v..^^ K^» -= » y^4tu L, 1,1 ^i^^T'^^^m^^mmw^^ i» iA^HlC «« ••jv-y -- .^L. |ng the fnat. N, Jane 22.^311 iitti 8te ocated f^^^^ JtC* S» JbC^kJlia T»il(wlBy and 0«Bt*s A BKLECT STOCK OF BPBDStO GOOD NOWOPRMED. • "° the Gn.r?' 'â- rday by cilia'" *« HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY B£AY." V^. H. •paeaa ^0 acres, and w«.^ Ptilt at the iS' "^^ '• â- V"-;' failure, ft ^^ii' Conn Drittul^ .anvf /«' o?Tr iciUy belonged to ti^ -t., .June 24 rt„ ii Co^^utv yesterday a th.s village. dUcoTe^ disease made its eeks ago and two vaJal vithout Dr. Thomas £ tactonly diagnose thee edied a third one w and died yesterday post mortem examinTi alGd plenro-pneumonia o'lstype. A fourth anin er treatment, but is can EJ, and Dr. Thomas k to prevent the digei n the neignborhood. Da r several farmers in Arn owuships surronudMioheH ittle. Dr. Thomaa i8%oJ 111 this disease, bot tliei, ittributed to poison or otli^ time. wsed at Owen Sound. 'UN-D, Jane 24.â€" This afteij iihabitauts were startled I itality which occurred oi iview about three o'clocJ men Ijave been campinj for the past three week ternooa were ontforaroj )f them named Chas. CogU si^ht of a fish buoy with ill and started to pull itnj net came to hand be weq and became entangled His compauioa seeiug tli rise to the surface tried with the oar, but could onl oot, tlie water being aboij p. and 500 yards froj ndiug he could do notbii! rowed for assistance, bq our elapsed before thebo:| red and brought home iu Owen SoanJ. t,nce has cast quite a g!ou^ wn as the deceased was ih all who knew him. e Kirsd SXan Affais. June 22.â€" George Stockj the police court anthoritij ()â-¡ a charge of larceuj 1 remanded from Taesdaj itor is one WiUiJMB Joii mer of the Township Jhockill was his hired oa 1 that he used all bis -er to win the effeetions wife, and it is nHeged tUj ged to go off and live fe. Abont the 25b rs Johnston left her basi with her a roll of carP â- ries and various oh Stockill aiding w »"'" away. The a have kHTH YEAR.-Xo. 408. MAKKDAUE, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1888. C. W. BUTIiEDGE, Proprietor. ^RGABNS! lARGAINSI -AT- iUSSELL'S gj EWELEBYl $fOBi; ^lesherton, hkhes, Clocks, Jewelery, Spec- d Silverware for the month iJiice, before moving to new lisef. liDf American Waltham Watches I §8.90 to $20.C0, regular price of jchwere from $11.50 to $24.50. pins, Earrings, Brooches, Chains, Iklets, reduced 25 P£R CENT. Irme alonii and secure some of the ItUent bargains before the time ex- ]es, positively for the lonth Of June Onlv, i for a perfect job always take your watch repairs, c., to |isse//'s Noted Jewellery Store, IFLESHERTOIV. and Other Items. piicES in these colnmnsintendedtobenefit ft individual or Society icill be charged ten (I line for the first insertion and five 'idiineeach subiequent insertion. \^OTICE.â€" Correspondence, communica' "'â- ,. Adrertisevients, t£e„ mnst be in this pt 1)1/ noon ou Tuesday to insure publication k- veek. been ontogoawayandStockl For some reason or" m failed to P«'^S^ contract. Jb*. T,, antanJherhusbjDd*^ YhethersbebadflflJ. k to ber bo^f ..ie confessed toanf^W"';, tockill was i^"P charge of larceoy^' bail in the "O" "^h in $300 esfdk tpe with the tfjj^ left two n^„ ha9b«»«i t" an The garden party tmder the auspices long surrived, as it was ahnost imposs- of the Young People of the ^lethodist church is to take place in the beautiful grounds of Dr. Spronle, M. P., on the 18th. /, On Sunday evening Sthinst., the Rev. W. A. Graham, B. A., will preach to the Orangemen in Christ Church, Mark- dale. Rkv. W. h; W. Boyle, late of Paris, having acceptedjacall from Krox church St. Thomas, has entered upon his duties in his new field. The Rey. Nathan Smith, of Ackworth, Ga., cured himself of dyspepsia by swallovnng a mouthful of bran after each meal. This is a bran-new cure. "Tommy, my son, what is longitude " "A telegraph wire, papa." "Why so, my son?" "Because it stretches from pole to pole." The 12th.â€" Mrs. Hollingshead will give dinner to orangemen and other'i on the 12th July. The public mav depend oa a first class dinner. Twenty fiye cents. Two doors from Standard OfBce. Novel Abeival.