j^j^s^^T^jr^?^?^^^ -v^^i^Pi •.*d *•* were oqq, ..^ ' to go." "• M eoo^ â- he wund o£ vo^-lT' In and bo|„J J?* W WdqU â- â€"u aooot biff a^ a be the Mme JT'u I r the Masoni 2^ J^S "porta. wdth^SSSS 1 went abont m iTt '• Oh, Madge, you iu« graver, nobler. J strong should pit^ poor soQl, with all m- 9d. softly. 8heb.atoS I batmng forehead. JfZ eirhves, her lips tonchS given. *^ Madge, for that kimj' shows me that yoxTaU love, don't baniah me you-alwaya. Let m B aervea hia master. Let »n and corduroy, i Lj^ ry coala and clean wfai. II you have tried me by iryice, if yon like. g4 tient in conaideratien of nd then when you have some good in me, let bu uid let na go away to- r end of the world. If for me upon thia earth, it 1 you." dream, Mr. Belfield, » your poor sick souL I re, which I shall never re your duty to yourself, ler and brother. Thbk ild be darkened by grief ivere brought to anawei td made to appear that t â€" a deliberate murderer, ought to get away while Begin a new life in a d new duties, aa I feund waa most deaolate; and and saving the soula of iad a full atonement for d theu the shadows will an will be lessened, the without you, Madge. I rou in my misery. That as your own for ever." in saving these things, I a^all), Mr. Belfield. I ove, and all thoughts of ined out my path in life, to it. And now I must ht, and ask you to leave e a great deal to do be- people do it for you I Can- venkig in your lite to my do so much for others " of our little organization. ;bas all is done rightly, nd twenty sick or ailing in the house, and only es myself to see to th^n, od of twenty- two. I am mt resident. The a((£ier ive one day and night in e work, fhey come at and go away at ei^ht oo ing. It is one day Uken f worldly business fork Ve find the plan works evident aaterhoods. Tla leerfnl. better tempered^ 1th. Their lifves are no* ere is no weariness, n» » into the outer worl* ig a certain amount o vork and it makes them hat however worldly tM I may be, one day out tf in doing good." ur invention, I suppose r 5 • itrong heart Why did I ue four years ago WeU s received me kindiyt ee upon your kindness. M come again to-morrow f it, and go to L'.verpool le repeated, ignoring her nds and parted Scarce- ny sin-stained love J" she rl for you more m your .ver cared for yon yet to lead you back tohsi^ jrAve T auf Etiquette.^ r?^jn*ioSSi*- my seat. ^J^^'l^MBk. to lep o»«MBR-,tSS. XiWr ^â- - " ' â- '-^'4V^- -; ' -^. -^- .^t. " '" *f** ^i^^l^V' TTT^ ^mm Utbe and More WoodorfU SiaooToiMf with th« Liok TdflMope. iThUfl the Lick telsMope hae failed eo fa^ ;^ jfllretbe engima of the so called eanala 'utft, ot to cut any importaat light lll^tboM phenomena beyo^ coBfimuhig 'n^t of their existence it baa made aome ^^hjng discoveries in the neboUr leg- jTgf the universe. But for Prof. Holden'a **j^ce to the contrary we mivht, in fact, Jf^to think that the mighty lena on ionat Hamilton, like Lord Bosae'a huge irror at Parionstown, would prove leas ^lin observations leq airing accurate defi- "^on that in those which demand great JJ-lit.gatbering capacity. We recently de- ^bed Ffof. Holdm's discoveries in the !jebrat«d Bi°g Nebula in the constellation ftji where he found a marvtlous structure gf^oceatrio ellipses, composed alternately J itars and nebulous stuffâ€" in short, a uifiiniBhed creation, where, it would aeem, ihe V'^^ sonsmith i« still forging the orbs of light. Since then Prof. Holden has Ljjjdiy sent us photogaphs shewing the ippearance of two other nebnise as inewed i^the giant telescope. Oae of these, he jjjoKg, mast be regarded aa the first repraa- ^tiitive of a new class of nebniaa, in which ^e oebnlous stuff is arranged " in the form (^ a helix