Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Jul 1888, p. 7

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 nder, and «i a crow to do near It a gwa. my ver. â- ?**'• T^ no obSSF^t' piece of the m. "^^ which **-"***»« ' from his » '°u "« U •:5y.«dthe*°'^»«il "downtoSeP'**" moat into tli« ». ro-^ twenty to fifj?" â- ventured Id makb; oat me, rks. ^ed myself „n „ "s hatred wan »..• Hii fi J- "»MntL molested, his Vmh^" waa once i the on the Qd jarden. more at lib Stanley is aU Eigiit. erniDg the various ren. !x peditioa of Henry Msl Mrrespondent of the A that the famous explnrerl ays that it would be a I al African travelling if Si irly 4 men could pro J d le m over untrodden grot! bert NyanzaatanyappJ he greater the number oj r would be the difficulti, t would be impcBsibletol upplies and carriers. ;•â- Â» would be excessive ow, alleys, every depression I i. When Baker himself/ rtNyanza in J 864 his pJ f 13 men, and with ey were starving for I pable of moving frooi i rs had disappeared. Onl Q Sir Samuel waa in cJ live of Egypt's forces. Tl and five months with on whatever with the o now, all kinds of run 1 Europe, and all werel erefore unable to see i luld predominate respecd )n. He will have mucl lae have who venture of it he has good officers ' rith good men, and, ab ly of ammunition. Hj I in African travel ble of extricating hii ty. Probably some i )ar has rendered it imd Qsaangers from hia le he is donbtleai sti ay, with wearying dd nd enormous grau, I dense forests, to emej ime upon Albert Nj eavier portion of the a tended for Emin fa ' sical Sands. ly banks of aanda in i known for ti^e ma ace when the wind or « he sands in motion. On has been described old and another, in ' ribed by Colin Mackei eep bank of sand, the height of some th he sand is extremely f be unfathomable, whatever be dug in it,J V hours all is smooth f low an annual fairiiW s perform the feat of p, which i3 by no B epness and the fifli into which the leg ' ot slippim? back at i iced by the climber creates a sound uk« 1 es on the seashore, wn asceaJ and the inst the face of thaj jlaah of cymbloa. Uplaced from the topj c again by the «"" •onnd its base, boots, my cflo^j* le feat cost me M" thongh those wfto adoitinlesstune.^^ limestone whoee jade our f^'ther ^e made the .^ plished the duonjj terthetoilol »«^ tningdownisdeW* our party. r^'^S ,rward his hetA,* ,d, aDdhi8hed»P a few second* » mer. His 1 langhter, or." Xerrible Eevenge. at the foot with a terrible ,^ g{ Montmayeur, .. 'was connected ,i'P-"Jnfteenth centary. If judges iK i" ',_««.» flecisions at the r adverse present rji«f^ summarily treated, their [««rf " j,e dangerous indeed. The «*"„ Count Montmayenr owned ' but part of them were claim- f ** man aid a suit was begun. .4^ of the suit reached Mont- J* °f tstantly rode down to the ":, L with a bag fpU of title-deeds ^^f'Zw, and, whether by logic " ol»ded his cause so well that „, nf the Tribunal, one Sienr de "iked his life on the Count's ph l-ug verdict, nevertheless, was nat him. and Montmayear vowed ifU ' „af(\- but time went on, and the â- ""Tot'carried out. „e morning Fe?»8"yT*l!"'"'^^ garJ from the defeated count, and nrprised by his courteous and demeanor. Montmayeur was weary, of family strife, and, having 'made peace with his victorious kins- M bidden him, with other friends â-  rions to a banquet. Might he not :f^ also favored with the President's f-Mignj hemmed and haw'd, butfinally tne invitation, and on the appoint- I'vrodeupto the gates of Clairvaux. I id passed no one on the road, the looked grim and deserted, there L,o signs of festivity to be seen, and Tomeut he felt strongly inclined to I' iid gallop back down the steep des- â- â- -. the chieftain, all smiles and affability lii «i"Dg to welcome him under the thanks for hia kind punctuality, guests had not yet appeared; the astonished, annoyed. .other g' ^D-»me ndgety. fcsresently ordered the repast to be served X;Btthem. -..1 T-e President's suspicions were quite al- i by this time. The dishes were exqui- •he wines of the choicest growth. Be tk icep, so did the count their tongues s-'ed, je^t followed jsst, and the host waa reKfllfiit company. Their merriment •its height, when suddenly Mont- rs manner changed, and he said, in ows but • roa look like a ppened tof^'of^TZi S£.tal.t.»