â€" A fine healthy mud turtle marching down Toronto Street Tuesday morning was captured by Dr. Sproule. It is on exhibition at Mauley's Drug Store. The brass band is preparing for a grand concert on the evening of the 12th in Markdale. See posters for particul- ars. The public generally are invited to attend. Benson's grocery is unsurpassed in the county. Everything is kept neat and trim, the windows dressed hand- somely and attractive, and customers always receive due courtesy. A livery team from Irwin Cos., stable had a picnic on jMonday evening, run- ning hilter skilter through the town lejiying the rig badly delapidated but not injuring anything else seriously. Sun Stroke. â€" On Sunday, the 17th June a seven year old daughter of Mr. W. J. McMicken, Euphrasia, near Walter's Falls was oyercome while play- ing outside, vdth the heat and sun, caus- ing her to loose her reason. Me. W. a. Beown, Jeweller, has re- turned from a trip up the Lakes, and is now in good humor for- giving his cus- tomers bargains. His tastily kept store is well stocked with the various hues of goods kept in a first class jewellery store. Adv. next week. ible to swallow food, but is now entirely free from that difficulty. The tumor was preserved in alcohol and sent to Prof. Smith of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto. Honor Roll, Orange Valley School for June. Sen. Ill class, total 476; Mary Burnett, 303 Albert McNicol, 800; Bertha Flesher, 268; Sarah Jane Beaty, 263 Fred Brown, 251 MaudNodwell, 238. Jim. ni class, total 400 Joseph McKee, 351 Nettie Burnett, 388 Maud Flesher, 313. II class, total 850; Lina Wright, 272 Sarah Speer, 228. I class, total 300 Alice Flesher, 208; Thornton Teeter, 188 George Mc- Gruther, 176. J. R. Wickham, Teacher. BuinesB booals. Jackson to the Front with Horse Rakes and Mowers. Every machine guaranteed to give satisfaction or no sale. Call and get pricer. Three apprentices wanted immediate- ly to learn dress making. Mrs. Wm. Littlejohns, Markdale. J. G. Anderson wants a quantity of good clear fleese wash wool for which he is prepared to pay market price in cash Mb. John Whitby has been appointed agent for the Canada Permanent L. S. Co., Toronto, and will be pleased to con- sult in a private and confidential manner with those interested, or wishing to se- cure a loan. See his card in another column. Get your Insect Powder at The Pop- ular Drug Store. Get your Paris Green at Stephen's Drug Store. Go to B. B. Clements, the tailor, for neat and nobby white vests. J. G. Anderson wants a quantity of good clean fleese wash wool for which he is prepared to pay market price in cash. Fob horse rakes, reapers, mowers and binders go to J. H. Carson. Fifty tons old iron wanted at Mark- dale foundry for which cash will be paid. For Sale. â€" Cheap for cash or good paper â€" one democrate wagon, one (Daisy) horse rake, one Fleury plow No. 12, one set team harness nearly new, one colt rising 3 years old. J. Whitby, Mark- dale. BZOKAvoB cLmnroflk The new steam saw mill on the Srd concession, Glenelg, owned by Mr. Wellington Banks was destroyed by fire last Tuesday night. The mill was only erected some four or five months ago at a cost of $1700. It was only insured for about $500. â€" ^Durham Chronicle. We learn that the Owen Sound Stone Company have just receiyed a heavy contract for rtulway bridging. They have commenced operations in their west quarry this week, and will employ a large force of men there, as it is estimated it will take 1,000 cars of stone to complete this contract. They have other contracts in yiew which will keep their quarries work- ing to the fullest extent for this seas- on. â€" 0. S. Times. Saafh Doings In BaplunwU. (Contributed.) Death was singularly active in Euphrasia ou Friday last. During the afternoon, Thomas W. Longhead, son of Mr. James Longhead, of the 4th line, was called away, and an hour or two later, just as the sun was sink- ing beneath the western hills, his uncle, Thomas Keid, of the 7th line, succumbed to the fell destroyer. Neith- er of these deaths was entirely unex- pected as both gentlemen had been ailing for a length of time from con- sumption. Each bore his contiiraed suffering with christian resignation. Mr. Beii had been confined to his house for more than a year. His once rugged form was wasted to an almost incredible extent, and at last his fea- tures were scarcely recognizable. Death was indeed to him a relief. Mr. Longhead was but thirty years of age. He was much respected and his early death will be deplored by all. The sympathy of the community will be felt for his widow, who is the eldest daughter of Mr. James Curry, and for- the other surviving relatives. â€" Mirror Varsonala. The following transient visitors to and from Markdale we have learned of â€" ^Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walker, Silas Hill, Cham, and Alf. Whitby, Charlie Porter, Maggie and Annie Bums, Will Walker, Mr. Blackall and Miss Tena Wilson, all from Toronto, visited Mark- dale. From this place W. T. Jackman, John Whitby, Misses. Henrietta and Mary E. Benson