or screw, just as if the nebula had iiKD formed by one brilliant particle revolv- ing around the central star and leaving a bnlliant train, while the central star itaelf ,ru rapidly moving through apace. " Xoc lince William Hersohel surprised the world with hia accounta of the wondera re- pealed for the firat time to human eyea by hia telescopes, hsks any news been re^ived from the celestial spaces of such absorbing iaterest as these announcements from the director of the Lick observatory. The ne- bnla it Ideation is one ot those contained in Hersuuel's catalogues, and b situated in the constellation of Draco, in the north polar qnarter of the heavena. The photograph iliows a central point, or star, surrounded by two tuperposed nebulous spirals, the ap- pearance of which certainly justifies Prof. Halden's suggestion that they may be the train of Inminous matter left by a brilliant orb iu its spiral path around a moving cen- tre. The reader can obtain a clear conception of this by considering the case of the earth and the sun. The earth makes a complete journey around the sum once a year. But the sun meanwhile is not standing still, but is moving forward on an apparently straight coarse towards the constellation Uercules ac a rate which, though undetermined, is certainly not less than two or three hundred nillion miles in a year. If the earth in its journeying left a Inminous wake in space, its pith would appear in the form of a vast spiral, resembling that actually seen in the nebula in Draco. So far from this being a uniiiue object, Prof. Holden says that several ochtr uebuke examined show evidences of a similar form, and he expects to discover farther examples, perhaps still more perfect, of the same class of phbuomona. It i's ditli:;ult to suggest a satisfactory ex- planation of such a structure in a nebula. Iq the well-known "spiral nebulae" we hare long had examples of nebulous forms made up of fiat concentric rings or ovals, but theae seemed naturally to suggest a likeness to the imagined condition of our aolar sj-stem when it was in the earlier stages of its formation from a nebulous mass that had been shaped by rotation and ccndenaacion into a central aggregation sur- rounded by rings. But the helix-shaped nebula in Draco is something very ditfereiit Tnere, if the nebulous spirals really imitate the form of tne thread of a screw, the mat- ter of which i hey are composed must have been left behind the moving body from wbijh it was cast ofi" and the difficulty is to nnders-tand exactly how that could have occurred unleas some medium is supposed to exist in. the space through which ttie system is moving. It is evident that these discoveries will pretty certainly lead to new and important vieTs not only of the contents of sptce, but of the Uws that prevail throughouc its un- bonndedHdomains, and govern the birth and growth and destiny of its countless and marvellously varied creations. tb*iAot9dlWbipi » fopaisonly wnaa dry, enraadatioa. XlMakiDahaaiafaattaraaghljr daanaedfint ^aaka » qood nacflafla wNMit oabg gnas-arkbie, take dertrioa two parU, five parts, Medo moid iMiapart, diaaolva tbaaidafhMtaodaddoiMpart of Ihe tansile Btnagth «f » ooe^tUrdthatof theauna rape and ft rape aaiaratad with graaaa cr aoap ~ia wekkar still, aa ttie labrioaat jpermita the fifareatosUp with ne^sr facility. Hemp rope oontraeta conaiderably on being wetted, and k dry rope twenty-five feet lam " ahorten to twenty-four feet on being wot- ted. Aooramittee appointed by tiia Sodete Indostrielle de Molhonae ara atronj^y ra- commending_boerda made of ^aater w Paria andraeda. ilSD aaA aDueifiv dMi^^ Ana taretaMjnnHda in OM «mi «e4 Dr. VlMBars fj^lMtts Praaoilplian PoaMvB nsMdy far ^aae derugementa, irregnlatiaa, and wenkaaaaea ao common to womaokinA. Robert Ckvrat^ oium pnaident of the B. 0. K. R. It bmair " "Em tetter act to.be, ttaa be anh^^r." and no oae ca be happy whoee ayatemla: deranged by poiaoooaa aeeretiona. Nearly all ilia that fleah la heir to,, ariae from torpid liver and derancement of the digeative or- gans. Dr. Pieroe'a Pleaaaat Purgative Pel ^,^^ Thebo.rdaara3X^iS:i!S***"*S* '2!!