Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Dec 1888, p. 5

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 â-  *â- â-  ,â- :â- â-  â- .: .â-  mma ama^aamm POCK 'ey Books. BOOKS. S, ETC. arties par- ock, prices tore. Door and Plain- Fac- liachinery, everytliia? ollof Batt03S, nnereecond tonoD^itt eyery department, tronage. rs Promptly. i Undressed I Fancy Turuing done, 7/stance. lUSE ux stripes, d^ Co it aad M* its frf*? fu^BooS rthing in t°« ,oas. adopted 'hj^" (business w»*» ;. JOBS. SO â- J' x^ ifj C XIIilSTML AS. J. McFARLAND^ Is opening ont a choice and elegant assortment of Christmas Goods, suitable for Presentations. One case Gents' and Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs, 25 cts., 40 tt., 50 cts., 75 cts. and $1.00. 17 dozen Ladies' and, Gents' Kid, Silk, Wo] and Nopa Boc:' Gloves and Mitts â€" all prices. A i.iiye and elegant assortment of Men's Fu'r, Astrican aifi Sc^'H-1 Cap.s and Tnrbans, The best §4.50 Persian Lanib Cap in the Dominion is at McFarland's ]so iLioie appropriate Christmas present could be given any I;i^y t.'au one of McFarland's stylish Braided or Comni'-iiition Dresses., ranging in prices from $5 up to $14 or i)!'.e of cur superb Sealett Mantles Miss Bremner has turucil out several this season. IMPORTED DIRECT Handsome Hand Satchels iu Plush, Leather and Vellum. See them. See the new oblou? Purse with oxedized clasp.s, Plush Work Boxes, Plush Music Bolls, Bronze Hand Mirrors, Match Safes, Whisk Holders, Ladies' Toilets, China Cups and Saucers, Vauses, Silver Peppers, Silver Salts, Silver Butter Dishes, Pickle Dishes, Butter Knives, and a thouseud and one rich, elegant and useiul suitable articles for presentation. Gents' Plush Slippers, Gents' Silk, Casbmerti and Wool Mufflers choice goods direct importations. 100 Boy's and Men's Overcoats. 800 Boys' and Mens' Suits all prices and sizes. Ladies' Wool Shawls, Hoods, Facinators, Braided Jerseys, Mantles and Mantlings. My store is crowded from cellar to garret with goods to suit all persons, high and low, rich and poor, all equally welcomed at the old established reliable qouse. 1 must not forget to say that no Xmas dmner will pass off right without some of. McFarland's fragrant Tea. The grocery stock is replete with new Raisins, Currants, Essences, Feels, Spices, Sugars, and everything to maKe you happy. When in Markdale come in and see us and don't wait until the choicest lots are sold, but come soon and come often. Wishing my thousands of customers the nsual greetings, Yours faithfully. J. McFMRLMND, DISTKICT DOINGS. AS TMLiiKSUNU STJMMARy FROM OUB EiiH.J.NCfES AND OTHERWISE, PARA- GRAlflKD FOK STANDARD READERS. Dutftriu county is worth $8,000,- COO so says its county valuators^ Tiie Eank of Ilatailton opened 'tbeir Owen Sound branch last Saturday. TIkj Dufteriu Post will issue a daily for'i.hrGe weeks commencing this week. Orangcvilie is trying to secure a coimection with the Grand Trunk A'aiKvi;}' Kev. Mr. Drumm, has been called to the pastorate of Georgetown Presby- teriau church. §8 000 have been taken in shares for ;i foundry in Shelburne by a joint stock company. A sou of Mr. Chas. McArthur, of Gld't-l.L,' fell on tlie ice last Sunday aijil broke his arm. â€" Chronicle. Colliugwood wants a Town Hall and mtirket Iioufg and will vote on a by- law to raise §20,000 for that purpose. The dwelling of Michael Dwyer, Morris township, Pluron County, was ljur!ii.d on tiie iiiorning of the 6th, '::iiii live inmates were burned to death. Win. Smith, Customs officer at Kilianiey, has tlecaiiiped after borrow- lU'j; wiuii; money he could Irom his jiL'iglibors. Ivlr. D. Porter, of Wiarton, has been :rvv;adeil tbo contract for building livck^ ;it Pt Gfiing. The work will ::i-.b; about §4O,C06. Las: week s Duudalk Herald con- tained l\ir. Spurr's valedictory and Mr. Hall's "Here wo are AKain." Ihey both have the best wishes of the •Standard. Durham Presbyterians have decided that the organ "must go" and recent- ly sentenced it to an iadefinited term m the residence of their minister where It was moved. ... Owen Sound has been increasing rapidly in wealth and population of late, and also with its debt. Nearly §75,000 has been added the Ipreseut year. The Grand Trunk freight shed at 1 Guelph was burned on Thursday last I together with a large quantity of freight ind SIX cars loaded witli general ment, and the result is that Orange- ville has one of the nicest and neatest drug fliores in Ontario. We congratu- late Mr. Turner on the enterprise he is displaying, and trust that an ever increasing patronage will be his re- ward. â€" Dutferin Post. Business ibocals. We will send the Standard to any address from now until the end of lb89 for SI cash. A NASAL INJECTOR free witu each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Important to borrowers, §10,000 pri- vate funds to loan, apply to W. J. Mc- Farland, Markdale. 