Mr. Ci. Prof. Weldou of a] of ISimcoe â€" truly ii doey not iucludel has so stirred Parll the Eiel or the Jel almost itisifrnificaif As HJake said In ij a turning poiijt in tederatiou. Fctl hij^h and mauv of Nicholas Flood debate WeCutsdiJ Ijnlliant oratorical] •ed with saiiies of down the House.- -dcCartliy pouriiml iherecfssiatoifTu «ar.s. He poiut, W'lthits thi-eooliic fixaaipie and quot, -vitality of that He ~-"Ott doomed to â- not to die." He "rtl;y had not ha| ^^•:o\., taking his oiru8 do their food «^d.d the Hegma ^is coucliisious arl ^i^iieu followed i. â- ^iU-ui uud hurried] fi« 'iefsyded the Kj ^iou and bu.i.ied o f«;^'iy. He told iad spoken for an J"g of the Doint at [•r one nationalit iHe dual lauguag; "t'laaUy smuggle Ja^-'iwell.whouia geech contended lano prevent the g'lage by Act o^ ««VH-al French m' je^med the bdl a| 'f^uotouly in J'«o lu the Doml ^aogeviuwas v.| speech aud delied to kill ihe Fi J*^,^. He warned Jjfdsthattwocoul i?iy«*»ison and {;• one uuited Auf JJ»v»d UHls was sol Smother that I ^e in Its McBJ ^^*-tbat will i

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