Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Jul 1888, p. 5

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 ^w Ej;- â- ^â- \-^- "^m^'^^w^ uuR DP,u3 sm\ TO THB FRONT w OH luiiid a fall auij )f all ki)i(ls rtud gradej bought for cish froia iable firms in OauaJaJ e doiui: bimness ou jj jasis wiaicb will putrnj i,o sell at a stn-.ill ddvau.-| 'iereby give iny sustoaj it. J siiall esteem it one ill .arilj-)'itlu-oa,'j| r A B LI " II II EXT/ require anjtluu^' in mj ja I ftiol couddeut thill lighted with aad sorprisj ahtv and cheapness oj -Qpbolatered gjoda SOmberler. ,...;,.,ris abuut finished and is a ',.',r Fall wheat, will be ripe in Zapbxmsl* Cknmoll. ,*• a:t.« iort- 'ihin. Spring crops will be Tj,e Battle of the Boyne was ceie- litre in good shape. There The council niet pursuant to adjourn- ment on 29th June, 1888. Members all present. Minutes of last session of Court of Eevisiou and last sesbion of council read and confirmed. A petition, signed by R. Carefoot and others, laid over until next meet- ing of council, and Mr. btuart in ted litre m K"" u»p«. xucio^^„ ^f council, and Mr. Stuart in- r^veloages and luey enjoyed them- 1 gtjyj.te^t^, examine the ground pro- :-;.e. very much acd v/ere well he- 1 f^^ road. ivea. ^, 1 i l^f- Stuart was iustrncted to get 8d .y jloore. of Claiksburg, was iip^^^^ ^^^ sideroad and bridge over ,..e Sq^res Oilrav and btuart tori geaver river repaired. iieijjauiia bcanlon and was j j^j,.. Bovd was irstructed to get re- aiid costs. Mr. M. talks of p^ira mad'e on 9th line at lots 9 and \.,.Sn'7 He savs ne was justmed :\liat he did. â- ^jj. Gaucien, the head teacher in ..^'seliool, has resigned and is •,^oing ,,'jintisli Columbia. He was highly '.pecrsJ here. Tte trustees has en- 'aijea Mr, Hughill iu his stead. ' \[i. Siierwood has bought a piece of :.j:i"j fiom W. Stuart and is going to â- ;,-irt a brick yard. '[lis 'ii'.v v/eather hp.,s made the :;ri;v,b iries and raspberries scarce 1, !:i(;t a-l tiie small fruit will be very I'Mce. riums are looking well and ,iil be fibuiidant. The liev. J. !S. Corcoran has been kijovvil fi om this part to Cape Crok- • r aiifl iifiv. Mr. Watt Rent in his J fD ',:ii;e. Tua new man is being well Priceville. â- â- â- .ndurd Correspondence. !ih's. Grier is building an addition her store for more conveniences wueu fiuislieJ, will make the place rivc a 'rand and different appearance irorj the pvesout way her store is. ya Lninoiit, pLopriet:)r of the Crown Ilotti, IS hiiviug a large addition built til las hotel for the purpose of having iiiore bedroom accommodation for the ;,ie aucl beuelic of the travelling com- uunity. When this additional im- i.iovenient is finished it will make the I'lown Hotel equal With any other Jiist cIass house in this part of the iiiuutry. Mr. and Mrs. Lamont both bumg kind, sensible and obliging no uoiibr but they will be well patronized and get a large call from the travellers. The stone v\ork of the L'resbyterian â- :iiurcii is finished. The sills and •.•onier stones are all (1rejsed by Mr. Lr.iiUaw, stonecutter, Durham, a prac- Uf;;J good han.l, well experienced in hi trade. We t;appose he is the oldest mason iu this county. His work here will fcli.jw lus skill and taste. Weundor- Miiiia that the foundation â€" or rather thu corner stone â€" will be laid on Tnes- iay, the 2ith inst. We did not hear '•vho is to get the honor of laying it, biu wo suppose the parties iu power liave a Favorite person Appointed or in vicmt fyr the honorable job. Priceville, by all appearance, re- 'luires large cliurch accomruodations. Auv one being here last Sabbath could not help remarking that this place is iieat l.r chmch-going people. Early ii tue morning some were seen weud- ;;iy tiieir way to their respective places (it worsliip. They kept coming from i alf-past ten until eleven when the '.ixets wore crowded. The Gaelic |-ufakiiig people belonging to the Pres- iyteiiiin church aud the Roman Catho- iif eoLi.'regatiou going m at the same bour, then coming out again at half- vast twelve and the English speaking Presbyterians going iu the three con- :-i'fgaticns were mixed together oii the bout street and you conld not tell the I'luc-reiice between any of tyem. Again ^ben the Baptist church was going in tbe Eughbh Presbyterians were com- ing out which caused another throng "lid mixture of people. In the evening "le Methodist church