Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Aug 1888, p. 1

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 iard end of th; the ^orsa Ol,ly peat deal .^ I many. "Jdeed ftar r,*^'s book, [^?y'urr r'at Lord Deri?'°8 «o L ^^«V it wa* a«.? ' wonl in ,t. r*,.'W»Ji«gi at6da TmOariMg aad •tnt's Tar* A BKLBCT STOCK OT BPBZNa GOOD NOWOPBMSD. Sfanktd HEW TO THki LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' 8U1C6 this J liable d [jICtHTH year.â€" No. 416. an IS placp I know; I ore L MARKDAIJE3, THURSDAY, AUG. 30, 1888. C. W, RUTLEDGE, Proprietor. Was cofflnjJ and Mi- d CoBcJ b own words- .:r\ " |ty;" he show, that h" "whathesa,s;tiun? fti- most imp\iu "' ^uldbeapartytoK? ml imposed upon the pl| licable He complains he c V' -f 'lont see How he coi [n purpose he will even den^ property. P^blio opini nl t^orrect after all and there J |^hcharegeneraUye:.pre=J ter has been established 'lily making an exhibition I wing to tlie p.-biio that hel ot a very mecii ran. W..G. PiCKEl GREAT -FOR THE- ONTH -OF- SEPTEMBER OF- mrd How me a little space, I It work of this controveii •• lieattie come down don't waiittopaTyourma ay Ins way to Toronto olJownit' conditions, viz t^ n at Mr. Wade's office,' examine the record?, and! wanlsd they call on and the'i ilecide, where tht- pioper place to apjj aud the secretary tuere fficult questions. In yi e '2(Uh, yon say you "daj de as the hit,-hest ai thorit Tou accepted his decisiou w yon object saymg he â- â-  party" where is thechai](J or Mr. Wade yon say lander any man's horss,] will haye to stoop but 11 have to face your slanderoj the right time eomes. s nanie the day of meeti d the money in the bank I â-  your man's way to I'orocj expense. If yoa do not s what is wrong wiih e a better authority than 3 :)w, the publie waat to ko^ know it. I have set e publia as a properly low if yon have any thi^ r up let us have it, you haj bbiing. You have put siiut up. Thorp Wbiget. IWatches, .Teweller*y, Spectacles, ffil verwai*e, 25 IPer Cent our our this Base Ball. LD order to clear out some of Immense stock to make room for Ikge fall stock. Do not miss (liaBce, but come at once, it will pay yoa ta buy from us, and always take jjour walch, clock and jewellery re- pairs to RUSSELL'S M otedI I ewelebyI tobe^ Flesherton, HEAD QUARTERS FOR id Flesherton base b^ I friendly game on latter. FoJlowing •KICKVILLE. 4! Of 6 0' UESHEBTON. 0.. 71 8; 9j 1 1 1 1 0.. 2! 31 41 5 7| «| 91 times the rtevt arest Uu x t U **- s'^have figure^' 3tween six aJid eig dollar loaned for o] It six V^r cent, wij lected annaaliy icipal, will amouDtJ per cent, it ^^^ arly seven per cent, England. It «»o^ eas at ten p« very .comffl^" tes. It is *l""cl ,redtime8«««"/1 fcitamouutstjj ice Teas, Tobacco, CHOICE SUGARS, RAISINS, CURRANTS OINNED GOODS, CONFECTIONERY, ftc HEADQUARTEKS FOE Crockery Glassware. China Tea Setts, Dinner Setts, 'i'oilet Setts, the finest stock to ehoose from in Markdale. We will sell yon goods in this line cbeapez by 10 per ^t. than any other hoase in the «ooiity. PwYisions, ProYislons. FLOUR FEED «f every description same price M tt the mill. tONG CLEAB BACON, Cboice 8TJGAB CUBED 11A1C8. Juit reod?ed » too of Wrii^'i ^^â- teketl, Chran tkmnd. (fitMh). Ow Liqaor Stoi* Ml «dl • ?itt beat bniidfl of LiQBon ci Notices in tlwit cohnnfmintendedtohenefit any irulivuhial or Svcifti/ tciU be charged ten cents a line for the firxt itu'ertiov and Jive cents a line each aubicqvent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, commnnica- "°^y- ^Advertisements, dc„ must be in this office hi/ noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. in the next, J0BHEB8 m Ciai^BS. ^osaota. Two weeks more to fish. Plums are a prime quality. Fruit thieves are numerous. HABVESTiyo is well advanced. Apples are an abundant crop. Potatoes are good and plentiful. 5th October is next Markdale Division Court day. Smith's barber shop front has been improyed by a coat of paint. New subscribers are being daily added to our list still there's room. Rev. A. Wilson and family moved this week to their new charee at Caledon. Mb. E. S. Mabee, hardware merchant, has made an assignment for the benfit of his creditors. Look out for squalls: the Berkeley school teacher was seen purchasing a rawhide last week, Mr. J. C. Madill will preach Presbyterian church on Sunday morning and evening. The first copy of the Streetsville Re- view, under the present management, Mr. A. E. Fawcett, is to hand and gladly placed on our exchange hst. Thkee ladies called at a house in Markdale last week whose names ended with "land," viz., Mrs. Woodland, Mrs. Rowland and Mrs. Boland. Me. J. C. Beavins, general agent, North American Life Assurance Co., was in Markdale this week and appointed John Whitby local agent and Dr. Mc- Bride medical examiner. We haye received the prize list of the Great Northern Exhibition, to be held in Collingwood Sept. 25, 26, 27 and 28. It 78 neatly got up, and published by the Enterprise book and job office. EnrroE's xouno Wife