Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Feb 1890, p. 1

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 t '.sc--: â- â- -„:. â-  .i " -oa anj»s ir'iwi ai;^, »fc.tsi»;,q.» iU' ,-ff }â- ; • 1 H 'â-  .x Ai 1^ f J ..'c'}. § 'i i a- â-  i .! 1 fi' U » r-T" ' -.t â-  ' • « v;"' • â- !. ' '*^o ' .-••â- â€¢ ill i ^«t fl TV 1 'r!i!» ii.A\ ft- »rf • '«'â- â- * i HEW TO^-TSlft LIN]g, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' TEKTH YBAB.â€" Xo. 492.,*f \J.iil" MABKDAXE, THUBSBAY, FEBBUABY 1«, 1890. C. W^ BUTIiEDGE, ?»opiietoi. •^^ o Local and Otter Hems. Notices in the*e e^tnmntiHtended to benefit any ttidividual or Society mill he charged ten eentt a line for the fint, iiuertion and fi^e emtt a lin e each %ubiequeia insertioti. NOTICE.â€" Corregpnninre, eontmuntcA- tion*y,iidverti$ementi'.(tK:„ nutst be in thi» office by noon on Tnesday tointurejnMiedtion that week. HO?E ON. The general liard times has Ivnn gBade more ifiepressm? on aecoant of tjlje miWness of the winter, â- wfeich seriously interferes with winter work. IhenMr. Grip came along, and for ifear of giving offence, |^d «very family a visit, and m many instances â- rase strong indications that he "came ito Btay." Notwithstanding all the liiudraiK'es in Easiness and deprtssion ofspiiits, i: is well to he hopefal. Many of osr ells are but imaginary, flo cheer up iiam, the darkest hoar is just befoi-e dawn of day. T. W. Edtledoe, Eggs contmae to drop. finsiness has been a^in revived by a little sleighing. Miss V. A. Lyons is home from To* ronto on a visit. McFarlamd is selling Overcoats and FarCaps at cost. Cost prices for Mantles and Mantle Cloths at McFarland's. Mak? a youngster keeps shady to preyent getting tanned. Sealetts ♦8.00 now #6.00; sealetts ♦3.90 now eS-OO, at McFarland's. We are glad to see Will. Thompson about again after his severe illness. A SPAN of good yonjig horses for sale. Apply to Charles Johnston, Markdale. When it comes to a question of stay- ing qualities the undertaker can lay 'em .all out. has on band a good supply of WATCHES, of almost every make aod grade, Waltham, Elgin, Ulmois, CoUimbus, Waterbury, c. All watches warranted from 1 to 4 jars. A few good second handed watches in stock. CLOCKS, ilarm. SILVEmAM, in the latest leBign8 and of the lest plate. •ilWELLERY, to sait all. in »â-  quality and prices. SPECTACLES, Alwrgffsap- Wy OB band, which will be «4»nr»tely fitted. i€w clock brackets something ^atch cases engraved, Eaf ri»ffl. Roches and ritigs tnadft to viiei, ^spairing iu all its hraiSclje«'Irom3?ty *^nded to. C«U and ex^wiaf â- ~*' Ax exchange speaks of a wide-awake pie dealer. That's the trouble wit'a most pie. I Johnson the baker makes good bread The Grocer. and is attentive and obliging with his •customers. J. Hamilton, the photographer, is famous among the babies. Be sure and give bim a trial. The Rev. T..L. Armstrong, of Chats- worth, takes Rev. Mr. Graham's work on Sundav next. J Paib lumber bob sleighs and cutter 1 for sale or to exchange for wood. J. Artley, Markdale. Mamt thanks to the people of Mark- dale for appreciated and increasing patronage. A. W. Wade. If wit is the salt of social conyerse why are people so unreasonable as to iu»st upon having it fresh The Manitoulia Expositor editor had the toothache so bad h© couWn't get out any paper the last week in January. Mh, Thos. McFjuden, of Mono Centre, visited the old homestead this week. He gave tiie Stakdabd ofce a friendly call. The editor of the Shelbume Econo- sast has had his