meets and is '-ell attended the church is full every eveuiug, and ccmes out at 8 o'clock. ;i Gtrauger may well say it's good to be iiere enjoying such blessed privi- ^^ges of the sancitv of the Sabbath ii3y. Our fair was only fairly well attend- fQ this week. Cattle in general are poor on account of the pasture being The few milch cows that there 16 The Treasurer was instructed to re- ceive from Wm. Dunlop $3, payment for statute labor in 1887. Mr. Erskine was iustrncted to repair sidelines 6 and 7, in the 11th aud 12th concessions. A grant of $10 was made, to be ex- pended Dy William McConuel, path- master, in his road division. Mr. Erskine was instructed to meet commissioner from Holland with a view to improving town line. The Eeeve aud Mr. McAuslan were appointed to make repairs on 27 and 28 side line, cons. 1 and 2. Mr. Stuart was instructed to meet commissioner of Artemesia, with a view to improving towu line. Mr. Boyd was instructed to improve 12 "and 13 side linee. cons. 7 and 8. The Treasurer was ordered to remit ' to J. Paterson, Mirror office, $5, printing, and to C, W.Eutledge, Mark- dale, $1.50, advertising Court of Eevision. The report of W. Welsh, pathmast- er, received and adopted, and the Treasurer instructed to remit to the parties named therein the amounts I placed opposite to their names, total amount being $10, The report of James Erskine, path- master, laid before council and adopt- ed, aud the Treasurer ordered to re- mit to the parties named therein the amounts placed opposite to their names, total amount being $22.50. The Keeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows, viz. Doctors Sproule Brodie, $25, servi- ces as Medical Health oflcers John Mathews, $5, work on 8rd line Jas. Stinson, $25, cedar, spikes and work on 11th line E. Dunlop, $30, part salary for current year Thos. Aber crombie, $15, gravel and repairing roan J. E. Fawcett, $25.75, cedar lumber delivered at several places Thos. Donnelly, $13, hauling plank and work on roads Samuel Black, $S, to repair bridge on 21 and 22 side lines Wm. Blakely, $3.56., repairing road scrapers Geo. Juhau, $6, furn- ishing plank and work on bridge, 21 and 22 side lines Eobti Suell, $3, gravel for road purposes George Mathewson, $6.75, work on 4th line at lot 13 James Fawcett, $11, cedar plank E. Gilray, Esq., $5, gravel for use on road Abraham Crabtree, $2, lumber for bridge George Emery, 75 cents, and Michael Atkins, 25 cents, work on culvert aud bridge Eobert Camplin, $8, cedar aud building three culverts Hugh Curry, $6, repairing road scrapers George Booth, $3.50, protecting Heatiicote bridge. Council adjourned until the last Fri- day iu July next. E. Dunlop. Clerk. o o M o MarkdalB FACTORY -X- Having erected Kni fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac- tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everything being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow Battons, FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS, e.. I And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none in 1 Canada, and .haying engaged superior mechanics in every department, I would now respectlully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. stiU keeps climTDing up and TArill soon be stand- ing on its tip-toes. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Careful Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 308 THOS- IVIclVJE^^. -AT- cFarland's are climbing down, dowTL, down, and are now â-  ^JKf] g ELOW) ]m^ ill -02^- lixeiixBloix to Viaffara. A grand excursion, under the aus- pices of the Workmen and Forenter Lodges, of Shelburae, will be run to Lewiston (State of New York), and Niagara Falls, on Timrsday, July 26th, 1888. Tickets will be issued for the round trip from the following stations, at rates as follows TO LBW^S- TON. poor. '?* brought good prices. Mr. James l^rUliHS, fiom the south-east comer of Jw first ward was there with a lot of i^is cattle. We understand that all fbe way from his place to Tyrone and 'ita of his place to the IS^h con. of "oton is all under bush. No wonder ^i^at cattle having so much ground to lasture or feed when they comt «r can look so fat and glossy, "ricevilifi. .Tniw iGQfa i:eYilie. 16th July, 1888. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS NOTES. '•w Slevatozs in Kutltoba. MONTHKAL, July 13.