*Jir' nj iMt BifP' ' oie,oldiiia«- S» kwood. irboh-^ i«heira«i^^»:i Ictedto tbaktf i,r. -one ur .!t V, rssigny, are you a good Chris- " aakei the aston- I 'U'rit do you mean ks' -f- .... imuiry was repeated with increased Ittiiis- I'iit President laughed, and, raising his iDswered, lightlj; 'Vou are very kic-l, my dsar count. \s concern may you have in tiie state of ,ioul?" Tarn round and you will see '" thundered â- xm'i} eur. [jjFessitny turned and sprang to his feet. arras behind him had been drawn anide. Ekw a fuueral bier at the end of the hall 1 dczen monks ranged round it began itJDg a Litany for the dead. A masked fig dressed in red, stood, axe in hand, be- ;(i block, [leFeasi^ny's eyes opened, his glass drop- M, and the blood red wine ran along the retea floor, and stained the stones by the «k. "Tnrough" you I lost lands and gold!" i the count, "Your head is fcrfeit. ^ikly m*ke peace with heaven, for you itetodie?" Toe scared President tried to laugh. 'This is a sorroy jest, my lord count," (tsrmumered. with trembling lips. lis no jest. Make thy peace with hv Then the betrayed man fell upon his :ees, aj pealirg to the laws of hospitality, iirg mercy for wife and child's sake. f:tin vainl At a sign from their chief, two -he feigned monks dragged the victim to if block, and in an insrant the execution- work waa done. fitly the next morning the count moant- iiis horse, and â€" again with a leather bag '^is saddlebow â€" rode down to the Senate. "3ere is a fresh document connected with case," he said, laying his bag on the Ble, and, hastily saluting the assembly, at :e quitted the hall and rode away. With- the bag was the head of De Fessigny. After this act of violence the count found expedient to leave Savoy, and, flying 'OSS the mountains, long defied justice in impregnable castle of Montmayeur. Fianldiii's Addition to Genesis. 1. And it came to pass after these things that Abraham sat in the door of his tent about the going down of the ran. 2. And behold a mac, bowed with age, came from the way of the wildemeaa, lean- ing on a staff. 3. And Abraham arose and met him, and said unto him. Turn in, I pray thee, and wash thy feet, and tarry all night, and thoa shalt arise early on the morrow and go thy way. 4. Bat the man said. Nay, for I will abide under this tr^. 6. And Abraham pressed him greatly so he turned and tLey went into the tent, and Abraham baked unleavened bread and they did eat. 6. And when Abraham saw that the man blessed not Gpd, he said unto him. Where- fore dost thou not worship the most high God, Creator of heaven and earth 7. And the man answered and said, I do not worship the God thou speakest of, neither do I call upon His name for I have made to myself a God, which abideth al- ways in my house, and provideth me with all things. 8. And Abraham's zeal was kindled against the man, and he arose and drove him forth with blows into the wilderness. 9. And at midnight God called unto Abraham, saying, Abraham, where is the stranger 10. And Abraham answered and said. Lord, he would not worship Thee, neither would he call upon Thy name, therefore have I driven him out from before my face into the wilderness. 11. And Gad said, Have I borne with him theee hundred ninety and eight years, and nourished him, and clothed him, notwith- standing his rebellion against Me, and couldst not thou, that art thyself a sinner, bear with him one night 12. And Abraham said, Let not the anger of my Lord wax hot against His servant lo I have sinned, forgive me, I pray thee. 13 And Abraham arose and went forth into the wilderness, and sought diligently for the man, and found him and returned with him to the tent, and when he had treated him kiudly he sent him away on the morrow with gifts. 