Ither. Won't th»tk. • I worthy of Truat. I, the new maid told m.t What! AndT%, â- tmng to you about? M Surely, o you remember of fe a.bout a month ago »" ^^pectively)â€" .« Let ou were a little full u l 8, I must have been." EveniDg Out o has had an evening ootJ ht,__boyah. Had(hic)ipl? you think yon'll be able when you get home, Robi ig Oompany-Idmitei harles dear, how do yon i ith those terrible debtil ey're all right I've goJ I'm getting up a limitj 'em ofiF 1" ' Keminiscences. remember," said Dumley, disbed the sword, "the er drew that once ihiai {Ton draw it, Dumley?" Y; "at a raffle 7" ace to Pace. t think," he said, iodia across the street, "that tb D place looking person h •d death unftinchuiglyiiit' Is he a desperate cb e's an nndertaker." tylish Domestic going to take the tew i with me any more when j y not. she pats on so many lon't know me think that j rl and she the miatreea. lily Troubles, [ere you have been ' nse to that girl over I |that bums in yonrt-*" nd lay it on yon. hat will only oMke A e way to pnt onttiw on the fire it wl" m ever." ith the stick." i; I'm smitten enoBge" Description of MJ atter, Jobaaa^"' (mnie emerged nw t»r ted •«•*â- »•' ,verthel»i»»"3* J onndthat»«»**TT knowâ€" " ' ' m' m^^mfmmK^l^tm ^â- ^â- t liV^ ^wwr» Trouble Wltk Skirts. " yif iJowser was courting me I, ever noticed whether hia abirt !*«' " ^bite or black, or whether his e turned down at the ends or *^' aader hU ears. I admired hia '•j hair and eyes, and was in love ' hipe of his head, and that was all 'â- " I supposed he wore clothes, and :.'*S j,e hid shirts and collars, but as F'^?' »de them, what they cost or how li»i""°* a mystery I never sought to ieai l«^'"'\t j'her had her eye on that young (,* .^ever. After looking him over Three times she said to me oor'D' ^^^^ marrv him you'll have if you marry )ft mothei SotsoftrouWe." "' mother?" ^Inereu BO why about it. He's ica'af with hia ahiris and collars. too If I b ioatsetjast so, he's as uneasy " â- 'â- I cured your father, and i^ "" °f,e of .en years got bim so that he "liridtw' on Sunday with one of my «"^. fora collar, but yon can never rh'3 C'i*P* ' o f ' csin make shirts and collars, and I don't like the sneer on hia lip. When he ,Jno.^bowni.e!yIiron, 'â- tn, well, we snail see. of W nose and thai f!lsi.ant oppose a marriage t^ to i iw and .tear around, you ]ust re- "vber wh*" said." *f; j iorgotten all about it Ions; enough ' the wedding, but two weeks after Mr. Bowser himself called my We had just got home tour when one morning collar he blurted on a l-e;L're â- ;,j; event ",jtion to it :g.onr .vedding Uit wasputticg '"I'd like to know *:hat in tin and rosin this infernal thing " â- "Mr. Bjwser " " \Qd this confounded shirt sets as if it cu made to go over a clothes-horse! It's ifonder to me I haven't killed somebody ^*or6 this I i' Do you have trouble with your shirts â- cd collars " " Do I Don't I There isn t a human JTCM on the face of the earth who knows fflon-'h to fit me I've tried a dozen places, I ud every man in them is a malicious "I-I'dliketotry." " Can you make shirts and collars " "Beautiful ones." •'Then you are a treasure, indeed. I'll I tet some cloth this very day." He was as good as his word, and in the joijrse of a couple of weeks I had several Sue samples on hand.. I hadn't a doubt of king able to please him. Mother smiled knowingly now and then, and now and then trotted her foot and observed that " we shall see," but the storm which burst found T.e totally unprepared. I finished and ironed three beautsfal shirts and six collars ffld placed them in the drawar, plan- ning to give Mr. Bowser a surpiise. He gave me cue instead. He woke mo up one morning by snorting around in a great Sarry, and before my eyes were fairly open he shook something at me over the foot tard