^"*^ **^?' " nating Uyer. of plMtar ot^T^ ' 7^ ^S"Sij^'"^^ ^•^*- hvdr^oaUv oompreaaed. Thw an «adl "'""•' y*^ °"«P* I exoelleat baOdlag natorial hydriHilioaUy to fumlah partionlarly for w^la and fisilliiga, aa the, material is dry when used. The oost iaonly fivepeaoe per aqnue foot of 0*39 in^thick- Wlthont i tbtra ia .m wealth. Aooording to reoent ezperlmenta of MM. Hanriet and Biohet, of whiah an sooonnt Itaa been given to the French Aoademy of Soienoea, the ventilation of the Innga ia In- creaaed Iqr mascular labor. In moderate work the ventilation is more than anffioient for the exoration of the oarbonioacid produc- ed, and above all for the abaorption of the necrasary oxygen. In hard work the pro- portions of carboaio aoid produced and oxygen absorbed rise sightly the harder the work. and with It no poijartj. An OBaottre Bnath ia moat diatreadn^, «ot ealy to the peraoa. afflicted if he have aoy pride, but to thoao widi whom he oom^ ia octotaclk It is a de- licate matter to i^aak ef, Imt it has parted not only friends but lovers. Bad breath and oatanrh.an inaeparaUa. Dr Sageli Catarrh Kemedy onrea the wont oaaea aa thousands can testify. Preaident Cleveland has snbsoribed $10,- 000 t help elect himself. Htrrest Ezonniona. The Chicago North. Western Railway Company announces a series of harvest ex- cursions to points in Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota and Nebraska, for which tidketa will »miEBEST At the meeting of the German phyaiciana known aa the Wiesbaden Congreaa, Dr. Bin2 of Bonn read a paper on " Aloohol aa a Rem- be aold, September 11th, September 26thi edial Agent," in which he rdened to ex- Qjtober Onh, and October 23rd, at the rate pressed opinions and upheld the cffi?aoions ©f one fare for the round trip. These excnr-* virtues of aloohol, contending that it has an gions will afford exorotional opportunities especial value in heart-faUnre and lung- for personal inspectiifn of the productive disease, that it is consumed in the organism, country reached by the Chicago North- and that it operates as a controller of Western Riilway fines. For full informa- pyxeria and fever while he regards it aa an tion address E. P. Wilson, General Passen- invaluable aid to the physicist Dr. Bini at ger Agent, Chicago, the same time holds that the consumption^ aP dl? P.lTSVT^ proonrel. Pahsot Attornevsand (xparti. £it-di867. iMtaaldC.KldentACe^ Toronto. CANOES. Send {or III. Catalogs. WH, EXCUSH, reterbero, Ont. KNiniNG^^S-wf.'SCr^MAGHINES FARMS FOS SALE or KENT. Au, Sizn, KoTM and Prick 1. Home special banrains. H. S. UITCHELL. Drattoit. Oht. Agrents send ler our Illostrated C4talague. Addre^ TKIITBIPIl SBLr WaiJIClWB a»r Co^ Toronto. Oat. OWTiRIO VETEBniART OOhh%QE â€" OVKR Are hundred rtndents in successful practice fees fltcv cePar'pjrsestioo seamon 188S-9 begins October 20th. Priccipal, Ptet SHITH, V. S., Toronto of aloohol between meals, especially in the form of beer, is in Germany a "national eviL" Linseed ia recommended as a substitute of gum-arabic. The seeds ara first boiled with water for an hour the resulting thick mass is filtered, and then treated wiu twice; ita volume of ninety per cent, apirita of wine. A floccnlent white precipitate separates, from which the dilute