first buncblof rhubarb for (the season. New hen fruit is our favorite. Parties from the country aremyited to visit M^NaUy's carriage works, when in town, and inspect his fine display of winter vehicles. Last Thursday a brakeman, named Balldock, while couphng oars at Berkeley station, had one of his fingers severely crushed. All kinds tmsmithing and repairing done neatly and cheaply at the new hardware store; also special attention to job work. J. E. Tielford. The subject of debate at the A. O. U. W hwt meeting was vigorously discuss- ed and adjourned for next Monday night when it wiU hkely be conclnded. liB. Jambs Staples, depnty-Keeve of Glenelg, ia a member of^the finance oaaanitteemtheCoanty CounoU, and is the only deputy-reeve on said com- mittee. Mb. Wm. Hanbubt was in town Tues- We nnderstand he has sold at Desboaw and is 8 days, 24 hoar and bosmess gouidr then to hn S. BREADH£B. day last, bis hotel gjoYJni^ to Owen '^eweOli er, i^j?" .... •?fW^?"i» f Mabxdals is considering the wisdom and advisiability of lighting the village and rhops by electricity. Miss MAuriE Bkackstock, daughter of £. Blackstock of Singhampton, passed away on Saturday last after a lingering illneas at the age of 16 years. Kbp the blood pnrA and the stomach healthy by using Bejuvinator Bitters, sold by Smith the barber. This is the best to keep la grippe from returning. The Canadian Ancient Order of Unit- ed Workmen Grand Lodge meets in tie City Council chambers of Toronto on Wednesday next. Mr. H. Foster repre- sents Markdale Lodge. Jambs Gilbkbt, eight feet tall, is to marry a Miss Willams, four feet tall, at Scranton, t*a., in a day or so. She will certainly be his "half," whether better or not remains to be seen. EvBBT lady in town and sarronndin? district should visit the fancy-goods store 6f M. E. Douglass. She keeps a well selected and yaried stock such as is hard to find outside the city. A. literary entertainment will be held in Allen's Hall, Berkeley, on Tuesday evening the 18th inst., when Rev. W. A. Graham, B.A., will deliver a lecture on Physiogonomy. Admission 15 cents. Wanted I A Local Agent to represent a leading Agricultural Implement Com- pany in this vicinity, for Binders Mowers, Reapers, Rakes, Ploughs, Drills, Cultivators, c. Apply Box 182, Orange- ville. Fellow citizens and ratepayers of the surrounding country are cordially inyit- ed to call at Mathers' carriage estabUsh meat, opposite the Reyere Hotel, and examine, the splendid display of winter vehicles. Two ladies were sitting by an open window while the choir were practising in a neighboring church. "How loudly they sing to-night " said one. "Yes, "returned the other, thinking of the crickets in the grass "and it is said they do it with their hind legs." ABMSTRo^G Bbos, of this place, have been granted exemption from taxes be- sides other material inducements to establish a branch factory at Thornbury for the mannffiusture of fruit baskets, crates, c., and have accepted the ofiFer, and are now building and otherwise preparing for the coming season's trade. They are also increasing their business at home and have an extensive season's work before them. The entertainment given under the auspices of the Y. P. A. of the Presb- teriaa church on Thursday evening last was fairly attended. Miss Smith, Bachel- or of ifUocution of Philadelphia, was in- trodaced by the chairman, P. Mc- Cultongh, Esq., barrister, and gaye a highly interesting and masterly address on Elocution, followed by a fine selec- tion of recitations