Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Dec 1888, p. 1

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 â- ^^ippBPRWR^^ip?«^^'TTT'»H^rf^pw i^ I ' h;,'w.\'^uj« t" "" «' i .i II igfM .- V Tuesday. Twen?^' ^w* are An u eonnt, wta "»«t keepers, J^ eA^enaant,Mr..82r oftheaccoaaLiheaeotT 'he coaaty o£ D^fiatu, ffwasawareofhotbtW^ «1 her with ^efroo,^ °°thele«al uauas in!. Pn postponed UBta to^ Jaa. Maaeon, Q. (i.^ fo, ^o'^.Q.C.fordefeadMH. P-R.-Plaintiff li^ a^a baa for neigubon pr Beaton. The C JP.^ riaintia alleged that tarma which lay back had bten fenced in and owuers as a cstuaaea the 4th of Jnly i^,t tj^ Beaton farm wai bun*, •5th of July oaa of plat.,' iUed by a passia;; trahi;, 13 :iXTH YEA1I.-:Ko. 4»3* MAIlK:t)ALE, THtJBSDAY, DEC. 27, 1888. C. W. BUTLEDGE, Proprietor. OOK! EEAD! KDVOUWIUBECONVIKCED. GOODS uiiab/e for Presents Local [and Otber Items. Notices in these cohimvuintendeil to benefit tmy individual or Society trill he charged ten cents a line for the firnt insertion and fivt tentt a line each enhiegwent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, eommvnica- tions,. Advertisements, itf-c,. mnst be in ihi» office by noon on Tuesday toinsvrepid)lieation that week. seit. was. or »IO0., r the plaintifi.were o«ll- tea which the defendants ke would not advaneeany that the action sboild folioving giounda Ijt, ot proven any negligence efeodants 2nd, That, lad been shown, to p^ and Mr. Camnbei. the rear of both farttt' e ground, no-snoh agre«- n to exist between plam- that therefore, so ht emed, drfendants were tain a j^ood fence aaoi» Mr. Campbell's farms. Fames Masson for plain- 1 for defendants, was disposed of Wed- 'he prisoner was anti|D«- lent charged him tiitb- t Price's store at HoDand larceny of certain goodk- lilty " after whieh the d liim a very strong chaia ible Galbraith prodooed- orglar's tools which he loner, al^o a revolver, entence â€" seyen years jia diSrost-for the CroTO; tec|;nest, for tbeprisooar. Bi occnpied the great- ^aftemoMt. TheplaiB' id the town of Meafotd ekdmed on. account of red throHgh tbe allegdd odants' sidewalk. Aif^ m *o-morronr aftemooiu, ntiff John Qreasor kt BAHAM â€" An» ondelBWid le oik the doiiet. ftir • -AT inipir tliaii fioiu any other firm be- weui Oianfjeviile and Owen bonud. AVf hive jn«t opened up the finest tCJMAS GOODS Jluilidale iu F-AlVCTlT- ItH^^ H «T\^ A R JE ASES. CHILDREN'S CUPS aod :\r( EES. MOUSTACHE CUPS ND SALCEES China Tea Setls, ic Steele to choree from. Dinner tiF, Toilet Setts, Gkbsware, which will Fell cheaper than any, house Miiikcliile. Ill tlio Ciioceiy Line we have Lem- Oiaueo and Citiou Peels JHe'y nuns, uew Dates, new Figs, new ;,isiiis, all Inuds new Epseuc. s. We vc the larg(st s'ocli of Confectionery might into Markdale. NutS; Cran- Digbv Chicken. Finnan Oysters received 8 TIICS iiiliiie. Fiesh iius a week. KINES i LIQUORS 'Jliofe requiring a "Drop of the Hter " can depend upon getting it m\ and pure at BENSON'S. Bottled Gin. Brandy, Kum, Wine, otch and Irish Whisky cheap, "Dirt ifnp" for Xraas and New Year's Fide. Good Ales and Porter. Compliments of the season to all To do business a man must have dollars and sense. Mb. Arch. McCcaig is a candidate for the Reeveship of Glenelg. The chopping of 150 cords four and two foot wood wanted. Apply to George Ireton, Glenelg. Me. Andrew Beattie will crush grain every Thursday or alternate Thursday at 5 cents a bag. A meeting of Centre Grey Farmers' Institute will be held in Markdale on the 11th January. Hot meals at all reasonable hours at tbe Mansion House, Markdale also good stabling. C. Reynolds. Mas. E. S. Mabee will sell by public auction, her household furniture, on Saturday, Dec. 29th, at 2 p. m. J. P, Marshall, dentist, yisits Mark- dale the first and third Wednesday of each month and Flesherton the following day. Oysters Oysters â€" If you want good Oysters go to Sarjeant's he gets them /direct from Baltimore. All selected good meats. Wanted â€" 500 tons of Hay, for which the highest market