and exclaimed "That'ii the kind of a housekeeper you ire, is it What's this flour sack and dog- ccUar doing iu my shirt-drawer " "Flour sack? Dag collar " I repeated. '• Certainly Here I've fooled away half an hcui oi niy time supposing it was a shirt and a collar. Mrs. Bowser, when April fool day comes I shan't mind a little joke but this ia the twenty-third of January." "And that shirt doesn't fit " "It might fit a telegraph pole or a con- ric: " " And the collar is â€" is " " Is a good fit for a pirate or some one else who wants choking I" 1 cried. I sobbed. I boo-hooed. I just mde a business of going all to pieces, and I mide a grand success of it. When he had gone mother came in, saw the rumpled shirt and collars on the floor and quietly ob- Krved: " I wasn't mistaken, you see. If ever a man needed cow-hiding, it's this husband of jonrs." There has never been a change of linen on Mr. Bijwser's part since then that he hasn't gone through a set programme. He pulls from four to six shirts out of a drawer, tumbles them over each other several times, selects one with a ?rab, and he gets into it about the way a man would climb ouff of a well. As soon as it is half on he yells " Mrs Bowser, where are you?" " Here, dear. " " Well, what in thunder ails this old skirt?' "Is anything WTong with it " " \\ rong Why, I'd give a million dol- lars to be locked in a room with the man ffhi made it. for th res minutes It'sâ€" it's â€" " He's get into it by that time, and then 't 8 pull here and haul there, and twist â- us neck this way and that, and he Muldn'c be more tired if he had been saw- ing wood. Then comes the collar. He tries at A \Fri]ioe'i Serena In BuropaMi ooantrias, where princea be- oome titular oolonela at the age of ten, ud aa- anme actnal cominaod of a regiment before really eatering i^im ttieir pcaetical milhaiy education nnder the gnidanoe of aome veter- an general, it ocoora qoite frequently that a prince ahoold aaaerc the antliority which hia station aa a member of the imperial famUy inaurea to him over any higher com- missioned officer, to remind his tutor of hia tnperiority over him as a prince, even though he be his subordinate aa an offi'jer in the field. On this score an amuaing atory is whispered in well-informed circlea about the Archduke Johann Salvator, a nephew of the Emperor of Anatria. The prince u de- scribed as a wanton, fan-loving character, and many are the anecdotes of his humour at the expense of others, though to his credit it is said that in all his escapades he never exceeds the bonnda of the inno:ent harmless. Becently the prince commanded his regi- ment at a manceu'vre held nnder the auspices of an old and tried general, who had lately been the favorite target of the prince's humor. Here the general saw his opportun- ity for retribution. When at the close of the manoeuvre, as is customary, the officers collected about their leader to receive his criticisms of the different regiments, the general expressed his satisfaction with the troop in the main, but continued, in a tone of infinite sarcasm " I ciinnot refrain to remark that No. â€" " (the prince's own) " was very unsatisfactory. The bearing of the troop was bad and in fact all through the manaeuvre it showed poor drilling and leadership. A radical and rapid change would be desirable." So speaking, with a self-satisfied smile he turned in his saddle, and entering into a conversation with an officer at his side, he entirely ignored the presence of the prince, who, with a cold salute, turned his horse and [galloped away, for even he, while in the character of a soldier, would not dare to utter a word of disrespect to hia superior. But if revenge was denied to him in his present position, he could eaily achieve it in the character of a prince. And he was not