Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Sep 1888, p. 7

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 1-^ "•;â-  ?;• "P! â-  â- ^I'sjf^g^f^ • ?^f^E^ â- : ^^^^y'-^vJ^^-^^y'^w^^W^^^^ J *i. ,.-.. 4LL fl**"" .»***"'*:** r..^:*^'}.iitMl*,-* *- â-  5- -â- *»â- .;â- â- ::« :-""Ur*jr*C5STX B 4L.*'4i"i«^ daarnwmtmAijii€*iu» ur iNtf«' ff^* u *^ji.*wsnts %s% nwâ€"iimr ^m ^^ -«• '.?«' s,77v^-«v«t «-nManWP'*» oteproverbnSS^'Ua, or. B origin. ^^^•*"t^B, Tile proof of the n^^^ 1 •u, let him ?Mt thA"'H be:"LethirfiJ,ti,"J|J nes we are told: "R.I. ,. e a little matter kin-n-T"' i.indieth,";?^,^';!;^ ;hearthat«'ami«aU„^J 'ch "not as senaible oSr- ' before yoa leap" .houM t before you ere yon leaiL" 1 generally credited J ^eat words admit of no defimn. *ant of decency i, w«Tof Ji2?i youldpu2zleany onetofiadi iswrmnga. They were ' 1 ot KoBcommon, who diad )om. said, "Honesty b the u t the maxim ia of Spani«h9ri2 B found in " D on Quixota." low to Tell 0b8'b A^e. d this table to a lady andm you in which column or cola ontained, and add together! the top of the columna inwh ouad, and you have the gr CHlHESE POLICE TOTUSE. _Cr«eItlcalm the Fwua BjrMcMVf the CeI«««Ul Baiplre. _,affh » broad arched gateway batween oftbeae nightmarish danba we eatered ^{•"° o. Immediately fnaide was a low '^ibedi ]ivided into compartments, grat sight looked like tu oagei ot m J^Bimal" Thia was tiie district prison, I lecond glance revealed the figures be- I /the bars to be hnman beings. They r certsinlf the most wretotied lookiag l«^ I ever saw, which is saying a good \S priioners in Chinese iails i in Chinese jtdls are not llurtd to shave their heads, and the long K lioe hair, black and coarse almost as '" IS U5C0MBKD CONFTSIOK unt their faces, gave to them a wild nn- V appearance. They looked mote like â- ^gorillas thtn men, peering through r hsrs at the "American barbarian," or ale A.« finnr wretch 1 nonoed termed mo, "Fankwae," with I 4 8 16 3? t 5 9 17 33 6 10 18 34 1 11 19 35 12 12 20 3ii 13 13 21 37 14 14 22 38 13 15 23 39 20 24 24 40 11 25 25 41 22 26 26 42 23 27 27 43 28 28 28 44 29 29 29 45 30 30 30 46 31 31 31 47 36 40 48 48 37 41 49 49 38 42 5C 50 ?9 43 51 51 44 44 52 53 45 45 53 53 46 46 54 54 47 47 55 55 52 56 56 X 53 67 67 SI 54 58 58 58 55 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 63 63 6;; 63 ^aeen's FopnJarity. Regent of Spain has jwtL that she knows the way to i jer people. On Thursday 1» ng driven about 7 p.m. Sol witn her two little ag the host chanced to close to the Cafedn Lsn ich visitors to Madrid « ler. No sooner did,|bBQn I sacred procession tSsB^ ,ge, she alighted, and n. to take her place to laughters had also bei« an sir seats, and taking oas e followed with them enfoi* I the carriage. Aa Jaaamm d forthwi* as the own lODched by the Qasen »;I umility, followed «•« "Tf -en to the Cannen diM* rhis church th^ »» 9 host belonged, *»,2r ig the sacred edifi«« *t»J* 'ed for Bome a^^^JTZl] s. On again «W»r^J!, ring her carri^d«Vr! landed most ^o^^^^^ awd that had gsrtjrtj^ j nse roond the^»yf_*2\ with great diffiflgfVjjT* I agth be made. ^SJETT publicans are tHgyj'.^. kqueon as Donna CW^ \o the mos ay corps^of soIdWV^^ landed -- .^ esmUa Efl^^***' ssr for twO'*aF.^.. ;. r-Hi* xpeniBB OHiT'l. %AkM' itiidecrf; *«*42H4 i^ â-  to !l?