Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Feb 1890, p. 5

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 /. oiiday season. fc,Bfl«ft au Ambassador desirtfi 'tile !«vfciJ "" "^^" ' (im^ce to ae^in^' ,^1j of iJiem some parable that jje, *iglit report to bis Kuig the trisiiom ,gs silent wko, when asked wfaiy, W jjg^ :â€" "lleport to your lord tliat' â- Jjere are of tlie GreciUB tlMse rWfaq.. Uold their peace" • -,- â-  iTliis vvisdom does not cbtcMa^nd it-' •self to tiie Icyal Oppositioif, Juja Biiiii .{Uedtbate on tlie i'raiicljiije ActtUej d«bste wil^ %9^ay made ^^,£^*y^"np«rtel«ramade to prp^act df that 66rh.^ bk^fol ^.tU.^ ^^« the SSift^ ja|^n*thaft|,M:ma»t* hsi^'alrbadv ^^mii-ii"ed Ireciuently ttuUi.tlieMiii. J»tl»»Boa« ue,»ity ^ry.d« for^ i8te«iali«t8 would not defend «lie .Act fe*- minfatea; has finisheJ 1.,, u«* The Uebaw be Dr. u uti istetfali l^ut lield tiieu- peace. «ac on the motion of iigiu, to repeal tli Act-iuid adopt Um „]« Proyiucwl UanciiiBes. The;(i|»|o- silion urged tiiat tins wa^ uiorecpb- venitnt and leao eipeiisive aijU it en- abltd biicli of the Proyiuct* ad had umuhood suffrage â€" Untfcrio, Manitoba flDd Prince Edward Island â€" to jwv^ii tuemselves of it in the Dominion ol^c- tiaiid as well. Mr. Jjaurier, lioiweveti declaimed himself opposed to tho priuei- pie uf manljood suffrage. TLe M»u. J. A. Chapleau, Secretaty of oiuie, was tae cUittf expoaent of the view* of tlie Government. He Utohkred for ft national franchise framed by the ustioaai piirhauienl based ou the priuci#le of uuiforuuty. Ha hoped ijjsy Blight be able to simplify the machinery and also reduce the cost, fle' gave the cost of the hrst revision iu 1«8G as $4iy.(iOO and of the second, m 1889, as |152,U00. He did not think it ueceEsary to have au annual levisiou 'jf the voters hsts. The (iibcussiou lasted three. days a number of Ministerialists responding later ou to the invitation and warmly Uifendiug the Ace. The appointment to the Senate of â- a-Lieut. Governor Masson to succeed •iLe lute M. Rodier is a very popular tjue. A inoderiUe man, of higU ohar^ sicter, Mr. Mas^^on has the respect of both the great political parties. He was bir John Macdonald's first Min- ister uf Militia m 1878 but resigned in W80 ou account of ill health, and was •called to the Senate iu 1882, a position he resi^^ued m 884 to become Lieut. Governor of Quebec. He is bow summoned back to the sphere he then left. Dnday evening saw the first lively «C9nes of the session altho' the session was three Aveeks old. It arose in Com- miititi ot tSupply over a statement sahmitted on Tuesday by Hon. C. H. Topper as to the expenditure under the different governments for advertis- ing in and subscriptions to news- papers. The Opposition charged that ibe statement was misleading and in- lentionalJy so. This brought yonng Tupper to his feet with au explanation that his statement was ouly intended to be partial and he had said so at the time. Finally Dr. Landerkin began to bacier the Minister of Marine about liis father, the High Commissioner, and used the term "falsehood" as applicable to Mr. Tupper's action. Ytuufj Tupper's blood was now up and iie taunted the witty doctor with being ihe buffoon of the House and declared lus kuguage more tit for a bar-room than for Pariiarueut. Lauderkin, who *ould joke on his deathbed, again proved nis title to be the jester of the House, alter which the pot was allow- «â- 'â-  lo simmer down, but only for a lew minutes. This time the Opposition started in to badger Sir Adolphe Caron, Minister "' Miliiia, over his travelling expenses, and Dr. Wilson was wicked enough to. ^f^^ t= some certain trip of Sir AJoJpJie's to the sea side with a fair lellow traveller. At this the Minister '^ose quiukiv to his feet and liotily