slow to avail himself of this opportunity. A few minutes later, ere the group around the commander had yet dispersed, to the surprise of all there sounded the well-known bugle signal announcing the approach of a member of the imperial household. The general, as becomes his position, was at the head of the staff to receive so nnezpected a visitor, when, much to his chagrin, he per- ceived that it was Johann Salvator, who had returned, accompanied by his attaches. With unconcerned mein the prince galloped forward, and returning condescendingly the salute of the general, he demanded from him a report of the mancenvre, which the commander could not deny to his Imperial Highness. Then he expressed his desire to witness a defile of the troop, to which the general had to submit, and gave orders accordingly. Closely the prince scrutinized each regi- ment, and when the last company had pas- sed him, he turned to the general, and amid the respectful silence of all, he expreseed in dignified langua£;e his disapproval of the manceuvre. "General," he continued, "it shows poor drilling and bad leadership. A rapid and radical change would indeed be very desirable. Entirely satisfied, however, am I with No. â€" " (again it was the prince's own). " Will you kindly transmit to its commander my thanks and my hearty ap- proval of the excellent bearing which that regiment has shown during the defile " So saying he turned about and galloped away, leaving behind him a cloud of dust and the stupefied general. The Oaestion of Ooisets. One word, writes Marion Harland, as to the theory that skirts of gown and petticoat â€" in fact, all dependent garments â€" should be supported by the shoulders, never by the hips. To prevent the straps affixed to them from slipping down upon the arms, they must be carried forward so far as to cross the breast, bringing the hanging weight upon the most sensitive part of a woman's body. If several underwaists take the place of straps, the form is made clumsy. A compactly built, wiry woman may look « ell and do well without corsets one whoae bust is full and with whom the tendency is to make adipose tissue rapidly should, in my opinion, wear an easy corset for health's sake, no less than through a laudable desire not to be utterly figureiess. She need nob be small of waist â€" the Venus of Milo settled that point sat- isfactorily for us years ago â€" but she can and ought to be shapely. The pliant stitch- ing ot the corset and the bon«8 in back and front ward off undue pressure from the spine and abdomen, transferring it to the staunch, faithful hips, where it belongs. ISOOBflwaid it offwed by dM "^ifffTwti int a of 0r. Sage'a Catarrh Remedy for a oaaa of eatairh ^lidi they oaanat core. Thia icBwdy fay itaadld, aootfaing, nlmiMinfl, â- â- ' ' propettiea. Only 50 oenta, by dmgj^itiL Frank R. Coahing, the Zulu ezploier, is â- till at week in New Menoo, onooTaring fanned and forgot xn dtiea. It b Bot UnlawAiL Ccmgreaa haa enacted no law to reatrain a peraon from going about in a badly oonati- pated condition, or with a diatoeasiiig aick headtMshe, mah of blood to the head, bad taste in the month, biliona complaint, or any kindred difficulty but the lawa of health and comfort will auggest 30 any one ao afflict- ed the wisdom of haatening to the neareat druggut for a 25 cent vial of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pelleta â€" the most potent of remedies for all diaordera of the liver, stomach and bowels. Purely vegetable, pleasant to take, and perfectly harinleea. A woman in New York died recently from the effects of swallowing four false teeth on a rubber plate. A Woman's Charms soon leave her, when she becomes a victim of any one of the various disorders and pe- culiar " weaknesses " that are peculiar to the fair sex. The