*P'*^ pHtdshment. If oironmatati' JM^'liiSfi'i^^H k7J«T ^7« onto lite beoomas inch a titw»iM *«4f55 Mai|dd«a« Oae poor wretch I noticed whose lips and 8 were swollen cut of all proportion by e flogging be had received on the mouth ""aake him confess as a criminal or to â- " Ijjy as a witness. A witness whom the "n/srin thinks stubborn and unwilling to a ify 13 treated as. barbarously in China u i crimiDal. In an adjoining cell to this •e was another wretched object lying on !ii stomach and moaning piteously his rckwasamasB of bruises and lacerations. fljtjide were several men wearing about their «k8 heavy wooden cangues or yokes; ,,1,618 wore shackles and were fastened to Wnckn of stone, which they had to drag with ieu whenever they move?. LIKE A SCENE FROM COMIC OPEBA. Crossine this outer yard, we passed irongh another gateway, and found our- uivM within an inner court. In the centre gf this stood a broad, low wooden structure, hilf hoaie, half shed. Here at a table sat the mandarin, smoking a silver water-pipe ai listening to the representations of a oan who was gesticnlating and talking in a nry high key. Standing about in attentive ittitndes were yamuni runners, policemen, fictorsand the various functionaries of a (jiinese eonrt of justice. I had arrived at tJiejamaD just in time to see something of iCninese criminal trial. The policemen wore short, sta$y-Iooking ackeis oa which were town discs of white oilcloth afoot in diameter befare and behind. Oa the disce were big red characters. These odd appendages gave the wearers a pecnli- irly grotesque appearance. They looked likecomedianson the mimic stage rather ihaa Government cfficia's eeriously employ- ti. Qytr the strange gathering, suspeaded from the rafters of the building, hung ihandred gay-colored lanteres, boards with big gilt inscriptions, and b inner s. To se THE WHOLE SCENB, from the perkish-looking mandarin, in big, ronnd spectac'es and the long ptasock- feather in his hat, to the gilt oign and red jsper lanterns, was the life and paraphernalia of tha stage. Tha mandarin was the star, the pjlicemen and yamuni runners, with thttir ludicrous bulls-eyes, were the clowns ud the others the cast and " supeis." Even the wretched prisoaer, clai in ssanty itfs and prostrate on his face before the court, was a clever actor, to me â€" quite a itar, may be, drawing a silary second only to that of the Icaiing man himself â€" the nandarin at the table. I'o pus through ths middle gate seemed a complete cbaoge^rom the realm of,tragedy to wmedy. To thcsa immadiately interested, however, it is perhaps needier s tossy that it wai anything but a farce. A Frankwae was a tare visitor in Nam-n^an, and for a moment my entrance arrtsted the attention of the Whole court. Even the ptieoner twisted h's leck to see whit was the cause of the inteiraption. The mandarin rose from his chair, and, " chinchinning ' pleasantly with his clasped hands, motioned me to as sat. IT WAS AX AWF0L TKAGEDT, HOWETEB. This momentary diversion ended, the tria vest on as before. The 'cute-looking gentle â- nan with the high- keyed voice, it seems, *u presenting the prisoner's case to the mandario. As he finished, with an impres- live .wave of his hand from the mandarin to the prisoner, the latter rose to his feet. Themandaiia beamed at him with judicial Kverity through his glasses and addressed Urn cnrtly. The culprit, if culprit he wae, '"ing his head and muttered a response. Perhaps it was merely a meek assertion of â- DBocence, perhaps an appeal for mercjjr. Whatever it was, it seemed to fire the tram "i the mandarin's wrath, and with an ex- ploiive order which was almost a shriek, â- catbing