Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 May 1888, p. 5

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 ^^ '^7T-^ '«»' i' â€" ' v"i's^^"'" 'M j'i-j i' "y ^jf^m^m V H « •! » we handle the lai le best variety, PU RELIABLE. w ou hand a fnll all kiuils an.l gn bought for c.islt li able firois iu Cvj; IB doiu'.r business 'i asis vv'uicli will yn; sell at a smalUdvd erebr give our austi \Ye shall esteem iR call and look throii rABLISKOTOTJ squire anything in 1 we feel eonfideut t ghted with and surp litv and cheapness Jp'holatered gooii bad ^jd Correspondence. riittle naked boy came to the re- nte of Mr. J. I. Graham on Sun- â- '^v tlie •20th iust. As the little fellow f 'oed to have no other home Mr. ^^jjnvery generously decided to J:' ^ud cloth him for the present. *\;;" Samuel Buchanan, who has beei'i' living in Oregon for some years, .. jjpaje at Lis father"s on a visit. "^^Ir. Wm. Hutchinsoi had a HQ-anay with a span of colts last -eek tbey got frightened and start- fjcfi'at a' furious rate, smashing the ;vaeon to which they were hitched prettv badly. They ran to the Beav- er river betore they were caught. Jliss. Minnie Hutchinson is home iiu from Hepworth where she was oil a visit. Xac- r"'in last Saturday has made mite a change iu the appearance of the grass and crops. MoFARLAND'S ADVICE TO YOU IS TAKE TIME BY THE FORELOCK -AND- MarkdalE FACTO Tr»Te««toa. Standard Correspondence. Jliss Sarah Hunt has gone to Hespl- er. Mr. Thos. Dulan is building a house on one of his farms, Boating is indulged in nightly by the youug people; judging from the the 'amount of memxpent, they must enjoy it. Oar streets are assuming a new, beautiful appearance, thanks to the worii of some of our citizens who have ieen busy for some time in burying away the rubbish. Mr. Wta. Kerney, of Bentick, paid his old friends a visit on Saturday. He is as jolly as eyer. Tlie residents of Traverston were treated to a rare musical festival on Saturday night. The performers be- ing two young men who decorated a tumour in the shape of a covered buggy and a team Jof black horses. Talk about operas We heard more singing the few minutes they were paosing through here than all the choirs in existence combined- It Toiild be impessible to describe in words the rapturous melody that poured from the lips of the singers, •And now 'twas like all instrumentb and now like a lonely flute" and agaiu like the noise produced by the com- biuation of a smail boy and greeu apples. Indeed so greotly did it work on thii foplings of ilie listners, that cue was heard to remark: "If that is singing, crying must be migbty mournful." Should they ever again visit Traverston we predict a "full house." That is the people will all cloPL' their doors and leave the village to tiie vocalists. Having erected and fitted up m every detail a Saslt, Door and Plam Fac tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everything being new, I am now prepared, to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Monldings, Hollow Battons, FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS, ftc, weather I ever felt. You can ke^pcool I And everything needed in the building trade, in a manBer second to none in Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m every department, would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. FOR SCRATCHES ON HO^SiS/ CURE Scratches on Horses For FOR SCRATCHES OH HORSES purchase your SUMMER WAKE be- for the hot weather arrives, it will be here all right in good time and you will be saying thig is the hottest by purchasing your PRINTS, MUSLINS, PARISOLES. HOSIERY PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Taming done. Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 303 THOS. IMclVEA. M c FIblanF S Lovely Zephyr Chambreys for dresses only lajand 14 cents, in skyeBLUE. WNK, GREY and BROWNS with EMBROIDERIES to match. A line of Black Lace Gloves only 10 cents pair, a bargain, THE :iVEA^ CIRCULAR PILLOl/Sr -:- COTTON ALarge(AllraGliYeSloGk STEPHENS COUCH TSg. The best compound of Tar aod Honey in the world for reUeviag conghs. it (vots as an instant healer to the bronchitj tabes, and will have a beneficient effect on broncbitta at once. Don't forget the name, STEPHEN'S COUGH KING. No other remedy like it, at 25 and 50 cents a bottle. It will relieve hooping oongh when other medicines com- pletely fail. To be obtained at, the popular Drug Store, B. Ij. STEPHElSr, MABEDALE. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m Sabbath School at 2.-30 p. m! Prayer Meeting every Wednesdav evming at )8 o'clock. Rev. A. Wilson, Pastor; A. I McFarland. S. S. Superintendent. m all widths at mill prices job in A great Idf-mie Slflkiai Fasliuuik Qtli; to h nd, \vrlihich "we purpose selling FO R C A S H t prices which wiU st onish the buy- er. H ving determined henceforth to do a CASH BUSINESS ONLY, my customers and the public may rely on get- tin g close bargains. I CI|H|0|M|E|X|H|A|N|D|X|M|A|D|E |B|0|olf[sMAlH^^ The District Meeting. The Jlarkdale District meeting of the Me;ho(list church was held at -Dun.lalk, May 2'lnC\. a-id 23rd, at 9 a. Hi. the Rev. G. Bugein in the chair. The Rev, A. Thibadeau was elected Secretary and Revs. J. W. Shilton, B. A., and R. Hoskiug, assistants. A gratifying increase of members was Teported by the various circuits, show- ing that all the brethren had been in laliora abundant. A notable increase of finauees with respect to the church fnnds was also i-eported. Three young men were continued on trial, viz., J. Endicott. J. W; Frizzell, B. A., J. F. McLaughlin, B.A. Messrs. Endicott acd McLaughlin have been transferred to the Manitoba work. Eev. E, John- son was recommended to be scperan- suated by the Conference. Some chacges were made as to boundaries Ducdalk being divided info two cir- cuits, viz..Dunda]k, with the appoiut- Dients of Dundalk, Inistioge and Bethel; Melancthon, with the appoint- ffl«uts of Gravel Road. Corbetton, I'liverview and Mount Zion. These â- '^ill be two self-sustaining charges. I^ev. Dr. Strongman was elected member of the Stationing Committee, and Eev. W. OttoweU as that of the Sunday School Committee. J. W. Arnistrfiug, Esq., was elected to repre- sent the District at the Missionary ^ommit.t(^e. Messrs. J. Lvons, J. W. -^rmstrong, W. Hames, R. Slack, S. Sheardown, R. Stone, J. Bowes, T. Roland, A. R. Fawcett, represent the 'Strict at the annual Conference. -^public meeting was held on Tuesday ^vening, at which addresses v/ere given ^y I'^ev. Messrs. Endicott, Hoskmg, ^ttawell and Thibadeau. The choir °^ the Methodist church furnished ^asic and singing. The Rev. Geo. ^°SSin presided throuijhout with his "sufll urbanity and Rood cheer. With ^pd's blesiing resting upon the Dis- j"«' a rich outcome of results will ^ul°^ fntnre good upon the prospects ' the District and its snccess will be HEAVY TWILL CRETONES lovely goods 10 cents ^11 the new shades ir all wool DRESS GOODS 17, 20, 22^ and 25 cents. We lead the town in nobby stylish HATS and BONA'ETS our millinery rooms are crowded with buyers daily and the choicest goods are being picked up, rapidly. Leaye your order with Miss Bremner it you want the correct, lady like style. 2 cases more of those men's and boys nobby hats, see them 120 pairs of these comfortable Wig- wam shoes in Mens, Womens and Girls. COTTONADES CHEAP. SHIBT7NG CHEAP, TWEEDS CHEAP, PAKISOLS CHEAP, WALL PAPER at less than -wholesale kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MB. ElAY so well and favorably known. Call early and secure ;^ ^; bargains. WM. BROWN. A Positive Cure. â-ºK A Paasiless Cure. FACTS OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OP MAW. TME GRE^T ME^MjTBL REjrEWER, Marval of HeaKng, and Kohinoor of Medicin«i, tSietvrribie eonMcqnences ofliMllaeretleB, Exponare and Orerwurk. 