re- sented Dr. Wilson's insolence. A ^abbub followed and Mr. Launer ask- «1 that the word should be retracted. ^ir Adolphe contintied speaking not- withstanding that SirJohnJ)d[«cd6nald l^eqneuUy motioned him to sit down. "^ir Adolphe was naturally angry and "6 told the chairman that he would jot retract, but m a feiV minutes at Pje Premiers command he did so. ytof the Ministeriau«ts enjoyed Su: ^°'N«'s predicament as he is disliked y the Onuirio men. The Premier too |«"nly showed that he was angry at '"e inimster's method of zneetiog the J^^ of tlie Oppositiou bees, as in j^"ttee of supply all the other Miii- pts exhibit an even temper and » ^^'Position to fnrnih aU; proper "'nu^tion. • tlj^^"«sday (to-mon-ow) is fixed Jbt,: --.J^f 'iiscn88ion on dual langoaees jwhalton McCarthy's bill. Aspe^ia «Jfsiou from Mootreahtt^^J^ted that day. There are .two|iiifBd- " propoeed hut ppfa 0Wlv3firt yw as Mr. Davii.'s nSkr. Bobert onl^T*' » to the effectt the whole 'l""'-^ be left to thelSlitaPf «U* „ finissheJ hi3 Ibng t'^f ^«Mfl tel^ulf Of the C. ^.:b. M«re bl.e 4j;bitrator.» and the ca«1a dosed.... ..... ...,^;^;^V, ^* Ol»B0Ott. iiiandard Cvrr^pondenee. A trayeikr on©» termed 4h«r "the gurtlen, of;»leriblg," yet it-w being dfe-j caught the craze, and have Pl.alated rapidly. The late J. i;Qckei arui 18 vacant. Rf Smith has rented hte place and left. J. Doncau has leased and watso going away. T Hastings had a saleJasl Monday and 18 Icavmg. We regret to KCB our neighbor* kaving and so many vacant farms, ' " U '» geawmijy,., coaeeded Uurt ' tW S««Reiaiw«k ttns.poat oOmb Mifiraited vaMr puwer. «nd manotactarars sbonld make •note a t^i, ^, that at ,ik comparattvel ttiflieK «ast' iUey ow have an aboodant and «9vet-feQiny power, wita abandani-forestB o! prfir[e timber in tWvi^itjr, instead of the •rregnlar, uixst«j4y, " mj? expensttve. steam power, A f flw Aun^ib^ y»i3 vest of the village iNrofter.we have tb« «(mfluenc0 ol Blaak Creek, ^oh affotils the nattral ad* vantage 'for eifeoHng an overshot -itttar wheel 4U fert ia diameter. Andrew Keay m- erecting Ml additi(» *o the shilliBg 6f Mrs Dolaney.- :- V 'Tt *?*^ Mr. .Uftnrice.DooUn is expcctjed home shorly Vidaom* m adraoea. A vedding is^nihe tapis' ot vliicb yon will be dBJy informed wbefl it takes phuse^ ' It isejcp^l^by the knosjn'ones that when tbe ica i^ Itg^ktvhlihviat waU be a boom iu the matiimcMiial' msriMt:':::{:Ten the knotted, i donbled albd tirfsted titled htdles have secured the SfcTTioea of lii»iittlp God Ai^el, to slip tbit^' kejboles sAdTeport pTteeediags othOT- wise tbey hnve ar^fortorial staff of eaves- droppers. Ooc^^fcipoiiR many instannes ot this detestable espioq^e came under my notice recently. One o| ouz most prudent yoriri,? men made a friendly call npon the brigade, prooeedingSi bnt perhaos they will retOtn femily of an acquaintance, and the next day, ere long. Kobert Smith returned from Mrs. Eggslow. mentor cf the Ariel Mamtabaon a visit recently. gave a verbatim report of the lUe Wantot-BleighlUtf is a felt want, and w*s so much conrnleed with laughter Jim said he would petition the council thkt .he distended her facial orifice to such Snn! lo V °° T\ '^^** ^*« «*«"*• t^*t « bystander solemnly ayers he done last summer and they relused. cooid distinguish the grogmm grey oolor of this lower extremity of the inner garment wora upon herpcrson. I would advise Don't try it again â€" ^lockjaw might ensue. Yours truly, Sbhtirbl, They are very charitabU all'tJie same. The Grippe was pretty general around here but not of a serious char- acter. The shoddy pedlar nuisance has also visited this neighborhood and clings with even greater tenacity than even the Russian influenza. We visited the premises of Mr. Jas. Bell recently and were much pleased with what we saw. Mr. B. has