and condemnatory, even to me, who °otildn't understand a word, he glared like u owl through his spectacles. Toe prisoner prostrated himself in token °| submission two policemen selected flat wnboo rods, and advanced. The condemn- ed man meekly bared his own thighs, with ^bling hands folded his armi across his °'*ut, and lay flat on his stomach. His ^hs were already a masi of bruises from l^last flogging, administered, probably, ""'t foar days before. A BRCTAL-LOOKIKG TUBWKBT "eld his head, another hU feet With sharp, luck strokes the two policemen flogged the P'^^itrate man by turns, twenty strokes at |,time until each had delivered 100 strokes. J*ch complement of twenty strokes was 'Wivered, with the accuracy of long ezperi- in the same place, whieh made a l^t furrow of batteijBd ftesbiijDid blood •"oas the thighs. 3^he next twenty made *^er furrow just below. Ten. times this P»«M was repeated,, the last fniros^ being ^t in the bend of the knees, leaving *^«hole lengtfa of tbe thighs a sickening â- "••of mangled fievh. »)i 1 ^^^ wretchof man. was released his 'Jo'B frame was qnirering with agony he uobbering helpless!^ at the nwntir, and ^es rolled wUdly in their sockets. As- r*« by the turnkeys he kndt ikgdn be- J^ the mandarin, who again questioned This time he maintained a dpgg«d j^^oe the mandarin waved his hand, and ** tnmkeys led Urn ikway *» Ms celL As y, POOT mangled wretch shuffled paln- lv7 1" I wondered whether he. ipis.real- ' criQUQ{^ unwilling to confess bis crime, r?U7 an unf ortnnate witn^ nnwillidg, 5^P«. honestly unable, to teetHy M the â- ^lu wished W tew; .-, _, ^y^^ criminsFnrw MnireiLa mudscer j^eoofess his gsOtMfere ^^te4e eoibden If oironmstati BUltMEB BMII.E8. The thoa^ts of the lovssi^ yoatli ar«^ sadly miss-shapen. A ohlropoditt has dubbed Uidasif " WO-.' liasn the oon-oorer." The reason why a great auny sick peoale die u on aooonnt of the doctors' #fcfH Atdsts not only take out false teeth bat also often carry their palettes ia their hands. "But I will not linger npon this point" as the member said when he sat down npon his wife's darning needle. " How prrtty Miss 8. wttnld be if she wonld only take better care of her teeth " " Qnite true but perliaps she is In mourn- ing," "â-  The girl who has fine teeth n»y not have a kfener sense of humor than other women, but yon can depend on her to show all the appreciation ane has of a joke or a fnn^ story. " I know," argued the gay coqnette, " I haven't hooked a husband yet But then," she added, softly sighing, " I've had some fun while I've been tryinii." Guest (at the wedding of Bobby's big sis- ter)â€"" Well, Bobby, and when do you in- tend to get married ' Bobly (eicbt years old)â€"" Oh, I haven't decided so far ahead. I ain't even begun to smoke yet." He kissed her neath the moon's pale rays. He kissed her on the lips and " forrid " She bent onlhim her melting gaze. And softly murmured " Ain't vou hor- rid I" The rooster would le a much more popu- lar bird if he could only be induced to feel that there is no real, vital necessity for bis reporting his whereabouts oetween midnight and 3 A. H We know that he is at home in the bosom of his family. So are we, but we don't get up in the night to brag about it " And do you doubt my love?" he asked, passionately. " No, George,' she answered with admirable tact: "but when you say thai the day yon call me yours will luher io an era of life'Iong devotion and tender solicitude yon â€" pardon me, dear â€" you put it on a trifle too thick. You seem to forget, George, that I am a widow." A mil liter once told Wendell Phillips that if his business in life was to save negroes he ought to go Senth, where they were, and do it " That's worth thinking of, ' replied Philips " and what is your business in life?" "To save men from hell," replied ^e min later. Then go there and attend to your bos ness," said Mr. Phillips. 