condition cf tens of thou- sands of women to day is pitiable in the ex- treme they are weak, bloodless oreatures,a prey to mental anguish and bodily pain in a word, "broken-down," from any one of numerous causes. To this unhappy multi- tude we strongly urge the nse of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, an infallible, world-famed remedy, for all "female" irre- gularities and "weaknesses," and which restores the worst sufferer to vigorous health, and rein vesta her with all the charms of figure, face and complexion, that receive such willing homage from man. Karl Formes is seventy-three years old. He will sing in London in Italian opera next season. A Core for BrankeiweBS The opium habit, dapsomania, the morphine habit, nervous prostration cauaed by the uae of tobbaoc, wakefulness, mental depresaion, aofteninf; of the brain, etc., premature old age, ioas of vitality oauaed by over exertion of the brain, and loaaof natural atrengtli from any oauae whatever. Henâ€" youngr, old or imd- die-aged â€" who are broken down from any ol the above oauaea, or any oauae notmemtioned above, aend your address and 10 oenta in stamps for Lubon's Treatise, in book form, of Diseases of Man, Books sent sealed and secure from obaervation. ^ddreaa H. V. LuBON, 47 Welliierton street East, Toronto, Ont. The potato makes about all its growth in 60 days. Think of this, my son, and beware of too rapid growth. The potato, you re- member, is very fresh. OtNaALBSB Hani Rknswbe restorea grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents falUnf; out A writ of attachment â€" A love letter. Cousumption Surely Ciil*ed. To TUB Enrroa :â€" Please ioform your readers tnat I have a positive remedy for the above named dia- ease. By ita timely use thousands of hopeless oases have been permanently cured. I shall bi glad to send two bottles ot my remedy frbb to any of your readers who have consumption if they will aend in heir express and P. O. auldress. Beapectfully, Da. T. A. Slocch, 37 Yonge St., Teronto, Out. Query Is the man with twins dencedly happy feopie who are subject to bad breath, foul ooa ed tongue, or any dlaoider of the Stomach, oan at oi ce be relieved by naing Di. Oaraon's Stomach BIttan, tbe old and tried remedv. Ask voai Draccist. Why didn't Julius Caesar Bscauae he wasn't such a Brutus that. HtTB I Couen CoaB cures in one minute. Why does the ocean get angry Because it has been crossed S3 often. Whenever yonr Stomach or Bowels get out ot or der, oanaing Biliouaneaa, Dyapepda, or Indigeation and their attendant evUa, take at onoa a doae of Di Oaraon'a Stomaoh Bittara. Beat family modloiue All Dmgglsla. 60 oent». Mrs. Swanton, of Decatur, was giving her little boy a lesson on the creation, and, after describing the darkness which covered everything, she said " God first made light," " Light that you see by " inquired the younger. "Yes," "Well, where did he get his matches " A. P. 399 Hats in Philadelphia. This is clearly going to be a least four before he gets sort of titj and after he gets it on it's too K'ff, too limber, too long, too short, too â- "gill or too low. He's a peaceful man, he aya, and he has been brought up to respect we law, but if he ever meets the maker cf wat collar blood must flow in buckets. He's ^i all the morning, and mad at breakfast. "tl mad when he goes away, and I suppose "â- , ^es him half the forenoon to get his Piicidity back. awhile I made up three more shirts *^a six collars, brought them home one day ,5 a store package, and asked him to try Mem as something new. »*y you've hit it at last I ' he said next day when he put one on. Do they fit?' "Splendidly." for two or three days he was at rest, then, "« a goose, I had to brag that I made the wticles. ii A?'