K ^-JUIJUHUW. ^: •â- ?!!P?P^ ^^IIIB! -- J*, ~i -^^•' K- ^ffiSfc^vS'"" "^^ ?â- ;^fs:i';^'•i?'â- i^; -;. V .^J^T •*' I Ml P 5 « r â- â- A^ .;•: a C. W. Rutledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, JULY 26, 1888 FlesHerton. Standard Correspondence. Db. Moffat's Meetiku and Lecture^ ChUBCH SACBILBaB DwELLINO Burned. A public meeting in the intereste of the "Upper Canada Beligioas Tract and Booli Society" was lield in the i'resbyterian clinrch here on Wednes- day evening Jast. A threatening thunder storm at the hour of meeting prevented some from turning out, but there was a fair representation from ull the churches. The chair was taken by the pastor, Eey. A. Wilson. After devotional exercises, Rev. Dr. Moflfatt gave a brief summary of the work done and an explanation of the work- ing of the society, after which a short but interesting address was delivered by Rev. J, W. Bhilton. B. A. Dr. Moflfatt then delivered his lecture on President Garfield which was listened to with much interest and close atten- tion. The collection which was laken np in aid of the society was very good. Before the close of the meeting, in order that the society's work might be helped and good done, a branch was formed here with the following names Rev. J. W. Shilton, B. A., President Revs. A. Wilson and T. Watson, Vice Presidents M. Richard- son, Esq., J. E. Moore, Esq., and Jos. Blackburn, Esq., Sec.-Treas. Misses. Damude, Aimstroug, VanDusen and Richardson, Collectors. Attempted Sacrilege. â€" On Thurs- day right last burglars forced an en- trance into tho Presbyterian church here by breaking one of the windows in the basement. After getting in left their marks several places in the church. In search of booty broke the lock on the library, scattering books and papers, securing about $2.00 in silver, collection that happened to be left in. It is not probable that it was cash tlie plunderers were alter in en- termg a church but that they were in search of a communion service. The Presbyterians here have a valuable silver service but fortunately they were not in reach of the plunderes hands that night. Dwelling Burned. â€" Between four and five o'clock in Thursday morning last the dwelling of R. J. Carson, of Tyrone, was destroyed by fire and all its contents. The family' was aroused from their slumbers by the crackling of the fire and had barely time to es- cape. from the burning building, hav- ing to make their escape through a small window in the rear of the build- ing, the door and front of the house being in a sheet of flames. Mr Car- son has the sympathy of the entire community in his sad misfortune. The origin of the fire is yet a mystery as there had been no fire in stoves nor in any other way known of from the evening before. No insurance, Mr. and Mrs. James Beecroffc ar- rived home here from the old country on Monday evening last. Both en- inch on rif^bt eyelid and a Email scratch on each knee. It reqaires con- siderable ingenuity to make a flesh wotmd where we have no flesh as on forehead, and as for his leg being riiattered below the break there is no truth in it aa it is not even braised. Excuse me for troubling you, but Mr. Ueighs wished the report correct- ed and I agreed to do it to giye distant friends tbe proper account of the accident. J. S. McCuLLOUGH. P. S. â€" Mr. Heighs is doing as well as can be expected. [We regret that above was incor- rectly reported last week, and gladly make the above correction. â€" Ed. Standard.] Editor Standard Dear Sir, â€" Re Lord Derby chal- lenge 1 have placed $100.00 in Mr. W. L. Young's hands and will agree to have it decided by the Clydesdale S. Book's certificates uf registration and an inspection of the horse if re quired, Mr. Wright choosing one man and me another, they to publish their reasons for their decision. Mr. Wade is not supposed to know every horse thai is registered and I don't know why we should take his word in pre- ference to his books. I do not dispute him being the highest authority under them, but they are published by him for our use and by them is certainly tho proper way of deciding questions of this kind. Mr. J. I. Graham, of Vandeleur, has kindly consented to act for me and will furnish the S. B's, and meet Mr. Wright's man at the office of Wm. Lucas Co., Markdale, any time in business noure, say inside of fifteen daya from date of this paper. I think Mr. Wright ought to subscribe for the Standard; his B. M, might have missed a cheap trip or something when he was down lately asking Mr. Wade whether he had a registered horse or not. A. Beattie. Manle/s Faiy Remedi les, joyed their visit to the old land and Mr. Beecroft, although weak in body, stood the sea voyage well and is much improved m health. TELEGRAPHOEWS NOTES. A Popular Author Gone. Newburg, N. Y., July 20.