spirit can be readily de- canted. A yield is obtained of ten per cent, of dried " gummi lini" on the weight of the seeds taken. The gum forms a clear grey- Mnaf CV broivn fragile mass which dissolves in water ••'U^'" â- â- without taste or amell similarly to gum- arabic. Two grammea are asffiijient to form an emulsion with thirty grammea of oil, whioh resembles the emulsion formed with gum arable, both in taste and appear ance. For several weeks, says the Atlanta Constitution, there have been on exhibition ' in the ofSce of the clerk of the Superior Court samplea of pulp made of the hulls and stalks of the cotton-plant. The pulp ii as white as snow, and can ba converted into the finest writing paper. It is regarded as valuable, and is the product of pari» of the cotton-plant hitherto deemed valueless. ' The process by which it is made is new. It is one by which the ligneous substance of -the hulU and seed are dissolved. By ' r I Toronto Catting Seliool.â€" Scieotlflo and rella- thia pr^ess over fifty per cent, of the fibre ' «*„ A'.^^i'iff f Jt"S*.'J^"'^*'^f^i^ w\ 1f1*»»" f .j» ...viTii 1.-VI. V fltting gannents are produced. Cutters haring tron- is extracted irom tne nulla, wnicn nave been ble should sfcnre my systems and ensure fntnre sno- regarded aa fit only for fuel in the mills, ' cesa. E att re sa-Jsf action gnaranteed. Shirt system or for feed and fertilising purposes, and taught separate. A rare ohaoca tor young men to ^ov VmHis "vfinMito K la te sMtkii^ ailk. oftn satiDc Ute; tor the InvalM «B Dyapevtio it is of tiM giMtMt vitaa Uis VHE FINEST BABY FOOD, VHK BEST INVAUD FOOD, THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD. .THE MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD. IM Meala Ibr an Inftant «or SlUMi AOdiiiiatphota. of IfBB. Dasx's TamjRa-tfafae taaaiifBl eh fldi e n â€"at to themotha* ofaorbdiy fton within a rear. Also awilnaMe paaipbWt an j^ OmgflDbH^aiidlBTaUdii ^W BeMkrDnaairti. 8Se., BOc, SLOOa WEUS»UClMlgSON CO.MOIIT|iEAUP.O. WOOLS JWD fANCYCOOBS AT Wa»I«8AI« FBicn. QEKLIIf- tlHETLAND AXD A3I»M.USIAK n WOOU. ia all ooioM, at 8j per oa Saxony, •leeoy aad lM.Wooli^v«ll eolon,10a per (Nk; Em- broidarv Silk/ltajpoi ioa. tiMtiia aisrioaJyAna- sens, all ool'irs. SOi per doa. Engiiah Jkrrassns, lam ikdns, »»parsMn FMt.^bett quality, S yda. wide, 91 00 per yd. PIntfi Poinpo n s, all colors, (ram tSaperdoB.; Stepped lidys, aU (ringed, tSo cadi; b*«inped«a(iet8sls;apieoM.SBopcrs«t .OonaUnt- ly oo hand li astortaient o( Devest mateiials (or ladies' (aaoy waik. Letter mdsrs teoeiva prompt and cueiol attent on and goods oan be ien« by peat to I any part n( Canada. Please writs (ar prtoe Uat. I g ^RY OAVI8, Unet ImpotMr. Sss Ton«a Allan UnB Boyai Kail StnkiMpi Sailing during winter (roai PotUand evaiTThnisdaf and Halllax areiy Saturday to Urerpool, and in anai- â- MT (lom )arteo avsiy Satotdaj to Ureipool. ealUng at Londonderry to land maila and paMsngers Ha Saotiand tnd Inland also (rom Baltlmots, via ZaB (as avf St. Joba's. H. F., to Uvarpool (ortalglitly during sonunsr montha. The ataamera ot the Qlaa row Ibies sail during winter to and (rom HalWax, Portland, Boston and Phiiadelphiaj and dufingsoaa- mar Intwean Glasgow aad M ontrsal waaklv Oisagow aod Boston weskly, aad Olaagow and PnnailalpWa (ortoightly. Fbr (rdght, paattm or oUitr iaformaUoa appiT A. Sohnmaoher ft Oo- Baltimore S. Onnard â- Oo. HalUaz; Shea aOo., St. John's, NOd.; Wm. tbomp a Co.. St. John. N. B.; Allsa ft Oo., Ohioago Lsve ft AMen, New Tork Allans, Bae ft Oo., Qoebee idiia H. A AUen Portland H. Booriler, Toronto; Wm. BrooUs. Phllade ' Boston. HontreaL BBPar t FUENSB STOCK of Maohioery to select '(rod. Send Tor Usta. H. W. PETRI