1 3 =f: liir. Whlla^y^ niIa;iqr!l'%lsgtaphnM diaaaimt:â€" ^^j .^ "9r.^in., A^21. ISflS^Ths farfor- matfan jr in eoKu m While tktb tme ^t the 4iwl' fnsft .tna experieooed b^ieinft parttar9Iittnol»Mid Dakota, yet it ^W â- ^^b^^whSM-hi Dakota wfll be miiehF larg^thaKjMtyew. List year we handled thurlKniillienbtehils of wheat, Thft mar we slnli hiadle fifty Million bnshels. ' ' " Pfeapeets at* hr^t, weather magnifi- cent, an# eventUna confirms the fanner in the opinion that tab is the huul of eeed- timer and never-faiucharrest^. ' -«• F. EWHiw*r, " Gen. Pea. Agent" Harvest Exonnions to lUnnesota, Dalra* ta and Montaa«. First fliassaoobmmodation. Tkkets good for 30 days, including stop over pnvilegeB of 10 days going and 5^yf returning, on the following dates Tuesday, Sept 11 TnesdMT, Sept 26 Tuesday, Ojt 9 and Tnesdav, Got 23. For free map, boAs and aU parUonlws, address J. M. HuoKiHs. Tray. Pass. iU(ent, Palmer House Block, Toronto; F. L Whithkt, Genl Passenger and Tidtet Agent; A., Mantel, General Manager J. Book- WALTBB, Lind Comminioner W. S. Aikx- ANDEB, General Traffic Manager, St Paul, Minn. be engaged cfc A Terrible Tia^edy. A telegrabh from Berne which. has been received here gives an account of an ex traordinary drama which has just occurred on the Lake of Bienne. A journeyman watchmaker, living at Saint-Inier, had fallen violently in love with a young lady of the neighborhood, who returned hU pasdon. Sbe was of remarkable beauty, and as soon as her family heard of the affair every attempt was made to put a stop to the meetings of the couple. A day or two ago they contrived to elude the vigilance of the girl'd relatives, and traveled together to Bienne, where they passed the night. The next morning they hired a boat, and when they had got about 200 yards from the shore the m%n was seen to attach the anchor rope to his companion's body after which, producine a knife, he attempted to open the veins in her arm. Meanwbile the spectators of this decidedly unpleasant scene had sprung in the boats which were lying near, and were pulling with the utmost energy towards that in which the watch- maker and the girl were seated. Perceiving that they would not long be left to carry out their work of self destruction lumolested the man threw down the knife, and seizing a revolver fired twice at his compwion, but without woimding her. He then turned the weapon against his own breast, and seizing the girl round the waist he sprang with her into the lake. Their would-b« preservers arrived too late on the spot, and it was some time ere the bodies could be recovered. The girl and her lover were tightly locked in each other's arms. sa .