Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Dec 1888, p. 1

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 '-dtt does not £ slf '^• y nature ^ithaUth!^»«»*» '^s^.es. water. cUr^ie^^-ttr adapted for 4»S?^"'«»*- '""• This laay^.'*** 'eat growmt; water^.J*' Of lebec parishes but 1? --beu..elvea more' fct consumption more omS e genius of the people of c«„ uo s,,ecml needs ^raai!- r of auecess. NatS^il â- iB^^^niiii-i^]i» impji^w^i nji â- (Ml j..« â-  Tf â- â- Â«*^f ^jg«Ts g gj"»F* y ••â-  i^;^" *^'^??*^ T"*^t.;'**'Pi«^'F^i^Sv ' "' â- T!"^^:^^ '-S" v VT ^{ atSda JbC»* ^9* ECnLll4 VMilfldaff aaA ••Bfa Voz- It. A BEIfCT STOCK OV FALL eOODS KOW OPBMBD "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." IXTH YEAR.-KO. 431 MAKKDAIiE, THURSDAY, DEC. 13, 1888. C. W. ETJTLEDGE, Proprietoi. ^b success, necessary lost less thau half the haff more au.l more ato d«« tion, m wln-h iutf ..Keuc^ 11 will I,' ,v ti,» «•""»»«»' p'ly tbe aest part. UK-dtion, to discover uaturH*: m.^nfaUvork, leaving 1 3 por ^\ inS'iuoas invention* tu •y appliances orKinalitv i^A •iseâ€" ail are necessary ti gOe.. ug competition already uponi to tlie front in cheese mk- i shown herself peopled wit}» I of ^^the n-c'j.-»ary qualifia- i-. The growth of tUe ciieew iiully studied, will be seeu tu ;uc nor a spurt, but a teal :he intelligent enterprise of intimately connected with t is th â-  united action o(' th« industry in Ontario, in ai-^ e. 1 I u a moderate degree only, wljkh gave the .in^ta» jur great fuctcry -lystoia of Quebec followed" clossly nd now other provinces are i'he cheese industry is now that there can be Uttle doubt irogress that the Dominion, (petitions lu the race. smeut of the Canalian cheesr ndicated by their temper- ov the adulteration of cheeaa. arguments to greedily ra- iting profits of robbing th* im, and substituting some- ire always mt^ by an nnan- jatieiit opposition by onr aj- makers. The wisdom of thi» mes more and more apparent iproving reputation oi 0115^ Britain. In a recent offioiap^ I think, nearly 300 samples iese iu England, not one wa» Iterated. luctiou; whUe t!iere ara n?, ked success, while tliere. a'fr of failure, the genius of out equal to the needs of the- IS it was in the case of cheese It the people should set them- jand heartUy to the task, doae already in this coc^ w tliat the temper of our provement and progress but been done and not enough not clain. that the task is a im, only, that the. genius of aal to the need, if it will as- s it has done elswhere. What is be taken, it is not within present writing to discuss, which are already working t of dairying in Canada are, rs â€" md Eastm-n Dairymen's as- ario, and thfi^ Dairymen'i as- 2bec, have been more than mtal in building up oar great and making it what it is. jamaries association, "»/** n, is promising of miK^nejP idustrv. The Nova Scoba ciatioii is a live organization re years has done good pioneer an association in Manitoba, al work I cannot speak from iee. The Ontano AgncuJ- Guelph, has n»da a go(^ its working creamBiy. bat i 1 best work yet,to, do. iti* experimental work, ana pw- ,re work outside f^^^i^ 3 head of tlas depMWW« be highest order, wtaob 6 great work for general Can. The Dominion experiment. -ahasnotyetput it«?"°; ngsaegQmphsbed.DUtiti2 r^Tl^portant anf f^ ,thelineofexpenm^»J^ adabasaAexodlent«gt»l :bhai.done,and8 domgrj lucating its 'e^^lu-, to per itaelf is keenly aj«^ reach and impress the m^^ ion of imP'OT®™^„„,etn- ,^eoftbeDro.una^««jg^ B a beginning byw^JJ^ espeei^Uy pwpaF^- t ua [the pamphlets iMO^*^ =t»ntiftleTidencethat» » .OOK! READ! iND YOU WILL BE CONVINCED. GOODS Viiable for Presents -AT- $s$r$0M'e [beaper iban from any other firm be- twetn Orangeville aud Owen tinnnd. We L;.vej-.iPt opened up the finest :^LJMAS GOODS iMaikdaleiu F^VTVCY l^J^X.^^ W A7V' A R JE ASES, CHILDREN'S CUPS and AUCERS. MOUSTACHE CUPS ND SAUCERS Cliiua Tea Setle, iige stock to chooee from, Dinner etts, Toilet Setts, ttlansware, which e will g!1 cheaper than any house iJdarlaiule. Ie the Grocery Line we have Lem- n, Orang'.: avd Citron Feela Ne'y runes, new Dates, new Figs, new iaisms, all kiude new Essences. We a-ve the Ir-rgest stock of Confectionery ronght into Markdale. Nuts, Cran- erries, Digby Chicken, Finnan laddie J?resh Oysters received 3 mes a week. ThoEe requiring a "Drop of tbe rater" can depend upon getting it ood and pure at BEN^SON'S. Bottled Gin, Brandy, Rum, Wine, icotch and Irish Whisky cheap, "Dirt heap" lor Xmas and New Year's rade. Good Ales and Porter, Complimeuts of the season to all LIQUORS H, Benson. W, J, Benson^ IfATCHES, BLOCKS, JEWELLEHY, SPECTACLES, 5ILVEBWABE, PLUSH CASES FANCY GOODS. the itantial eridence that r n8tuT3l »dv»nteg.