Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Jan 1890, p. 5

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 â- 'iCi* 1"!!?**':^"' «»'ti«««te^«K OUR OTTAWA LETTER Jail. 14.â€" The sight of Smith' enteriug the soli these ,ili beageiie other session. fonrtii session Ottawa Senator Frank uJ roli!aia of llie Russell Hoase "•tii ilie tia box coutainmg bis Wind- ' juiforffi as a cabinet minister was *° mJH(j^ that ParJiameat waa abont '°Tbe session beginmug ou Thursday (lie ffUfSii of the sixtb Parhament. 'Phelast tivo Parliaments were dis- olved after the fourth session, so if precedents are followed there jeral election before an- Tbis will be tJie twenty- sifjce Confederation, jIjp iiveiage -deyuition of each being a littk over twelve weeks. The longest session was tb:it of 1885 when the t'rsucbise Bill was introduced and the House sat for twenty four weeks and four d:\y?- 'i"' iliortest session was iu 1873 wlieu it lasted only two weeks au'l 'liiy- In 1854, when Sir John Macdonald ijrst became an important member of -^n Administration as Attorney.General ia tiie Mc^ab-Morin goveininei.t, iLere were only 84 members of the Jlone. Of all these Sir John Mac- Joiiald eloae retains bis seat, and only twelve survive. The new members of the Commpns lo be introduced are â€" Eon. C. C. Colby, J. U- 1*008 of Compton, Mr. Jlassue of Kichilieu, aud Mr, Earle of Victoria, B. C. The latter is-.a coumu of Jlr. Geo. Taylor, M. P., tjie Con- servative Wiiip, and is a millionaire. There is no seat vacant. The new Seuators to be introduced are :â€" Messrs. Murphy, of Montreal Prowse, of Charlottetown, P. E. 1. Boulton, of Mauitoba, and Longhead, of Ciilgary. INLAND EEVENCK. The annual report of the luland Kevenue Departiueut for the fiscal vear was issued to-day. The total re'-enue was §6,974,540 made up as follows Excise, $G,892,G12 Public Works, other thn canals, $10,457 ^;uIlillg timber, $21,416 Weights Meas-ures, gas and law stamps, $50,- 034. rJie gross revenue shows an increase over last year's of $889,086, of which $882,051 is from spirits. The details of Excise Eeveniie are as follows â€" 1888. 1889. piiits «;3,099,016 $3,^74,022 Jialt liquor.... G,997 12,710 M»lt... 493,030 ^18,289 Cigors 554,067 5()3,172 Tobacco 1,740,542 1,840,622 36,569 Petroleum ilacnfactures in bond 35,745 seizures 53,312 28,082 14 066 4,S80 Other receipts 13,962 15,240 There were 5,847,508 proof gallons of spirits produced against 5,514,589 last year, an increase due probably, the report sa\ s, to duty, paid alcohol having taken the place of methylated spirits in the prepaiation of many of the tinctures aud liniments made up bj druggists. 'ihe quantity of spirits entered for consumption wa-. 2,960,447 proof gal- lons compared with an average con- sumption during the preceding lour years of 2,873,023. ike annual consumption per head of spirits in the Dommion was;0.77 halloas against 0.64 last year beer 8-26 against 3.24; wine 0.09 against 0-09 tobacco 2.15 against 2.09. It is peculiar that last year the in- «icaEe iu spirits manufactured was at- jnhated to a new provision in the In- laad Revenue Act, and now the in- cresse for 1889 is accounted tor in a aeiT way, the withdrawal from the ^^i of methylated spirits for cer- taiR purposes. OUR FOBEIGN TRADE. iwa cant stop water from running oowB hiJi, nor can you stop Canada's incr^sing exchange of products with i?^ -DUed States as shown by the irade and Navigation tables just out, « ear total exports of $89,189,000 '^esentihe United States $43,522,- y»oi nearly one-half of oar exports f the entire world. We imported al- »a^ §115,224,000, of which the J-mted States contributed $60,687,- 2^: Our total trade with the neigh- .7'«g RepubUc in spite of hostile IJJJI^ was therefore $94,059,000, and m£' *^°'® ^°^^^ besides, $110,- "^m. Oar trade with the States «ttwted by $3,000,000 oyer 1888, y^m be ss-ph fi.of .i.