*- r^ few days nnta iK becMnas such a ;[^ that £e u at length glad to boyleis u^tt to have the exeoatSMMr cod his An Intellu^ent Eeise. Bonaparte is the name of a very intelligent horse that is owned by Col. H. James, ot the town of Urbana, in the State of Oaio. Oae of Sonny's peculiarities is that he will not bear to be hitched. Whenever anyone ties his bridle-strap to a post he quietly and de- liberately breaks the strap, but at the same time does not think of running off. He will stand by the post until wanted. Bonny has a different gait for each person who drives him I If he sees the young son of Col. James get into the bug^, he starts out at the top of his speed, if the little girls get in he will jog iJong as gently as he can, fearing no doubt, that some harm might Ixfall his passengers. He knows when Sunday comes, and if hitched to a carriage will trot soberly and religionsly to the meeting-house, with- out being directed by the bit One day re- cently his feet liecame sore because his shoes were worn. Pat, the stable boy, who has long believed Idiat Bonny knows more than many men, took two shoes, tied them to- gether with a string, shook them before Bonny's face and hung them across Benny's neck, Bonny understood. Without a word from Pat he trotted out of the gate and went directly to the blacksmith shop, a long way off, where he had been shod for twenty years. m The New Fain dig. Poison's Nerriline cures flatnlenoe, chills, spasms, and cramps. Nerviline cures promptly the worst oases of neoraigia, toothache, lumbago, and sci- atica. Nerviline is death to all pain, whedier ex- ternal, internal, or looaL Nerriline may be tested at the smali cost of 10 cents. Buy at onoe a 10 cent bottle of Nerriline, ihe great pain remedy. Sold by druggistt and conntry dealers. ' friend, o, sir. I to enjoy Strangerâ€"" Yon don't look Met wifli some heavy los s?" bane jost retired Iroea baainess life." MMistrate (to pUiatiffwittlunm on Us liead)^**tf your wife threw a â- ad-iroB at There are 8».0»i«»i?^ *? It is BO wwMsr tiiat tiba maa who iriefcd when tha euHeellin box b tUfa Ibu =?F^ OP THE.9EA8PN. ,ve al^^p^ta ond P. R^fi. T. IL, N. N. W. Rys. in Ontario oa ERTPIBER 25TH -*o»^. PUBLISOSB, TOKONIO:- ., ..,*»• now a IsM.sUS ol JadUsMnAsenddBbn engaged in eanvacioKTor h g eevteal fa«t-seliiig rab •ortption botkS'm« ranUel Family ttibles none but lK»onA4sp«aaa«;that4ib(MlMa«9na«q|awe ImMs are engaged to act as agent tor i m his object it to '^~ "^ney lor tli^ agent as » ell as for he house te; iVsnd at the same time treat every sahecrtb er. rich or poor, as he would like t- be treated agents will find that it pai s best t3 wo k tor a good liouse if th^ JBMtl the tMf4 vir^pstsoBS noS»se«raged with wW|8^t fHw^iaryrniBr tt»tji»lgtorm».ti on.^ 11IMK4MLEGE OF mm, I 12 14 Pembroke St. OpeiQS Monday, Sept. 17. ' An%ina^:nt new ready snd -will be seat free on appUcfticn. DELORAUTE, MilittiUbllAlllBOBA. Trains leave TORONTO at 11 o'clock p. T SSPT 95iH. m. 8. The |MJft(t)!WiUr be Accompanied by J. CRAWFORD, of BIRTLE, Man. TICKETS imned at all stations and good to xetnr^ for QO DAYSi '•^ ^ot lay over on retotn^t WINNIPEG. Six hundred men are said to in building a palace for President RooEefol' ler, of the Standard Oil Company, at Tarry- town, c« the Hudson. The house will have over fifty rooms, imd thero will be a stable with stuls for a hiudred horsSs. Among the "modern oonvenienoes " of this princely estate will be a half-mile track, an artificial lake, gas-house, steam laabdry. electric light maohinery house, and a special build- ing, with kitchen, dining-room, and bed- rooms, for the servants. If Mr. Rockefeller meets with reversee he ean, with very litAe trouble, convert his liome into a first-dass hotel. The BoidenB of Womanhood. Thousands of women are sUently suffering untold misery, simply because they shrink from consulting a physician