and Rev. T. Hall visited Toronto. Misses. Hamilton, Burch, McEenzie and Drew to Owen Sound. Miss Bull of Durham to Mark- dale, Miss Holman of Hamston on her way to Birtle, Man., vras the guest of her sister Mrs. Leggatt a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Halbert, Mr. and Mrs Latter, to Dnndalk Herb Hall to Owen Sound; W. L. Young IS rusticating in southern Ontario, John Mclntyre of Dnndalk takes his place in the bank B. Coleman was to Toronto Dominion Day. Editor Standard. Sib. â€" -On entering a neighbor's house recently I was shocked and pained to hear the man of the house pour out a volley of oaths and curses at his loving but heart-broken wife. 1 think it a shame and disgrace fur any person presuming to be a man to thus cruelly wound the feelings and crush the affections of a faithful wife and loving mother whom he has promised to love, eherish and protect one who toils early and late iu order to make home happy. How much better it would be for all concerned if a right example were set to those little ones by kindness, forbearance and true flection. A Heabeb. MafflstxatM Court. ber ON OF PABTKEBSl ^^2 Having has commenced. J^cNics are the rage, JIarkdale cheese factory has made ^ifast sale of the season at 8^. Ihe Markdale Honse is improved by addition of tony awnings. '^Eare obliged to leave over a lot of l^te this weet for want of space. McFarland's change of adv. poiething of interest see it. J*- McMillan, postmaster at Wiarton, 'â- i^on Monday last. SsTwEEN ten and twelye thousand .*iple attended the opening services of â- "e Grimsby park on Dommion Day. iiANiEY's drug store has been orna- ^EDted by the erection of a lai^e awning ""the entire front. " BT is a hen crossing the road like a -^"^I'ttacy Because it is a fowl pro- I feeding. the women are to go to Congress ' ^^ women be married women. It " t do for us to be miss-represented. Jsv. Wesley Casson and wife sailed J^ Quebec on the 22nd June by the ^on on a brief visit to England. ^•^sJohnE. Richards, merchant, of "'iyn, is to Toronto this week secor- ^^ •«rgabs for his customers. ila. ey. Jeffeey Ahtlby vrill aceept tor a jar of new and beantifnl New Arrival. â€" Dr. McBride, of To- ronto, arrived this week with his family and has commenced the practice of his profession among us. He has good re- commendations from Toronto, and we trust his practice as well as society may proye mutually profitable. The Ancient Order of United Work- men is growing more popular from year to year. Every man should be a memb- er and thus secure to those depending on him $2,000 at his decease. It is an excellent investment, only costing about 91.25 per month. Many a man works hard all his lifetime and doesn't have that much to leave his family. Our snbscripton list is increasing weekly and subscribers are continually giving expressions of satisfaction with the Standard. We always appreciate words of encouragement and' actions of good-will which all can give in encourag- ing others to become subscribers. Fifty cents vrill pay for the Standard until the end of the year to any address. Husband (to wife) I've been out half the day trying to collect money, and I'm wild enough to break the furn- iture. It beats all how some men vnll put off and put off. A man who owes money and won't pay it, isn't fit to associate â€" Servant (opening the door) The uutcher, sorr, is downstairs with his bill. Husband Tell him to call again. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS NOTES. SKlalny Vroporty BtM. Port Arthur, June 29. â€" The Wol- verine and Glance silver mine and western end of the Silver Mountain range haye been sold to English cap- italists for a laigo sum. The TorriUa Ploofl in Keadco. El Paso, Tex., June 27. â€" At least 1,500 people were drowned at Leon alone. Over 1,000 bodies have been recovered, la some districts the drift- ing water is full of dead bodies floatmg as thick as driftwood, and the stench pervading the country is frightful. Measures are being taken all over Mexico to raise funds for the sufferers. A Savoxo Aotddant. CoLLiNOwooD, June 29. â€" ^A very painful {accident occurred here this morning at the Dominion Knitting factory. A young lady named Wool- ner, while working around the mach- inery was caught and drawn under a wheeK Her foot was seriously fractur- ed and her leg skinned to the bone. The accident is a serious one and may yet prove fatal. Dr. Alex. Forin dressed the wounds and at present the girl is doing as well as can be expect- ed. The Alffoamoln XAvnslMa. OoDBNSBUBo, N. Y., Juuc 29. â€" The new steel steamer Algonquin, owned by Thomas Marks Co., of Port Arthur, was successfully launched from the Oitdensburg Manne railway to-day. This vessel, which will be rkJito-^fc-' •S- Clements, the taflor, is torning out »«»t me fitting suits that suits the just great. Try him wben you rt_ o A 3 one of the largest boats on the upper Successful OPBBATioK.