I?-.-: •^»?1!ftS^!^^JWf«^#^T'5^ *T- ft -«-%V*-^7^^: ^."l 'f J'^^ *f '^J^^j^-^^^^^^^^^^i ;^^^Sv;^c^v s^-;^^ ,.••,•*.- 1 h gtl TWW NJ f J -, -*â- *••*!•â- *-*â- .â- .i;:. i Farm for Sale. :on. 9, township of Eaphmla, Y acres more or less. Tlieie ;res cleared, balance LardjBood slier particulars apply to )LOMON HILL, General Merchant, Markdale, Qnl. GAGE SALig VALIJABIiE PROPE RTY. sold by Public Auction ftttbe in the Village of Markdale, on rOBSB gtli,1888, AT OHE C1.0CK P. M. Ely House, in the Town o/ OESn 12{;!i 1838, AT SBV 'CXiOCX A. U. Sale, contained in a certain age. made bv Wm. Cartwrignt viiich will be produced on wb ^Hundred acrua, bo-ng Lot No. ot the Township of EupturasM, treyâ€" soil goodâ€" about 30 aojsi and Frame House. Thme WIH same time and place, the IW^ viz:â€" 1st. Lot No. 9 in tbeMB iip of Keppel, in the CoUBWM 100 acres more or less. »* res of Lot No. 30 in the 1^ ship of Keppel, said *« «»* of « chains, and a depth WW s, to the rear limit of the I^ iruam Koad North in the TO- in the Township of .GJ«°*J' acre. These IxjtB will W»w- nrt will be sold on easv tea^- e known on day of sale, t^r hpplyto^j^^^ Loncion, On- ^^T:.^.'.Sept. Sfi-i? irVonV.V Sept.34.»6 lam Sept. 35-86 Sept.25-» SeF».«-f ....OotH ....OdtU ...Oo«»« *.*..... 0t6 ...Oefi-* ^,^ ,Get» Oct Oct. Jl ** My Fairs. „.\4i,;' second ThoradftT y before onS^^^SSe. lay before Or»n«B«* lay before Or»«e^ day before Do*J^ jr befbre paffl t r before Dopwg ^^ j: FORSAI* rtemesiA wf »*" Apply *2-«*^ is SoUdi^^ixijr Pact. jjVjj,, made more jie way o* naticnal bt#i substantial pro- 8oIidi£catioD .^jt six weeks than she has mode ' ^fars that precedl President /retaliatory message, notwith- •*"" i^jit ;n those six years many imper- ,^' s ill tlie way of bin^ling thccount(7 K^^L'iv" iii"«n place. Mr. Cleveland'-«i â- ),a"e Caiiudiai'S feel a.i one people. ' s a.i'cli interested lu the we'fai'e â- r.iin" as if any otner. All along If 'riW iS't Atlantic to the Pacific there "' /â- nua^iiui'y it* " expression ofj »'t'"uW stand by the rights of the j H'";,,..rovii)cein the fishferiee dispute.] iiiM' I'cen unanimous expre^aiou I .^(V, that Canada is able to take cere f Uif. to rely entirely upon her own re- i au'.i uo' '° ^® dependent on our 'g ;(,r auythiug. We have our own • our own lailways, and onr own ports, fi'/.jjf V fee fit to refuse us to their cban- 00 n".t ueed to cry over the matter bvf only to use our own. Dominion Ministers who have •:n ou tbe subject, and the great bulk of rf'^.papers, Conservative, Liberal and I WtBl. have come out squarely in favor j f \,jja biinH self reliant, and free of any .1 ;lepenilenef, on our neighbors for 'fjcii,! privileges. In Toronto the out- ,j t];i3 feehnjt of national self-reliance Sbren most marked, while there has been i-j ot a menacing nature taid of our Ut'rs. There has been a marked falling display of American flags and tenc.an devi"es of late, whereas formerly i|,Ji,.y not walkabout town on a holiday " I.: lii-ttiiJg American flags at every J;, veil the Mail newspaper has great- Itharpul its* tune within the last few days, I'hdf actually had the eourag-e to a?gne the Eidiaii side of the case on one or two Jsfions. Ifctlie other hand the situation becomes Vj complicated in the States. The Demo- B do not eem to be so anxious to push j [ijiil retaliation the two States that have ' y so far. though they have always IcBepublicans, have given increased Be- tecacmfljorities, and these two States it gt be remarked are States that are more lless interested m good relations being oitained with Canada. These are signifl- tt facts. As for Mr. Cleveland, we begin lietl coufiJeut that he has