which were interspers- ed by selections of music by the choir. Excellent order prevailed throughout and a pleasant and profitable evening speat. The Bachelors' and Benedicts' As- sembly in the Rink, Tuesday, 11th inst., was a decided success. About sixty coi^le spent a very enjoyable and pleas- ant evening. Meaford, Chatsworth, Orangeville, Gnetph and Holland Centre .having representatives there. The hall v*»i beautifully and loyally decorated for tile occasion. The music was all that oould be desired, and the floor was in excellent condition. Altogether the Committee deserye credit for the able way in which everything was conducted. When 9 a.m. arrived every person felt it their daty to disperse, all wishing for an early repetitum of the saaae. â€" Com. OMoiar sodc* ar«Mi«h any. The annual meeting of the abo\e was held in the Orange hall, Dnrham, on Tsesday, the 4ch in£|ii. A^^ thejfeaeral ibinainess was diapoaed of' the election of officers wasprpoeeded witii and result- ed as iBlJovn:â€" C. Mastw, James JBcodie; Q- Sfaster, Thomas Me- J^adden; ). ^Ckaitiun, Bobert Aljoe; Cb Sei«M«^ Jt. etiHIISlsair O. Treasttr- ^,' ffi A. AadbteoD; C. Iieetiirer, -«nlutte N. Bftfiai yCt DireelMr tt Cat- =eiBroniei;ig^2^gj»V'B»5Wr ^»tefce- V. Ji Firat-daaiB horfle-shoer and good general blacksmith. All .Unds repairing.neatly done and promptly attended to. Gall and see as anyway. Shop opposite Markdale Honse, in MeNally's CarriaRQ boildimr. Colobxd Parson, "An* de text says: 'An he shall separate de sheep from de goats.' Now, bredrnn, I cast no reflec- tion on disyere congregation bat know- ing it as I do, in my 'pinion on de day 'o judgement de goat market will hab a boom." IMaffraoaifU Biotlair. About a week ago, eyangeKsts who were holding a meeting in Hull were roughly used and insulted, and on Tues- day evening last the assault was repeat- ed when a mob surrounded the building where services were being held and de- molished the frune stmoture and seri- ously wounded the inmates. The out- rage has caused great excitement in Ottawa. Til* Jmvits. The third Edition of Principal Austin's 50 pp. book. The Jesuits, is at hand. This book is having wonderful sale. The first edition contained, chapters on the Orgin, History, Aims, Immoral Teach- ing, Expulsion. Condemnations of the Jesuits, The Jesuits Estate Act and the Bull of Pope Clement, abolishing them. This contains in addition an introduction by J. L. Hughes and articles by Prof. Goldwin Smith and Hon. John Charlton. Price 15c. Agents wanted. Copies may be obtained of Principsd Austin. B. D., St. Thomas, Ont. Oood Advloa. The foUowin? is from an exchange â€" Don't go back on your home newspaper. Remember that it is published in your interest, that it batties for the rights of its own locality, that it keeps you posted in regard to the news of your own neigh- borhood that it' criticizes and reports the actions of local officers that it gives you the market reports that it discuss- es the questions of most importance to you and your neighbor and that it gives back to you directly and indirectly eyery cent you giye it. Don't measure it with a metropolitan paper, that is more than half filled with matter of no importance to you that gives you no local news that knows nothing about local officers, local questions or local necessities and that does not interest itself in building up your interests or the interests of your locality. Take a metropohtaa paper if you please, but always take your own local paper, Oratory and Bloeutlonr