Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Jul 1888, p. 7

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 "â- I'l ._ _l;!L!.iM#^ *m-' ^Mm' k â- â-  LIJ JV* "~^ V" Jg'^P."S^gfy ' sg^ .^ ;_2j:wy)Bgyy-"' ^-p â€" 'jr.-ywKt f-TO. " TSiUm. b-., s^sO"' â- *f;)," *, and th* ,L-*** u time de»r ». seated b ^J" *• 'f you cin L ' ^^^ to yo*r " f in ghosts or «,»^ "y«he, "Zv ^â-  ei7 fond of fi,hi„^_ e grains and h»«!z ' he rarely, if !?•; ng round the^i? lan ever 1 saw fi' 'P ^t the captain*^ US if you can.' Well How and didn't liW, «ae; so says he. look, "arer: 'You'dbJ. -r, for I want oU »na rt at, upon which on. 'ggeat I ever n!Z 1 the water and e»ve a ' t.jU8ta8ifhe'3bMn but couldn't hold in Jliged to burst out couldn't stand being wrpoise so he say? on the other «de of I've done with yon i e called to the second St bend on the line to rike that fellow if l,e ain, if he ia the devil 10 poop in that vesael, I stand on the quarter' I Don all ready, and the clear for the first por- but especially the big There he wasâ€" the ;he man at the wheel 11 as he could while id two men looking at 3g sails, and another rigged a Scotcbmanon on deck, too, but not itly, because I was at- i rse and looking up at somebody sung ont, V and we all looked Id see him so I jump- sing he might be got I hing, but sure enough, the harpoon, nor the I fathom of the end of I it on to the standing j 7 heard any splash in j m strike at the fish, j It overboard he car- be convinced that ha so we searched the decks, and even the r him again, ery down- hearted at ght it a bad sign bat 3W was all nonaenaa. :ook command of the r into Bombay, »iii a left her they never le ship after the cap- ause they said every bells atrnsk, they aaw p in the boat with the and heard himaay: 's the devil himaelf," snorting and a half- fee in the water »U especially under the pre the captain diaag ,d have awom I heard abatitute. ksort of pity for 4e ita runs at the leng* Every one who naa poor dog'a confined tethe etovermae M ing anecdote, whicb xchange the8hip5.P»«'2^ barf, i» the poaaeaaor hedlghaaUv^iwi*^ r some yeun*nij»* L Being det«.t«l fa t home, the dog M punishment w»« â- "' aice houae buflt for] themain-maat Soe^ r ni«ht the dog " iuTe^iithacoll-^j nelaSd^**""**! going ^^'!^\ bund that a dog 2 etterandbadn*** ght he found *»y the houae. He i* «d, ia^ ts b ain :hei it to Uppt jang ^gta irniBg knd r- pper hiaowndo beentbereaUWJH^ tttotheJ««%, sang- Jtonk «" j^ )miBg »* ,°!idf *» ,dogctf»««^»»j t\ -^O^LE BITES IN DIDU. ^es Hl» Wife's Ejea aa a Saeriaee I J V ' to a Demon. leading Bombay newspaper to^wa two recent revolting incidenta rae i" fQ two receui. ic»v.«v»ug .uwu^..^ (.' 1 .jvelv proving the imperioos ne- I ^-tC" • .-IY proving mo »iiHFcr»uu» UD- I ' '"fS social reform and enlightenment l-^^'f/^would he possible to concede privileges. In the one in the presence case a of the h"°uJ"Sgera. aâ„¢' the singing of I'**' »nd beating of drums, deliWately I :iPrZt the eyes of hU youni? wife, who lff»8*?;°ed for the purpose by the neigh- •-CSbehadWn told by a demon fl. °^ ,1,1 Vie reolaced by gold eyes. '^would be replaced by gold eyes. â- Â«*' Iritition was fchared by the whole "°W neighborhood, including the â- W* Ijjp alleged that the unfortunate I ^K'n had perished by cholera. I '" .V, "stcond case, the scene was a temple, I itav between Chuddergaut and Secun- I W "Three buffaloes were hacked and Ijaabw- pieces, which were strewn all " the "road, and the people in the im- I â- "' vicinity of the lacerated animals r"Tabbling and d at cing about in their I '"" while others, holding the yet bleeding •Ad ioints, were whirling them round I' 7 their heads, and gesticulating fur- ""'i' ' fourth animal which was being cut I'f'l'^omied, was still alive, and added r aii'ul bellowing to the horrible dm. r'V??e further on some two or three men