G, Brantford, Ont, Safes FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF, and Vaalt Doors, kept constantly In stook. A number ol Second-hand 8a(es at low prices J, J. TAYLOR. Toronto Safe Works. CHOiOE FARMS FOR SALE HI ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. PARTIKS wishing to purobaae improved Manitoba Fkms, (rom 80 aoies upwards, with immediate posaasaion, oaU or write to «. I. H^VLSOir, Mo- Arthur's Block, M-On St., Winnipeg. InformaUoa (omished tree ot oharge, and settlers assisted in making sMeotion. Moaar lo Loan at current lates interest MON£Y^^ Established 1860. LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates* delay. Correspondence solicited D. BVTLEB, Financial Agt. 72 Kintr 81 E., Toronto. The Bishop's False Teeth. Many a good story has been told about the consternation and dismay produced by the sound of the Scottish bagpipes on the unin- itiated ears. They are said to have put to flight foes for whom a bayonet charge would bave no terrors. But the story told by Bishop Taylor in Ashbury church one even- ing about the e£fect his moveable teeth pro- duced among the blacks in Africa seems to cast all the other yarns of this kind into the shade. Somehow his black brethren came to kuow that the good Bishop had false teeth, ud one of them gently and tremulously broke the subject to him in conversation one iiy. Not wishing to be siupected of witch- craft, the bishop told the children of the sunny south that in big America where he came from, when a man lost a lee he could go and get a new one made. And when his hair fell ofiF he conld Isuy a fresh supply, Qd so with the teeth, when they dropped cut or were pulled they could be replaced. " Then," said the bishop, " I drew out my beautiful, white, clean porcelain set, and when they saw that, you ought to have seen those darkies run and scream and gesticulate One woman declared she had seen the won- der of the world and was now content to die in peace." A Frank Gntioism- " What do you think of my poem in the 6a:e«e, Wilkins " " It was a remarkable piece of work. One thmg about it I thought was particularly wonderful." "What was that?" " That the Gcaette ever published it." A Difference of Opinion. ue8t (to mountain house landloril) â€" I think the amount of tills bill is entirely too large. Landlordâ€" Too large Jnat fan yonraelf, » vi.h that bOI, and get another whiff of ^e pure, health-inspiring moontain air; you'll think it'a too amalL GANGER SMITH, 121 Qaeen SI. E FARMERS TUMORS, ULCERS, hCBOFULA, itboot W. L. etc., eured permanentiy without jthe knife. Apply to DR. Toronto. THE^" DANDY" BAG- HOLDER^kes bogs cfaavsize wlthjat bother of adjuatment. Will last a lifetime and oosts only 7S cents. C. W. ALI.EN ft Co.. ITorZd Boildin?, Toionto. whion were sold for four dollars a ton. These, converted into pulp, will be worth about forty dollars a ton. At a very small expense this new process utilisea about thirty-eight percent), of fibre from the stalks usually kf to rot in the fields. acquire a lucrative profession. S. COBRIOAN, Prop., 122 Yonge Street. Terms on appUcsUpn. 1.. To Otoe a Ckno. There ia no lack of ao-oaDed aaxmtat Hk ^mon ailment known aa ooma. Tke â-¼O' 8tahle, animal, and aiaand kiiig,i«Ma ^svebeen ranaaeked for eotea. It b fk â- ^Ple matter to icmeve e o rM wit h ont iaht, Y ^yoQ wiU go to any dn^rt or aMfibfairi otaler and buy a bottle oTB^iiumfB Fafal- Com Extaraotor aad amir it Wdfteoted thug is done. Get "Pateam'b," aad no The Sugar Trust Dictates, j The octopus sui^ar trust has told the Sen- ate of the United States what it wanta. We suppose when political parties are so nearly divided, as now happens to be the c«se, the sufirar magnates, who are stealing $20,000,. 