412-26 Wai^ted â€" 100 cords wood in exchange for stoves. Markdale Stove Foundry. 96 Gem, Keeper, and 18 k. Wedding Rings now iu stock, size? complete. Competitive iirices eyery time. W, A. Tne editor ot this paper is somewhat of a "huntist." He bagged three rab- bits and three patridges on Friday alternoon last. Rabbit, pie, oh, my patridge bouxj and dough nuts I â€" Advance. Flesherton, Dec. 8th, '88. Editor Standard Thursday of this week the said suc- cessful "huntist," accompanied by three other sports, but bunnie having run too fast and the feathered beautie â-  being perched to high, c., our friend of the Advance came home looking very sad. A WxastgvT and Tbey Took Kim In. Toronto World of 7th Dec. James Crawford is .a farmer from the county of Grey. He arrived in town yesterday well supplied with money. In the course of his investi- gations in the highways and byways he dropped into Geoigie Maughan's resort at 15 lljlizabeth-street. He Browu, Jeweller. treated an inmate named Frankie i ,1 J. c â-  Moore frequentlv and often displaying A FULL buir,ly of tne finest Sewms • j r i n â-  i i -i ,, ,. ./.^ ' ,., .„ „*^ a big wad of hills whenever he paid Maclnue Oil in tiie world at liusselrs jewellery store, Flesherton. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaiut you Lave a printed guarantee on every bottle of SLilch's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Take Rejuvenator Bitters to keep you from catching cold. Sold by Smith, the barber. Span horses for sale, one 9 and one 15 years of a.yo will sell one or both. C Littlejohuf, Gleuelg. 3'w Sewing IMachiue Needles of all kinds at Russell's jewellery store, Flesherton. SHILOH'S CATAEEH EEIkLBDY â€" a positive cuie for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. If you want to buy beef by the quarter go to the Markdale meat, market â€" 4 cents per lb for front and 6 for hinds. F. Sarjeant. paid for beer. When he left he found that this wad had disappeared. He at once hied himsslf to Agnes-street station and preferred a complaint against Frankie for stealing it. The police arrested Georgie and Frankie, holding Crawford as a material witness. FARM FOR SALE. Lots 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50 in the 1 range West of T. S. Road. Holland, 250 acres, 150 acres cleared, well fenced and under cultivation, balance 50 acres hardwocd and 50 cedar swamp, dry. Good frame house, frame bam 30x50 and other good outbuild- ings Two orchards bearing. Well watered IJ from Berkeley Station, good road and all necessary conveniences. The proprietor is going to Manitoba and will sell reasonable, apply on the premises to ROBERT CARTER, 228-42 Berkeley, P. O. BOAR FORJERVIGS, A fine Bla«k Birkshire Boar, on Lot 13 Con., 11, Euphrasia, Terms, 75 cents at time of service. ROB I. SNELL. 228 36 FOR^ALE. 100 acres in Artemesia on gravel road, one halt of which is within the corporation ol Markdale. Apply on the premises. WM. STEVENS. Markdale, Nov. 12. 427-40* FARM FOR SALE. markdale Varkets. Fall Wheat $1 00 to 81 00 Spring Wheat 1 00 to 1 00 Barley 50 to k/QrliO â- â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢ Oa 10 X 68i£C •••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â- â€¢â€¢ ' 00 bO J^LluLvF ••â- â€¢â€¢â- â- â- â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â- â€¢â€¢â-  X i lO Eggs 17 to Pbfk 6 00 to i'otatoes, per bag 3.5 to Hay 10 00 to 10 60 Onions, per bushel. 