r'l bodies naked and painted, held a I -bv the legs, while from the stUl living r' quivering body they were tearins; away Ir their teetii mouthful by mouthful of the lading Hesh.tquirting and sprinkling it "t the adjacent crowd. Other goats and r rfaloeswere close at hand, waiting their \i, to supply the horrid sacrifice. h complete the BicchanaUan ntea a Irowd of women apparently intoxicated l.,'h drugs, with hair disheveled, wild m I I en and besmeared with blood, performed Kkind of Satanic dance, accompanying JUmoTement with violent shrieks. The I be-t of all these loathsome orgies, which I, ere witnessed and participated in by J,udreds of persons, was, we are told, to ItfMase the Hindu goddess, who holds m Ijer kand the scourge of smallpox. fame aud Tamed Men. i" society" woman, at whoae table Long- Low was dining, asked him, "Oh, Mr. Ijigfellow, have you ever published a liMk'" This was after two-thirds of his life- Irrk was done. Hawthorne says that in L later years he met niany people who liiew him well as the ex-surveyor of the Lrtof Salem, but who never knew that he lad written anything, and had not even Ijewd that there was such a book as " The I -arlet Letter." Even the genial Autocrat Inctaf predated by everybody in his own I'm. i'ne day an American gentleman lieat into a barber's shop as Dc. Holmes Icis going out. " Do you know who that Ins that just went out " asked the barber. Ikin? curious to see what account cf Dr. es the b=,rber would give, the visitor Jiicok his head. " Why," said the barber, linats old Dr. Holmes." "And who is i'l Holmes?" "Oh, he's been a doctor l:m a great many years. I believe he ain't Lis tioin' any more, but he's thought a good lialof!" A crashing remark was once made by jisouid te tiiitterer to INlr. W. D. Howells, lie American novelist. Shortly after the |;:blication of " The Lady of the Aroostook," j'A Foregone Conclusion" and "Venetian |jie"alady asked that gentleman for hisauto- Ipph, whereupon he wrote some impromptu itrsesiEher album. She read them o^er jitd r'nen gave an encouraging smile. " Oh, |ilr. Howells," she exclaimed, " I. should rak you miglit do something for the rspers and iiugczines I have seen much I'srse thicgs than t\at in print 1" I Greatnesfi is paid homage to by some Iwple in very peculiar ways. Everybody |Kstreniember the story told in connection |ii;a Victor Hugo. The great poet was Iwtled one morning by the intrusion of liiee Engiifihiren.. "Victor Hugo," said l:te, consulting a pocket book. The poet pwed, thinking that he should be asked |::this autograph next. After the visitors |:id stared a few seconds the pocket-book lis again consulted. "Eleven o'clock, the l«s " said the spokesman. Then the party r-t^ed and walked out of the room. THE THIEST FOS GOLD. Riimanil.T-s rrrnllar Passion WhleU talncs ir-.-tItli Above Uapplness. •c»n see a lovely valley where Nature l^gathered into her lap all her wealth of I^Eery and soil all her rivers of jewels and |?Ti!eciad mountains, where the castles of l~« tobies above and the homesteads of the Ii*aat8 below and abroad presided over l.'*eard plenty amid eternal Spring. I yse day while digging a ditch a lump of l?'» was tamed up pursuing the search, a l^ewas revealed. The news of the dis- ^•tty overran the valley like an epidemic. L* '" poor were soon employed digging 1:.,'-»e8oil. Tr.e noble allowed his castle to •,'"" ruin and his park to run into a I^Kraess. The peasant left his fallow to I"" the mountain side. Rivers ran dry, â- ^Jiewaters were diverted into flumes to I j" *« golden dirt. Woods were ci:t down Y'^^r '^*^* '" support the undermined Lv •./" fields were mottled with great r,'Mimsand holes, and the speckled face of j^'^e revealed where the goldpox had left I W^ 'r^ce- The rich became poor and P«ot reveled in their halls. Vulgarity Llfj^^nse ruled in the castle, while the I »i, =8el at his own gate. The idiot sat lfct5^?