â€" E. P. Roe, the author, died this morning. Fort Artbnr Trade. Port Arthur, July 18.â€" Eor the fiscal year endmg June So the value of goods imported here was $421,904; exported, $800,841 duty collected, $857.68. A Kew Bmnswick ViUaffe Wiped Out. St. John, N. B., July 18.â€" The village of Grafton, opposite Wood- stock, N. B., was swept by fire to-day and almost completely wiped out. Twelve dwellings, with their outbuild- ings, and a great deal of stock were destroyed. Loss between $20,000 and $30,000; insurance liglit. ... An Eye Knocked Ont. Tara, Ont., July 20.â€" A servons ac- cident happened this afternoon at the saw mill of S. Cummer, two miles from this place. A young, man bv the name of George Whitlej was running an emery wheel, which burst and struck him on the side ot the head near the eye, putting it out and laying the skull bare. His recovery is doubt- ful. AT MANLETS DRUe STOK, MARZDiiLE. MANLBTS Beef, Iron Wine, A pleasant tonic and blood maker, price only Tacts- MANLEY'S Throat Lung Syrup, For Coughs, Colds, pam and Tightness in the chest, etc., price 25c and $1.00 MANIjB"X'S Liver Pills. For Sick Headache, Giddiness, and Liver Trouble, price 25cts. MANLEY'S Good Samaritan Oil. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Lame Back and Kidney Troubles, price 25c. MANLEY'S Safe Worm Killer A safe, sure and pleasant remedy for worms of all kinds. Notliing better, price 25c. MANLEY'S Carbolic Ointment. The most healing salve on earth, for cuts, Scalds, Barns, Sores and Skin diseases, price 25 cents. Manley's Blood Stomach Bitters For Bad Blood, and Skiu Di':eases, also for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Indigestion, price 50 cents per bottle. MANLEY'S Sweetened Castor Oil. The only positively, pleasant Castor Oil ever sold. Try itâ€" price 25 cents. MANLEY'S Compound Syrup V Hypophosphites. A Nerve and IBrain food, and a valuable Tonic for lossof Appetite, Weakness etc., price $1.00 per bottle. MANLEY'S Oodliver Oil Cream. The best emulsion of Cod Kiver Oil in the market, very nice to taste easily digested and highly useful in wasting diseases, as Consumption, Bronchits, Chronic, Colds, etc., per $1.00 big bottle. Pawnee Purifying Powders, The great Indian Veeetable Blood pnrifyer and Tonic. It acta on the Stom- ach, Bowely and Kidneys, cures Skin Diseases, Coustipation and Dispepsia, a cheap and good medicine. Price only 25 cents per package. Makes 3 pints bitters. Call and get a circular. These remedies are guaranteed satisfactory, don't forget then when wanting anything in the medicine line, MABKDALE. Paris talSg ST OfiUG STOHl HELLEBORE! HELLE HELLEBOSE STEPHE ORUG SJORE. FOli tadPtdsrUh STEPHE DRUG STORS, sm HAMILTON, i *- o THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER, cK^y.^' "'-.«iLgft«i KoUnd Centare. Standard Correspondence. Miss Florence Hartley left here last v.-Cdk ta attend school at Palmerston. Mr. Y/m. Greeuaway is preparing to take a trip to the "Quid Sod." Mr. Walter Perry and wife, of To- 1 onto, visited our village on S^aturdav hist. A new barber shop has been started la our village which was much needed. Alex. Armstrong has been engaged A Vew Steamer. Mkafohd, July 20.