*~y°" did " he gasped. ,^0t course" 'ADd deliberately deceived me " yjas it deceit ' ^rs. Bowser, a wife who will do that " Poi3on her husband Don't speak to me ^»m this week!" tte wore 'em all out, but from that hour "« has never had one to fit. go-as-you please" season in women's hats and bonnets, any 1 The fashion papers are pnzzling and give ' but little satisfaction as to what are to be the prevailing shapes. It is already quite manifest, however, that two features will be much in vogue â€" brims will be wider and crowns lower. But even this is not arbi- trary. It is generally spoken of as a biij hat season, and most of the fashionable young ladies to whom big hats are becoming. nave adopted them, but the one great ques tion in which so many young ladies are in- terested remains unsettled. That is â€" will sailor hats be worn They will, though the brims of those seen are cut off narrower and the hat is set back on the head â€" a feature, by the way, that seems to prevail in all this season's head gear. Several sailor hats were seen on the Park drive yesterday and an unusual number of wide Lsghoms. â€" [Philadelphia Times. CANOES. Send for 111. Catalogue. WM. EJfCiU^H, Peterboro, Ont. PATENTS {.rocured. Patent Attorneys and experts. Est'd 1867. Donalil C. Ridoat •£ Co., Joronto. PATEN1S For Saleâ€" Illustrated descriptive Cat- alogue free. R. Chamberlin, Toronto. KNITTING "**'""""'•" I CieoEgecown,Ont. MACHINES WORK FOB ALL, 939 a ireet; and expenaea paid. Valuable outfit and particulaia tree. P.O.TICkEBT, Aug08ta,Haine. TORONTO Odttino Schoolâ€" A grand chance to acquire athorougb kao#ledge of garment cutting in all its branches. Now's the time to enter. Good cutlers in great demand, big wage). Terms on ap- plication. S. CoRRiOAie, 122 Tonge-st., Toronto. r TO LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates. No delay. Correspondence solicited. H. W. B. BIJTI.EIC Financial Agt, Established 1860. 72 King St. E., Toronto. MONEYS T that the he tt-. â- WorU*^" ^^ ^^ conviction "f«i owes him a living the best thin? j^Qo la to go to work and collect the debt "ere ia no surer way than by work. W^'^w"'^^' applicant for gradaation at a ij-,," school, on being asked the other '"Tk .,"** does history teach?" answered, ^inatthe United Stotee hâ€" â€" 'â€" """ wid never will be." They Speak for Themselves- PiCTON, Feb. 17.â€" This is to certify that I have used Poison's Nbbviline for rheuma- tism and have found it a valuable remedy for all internal pain, and would greatly re- " commend it to the publicâ€" N. T. Kingslbt. i Leeds Coitntt, Jan. 9.â€" We are not in the habit of pnffing patent medicines, but i we cannot withhold our testimony as to the ' great value of Nerviline as a remedy for pain. We have pleasure in recommending it as a never-failing remedy, â€" Rev. H. J. Auxs, Bekj. DttLOK, and many others. P. A. Churchill states :â€" There sems to be Old to the success of Nerviline. I send few testimonials, cmd can send yoa no I yon •hh»i.** "" States hi never hee^ ' pl^^y "^^^^ *° "" '«»ed and never will !«.» ' Sold everywhere. IHS BOIIiEK urSPECTlON and Insor- aitce Companr of Canada, Consulting Engineera and Solicitors ot Patents, TOJtONTO. O. C. RoBB, Chief jsiu«,ineer. A. FaaasR, Seo'r-Treaa. BEATER LINE of STEAHSHIPS â€" SaUiINS Wkbelt Bbtwbbhâ€" MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, $40, $50 and $60. Return $80, $90, $110. Intermediate, $30. Steerage $20. Apply to H. E. MURRAY, Genl. Manager. 1 Custom House Square, MONTREAL. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IH ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. PARTTRS wishing to purchase improved Manitoba Farms, from 80 acres upwarda, with immediate posaeaaion, call or write to C I. HACLSON, Me- Arthur'a Block, Main St., Winnipeg. Information tumished free of charge, and aetUera aaaisted in making aelection. Monbt io Loas at current rates of interest. AUftn Line Eoyai Mail SteoMMps Sailing during winter from Portland eveiyniniaday and Hal^ax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in anm- mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, caUing at Londonderry to umd mails and paaaengera for Scotland \aA Ireland alao from Baltimore, via Hali- fax and St. John'a, N. F., to liverpool fortnightly during summer montba. The steameia ot the Olaa- gow lines aail during irinter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Phiiade^hia; and during sum- mer lietween Glaasow aul Montreal weiaU^ Glasgow and Boaton weeUy, and Glasgow and Wiflartriphia fortnightly. For tieiglit,paaaag« or other infonnation uiply to A. Sohnmachar Co., BaltiiBors 8, Oonara ft Co., Halifax; Stwa ft Oa. St. JaiuA.IUId.i Wa. nomp SOB ft Co.. St. jroIiii.H, S^ifflan arfK0OU««a Love ft AUtan. StmXu^r â€" AII)H)«,Baa ft Oo.r iUaFlLA For The Nervous _, The Debilitated ^nf The Aged. B URBS Nervous P i o str «tion,Nervoua Head- â- l~^^~ ache. Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness. ^^^^^Stomachand Liver Diseases, and all ^^^^^afflectjons of the Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC. GXOBOEB W. BOCTON, STAICrOBD, COim., BSyS "For two yeaia I was a sufferer from nervous de. biUty. and I thank Ood and the .discoverer of the valualde remedy that Paikie'8 Celsbt CoMPorND cured me. It U a valuable remedy. Long may it live. Let any one write to me for advice." AN ALTERATIVE. Auovzo Abbott. Wimdsob, Vt., aaya: "I believe Paine's Cei.cbt CoMPOtna) saved my life. My trouble seemed to be an internal burner. Beforel used iti was covered with an eru[)tiou fro!.-i "head to heel." The eruption is rapidly healin»r. and I am five hundred per cent, better every wa}-." A LAXATIVE. A. 0. BxAH, White Btveb JtmcnoH, Vt., says: For two years past I have been a great siilTcrer from kidney and liver troubles, attended nith dys- pepaia and constipation. Before I be^an to take CuXBT Compound it seemed as though everything ailed me. Kow I can say nothing ails ma A DIURETIC. OxoBOE Abbott, Sioux Citt, Iowa, says: "I have been using' Paine's Celebt Compound and it has done me more good for kidneys and lauie back than any other medicine I have ever taken. Hundreds of testimonials have been received from persons who have used this remedy with remarkable bemet. Send for circular. Price SI. OO. Sold by Druggists. WELLS,RICHARDSON C0., Proprietors Montreal. P. O. GANAniAH BinSUnBB8 imMWIimmmm.m, Public Library Building, Toronto. SttMlentstMsa. British ^polumbia, Callfomia, Kanaas, IlUnois, sad ^uite a number of the other States and wovineas now in attendance. Write tor desoriptive otoulan. THOS. BENGOUGH, CHAS. H. BROOKS. Pre ident. Seo*/ ft Manager. MERCHANTS BUTCHERS AND TftADBKg OEinEKAIXT. We want a soon mah in yonr locality to i4ok a (or na. Caeh fumlahed on aatiafaotory guaraa^. Addretw C. 8. PAGE Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S. Bicycles SecoHd • Hwad BleyCIw aad Trteyelea. Send for Lisk New CatalogOO ready in April. u T. T.iA.isrsi, MONTREAL. MOWERS Fmmc MAOKOF-EMERY SAFES iJ. FIRE BURGLA.R PROOF Patent Non- Condnctinjg Doors- A SPBCIALTT. VAULT DOORS. J. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works. CONBOY'S CARRIAGE TOPS Will Sharren the Knife withont removing it from ttie Machine. No farmer stould send his machine into the field without one. Sanjpie uy mall, SOo. (.XENKNT A CO.. ToronM. Have all the latest iraprovemeuts and are unequalled for diurabilitv, style and convenience. The leadioe Carriage Builders aell tnem. ASK FOR THEM and BUT NO OTHER. Deairing to obtain a Buaineaa Education, or beoomc proficient in Shorthand and Typewriting, ahould at* tend th BRITISH mmm business college Arcade, Yonge