a lot of the finest horses we have seen. His spacious, substantial and yery com- fortable out- buildings are indeed worth a visit. The sheep house, hog pen and henery are his own handiwork and second to none in the country. We also saw his bees they are doing well. More Anon. Karkaway. Xaxwoll. litandard Corretpojidenee. The suow storm on Frida3' and Saturday has given us sleighing again and we hope it will make times livelier. Notwithstanding the lavages of la grippe the population of this town continues to increase. Mrs. W. H. Guy has just presented her husband with a "girl baby." Please accept congratulations friend Harry: Mr. Hutchinson, of Dundalk, occu pied the pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday evening, the lOth inst., but la grippe occupied the attention of a large share of the congregation. Death has again visited us. Mrs. Wm. PhiUips died of inflammation of the bowels on Monday, the 10th inst. This neighborhood has been this week called upon to mourn the death of an old and respected citizen in the person of Mr. E. W. Moore, who died on Sunday last, aged 63 years. Mr. M. had been ailing for over a year, but was in usual health up to two day^ before his death. The funeral on Tuesday was largely attended when the Rev. Mr. Bnggin preached an appropriate sermon to a large ftnd appreciative audience. La Grippe has been quite general, and many have reason to rpmember his unwelcome visit for many a day. Mr. Joseph Halbert joins the army of benedicts on Wednesday, 12th. Miss Maggie Taylor being the happy bride. Our respected young friends have our congratulations. 'Guess Bob i will be an old maid, eh WaOltrn's TaXm. StandardCorrespondence. "Epistolarum Cmnmereium" The sleighing, althoiigh next thing to a minus quantity is being weU made use of by the farmers and is causing busmess in the Tails to Bsume a brighter aspect, Mr. B. MpCiillongh, of Georgetown, paid n visit last week to brother Dr. McCuhongh. of this place. ,.,:,, Mr. and Mrs. P. McCuBongh, of Markdale were also among the visitors of last wee*. Mr John Taylor, who has beenSUving lor some time in Owen Sound, has moved back to the village and now occupies .tbo house LvtdyleftbyMr.S.J.Davey. -^ The first shipment of biHes and teata- meutshas beea received from the tipper Canada Bible Society. Theae books are k^ foi sale at the Depository, bonneU Bme. Mr. Geo. Walter, who had his leg broken dbouttkpee week. ago. ia IMgre«io« ^^y favorably. He ia imder the care o« ^. Mc- CullOUgb. .-.- r- .â-  i f; â-  Mt Henry BonneU has jientod his Jan^on the town Una, H»U"*«*»*^°t*'~^ ^* is good news toMe maHf friends,- aait wsn iji^catibn that he stiU intends to remain4 aauMiK M in tl*® capacity of storekeeper. A number in the viUaae and vicimty are reoovetin? from La Grippe, and *ome hom tetvj^*o aokpoyiedgsywthe^grip rf to Russian visitor. S^ m h«%t.^f ^^^ «^ and the „«mb6r:otsnfia»?» is qojte large. on the BUudlfe*, »Tfc^«'*«'»**JJ V _-i* i»i«»ilithecottjteg8umniBr,» M?f« ohaidi to replaae »*r^^!t^«»d EMORY ICndwiiideriiigeiiTed. Books leaned in one resdins. Testtanoniala from all puts of the clabe. FnapeotosFOBT FBBK, lent oB SDplioatian to Prof. A. Loiiette, W X« Af*. KMrTariu .102 For Sale or Rent. Lot 15, Sydenham street, Markdale, con taining J ot an acre on it ia a comlortable dwelliuK hiuse 23 X 32, with woodshed and eisteru alsit a tw.)story shop suitable for a pump factoi7 iirnl carpenter shop, beside which is ii «cll wliic'u supplies a i4-horse power eueine with water. Tfie above will be soil! cl:eap. Apply t.i 491-4 J. T. QXJINN. TO WHOAA XrMAY CpNCERN. This is to certify that we have ap- pointed Mrs. Kobt. Askiu, of Markdale, Ootario. as our duly authorised Agent for, the sale and teaching of our "New Tailor System of Ureas-cutting" (late Prof. Moodye). We take great plcasnre in reebtn- mending her as fu,lly coirpetent to teach the System thoroughly, and tliat she ia a person of T«s£ecti^ility And f desiroas ni giving all her patrbns en- 1 tore satisiaction. ' ' J. A. Cabtbb, 874 Y«ige St., TorontD.i To Mrs. Eobt. \skm, Markdale, Ont. BesifieQAfl vpr furuitttie Istofe. 