14 And God apake again unto Abraham, aaying, For this thy sin shall thy seed be afflicted four hundred years in a strange land. 15. Bat for thy repentance will I deliver them, and they shall come forth with power and gladness of heart, and with much sub- stance. They " Mean Bnsineas." If any one has ever given Dr. Sage's Ca- tarrh Remedy a fur tnal and has not been cured thereby, the mannfactorers of that unfailing Remedy would like to hear from that individual for when they offer as they do. In good faith, $500 reward for a case of nasal catarrh which they cannot cure, they mean just exactly what they say. They are financially responsible, and abundantly able, to make good their guarantee if they fail, as any one can learn by making proper enquiry. Remedy sold by all druggists, at 50 cents. Fo-t trimmings on skirts are surely beine revived, and occasionally a single flounce o! considerable depth is seen. A feeling of dullDeas and languor. Which is not akin to paio. And resembles sattering only As the miat resembles raio, is often the first indication of incipient diseaee. In such cases the famous " ounce, of prevention " is the highest wisdom, and may be found in its most potent form in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which, by its wonderful blood-purifying and invig- orating tonic properties, will quickly restore the ebbing vitality, repair and strengthen the system, and thus ward off threatening sickness. Its saving influence reaches every organ of the body. In many of the latest imported costumes there is a tendency to combine several shades of one color. The Sin cf Overwork. The woman who epenis Ler life in un necessary labor is by cUis very labor unfittel tor the higher duties of home. She should be the haven of rest to which both children and husband turn for peace and refreshment. She should be the careful, intelligent ad- viser and guide of the one, and the tender confidant of the other. How is it possib:e for a woman exhausted in body, and, as a natural consequence, iu mind also, to per- form either ot these tffioea. It is not pos- sible. The constant strain ia too great. Nature gives way beneath it. She loses health, and spirit, and hopefulness, and more than all, her youth â€" the last thing that a woman should allow to slip from her for, no matter how old she is in years, she should be young in heart and feeling, for the you h of age is sometimes more attractive than youth itself. To the overworked woman this green old age is out of the question. Her disposition is often ruined, her temper soured, her very nature changed by the burden which, too heavy to carry; is only dragged along. Even her affi-ctions are blunted, and she becomes merely a machine â€" a woman without tue time to be womanly, a mother without the tinae to train and guide her children, a wife without the time to sympathizs with and cheer her husband, a woman so overworked during the day that " when night comes" her sole thought and most intense longing are for rest and sleep. Better by far let everything go unfinished, and live as best she can, tuan entail on herself and family the curse of overwork. "Wtafsln aMame" Shakespeare said there was nothing, but there is. Would Caesar have had such notoriety if his name had been Caleb W. Pickersgill " Think of Patti drawing $7,000 a night if the bill-boards announced her as Jane Brown The idea is absurd. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets is a name that has made a record. These tiny, sugar-coated pills cure sick and bilious headache, bowel complaints, internal fever and costiveness. Although most ladies prefer wool dresses for travelling, silk aud wool combinations are often used for such toilets this season. People who are subject to bod breatu, tool ooai ed tongue, or any diaordar ot the Stomach, cut at ot ce be relieved b; using Dr. Oaraon's Stomach Bitten, the old and tided remedy. Ask yoai Dra^clat. A single spray of flowers b seen upon some of the newest lace parasols, as if blown there by the wind. C»aALB8K HAta RsNiwBR restores grey and faded ifialr tc ita natural color and preventa falling out Flower bonnets are likely to be ex- tensively worn at' summer evening enter- tainments where a bonnet is necessary. Bub CocQH Cokx cures in one minute. " Poppy " bonnets arie omposed en- tirely of red, black or gray poppies, with velvet petals and a few perky looking buds. ^Vhelle'e( your Stomaob or Bowels get oat ot oi ier, cacaing BtliODsnew, D^epepsis, or lodigectlos ud their attendant evila, take at once a dose ot Dr n^Tsnn'A Ptomaoh Bittere. Beat family medfoio' kn Dmgirlnta. 