price will be paid. Give me a call before you sell. J. H. Carson. The Nomination of Reeve and Coun- H, Benson. W, J, Benson, â- albooaU. CTOwers, frlftOOO j«r I, apply t» W.J. Mo- *^^ 418.afr «ds4^roodnB««h»nge' ials; Stove Pwndry. ktor Kttenrto iwep Qg cold. Sold b/ DaflT P»P« I**!J L can »ffitd to tf» W. at closer pnoas in Grey Coon^* «Je, one 9 and ow JJ aeU one ot both. aid and Weekly as a weekly I-P^ endo£n«*yf f^ subscription al «ve your po"*^_ Bjade by B. store. wrttf*' u* LOCKS, JEWELLEBY, SPECTACLES, ILVER^WARE, PLUSH CASES EANCY GOODS. cillors for Markdale will be held in the Council Chambers on Monday evening next at 7:30. Wanted â€" One hundred tons or more good dry timothy hay, for which the highest price will be {paid in cash. B. Faushner, Markdale. Mrs. Orb of Glenele, had her left arm broken above the wrist last Sunday morning. Dr. Sproule set the limb and she is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Frank Maidment and Miss Mossip of this village were married last week. They have the best wishes of the Stand- ard for future happiness and prosperity Owing to impaired health, from over work, Rey. Mr. Hosking has decided to take two or three weeks rest, and left this week to visit at Toronto, Ayr and Gait. "Will you have your oysters scallop- ed "a8keda waiter of a green customer from the interior. 'Have the oysters scalp ed No, but you kin scalp the butter, if you want to. It needs it the worst kmd!" If you are saddled with debt, you should wear the bridle of economy and feel the spur of necessity, be girt about with honest purposes don't stir-up your creditors, and suffer yourself to get bit by nobody. Horses W'anted â€" The undersigned will be at the Markdale House, Mark- dale, on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 2 and S, to purchase horses weighing 1100 to 1300 lbs. Must be sound and in good condition. Rnfns Band. The Annual Tea Meeting in connec- tion with Presbyterian church will be held on New Year's Day in the chnrdi. Several Bev. Gentlemen have been in- vited to give addresses. Tea from 6 to 8 p. m. See bills for particulars. Cbakoe in Businbss, â€" Mr. Joseph BIcCullough, late of Meaford, has pur- chased the pnicp business from J. T. Qoinn, of Markdale, and is now in pos- ^atch. Clock and Jewellery repair- 1 gesaion. Mr. Mc. is, we understand, a "S perfectly done and satiefactiou tboroagh practical pump maker, having W. J. SfiKPHEDsON of Walter's Falls means business, and is a candidate for councillor in Holland township "sure as yon live," and if we are a judge he will "get there" to. W. J. is a rattling good auctioneer, and will donbtless make a good councillor. F. Saroeant, the batcher, has fnmiab- ed the market with a large and excellent variety of meats for the holiday season. His shop is as handsome as a picture with prime beef, pork, fowl, game, sausage and oysters. He deserves the large patronage he receives. Miss M. A. Tobbiu late of Owen Sound, fashionable Dress and Mantle Maker, wishes to inform the ladies of Markdale that she has opened a dress and mantle making establishment opposite Mrs. HoUingshead's. Good fits and fiatisfac- tion otherwise guaranteed. A call re- spectfully solicited. "John, what is that peculiar smell " asked a man's wife as he was trying to steal in without waking her, about 2 o'clock a. m. "That is the incense we use in the lodge room, my dear it ex- halesâ€"it exhales â€" " "Yes, I know now," she interrupted, "I recognise the odour â€" X X ales." Christ Church Christmas Tree enter- tainment will be held in the new Rink Hall on Thursday evening, Dec, 27th. The programme will consist of dialogues, vocal and instrumental music, and to close with a Christmas Cantata in two acts entitled "The Message of Christ- mas." Admission 15 cents. "Papa, didn't you whip me once for biting little Tommy ' "yes, my child, you hurt him much." "Well, then, papa, von ought to whip sister's music master, too he bit sister yesterday afternoon "right on the lip, and I know it