000 from the people annually through in- creased profit, think it is a question only of buying a few Congressmen. These trusts and syndicates have too long dictated to the American people The sugar trnat refuses to accede^ to the cut of 50 per cent, in the tariff, but will ccmpromise on a cut of 33J per cent, the ' present sugar classification to stand. How complacent of the thieves I The Prairie Farmer idea of knocking th e tariff from su i gar for a year might brg these sweet auto crats to their milk, speaking after a dair j fashion. j The consumption of sugar in the country ia about 3.000,000,000 pounds a year. Since the formation of the trust, the profita of the refinera have been increaaed from to f cents a pound. They have by comer- ing " reduced the price of raw sugar to ' themselves about § of a cent per pound." Hence they think themselves strom; enough to dictate to Congress. What will the, people think of their public servants who allow thu dictation 7 Watch Congressmen who vote the Octopus sugar trust's demands. rpoSOXro CUTT«9rCi acnoOL.â€" Geotltmen 1 dsiirooa of a.-quirini; a thorough knowledge of girmjnt euttiog ahsuld vijit us. Scientiflo nd reliable sy«t.m4 taught whereby perfect fl'tioggas- ' m:ntd are p oduce'l. Circular with full informathon on application. 3, CORRIUAN, Prop., 122 Tonge s^, Toronto. GreiPtf BiislaeM Cvllece, Ousltb, Oaf.â€" TaU popular Institution, now in its 4th year, is dollar a Kra.id work (or the edocation o( young men and women in thoe branches, a knowledge (rf whioh is so essential to ttie intelligent and euoceakol management of pntctioal affairs. Its graduates are everywhere giving signal proof o( the tboroughnee of their traininir. and bearing grateful testimony to The the monetary value of its course at study. Fourth Annual Circular, giving (ull lo(onnation wil be mailed free. Address M MacCoemick, Principal. BEATER LUTB •f STEAfllSHIPS. â€" Sinjse WaaUiT Barwaaaâ€" MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, 940. (60 and 160. Return 980, |M •110. Intermediate, $30. Steerage 9Sa Apply to H. E. MURRAY. Oenl. Manager. 1 Custom House Square. MONTREAU FREE I Yonge St.. Toronto. AS AXIBICAV WALTHAM SILVER WATCH. alM SINQSR SEWING UkOBISE. For particulars ad- dress, C. W. DENNIS, e Arcade. SELF-THREADING NEEDLES.^S^^^ Outl Instaitly threaded witAout passidg thread throngh ths eve. Agents coin money selling them. Sampte packet by mail 16c., d^aen packetsdOO. WtaUtfB MaaafaetBrims Co.« Teremto. Oot. Young Men Harvest Exenrsion to Minnesoto, Dako-ta and Montana. First olass acoom modation. Tickets good for 30 days, in- ' eluding stop over privileges of 10 days going and 5 days returning, on the following dates Tuesday, Sspt. 25 Tuesday, Oct. 9 and Tneaday, Oct. 23. For free mapa, booka and all particnlars, addreea J. M. HccfilBS, Trav.. Pass. Agent, Palmer Honae Block, Toronto; F. L Whtehky, Genl Passenger tad Ticket Agent; J. BooK-j WAiiTKR, Land GommisaiOner. It is aomethfaig to le good bat far better to be good for aomething, AMMtf the «#ium hahW, JsgaSmsnla. the JMspbise haMt, T. DKVVIXZ X Writs for Oirenlaie s SUFFERING from the eSeots ot early evil haUts, the result ot ignorance and folly, who And themselves weak, nervous and eThanatsd also Mnwu-Aean and Ou kn who are broken down (rom she effects e( abuse or over work, and in advanced li(e (eel the oonreouenoea o( youthful exeeas, send (or aad read M. V. liUbon's TreatlN on the Iiw«aes of Men. The book will be seat sealed to any address on receipt ot twoSc stamps. Address^ UBC TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSiG, I IS 14 Pembroke St. Opens Monday, Sept. 17. AoDOuncement now ready and will be seat free on sppUcaticn. F. H. TORRINGTON, Director. BICYCLES. Great Clearing Sile, Previous to Leaving Premises. 