ruined his mces coin pletely by his retaliatory message. tiiss either to go ahead or to back down (natter w.iich horn he chooses he will be e to get himself into trouble, and we |rjd cut be surprised to hear of his making Ee defpcrate endeavor to get out of the fecalty in which he has placed himself. Ie iam and substance of I he sitnation is y.PresiJetit Cleveland's retaliatory mess- f ha? given a great impetus to Canadian pm\ soatiment, while it has done a great iitoiajuie tbe reputation of a great Pre- tent, anil seriously damaged his chances of Itlectiou in the struggle now at hand â€" Iril. Mar!idale Conncll. Markdale. 141h Sept., 1888. jUinutes ot tbe 9th meeting of the linicipal Council of the Village of irkdale, held m the council chamb- ,tlie 14th day of Sept., Ib88. I Members present â€" The Eeeve and prs. Rae, Hill and Brown. j Hie Reeve in tbe chair. Miuutes |last meeting read and confirmed. iComrflunications â€" From tbe County reasnrer couceming arrears of taxes. irom the Clerk of Glenelg, stating lat the Glenelg council had granted p sDm of ten dollars to the Glenelg kricultural Society, providing the [lilage of Markdale grant an equiv- lient. Also from the Clerk of Glenelg Bg amounts to be collected under lylawlTl ($185) and for School Kalent §60.84. An account was pented for impounding hogs. C. I Johnston presented, his a/c for 25 Ms gravel. A petition was present- "by W. JJ. Haskett and others ask- 'M a grant to the Markdale Brass Jid Haskett Bros, presented a/c ' nse of hall, nails o. [Hillâ€"Eaeâ€" That the council of I grant Ten Dollars to Glenelg ricultural Society.â€" Carried. IBiie^Haiâ€" That F. Pundas bd paid •Irts. lor impounding hogs. â€" Carried. ffill-Raeâ€" That C. A. Johnston be W$25 for gravel on street. â€" Carried. I Brownâ€" Hillâ€" That the sum of $20 *Stuited to the band to assist in focuiing unilorms, to be paid as soon ^Etich uniforms are in use, with the Sietstanding that such uniforms are ^t^the property of the Band.â€" Cam- BtowDâ€"Eaeâ€" That the Reeve i«- fni3 cheques in favor of J. E. Ilfh for $4.25 per order of S. Morrow at the foUowing a/o be paid, ,^ C- Reynolds, $85,614 C. H. p. §1.87i Wm. Lyons. $4.87i I"'" Joseph Sproule 98 cents to be m led on his statute labor.â€" Carried. ^town-Raeâ€" That Haskett Bros. ^M $20 in fall of a/câ€" Carried. L5'°J?-HU1â€" That the application L. ""^Wi for redress in reference to [r.'^poTuiding of certain animals, be °^er for fatnre consideration, and jjne counoU in the Deantime re- JJ^?nd that the Bound keeper xe- l^e sum of $1.00 charged for ad- '^gi as it seems no adverliaing in; aeewith law was done.â€" Catri- Jj--Rae-That the Beere be in- IC*^ to take up note gives to ^e- '"' «»»•"â€" ' incorporation.^ .^i^ences of B. C. £b.ti»x, (3^%; W.J.McFMtAND'S PALiL IMPORTATIONS â€"PROMâ€" EUROPE Arriving Weekly. Best value ever shown in Markdale. McFARLAND'S Black Cashmeres 80 cents. Black Cashmeres 80 cents. Black Cashmeres 80 cents. Black Cashmeres 40 cents. Black Cashmeres 40 cents. Black Caslimeres 40 cents. Black Cashmeres 50 cents. Black Cashmeres 60 cents. Black Cashmeres 76 cents. McFARLAND^I Jerseys, $1.25. Jerseys, $1.25. Jerseys, $1.25. Jerseys, $2.00. Jerseys, $2.00. Jerseys, $2.00. Jerseys, $2.16. Jerseys, $2.75. Jerseys, $8.00. Jerseys, $3.25 up. McFARLAND'S Dress Goods 15 cents. Dress Goods 16 cents. Dress Goods 15 cents. Dress Goods 22^ cents. Dress Goods 22J cents. Dress Goods all prices. McFARLAND'S Meltons 11 cents. Mellons 11 cents. Meltons 11 cents. McFARLAND'S Meltons 12^ cents. Meltons 12^ cents. Meltons 12^ cents. McFARLAND'S Flannels 20 cents. Flannels 20 cents. Flannels 20 cents. McFARLAND'S Flannels 25 cents. Flannels 25 cents. Flannels 26 cents. McFARLAND'S Shirtings 10 cents. Shirtings 10 cents. Shirtings 10 ceubs. McFARLAND'S Shirtings 15 cents. Shirtings 12^ cents. Shirtings 17 cents. McFARLAND'S Fall Prints. Fall Prints. Fall Prints. McFARLAND'S Mantlings. Mantlings. Mantlings. â- â- v*:- '~?Si- vT •.