-On Saturday i^^,^j,„,,t ^^ ^jj^^^ '"gj^g last J. J. Irwm, Veterinary Surgeon, as-, j^ to be cut in two to pass thzoagk the sigted by Will Lyons, student, removed gu Lawrence canals and %m jtnnetl from the throat at a horse belongmg to ^% (bis pises. Hon Alex. Kaekra^ John Henrr a tumor which weif^ied «ad Miss Bowell vera abdui h^r to- nine ooooes. The animal ooold nothaTs day wiMB U nn c hed. Squire Brown held a second Satur- day afternoon teteatete last Saturday. Mrs. Caswell was there in person but was not as well satisfied with the re- sults as on the Saturday before and signified her intention of discontinu- ing attendance if things did not turn out more favorable to her. The follow- ing were the cases tried: Mrs. Caswell v. Mrs. Patterson, for assaulting infant daughter. The magistrate considered chwge frivolous and dismissed it. John Patterson v. Mrs. E. Caswell, Mrs. Caswell was bound oyer to keep the peace towards Bessie Patterson, daughter of the complainant especially and the world generally. John Patterson v. Maud Caswell, assault, dismissed. John Patterson v. Maud Caswell, assault on small child. The magis- trate in this case imposed a fine of $5.00 and costs or 80 days in gaol. Squire Struthers assisted in his usual genial style. Xtlah Lake Flcnic. This annual festivity is looked forward to with great anticipations byliundreds' some fully bent on haying a good time, â€" and generally when a person goes de- termined to have a "good time" they will have it, come what will. The fore- noon was cold, wet and stormy, hindering scores from attending who would other- wise have been present, however a large crowd were on the ground. The picnic was held this year on the parish grounds in rear of the parsonage where ample room was found for all purposes on tiie banks of the beautiful lake. The danc- ing platform was spacious, and the music unple making this the centre of attraction, especiallv for the young. Befreshments were served in abundance where many hundreds enjoyed a sump- tuous repast. The match between Flesherton and Markdale Laorosse Clubs was exciting and drew the crowd for e time being. The former team w«De considerably heavier than Mark- dale team and gained Ihe prise byiiitee Sdrham, juid Markdale Editor Standard Dear Sm. â€" As Mr. Thorpe Wright has been offering to bet ten dollars, with my man Mr. J. Galbriath that his Lord Derby horse is a better bred horse than my horse "Just in Time" with your permission I will mke them (Messrs. Wright Pickell) a public offer, I will bet $100 to $50 that their Lord Derby is not a properly register- ed Clydesdale horse and that tbey never owned one and to show that this is not a one sided afiair I will bet another $100 to $50 that my Just in Time horse is properly registered. A. Beattie. Sir. John and the Fpst Oilloe. How would it do if the Government reduced the interest on P. 0. saving bank deposits and applied the money to rbduction of the cost of letter post- age We must keep pace with the United States and British postage re- form even it does cost something. As we said the other day Sir John ought to select for the Postmastei General a young and vigorous man who will go in for wiping out a lot of the antiqu- ities now encumbering the postal Ser- vice. Give us reform in the depart- ment and reduction in letter postage. â€"World. An bidepenAent There ia only one newspaper of the six dailies published iu Toronto that now wears a paper collar. The Mail has freed itself of the conservative collar, though there are some of us who think it has put m its place the Wi- man band. The Globe does not wear the Liberal party collar so much as it is trying to make its party wear. The Globe collar. Throughout the ontire Province there is a distinct improve- ment noticed in the independence of the press of politicians. For this Goldwin Smith is entitled to much of the credit. â€" World. Bistrlot SolnffB. The anniversary services of Clialra er's Church Fleshert'n, will be held next Sabbath when Rev. W. A. Hunt- er, M. A., will preach at 11 a. m. and 6:80 p. m. The service iu MarkdalH Presbyterian church will be withdrawn for the day. The new G P^ K. steamer being Irailt in Owen Soahd ti)ds sefuton'is Hn be laoncbed this di. 'The Owen "Sa^d Adv«ctiser V agtin advoeatiifg ec^nectiou with the fotd. 'I- -.m ;!,; ..||:;^;.-1; r i^.