60 cento. Florida promises to' become a large pro- ducer of opium. Sixteen plants will pro- duce an nunce, and an acre of poppies will yield $1,000 worth of opium. Consumption Snrely Cured. To THE ErrroR :â€" Please inform your reader* tnat I have a positive remedy for the above named dia- ease. By its timely uae thouaanda of hopeiesa cases have been permanently cuted. I aball be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FRSs to any of your readers who have consumption if they will sena in heir express and P. O. addresa. Respectfully, Da. I. A. Sloccu, 37 Tonge St., Teronto, Ont. A. P. 406. Me Save Him a Piece of .tie S ew Orop. Ihey were about to be engaged. They |»d drifted into it, don't you know. It of happened. He was lonely and he I'lpt going out to the house and making iQHielf as agreeable as possible until he had pdoBomething. He hadn't asked her for Itythiug in the way for a keepsake. He hi in the very early Platonic days, when ptold her she was a kind of a sister to him, pjen her an account ot his previous love Iciirgâ€"that is, some of them. The ending |3 them was all plausible and creditable to I"" and, of course, she didn't ask the other iPik The stories would have been different. 'Yes, " he said, " I have only one sou- '•air, one little lock of hair. Missâ€" gave "Let me see it." And he brought it up and showed it. ' I cut it myself off her pale white brow. •"e must have cared a great deal for me ^en when we quarreled, for she let me keep l" She never asked it back." .,. That's easily explained," said the young "Howr I J ^* ' "" '^*"' "^^^ hairdresser kept my r^ °oce when she cut it off, and she told ""forwards she had made a lovely front p« of it and gold it to Missâ€"." ae was brave. He had presence of mind. ;^^*ag magnetic about that lock of hair. »TiJ keep it for your sake." Uoi, » ' ^^' °^® S*^® y^ piece of the new For the Year 1886 lt«if k*" resolution can be made than to ^t buying any of the substitutes offered tof.^""' *s gocd" as the great only sure-pop «ire -Putnam's Painless Corn Extrac- • U never fails to rive satisfaction. Be- I " « poisDuous flesh eating substitutes. bu,^'^^" Wyebridge, writes :â€" "Ihave Qjj'^Wge quantities of Xr. ThoniM' Electric L ' " IS used for colds, sore throat, croup, »nd m fact for any afifection of the r^'it work, like magic. It is a sure '« bums, wounds, and bruises." Sam Jones on American Politics. Detroit, July 1 â€" Sam Jones, the famous Georgia revivalist, preached in the Metho- dist church here to-day to an immense con- gregation composed largely of Americans. After saying that on the whiskey question Canadians were no better than the residents of the States he caused something of a sen- sation by declaring: â€" " Now I"ll tell you, 1 think we are running the last political com- bat on the lines we have been running them on. It is between the Republicans aud Democrats, this contest, and it is the last race the Republicans will make in America. The Democrats are going in overwhelming. Four years from now we will break up the solid South. The issue then will be God or no God, drunkeness or sobriety. Sabbath or no Sabbath, Heaven or hell. That will be the issue. Then we will wipe up the ground with the Democratic parry and let God rule America from that time forth." CANOES. ScnH for III. Cataloeriie. WH, EMGLISU, Pelerboro, Out. PATEMTS J. rcco redf. Patent Attorne vs and t xp^it?. Ei't'd 18eT. tlouuld C. Kldout Jt Co.,Turuuto, PATEHIS For Saleâ€" Illaatrated deocriptlve Cat- alogue free. R. ChamberliD, Toroalo KNITTING *^'^**'""" "'•"'â-  I Cteorgeiowu.Out. MACHINES WORK FOK Alil 930 a week and expense» paid. Valuable outfit and particulars free. P.O.VICkERV. Aueu8ta,Mainr. A«;KNTS tVABJTEDâ€" « EA«LE' ^Steant WHtiher. Address C1E«». U. FEKKIS, 87 tlinrcta St., Toronto ' TO IOAJf on Farms. Lowest Rates Correspondence solicited KUTLEK. Financial Agt. Establ^hed 1860. 