â€" For sometime past one or more gentlemen in town have bad under consideration the idea of building a steamer to put on one of the many practicable passenger and tourist routes on the Georgian Bay, """ it has been desided to proceed and with the work. She will be built at Meaford if the town will provide the necessary ground, and ber dimensions will be 120 feet keel, 24 feet beam and 9 feet depth of hold. She will be fitted with cabins and all modern ap- pliances for the comfort of the travel- ling public. Her engmes will be of the compound order, and she will be Bupplied with power sufiacient to drive the boat ^t tlie rate of fourteen miles Is tTirning out Photos all sizes eqiial to City- work. Copying and enlarging a speciality. Also picture framing done with neatness and dispatch. Then come awa, both old and young, And diuua lose nie time ,, In getting pictures for your friends, "')-l-:\^/^iiM^:^"--- â- For Hamilton takes them fine. ' 1HI8SK.VER4UTE0 INSTRUMENT The CSretf est Diseovefy of the Age. Price $3. ORIEHTAi CATARRH IMPOSSIBLB UNDER ITS MFUIEUCE The only eatairh remedy ever offered to the pablio on 15 dayetrlall a «TiUen gnarentee giyen with each Inatmment, W. T. Bisa ft Oo^ Weet, Toronto, Ont. ACTIHA THE QREAT EYE AND UfflD RESTORER AcHim it mta nwdidne or a digintbig lotioii or powder ban, hot a Bdf-««mr»* â€" « .. ^_. iUodataUhonTe,tiineaandplacefc tboroiighly cures all Throat and thig Vapor, easih Actina No. 2.â€" Qnickly relieves ^nug diseases. Actma No. 3.â€" Foaitiyely ontea all diseaaes ot the Bye, Cataract Oran nlate d Eye-lid s, Inflamed Eiyea, near and far sightedness Tbb S^a theaxxd whuiB cIiObbs. ThK AoIIHA IB BOUD UinXB CUB WUl'i'X'JUf GTUIUimSB ON 15 DATB TBiAii. Enclose Btamp for handsomely illustrated boA aud health Journal- W.T.BA£BC0.»lfi5 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ont as teacher in Holland Centre Public f P« hour. The contracts are now be School for the remainder of the year Alex. Lilburn bas sold his tea^a of blacks to a horse buyer from the other si^e. '88. Waltee's IFalls, July 21, Editor Standard. Sir, â€" It was with much surprise I react the account of th-3 accident m tais nei.;bborl.ood as in Standard, and as BO many irjcnds were not allowed to see iirs. Meigbs I think it uuly justice to send a eorreciion. Tiie ficciileut happfned as. reported tut lu regard to injuries the account IS misrepresented. Mrs. Hejghs' head only was crushed her body had nc.t a mark or bruise let iiJone mangled. Mr, iug let lor timber and machinery, and as It 13 probable the town wilfgrant the ground for theyard, the work will be proceeded with at once. It will mean an expenditure of from $12,000 to $15,000 in Meaford alone, besides a larsje amount for machinery and appliances that will have to be pro- cured oiitside. Tiie boat is to be ready for traiiic on tli6 opening of navigation in 1889. Thft route is not yes decided, but it will be a local one, Meaford as htai-qnarterK, Mr* IT l§ .. WELL Kf^OWK -THAT FACT With learfully Charles Farrar is the promott-r tf the scheme, and be will be joined hv Mr George Sui^herland in carrying it to completion. Thb Presbyterian congre;jation8 oi Hfcighs' injuries areâ€" I Ciiarleston and Alton have decided to inches f extend a caU to Ser. A. Wiken, of Mark .a. ioc!.« » left .«Me;:c«!;.r SSfSL^iJ!^ '"' 1 ft thigh broken auous tour abpye knee, a braiwe ij^ it^it nvrist. a. dale. wa» -» y c COLLS "LARD/NE" is the best known, and most reliable Machine Oil in the Dominion Farm- er'Sj Thresher's and Mill Owner's, will find it decidedly to their advant^e to msist ni»on getting the '*G.;naine Lardine" when they ask ftr it. owiu" to so mitch inferior oil being soM un- der the same name by uuccrnpulous dealers. We are the sole luanufuctur- ♦ ra of the "Geuiiiue Lardine barrel branded. llcGOLL BRp-S,^(50. "^.: " â- 'â- .:""-:i;^:" Torjfflto. Bro « cbaJiiMte SVore i ,SI^-^1 STRAYED. Came into the premises of the aabscriljer a light red steer, two years old, on or about Juue 19. Owner is required to i\\;ve propevty pay expeniea and take away the steer. JOQN E.BAINES. GlascotiP. O. ANY. MANi S\?hta S" "f"?*"*. Debilitated, ftedaway hia Visor of Body, Mind Md WE POPULAR DRUS STILL TO THE Fmi YOUS RESPECTFULL Y, R. L. STEPH E.^ ^EXCELSII WkRERQQMV. I have now on hand a fall varied stock of ail kiuds aul grai of Furniture, bought for cisli frol tha most reliable firms in Zmm audi purpose doinii basiiiess o3| strictly cash basis which will puts in a position to sell at a small aivaal on coat and thereby give my "'i ers the benefit. I Bliail esteain ij favor to have yoa c-iU aud \:^i^ '"'J'^^ MY ESTABLlSilWE^^' whether you require anjtiiiu-j in line or not, and I feel confldeat you will be delighted with audsni] ed at the quality and clieapnes-- 1 my goods.