Lectures arc usually considered dry, and thus fail to draw, while elocution is but httle studied and hence not gener- ally appreciated. Life is a school, and while it is the duty of all to cultivate and develop the mind, and thus attain success in the highest seose of the word, how rften we find the best means to this end neglected or spurned. Rev. Mr. Allen's lecture in the Methodist chnrch on Monday evening last on "Grit, Grip and Gumption" was delivered in a masterly manner, was full of wit and wisdom and sparkled with pitiiy, pung- ent, practical pointers, especially valu- able to the young. ICss Smith, Baehe* lor of Elocntioir, surpassed herself in reoita4ionfl, which held the aadience in wrapt attention. The choir discoursed excellent music at intervals, and a very enjoyable evening was spent the pastor presiding. Those who were not preseat missed « rare treat. -:o:- ?iBag i :oMisiaiiiEiiT) No. 1. Salmon Trout. No. 1. White Fish and No. 1. Fresh Water (Herripg • â-  Belfast House THIS WEEK.. Get prices before pxir- chasing elsewhere. Fine stock fresh GROCERIES to choose from, best celeoted sotck of Crockery Classware ^^ tovrn. Oar provision department is well- stocked with plOUr F66Cl °f all kinds. iSpeeial i'^duoements made te those buying in large quantities. Large stock of WINES, LIQUORS, ALES, CIGARS. (^ome in, come up, come over and see us, the rush'stilljcontiQaeB jtnd will continue, everybody is haying their goods at Benson's because they are the cheapest, and keep the cleanest and beet selected stock to choose from lu MarkdaJe. All goods Iresh. YooTB truly, R.H.BENSON A CO. B. H. Benson. W.J. Benson.. "GOLDSMITHS HALL" SPEX SIGN. I did not begin prioe ratting, bat tne knife goes in now. Oazed. An old ptanieiMi, lalired -taam- pf/UHaa, bavisK Iwd p!a in faif. baud* by aa Kiit " "" ' " '" • .Spmnla Of a nmple .*•. India t eoia aCGanaaarttiNi; dlMStUUUlr ' CMMrrta auoapoaiBTeuidniaiMllciiQB tlu Xerwua JMUVHy ao ill MfanmiAi GfriatpiaiaU. eSter' loakflu known to bisnlXerina f«nowa' As- timtraty tMvnl6ttv« anitsmu^ to i^iU^ve. i!BBin|«tlitoMMi|^,iai 'Witr r^^ i^A-^m» 'fyv^^^^'^-"^^M ..-jJopj.. Beautiful engraved filled oaaea, Amwioan movements, folly warranted #16.00, gradMi higher to 9S5,00. If Jewellen go bdow "sugar profit" 85 o/o (per cent.) on Watdiea we are (sat o£F from getting them, so prices quoted here are rock bottom. Fine Silver Watebes, Ameriean grades, tlO.O(S f 11.0.* 913.00 to •24.00, key and stem, 2. to li years warrants. Weight Clocks, 2 years waxtant, fSiMi, Spring from 91.fiO to 910.00, in Miekd and Walnut cases, 1 to 3 yean warrants, Look here! a 3 nz. nickel oaied wateb **Not Waterbury a," for 93.60, warranted, oyt and RoUed Oold Biooehei. 15 eants to 93.00. BoUed Ocdd Chama 93.75 to 97.00. Above piioas honorably and firmly ad- hered to. If wiH par to eall an get my prices for woTK in air lines of dock aud watch repairipg. 7 jeara Here tioM nontli, and lum been Boiiteadilvaiipporied by the b^M ohM ol castoii^rs, that it eompells loe to gay ?nce^more.,*|idiBiJr tbjM{kji-" ai^ii cgnt^Mi»jp 4p-|firtit ^.i^ i»ranB. both m «iediaiKl vriiHK 'A- eoatnteirtii' of yonr IMfoifkUM^tBiiieB agsm^^^ite^ '^Ca^'U *^%iKe4iwiia!le|K;aW|nck:' .Wdr^' â- Â«â- â- Â»-- *:!i*i; " •!â- â- â- â-  'i-lM£L.~-J=l"-.LlA±-ilJ-"^- S»is-sJ dstiii 1 ;:.... " 's ,faM«?.f tUtt^iS p-**?.^?*" A. " .,j ^PWBIWlHir -,J„^, H^ Ktl 'â- M' ^:- T â- - mii' ?^Sl. â- â- Â»! .i a 'ifl urn "3 PW^:.^ â- â- 4-:4 -.S^l .,^^^'

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