in those numer- ous ocmplainta arising from functional irre- gularities and disorders. Many a modest girl and woman prefers to bear her heavy burden in silence rather than to go to the family physician for advice. All sufferers from tills class of disorders can, however, find prompt and sure relief in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a raecific in such cases, and has brightened the lives of count- less women by restering them to perfect health. A lilv, jet black in color, is in bloom at Chico, Cai. It emits a very disagteeable odor. Don't be Hambiucged with the foolish idea that C*tarrh cannot be cured The world moves, and medical science is progressive. The proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rsmedv will pay $500 reward tor a case of Nasal Catarrh, no mat- ter how bad or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. Remedy Bold by drug- gists. atonly50centa A president^ial campaign would be no fun in Russia. The law forbids joking on poli- tics. Poison the fountain, and the steam is im- pure poison the blood, and ite taint is car- ried though the entire system â€" those in- numerable veins and aruries carry disease and death instead of life and vitality. As a result, you have Headache, Scrofula, Dys- pepda, Kidney Disease, Liver Complaint and General Debility. An inactive Liver means poisoned blood Constipation means poison- ed blood Kidney disorder means poisoned blood. The great antidote for impure blood is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Acting directly npcn the affected organs, re- stores them to their normal condition. " A word to the ivise is sufficient" Many of the interior towns of Oregon are raising money to import song birds from Germany. Harvest Ezcoisions. The Chicago North. Western Rdlway Company announces a series of harvest ex- cursions to points in Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota and Nebraska, for which tickets will be sold, September 11th, September 25tli, October 9 th, and October 23rd. at the rate of one fare for the round trip. These excur- sions will afford exceptional opportunities for personal inspection of the productive country reached by the Chicago North- western Railway lines. For full informa- tion address E. P. Wilson, General Passen- ger Agent, Chicago. An ocean cable to be the longest in the world is to be laid from Canada to Aus- tralia, 7,500 miles OuaAbMB Ham Basawsa restores my and tatfsd hair to its natoiat oolor and prevents talUng oat A clam digger at Stonintrton, Conn., has just found a peail worth 975 in one of the clams of a late hauL Waeosvsr your aiomaon ot Bowels tat eat ot or der, oaosing BiUonusss, Dyspspaia, or ladlgssHoB and ttitlx aitsadant srUs, take at oooe a dose of Ih BmI tamtty msdialw F. H. TORRINGTON, Diriector. For information apply to all Agents of C.F.R.,G,T.,orto .- J. S. CBAWVORD, Canadian PAcifio Railway Ticket Office, TORONTO. CHOI.E FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANITOIA. PARTIRS wishing to purchase improved I|aaitoba Farms, from 80 acres upwards, with immediate passiwion. oall or write to «. 