75 to 1 25 FTidea 4 00 to 5 60 Sheep Skins 60 to 70 70 o2 58 17 18 6 35 40 CAME ESTRAY. To the premises of the undersigned, fjot 1 Con. 12. about July let, I steer and one heif- er yearlings The owner is hereby notified to prove property pay charges and take them away. ABRAM MOWER, 429-31 ' Walter's Fal's P. 0. BOARS FOR^SERVIGE. On the premises of Christopher Irwin, lot 119, second range East, Artemesia thokouoh BEBESHiBE terms 91 at time of service also a Chbstxb Waitk, 75 cents at lime of service 429-32 THOMAS IRWIN, Proprietor. "The Week, one of the ablest papers on the continent." â€" DtxrifUvt Amtrua. ENL\RGED AND IMPROVED- '^^^ ^f fiS^: A Canadian Journal rf Politics, Litera- ture, bcience and Art*. ], PUBLIBHKB EVIBy}pXIDAT. $3.00 per Year. $1.00 for Four Months ' To the Electors of Hol- Two GOOD young cows in calf for sale, i lanO I OWf lSnlp. John Whitby, Markdale. j Genti^emen,- At the urgent request A COLT rising three years old for sale, of a large number of the electors I also a fanning mill. John Whitby, have consented to offer myself as a Lotis 109 and 110, in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Artemesia for sale. Terms to suit purchaser Apply to H.D.IRWIN, near Marklale. Aug. 31st, 1888 fFsCHOOLJTRUSfEES; The undersigned is mannfactiiring an ex- cellent assortment of School, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKSi TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latest, design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. ISl ANDREW McGILr*. â- . NOTICE TO CREDITORS, In the matter of the Estate of John Shaw, late of the township of Euphrasia, yeoman, deceased. Pursuant to reyised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110, notice is hereby given that all erson havini:; claims or demands against the said John Shaw are to send par- ticulars thereof to Neil Shaw, Alton P. O., Ont., on or before the 15fch day of January, 1889. And further notice, that after said date the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed, having regard only to such claims as shall be then in the bands of the Executors, and that the Executors will not be Uabla for such as'sets as shall be distributed after said date. Dated 3rd December, 1888. NEIL SHAW, Alton P. O., JOHN CONLEY. Mono Mills P. 0. Markdale. A FINE hue of Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches, Chains, c., at very candidate for the office of Beeye for the ensuing year. Having sat in council for 15 years as councillor and one as Deputy- Reeve, I am intimate Ibight- A ilrs. Smith, residing on Centre- I street, Toronto, recently gave birth to hriplet.s, two girls-and a boy. At last account the mother and new arrivals pere aii doing weU. Two Mt, Forestcitizens haveinvent- hd letter fyle contrivances and are liiaTing them patented. They are -Qtirely different. One of them has peea otfered $52,000 fur his right, but |refu5efl ihe offer. One of tlie largest turkeys brought r^ for sale tliis year was received' by piampru Co., on Monday. It J^«gbc{l25 lbs., and was afterwards iPWcbaseJ by the Methodist ladies for rueir tta-meeting next Monday eve- •^la?. Yv'e respectfully request the llji ^^ reserve the legs for the two Hitors. The Eep. will try hard to lU8pose of one if given the chance and 1' beUeve the Confed. can polish the r^^ of the other.â€" Mt. Forest Rep. ^FiNE Dbug Stobb.â€" Mr. A. Tnrn- ^. who recently purchased Mr. Web- s drug businegs, seems to have the I ecessary pusb and is bound to keep l."^e front rank of the proceesiou. ' store has just been repaired and â- ^'o^elel at considerable expense, 18 now one of the finest estabhsh- |S*^« of the kind outside the cities. ® repairing and ulteration fi«ve '^ade with tasti atxi. good joc^- *â- â- â-  ^-â- ^v** low prices at Russell's jewellery store ,s,,itb the wants of the township and w,, x.„ also well known to most of you. I will not have time to ' call personally Flesherton WHY WILL YOU cough when ShUoh's Cure will give immediate rehef. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and $1. If you want anything in Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware for an Xmas present go to Eussell, Plesherton, it will pay you. The Family Herald and Weekly Star is without an equal as a weekly paper, and will be sent to end of next year for $1. Leave your subscription at the Standard Office. The Weekly Globe for 1889 $1 with balance of this year free. Subscribe at this office and save your postage. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relkve Croup, Whoopins Cough and Bronchitis. J, J. icKinnon Is fully pre- p a red to give satisfaction in all lands light and heavy harness and harness goods. Repairing promptly attend- ed to. Whips, broslies, curry combs, c., to suit the tiade. A cau respectfully solicited. Neat and Tbim. â€" For stylish clothing get your garments made by B. B. Cle- ments, oyer Hill's store. A fine selection of Xmas Cards and Plush Goods at RasseD's, Flesherton. THE REV. GEO, H. THAYER, of Bour- bon, Iiid.,aay8 **Both myadf and wit»o«» our 1ms to SHHiO^'S CtXASX^O^nOS O0BE." " ' on each of you and therefore adopt this means of soliciting your vote and influence for my election. Should any public meetings be held I shall gladly discuss municipal matters with you. Yours respectfully, WM. IJORTON. TO THE PUBLIC. Having leased the wood department of McKenna's carriage block, I am now fully prepared to execute all kinds of work in my line with neatness and dispatch. All kinds carriages built to order and the best material used, together with good workmanship. Repairing promptly attended to. We give a cordial invitation to all who may require anything in our line to call and see us. We want to get acquainted acd trust our acquaint- anceship may prove mntaally pro- fitable, GEO. MATHERS, UABKUALE. THE WEEK has entered on its SIXTH year of publication, greatly enltirged and improved in every respect, rendering it still more worthy the cordial suppoi't of every one interested in the maintenance of a first-class literary jouznal. The independence in politics and criticism which has characterized "rHE WEEK ever since its first issue will be rigidly maintained and un- ceasing efforts made to improve its literary character and increase its value and attractive- ness as a journal for the cultured home. Many new and able writers are now, or have promised to become, contributors of its columns, and the constant aim of the Publisher will be to rcjike THE WEEK f nUy equal to the best litei^iry journals in Britain or the United States. As heretofore Pitor. Goujwm Smith will, from time to time, contribute articles. Iiondon Paris, Washington and Montreal letters from accom- plished correspondents wiU appear at regular in- tervals. Special Ottawa letters will appear dur- ing the session of Parliament. THE WEEK in its enlarged form will be the same size as "Harpers' Weekly," and the largest paper of its class on the continent. EZECUTOBS TEACHER WA]SrTED BEHD FOS nUBB SAIKFB C»F7. C. BLACKET ROBINSON, Publisher, S Jordan St., Toronto GROC_ERY. I hereby draw the attention of the public geneniUy to the fact that I have opened out a select stock of GEOOEEIES STRAYED To the ptemises of the iind«ni((iied lot 4, oon. 13, Bolloud, aboat the Inth of Kov.Iaat inor catT«ir-3 beilar lo^ea mad one wMk- tM. TheowatroulMnatlM^MMhyproV' lag pNpertjp and pufiag «nMM». -AND PROVISIONS s1 next door to Manley's drug store. Mv stock is all new, fresh goods compris- ing all that is usaally kept in a first- class grocery, alto Flour from Ford and Plewes' roller mills, same price as at the mill Graham Flour, Oatmeal, Bran, Shorts, Sic, e. PRICES LOW AND TEBMS CASH.. A caO is iwpaetfally solicited. ' ^Wm. Stepheniag^ -â- '._'.-"._â- â- â- ..-.â-  â- â- â- :] ' â-  â-  For Snhool Section No. 10, Holland, male or female, with second or third class certiti- cace. Apj}ly with testimonials up to tne 24th inst. to Fr.EDr.ICK STAFFORD. Berkeley P. 0. Dec. 4, '88. 4S0-2in NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that after the publi- cation of this notice in three Buccessiye ibsuea of the Ontario Gazette and Markdale Stan- dard, John Hutchinson, of the township of Euphrasia, in the County of Grey, Farmer (creditor of the said James Gibson) will apply to the SurroKate Court of the Couuty of Grey for a grant to him of letters of administra- tion of the real and personal estate and effects of James Gibson, lata of the Town- ship ot Euphrasia, in the County of Grey, deceased, who died sn or about the twenty- first day of October, A.D. 18f7, having, at the time of his death, his fixed place of abode in the said townuhip of Euphrasia. The ne£t of kin residing in Ontario having re-_ nounced in fayor of the applicant, P. MoCULLOUGH.= Solicitor for said Jno. Hi^tobinson. Dated at Maritdale this 20th day of November, 188(\. 1 MAKKDALE CARRIAGE -:- WORKS. R. McNally, praclical .manufacturer Wag- gons, Democrats, Buggies. Sleinhs, Cutt.'i8 and everything m the hue. The best ma- terial used and first-class workmaashif. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repairing, PaiRfing and TrinuDifli;: promptly attended to. A quU resi^ectfully solicited. tS" Stand opposite the Markdale House. R.III'miY. gam:^ estba;y. Aloati)i» l9t 3eptwal)ortaiili oh lot H Ccln.. l«. H^n4. Kjn^ MhI ,m^ y6^i voKh afor^ ;m rv«f^m!m4-^'-^y:*»^* â- **\. f â-  i^.k* K6^» JS^Sa- r.' ':, 'â- 'u.. ' •-"• i^i'tf'ii .i'l'" I'.ittiAtSiamM

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