hurt her because she put her arms around his neck and tried to choke him." Town Line Methodist church, tea meeting was held on Tuesday, 18th Dec- On account of the roads beint^ bad the attendance was smaller than usual how oyer a good time was spent. Dr* Sproule of Markdale and Mr. Dasrman of Walt- Falls gave interesting speeches. er s Proceeds $23.50 in behalf of Organ fund. Fabmebs. â€" If you require anything in the harness line give Mathews a call. He is noted for using good material and employing the best vrorkmen, and you all know it pays to buy a good article in harness. A splendid stock of horse clothing and robes, the best and cheap- est to be had. Trunks, Yalices, Whips, Harness Oil, and in fact everything in the line at prices which defy competi- tion. â-  â- '.â-  The Copp Clark Co., of Toronto, have issued the Canadian Almanac for 1889 it contains 192 pages) of the most gen- erally useful information for ^U classes which can be found in the b...ine space and for the same cost, 16 cents. A copy should be in every household. It is in Mb. Stanlht Vanoebvoobt, cheese box mannf actnrer of Belleyille, was in town on a business trip last week. This is perhaps the most extensive cheese box manufactory in Ontario. Their output the last season was 80,000 boxes. Mr. y. bought a car of box vaneer from Armstrong Bros of this place and is like- ly to purchase all his stock the coming season from them he pronounces it the best stock he has seen. This will be a good thing, not only for onr enterprising firm but for the country around, as there is a vast amount of soft elm in this district. Many thanks to mynomer us custom- ers for patronage during the year now closing. Your continued support is here- by respectfully sohcited. You will now find me next door to the Roller Rink, where I moved this week. Special at tention is drawn to my Women's, Misses and children's wear in cordivan lines, which I am clearing out at nearly cost in order to devote my whole attention to my own manufacture for the winter months, in order to open special lines in the coming spring. Wishing all a Merry Christmas and Happy New- year, I am yours faithfully; M. Martin- dale. â-  t Mr. Chas. Gowan, of Big Plain, Mani- toba, near Brandon, and formerly of St. Vincent, near Walter's Falls, arriyed last week together with his wife and family and will remain on a visit for two months. Mr. Gowan has been a resident of Manitoba seven years and is highly pleased with the country. His wheat crop this season was reduced some 5,000 bushels owing to the frost, still he had S,000 to dispose of. He says they can afford to lose every third crop and then be better off than in Ontario. Parties who anticipate moving to the prairie province can gather valuable information by an interview with Mr. G. who will be glad, to enUghten them on that line. RoTAL Black Knights of Ireland, Vic- toria Preceptory No. 282, met in the Orange Hall, Markdale, on Dec. 7th, 1888, when the following ofcers were elected for the year 1889 â€" Sir Kt., Jas. Brodie, W. T. Sir Kt. William Brady, D. T. Sir Kt. James McMahan, (Chap- lain Sir Kt. Thos. Elliott, Treasurer Sir Kt. Joseph Gibson, 1st Lecturer Sir Kt. James Erskin, 2nd Lecturer Sic Kt. R. W. Blakely, 1st Censor Sir Kt. J. H. Carson, ind Censor Sir Kt. J. G. Carson, 1st St. Bearer Sir Kt. Thos Abbott^ 2nd St. Bearer Sir Kt. Thos. Gilray, PuTsuviant Su: Kts. James Bryan, John McFadden, J. A. Kurd, Thos. McCarthur, Greorge Ritchie, James Trickley and Thos. Abercrombie Committee SurKt. Richard Abby, Tyler. SuNpAT School Amnivebsabt. â€" On Friday evening last the Presbyterian S. S. Anniversary was held in their church, and owing to the day being very in- clement and the eyening bitter cold the attendance was not as large as other- wise would have been, but the church m.mmm. MY PIBST Complete GteariDg Sale TOUGHINa ALL LINES, will be held 6*01x1 this issne till MEW YEAR'S DAY. dl AC\{\ In Gold and Silver le most complete and beautiful stock of the above bnes for