*S'8'e"al chair and the vile women, I ^j.j,^S*e buffoon, mounted the throne, â- y received the homage due to genius. jj^^ yaaok Advertisements [4? JO^"^i^'iiig a nuisance, and we jsjjjL "^hooves publishers to examine fj-i.jl'^^'ts of m»ny articles puffed up l^eolamcs. We do not deny that l«i^^"'wiou3 remedies are properly to K^ "^^'-er this heading. Take the â- *'ee«ff° thousands relieved from IWnv â„¢S ^y ^^e ^^ °^ Poison's rk' tt ^°^^^ 't not be unreaaonable to Nv V ^° condemn that far-famed PWiv ^^, ^^ "" f°r a fact that ^How 1 °® is withont exception the 'VVn^'"' pleasant and certain remedy ' inW^" P»^- It cannot faU, for "gW to the bottom of pain, pene- we nerves, aoothee them into *«« affords prompt and perman- Aerviliae is aold by aU ting- only 10 cesiib Try it. An Unezploied Uoner in Brazil. It is aatoniahing to learn that, within 250 miles of the fair city of Bio Janeiro, with ita fine boildinj^ and its railways radiating in many directions, there exist hundreds of handreds of cannibals They frequent the valley of the Rio Doce and the adjacent terri- tory, and in spite of misnonary and trader still wander about in garbless simplicity. This we learn from a paper read before the Royal Greopraphical Society by Mr. John Stearns, who, u 1885, nndertook a joumej of exploration throngh this region, it does not appear that the propensity to cannibalism is very strong at present, for Mr. Steams passed a month among a branch of the Botocudoa and he aaw nothing of it. These people seem to be as little hampered by conventionalism as any in the world. They go stark naked, they sleep when they like, hunt, fish, sing, and dance just when they feel inclined, and eat when they can. They are allowed to have as many wives as they choose, but like more civilised people, one wife and family is generally as many as a man can keep. They have no religious ceremonies or sacrifices, and the only time that the supernatural comes home to them is during a thunderstorm, when the bravest throw firebrands into the air to ap- pease the wrath ot the Great Spirit. The valley of the Rio Doce lies just above Sinta Cruz, and appears to have been almost en- tirely neglected by settlers. This is to be accounted for by the fact that the river is entirely useless for navigation on account of the great number of rapids and falls in it, and that the country is one dense forest in which fierce Indians used to range. Of late years the extermination of game has preatly reduced the strength of some of the tribes, and there now seems not to be any gieat danger to be feared from them, although it is certain that settlers would have to defend themselves against occasional raids, and sometimes to execute reprisals. The chief product of the country is timber articnlarly rosewood, which is of considerable value. Mr Streams spent eight months in his trip, and thoroughly explored the river with some I of its tributaries, and his observations he has compiled a map which .adds greatly to our knowledge of this region. He undertook the work entirely at his own epxenae, and merely from the love of exploration. A Uarrel in Steel. There are one hnndred and fifty then- sand miles of railway in the United States three hnndred thousand miles of railsâ€" in length enough to make twelve steel 'gir- dles for the earth's circumference. This enormous length of rail is wonderful â€" we do not really grasp its significance. But the rail itself, the little section o* steel, is an engineering feat. The change cf its form from the curious and clumsy iron pear-head of thirty years ago to the present refined section of steel is a scientific development. It is now a beam whose every dimension and curve and angle are exactly suited to the tremendous work it has to do. The loads it carries are enormous, the blows