« tt«;*.^ ct^t^ they amounted to $68,638,000. ""segregate trade m 1 873 was With Great Britam $loS66^() w^h has declined to $^.42foSb m ;^«; I. **•*"**â-  •g8WR*te trade with $62^^^-^®';^'«» i° 1878 and IS;?SSi::st^,^-.^-'«'-- It must be borne in mind that while we are sendmg Jess and less into the open market of Gr«at Bntain we are eeadmg more into the closed markets of the United States. â-  â- â€¢â-ºÂ« Waltar's Tails. Standard Correspondence. ADrBESS AND PHE8BNTATI0N. On Monday evening last a large num- ber of the scholars and friends of the section assembled at the house of Mr. il. ssnuth, where the teacher is boarding and presented Mr. Martin with a hand- some album and dressmg case and the following address Respectbd Teaches,â€" We, yonrpupils, cannot allow this opportunity to pass without expressing onr feelings towards you for your kindness to us during the past three years. You have assisted us in onr labors and been to us a friend as well as a teacher. In all our difficult tasks you have patiently aided us to master them in onr pleasures you have appeared to take a kindly mterest in our troubles yon have always lent a sympathetic ear, and to our faults been most generous. We think we do not flatter when we say that you have won the esteem of alj, vrith whom you have come in contacts! and feel assured that your presence will be profitable to as during the present year. Please accept this album and dressing case as a slight token of regard in re- membrance of the past and may it give you as much pleasure in accepting as it gives us in presenting. May it always remind you of our school and bring to memory the happy days we haye spent together. We trust you may have many years before you, and that. age may increase your friends and usefulness. Signed in behalf of the school. Annie Walteb, Lottie Brown, Olive Brown, Willie DELEiii:E. January 13, 1890. Mr. Martin was taken completely by surprise but assured his pupds and friends, in a short but heartfelt reply, that he felt truly grateful to them for their expressions of good-will and sym- pathy, and stated that he hoped the year they were still to be together would be one of mutnal pleasure and profit. After spending about two hours of the eyening very pleasantly together, the scholars and friends retired, leaving tbe teacher in possession of his two presents which are really beautiful, and reflect much credit ou those who made so suitable a selection. iHawken, Elisabeth Hawken, Millie EeUs, Mary Leslie, Viokt Manu, Mar- fiery Mann, Fione Moore, Esther J. McNally, Meedie McNea. Eleanor Mc- Kee, Hilsie McKee. Frankie Pickell, Teeuie Richardson, Rachel Saifeon, Mary Strain. BOTS. Olhe Austin, Fred Buggiu. Jno. A. Conkey, James "Copeland, Reginald Gner, Thomas Hicks, Willie Irwin, Duncan McAuley, Alex. Stracban, E.lwm Strain, Samuel Roxborough, William T Thompson. Premier Mercier has la grippe.] The pope and eight cardinals haye the influenza. Sir John Thompson, Minister of Justice, is down with la grippe. â€" Judge McGonnell, of Chicago, granted the application for a new trial in the case of Eunze, but refused as to Coughlin, Burke and O'SuUivan. Thaakfnl. Dundalk candidates are to the fore with cards of thanks to ratepayers, some for electing them to office and others for electing them to stay at home. The latter class think they have as much, if not more, to be thankful fbr than the elected ones. A christian man can be thankful under any cirmm- ataaces. R. L STEPHEN. Cownimptioii CoxiMI. An old physician, retired' from practice, haying had placed in bis bauds by an East India missionary the formula of a simple Tef;etable remedy for the speedy «nd perman- ent core of Consumption, Bronchitis. Catarrh Asthma'and all Throat and Lung Affections also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative povrers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Ac- tuated by this motive ana a desire to relieve human suifering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt io German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Send by otsil by ad- dressing with stamp, name this paper. V. A. Notes. 