1. MIITUM!!. Mo Artho^' BiOcIt, iliin St Winnipeg. InfopiuUiee furnished free of ebiMge, and at ttlers assisted to WiiTJitcSfr 10 Loam at flprrebttate* 9-' ^PORTtNC GOODS. V « The Cheapest House in Canada for Guns, Rifbs, Cartridges, Fishing Tackle, Base Balls Goods and Sportsmen's Sap- ' plies of every kind. OXTX laxa- ob's'sibs On rf ceipt ol tlS-SO, ws win expren to anv addrass. a DOUBLK-BUIREL BRahjCH-LOADUfO SHOT QUIT, with fiaelisminated Steel Barrels, oiled stock, a good gun tor conntry'nae. Arid tor t3 00 will ship to anyaddrena £2 oaL RIFLE that will shootaooniats for 100 feet W. MTOWALL CO.. 51 KIKC ST L TORONTO. Wliaioy Koyoe tt Uo., »» ronce street. Temste. Xba Che^ieat Place la Canada for BAND INST|iUMcNI3 New and SeSond ^a^d Agents tor 'BC880N sDd^HIQHAM Band and Occhestt MUSIC. BcpsUlnr.^' Band u struments a spoolalty. Send for Catalogue. CANAD4 PERMANENT Loan Savings Company I COKPOK4TBI» 18SS. Head Office Toronto St., Toronto Snbserlbed CaplUtl, 4.50«.SMI Paid Up Capital 9e.Be«.eei» Total Asseis le,Me,eeo The enlareed capital and resources of this Oompanv, together with tbe increased fMsilities it has recently acquiredtoreuppljitigland owners with cheap money, enable the l)irect-rs to meet with promptnew and at theloveft current raM ot interest all requirement* (or Ica"« unon ^a-i8factory real estate Kc-unty. App)ioatioa m.i be made to eitLer of the Ckimpanv's loca Auuraisen, or to J. BERBKBT MASON. Manag'g. Director, Torontg WOOLS AND FANCY GOODS BERLIN. nOOLS, in all colorv, at 8j Omsoo's Btomaoh Bittars. in Dt^nnisi*. to ososa. A carload of watermelons shipped from Palatka to 0.»la, Fla., contained nothing but pure red-eye liquor. Hub Oouea Ovbs onrsslaoBoailnots A hackman in Portland, Ore., was thrash- ed with his own whip by tJiree girls whom he insulted. Paoplswheaf sabjseliobod bisalk, foul sealed tengna, or soy disofdar e Jite IWiimanb, oaa at eaee barsUarsd by oriaf Dr. Oanoa'a â- teauoh BHIsia thaoUaedtrtsdfssisdT. ASk Toni DroscM. The Indian government is teaching the natives that agricultural implements are not eril spirits. wscmtau nus. Smnonsâ€" -Ilotston zintSQsaltohing aad sMnglng aaosl at nigfat:wors8 by sontAlng. Uallowedio oootlnue tnmois tonn, «Udi often bleed and nlosr^ ats,lM00niinf Tsnr sore. SwawnfS O isiMssi stone ttis Hahlag and bleedlDg, heals nloeiation, and la many esses remorss the tomonia. It is equaU y sM eadons la cnilaR all BUn Diseaaes. DR. SWATHK kaoiS, PropiiBtot% PhOsdalpUa. Swa^l^ Onn- mn oaa be obbdasdol druggists. Sent by mail for SOosats. Speakiog jf Cleveland's Inok it Is noted that he hss never, been eleeted twice to the. SHETLAND AND ANDALUSIN pfr OS Saxaay, l^leecy and ice mooIs all c 1- rj, 10c per os. £m- broidtrv Silk* lOo per dcz. ikeiis. Amurican Ana- sene, all colors, SOi per d' z. English Arrasen larsre ekeinH, Sa p»r bkeirt Felt, btst quality, 2 yrii. w de, tl 00 per yd. Plu^n PoroporiH, all colore, from SSoperdoz. Sti oedTidjs. al frinftcl, S5c tach; htamped Toi et Stti, o pi'ce' 35n ptr set Co atant )y O' h.^nd f 1 aswort.uent ot â-  e "rs- matt-rialg for ladies' taocy wjrk Ltw r o dtraieceive pronip' and cntfalattent on a-id (t-vtrts on he tea% by post to any part 't Ca )»"n. Plea-e write f -r price Us" HENRY DAVIS, lir^ct tmpoicer. 232 Youge St., Toronto. Portable TliresMng Engines BY AUCTION. Grand oppDrtUDity for obtauninii: Portable (Tlireshing and Statiooary Emiaes and Bsilers ch ap at the Victor Engine Works, Hamilton, â€"OSâ€" TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1888, COMMENCING AT 2 P. M. Mr. ThomiB Biinowji has received in tmctions ' om the Victor ISngine Wo ke, to !:ell hy Public Aiiot.on *t their w rk-t. 6C CS Reb oca St., Hamilton, on Tv-»D«T,.the 18 h SKrTtMHBK, 1«SS. at p m., their surplus St ck of Koiane* aud B ilr c jiMiRtini; • • Hew Victor Portable Thrcskiac Easlnes