â€" Upholstered guaiH specialty. UndertakI*! manhood, eaoamg ezhMsthig drains upon the PountAlna «f \J^^^- ^^ Fountains of eveiy rt Memory, BaMifuiness to Society. pi mples upon the Pace ud sU the Efteetft ^^^f^ ««. Early DeSSy, ConsumjStSn » Ineanity, wfli flad to'Snr^SSSaoSo. sb a PjBjeltlye Oure. it imparta Youthful Jte" 2SS!!L*^ ^•♦a' Power to "dâ„¢d J^HFi/S2****£LS^ invlgorateo the Brain "oMowerttto Mtlon «ba whole phyaicsl ^^^^S^SJ'-Se-'eS In this department I have .jj plete stock of all ki"'^^ of" furnishings and all orJe" wj. my prompt and careful attemi first class hearse in couuectioD- Musical Instrunif J I also handle the celebra^ 1 Organs and tl^ /^if" y b« sf Sewing Machines w)iichffl»y J on Jixhibition at f^^ j,, ' priceBandgradestosaitaliP" Picture Frainii;^ stock an vour I shall' keep m line of frames, anJ orders will be attended t»^i^ ness and despatch at prices. With many s^ •itii !â- " tbtuik^ f" present patronage wbicU ceivedaud hoping by **^fu;re«^ square dealiag to JB""'*^ the same. ^^cnectfn"' I am, your'fi refp'^c" J. W. Sprof I if" V r-' â- '•' â- ' â- â- :' -â- â- / â- '" •W'v^: ' ' ••: -- ' I _jj,y base ball match was pi ^^!rMot^*y afleriio"" 1*« DuudalK and Maruuale te *° *^^ comtu««^ced at 3:15 h "%toain Ukkiog the bat, an "i^L of the game ^Markdale 'and Daodalk 7 inn "•"florTBtood 63 to 26 in fav, L U^f The game was mtere f while till Markdale got wa L*heu they made things live! 'nuudalk team. Dave and J itffion au-i ^^' i^P^oule got in k they Ate so veutureson; iiiiff bases in fact tlie boys a J jlJriugtho entire game, whil L-Mii of ***® visiting team wa Re sueeied at they are a good Ij l^yafnendlv quiet game L the return r.iv liontesteii. match will be ;;ijrcont.ested. .Mr. T. G. Mo rnundaik, acted iu tha capac Lire ftud we believe his dtc LerftUy were pietty correct, at Lre appeared to be very iitUa The match was couclud J^ut six c'eloi-k when tlio Da Ug betook themselves to the J U House where they quite aai L iuner man. About twent Istuignifihed friemls were lit-re buudalk to witucKS the match. Allowing 18 the score PHNBAIiK. i 1! Oornett... ^.Oalhoau... Moran Clary .McGregor. J. Shoaff jf.CaUionn... ;. Banna..... LEnasell -.-. •! l| li 1 .1 ')| (ijio .1 01 olio .! i| li li 1 1 Total. 4 KABEDALE. ]; oi 1' 2i on .Anderson... |B. Coleman AuloWS*. â- Eproole aore Bofih It. Coleman ... iD.Andeison.., 1; 21 3; -1 o|ll| li ill li.. 01 1;.. Ill 0|.. li i| 1; c 000; 0.. ..! li oi xl 1' .111 1 Total. 4il2 6, 5 til iS EZCHAVOS CX.IPPZfS.'3. Ten Acbes of Hay Burxkr.- lacre field of standii.g li ay heiuii; 1 Mr. Miles, near Maxwell, c:mg I Iiiet Saturday and the wliole fiel levelled to the ground. The were also burned in places. â€" D I Herald. Dniiug the heavy windptb Wednesday afternoon last, the and heading factory belonging [D. Lamout, Hepworth, caug from a burning summer fallo the mill, dry kiln, together wi whole stock, was cousuiueiL about $2,000. Insurance,- HanoverPost. A man named Shilling, livi ilie Uiwnlme between bnlliv- wOJtiiick, was killed a few df by* stub falling on him. He jifehad been endeavoring fire that had broken out on Sw wife left for some water ner retarn found her husbau y^ the stub.â€" Chatsworth O.B.*Ti8er. Bie annual corvention of th( M England S. S. Teacheis' ^sf, w this county was held in S tuuroh on Friday last. There P«Mentatives from aU over the "wta Sound, Durham, Mark( «»ti8 stations in Kev. J. If. â- â„¢ti Jeing especially well re ^^V â- '•"6 different topics on ^^^e were taken up m t on the programme s [.^-j^^discussed by the teach rSl^T'" sections. Rev ^2*5^^®^ '»® chair with hij ^|M grace and tact, to th |â„¢^on of all the represe ;g»i8worthNew8. **tt AT Ceeemobk.â€" The fi S6^' half-past one m t ^^the 17th last, in a bu JJ^y's which was stor JT^ buggies, democrats. ^_gfloor next his wi ^P. stables and other ^w. Daoks stables to " Jlesirs. Gillespie's w ^^ore and post offii V^the photograph ga A. May's hardware ?» stayed here wei-e the people work All unite in sayu ltk of an incendiar ' liRht nor fire ui .i We are iufor r* ioaa will be from ^.' the rest will be W^' Gillespies ai" jinsurauce on s^uA OB his Ureemoi