149 Powtrg Buck, Hodtenur, N. Y. MARRIAGES. BupHrasi* Coimell. WiixiAMSON â€" Halbebt â€" At the readence of the bride's parentH, on. the 15tb ixet.. by Bev. Geo. Baggin, Mr. John Williamson, of Hollftnd, to Miss A. J. Halbert of Euphrasia. Ludlowâ€" Thoupson â€" At the residencn of Mr. Thomas Ludloir, Artemesia, oq Jan. 8th, 1890, by the Rev. A. E. Watt. r«ctor of -TUtriKh of Mono Mills, Ont., dottsin of the Dnde. Mr. Wm. Lndiow to lliss Jame- Bcnna Mary Thompson, both of the town- ship of Artemeiia. ftrnii seen tliat the United Sbktes uITt- ^*°'«** with her best mark- ^.uiat Uncle Sam is our best cnston bett^ '° ^**^ ^y ^«*r rapidly grr wjng g,*' Onr exports to the Unttaa 2t '" ,1877 were only $26,OGO/)0() ^^2 '^^'e grown to $43,000,600. Qjj^ihe other hand our xpirt» tu 1^ Bntain, which amQuptJed m S^ $5?,751.000. lia*» rt»a7 ifi«X5 »°i in 1889 were only SW.- W. H. DRINKWATER, FASHIONmE TAILOR} has starced in business met pursuant to ad- in the Hill Block. I am prepared to do The council joumment on 27th Dec, 1889. Mem bers all present. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed. The report of committee on By-laws laid before council. The cpancil, with a view of revising the following described By-laws, investigated the same, considering the recommenda tions of the committee. The By-laws considered were concerning, (1) fences, (2) obstmcticns on highways, (3) poundkeepers, (4j materia) for building roads, (5) statute labor, (6) obstruc tiona of streams or creeks, (7) running at large of dogs, destruction of viciom dogs, c (8) public morals. Paterson -Fawcettâ€" That the re- port of the committee on the By-laws in this township be received and adopted, as advised Dy taid committee, and that the Reeve and Clerk be in- structed to prepare the same for print- ing, and get 600 copies thereof printed in pamphlet form. â€" Carried. The Reeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follQwa, viz. â€"Israel Longheed $1.50, repamtig lndge; Wm. Proctor $-i6JX), pay- ment for gravel pit; John Jahau $2.50, filling approaches to bridge B Tunlop, clerk, $180.00, bahince of salary in fnU, and $20.00, postage and freightage, aleo $6 00, services m connection with financial statement all Mnds of ^work. P.S.-COUNTRY WORK All people leaving their cloth to cat will be done at a moderate cost. Sold farSlOO.OBtaUwIj. Ill But • wucb hi tfea wwU. ft 1 P««k( liaakMper. W«r-X J^ naud. BnTTSoUd lli»Id 'kUouiac Cum. Hath. Mtn* Pud (*mu' â- Im.wjifcworki and Mm of aqMl. niBh lOaePenMilBwchle* calti]r «â- â-  waam «â- â€¢ tim, tontkcT witk ov iUBi •â-  Val- eria Uaa of ]^â€" e fc« i a aiinnHciu TiMae MaplM. aa wall aa tba watch, wa wad Vree, aad aflar yoa haTa kept to IkoM IfcM* iib"wf^ at OBca can ba tan of l a a a l i lm tka Wstch -.1 ii^atnrle* W»l-y •!» "P*^ *S*"5S ni'-nâ€" " o^* *«* •abJPr^-â€" nieiH-H ««r hema tat wontba aad ibowB thno to .n-!»»«r"l»"=«"»*.»'"y ' " ** J "' " " t«PP«'tt^1 -Mbe wnu at onca can ba tan »t laaalilu* tha wa To Onx SnbBerllwn. The speeial[annraneement which apptmni in onr columns some time sinee, Butapne- ing a^pesial arrangement with Dx. Bi 3. Ekns^u. Co-, of Enosburgh Falls, Tt., jpb- lishera of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," whereby onr sabecribers were en- abled to obtain a copy of that valnaUe -^fitk free by Mnding their ad^ees to B^. J. KENDALL GO. (and endqeing a two- eent stamp tat maahng same) is renew- „ ' ed for a limited poriod. We tr«Bt all will required by s'**'^*® P^2?