it receives nre heavy and constant, but it carries the loads and bears the blows and does its duty. The locomotive and the modern passenger and freight cars are great achievements and so is the little rail which carries them all. â€" [Scribner's Magazine. An Afternoon Call. Afternoon Caller (waiting for hostess) â€" Bobby, you haven't been over to play with Tommy lately. Bobby â€" No, ma'am. Ma doesn't want me to play with Tommy she says I must only play with nice little boys. A Timid Tramp. " You ought to be ashamed of yourself, a great big man like you to be a beggar and a tramp. You oughtn't to be afraid "f work." " I know it,, but I can't help it. You see my nurse frightened me once in the dark room when I was a baby, and I have been timid ever since." The Man Who "Was in Her Eoom. Scene in a private boarding house First Boarderâ€"" There's some one in Mrs. De Boots' room I hear her talking." Second Boarderâ€"" It's a man. Listen " Mrs. De Boots (in her room)â€"" Kiss me. Jack." Chorue of Boarders (in an undertone) â€" " Oh oh oh and her husband's name is Charlie " Mrs. De «oots (within)â€" "Do yon love me. Jack " Deep Masculine Voice (in response)â€" " Well, I should smile ' Boarders (outside) â€" " Heartless creature We shall leave this very day. Let us con- front her at once." They knock and open the door simultane- ously. Mrs. De Boots confronts them with her parrot on her finger. " Oh 1" they ex- claim, "-we heard your parrot talking and came in to see him." " Speak to the ladies. Jack," says Mrs. De Boots with a quiet smile. She had boarded before. A Cure for Vntubenness The opium habW, depsomanla, the morphine habit, nervoua ptoetraUon caused by the iwe of tobbaoo, wakefulness, mental depression, aoftepln j of the brain, r" premature old age, loss of vitahty wused by ov^r exertion of the brain, and loesof natuialatrenrtt from any cause whatever. Men-young, old or nrfd- Se-aeed-who are broken down from any ol the above oauses, or any oanse notmeiUtonediUove,aeDA ySSJ^SS^ and 10 cents in tamps for Lubotf. treatise, in book form, of Dwewea of *«»; »«*• int »3ed and secure from obeervatjon. Addrma M. " LototT*? WeW»K*on etreet Baet, Toronto. Ont. Great pearl discoyeriea are reported in the Gulf of Mexico. One was sold for 140,003 francs. PeoDle who are enbjeo* to bad breatt. fool oorted tonJ3? « Mydlaorier of ths Stomaoh. cm aj «ce is Sfived to uS« Dr. Oaraon's- Stomach Bltleia, tteoWtMSady. Aak vour !)««««. An attempt has been iMde to hai^ tje historic GaUows tree on Hampstead Heath cut dow n. OnfaAiasB Haui Ebsiwbe restores «ey and faded hifto^natural color and prevents faUInR on* A six-ton cab, carrying an electric battery strons enough to run it forty miles, iwsently SSeVSa^actory trip throngh London. ncMMsn row. _„ _. w .-*- -â- â-  ' -^ '•\4i^\. 'I ' t «-,'•.'*.« Ji"' " Logic ia Logio." Now there was the oaae of oar friend Mc- Kay; He said to himseif in his resolute way, That a cough that was growing from bad to worse Mns' be cored, in spite of a slender parse. An'ocean voyage was oat of the qaestion, A Florida trip a useless suggestion Yet die he wouldn't I Hu money he paid For the " Gclden Medical Discovery," by Dr. Pierce made And as sound as a nat in Iiia health to day â€" " Lagic is logic, that all I say." The London and Northwestern Railway has decided, "in deference to the prejudices of ite American customers," to institute the system of checking baggage. " One br.:ak8 the frlass and cats h's fingers But they whom Truth and Wisdom lead. Can iBfather honey frim a weed." Those who are vHse and who love the truth, will believe what we say when we tell them that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has done more to relieve the sufferings of women than all other medicines now known to science. It cures all irregularities, inter- nal inflammation and ulceration, displace- ments and kindred troubles. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggiste, under a po»itive guarantee from the manufac- turers that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This gua- rantee has been printed on the bottle-wrap- per, and faithfully carried cut for many years. The twentieth birthday of the Czirewitch was celebrated by a ball at St. Petersburg, at which all the ladies appeared in white, and all the men in red. Will Ton Sead This for $500 For many years the manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are abundantly responsible financially, as any one can easUy ascertain by enquiry, have offered, in good faith, a standing reward of $500 for a case of nasal catarrh, no matter how bad or of how long, standing, which they cannot core. The Remedy ia sold by druggists at 50 cento. There was a very heavy snow storm at Balmoral Castle two weeks ago. Consumption Snrely Cnred* To TBS Enrroit :â€" Please inform your readen tnat I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely ua« thouaands of hopeleaa cases have been permanently cured. T shall be glad to send two bottles ol my remedy rass to ahv of your readers who have consumption if they will send in heir express and P. O. address. Respectfully, Da. T. A. Slocum, S7 Tonge St. Teronto, Ont. Mining operationa in metal and coal are begun with great energy in China. The field of Bannockbum is about to be converted into the site of a coal mine. Whenever your Stomaoh or Bowels get ont ot or der, oanaing BiUouaneae, Dyspepsia, or IndigesUoa and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Df Carson's Stomach Bitters. Beat family medioint Al Dmrei"**. ninita. Sarah Bernhardt recently beat the bank at Monte Carlo to the tune of $1,000. Hub I CocsH CcRB'eures In one minute. A railroad will soon be built from Gibral- tar to communicate with the rest of Spain. A. P. 405. n ATryi O For Saleâ€" niustrated descriptive Oat- r A I CN 1 alogue free. R. Chamberlin, Toronto. KN ITTl Nu «eor^(a'wn,'ont. M AGH I N ES WORK FOlt ALL. 930 a week and expensf a paid. Valuable outfit and partioulaia tree. P.O.VICfcEBV. Augugta.Malnei ACENTS WAMTEDâ€" "EACIE" Stcnin WHHher. Address GEO. ». FEKKU, S7 Clinrcli St., Toronto. GANGER, TUMORS, irmERS, ETC., CVRED, without the knife. No cure, no pay. Send stamp for pamphlet. W. L.'SMITH. M.D., 124 Queen K.,Toronto CANADIAN BrSINE.4S DNIVrUSITT, Public Library BuildinR, Toronto. Students from British Columbia, California, Kansas, Illinois, and quite a number ol the other States and provinces now in attendance. Write lor descriptive circulars. TH03. BEKGOUGH, CUAS. H. BROOKS. Preident, Sec'y Manager. TO TOWN AHD VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS WE have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper offices Terms one pit cent. Satirlaction guaranteed. tSTWe have now four gooa establishments, lor sale at a bargain, and one publisher wanting a partner. Auxiliary FnbllshinF Company, 3S and R5 Adelaide St, W., Toronto, Ont BEAVEH LINE of STEAMSHIPS. â€" Saiuno Wekklt Ewwkksâ€" IMONTREALAND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, 940, $50 and $60. Return $80, 900 $110. Intermediate, 330. Steerage 320. Apply o H. E. MURBAT, Gen'l. MaoasrFr. I Custom House Sq'ia're. MONTREAL. RUBBER STAMPS. 1^^ cils, and Burning Brands, ba. Send for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. Co., 22} King St. £. (in rear) Toronto. fTWE BdlLEK INSrECTMN and InaHV X ance Company ot Canada. Oonsultina: E^igineera and Solicitors of Patenta, TOROSTTO. G. 0. ROBB. Chief i!.u„{deer. A. FEaasa, Sec'y-Twas. SAULTER BROS., VAAfAr^ Feu and Gravel I|\f Vi\;i 19a 23 ADELAIDE L, TORONTO. E^mates civen. Country work a specialty. Qmbound Nervous Prostration, Nervoua ieadache, Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness, Stomach and Uver disease*. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all affections of the Kidneys. WEAK NERVES Paine'b Celeey Compound Is a Nerve Tonic which never fails. Containing Celery and Coca, those wonderful stimulants, it speed- ily cures all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM Paise's Celeey CoMPoujcn purifies the blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood- making organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for Rheumatism. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Paine's Cei.eky Compound quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health. This curative power combined with its nerve tonics, makes it tlie best remedy for all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA Paine's Celeby Compound strengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges- tive organs. This is why it cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION Paine's CcLEnr Compound is not a Cathai^ tic. It is a laxative, giving easy and natural action to the bowels. Bee:ulnxity surely fol- lows its use. Recommended by professional and bOsinea men. Send for boob. Price 91.00. Sold by Druggists WELLS, RICHARDSON CO., Propns Montreal, Que â-  â- MK|!ri|TOIOJUironFami8. LoweetRatea nil 11 M V* Y JNo delay. Correspondence aolicited If I U ll L I B. W. D. BUTIiEK, Financial Agt SsUMUked 1860. 72 King St. E., Toronto. â€"PATENTED- J. J. TAYLOR, ANDVIULT DOORS, ETcQAppO Toranto Safe inrarka. Wil I La W Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been need tor the Bfteen years, with great success, in the treatment of nervous debility, and all di8ea..S8 arising from ex- cesses, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing In the ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggiatai Price, $1 per box, or 6 boxes for $6, or will be se it by mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on appUoatian. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. â€" CH.\MPIONâ€" STUMP STONE â€"EXTRACTOR.â€" SIX yars' trial, and over 6 rou ill use has proved tnis machine the best: 6, siz8. Send (or circular. S. S. KIMBALL, Inventor and Manufacturer, 677 Craig Sfc, P.O. Box 94.5, Montreal, P.Q CONBOY'S CARRIAGE TOPS. Young Men SUFFERING from the effects cf early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted also Hddls-Aobd and OiiU Mbn who are broken down from the effects of abtise or over work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and read M. v. Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Hen. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 3c. 8amp8. Address, M. V. LUBON, Wellington St. E.. Toronto, Ont H. WILLIAMS GO. a'afF^uROOFERS HA.VrFACITJKERS AND DEALERS IN Roofing Felt, Slaters' Felt. Deafpning Felt, Carpet Paper, Buildincr Papc-r, Roolina; Pitch, Coal Tar, Lake Gravel. OIBee 4 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. Have all the latest improvements and are unequalled for dniftbilitv. style and convemence. The leaif' â€" Carriage Builders sell tnem. ASK FOR THEM BtTY NO OTHER. Bicycles Second Hand Bicycles and Tricycles. Send for List. New Catilogut ready in April. .A.. T. IL.-A.1TE, MONTREAL. Mercliaiits, BiitcIiers»"»S"' We want a GOOD MAN in your loc lity to pick up CALF SKINS For us. Cash Furnished on tatisfact try guaranty. Address, C. S. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vt raioni U .S. The Shoe and Leather Reporter. N. Y anrt ahoe and Leather Review, Ch'ogo, the leading trade pa- pers of the U. S. in the Hide line, have sent their representatives to investigate Mr, Page's business, and alter a thorough ex^iinination ana comparison, the Reporter gives him this endorsement "We believe that in extent of lijrht-weight taw ma- terial collected and carrifd, Mr Pfge holdj the lead of any competitor ann that his present stock is the largext held by any house in this countrj." And the Review says "After a most thorough investigation of Mr Page's buiiness as compared with others ui same line, we have become fully satisfied that in his specialty, light-wtight tock,' he is unquestionably th a la-gest dealer in this ountry, wh'le in superiority cf quality he is confessedly at the head." QUERY If Mr. Page'd business is the largest in its line in the Unitad States is it rot the best possible proof of hi3 ability to p -y highest prices. It he did not do so, would he naturally get more Skins than any of hi^ competitors in the same lin; ^Then I aay Curb I do not mean metdy W â- top them for atim*. and then have them Ta torn acain. I ukan A BADICAL GDB Warn made the disease oX SITS, EPILEPS7 or FALUNG SIGKIiZaSSt AllfeloPf; study. I wABRANTTnyremedytO CnBE the worst cases. Because others ham failed 1 s no reason for n ot no w receiving a cxm. Send at once for a treatise and a Fbe b boitlb of IBS lsvA\JiJjiSj Bembot. Give Express and Post Office. It costs yon notbing xor trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr. H. BOOT. vt7 Tonge St., Toronto, Que, Allan Line Royal Mail StesCtasMps Sailing during winter from Portland everyThursdaj and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum- mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland vnd Irelaod also from Baltimore, via Hali- fax ancf St. John's, N. F to Liverpool fortnlghtty I during summer months. The steamers of the Glas- gow luies sail during winter to and from H alifax, Portland. Boston and Philadelphia and during sum- mer Letween Glasgow a' d Montreal weekly Glatgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phi ladelpbla fortniirhtly. ..." ... For freight, passage or other mtormation apply A Schumacher Co., B)ltimore S Cunard Co. HaUfax Shea » Co St John's, Nfld. Wm. Ihcmp son h Co., St. John, N B.; AUen ft Co., Chicago Love h Alden, New York -, H. Bonrll er. Tomb to; Allans, Rae Co., Quebec Wm. Brookie. Philadel phia H. A Allen, Portland, Boston. Montreal. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'GAUSLAND SON. 76 King St. W., Toronto. RVDGE AND OLVHBIA. Also send for list of some of our Second-hand ma-, chines at greatly reduced prices. CHAS. ROBDTSOM A- CO.. 22 Church St. Toronto. Bicycles] KEEP UP YOUR STRBNQTH. Everybody feels the exbanstinK and dcltUitating effect otthe warm i/eather, and it Of every one to sn tain the streDgth by taking hij;hly nntrlitons food. istiie duty JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEP is pre-eminenUy a food specially adapted to this season of the year. " «|^« *?"^.5^5* *1^'5^ stimulates the Appetite, keeps the System well njurished and fort.fies itsgamssihe many djsordeispecniiar to the warfn weather. • _^_^ Mi 960LQMlOV6 'N 4 YtARj Ltdrdni ONT. There are many iiiitatio5S of " Peerless " ni! pEERtlSa MACHINE OIU liASNO £^ but none equal it in lubricating propertiee. Famj. â- as, MuJiMBU, et\. find none equal to tiie OBROun Peerless made by SAMUEL ROGERS CO., TORONTO. Sold by dealers everywhere. Capital and Funds now oyer $3,00ll.e00. HEAD OFFICC IS TORONTO STREET, TOROITTO, Ont A Home Company, Established October, 1871* To «hia date, October Slat, 1887, there hM beoi returned lotheheu olFoliQjr-hoIderB (death eiainis). tMO.MO 00 lo tts hddeiB of niataied Ettdownwnt Policies 20,MS 08 To PoUcv^holdfirB on surrender ot Pfdieies .....,..•..•....••.â- â€¢...•â- .....•....... 98.666 00 TcPaB^-iialdefs(wOadtPraflts|Paclnding those aUooated and being psld) 488,6M 08 Ssbaldanaf Aimui^ Bonds t to PoUoy-hoidan on 8m SeomMr of tfaeir FoUoIm.. .1.. 16^067 86 SMMW â- â-  T-^T-ifc* flSt^S.'*..' -, W^mi ^^^^â- ^^^^ "'"f ' » '.- '^- v:";ill|^i: ;? .A- !vl h. ^t 'â-  'Si V'^ym^ *â- " I !^^#?;h' ;,/, ^-^'gfSft^-sIl 'â-  ' 'â- "»' "'r^' -V, :**ifej5-s:^!

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