480-92 jj^^es; themselves. -^!! goveii^ineat wiU a .a-nttit ta^fj- op to W jfCii- ,«oi- r.i;l/ â- oi LiSit1ft«MriBM'tei dia. I«*Sn(I)iMar*^ or Im SMt BttUfiKlHKl .Mot.i inmfi i' a HVUtnM" I|in»«Mdlt lMibrtlDW|iHak â- â-  llwca.tniiyti CnajkJt. SimBa. ® P 1 \i,JiUli r^; ""•'BiTS Vi«i.- â- â- â-  â-  ' • «i3.:« .CM^.'i.r r. -it;' ifim wtL BBOosLm, K. Yn MovHiber 3, ^888. Dx. B. I. KbMaci^ Ctt. OkarSin: Idealre^ghwMBtasttnaUofiBf Koed Kvinioa of loar.Bin qrift Spavin Cure. I hava used kite to w aaaw lUCJ^lMi aaAwkvlBa,' aadlha^fodndttaanwlwi r c ItecdUDynoen- OMnaUtoalltirif. Ifamw Tloy Laundry pS^a SA«T,jt9braoM CcKmTTt Ono, S!bo. x^ tsas. Ia.B.J.biiteu.Cd. ' Gantk 1 1 faH it ay dalr t« iWhac t|*«* dona with ytm KandaU'a. Snatin .Oft, 1 b%T« cored twenty-iv* hn«es Ofit^d B iai lM i ten of Way nine sttded WMi 1 Mb Siaealtewhadi land •!•««« of of joorbooka j â- adfaUowadtte dinctioM^ J^Jiav* aerar lost a caiaof aayMnd, ' _;^ ° Yout tndyi JMdmw Turmbr, HoTM Doctor.^ KIDUl'S SnVUi CHINE. Price if bottle, or aix bottles for I9. All Drag, gist* have It c can get it for yon/or it wOl be sent to any address jn. raeript of ^U» by th'e pr op ii e- ' toH. Da. B. J. KsuDALi. Co., BnoSborgh Palls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTJ^. â-  HARRIS' iiURAL ANNUAL. 1890.; 78 VAOSS. 240 HiLUSTBATIOKS ' VoiKitinfng Artirles of Interest, and Vnlne to all Cirow^ers of Farm A Garden ;rop«, Frnits, Flower*, etc. We want one leader of every family where the Standabd is taken to base ' a copy of the RURAL ANNUAL jot 1890. It will be sent fbee. If yon want the best of Seeds, Plants. Roses, .| c., we hope to get an order frifi,you. ' Address JOSEPH HARBIS SEED iCO., Moreton Farm, Monroe Co., N.Y. K^ Aae tk« Ion! luve.rttf 1 !».;. li u tt ti \\ in,.!.- in .gll r"' '\- r ii r P ' 'lainp...ur niarhiiiriX 1 1 â-  ' I jiuU '-•lUdK wlirri- Ibf pcti]t run fr« nrKu ^tf wili iH!ao Tvor- tu rnt ' B iii^efich locttlktr,tbc *•» tt 8rivifi*.machiDP made i'l Ihe wcrt«|.vtiiU nV. il« rrtsrlimciii*. Wi willaisu tpTidl'roea comiii. la "' "V ofjtiur co^li.v onil valonblf :jrt impies. ia rrtum we uk that y«u »w whnt wo sfn' to than, who Y cull a r"U" ^â- "'"'^•BDd after 3 ' months all ahnll biTume your q^n ppopcrfr. Tlii (rmn4 nwcliht.^. 4-^ iiind^ n*»rT itir Mincrr patmitx, liit-U U»-.'« run out Ii.'lorr |«trnia ninnnritaiHilforSlfl.l. with th« attarhomnl*. ati'l now a4-lls for A^O. Itest.stronp'Sl/tnuSt u»*- fhlmarhinr in the world. All i« Ko capital requti^tti. Plain, eiman^ou who writ* to ua at onre ran ar. D««t ew iu)t -MchiB« in the -world, and tb«. illiuarwarkaafbiftaart«TcralMnni toprthvrin Aintrica. tlTBACO.. Bos 74»,AMgtmtikt atMiwe^.^ m 'â-  i'" 'V'i'.i j'^.'i 'f^ti i^ii ._.^n ml WILL STODDAR'i â€" ' â€" â€" i ' â-  â- â€¢ ^â€" Who has just retnined lrim .Tyronto after taking out his diploroa for cut ting in the .Toroiato cnttfnij pchool' had Miss Fits who/. ha leen in his empliy.lor soae time parit arr'8teu.V and hroni^t. np :befor» hiti- Bonor,, Ciiief .Jas lice Neitf JbVt, l-hjirgeJ^ with roblini; him.aDd.flno,r'yin£ hl^ cqstom- ers, she was foniid gnilty.ahu aeutenc^* ed to go down for ii.ftv years. The. puhhe in general and' tuy cnstoiners in particnlar erelnyited to come and leave tlieir measure with me for their clothing and need fear no mote trouble cr aoaoyanee from Miss Fits. w. stOddajrt. TAILOR. Over McFarland's store. •WIN3MIi|JjS ^•5^'

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