72 Kin? St. E., Toronto. MONEY -•"" ANY FARMER WHO DRAGS falS WIFE out to the birn to hold bags must be too mean to buv the ' Dandy " Patent Bag Holder, which will last- a lifetime, and coi-ts only 75c Sold by aRents. Terri- tory e ill open. C. W. ALLEX CO., •' World' Buildinsr, Toronto. THE GRAY, MEDICINE CO.. Toronto SELF-THREADING NEEDLES T^ mitl In»ttnt1y threaded tcUhout passidg thread throtii^'b the eve. Agent^t coin monrysellinsr them. Sample packft by mail 15c., dozen packets 81 00. m ltit«n nHnaractarlBK Co-, Toronto. Ont. Twroate CstliiascScbool.â€" Scientific and relia- ble vyatema tanf;ht, whereby Bfyli«h, perfeot- fitting garments are produced. Cutterii having trou- ble should secure my ayetems and ensure future su ' cess. Entire B^-isfactlon guaranteed. Shirt system taught sepirate. A rare chance tor young men to arqiiira a lucrative profewon. S. CORRICAN, Prop., 122 Yonge Street. Terms on application. ITCailVti PILES. Stmftoms â€" Moisture intense Itching and stinging most at night worse by scratching. It allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and nicer- ate, becoming very sore. Swatrs's Ointmsst stope the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many cases removes the tumours. It is eqiully eflS- oaoious in curing all Skin Diseases. DB. SWAJNB b SON, Proprietors, Philadelptiia. Swatrb's Onre- msT can be obtained of druggiste. Sent by mail tor 50 cents. Poppy red, ecru, old rose, reseda, an Gobelin blue are popular colors for the foundation of dress black latet oilets. Self-Threading Needles One of the latest inventiens of interest to ladies is the new patent sewing needle, which is is to all appearances like any ordi- nary needle, but which can be instantly threaded witiiout passing the thread through the eye, and is so simple in operation that even persons who are blind have no difficul- ty in using them. They are made in Eng- land by a well-known firm of needle manu- facturers, are nicely finished and finely tem: pered, and do not cut the thread as many do they are just being introduced here, and sample packets are sent by mail to any address for fifteen cents by the Whiton Man- ufacturing Gompuiy, Toronto, Oatuio, and as we know this firm to be fliorous^y reli- aUe aodUM bâ€" d l â€" not a ccOekpetmg, but a uMfnl aad gouiiae nowlty, we would ad viae our readers to send for them. SAULTER BROS., Felt and Sravel 23 ADEIAIDE L, TORONTO. Roofers. Estimates given. Country work a specialty. WESTERN MACHINERY DEPOT tHMENSE STOCK of Send for Lists. Machinery to select from. H. W. PETRI^ Brantford, Ont, H. WILLIAMS GO. ^d*^?uROOFERS HAKnFACIUBBBS AHD DBALEBS W Roofing Felt, Slaters' Felt, Deafening Felt, Carpet P^ier, Bmlding Paper, Roofing Pitch, Coal Tar, Lake GtaveL Ofllee 4 Adelaide St. East. Torento.' RVDCiE AND •LVBIBIA. Also send for list of some of our Secosd-hand ma- chines at greatly reduced prices. «aiA8. KOBINSOir A CO.. 22 Church St, Toroato. Bicycles I c Bicycles 1 OTBR IM gecead-Buid Biereleiif Saffctf cs and Trie jeles. Bend lor Usl and OatskMcnr. Agsats wanted in svaty loiwa. ,J^ 07. T. A.TSrH, XOHIBBAIi. vsjsf y Nerveos Prestratiea, Nervous leadsrha. Neuralgia, Nervous ^caknesa. Stomach and Liver Diseases, Rheumatism, Dy,spepsai •ad all affections of the Kidneys. WlAK NERVES PainX's Cklkby CoMPOTTin) Is a ITerre Tonle which never fiails. Ooutainlng Celery and Coca, those wonderflil stimulants^ It speed* Uy cures all nerrous disorders. RHEUMATISM Paime's Cixebt Comfoitki) pnrllies the blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restores tho hIood malting organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for Bbeumatism. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Paine's Celery Coupoxtsu qulcUy restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health. This curative power combined with its nerve tonics, makes It the best remedy for all kidney complaints.- DYSPEPSIA Paine's CELEBYCoBfFonn) strengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges-' tive crgans. This is why It cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION Paixs's Celery Compound Is not a Cathar- tic. It is a laxative, giving easy and ngtoral action to the bowels. Begularity sur^ fct lowaitsuse. Becommended by professional and Inislness men. Send for book. Pace $1.00. Sold by Druggists WELLSi RICHARDSON CO., Proff Montreal, Que GVELPH Bulmess CsUegc. GusbPH, Ort.â€" Tliis popular InetitutioD, now in its 4th year, is doing a a rand work lor the education ol young men and women in thwe btanohee, a knowledge n which is so essential to the intelligent and suooesstul management cl pnctical affairs. Its graduates are everywhere giving signal prool ol the thoroughnes rf^their training, and bf ating gratelul testimony to the monetary value ol its course ot study. The Fourth Annual Circular, giving lull iolormation wU be mailed tree. Address U. HacCormick, PrincipaL FIRE BURGLAR PROOF Patent Non- conducting Doom A SPSOALTT. VAULT DOORS. J. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works. SAFES J. a. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'GAUSLAND SON, Y6 King St. W., Toron to. 10000 PRESENTS TO FIKST APn.YrSC., WHILE THET LAST- ^Vc will send bv iTiail an ap- prni*ri;ito i^it't to eacli mriUlcn, wiff. nu?tlicr cr cook- -one to ;i fainiiv â€" who \vill try t!\ " P.REAOMAKLR'S BAKINU POWOER C"i!t the red circle from the lalul and scml it in a letter statinfj; honest opinion after â-  fairlilal. ICiliicr a 5, 10or2S Cti.t size will secure the giit. Anv irrocer or storekeeper linous where to irei it if asked ' for iiv ynn.â€" A Jifrcxs â€" "' CHURCHILL CO .TORONTO AHCUTC U/AUTCn EVEaTWHERE in the AuCillu ifAniLlJ Dominion for our anu^e• ho a Specialti'a. Ai tress I'aibox Bko3. Torooto Ont. /~si â-  ^F THE BIBLEâ€" By CflABLBS ^^ ^\Tft\W Foster. Profusely illustrated l^^ V^^A W â€" S^ilea Marvellous â€" Keriy rv_^ s/ 400 000. Send $1 60 for a eopj' .and go to worls. Agent? wantel. Addrtss, A. G. WATSON, Mapatrcr, Toronto Willard Itact Depository, Toronto B£AY£R LINE of STEAMSHIPS. â€" Sailino Wbkklt Betwsks â€" MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, 840, $50 and $60. Return 3S0, $«Xi 3110. Intermediate, S30. Steerage $20. Apply o H. E. MURRAY, Gen'l. Manager. 1 Custom ilouse Sqiare. MONTREAL. AtiENTS: ACCENTS! flllD AHCIITC Maernificent ParaUe) Bible. UUn AuCmO Withrow's Popular "History of Canada," Gougb's "Platform Echoes," Dorthestfr's " Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' " LivioK Words," "The Cottage Physician," MkVC MflliCV Goughs " Sunlight and lllAlXL IflUIICT Shadow," " Mother, Home and Heaven," etc. Popu lar Books 1 Libtral Terms ' Write for eirculars, terras, etc., t.o William Baieee, Publisher. Toronto. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS! Don't wait until you are burnt out or robbed Buy a Sife now and sleep easy, and be sure and g t prioes, etc of the Kew Ch^mpio'iSafe. S. S KIMBALL .=.77 C'aig St P.O. Box fi4.5, MONTKEAL.P.y. CHOli E FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. PARTIKS wishing to purchase Improved Mauitoba Farms, from SO acres upwards, with immediate poesesFion, call or write to C I. Bt.tlJL60N, Mo- Arthur's Block, Main St, Winnipeg. Information furnibhed free of charge, and ECttler^ asvisted in making selection. Monrv to Iaas at current rates o iriterPBt. Toronto Conservatory ot Music Hon. G. W. Allan, President OVEH 600 PUPILS FIRST SEASON JBfk VPaAlfeBQ Virtifany all departments of Music Oil ICHWllCnwc taught from beginning to graduation, ir.cluding piano, vocal art, or?an, violin, siffht-sinRiiip, harmony, etc.; also elocution. C^rttncatC8 and Oiplomos. Tuition, $5 and upwards per term. Both cla-ss and private instruction. Pupils may enter at any d.