^ sple, what ha« »*^^ioa ^n awakened J2^ ,ouDtrytom»kegre«^»' rely reason to hope iw Canada Notices t;i theite columns intvnded to benefit avij iiidivuhial or Society ic7/i he charged ten eentK a line for the first insertion and five cents tt line each aubiequent insertion, NOTICE. â€" Corresprmdence, cotnmnnica' tioHs,. Adrertisementx, £c,, mxut be in this office hi/ noon on Tttesday to insnre pubtteation that week. A NEW stock of Albums at Hamilton's photo, gallery. Mb. John Tkklford, of Allenford, was in town last week% Mr. James Bryan, of Orangeville, paid Markdale a visit last week. Mr. a. Turner moyed to Orangeville with his family on Wednesday. Miss Emma Wright has been re-en- gaged in Harkaway school for 1889. Miss Sheilds. of Dundalk, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Halbert. Mr. Andrew Beattie will crush grain every Thursday or alternate Thursday at 5 cents a bag. Mr. Wm. Hanbury, formerly of this place, and his bride are visiting friends in town this week. A fine new Boman Catholic Church hasjbeens^juilt in Collingwood, which will be opened next Sunday. Hot meals at all reasonable hours at the Mansion House, Markdale also good stabling. C. Reynolds. We will send the Standard and To- ronto Daily World to any address from now to end of 1889, both for $3. Stei^lei^ has a stock of fresh grocer- ies and provisions opened out and bids for a share of public patronage. All kinds common furniture seUingat (°°* opposition: A meeting of Markdale council will be held in tbe council chambers at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning next, 15th, when the business of the year then ending will be wound up. Mr. Geo. liAU, of Glenelg, wishes us to say that he has no intention of offer- ing bimself as a candidate for office at the coming municipal election, as has been commonly reported. Fine upholstered goods a specialty at Markdale Furniture Warerooms. Call and see our stock and get prices. If. we haven't what you want we can procure it for you promptly. J. W. Sproule. Sunday School anniversary sermons will be preached in the Presbyterian church (b. V.) next Sabbath by Rev. J. Yansen, late of Holland, Europe, is ex- pected. Collection inorning and evening in Bid of library. Dress and Mantle making done by Mrs. R. Askin over Jas. Sproule's furni- ture store. Havincr learned Prof. Moody's New Taylor System of square measurement she feels confident of giv- ing entire satisfaction. A call soUcited. The latest fashion plates on hand. It will pay our readers to watch close- ly our advertising columns. At tbis time of the year particularly all live business men are to the fore with a fresh advertisement. You may just as well take advantage of tbe best selection and greatest bargains; then look up the adv's. Two weeks from next Monday will be ^nomination day in all municipalities and more or less interest will be mani- fested in every town, village or town- ship. Our village fathers have given general satisfaction as far as we have heard and will' likely be re-elected vrith- greatly reduced prices. Call and see for yourselves. J. W. Sproule. Subscribers at a distance (outside tbis county) will kindly remit promptly when their subscription expires. Cub fancy goods stores are doing their best for which will exhibit tbe most handsome display of Holiday goods. smi the tt«^ â-  lioited. i-i-"*- h most complete and beantifql stock of the above linee for the iDsseirsJewelleryStore FLESHERTON, prices that will astonish yon. Call and see oar stock, it will pay you. Watch, Clock and Jewellery J?epiiiir- ^S pertectly done and satisfaction "^wauteed every time at -•^-. HUSSELL'S Mr. Wm. Stephens has opened a new erocery and feed store in the premises rec^itly occupied by E. S. Mabee as a hardware. Dr. Sinclair, the great Scottish speciahst, of Toronto, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 18th December. No BETTER or