â- .'-;-.-â- â- â- ir^^ fV â- â- â- 14 McFARLAND'S Black Yams. Grey Yams. Brown Yams. Blue Yams. Scarlet Yams. White Yams. Garnet Yams. ^; McFARLAND'S Pillow Cotton. White Cotton. Grey Cotton. â- 'S. 5;: McFARLAND'S Teas 25 c^to. Teas 36 oMitoi^;-,; T i^.:^l _Teaa2i5.pM»ta,is:%;^-.:. MarkdalE FACTORY Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, every ' being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Monldings, HoIIot Battons, FRMES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS, c., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second I: a is Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m eyery depart a m would now respectiully. solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly,. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct fronl North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 803 THOgI, IMcBTE^. leaiy-mle Stylisk ail Faslunialile Qoti;' to hand, which we purpose selling FOR OASH prices which will astonish the buy- er. Having determined henceforth to do a CASH BUSINESS ONLY, my customers and the public may rely on get- ting close bargain s. i |ip|EMiiWDKiiiWD|E i iBiciciflspMcMpolI^ kept in stock and made to order at Shoe. Shop. Tinder the management of MR. KAY so well and favorably known. Call early and secure. bargains. WM. BROWN. J HAMILTON, THE PEOPLE'S PHOtOGAPHER. â€"â€"â€"'Iff A "ff IRtD AltBlfit j â€" â€" Is turning ouf Photos all sizes. equal tO; City work. Copying and enlarging a speciality. Also pictiveiraming done with, neatness and £spatch. Then come awa, both old and young. And dinna lose nae time In getting pictures for your friends, For Hamilton takes them fine. f as A Positive Cure. t A PaHilees Cure. FOR MEN OF ALL AGBS. BZ8BAA158 OP VUM* Haml ol.HMHug. and Kokinoorol MttfelM*. the tenrible coâ€" qa w y aa ♦il Ovwwwik. "Wbo v^-^^^i^f^t' -Sl^;- *-' from tbe efiectaofabnae'wiU nQ.dUiMo.8araaiMd •areloriMrfoiu debility, organio weakiMM, InvolantarT 'vttal lonaa. mlfi. H No. 8 BHOUIiB B8 Ubbd.â€" W«Dk otMugr.TertlgO,«iBt of inpOM. illiiiiiâ€" of rftfit, »veiBion to aooietr, mnt of oonflAmeak »TOid»aa» of ooufWMtiou, dMinlar MttlMla, Uatleamew .aod inaUUtr to fix the «tt«itton on ft MrtiealuM^ect. MgnMion of aplrits, ciadliMMi. Iom ot nMSMinr, «MtitAnafotUmfBt{mptir' mUmot Uio Mmiadflliildr.t)te i^k of nlf-«mM or tuuOii maeem-jmpo- enwolation, iMmnneH. ralpitatiOEk, of- ttM bMurt, byalwie ladterln « â€" '^.^-r""r mdaiiobaly, dirtnrbiBg «MliM, ote,. an all â- Tmptpni*(rilflii».t«Bnbl6 bS^aOMSuMfiinoeanttr aMBind. U tfjort. li» â- BdasofTitalfogr^AitvtDc.lOatitt «aariaa.«*«rTfiuuitton vaiMs is e(»a«aneno«.: SdMrtlAe mmnud tho.voMitiBteMiita of ianaa Mjlinna unite tu naoriblna to tbMtfaoti of adt-idinw *b« iqm^ naJflCter ol •WM t ad mw vhleh ooiie and«Mie notk^ It ymi •9jMpinpeta|rtfor «i« jMions dnUwoC bHtooaa, JaeaiwclMtad lor tiM^wymwtaot^rai^liali^^ the «Oaalio(/Marl7 vice. Uy9nM*advui«ad injra«T%iro.-B«ini^yD« Ml' •nd oC/HO'lTVica. U ypn ax* wiTaBqaa m n»T^ no.-Bvui gi-rayim luu ^nt^waa vSraan broWi down, ijiygteally and norallT froib aarlr udl#B gat l cB, the IHntaMMidfMly.in«d]ron addwai, â€"d 10 ^JtiAt j^^JtmytfafM^J^faam^ii itBirfeatldBw to I Urea laaJMrs â- â- t ^i^'-: (â- â- •il â- â- * 'ir mi mm t A .- .â- ;â- - »â- -â- â- - ' ;. 'â- 'â- :-f "'r^^u A â- â- ' :-f 'f S.iPvS'iSvi 4^-'v--'rxiS5