-ite and are onW charged proportionately. Board and room provided. FREE AQ- VANTTAGES Elementary harmony and violin instruction, ectures, concerts, recitals.etc Calendar giving fiillinformation mailed on application, ., There being private schools beanngnames somewHatsmuiM' it is particularly requested that all correspondence tot the Conservatory be addre?;sed EDWARD FISHER. W^ector, Cor. Yonge SUeet and Wilton Ave. TORONTO. Allan Line Eoyal Mail Steamships Sailing during winter from Portland everyThursoa; and HaUbx every Saturday t Liverpool, and io euB mer from Quebeo every Saturday to Liverpool, calllDf at Londonderry to land mails and passengers ioi S'Sotland :uid Irelind also from Baltimore, via Bali- fax ani' dt. John's, N. F to Liverpool fortoightl; during summer months. The steamers of the Olas- fow Uiaes sail during winter to and from Halifax, ortland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during soBt- mer letween Glasgow ai d Montreal weekly Glaego* and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly. For freight, passage or other iitormation apply to A. Schumaoher b Co., Baltimore S. Cunard Co. Halitax Shea k Co 8t John's. Nfld. Wm. Thomp son Co., St. John, N B.; Allen Co., Chicago Love It Alden, New Yrrk H. Boorller, Toronto; Allans, Bae Co., Quebec Wm. Prookie. Philadel phia H. A Allen, Portland, Boston. HontreaL Nervous Debility. DR. ORAT'S Speciflo has been used icr the past flfteea yaws, with great snocess. in the treatment nerviont debility, and all di8ea.«s arising from ooesei. OTtir-worked brain, lose ot rltality, r*Jiging tba MM. palpitation, etc. For sale by all dragglsts. Piioe, n per box, or 6 boxes tor tS, or will be sei^ by man on teocipt ol price. Pamphlet on appUeatiaa. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO â€"Manufacturers of the High Grade ofâ€" SILVER-PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK. FACTORIES AN U S \LE3ROOM 420 to 42B King St. West, TORONTO E G. GOODERHAM, " J. C COPP, Manager. WW Sec.-Treas. THE OreateetDi*. oovety oi lli» present age for ttamh LATVa THB BOWIM, iHD CfTBIHO all BliOOB, LfTva and KnNnrOoil* rLAuraa. A Peifeol .Blood Pnrlfler. A lew in Hamilton who tiaTt been benefited bylti Mrs. M. KeenuL Robert SI. onnd Erysipetas of twa ears' standing Bobl. mell, 24 Booth 81, .tighter cured ol IP* eptlc Fits after sfi ears' sttderlng JeB e Birrell, Sfi Walnni __________^__^___^_ cured ot Weak. ntMti.bua Lung Trouble JC'hn Wood, 9fi Cathoart SI, oarpd of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used only S fltty-oent bottles Mrs. J. Beal, 6 AugusU St. troubled tor years with Nervous Prostration, tw« mall bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 60o. ft tl. If. r DALLKT A CO.. Proprieton. Wialey Royce Go.i 3X3 Voitge Street, Toronto. The Cheape«t Plaoe Is Canada for B^NO INSTRUMcNrS New and Second na..d Agents for "BESSON and "HIGH AM Band and 0rchr6tiA MUSIC. Repairing of Band in struments a specialty. Send for Catalogae. VOVVHSTON'S FLUID 8ff^ O CONTAINSEVERV ELEMENT OF PERFECTFOOD ITS REGULAR USE WlU BOiUD UP A STRONG ROBUST CONSTITUTION ._. ,^AND PROVE IT TO BE Jfnm I say Cvmx I do not neta menlw t» nop tbem for a time, and then bavetlMin t» torn attain. I uban a RADICAL CUB Iliavonado tbedlseaMot «»«* RTS, EPU^EPSyor AlMelqpgBtndy. I wABBASTmrremedrto CDRS.the worst cases. Because others Iwf* acnnw bltedisno reason fornot nowrecet SandatoneeforatreatiseandaFRKB_ of my IXFAtjjisuB Bbmxot. OlTeEznreat and Post Office. It costs yon notbine for ft trial, and It wffl ear* yon. Addrma^ Pr. H. 6c BOOT. tf7 Twigd Bt^ Tonmto 0^ Barnum Wire and Iron Works, BBSr AND 0BBAPC8T FENCB. WIND SOR ONT. Made from 3-16 Steel Rods, with heavy Iron Frame and Iron Foundations. We are offering the fenoe at exceptionslly low pricea. Iron Fence, Orestingf, Stable Fittings, «i.ifi all kinds of Iron and SrassWork. !^i*^ slii. â-  i ., â-  r- â-  1.' 'ii i.. ' :i: I T !â-  i. M i ,1) i.-\ â- /.I " .-i^ Of/

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