cheaper f imeral outfit can be had than at J. W. Sproule's, Markdale. Every requisite supplied on shortest notice. The weather this month so far has been remarkably mild and uniform, vary- ing but few degrees either ways irom freezing point. Wantsd â€" One hundred tons or more good dry timothy hay, for which the highest price will be paid in ca^. Wm. Littlejohns, Markdale. Thousands and thonsands of dollars to lend on easy terms, and lowest Tates of interert, on real estate. Apply to John Whitby, Mukdale. John H. DundIs purposes opening his painting and drawing classes on Wed- nesday, Jan. 2nd. A complete stock of Artist's material on hand. Bead up the Benson boys advt. this week. You will see that they are chuck fall of "biz" as ever. Give them a call for Xmas and New Year's goods. Miss Bubch's auction sale of house- hold effects will take place on Saturday afternoon next commencing at 2 o'clock, having been postponed from Wednesday last. The Daily World is a bright, nemsy, spicy paper thoroughly Canadian, and we will supply it to subscribers of the Standard, fw 42 a. jm^^ Tb* mei*' pice being #8. '"' ' '-t;":* -^, A Christmas Tree entertainment will be held in connection wjtii the English ofaandi S. SchccO, m iSneauk's iMili Mb. Wif GaiiBBAith returned recently from an extended trip to Manitoba, tbe Northwest, Dakota and British Columbia He was absent some six months which enabled him to yisit and see consider- able of the western world as well as many former residents of this district. He is, however, better than oyer pleased with his home in Artemesia. The editor of the Flesherton Advance thinks a railway from Durham to Mea- ford via. Markdale will neyer be built of course the wish is father to the thought. The liiaterial comprising tbe proyisional .directors is that of shrewd common sense and business tact, togeth- er with large real estate, and is not tbe kind of stuff that is likely to undertake an improbable or doubtful project. Fabmebs. â€" If you require anything in the harness hue give Mathews a call. He is noted for using good material and employing the best workmen, and you all know it pays to buy a good article in harness. A splendid stock of horse clothing and robes, the best and cheap- est to be had. Trunks, Yalices, Whips, Harness Oil, and in fact everything tin the line at prices which defy cpmpeti- tion. The Presbyterian Sunday School en- tertainment will be held in the church (D. V.),on Friday evening, 21st Dec, commeincing at 8 o'clock, when the school -hope to offer to the pnbhc the "Prize Christmas Cantata," "A medley" consisting of choice and select music, solos, bell ringing, song, reciations and tableaux. In order that none may miss this treat, the admission is only 15 ctsV, children 10 cents. Jbotiklfu. tm.-'J'pr Miss M. A. Tobbik late of Owen Sound, fashionable Dress and Mantle Maker, wishes to inform the ladies of Markdale that she has opened a dress and mantle making establishment opposite Mrs. Hollingsbead's. Good fits and satisfac- tion otherwise guaranteed. A caU re- spectfully sohcited. Christ Church Christmas Tree enter- tainment will be held in the new Rink Hall on Thursday evening, Dec. 27th. llie programme will consist of dialogues, vocal and instrumental music, and to close with a Christmas Cantata in two acts entitled "The Message of Christ- mas." Admission 15 sents. $20 Rewabd. â€" ^Any person giving such information as vnll lead -to the convic- tion of the person or persons who girdl- ed sixteen fruit trees about the night of Hie 25th October last in the orchard of George Merrifield, lot 12, con. 10, Euph- rasia, will receive aboye reward. Geo. Mrbbifield. Dec. 11, 1888. The Christmas Globe. â€" ^We have been favored with a copy of the Christmas Globe and are compelled to pronounce it the best thing of the kind Canada has yet produced. Excellent in design and wittkmanship, and interesting as to con- teats, the Christmas Number of the Globe should have a large sale. The anniversary services of the Metho- dist church will be held on Sunday tbe 23d inst. Bev. J. W. Holmes, of Owen Sound, wiU preach znoming and evening. The usual tea-meeting will be held on the evening of Christmas Day for which a strong staff of speakers are engaged. The ladies vrill be to the fore wii^ a sumptuous spread. Mb. B. Band, horse buyer, is picking up soma fine heavy wmking horses. We have before us tickets irom a Toronto weigh master with the following weights of horses bought by him and shipped to the States :â€" 2 horses, 2650 2 horses, 2520; two, 2890; two, 2970; two, 2860; two, 2760, and two 2760, vdiich is an average of 1860 lbs. each; Tax sermons of Bey. Mr. Bngg^ last Sunday morning and, evenmg wace powefMand very highly ^ppaceciated by tl»9 large aadiuioes whidh him. ,Sm depth of thwi^f ladto K'UBTM „ J „, **7T»ndtriiamcyinthep«itoiti8-aw»a»SDt.