â€" "My dear, you must pardon me for coming down in a wrapper this morning." Editor â€" "Don't mention it. my love. Some of oup most valued articles come to us in wrap- pers. Self-Bindeb Tbial. â€" In connection with the Artemesia Agricultural Society there will be a trial of self-binders on the farm of Mr. Geo. Stewart, Flesher- ton, on Tuesday, September 4th, com- mencing at 1 o'clock p. m. dharp. Jas. Brodie, Sec. We learn, by the Alpena Pioneer, Mich., the sad intelligence of the burn- ing of the house of Mr. John McSurley, formerly of near Flesherton, by which his jronngest son, a lad of thirteen years, was so badly burned that he died a few hours afterwards. Mb. Yanzant, Flesherton, erected on Monday last a handsome and costly monument for the O'Brien family at the B. C. cemetery, Glenelsr. Mr. Yanzant is doing fine woric which is a credit to his mechanical abilities and satisfactory to his oostomers. "Cub Little Ons" for September is to hand, bright and cheery as usoal, a joUifieation for the yoongsters. Us a]|iaiidaDt illnsttationB are refining and dawtiag to the mind and pecoUarly at- traetire. 11.50 a jm*. Bonell Pnb. Com Boston, Ifaas. OoCM Jbaa^â€"M*. Rn^ Joimrton, tA iettfiBK abwrt «te viddfa of Septanber ott ft trip iMOBB to bilaaa wiMn he wiU Mr.MuMlon EvEBT business man should have printed billheads for making out his ac- counts. Thev are so neat and business like, and then they cost but httle over the blank jjaper. A good stock of prime paper always on hand at the Standabo office, printed neatly and cheaply. "Thou shalt not steal" is one of the commandments, of course, hut all the girls want it thoroughly understood by all the young men that the most critical commentators all agree that it doesn't apply to kisses, while most young men can be easily induced to return the stolen property four-fold. Mb. S. M. Smythe, of Great Bend, Pen., made Markdale a flying visit this week. His many friends were pleased to meet him. His 'enial countenance lit up our sanctum for a short time yesterday. W^e are pleased to say that friend Smythe is doing a thriving busi- ness ia the mercantile line in Pensyl- vania. A oabden party will be held at the premises of Mr. Abby, Berkeley, on Tuesday evening, the 4th September, in aid of the EngUsh church organ fund. Markdale brass band will be in attend- ance and a good programme is being prepared so that a good time may be expected. Come one and all and enjoy an eyening in this trnly rural hamlet. Admission 25 cents children two for a quarter. The old cattle yard at the C. P. R. depot has been enlarged and a new high board fence built around it with two places for loading and unloadingâ€" one a few feet higher than the other so as to load without lifting; and the plat- forms in front of the station extended some yards and re-laid with new three- inch plank also other improvements in ;and around the station building. It would be a very desirablie act to have the road leading from the street to the station gravelled before the fall weather sets in. More Relics.^ â€" Mr. Nelson, of Euph- rasia, haAnng plowed up on his farm from time to time, various Indian war relics such as flint arrow points, spear points, flint and copper tomahawks bar become the possessor of a valuable col- lection, which he has just disposed of, Mr. A. S. Cochrane, who has been in this vicinity for some time on the Government and Natural History Survey having purchased the collection for the Government Museum at Ottawa. 'Ihey are a choice and rare assortment and will be a creditable representation from Markdale. In referring to the accident which happened at "Allen's sink hole bridge" which we noted two weeks ago, Dr. Oldham, reeve of Holland, says in last week's Chatsworth News "For my part I am satisfied that the bridge is in a perfectly safe condition for general traffic." We fail to understand how any man possessed of common sense can consider such a long and narrow bridge safe without a hand rail or if quite safe, why was the effort made at the last session of the County Council to secure a grant for the erection of a railing on said bridge and why did the Dr. sap- port the resolution for snch a purpose if snch a protection is not required f The Last and Best.â€" The Ladies' Aid of the Methodise church, Markdale, will give a grand garden party at the resi- dence of Mr. Andrew Beattie, co Friday evening next, 81st Augost. A s^endid programme is being prepared by Fleah orton and Markdale talent as foUowt â€" KassBand, Glee Olnb, Miss Chrutoe and Kts. J. Blaekboni fromFlediertoQ: Biaas Band, Mist Dnndai. W. f. and Mias'BenMm, Mr. GMar, J. B. AaderMft, Mias WhUby, and T imiill Oc foar' A aanad baloes saMMkNi wfll dsEiBC tte â-  I Ming Tha gRMBdawill be btffiaalljr Sgbft ^NDig ladiM flwiwii ia trfllwailcBika TUa pMBiiMa to aoi^oa mj â- U aaa ooriiaBf fanrttad to te Thb youne ladies of a western town at a recent convention passed the fol- lowing resolution: "That we will not marry anyone who is not a patron of home