22 BHITRCH ST., TORONTO. No reasonable offer refused. CHAS. ROBINSON GO. New and second hand machines and sundries. "SPORTir GOODS. The Cheapest House in C^iuada for Guns, riifiea. Cartridges, Fishing Tackle, Base Bwklla Gw3s w4 Sportsm«ii'» Sap- plies of ever} kind. OXJH BIO- OH-IFEBts On hcelpt of 912.R0, we will expteft to anv address a DOUBLS-B VkRGL BRchCH LOADINO SHOT GUN, with fine Laminated Steel B;irrelfl, oiled ^tock. a good gun tcr souotry use A d for 3 DC tvill 6hip to any addressa 2S oal. RIFLEthat wiilsh3.taccaratf for 100 feet. W. M'DOWALL CO.. Si KI^G ST. L TORONTO. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'GAUSLAND SON. 76 Ktnsr St. W., Toronto. WlialeyRoyceft06.i S83 Toiu^e Mnet.: Toronto* The Cheapest Plaos la Canada for ' BAND INSTRUMcNTS New and Second i».d Agents (or "BESSON ani'HIQHAVI Band and Orohesti MUSIC. Repairing of Band in stroments a specialty. Send for Catalogne. 0000 ^€ii CANADA PEBMAKEWi: Loan Savings Company I«CORPOBAT£» I8SI. Head Office Toronto St., Toronto Snbserlbed CaptUl, • 4 MO.«Ot Paid Vp Capital i,timjtâ€" Total Assets U,0M,eM rihe enlanred capitU and resources of this Company, together with the increased f xiilities it has reoenuy acquired for supplying \\aA owners with cheap mwisy, enable the Directors to meot with promptness and at the lowest current rate of interest all reqnirementa (or loans upon saUstactory real estate racurty. Applloation ma' bemadetoeitLerof tbeCotnpanr'a loca AporaisaiB, or to J. BBRBERT MASON, Hsnas'g. Director, Toronto. U. T. LUBON. WdlingtoB St. B.. TofOBto, Ont LEATHER BELTING BEST TALDE IN XBB DOMINION. F. B. DIXON CO.. Makeia, 70 King Street Beat. ToroBto. jV^end (or Priee Uata aad Diaoonnia, oo AQENT8 WANTED. THE BEAUTIFUL STOBT, Nervous Debility. OR. GRAira Speoiflo has bean naed for the sf t lUtsen y^an, with great saooess, in the trestmeni of nervous debUi^. and all dlBea.«s arising from ex- oeeees, over-worked brain, loss of vlwUty, ringing in Hbe ears, palpltatioa, etc. For sale by all druggists. Fries, tl Iter boz, -ore boxea (or 96, or will be as it by mail on nocipt of price. Pamphlet on appl l oa t t oa THE GRAT MEDICINE CO.. Toronto. TO Fi7.sr ArrmsG, vniui toey last-^ .^j.^^ V.'e w:!! scml bv mail an ap. "^^ r- â- .â- â- ' â- ' i?" to each r.iaiden, ^^" wife-, mother c.r cookâ€" ;r,e to !?«»" f.iin;:yâ€" v.!iO T,:U try the F,!,£ADVAK:R's Bax.nu Powcm C:-' l!.'.- rcJ cirt'icfrom the l;il-!.l ritid send it in n letter sf:itin2 honest opinion after f:i;::iiil. Kither a 5, 10 or 25 CLT.l ^i.re will sicure the gift. .Anv procct or ttcrckceper kr.r\v; v. hire- to GTt't â- t if aslied for !)}• von. â€" AfJrjst^ Cni'RCTILL CO.TOHOHTO DELAYS ARE lUNGEROUSi Don't wait until yon are burnt out or robbed Buy a Stt(e now and sleep easy, and be aura and get prioes, etc., o( the NiswChampionSafe. S. S. KIMBALL, en Craig St., P.O. Box M5. MONIREAI^F.(i. si£aWVSTpN"SFlUI0 8fw; :â- V ;tOKÂ¥WNS.£VERrElEM£NTOFA -â- ^^•j?EBEECT:r6oD:; •• -â- â- •?.,,- 'â- â- ITSfltGULAR.USEVYILl- BOILD UP. 'f fK STRONG ROBUST CONsflTirrrDB* "" V»i:"fk2" Pf?:OVE IT TQ BE ' ^SSSoW «M 1»S^!Sd 4i^^inMaMaiS! fraatiaMrvsoas dlsaipa wlo abdvs eaoaaa,-ar i^j mam* lahcSniMBli,a ' aUtKiS^JS rSa?.2S S ynoLUM .^ ras j^M^HrtJH wmtis AND We mannfactiire tke Largest Yarlety of FENCES, CRESTING, BUILDER'S IRON WORK, STABLE FITTINGS, OFFICE RAIUNGS^ ETC., of any hooao in tho DmsiaioB. \f»VrALOGUE8 I^REE. BtON WOBKS. WINDSORS ONT. ia, fMMit* OonspiiUiiCSt "'^M "ilf-^f^' I ... I ^- :- '^v^-. •• n I â- ' 3 1' i^ f II .1 y u 4, :f "^.. air\^ 1. .•»- A4.~ ^Jai^iJskii^^ai^