'Z'OTTl^Gr, 3u£IPPT i'R-.A.C3-EP .^JiTU OUD a.4TTrT Who axe broken down from thn effects of abusa wUl find in No. 8 » radical cure lor nervoaa deltility, organic weakness, iDvoInntaJry vital kisees. etc. Stmptomb fob which Na 8 Should bb Used.â€" Want of energy, -vertigo, want of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of confidence, aTOidaoce of eonversation. desire for solitude, listleeaness and inability to fix the attention oa a particular subject, cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, ezeitability of temper, sper- matorrlioea, or loss of the seminal tlaid â€" ^tho result of self-abuse or. marital excess â€" impo- teocy, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the li*art, hysteric feelings in females, trembling, melancholy, disturbing dreams, etc, are all symptoms of this terrible habit, oftentimes inuoeestly acquired. In short, tha spring of vital forM having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Soientiflo wntarsaud the snperintendents of insane asylums unite in ascribing to the effects of self-abasa the great majority of wasted lives which come under their notice. If you are incoeapetent for the arduous duties of business, incaiacitated for the enjoyments of life. No. 8 offers an escape from the effects of early vice. If you are advanced in years. No. 8 will give you full vigor and strength. If you are broken down, physically and morally from early indiscretion, the rnsult of ignorance and follv, send your address and 10 ceuts in rtamps for M. V. liUBON's Treatise in Book Form on Diseases of Man. Sealed and secure from observation. Address all cummunicationB to H. T. I.|;bOH. 47 WcIMiiKton 8t. E., Toronto. A Man without wisdom lives iii a fooPs paradUe. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. CHRIST CHUBCH. Servloes every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 pm. Rev. Mr. Oraham, Incombent. Sabbath School 2:30. W. J. Ford, Saperin- tendent. METHODIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a, m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening from 8 to 9. Rev. Geo. Buggin Pastor: G, S. Bowes, S. S. Superintendent. Ladies' Aid in con- nection Mrs. T. Hill. Secretarv. Strangers and visitors always welcome. Parties desiring sittings will apply to C. W- RutledBe. Pew Steward. SIGHT V. BIJ]SrDi;rESS. ^m?x^:- IV '^msmi^3^ GELERRATED English Spfictacles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADA. â€" -AND 18 JEWIl. STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND :x: R- 1^. Stephen's GHEMISTA DRUGGIST, MarkdaJe 5^®T4^.^??""'y '"â-  t^ie sale of the above in MAKKDALE. No Spectacles in the Marketequal them m the EYE PRESEBVING QUAtltlES v,?^^!*^^®' "'â-  *^« GREAT EASE and COltf- t OBT ther confer oh the wearer. wJo^^ijJl^*^*^' *° ".*"""*y 80 strengthen the j-yes that it does no^ become necessary tochanee CREAPB^*" years. They are therefore t Garley's Healing Oil will relievo scratches on horses in two or three applications, or price refunded. Follow the directions on bottle by thoroughly cleansing, then apply the OiL If animal requiries any medicine to put It into condition use the Derby Blood Purifyer. CMiDIIH P ACIFIC R, R. TIME TABLE. â€" M:a,i*l£ia;le Stationâ€" Gonio South. GoiKO NOKTH. 6.67 a. m. 11.56 p 4.05 p. m 9 .05 p. m 6 PEE GENT. Do be wise and the wisest tiling you can do is to do your trading at the PiM .r--r. ^^ vi: 1:^ â- â€¢â€¢;!' â-  i4 *^^t; â-  ?i 5 â- â€¢!.1«' " ' --â- â€¢I â- f; A 'MlM^'i^ vm 'm â- ' :l ^^^- -^

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