^"«ai^ I •'w' t»»««»»«l^« «»' **»* opportnmty of ob- tuning thia valuabto work. To evarr lovcar of the Hone it m htdisoeiiMblo. as it treats in a simple manner al) lite diseases WMcb afiliet this noble animal. Its pheoomina) bale tfaronghont the United Utotes and Canada, make it otandartl anthurity. Men- tion this paper wlieii seodiBg for "Trestim." 478-91 c.. *o. Jame^ FaUe $204)0,: salafy as caretaker of hall. The following amounts were paid to membera of cooncU a» iodemmty on account of all services ^^S^^^ *he vear, viz.. Mr.GiIray, ^T«. $80.00, Mr. Paterson, $61.50 1^; //^*^"' $62.00: Mr. Stuart, $54.7a; Mr. MeKnight, $80.Qp, The council arose. â-  ' Tht faUowing cMidi«ta4« wf* JJJT aebool eDtfai^ee etMom^tM^fmm FieabertMi: CD CO §^ ^^ CD â-º^ CD tJ CD 03 p tt fl CD •^ rn cQtog; o 2 S o B CD J^Wg) P CD CQ o O CD O g. B'B CD cy (dOQ^ g) 111 H o CD CD ^9^ q CD • O w j» ;^ 2. tcr taci 2 *^*^ CD 9 H ?N ' »â€" • 13 00 OQ O CD CD CD .-Ǥ:â- â€¢. M..; ^; __„ ever di*- eoTwsd, as it is certain in its sAca sad does nor bUster. Bead proof bdow. orrtem of CHARLES A, SNYDER, BssBDss or â- mUM MY MM nonmO BKI NOMI Blmwooo, IUh, Nov. so, x888.- Da. B. J. KsMOAix Co. Dear Sirs: I have alwajs pniefaaied year KeD' dall's Spavin Qoie by the half doaen bottles. I would like prices in larger qnanUty. I think it is one of the best UmnMOts on earth. I have used it in my stsbies far diree yesrs. Years tmly, Chas. A. Shtder. KEMUl'S SPIYia eVRL BsooKLTi, N. y., Morember 3, 1888. Ds. B. J. Kbmdau. Co. DearSirs: I desire to g^ve yon tmttnirnlal of my good opinion of y onr Kendall's Spavin Cure. 1 have used it for bHieaess. BtlVJeiBU aad apavlna, and I have fonnd it s sue core. I oordislly recom- mend it to sll horsemen. Yoorstraly. A. H. Gilbert, Mansger Troy Lsnndry Stables. KENDILL'S SPAVIN CURE. Samt, Wwton Coumtt, Ohio, Dec 19, 1888. Ds. B. J. KsMOALL Co. Gents. I f eel i t my dnty to ssy what I luve done witlt{«ar KendsU's Spavin' Core. I have cared twen^r-five tiorses tliat liad SpAVfas, ten of Rfew » e a »ii ni ne sfflicted with Wtm Mâ€" snd seven of Bis Jpw. Since I have liad one of yonr books, and followed the direetioas, I lisve never lost a esse ot.sny Und. Yonis tndy, Aimaxw Turnbr, Horse Doctor. lEHDILL'S SPIVm CURL Price #1 per bottle, or six bottles $3. All Dnig- giits have It or can get it for you,,9r it will be sent. tosny sddresscm receipt of priqs by theproprier- tors. Dr. B. J. ICkmdali. Ca, Enosbnrgh FitilSt^Vt.-. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ^^S-^ ^^V-^- %!â-  m CONstfMptlJJ It has permanently cured thousanos of cases pronoiincea by doctors hope- less. If you have premonitor}' sj'tnp- toms, such as Cou{;h, Difficulty of Breatliing, d^c., don't delay, hut use PISO'S CURE FOB CONSUMPTION immediately. By Druggists. 25 centa. MARDALE BAKERY. The citizens of ^arkdale andisur- rouudiug country are hei ehy invited to giye us a fair trial ou Bread. Cakes and ajl kinds pastry .also Wedding Cakes made in the very best style,. Vienna Rolls and all sorts fancy bread., kepte. on hand and made to order-. Suj^ers, Soirees and Tea-meetingS;^ supplied on reasonable terms and on short notice. JOHNSTON'S BAKERY, Oppobite. Standard OfiSce. Lo.olIIere. IJyou take yonr grist to FORD'S you will get good satisfation, as we • keep jud no other. We also make a ^pe- icialty of cboppmg. Bring along your ehop au4 get it home ajpiin the same daj. Flour Feed fo\iL at the lowest market prices. ChU aud give us a trial. J. W. FOED. mm C»» ««»rl»r.5rit--»».'T-*~"' "1 #^._AtfS^' ' " rai^bli.kl 1/ I I 'â- "â- *-.r»» •â-  all j-m I. "1 rt f ' akd r-M •!â- â€¢,• lit* pnn. .; i-:o M • Uf-m. »« • 61 «^4 rtvR u i-.s ifk itmm ta«,* laaiU|'4b' v-rr Mt m'ljm, â€" ililiii nuulc u llw Wt«U:«Mrir Iw ooartoettw. W« wMtaSar rrti* $m 9 m a ot» iiiMa araar nMr n MuM- «tt m^^•tumm•tilk1bmy^r^ mr a â-  (• 4waa vi talift yi» lw».«»4;«ftw a lifcaO'BiwmBa-awaf aim » S^*^ I :fi^^^ If r fV 1 â-  1 â- "*% U' M ':i Ml v,iy t hi: -i .â- ' iif.;!* ' Mi- Imwi Mr â- ^t %^-4 ^fmrmlti:

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