newspapers, for it is not only a strong evidence of the want of intelli- gence, but that he will prove too stingy to proyide for his family, educate his children, or encourage institutions of learning in his community." The young ladies of oui^ village will never, we think find it necessary to pass such a resolu- tion, as the boys all take the Stanoabd, but if they do, we think it would be an improvement if they added after the word newspaper the words "and pay his subscription in advance." The Toronto exhibition, which is be- comming morie and more one of the events of the ye^r for agriculturists and country dwellers, will be held from Sep- tember 10th to 22nd next. The new Governor-General â€" Lord Stanley â€" ^will open the exhibition on the 11th. Entries are more numerous than ever before, and the management are providing a great array and variety of features, re- gardless of expense. Each day and evening there will be presented several new and entertaining novelties, vrith a view of combining in the great fare the amusing and entertaining feature as well as the instructive. Detailed programmes of each day's performances can be pro- cured by addressing H. J. Hill, the sec- retary, Toronto. •» « Biulneas iiooals. R. 0. LniESN has $50,000 to loan at low rates. 415-13 HoBSE FOB Sale. â€" Good general pur- pose horse. A. Turner. Go TO B. B. Clements, the tailor, for neat and nobby white vests. If you want conveyancing done neatly and correctly, try Bryden. 415-18 If you want a good watsh at a low figure, give Russell, Flesherton a call. Wanted. â€" A girl to work in priyate house in Toronto apply to Mrs. G. S. Bowes, Markdale. Impobtant to borrowers, $10,000 pri- vate funds to loan, apply to W. J. Mc- Farland, Markdale. 412-26 Sevebal nice village properties and some good farms for sale by R. C. Bryden. 415-18 Do not forget the great reduction sale for the month of September, at Russell's noted jewellery store, Flesherton. B. B. Clements, the tailor, is turning out handsome fitting suits that suits the gents just great. Try him when yon want something nobby. Notice. â€" Sealed tenders will be re- ceivied by the undersigned up to the 5th September for janitor for the Methodist church, duties to commence 10th Sep- tember. Specifications can be seen at the Standabd office. C. W. Rutledge. EvEN'if every one else has failed, to make your watch go and keep time, take it to Russell, Flesherton he will make it right for you. Eyery job guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. • Thebe is a good chance for some active and trusty men to secure paying work at once by engaging with Jas. E. Whitney, nurseryman, Rochester N. T., to sell his warranted nursery stock. He famishes outfit free and the work is steady. Ezperioice notieqnired. 400-22 Salesmen Wanted! handle oar tboro- ngbly reliable nursery stock. We en- gage men on hberal oommisidon, or on salary and eiq[enses, and goarantee per. manent employment and saoeess I Fa- dlitiea nneqoalled prices very reason- able; outfit free; decided advantay to l iagin ners I Write at once. EixwAv^tn ft Babr, JSodhester. N. T. 40B-S8 Saksmen Want9d '" Kngland NaneriH, yean. The oUMUaUa Matt with posh, anam^, good hrtilli^aBd «ba* «• WMk for â-  n oesM. Waeaagiva )N« ftMd pay and atoady to tha Fob a good gold or silver watch, either Ladies or Gents, yon will always find Bussell'e, Flesherton, is the place to go. Every watch warranted from three to fiye years. wish here- New Harness S]iop.L by announce to the public generally that I have opened again in the harness bus. iness,â€" having recently been burned out â€" and would respectfully solicit a share of patronage. Call and see me in my new premises, opposite Haskett Bros. Good stock, superior workmanship and fan: dealing will be my aim. Call when in town and get acquainted. J. J. Mc- ElNNON. Ptrsonala. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McFarland left on Friday last on a trip to New York and Saritoga. Miss Janie Might of Owen Sound is visiting in this neighborhood. Miss Janet Reid of Chicago has been yisiting friends in this vicinity for some time. Miss Martha Drew, of Owen Sound, has been spending a week with parents and friends. Mr. Geo. S. Brown, of Woodstock, spent two weeks in this district. His wife and child are visiting at her moth- er's, Berkeley. Mrs. Rowland and Mrs. Woodland, of Durham, made calls in Markdale last week. E. S. Mabee and son Gilford, with Will. Waldie, left for Winnipeg on Mon- day. Rev. A. Dunlop was in town this week. Master Popham Irwin is visiting friends in Toronto. James Madson retaxned this week after spending a week in the vicinity of Durham. Master Ollie Jennings, Shelburne, visited his parents in Markdale this week. Geo. C. Bowes left this week to attend the High School, Owen Sound. PronmlDess tcti AND SHARP DELIVERY. kwenpd;OlilaiuL Always use the C. P. H. -AT- â-  mm Wf9Smmmw- JEWHUnSWE ;•.« a^A "•f I S U -.^M M .-tc*." -jrttp^W?

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