| lath. AdiniBBio»M««»to, aiadr9»fiC ^^^SSdtoiNciit^teia umo ti»|H-.^ae8 $4.«0to ».W, Mtfiar IQjj. Standard Correspondence. Fine weather. Mr. John McEee, of Gady, is here visiting friends. Mr. Wm. Dillon has just returned from the Sault and has accepted the responsible position of President of the new railway soon to be constructed through this place. Mr. John Henning has resigned in favor of Mr. Andrew Manarey, the present Mayor of Beaverdalei Ex- Mayor Mathers will, no doub j, oppose Mr. Crilray for the reeveship. Mr. Bichard Gardiner has bought a nobby cutter and looks well. As Mr. Kobt. Dunlop lately moved into his new house, 9th line, the young people are getting very uneasy for a houpe-warming. Messrs, Howe, Dyre, Low and Dr. Kent passed through the Capital on Sunday last on their way to Markdale. What about that pig Tea-meeting at Epping on Monday next, 17th. Dr. Sproule, chairman. Lizzie Neely, of Tolemore, is visit- ing her many friends and relations here. Several of our sports were out bear hunting all last week. After getting several shots at bruin he failed to lie down and die and escaped. Concert in the Town Hall 20th Dec. Mr. Thos. Gilray will occupy the chair. Mr. Frank Hutchinson is re-engaged to teach in Cook's school house. Sal- ary $400. Mr. John Dillon is building an adi- tion to J. E. Bichards' store. Mr. W. J. Boyd has a new dish- washer also Alex. Hainey. Next. Sao Accident.â€" On Monday last Mr. James Seabrook's little boy, aged 9, while passing a horse owned by an imposter by tbe name of B. Bonch who is going through the country begging uid who is reported worth some $6,000. The little fellow was kicked in the bowels and after suffer- ing about five days' untold agony his iittie spirit left tlus world of oare and sorrow to pass u the brighter world onin^' l!hd bereaved parents haye iSae deepest qrmpathy of the whole neighborhood. Foaem took place at lt;l30 and was laj^ly attended. His remains ware ^idten to B^cnr. BoGKL-nr IiUbs«b.-â€" Tnrk^ys 9o.» gsese 60., fowr2fio. to 86c. per pair, Iteks eOo., rabbits 80o. pair, ;nftrtridgeB 85e. bnmh htftt meatTe. MY FIRST Complete Gleamg Sate TOUGHING ALL LINES, will be held from this issue till NEW YEAR'S DAY. fi«1 Af\i\ 1° ^old and Silver W^^'±yj\J Watches, Clox, Silver- ware and Jewellery lines it must be partially reduced by date, January Irt. I am anranging to carry a few lines of goods that 1 have never carried, and to accomplish this I mast not only reduce present stock, bat mast harve the money now invested to enable toe to buy other lines at best pnces. The following discounts will prevail,, and when taken from "Prices" al- ready "Close" will place a really fine stock in reach of all CLOSE TO COST, AT COST AND BELOW COST. "ONE SIXTH" off all Watches and Clocks. "ONE FIFTH" off all lines of Chains, Gem Binge, Chased Rings 10 16 k.. Gold Sets and Pins; also full stock of fine Silverware â€" hollow and flat â€" Meridan Brittania Oo'a and Boger Bros' makes at same discount. ONE FOURTH" off aU other lines ax Boll Gold Pins,. Brooches, etc.. Cuff Collar Buttons, and Musical Groods. These disooonts will be strictly ad- hered to till '89, TBBMS CASH. A chance that will not likely be re- peated in another five years, bo to secure the choice of a choice stock it will pay to call promptly. ' WEDDINfi RINOS RESERVED. With present stock, and discounts named, I expect tbe largest Holiday trade I bavC ever had. It always pays to drive where competition exists, then look around fur bargains. FINE WATCH BiSPAIKINa W. A. .-pio' â- Â«â-  3r3a sll'V\«.ii £*â- - "J tte aiAodl tree. yi!i$U' J i, ne hn ilWfliklffiaiBilL 'Mh ta,18e.-. X "x. t I ..' U â- 'm^i' ' :»â- .• ^i 1* f i: I III I at t â- â- im tjtiitittim

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