the nssell'sJewelleryStore FLESHERTON, t prices that will astomsh yon. Call and B€€ our stock, it will pay you. ^narauteed every time at USSELL'S had considerable experience and is now prepared to meet the wants of the com- mibity in his line. He waxtante his pomps five years, wWdi is an cvideiiee that 1» uflderstaaaB life hoaBness. We^ for him • ptw^jaroM lMM n"M i iridi him soeoppr .y'^,^M^^*^ deed surprismg the amount of practical was comfortably fiUed, and the program information which it affords on Com- 1 was lengthy and well sustained through- mercial. Statistical, Astronomical, De- partmental, Ecclesiastical, Educational, Fmancial and general lines. Qet one at Mauley's Drug Store. Annual School MssTiNa. â€" This annual meeting was more interesting than usual from tbe ot that a full new Board was required* and that consisting of six instead ol three mem- bers as formerly. This new feature was caused by the incorporation oi tbe Tillage. The interest taken waa not as great as might reasonably have been expected, fifr. Jas. Mercer was elected chairman and Mr. Edward lintledge, secietary. The Auditors' report and Tmstees' r^ort were both passed, showing a total rboeiptg lor tbe year of $1,152.78 with the expen- diture f 1«108.S8, leaViog a bakoee of $49.40 in tiie trMsory. Tha fpilowing board of trustees were then elected by show of bauds Tbe old board w fall, fiis., Messrs. John Lyoos, Wm JLiOOts and W. A. fieowii also E. Hutledge. Jas. Mareer and Wm. afeLoof^. i NA9AL nJECTOB free vita iuSk kolktoei Aiiah'a €atanil ont. Good order was maintained during the rendition of the entire program. Mr. Andrew McFarland officiated as chairman and addressed *the assembled friends in a few well-chosen remarks, after which "the prize Christmas can- tata" was given. Under the careful training of Mr. David Anderson and his assistants, who have lost no time in endiaavoring to bring this entertainment to a successful issue, tbe children took tiior respective parts admirably. The choreses, recitations and dialogues were aU well rendered, for which the instmc- tMB axe worthy of pruse. The tableaux ireve numerous and caused considerable nuzth. Miss MoKenzie presided at tbe et);an in a very able and efficient manner. The Star of Bethlehem and **PBaee on earth, good will to men" aee daserving of mention, and wa8,we nndbr- 'stMDd, tiie vrork of Mr. T. Kc^t. The ioani^ Am^ib foctii beaulififiy in ajpale UljUt, wbUe tiie la^l^; wte in uiijeB kife^apa. vflil (flflsianu. said lUiB baa eC^A aM#! n^-iad. ISafliicM^ 4iik JMi^ avd iQA«it'^»nf^ b^iwttifiii fii. Watches, Clox, Silver- ware and Jewellery lines it must be partially reduced by date, January Ipf. I am arranging to carry a few lines of goods that 1 have never carried, and to accomplish this I must not only reduce present stock, but must hate the money now invested to enable me to buy other lines at best prices. The following discounts will prevail, and when taken from "Prices" al- ready "Close" will place a really fine stock in reach of all CLOSE TO COST, AT COST AND BELOW COST, "ONE SIXTH" off aU Watches and Clocks. "ONE FIFTH" off all lines oi Chains, Gem BingE, Chased Bings 10 15 k.. Gold Sets and Pins aliso full stock of fine Silverware â€" hollow and flat â€" Meridan Brittania Co's and Boger Bros' makes at same discount. ONE FOURTH" off aU other lines m Boll Gold Pins, Brooches, etc., Cuff Collar Buttons, and Musical Goods. These discounts will be strictly ad- hered to till '89. TBBMS CASH. A chance that will not likely be re- peated in another five years, so to secure the choice of a choice stock it will pay to call promptly. WEDDINO RINSS RESERVED. With present stock, and discounts, named, I expect the largest Holiday trade I have ever had. it always pays tn drive where competition exists, then look around for bargains. FINE WA-tCH HEPAIKING 4- b ^^ ' Or,,-^/ *#v Mw^RX£I^.dX^lgU M^^A â-  k. ^.-.j-tj^jSa^gu-ii^^ *^ -4i^ •%'-.-; liiffiifirt-^'^iiiiirti^^

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