mannfactared by them darnj the I s' winter aTid fpring, tniaraoteed to be in ooirplete rnouin? order, attcd with the lUos^ approved Gsverairi, lojectors, Osages and other attachments 5 BebnlU* do, do, da 9 new StAtloMary EBKtBe piaia s'ile valves; 30h. p. abd 35 h p. 3 KebaUt wiattoaary Engines, pUia elide TalTfS, 5 h p., 20 b. p and 25 b p 1 New Bol'cr, 18 h, p Tuna ar eteeL B Betlers, (Tabular) 20 h. p 30 h p, and 30 h. p. The. machinery ia gnanf t««d to be in good working Older and will if required be tested in p e^encc of the imicbaacr by a thoronshly competent en^neer and wiU be delivered o. b. at BamUton. TBKV« UBEKAIi, will be made known at time of sale. Ten pir cent, oi pordiase money required down. Full pirticulars can be had on application to TIOICR ENGINE WORKS, er to TH»1i4S BVKSOWB, AacHoaecr. Allan Idii8 Iloyal Hail SteamsMpi SaHing dnrinir winter from Portland everyThuisday andHallrsx ewsry Sstnrday to Uverppol, and In sum. mer trosj^ %aetM»«*eTy Satuidag^ to Ltvecpool. oalllnK at Lqodl»ideiry to land midls and paasennn IM SooUand vfd inland "also from Baltimore, via HsU* (ax te« iNw Jbbn's, K. F.. to UveipOoI (ortnlglitir doling sununef months. las steamers of tha Olas- sotrUiies sail daring winter to and froaa Halifss, PorttenigL Bbltan and PUiadtipUa and during sua* mer het*een«laBjowai.d MMtfsal wseU^: Ojastrar ud Boskm weday, a^d aiaS«ow aad PhUadelphia (ortmsMly* For fratebt, paMsge or other iiitormaUon apply A Sehumacher ft do.. Baltimore S. Canard 4 Oo. BaUtax; Bhew'S Oo, St John's, NfkL; Wm. Thomp son Oc., Si ,.Joba, N B.; Allen » Oo., Chioan Love k Alden, New York; H. BourUer, Toronto Allans, Rae Co., Quebec Wm. Brookie. Philadal phla H. A Allen Portland Boston. MontreaL lOOOO i*.tU[^TS TO FIKST ArpniSC. WHILK THEY LAST Wc will send by mail an ap- propriatfirift to each inai Jen, wife, i!K)Uier cr cook- -one to a f:iinily â€" who will try tlie fiREAOMJUCEB'S BAKIMQ POWOER Cut the red circle from the label and send it in a letter Ftitinp honest opinion after fair trial. Eitiier a 5, 10 or 25 cent size will secure the gifL Any (!Tocer or storekeeper know.s where to E:etitif asked for by you. â€" Aadress^ CHURCHILL CO-.TOROBTO Nervous Debility. OB. ORA'FS iBpeoiflc has been nsedfortho at fltteen' years, with great sue oess, in tha tnatmient nervoue debility, and all disea.«a arislagfrom oeseeii, over-worked brain, loss of rlsality, ringing the ears, palpitation, eto. For eale by all dmgglstSt Price, tl per box, ci 6 boxes for ts, or will be ss it by mail on reecipt ot price. Pamphlet oo appUoatten. Stained Glass OR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. SON, '-4 M'GAUSLAND T« King St. W, Toronto OElAYS ARE DiHGEROUS! Don't wait until you ate.burntotttor robbed spy a Safe now and sleep easy, snd be sure and g- 1 prioes, eto., ot tbe NewChamirfonSafe. S. S. KIMBALL. 677 Oraig St., P.O. Box 946, MUNTRBAL.P.Q. .QV^HS-^-ON'S FLUID Qf VJ COVJTiNSrvEPy ELEMENT OF A PERFECTFOOD ITS REGULA.' USE WllL ?.' â- ? jo A STRONG ROBUST C0N5TI1UTI0N AND PROVE IT TO ar \^\^RlfKr STRF.NG1VA C^lVf/^ mannflietnre tirai Largest Â¥arlet7 FEN6ES, CRESTING, BUILDER'S IRON WORK, lai HurOM wtiiE Air9 .OFHCE ftAIUNGS, ETC., of aay houD kfOe Donunioii. ^TA^OOUES F RE E. IRON I^Btd^ik Wpi^ OUT. r «^ X »â-  ' -x f i* t 1 j» f »' f 1 n X J â- i it 1 f » 1 A i 4 • i *n. 'f-.' f n r i 'r 'i] I if t^ 1 I. it* J 4:1 'Kvi:i ». v.-'V- n^ A,,^^, •^4±. i^tt ' " " -^•^-^"â- ^

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