â€" OgilTia Co. ^re building 'Outhetu oS-'L""'*«"y- They will handle y^ 0.000.000 bushel, of wheat this four new elevators m Manitoba, each of 50.000 TO NIAGARA FALLS. Wl $1.90 »1.75 »1.60 1 leave Cream Seersuckers slaughtered at 7c., old price 10c. One case Ladies fash- ionable Hats just open- ed your choice for 40c old price 75c. to $1.25. Lovely Lawn Mus- lins in spots and spreys lie, sold in city at loc. 700 yards charming Twilled Sateen Prints, all new, just opened, 11 cents. Another big drive in Ladies' Misses and Children's Hose. A grand line of Pari- sols only 40a (lace). Opening out this week new oriental Laces, one case direct importa- tions. A few more of those Cretones at 10 cents left. Bargains all through July. See that you make no mistake but go direct to the only Importing house doing business in Markdale. to hand, which we purpose selling FOR C A S H prices w^hich will ast onish the buy- er. Having determined henceforth to do a CASH BUSINESS ONLY, my customers and the public may rely on get- ting close bargains^ CI|H|0|M|E|)jHWDK|li|fl|D|E l |B|0|Olt[MiiW^^ kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MR. KAY so well and favorably known. Call early and secure bargains. W BROWN. A Positive Cure. PainSess Cure. $2.40 $2.25 $2 00 )y regular Maikdale Flesherton]' .... Proton Dandalk V Corbettoni .... Melanctbon Shelburne Or ambles Laurel Orangeville June. 1 Orangeville Tue excursion morning train. Those taking Lewis- ton tickets will return same day by special tram, leavuag Toronto at 9:80 o'clock p.m. Tickets to Niagara J^alls are good for three days. Tiie trip to Lewiston will be made by the magni hceut new steel steamer, the "Cibola," 'leaving Toronto at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon, arriving at Lewiston at 4:30 aud leaving at 5:25, r«achin£ Toronto at 8 p. in. Exourbiouists to Niagara Falls arrive there by New York Oeutrtl Railway (com Lewwtun m 6:d0 p. m., andcanretaru by any regular ^iraiu 4 or boiit to Toruuiu uu S'riiiay ur Bator- day BMruiiig. febuaee home by regular C. P. B tiAtn. Tbere 10 a e^vice betweeu Ningarft Falls »ud Turouto, three timeM»day. leaving the Fails tX 7:^ aJB.. 9:40 aao.* »od 4:65 p.ui. IPor pwriieiikunr mm poster*. W.J. mmm. IMPORTER. FACTS rOR MEM OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OP JViAN. Macvat of HsaUng, and Kohinoor of Medicines, ibe k«rrlble e(n)ieqqHEices orindiscretio]i« EzpoMnre and Overwurb. "SrOtJIiTa-. •Krr-r-rvr .ttl. a rs-tm-t a 3rr CXjID Hi-flEaT Who are broken dotrn from the effects of abuse will find in No. 8 a radical cure for nervous debility, organic wealtnesR, nvoluntary vital losses, etc. Symptoms fob which No. 8 HonL.n bb Used.-:. Want of energy, vertigo, want of pnrpoeo, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of coiifldence, avoidance of conversation, desire for solitude, listiessnesa and inability to fix the attention on a particular subject, cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitability of temper, 8per matorriioea, or loss of the seminal lluid â€" tlia result of self-abase or marital excess â€" impo- tency, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation cf the hearr, hysteric feelings iq females, trembling, melancholy, disturbing arearas, ptc, are nil symptoms of this terrible habit, oftentimes innocently Required. In short, tl:e spring â-  if vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in conssqueuco. Scientific writers and the superintendents of insane asylnms. unite in ascribing 1.0 the ellects of self-aluRe the great majority of wasted lives which come iinder their notice. If you ar incompetent for the arduous duties of business, incapacitatoil tor the enjoyments of life. No.»8 offers an escape from the effects of early vice. If you are advanced in years. No. Swill give you full vigor tnd strength. If you are broken down, physically and morally from early indiscretion, tlie rt^Bult of ignorance and foliv, send your address and 10 ceuts in statnps for M. V. IjXtbon's Treatise in Book Form on Diseases of Man. Kealed tind seciTre from observation. Address aU oummunications to M. V. I.CBON. 47 Wclllnsrton St. IE,, ToroBto. A Man without wisdom lives in a fool's paradise. CUE(^S GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. •v o O M EH O P^ P 43 o Pleasant Curei â- 'S§^: K# 11 i^ m k ' ,; t:^ m â- MJ f -^ BeSl^^^Jli.i,.

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