atreet, Toronto. For Circulars, etc., Addreas 0. O'DflA. Seoretarv. THE Orea l eaa Mr. covery of tta 'lesentags tor BMn ibATraa I'EB BomVt AND CoaiHS all BLSor, iLrvnandKnanTOoa* HiAiflis. A Feitaei Blood Purifier. A tew Hamflton who luva jbeen benefited by Ml Mrs. U. Keeuui, Robert St., coradl Eryaipelaa ol tm ears' standit^; Bobl. bmell, 2i South SL, BIiOOD FOLDING BEDS. Out of use, out of ai^ht. Send for :j circular. CbasKobinson A Co., 22 Church Street, Toronto. Wlialey Royce OOi, 283 Tonge Street, Toronto. The Cheapest Place iu Canada for BAND INSTRUMcNlS New and Second na. d Agents for "BESSON and"HIGHAVi Band and Orch u' i MUSIC. Repairing of Band in atrumenta a specialty. Send for Catalogue. Young Men SUFFERING from the eflecta cf early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted also Mibolb-Aobd and Old IiIbh who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over work, and in advanced life feel Ihe con'-equescea of yuthful excess, send for and read H. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Diaeaaea of Men. The book will be sent aealed to any addreas on receipt of two 3c. B^ampa. Address, M. V. LUBON, WeUint;ton St. E., Toronto, Ont. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAVS Specific haa been need for the paat fifteen yeara, with great aucceas, in the treatment of nervous debility, and all disea.«a arialng from ex- ceaaea, over-worked brain, loaa of vitality, ringing in tiie eaia, palpitation, etc. For aale by all druggiata. Price, 91 per box, or 6 boxea tor $6, or will be se it by mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on applioatiun. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. anghter cured ot b eptic Fita after U ears' aufteringj Jia* 18 Bfarrell, Uwataial l, cured ot Wesk naae and Lung Trouble John Wood, 96 Cathoart BLi cured of Liver Complaint and Biliouaneaa, need oolj 8 flfty-oent bottlea Mra. J. Baal, 6 Augnsis Bk, troubled for yeara with Nervona PneteatloB, two mall bottlea gave her great relief. Sold at SOo. ft ML V. F. DALLET ft CO.. Vfhea I say CiTRBTdonot mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them to* turn again. I mbax A BADICAL CUB I liave made the disease of KITS, EPILEPSY' or FALLING SIGKliESS, Allfelonf; study. I wasbaitf my remedy to Cttbe the vrorst cases. Because others Iiavo failedisnoreason for not novrrecelTinKaearei Send at oncefor atreatiseandaFKBBBoTTca ot my INFAI.UALB Behsdt. GiveExpreia and Fost Office. It costs yoa nothlDg for ft trial, and it will cnre yoa. Addresa^- Dr. H. Q. BOOT. i(7 Toago St., Toronto, Ont,^ BREADMAKER'S YEAST ALWAYS AHEAP! BK.KAD made with tills Yeast took first prizes at 188 Township and County Fairs ia Ontario in iSS?, at such placeo as Flesherton, Markham,Â¥hl^ by, etc. Over io,ooo ladies haw sent us letters and postal cards to say that it is superior to tan yeast ever used by them. â- makes the lightest, wUtes^ sweetest and most wholesomfe bread, buns, rolls and buck wheatcakes. Directions iaeoA I package with full instru ctiosfc TAKE NO OTHER. PRICE 5 CENTft TIRED NATURE'S POWERFUL RESTORER The most perfect form of Concentrated Nonrishment at present known. WARMING, STIMULATING, STRENGTHENING, INVIGORATING. The only meat preparation thU contains all the Strength-Giving elementj of meat. Ikdispensable in Sicksess 1 Palatabm as a. BEVERAOB CORVEKIKST AKD USEFUL W DOHESTtC COOklNO 1 ...r,ii\: m There are many noTATiOiis ot " Peerless " MACHINE OIL, but none equal it in lubricating properties. Pami- â- B3, HiUiMBX, ets.,. find none equal to the OBBUBa Feerieas made by SAMUEL ROGERS CO., TORONTO. SaU bjr deaten evaqniilMBt, â- ^- â- *.-â- o^,-.-^' ' ' ii-^'-^""--:ffy'V^Â¥^^.^-'}lH^^-\^'^-f^t-:^ â- â- '•• u ' 3- i.ti ' J. « â- li'i â- ;.. '^lt if If-. ' '^mn • i'i .* jf.- ^â- MMi. l^-SSi^ li^^^ri^]^^